! it : 4 IV; Hi m ill , fkfl ,'?i m 14 m m m M if-' Mi I'' i 1 .ift-' -3 r' ' . V' AS '2,1 t n in ft; i i t X vWVv r 1 1 i- fiat lane i&o refiriachfd. b? r ; surprrif (for I syeriw ery high opinion ol.the !. v : -'candotirof tficjsc gcntlemeh) frankly admitted ,Uia :'&ne tl Wen- o4 measures but itiM inust beaTio vv. d c&r claim tlicbencfk of some exceptions. A - robng bthcrst th) political gerus be itastaaced i'Av' $ ctii4'4 --$h V i ranks' of fewiblkamsni nd' obtained-preferment iT r Under Ahegt'eat apjisaeof hMIivMr K ,N9?, 'wri said-he,: WUhreattlance,f it is , in AtOTvisni Dure and tinophireateJj "but to old . '-vtoryisro xeminpid with feder&isSich (ni your - opinionir i " suTOOse)",gives. iyit to its (virus. T H briifed lit orice' of i all its lacdmonyrJa,het-w;iiVJ 7'v" Vt' ed ;td ' pfoVoite k reply 'cftain it ishowevcrt ' -received lionet ;;-"--V': ) y -'' r" f'1'--;.' (f ttihingttir I-vhaTe said Vtras a soldier. -'and a ' ; v ' statTiiaA-bd in' ta'mi'and senates jii the grea - j't v v schoDimaiikindi of hb rcounirywai succeeded by two efttlemen of the Hi l ii:!!af, ti'roiEeWowbich'nas been justly re . ; : ''nhe itenuit tl.e- vitfdentand , ingi to enlarge' the hearu' One 6S theniita 1 : Sfcry iafcperiotfUf his he-havinff serveif an ap - ,11 turned (Katevef he may pretendWle fstnving, toecomnjhd ins son to oflke) arank; - J " KEnciishmaW' VVeak inirids receive llicir opioious at second hand : great ont's inipose them. IHis .; ' ' successor 'having naad'rht's 6aron the' thiatit ' ' of the great vVbrld at the court o V ersrilles, canu T hme, in due season. iitilress,' taste, politic, phy ' losophy fid religion i j- in short, in evet y thing bin the polish of his md'inrrs. a finishe d Fitnchmahi Accordingly wev6TdTtiat Porcupine, .flourished un !.'de: th"..!' :"ofjiJ one, and .'Oil'aueiftnder that of the-6ther;;'lr Adams rwM no douSt readily shift off PorCuDihe. br-cis answer to ihc addresl ' "of the Bath coamy tniiiua. or .any otheof his i ; . famous retainers, or . nuicuioiri ana-vienetriicis " on the political estate of your deceased friend lien.' ? ' Hamilion. . Do not forget Ipray you .sir, that you yourself ;ere nT'fif the faction whom that - i. irnpotenf garrulous doalard threatened to humble ihdust Stashes; that faction made'you secretary of ' Stare, and, by corseque ce, president.. - lJis -aid, , I beseectT vou sir, frm , you rrtyimt nance and : council forever,- either John a prating sc-ib, lliug pair."- Both father ansoq rrave do .wuici -yujci-i but tdself their pufiiivai homns" i any market. theyCnlfi'id; The Uussian ' embassy has too toJiCh'ih'aVpearatiCe of a reward .for ...postacy.. ,It looks to something iikcan-under -hand mission to "the great empeipr. 'through .iff link one. I; have saidr sir. ihut I had 'found mole to ap prove than I had expecteiHn the course ,of our ' adnVihWration. Anong- acts, hoeSer-, of. t his . description, I cannot reckonoJie ,app6ininient to the first pbee under your.govrnincnt of a man "notoriously hiepmpetent to the discharge f its du ties; whose ignorance of, ' the marine depart, inent on which he hung for eight "taM, could be equalled hy bf the profusion Avith -which he ' otltstrippt d the K-gal appropriations for its .sen ice ; A mall who received the salary of secretary of the iiavv, whilst the business ofhe department was bf andca by