r-1 t K ' v . 0 V ill m IS P. 't. "t 1 1 1 ! W twopprfat '- : .:Vk. T..ninr nWe of Mci Stanly a j- inx mcmorai'dm -r" - v -hz .i.r.xt.,i;rin. relative tauie IS 'U ..'" ! v'.."l. 1- APOSTROPHE ("mm the Freiich trunk bv;caioliOg,tl)je people n4gwmpgtKejrconfidcpce, a lusting possession pijuuwh t ,it;""VM dency in the'state,' upcriorftjr jovec their fellaw- jTfc thfldt President yiiA arihomr wfo electioiWthey f; V VyXtOU henceforward doomM to dweB, . .5 ' . 'In gloomy hadetlof..M6nUcellej;?w;.: V ; V Dot thou pJjroachTtlie new orn yeair, .' o And 'not'ura-'pate With deepeist tear r; 7 r here now Are all tny-philwsophic ichertiea,vv Thy knopn -struck projects, 'awng dreams i . ..i't ifow iooh'has passed Hoy .empty . lame,' . V H awsoon 'forgot thy mohlov nnbie.?.. (;. ' Ubolt back, in some reflect'ingvhoiu - " ; jvna view me tnrns pi i,'gw-iy.T i i.:J i t2? i'jL. ... i Lit:, rnrtm . i if Uiey would readily eichahge ttitir mrac for Homage to V monarch or a Pi;ine of the Empire. What We state f erKCiine the monarchic incUha- tionsof many of the democrats is not fancied spe- culation. In apciuion io inceviuciiycw ril ybwal? Jtjade My them of he benefits to floW Behold'mrccntryhfprlorri,. v " Objectbf pity and! of scorn , :r.:;'V ? :;'';,V-:V. Our faitli i.rjO'msieltTie nations; p'nlse,' v -t f: .I'-'i- ' Our wealth they plunder, power despist, . , Fhtm wheiice brbcfceds this micbtv bliam t V 'VVlio pbil'd ur cuntrygif its .iamijj ';, Oar Virtue -tairnishdpeace r!noyd, ?; y. Qurjcdiirage' blastetfrstreTigth dtRtrc f "Weirmay thyjfiighed jconscietice starts . The uut;fies deepwithin thy heart ; And: firsrpr; last iff come ,the: ho!u rr V Wha conscience will assert its power. ; Tlieh let remorse wttK" mighty away. Irieasoii wash the stain away HNoretola ;? -Lest unprepar'd tho'u:tneet'thy fafe, And bear' thy country's awful doom, -; k : it) de mocrats, wAtb sorrowing ait, r :':,.- Bhelo'their idol 'uit the chair, Cbnscious no- other Dagon's arm, r " Could stupid themfrom irnpindiug ltarii ;Kkr'yoice'With syren .aong4' Could charm tQ cxtacy' the throng. .-o ' " Pir pleasures all with pin are mix'dV tf? end to mortals things is fix'd, ' : ' ,:Wnf,tbe joys of rtian below, And human bliss must end f woe. Eight years the great man held his place, Iju-eight short years he ran his race JMoW with a sady a bleeding heart. Power, place, and iftffcraon must part. Drvdocks, and gun boats now no more: Shall mix with Presidential lore, Embargoes' yariishi -Nature's laws, - Mast guide both'hidians and ( heir Squaw, Ko more their watnpum'd ieet shall tracft The white man's path to polish'd grac -rt But all this bright millennial day, ' iVlust fade, and fade, and fade away. , But lo 1 to cheer tbidmal icene, Some rays of comfort intervene. Tijough Jefvrson's resplendent fith, ::Itoudiess .courae'of glory's ruJHj $vt, bamingl)right in southern $kc9, Another planet greets the eyes, ,;' . v Vhose lightfwill. guide us, Jest we strap Along the Jcffersoniart way L To philosophic nonsense bred," L , cunning pretty deeply read, ,Vell Verii'din democratic akin, - , Zsa mischieVousin means, than wil ' Ambitious tjf'his'master's ftitne"., vU" , Jjyt more suaptilIe of shame- . W take him like 4. churchman V wife) Better for wbrse" not for life. . ; L' nder his mild uncertain light, & , IMoob-struck we steer along the nigha, -A cautious but deceitful dance, - ( 'BetwTxt'KingGfcdrge'anlreterF At lioriaparte look big and sOxr, ' Talk Of a great Republic's power ; .. While without either him, or asking, "AiidjSfridTtila pride and planning, , ' Outstrip 4he crafty Mr, Canning, i.ay'up Or tat Britain on the shelves, yUnd make a bargain, f ir oursrlyei. 