1 I ... Jfc V . l- . hrtrttime In favor . fef Jiii object in ubpting;'Xh4 resold to obtain information respecting-those which might bavekd,;to tuext E-v.-not to lahypbcjHical letter of . Mr. ij, every lint of whtch-he 'thought, an e house, "-ne was wiioc mv hj 'tbould be opposed rter the 'resolution, iur affairs with' France .which? alj the ectived, -was contained inabout seven ;MDie further debate, Mr, Mumford sub- . mendrocuc, "wnicij wsiu w require in- petting in iiiHU, mirnortinz to oe suui arc reumrcu iot Lis sailing under the American JUg p- ' .nament was so mpwneay as to,maKe nrmation-requiredr embrace forgeries! of .,fr in anv nation; v- j question was at length taken "on; Krj Mum- aiendtnent, by yeas and nays .. and , carried 19. noes 38.. ; A.!;;i.;;;i, V . nuestion then recurred on the passage of blution asamenucu j - piHi wb agrcca to, making' appropnations lor the support mment during the presenr year was read time and passe d. . 'i."Vi-?v! "-. house resolved itself into committee of the kth? bill providing for saking the Ihird f the v. 5tates, Mr. Mitnoriutne cnair. j Li- 'J '. : .' ' t inconilucraoic auieuumsiua were prupas igreed to.- y . --f -'- : , - . Tuesday, February 6.'' v y w Sawyer, .after a , long and tedious tdlk i tipnaLBank, called op t he resolution the table some tune smcc respecting a na ank'mg system. On the question, of refer sresolutioo to a committee ml the whole, last, 41 to 43. .U was then moved to refer lect committee thif was also lost, only 8 rs rising in toe affirmative. . " . , hosf resoked jtself mto committee of the in the bill to prevent theiasuing of sesv-let- icept to certain vessels, ' r being amended so as tp except vessels at owned by ciutens of the United State!, it ered to Jieover for further consideratian Wednrtday, February 7. usinesf of any material moment was done Thurtday, February 8. ' . h$, Pork f after a long speech, in which anexrensifc view ot wn,at has been called tyttem of interjud fiavigatim, ofifered th P4f That a committee be appointed to ex po tne expediency ot abproDnatinK a hart lubjic lands or the proceeds thereof to the infl constructinir such roads and canals btmost conductive to the general interests mion, and ti tftey have leave to report by per?nor moved to itrike out the words in i n motion, was lost, resolution wai adoDted, -and a committee HMsjsiiagjehiJtStmbers: i ; 'W omto prevent the issuing q tea. letter, Ja ctrt4n pasjcl, was iti a third timend of the late-;migratipn:of ;lbreeB toOr rniory, 3yi- lt ftct f UithOUghtnot to be concealed froiilhe puWicV thstt FrencK and SpanJsK subjects makeery M cidtfihi -and that the most itri6u con8cqdencesrt to be appre bended, should the puinbers irit-; ;he'territcjry,:at the approaching census, lie found siiiicient to en title nt to the rank of a tate r Evxx-f isc is kow Fs tircB oa ok Fax iic;tiopi.snd there is no calculatingrth:onsequen,eeswtien Congress toald bVvcr no check on them.' Journal. -Vs yfor a pirticular account of the deplorable state of the army, I refer to the fpl lowing fcttefi Cer taifilf Jthe . New-9r,ean campaign Jiai been nore destructive: ?thahnyduWrfptirife war. 1h The people ,expect'rto know tyi what meii an army 6C.twenty-Uta btmdred m?ti"ira8 beep re diiced to that .stat "thaVno more" than twohurP dred nd,e ventyix are ftt foddty trlsparV ttcularly necessary kVow. "whether ig hundred and twenty thre privates bive been rnurderi;d by the misconduct of a genet aj, or whether ;ihpir death baibeen the eu"cctvof causes which "could ot be:comroute4.:tffffi. " ' O v J :.Brct;-tfA hffer.frim .Waiiingto., - i Ijw Thes FoHowirtg U the return ' of the armyat Nrew-Orleans; $s made ta4heTHousev4n -pursuance of r the resolve forK that purpose, --N.;B. Tne mover Mr Newton-i-wiih many of his po litical brethreni-such as Mr. Eppcs and Dawson, o jiposed the piiming---pejrhaps itfrhay, ift;a de gree, implicate the former President, in conse quence of his continuing- VVilkinson in com mand. . . Privates1 fit for duty v ' r Do. sick -V:';4'' ' :y. '. "' - V Do. in arrest ': .' lDo.abse"ht (deserted) V Do. dead from 1st. of May, to ' 15 th Nov, 1809 Officers on duty Do? sick , ' ' Do. in arrest ' Do. resigned '' - 7 Do. absent & Do. dismissed by court nwrtial . JVbn-ewmiuioned OJkert,' Absent . ' ;.