the scourge of thf bifJ exectioa- scoundrel u iibfii armjViryoUcan )findbipie men; to accept their comissjonsiufferQ map holding 'anWice under you td abuse it by'any at ternnt j toUaqencethe ; freedohv cfV elections, Let not the jgovemmenV laoour ttocer iiif :-oi)uxni against jmejtfif.lhe ialre,it vspf'iew-. bns r aeainst melrf of: honor and of Science' i gainsV the orphan "ions:6f herpe who sealed their attachmtnt tblhcir ' country with; their, bldod whQse chitdrenin gfati y ieesave:l9 i'Xnowj.stfrihatybu to acf I be Teiectiati bf j:he 'treaty negociated by Messrs. manner 'of that retectipn,7has "greatly ; enhanced the inlfy :pt 5in accotrnnbdationr6f: our differ ences" vWi EngWndf,!; The pride"bf the twbg9X; ernmenjsi anu ot tneiwo' crumrui .cn uu Hi Cut itis"' essential 'the Interests and (' mighf add)s the extstence .pt ooin..tnac ingr -re mairr at pesfce, Farr be it-.fito Je to palliate iulueiit'iess wUstify fhe miscpnjilucvof the: Jiritish mirristry but; let me remid you, . sir, . . tn.at ,tnt sentiment of hostility ' agginst A.m.erlcargSB-Jf-rtd in that country by. tlie rev(fluiion,wtu con fified tb the iinnd'ihi viniters.anli vthe,va tur'es that . pit y,on-X nd inUV It is Our ITUeresi mill it muuiu ijv .. uc.iiiij VusedXas ,as8iitcdlyi it musT bevf e take pir withl i1' ranee -.i)ainstTv ho m" they am: cotiltndtng i6rtTefr ver existence into -tlie; breast of ever) honest JinglisbnTanvy tiust we were ngntmp lor out own ."liberties, we had the good ; wishes ol the ma6riiyj of the. English rition but, thV?$ is "changed when Uheir own existence ist put a; ell -.. V conducted, vr ,a. ashi'tft, by bis chit f cltTfer But the manner of his'' first appointment to his presentofnc;e the first act of your administration -iis calculated to wound the feelings of every in- aependisnVTAmerican. .I'b.eyt'rt-tneijfweiveirH 9 suited 'in the perSOn of their chieT-magistrate, when L they hearse In'solVm boast that you were dictat ed to on that wxaSfon:il)L,-hc'' ! , can I ap - ptove the piJoinment to the seebpd military com 'iriaiid' in bur country, of the Jiead thul contriyed ' and the Iwnd tha' executed Ihe great mast, r J. aiKl of the Yaawi ; ;of a man' who roils in princely, wealth the fniitsol'lhatiiupeiulous corruption. I aay notr gif XVilki'trt'op. ' He is in the last stage tf putrefaction : tottch him,nd heJ0 to pieces. " Nor is it c rtiif affte,- si r ;t to theAmcrtcan govern 'ni'nfthat it should Ue represented, evctt at the l-tzw't-Qf. Fraticef !by the iinputed auUior TftnTrtT: ' leb.ated anonymous etteis published at Newburgh ' at the : close'. of4-he- war,7inviung the army to. turn ' tht'ir ' swords upon their cpilnjiiy. As lonfj as the " dread .father Ot that' arrriv a.ud ',,thatrcoimtry lived ; - as loogas ' be leams.of his glory irradiated the Jaud - or his .bt ih i-thysTetreant, unWrthVi be called his fellow sldi:r,rsougttt shelter , inobscuuty yyti-hUL whe y the son of our country "feiorf ilYou are' ad vanced4ni 'J ;i'rrMndTotttB'rfbUd. less. ; An honorable fan.e courts your acceptance. X he; itHerestcf your country coincides with th'e eise vi your aannmsiraiivu- x iic, ymiJic u'yhiw vain iatb the- coriespondence of Mr Jackson foi the t)Utrgre which ;he 'is alleged to haver commit tetfon the digbily of .their government; Thiy. will support you in every .proper exertion ol spt nu l hev -haye,!Dcen:tquauy uisguweti vviuv in? rashness" of pnei and with the meanness of another of ykwrpredei&Dw not be. driven even by their xiBsi hoht st-'prejut'tcest intrrsc arms of l' t ance, v hose . touch , is pollution SJid wlv)se embrace is death. - Your nuiuste'r ot finance has told you, that (invasion out f' the question) war is impossible, .ibis extraordinary mail al- thotmh ..fallen from his high estiiU ' ;'' although he 1ra.Jent nis transcenciatit uDiii'tes to ine ami tfary and unonstuutionaiacts of the late reign, and to tho insidiou'and co Vert attack made at the lastsessioiv of Congref s oii' the sinking fuiid,' that bsst hope of the ; nation is yet 11 not less than archangel ruined.' He iadee'd no longer, the apostle at truth and the fa orite votary ofibcrty,'' immortalized by the pea of Cunius " Qjuunum inatuni ah. itto" but lie is yet an iwteilk'eifif if not a vigorous statesman-vcfsed in expedients Vnd wiles, and upon, him' you must rely for wh&tsoev.' er of wisdom and ability you. may lo)k for in the CoUnsels pf your cabinet- For iLw hen the waters are oyf,, and uhe file affords no precedent," you wiTl turn votir eyes in vain, towards the Giles!, and the Smiths, and the Vrnms, and that whole tribe of ignorance, , imbecility and impudence., wl.on. the first sv ell of the great stream of public opinion will sweep back into thiir riatiVeJnignr ficance, never to rise again. Such is.the infrktii:.ktpu predilection of many of our leading" rrjiiMkans, wfiq give the tone to pub lit SefiUiiicn'tv'f.'tlespitrc ' Krar.te and io sti-ony the hpnvst revolu'nary asiipiUiies or o.UHKople uaihst Great Ihitain ; fortifftd, too, by a just sense ol recent wrong from th.it proud ayd haujjity na; tipn- j-that I am prep;rdto ;be. represented by our demagogues, and to be- considered" by many of the honest, unsuspec'ing dupt $ of these impovtors, as -he partisan, pf England rather Uian the fiicnd ol my native country. TNo man is more, sensible ban myltlf pJbjjj'ioiinceiJiiusjc a'ndioUy of her g(tvernment ; bin 1 consider the existence of my country (at least of all -that can render a couiuiy dear to a tree man) to restupon her intiept ridtiiCe. She is. now paying the price of lur own sirisV'her corrtlpt'.on'nd tyrnnnv produced the Aoteiican revolution,' the imme-hate cause ofihut ct V ranee, from which, again,-'. the prtsentlgMsnrtc pnw.er.-bl ,...r-. .. bad d.eacjhde be-fovvthe horizon j n tttejxdittcai . twilight that for'eCol ri- thTJarKntss pi- umj ntghfts me,'hispeculHtife.parisid.e (with many an ob Scene animal that shuns the day Cept forih from h "rr. hir hiding place." This miniop of France who (rani his insolent pam'phfct in mockery -of- the i Oistresd iWAm v; " colour of the Lotiisiana convention) appears to i V; have studied hiJtH in thc ,scJho)Vofj;ambacfcies ; :- lis uhwoVthy'to De4A' 'representative "Lethitfl be -;" turned out fJthV ffyle of sensuaJity in whose, ir&rehc noKJivaltoivi.": Ship Wilkinson (it he iill - 'bear' the se sweat) to his" friends in C iba.l Send TTon apaHeaTTirr ' ' 5 -atnfoptrtvi-assed presvoiis b.tve dnvtn trom their coinitry tnousuiu.s of "the brave inhabitants of Ireland, in each of whom she has made a deadly ehVii'V. Not oiff if the Continent of F-Ut ope; united agaitist her ; Jn theot4iKrhtmibpbere she has Converted 6 inillions of.'Ker own progeny