4 'vr care not We shall e "thur slaves, and cry to thera; mercy ror . mw lives I in charity, spare : aoinethaUa ef oijr r L.-i '' " l v j L.til it urt. nvr 4ib; anrl the! crfcossly ichorarjit irom.me uoniuiii u-.... .....-. - p v ' . , RuU b tiie horns,' and htW lmn last, tn Wsr.bt' the reader with a publication in the Whigof isaybefbre -yesterday, a The4idiiox of ihe Vhi& is ft great admirerTpf the justice and . . .. J. U,tt-YMm' Viae t jiiiiios r h4if tpr m no muurrc us thought pYopeffo'decTare'liis disapprobation of.th pnndples oPthetssy we-aiiuae 10, inQugu aiuic same i me he informs hivreaders, that his author, la a f tend -rfpeediiyu - -; , "Rrh ihst Gdes resolutions relative ) fcLzfL-rti- ttritTih mmister'a'functionl. iMrfStanley: (of NorthroUna, bew.membti', tmt who has been nw before in Cbngress) dehv .vi mnal ind moat ttble.apeefchr.m oP' powerful S'ald of argument, the inriumerab ej' ry nothincs'J: which thenenf j admimstradon had been so long and .laborious)? coUectmgrto prove that jMriJrsK-ine nau, w ;-""o aavernmeowtor at least .that our tCuUvead j right 'to presume him possessed of such power, lie proved to demonstration, that the Adm'nwtfa lion had either' Overlooked their duty, ; or were rrosslvlchorant of it. lou-ea y.lgar phrase, and ht W bun Jast, 7. IM IUC4VCU JIlCHiVI UllUUti VI Jlr.l. .... a o-aotm'ue has seized the. national body po litic. It' is infected; it is morbid from head to foot." It has passed away it-is a mere iiuih). It W no nerve, no efficiency, ana isui.ine:iasi njrnnisimr snaSmYof a depapinff spirit 0 ' n ' ., - -n he erearnrt source or ait uur uvuwca is an elective presidency. It was the doniall.ot rojumo, and, if persisted much longer in, w ve c ? it the American peopiearcxu nayc n i.ii"hv in their Kovernment, would tney not wisn u upon mt hrincihle already estubliahed 7 and it an here; diratu 'resident general and' comniander in chiifl s at the close ol the present aamuuairauon to oc assemea 10, wuum mcy Uy. "iJM p . ; ' from the name and the linage of the saviour of iheif .country ; from tke spirit ot him who was tne jrime and - (Bcicit principal, mstrumeni, unger God, to obtain, thtrr independence, aB.u-io,-.iai.K hem amcme the natioitST?t the eartn i ceriainiy, think they would ; and add also to his aid one member frorheach state, "of the most suitable character, renowned for wisdom, patriotism, anc respectability ofitandingl , This with two coinpe teiit sccreurics for. the foreign and domestic de partments;, would, form the grand and- efficient council ot the nation, .., ..... .... V ,. The time has found 'us,, when a thange seems necetsary, which, upohlhe plan proposed, will'be done wii b the least possible -alteration of things, so. as toflte QUr'goifrrnmekt tjjkietir and resieci- uble, anl ,to. continue for ag'en to come, our g' eat 'undivided rcoubbCK thc t .iretncr numnn thr h,,til,i,irk if mail Olid the tiroiaC rf 7i'(0U ' j admiration 'f he world at' large." -..iliese scttcncci-aie seieciea iruro ptcv-c u- Atr the d.Mfit'atidn of Mesenger punusnea in Mondav's Whig, and "which is the third number urlter heionir to the democratic fraternity is e. vitlent from the vehicle he c buses for his lucubra- lions, amrfn VheThaTatTeriven him bjts- k.