The First ‘Top Guns’: The Red Baron Legend By Joyce Peterson Smithsonian News Service Ask Americans who the "Red Baron" was, and chances are most of them will instantly think of a comic strip. Snoopy, £]•« beagle with an overactive hnaginadon in Charles Schulz’s ; _.uts,” has entertained ■ vispaper readers for more !■ 25 years with his World i "dog" fights against a ^ome but gallant German ’ real Red B?' e- was ■; ! Manfred von kicii' fen, ■ -man World War ' filot .is become an enduring ^re in American popular the legend of the fighter . Legend did not match the ! iity of life for World War 1 •,s, however. As the first ■ijr test of the airrlane in de. World War ^eant 'ling flights and larly h for many ers. aganda pushed ' lives, Siding von Rio ifen’s, ’ idowsofh' f. iia drawing loopy . I’plet- with av)o' helmet : vL tors at u- ancetc .iw permanent ibition, :/,cnd, Memor, id the in the Ai opening at the Smittisonian’s uonai Air and Space f ? t3eum in Washington, D.C. ’ ’ exhibition gives a historical .".soont of the first widespread .military use of the airplane in World War 1 and explores the origin of the ranantic image of the fighter pilot--an image that jretsistS today. World War I was a tragedy of horrendous proportions. Beginning in 1914 as a local cia:^ between Austria-Hungary and Serbia, the conflict escalated into a global war. By •/ar’s end in November 1918, than 10 million people died, many in trench ere Oil the Western front in f L i jrn and France. Mthough aviation techiKdogy 1!: in its infancy during World Va. i, political and military -saders hc^ied that the use of aircraft would break the deadloclred laiid war. Still, the airplanes were fragile, unreliable and difficult to fly; training was often poor or noiexistenL "Air power was often misused and its effects were - ■ -sive in ih.; outcome of pilots, the most visible representatives of the air war, as m^etable heroes. "Post war analysts overemphasized the importance of the airplane," Pisano adds, "which would have a profound effect on the military policy of World War II. Even today, military aviation strategy continues to be Influenced by the image of the fighter ace." After the Wright brothers’ first successful flight in 1903, governments realized the military potential of the airplane. World War I forged technological advances in "heavier-than-air" craft and established many new uses o' the airplane, including as i weapon of war. "At the beginning of the war," Pisano says, "aircraft were used almost exclusively for observation so that ground forces could see what was over the next hill." By war’s end, a variety of roles were defined: to carry reconnaissance cameras, strafe ground forces, bomb cities or attack other aircraft with built-in guns. "This contrasts with the popular notion that all World War I aircraft were fighters." The development of the single-seat fighter airplane had a powerful hold on the public’s imagination. An advertising poster for Germany’s Fokker aircraft depicts man, airplane and machine gun as a single, devastating machine. . Thanks to advances in metallurgy, it became possible to build larger, higher-power yet lightweight aluminum engines. Aircraft could fly higher, faster and longer. "Aircraft propulsion went from a 50-horsepower rotary engine to a 400-horsepower V-8 in-line engine—a staggering increase in so short a period," says Karl Schneide, one of the gallery’s three curators. The first practical superchargers- devices that Increase engine efficiency by forcing extra air into the combustion chambers- were introduced by BMW, he notes. An important American contribution to aviation technology, Schneide says, was the development of higher- viscosity oil, "which allowed airplanes to fly at a much higher altitude at higher engine speed." Control mechanisms were ■ ‘r-f : ' Ig St-Mli:: BiEasSil During World War I, fledgling pilots on both sides received only rudimentary training. The Royal Flying Corps of Great Britain had to rely on posters to illustrate some of the hazards of flying. This poster reminds pilots to avoid enemy aircraft. exactly stop and restart your engine. So a backup system comes in very handy." While most of these advances were adopted by all the combatant nations producing aircraft in World War I, some strategic differences remained. By the middle of the war, Pisano says, "the Germans could not compete with the Allies’ capacity for mass production and had to rely on quality over quantity." He compares two aircraft in the new Air and Space museum gallery: The Fokker DVD and the French SPAD XIII. Only 1,200 Fokker fighters were built, he says, as opposed to 8.000 French SPADs. "yet the DVII could fly rings around the SPADs." Schneide adds, "The Allies had the raw materials-wood, linen, rubber and aluminum- and weren’t blockaded, whereas Germany had very limited resources." Newer, more powerful airplanes had a side effect: a hostile environment for the pilot. "At 10,000 feet,” Schneide explains, "you’re starved for oxygen and you might freeze to death.” Though oxygen, pressurization and heating systems were introduced in .World War I airplanes, they were far from perfect. Besides these perils, and the inherent dan , of flying in battle, a pilot an open-cockpit airplane was ctimes sprayed with engine The oil often induced nausc .. and diarrhea. "Clearly, the World War I pilot’s life was not the happy- go-lucky series of dog-fights that the movies have led us to believe," co-curator Joanne Gernstein says. "There’s this image of a dashing young man wearing a white silk scarf who climbs into a shiny red Fokker triplane, flies around for an hour and returns to tell of his brave exploits over a glass of champagne. It just wasn’t so." ThouEh the fighter pilot’s life (Continued On Page 4) Smithsonian News Service Photo courtesy of the National Air and Space Museum