into. deturniined joes. Ko- thtngTsTttrtber Irpim rjiiy Avislwlhan to produce ilitrture with h ranee : -sutlLainsvent could be pro." ne"UrStatesTo beT-peace with d .nauofts-b- 'with Finland "more especiaUyWe have tit same interest-in lief preservauon ugainsi ,r Tanc.e, 'ioiy, that we h id tvyelvc y ears ago, i'nhe pi eat i - yavionf France against tnOiiiianetr-iiowevs rrvVade Pfmptor. b;ck to his cotton gins,N 'tan vacs f v ; Let hnn eruy if be!" can under ;ahe tenure by i h',rh he holds nTris m'utrkble .wealth or lc him, ri ven and blast ed by th Iigrtnipp fi Uk he oltendeci majesty o virtue ikjlo ; ouence," pay wy . - . . - '-. lread, homage or ins remo.c. ' ...... l.., rf an- American officer "T"":;;"-"-;- mt -tit Strips sir, the fro rn shouldtts -".7 The Amricm im may wm suiucuc. Vocieiy in V is, Whc.i tivU tuid init. ihe prince iclanceiloi fil.e empire, the ike?4'" uf th' i,te"1 - ' : - '.'i'., ilv'ai-ct'ed' w 'uitauur l bu.ii,--vhat prcwy ; ouj, wh,. ' ' : ;Cfreqivemcd4h9: Tui.terifr-.tf .: y. n ?': '."iSwy.0 -v '-fr&uiwldri3vd ol the.ibiperfal caun : 7 ; '.';'-The thot.e and .nibUc W4IS swarm with mile pr- 1 ;iiiutcplyir'cuj om i-i'cttiit; tner wn tto m-, : -""'n i f r th- Ln . ioreta-S J!iiHou I -, ; -rf-J - - - -'The'ab" ' wla: Dj Um! faMofiU reectablo jmde- ; ' ui aiiipy au : ';" .','. .'"- remote ; that ol Jns;land immediate apd ce totii ; and if she will not.iqok.tu her-ovytitsalty, tojL'tviiS fcriis'. itrtn -5Har, iU!l .btmmejiw io,y :icUi; .to considerations, ' to whicji, -Ktto&gh ?oT teiif&iU weight it), her casei she pays 4iOjerJu iji'-'igtv. ordinarycase this vie w . .qf 'the. tfi'ct ' which Jtirti Vftvn pressed itself upon ime,'Muld have great 'veighti But bcdat6 tier councilstisaae ruled br iffatuaori arid insanity ; because, very thing like ol tri-:'V-i ik2 nf Sokki AnrLpf' Athens ntsian conflict trf busuana mcir iinusiH,. common foci because pn of those states was 4. v der a Tegal,fand thi'mhetvtinderf.flpula'rgp nlfhdnffhbbiect to the Persian1 TOoriarchi rehisfd to P rivet their chains by jending thei ssBistance to the kreat king against the. parent country. It. is wpossible,i slrthatgentleman pt your sagacuy and poutrcal learning can iur.uu v hv the cant of " Me Mcrtyitf thi neat andtom imtrt&P&tti beld'out by the .dittatof -of urope to delude the inuiutye bbtn ai npme anu -Hurwu. Ya are'too well acquainted with ihefscanttness bl pur? resources i AvUi tlie inheren weakness" ofOthc gove'rnhieHt over whiclLyou preside ;: and; with the pttwers of French ' iiitFJc7njaL Trericti --arrtis tapt t kjiow bow dangerouspvtr 5iiuauou iuuoluv cdme wheri 'Buona'paie :hU4iave;jtey?fW :the liberty of be :seas.'"lfi"tw'eneyyeara'agOr.in the infant uateof our western s?ttnenis, a par ty could4)4-formeA to ;anjurethcir alliance to the United States and piac; themselves under the pro teetioo of ft governmenjai onCf odious foytS dr nrttkm flhAaiesnicable for its imbecilityfkwiiat ti tectsniay.