-ditori-of of -tend vf eedomS How a friend to iWdoni I Who call ifi'tlhe presidency'. the fi,t .nnrre of all troubles i who declarts our body poluic. that i tHfr-cons.itutioaal Repijb d.'Vii)teclci,' 4 morbid fciom UrzA tn foot.' . mere nullrty &c w ho tells ua thatxhangVrs"eaf7r"o monarchy he recommends will ' make ouu govern .v..nf ff.rrent and lXblciaolw-, wild wUl leiiOer U rrmmcnt had intuited ours, by ottering wcitinnshich Mr. Erskine f a recogmze'd netV'forWwnejmroentp here. As to the ' i bird Condition, . opcnai c it was, Mr. S-' said it did notjppear-that oir Ex ecutive had mamfested : the same sensibility wtth respect to France. , Bonapartjj has inforce, -ale. cree for enforcing our Embargo 1 ;Xt is ta be pre feunied tliat the Executive have, properly -ft moh rtPfrapaiiist iw but where is the evidence of it i LsXw oii iiiift r-Wrtmui' for War with Encland. and I i T -' .- ;:: -...-r..,..r. .,. . all thisilence wnh respect to f ranee v A" me evils 6f war, creat as they are, would be inconai- detable' compared with its inevitable consequence aii Alliance with Napoleon. ' Dazzling as ha; hPPn tne nath of that man s' glory, may God pe serve us from the awful fate of all the. nations who have gone befcre us ip that path ! - . Mr si. r-.ru luded with an unequivocal declara ,Ka, ih,- Krerntive. ifl' shutting the door ol IIUI. .-LI' " I the British minister, had ettliei IIWCUV" ' i . ' . ...Minri-fri'th- tine interest of the country, o; immolated it upon the altar of puKciilio. lic sav masked in the resolution a Declaration of" War. ; N ATCH EZ.tcember 23. :r ftritfftriiHr.fieneral Wade Hampon, Captsin fcnnti-. his aid-de camn, and several other om- rrrs reached tliis ulnce in Rood health on .Wed nesdav, the 14th -insw and-on Monday following Uen dkinson transferred the com inand ot Uie, Army to Brig. Gen. Hampton. 1 here is no e- vent at wnicn we couiu mure itjv " at this. We sincerely congratulate our country ihic hnnv rhane We have-now a man. at the bead bt our, armies posscsseu oi.tne most a miable manners and dienit?-0t soul, ot tried ex nur;nro nnrt vnlnr. and of unsullied fame. Gen. UVilkinson, ve learn, intends to take his depar lure for Washington City, via Mew Orleans in a few davswhere it is understood an t x-iminati on into his conduct will take place. The follow- ins? General Ordera were issued previous to the transfer ot command - GENERAL ORDERS. Head-Quarter Xatchez, Dec. 17, 1809 The troops will be under arms at noon to mor row, to receive and be introduced to Brig. Gen. Hamnton The corns wUl fall in according to seniority and close near the centre, allowing very narrow in tervalsthe music lo be equally divided to Uie flanks the troops at open order, and dressed with precision the battery on the right loaded, and with lighted matches-when the generals appeal tire battery will be ppenetl,- and are a nauons ba- i....