Forecast: Extreme Weather Anomalies as New Exhibit Enters Museum of Life and Science Electric Space: Bolts, Jolts and Volts from the Sun On exhibit February 1-April 30 Have you ever found yourself surrounded by solar flares, in the dark during an eclipse, or carried away by a gust of solar wind? You just might when you visit Elec tric Space: Bolts, Jolts and Volts from the Sun at the Museum of Life and Science February 1 through April 30. What causes such phenomena? Coming to the Museum directly from Spa" Center Houston, Electric Space answers questions about all kinds of "space weather," including solar winds, solar flares, and magnetic storms. "Electric Space is a true multimedia experience with haunting sounds from space and eye-catching graphics, plus alluring hands-on devices," says Museum President and CEO Dr. Thomas Krakauer. "Electric Space explores the mysteries of a subjectl that seems out-of-reach in a way that people of all ages and interests can understand and enjoy." Northern Lights—Earth’s Greatest Light Show Fascinating interactive devices and amazing visual imagery will encourage visitors of ail ages to take a closer took at the effect "space weather" has on technology and how solar winds, can cause Earth’s greatest light show, the polar aurora, better known in this hemisphere as the Northern Lights. Visitors will discover that the space environment includes not only planets and stars, but also invisible magnetic fields, fast-moving electrically-charged particles, and plasma, which is the most common fomi of matter in the universe. Space weather.results when plasma interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field. Perhaps the most dramatic example of space weather .manifesting itself in nature are the mysterious and beautiful Northern Lights, or polar "aurora." Scientists have dis covered that these shimmering lights are caused by solar winds. Visitors Create Luminous Light Shows Striking representations of aurora, in full color murals and a high resolution, interac tive video display will prompt visitors to try their hand at creating their own.light shows, not with solar winds whipping through the Museum, but with a 30-inch- diameter aurora lerella, a device that simulates aurora as seen from space. Visitors can also touch the surface of a plasmaspherc and manipulate lightning-like beams of plasma as they learn how we use plasma to light up our world in the form of nuofcscenl and neon light. ’ . _ The exhibit features the Sun and its role in the way we live ahd work on the Earth. At Our Dynamic Sun. visitors can irack-the Sun’s patterns and motion on a video with spectacular imagery of sunspots, giant solar eruptions, solar Hares, X-rays, and a solar eclipse. These occun'ences are all types of space weather, and have a vaiiety of effects on us and on our planet. At Planet Earth, A Great Magnet, visitors di,scover magnetism and how it relates to electricity and to plasma. They’ll find that the Earth acts as a giant magnet, and that the area of space around the Earth is controlled by Earth’s magnetic field. This area, known as Earth’s magnetosphere, protects our planet from the danger of the Sun's solar wind. Plasma Storms Affect Technology Solar wind energy in our magnetosphere can result in devastating space plasma storms. These storms haX'e the potential to cause communication and science satellites to fail, and damage electric power systems on the surface of the Earth. In fact, during periods of gusty solar wind, powerful magnetic storms in t^ace near the Earth are '•esponsible for radio and television static, power blackouts, navigation problems for ships and airplanes with magnetic compasses, and damage to spacecraft, as well as the creation of the vivid polar aurora. Visitors will experience firsthand the effect space plasma storms have on radio v/aves by comparing a "normal" transmission of a radio broadcast to one that has been interrupted by such storms. They can experiment with a Geiger counter to detect and measure radiation. A high-resolution, interactive video presentation on the Northern Lights features stunning footage of early evening auroras, auroral breakup, and the magnetosphere. Reaching Toward the Stars, the final exhibit station, presents the region in space dominaicd by the Sun, called the heliosphere. Visitors can listen to sounds from Jupi ter. Saturn, and Earth’s space environments and learn about the important implica tions space physics has for our broader understanding of the universe. The Museum has planned special events to enhance your visit to Electric Space, in cluding events with the Raleigh Astronomy Club, a visit from CHAOS (Chapel Hill Observation and Astronomical Society) members, a talk on the recent discovery .of a magnetar (a new kind of star), solar observation sessions, and a look at telescope op eration over the Internet. Electric Space: Bolts, Jolts and Volts from the Sun was developed by the Space ■ Science.Institute in Boulder^ Colorado, and the Franklin Institute Science Museum in The Museum of Life and Science is.a regional science-technology center dcJicatctl to fiirihcring education in the natural and physical sciences for people of all ages. The Museum is open 10am to 5pm, Monday through Saturday, and on Sundays from noon to 5pm. Admission to Electric Space is free with general admi.ssion. General Museum ■ admission is $6 for adults. $4 for children 3-12 and seniors, and free to ages 2 and younger. 433 Murray Avenue. 220-5429. 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