-we hot expert from the French spirit of proselytism operating iry the same" conntry ? Has it restored the tone to public morals,? Do ypu sup- pbse. : sir, So. seeithe ehle.f ' age nt of 'that conspira.. cy, loaded"" with caresses, fandfavors ' of, a more substantial nature by - we. -government ot.. nis oe twe country ? AY ould the steirme8sjbf iiis re puWican -virtue revolt at thecofafon of the legion of honour, w the "investiture of the. grand duchy bf Orleans ? Or would thew diikeefTace i frohrPur Vecoftection the turpitude and bestiality of bis wpr ihf prototype, the last tmke who "Bore that.title! t hink you, sir, that the rep'vblrcan simrdkitx-of general'Sniitb wouid be siatd at -a pioposition io-make 'hwh a grind di&ni.tarV cf tfieempife of he twi Americas? Dr that the modesty bfj Mr. iles; would refuse to, cut-iji for these nev honors f InVhnibtrfipTicamS' by wfioni your are be set, for office, you have, a tolerably good barometer by whi Ji U' calculate) the pressure upon the French prefecture forVimiiar favours., Hetollect, that the population of Louisiana," of the key of the Mississippi, is trench, and that (take the untish k i V; .;i'V, 'Is tMoui.stlentioai ' I nssiB.these'sentinieiMs''hit Jfk ter. pr perfect indiflerencei ' lihmj ing puUiQ lh feels iwd mprCsViorI: cupie -Jrtthit.be-; honest .anxietV ,Jj'' statements, even to ,btj CpnscioujWikri with rvvhicht:at another . time.' I iniot,, V-..'; '' (gmttimud 'froiii the last .This day was ; set apart for private bit ' ;, : ': - '.Saturday Jan, XI -; Mn- mseity .rose to, ofie r a reblmiQ for; information; lift "quoted the rntMa f resiUent i tne unueu states at the a3 FrahceA-Tlie president had refefrtui1 he correspondence, laid before tlienim responaenci; tyiisisivu ui, ipner tinm M, pagnyVwhic.Mrirr-Arinlrfjug,,iiiV'ttj letter irons nnn, uctuics io oe t Swer ot tlieEniperor 61' France to ttiL made to "him, by he Auieii-aii 60(f What these prop.'Uions were was nuW this stibjCct) hi moved the fo!Iyvineji50i'( ' i. TuJ.-:.K..-'. D-.,..:;i! 1 ..... . l States beH requesteu" to. cause to be laid House copies of the several cpmmunkat J to the government ol i- ranee m imrsuaJ .1 . ....... J L... '. , .. au'noruy yesiea oy v-ungress in ut tftrc meniionca in,inc rrt&iueni s mrvigt to f. at tfis comme7icenu"nt -:of the testiin, txit fitrtjs thercuf as may in ttiayjiinionrtquin . Mr. Rhea, ( I .) moved an amendmeiH for inforniatiPn as well as to Crest Bia FTaiipe. Mr. Dana remarked that this amendncl vhold New Orleans and 'involve an absurdity ; because the 1WJ the iiarnittton'f f.he ''Mississippi' by iio better te- in' .his message ,rnade no such aliusionsio ml the words K, hot already communicated," Mr. tpieey presuming tue Object of tlemah from Connecticut, wastoobtaiiuj nure thati that by wtdclrthe Dutch held Fort Lil-1 pondence with O; Britainas tlieieso! irv wtiri hii. ftc iekit. r ranee, - oeeonie misiicss v vv. of the ocean, can take .'it when she pleases, and- . Ar. Hheffey nioved tt. add to the at J hold it as lung as she pleases.- Vht fore have we to opposo i er ? Long proclamations and scan- -iv lpvifc'. ? Voir. I ani sure sir, have too ert'at an insiirht into the nature of man and the Constituti I ment of all the propositions tnade to tbisJ on of thinsrs to dciive much comfoi t frornThe re'-l ments there foi moved to strike otitiinJ coUcCiion of the display of Jia'Koim and JtaliC,, ifchd. include G Britain as WtjiasttJ vvlJch defeated, the conspiracy ot Uol.-IJurr, oter . the can, .wnicu woum emorace au itettM it htid defeated itsell. 1 blush tor m country j me gent.ieman wana. , when 1 hear it stated as matter of exul.ation that -Mr. Motelv accepted the amendmMt an.nAv nwA ni fifliwiiti ftdvfntiirer has been unable 1 6f his hi'tion. with bis' sinele arm to overt urn al otlr., insututiobs Y .