- '--'i,- "-. V line iUp fnirest fabric of human , wisdom, ttle h.appt ncss Of mn, and the piaise and admiration pt' Uie orld at large. , bo then U is oasiuic, uiai uc who utters i-.tt this slander oi our .cuuaiiiuiiuu froin the Baltimore Federal Republican. :ah'giuni upori'liei-editary monarchy, can be 'a cldm'ai d a. Writer lor the Whig. ' - ; ,. '., i WrfMiscard the recomniendauon ol tnc iamnj oi v ashincton as the stock di the. prfpoattl Koya ree ustnous man, 1 .ifiv; i'v ' v' DEMOCRATIC PRIXC1PLBS. ; '-.)' 'We'have repeatedly chdrcd the democratic par :1,at leasts to the introduction of arbitrary maxims and the fToTnT"STtlub5 ; Jiave : Exemplified.:: ihc former in the ;f6icmg. act, - 'the bin id susperid!the habeas corpus act, trf t; cdur- iAlenance given to Wilkinson af er hid suWvt.rsrsh ; of the civirpowerTinTcw Orleans, aird we 'nV'ght ' t dd the aUempt'maklng iit this moment, in the Hbue of ilppresent,aiivts,,tq nuitzje the minpi ity by passing a new ruler which' --jlf. prevent them ' ' from speaking upon aubjeils, -whib are disagree. able to the majority, such a the devehipement oi ; : tlic;ir Z anders, their follies or their crimes against " Uie country, or the roal administration of the Ex -.cutivc. dJeyonc, a doubt, some ofthIoTiv-demI gPgues are.Slow pining, for cordons, for.tluj.iueK ' and other ecw caws, that Bonaparte his to g,- " awav vrrv chean. and others arc pantincr for the- !,powef and richfe!pr ?vhich the traitors of other countries have 4ofd their t fellow .citizens, ovet. 7 homthoy nQw.vinsolentlydominterviindcrJthe ausoice of a Pi?eicn despot. , l'he sime motives. V tlit. samo pietcxts and the same objects are com- tn'on to asphirig 1 and unprinci pled ivriericans and Frenchmen. Some of the turbulent leaders; o 'wtocriuijfrt Frailce have endeOJje "tragedies i. themselves into . Emperors, Kihgs,i and NobJes; .'and others, who. cut oft heads and spilt rivers ot blood in the namtt of liberty Ta nd de mocracyf arir now content to pay court to the more successful thxiiLa'terors, Jackeys'y or even hangmen i . v mploymegjt the hopesot having their tu it Sir 'vfl.eWutrttoriiineering: over their fellQWjciiaeiv and squeezing out their substance Ths, flonu. parte has doubtless more admirers, among . ainco he h" ornamented his narocwuh an impe; '"-'"lial.title" than he had whenhe merely called him ansculofles." If these persons 'retain the asccn dencv and the confidence, among us," which they , have succeeded in acquiring, and which they have for ytas nbused to th'eir. own sinister' purposes, fhey WUl iuM WimiUUve achaxne if rayal thtre 1 I . 4 nouirh- io. consent to bc-4naufc a fcmg uve 1T1IUJ11 1 ' 1 - . . - i tUa Ixrtr.V ri llni rlliillimr mme as a uau wijuu uiv . 0 'Vtifrkr for public opuuo think our constitution worse xuajn, guuu tiling, as it is "descrtbed ; it, we were wilm g lo y, ti an hureditaW monarcny, as mc iauc bric of human wisdbm,' in this country . ofrcuiTy . 1 1. L i-i.i.hle I n ll 111! illM 1 1 V propeny anu ui tuai n"" ""v Amontr the .surviving iciati-vts of that. if .V ... :.. '..... ,'..'L-..v! i.r- r-nl l hi : ibout 3 vcirs due. " i'--.': r$in yjlliam Davidvn;about 3 jnni A bond sgainst Ezekiet Porter,- jt 320 acr of land ' ;A povwi atcount.againstthe estate of William D rnWI T soi t?f doll. 55 rt Johf'Jil'Nrtly, IrfdcIL k ivi, 1 1 J ...j.. ,.... j... V .Auft gjuficr p-ckes bo;k$.tied toEethct withabu ; f -Th abot publication' hi thcicfote o notifv the do hereby lui warn alf jHJjf soni ftoni i ratling lor (aid oot aid account, giverl -indi' my hand this I7ih diy of R ter,'18W ..r ' v' , , WILUAM pOilTli .V.v '"':r' TMe'ckieflburg-'-couil'ty Superior Court of . Lbv7) November Term m ' Nathaniel Beaty, v. VV illiarn Btaty. Original iiachmmtreturtied levied on 1 r,? branch of AJaiten yreek. IT appeartftE to thf Court, that Hwifl iltfei dant it iu (tent ol, this state : oi cie! therefore, that publicatiw. It. in tne jwicign Minerva ior c witu, ikMntue uie 6y api eai , tne next Superior CoXut ol Lwf u bt be1(i k county oi'Kectlcnhiirjf'-at the Couuiiouie ih Oiaiia the sixth Monday, after the fourth Mcr-cay m March m plevy laid prope.iy, and plead lo iue, 'otlieiwuc jc,i win b uitia up against mm. , U.COWANC those 11. we coiJd agree tu tor tto- enjoyed if the memdty of our fathers could be . vnnncrcrt jinn me iuhu uuituuui u ..vu..t cuifirmed by the fudgment of our uirderataitdiiigs in fivbr oi out present institutions, coum oe ou- iterated, then tne name oi vrMHuiswu nuuiunui .e worth, algroat, and we should :oe willing to ubstiiute another geheatogy. Such a wnter .as ie 6ri wijom we ateanimadverting might in thai ,se foster a hope, that tne accursed sioca oi t a- ,olcon woiU4litMweii, aim lvmignt Ficyau, iui i ouivshame be it spoken, it is to be iearcd, thai ;e has .more , secret admirers than the deceastu deliverer of his country. 13ut what ot v asiimg- . .i r .u., iiru;.. ill. ritA iun r : suotoins ineueunui- ui mt. ri.&. . .av.u ids duty prudently and bravely thousands .be sides did the siiruei it was the opiiuon ot an A- irkiican office r,.fhat Lee waii his superior m mil The penerals will approach the centre of the line at fity paces the troops will present crma by word from the 'commanding. .tiheer, and the music will beat w hile the-generals march to the riiihtand letum to the left the music, will then cease, and the troops 'come to.lhc.jright ahoul- Uie generals ill tu'fi ilw hit flunk pass, up In rear. tuiAheJUKltl.' flank and take post opposite the centre-eM(oop3will then resume their front andoserUii the line wUl .bleak into column bv pLloont on t!ie right; wheel and pats rt,. ; r.nrnls inJcoflfinion time n sume their ground and form the i.pe the General O dvrwil then be read, ul'iti wiiich thejoflif ei's will be call m i Wr T.niiTc. n l iT.trmUivtd hev will Ih' h iisunie their slatinns the battery will lire alio ther salutc,-ahd' the parade will berisTnissed.- . JA. WILKINSON. Most eir Stolen Ftrd. m tlie1 ' s. , v vctooer, i uy .- v i z : , : r. v.-7" ... --v ttt Chaiki Aloxajirir, J5 eari'dut , I S!.dof. ou Jamet Portr 3 yeait d'ui,-"" - .V. v ; '. Wi,iiaP Yottne,' ,8. 8 y i - : ' , ' i StVpi'cn Airiander,4yea,,7 V, S&'J on Samuel HltrJ, V njonth. iiu. " ''''. . ' 1.4 on JbhftGa'rdjielf,- tfifrwftihs 'due. , ' '' '-i', ' f 40 on Jaoiesjtlaftii, Indian Land, Soutlurv stiigMd to tne by Robt . Hanis, near 3 year. 4 v. . ; ;, 80 pii Nathrf Orr,l$Mgncd to m by hsii t ' '.' t4 Sva te pr Mn ra Carousa, . Mecklenburg county, Superior Court of JLav) Acvi ruber Tcrms m The Heirs of Hezekiah Alexander, do. -::." 