$r. M'-Kt? moved that he reioktk and place himself at the head of the State, as a lie on the table tor consideration Aptd xcasana xsays,;? to lavern Lully would take the head of the puLlic ta- Monday," Jan. 29.' Mr. -Rhea. Ten; ottered the two foil solutions, Vluoh at the sugpsfion of St j were ordered to lie on, the tabic. Jiesctved, That - the, committee of i mean be instructed to enquire into the.t ble. In that transactjon in iwhtsoe : yer bght Liew iU I can find no mat'er for public corigratulatlon In its origin, its conduct, and its consequences all is base, humiting. and revolting. To crush a sinrrte miscreant the constitution is heaved from iis very foundation : Pelion is heaped upon Ossu ;cy of Lying additional duties on all ht rights of ever mahii'sotietv are wvaded, and sand merchariOize, the g to win,, produce vet the ciiminaLescapt s !' But enough and more nufaeture of Great Britain or its dfpti than tuough of ibisifts'er.ible retch- v ' Although the'public expectation has not been etMitidLVour administration, yet, you have I '.' tf' ''I . I.. -- t ' i . , '. j l . rlt:,J i wmcn may oe imporieu uuo me uuikuj any of the territories theteol. Itewlved, That the committee e iiist rticled ttj ehGuire'ttW -(tier! means kiik.rti i-n turJ li'mir mil irk mn v rrt Tiil rpM-ltMipVt" 1 Lav aside the involved, ambiguous" style in which icy of laVmg ad Tuional duties on all goosl "Vour ptxdecesscfr has dcemed irexpedient to clothe tmd mef haudi2er the-grovxlif;iorluis.t j h s dark rs ixns. ".TahitusV fit has been we 1 Uc'.ure f t Lrance, orthe Cepenuencio remarked) soimi where .mabe.':.lffip'orte'd;hjta;the that his sneeches tdthe Senate, bv the invotuuor, : or the territories thereot. of .the 6tvie, ai once betrayed the character of their author , , and seemed to shadow out the. picture of Lis. cautious, dark and crooked policy." Come forward to" the na'ion, and in -plain-arm n anly lart guage, such as they can tindeistaud wirhout the aicl of a cpmnientary, "exercise the 'functions de volved Upon vou by the constitution. Neither shi ink. from the responsibility with which it invests you, nor degrade your high office by 'paltry in- triuues with the legislature, Give us youi naked, -li.e state-ofniHir Ltdi us honestly wliut we have to 'expect J)o-,i.ur dyiy ;f and be it at their own peril if. congress fail iii ifeirs. Hvit be necessary -lo express an opitti on of the conduct of the, cburt'ofCSt; -JarmeS;'. prlts tndassodor leuU r.ot be doneL.iri the l ijjguage&f the court (J St. Viles' Above; all save us from, the TaTigs o I France. Leave us not to cui se revoluti- I'll itself;' for which we shall have fai-l too dear a LLwe, purchase a few-y-ears of independence Lu-4 b e e x pencfc'.,oan. age ptrh a ps n-.crnit y of wnrtage. van you anticipate ltj our country aim tor t lie?-wtrrdVTlfgrlrnsnd 'horrid night'-of-dey pOtisnj m hich"sucfeit ded to the usurpation of Oc avjanus, and noCsirken at the prospect,?;. When IJut bur -'interest t-x may be said) i0nilnge'nt.;aiicjJriie..jvi:tlched;victim could fitd no refuge withiii ne oauii s or civuizeu man irom nis .oppressor I When the miman mind itself sunk under the nar cotic, powers cf despotisim J,;,..5 ;.'. .."-.'; . ,. 