1 ' .;, vs. . ' Jamea R. Alexander &. Wm. S. 'Alexander,'; '. ,, ,,. ... ... Petition, : IT appearing to the Conn thai one of said Exrcuton aa hihabiuut of this date j t n moiiun,' it is oifltitd ii that publication be made nx weeks in lire Rait.gh I thai tiiaid de)en ai.t apprar it li e nbxi SuitiiuC: Law, to be held for the county of Mrcklciiburtf, at m House in Chailotte, on tlie Jiith Monday lm the luCrj day in Much next, snd ai.swer, j.lea4or deniur, or Ja 1 will be taken pro cmfesio and hcrd tipartt. D. C0Wa,: 1 1 ' StAVS-Of NtlXfU-CABOllSAy . - 7 Mecklenbu rg county. H Su fieri or Court cf law, Acvember Term, la '' , Sion Darnett, vs. Charles Polk. Original attachment relumed levitdtpan a Low, one mile from X hartule. . .i ' '.Lit .Li. 1. .J t it appearing lu v.uuii, in tm ncmjim, n ii deni ot this state ) orceied ihtitiore, that j.udhc.iii.ipi n the Raleiith Minerva f x wets. that the wic appear ,at ihe tiext Superior Court I law, to te b county c;t MrcXJenDurg, at me c.urt nouie in vnafiora sixth Monday aher the iouith Wtnd?y in Ma ch cut, said pVlerty and plead lelstuc, (Hherwise jucgnei entered un aeainu ntm. NOTICE. . The ,8ubscribersvq4alificd at August Chatham county court, ?s at'nuriitn'ators estate of Aneuish M'Neill, dec. , 1 bese who are inCebled "art "notified that imlessi! ntpdiarelv come forward and make pavmtf will be brought aemst themi Thow ulaims are albo'ntiiificU . that unless they "them properly atiesTrdVWWifi the time prel . . t .- - .... . and that general 6reene possessed-Jtliersbould they ever Occur! ,rv r-.ti tifif k ur'.-e'reater abilities. Let us deily no rman 1 Wius we seti that the readers ot the wmg w it readily supplied with arguments, derogatory of he merits of VVashingtoii.4,Vut what of W ash- same io- . a! v i ij u'L..nx:.... n..Vi :. ...ttK rl" f-'SUmeOt WOUIU Me-ouuiuicrii. aumuuir vv- itiocrats. and the asuevtration ot all 'concumng must be DrooCiirresbtibie of the folly of our at tachment to tfie;' memory of .ihe family of a man, hnm hnvrx foolishlv adored and" who can br so fcaaily-stripped Of praise which he did not seek, but ;whichj?ra formerly heapMtupoa himeotK blindly and gratuituusly i .-. -; .' :; -:. '.-' by law, they will beharred of recovery. - LEMUEL SMITH , . , CiiRLES SMITH j ; ; Cape-Fear Lottery. THE. President and Direc crs of the Deep and f " liitiDii Cmt.anv..' I.i.i.th luanajstuieiij!. IutorTic' t ;he L Ki'iaJuie of Kji tb-CaiKlir,rJ A the i"vatK'ti wl Cait-FearRiyer, itipccubliy pa (or.are tt iheir'Ffiiow-Citittus. It is almui tu cnlaq-.e on tbt utiiii) uf-ibetj" plan arid lt'(F? ndvitatiin to the cemtt .01 the Mate., and withm 'v miW ottl.e Veat ol emmem. a tew mileion'1.,''! wh'ctijs tt. tiit- i.dtl'buwiWxl of a tich and leitij f state, ami , ,'; tr:. r t? . . i.--. ...... .-i. i..rMiic arc " fla!lr thi 4Srt"ilvf ikil lh Sf'lu OH! IS IP C " 1 KVi .... andquitable tl) In retrospectinghefepast ahd-ccaitemplating the future, the desire jo share the destinies of this corps' wits a hatu ral orte, . but t he nation al ex&" live has duiermintd otherwise, anu tne pain ' in separable from' ( he occasioh is .sensiblv alleviated by Uie reflection, that tle.: command has. been as- signed to an approved iplhcef.;.,oI experience an tigton? exebims contemptuously the same ieign patriot,' who ta-'fevv days b'efoie'modis'tly Hrnried Americans; withihe" disicisifiol to sur- Vender ihat.-.ilidpen.fletice, Wlucb had- been accaptfeirtrvylkno of quired tor tnem oy -Jci cr.. ne.-. entji, miss sters lienet anq nis succesors'navc yeen hi tif ,iibit of reminding: us of tbe:samdM'igation em- ilttereTwith some humiliating tauiit: 1 ,i"liuifer t iiose, who have made the assertion, it-is. to'b the rocfcns cdnnded to him, atwiAvhilst he distin gukhes nVe'i it, will Vf;fi ce dutyr: ind administer iuslicerwitli an' even hand, 7 J.y:: r,.: ..,-'. :. i lie Ajeiici ai: uaa iiaum.to. pner nis o rem ten in arms, but his wishes, and his prayera lor their lame and ''happiness, andihese .will accompany thm through every steneof life. ' Ij ' Ije tuvesjhVm with ifiingle'. feuits,.peta ere in'Uiat hafimohv which is wit houtheamnh'-in a c'oijpsf,'qftai itrehgth " unjrier similar-triais i and be ready at an intant's notice to devote your uvea to tne sauae ot your coumrv. - : 7T: iA. WILUNS0N 1 - wtt rvj.y . - v. ..r;. . - ' X fanwnii ht. Mount Dtuvbornv JJec: 1 8, 1 80$ The lJiesident having-thought proper .to re quire the presence ofthe General ai tit'evst. at. of j Government, and to corner tl.e-ainttiiaudolit.c tmonsnd nosts within this .territory unci tliaf ot Orleans off Uiig: (jenrtiampton,' he is to be re- sptcfed and ctjeyed uccoidin.j;iy, , In taktrrg leave of this detachment of the army nf his command, theJL'tr.ei'al would dtny hi teel- ngs and foiget his duty, if ht failed iommkJu wiltbe 'sold at alfdirpi"pffict in the cdee the wot th which cojiiposes it. l'he toinpa'- " M, . I'ilk. niott of their i.(Hictions oc a spectator of the ravages hey,, have experienced, -more ten ible-Mvan those 11 UlCSwUlU. I1C IlitS' l)tti utipoitu ,uwii ufcTi"Kn JWVV..; hits mnigUd in thtjir sorrows and bears testimony onhtkc. lortitude; ; w hich is tne otst guarantee lor their.. good conduct in circumsiances more corigt nial to the pride, spirit and ambition of a iTelves that the scIkoic isintw. j , a; bai vet ben i-flV led to the ia ' s fcssu.etthe pub.ic, .that from the nu.mbei or ed ur'dir nawvatiori uVre4 every reason to A.mn i.i,, will take hpt .ir thP hral 01 W4'u,," SCHEMED i Prite f -b.OOa Dollar u ::3-- d';.:v JtiOO. ' do.-'"J 1,000. . rio. " lo ' do. -00 do. ,WJ 20 do. . S00 do,, , 'UJ '() d; ' , KO - do. V 60 do. - 50 .-.. ';2 f8- do. ; 60 do. M 1,200 do. . 10 ,. :- ll'Vl r v ('3,667 Priies. ,..,7,333 iilanki. 66,O0f firt" crtwa iTicket' after,:l,tK0 ii drawa- io. . . tl.OiJOv xicneii at Ji- 1 ICKCU 0 Hollars, suojeci wuim ..jj Part dj the above Prizes jo oe ae, " .'-If . i 'pp. 1st -Ufr". l it v lst lit. 1st lit- 1st 'do. T:cV v,do. ' do -do , ; do. ' , . d" do ,.. do.:: 9,fW -doSjOtiO " . do. 4,t06 ; do. 6,000 .". . do.- i,ooa : '8,000 - r ; do, 19,000 ; do. 10,100 do.- do. do.: do.; do. ' lo. dO..; o-ii tictets are sow, ana continue i oiw --j -. J .k. Xiarln. i, .,itinllM-AH "' I f lier the dtawinyg, FWHvdfleTBet. 15. 'r-: i i ; ; ." ',.' ': ;--- -ji '': I ;7,. iiiLi-" ". 'it '" ' 4--.'"v-'-7..'.-vk-