1 he cbaervations vshich I have deemed it my July, tt submit to. you und th'rouga yuvi to tht jublic1, have been hastily thrqivh together under ci c utfst ances not the most propi tiou s to -success ol co-uip'isition,--.- I wtite or dictate rather for without the aid of an amatHiensis I should he un. iBle to addres,s you uader the" pressure of'djseaSe;' wlwn the operations of the mind are, Yo n.eCesity, slow and painf.ii J ' and f am not uconscipus of that Vnsqunty and fetbfeness, Whtch. in rny . present a'i udtion 1 am Unable toemedy. '-Under other cir cumstances. I fiatier myself that this address wodld have been less unworthy bf your attention. 1 write however neither tOTttquire amer nor, to gratify spleen Y.bot to serve my country, f am prepared tor imputations of foreign" partialities and attachment, vi m ,y9 ittemptcd. to arrest the mad career of -our politi isl Malvolip; was stigmy.ised as the adherent of laf'ce ; and .I hope, sir,1hat you had the honour co be oUhe number. - On this subject foreign .vx ie s, permit me to conclude in the words of iticat sagacity, or e ven covnmoi sense," scents have been biniedrwith her two gf-eat !'val states- m"efi,.I will not therefore disregard consiperaiions fhich;inypjye thfc-yery seaisjncij of my country, rteside's'-sll Pt-it tp:yot)rnr?our,Wliiher he crookeIand insidious policy of your predeCts sor was rV)tcSlated to give England (wilh.atl Mer faulti) good ground J:a believe that whilst vyc lM nort?rr to mingle ih thedange; of the coii; fiict, we ahxjously awaidjherxlpw ted no indirect subordinate-measure .Hha-t vmlht end. is we supposed," to- accelerata it. But when .tirigland..dbes tall she wjll fall I ke the strong man iiiithe JcribturejeJwiiJLejn He temple of human liberty and l,timan safety, i id its destruction will.be the last tTrt of herdtt. ptr'ate : strength j 41 uniavidum fftient rumd , a treatise,', which I earaestly reco-wimcna to your CQMMERCUL BILL . The house resumed the considerate finished holiness nl Sutnrdav 1 ontheMI imr comtnerci-jl intercourse with forwfl The question before the hoaseteinjj, m ' Urci RihUr A JtjAn. SheifeV and'&l noke in Vavon of the bitt ;'ann' M-H heaton, Tallmadee. Uana and lives gainst it 3-;-.' -: -h-' - Ti FINAL-QUEjsT1-JNt JJD.Jil Ue -.all was then taken by yeas aw OliKaiEDryeas 73f, nays 5r The order of -.fft;.?yascal'ed.6 ma'Ung appropriations for the uppofi mtnt lor the year 1810- i he d: ""1 C.hriir. ' ' ' " " The" committee procecded"tofifl " the bill. -' ; '".;"' One hirtKlredlhousarailarr i toover the1 losses 5tiatd account'ef the elopenient. of Brovm, tW ' ...,A';- n. ..,... i truant IK lore the commi ttee bad finisneo I sToiPoi the till, on motion 6f nr. Vl,W' tte rr;f. rfrvirtKfl nrore, lka - j -j-r c , . sit - rgain. . . . - '' - ,. v; ebfadjourtierli , Jan. 31. " theousae-un resr4ved mittee bf the whole, on the bill n.!1 ations Tjjrjjie elcpcnscs oljo'veina..'. 1'llTrTTi 'arr . - f ' u . - After the blanks were filled the j .' -j .u"' u:ii ...'.rh a.melicnic'1 am-reporitu me uiu '" hptfser;::;::,.":":-'..,,..: ;000 Dollars may Pet r -"-. . vs ' t rf I at 'the Treasurer's and Com)l ly;airposr Offices and other r. state. ":From the number ot yn.t thefV is bufhttle doubt:thera'7 mehce ori the first bf April next. - , : -. -v - .-, - - ii ' Fsyettevilled Jn.',';l ' If' ...f-,. -' f'7r s-.

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