- 43 Do absent on duty 9$ Do. sick , j 07 itciktf "nd tttsservecj that these are : jht ohly rff-that Jteeji time? daring; the 'present. &r ienlie&ewnfp A kind fmfffl appears as If our eleanteeshaifi a earrip to, ocnamet tbHr'rsonW'HXA J -vf he;ladie onifniie to carry." their-oociets n arrv ihejt pockets their; haiida j but .tin; ganilemcn'.tbis i1 cold sea- . raft . raw nai4 i ne--: democratic Kais ha.ve gnawed a fiole in the ibest which contained Jthe national provender, and have; rnade drtadfuj bovoc.'-:.! hemillkih'a f ''ta;i'ich,'.th treasufywas-oyerflotvifig .latiye'ia(a'ccoVding to into .thiivair, ' and, : ' ; '' t V'T'r irike;tbe-base1w.fa VMrrXIal atin saysV;irecd, that ;tthe- treasury, s four millions of dollars worse thaq nothing. ' In this sttuatidh 6f National Poverty the; democratic Ccarectorof'K'Orleksabs otjtthe Peopled rncneVf ilavingVp fair a prect dent i the dernocrati? Coi(eptpc otYo Ma$saehu 5 sctUhs"hecomavdefalcat&r g3 USOQ of the People's money. " Wt nx) et a bagLaw be passed and the Pepple can ea sily be kept in the dark. J(ournei, AcademyV'soIicift rtc6uge"and perpetual r from this seminary.' ar vunsviuu7.vt;..inc iu success- in a. direct appucaticn 4 t the generosity of thg (ubli obthiRed an t actc?' H the.Xelatur of this states l$ ;raise "sum' tr w'f WUKPPd, byeaid'tnistees, to ' . . tbe use :;and benefit bfth saH Academy j aad '' ; ; nprmbs!ttresrkctfulv-offer therf 4 ' ellovf ciiizeris krid Solicit theif patroiiage r"r fbe particular; friends, to1 theC;Instituftoni wili ' requiie ho uuherinjuctionCon' Jtheif. libeality.'f -to .embark in the $chemev thaiV knowledge : of. ita itty; fronds'.: ot. icj'e'c.c in 'every quarter 1 where, thescfernVmay lb pre'ilented,' there is no"' dofibt yiir hat e Bufficient mbliyes to extend theit -eneroVityVbe modttratfice4of the .Tjckets . : becomV adventurer Tn Lotteties v which "they may? d4 CorTthe ' small i ni ch m v, 0 n'p Thou $ akb ColUrs : miv. bar .- ' - V-' J761 621 '8' .. 39? 4S If : ' si , FfZ) Gi?5ir.Capt CoftWELitis Caasxa, of Somerset" co.uhty,J' for the two last seasons has been successful f raising nd domesticating species, whtfh .appear tp bavec lot thtir wild na ture, and to be porfc-ctly contented in their present snuauon. tner whi come at ims cauirom a con- iderable distance.'rid" withftha utmost familiari. ty eat .cbW from'.' bjisr hand.':,'fhetQuiils ' af e' larv ger ana aearer man tnose ot tne common geese:. " - JJ:?." . " i;, - -A. Jertey pafict " Onhe first inst. iWr. Jonejih Butler, aged 70, of Bladen to Mrf. Elizabeth Thames of Cumber. and) aged 60. - ' - . ; ' - ? DIED, . -.. , In Person county, on the 4th utt. r. Pur- Aia AtlfinQn, aged 9, the amiable wife of Col. Richard Atkinson. c - " - f In N.ewbern Master Spyres Hawks, son of the ate Mr. Samuel Hawks. Eftrect 6t a letter to the editor r Atf f. &ft4 Cumberland county, on the 16th ult. Air 'IUMDjI Yy FEDh'UAH T 1 5, 1810. pWish a piece from" the Virginia Argus, r 75 nn- JPftn-iandoIph. The wr). firs hard to vindicate the conduct of Jtffer- wnuijevand' the Smiths--and says vallatin has miirt oi.u .1 Mwo hundred 'tlvi fraudulently by tpeculatiog on the pub. uc people we. hope will ppnder well TTl? by tt f,iend of the adminis- k,f - , su,"lj ne caarEje, U ? 1 l of 'eff.rson and Jr. "Jr Suffering Kim t .;..-: -fc..7 Kloh ,rm!;e,V.e? f,0 tbecbarges of Pwolph, the administration. -must ln,WH Ef threr arfi b-blid to accurse'oneof Cdyof Pecuiatiuiwlf we mistake not. r6 author of this piece. . .;' ter from a member f congret ti ,; ; Fditor, dated ' ' - ' ; Tibn 1$ at in h.,n .rt. t .u. u to a select commute, uhn. efi are generally oppoud to the.bill, lienn, - iftcjr iu agree, on . a- fcef-riii- sw.sorae cays past in "J sea UT '""iwwnce I b? census bill - Dlain " . t Pan nRVJE ith France ' 7 . f n-alli f e Aror U;C i . . 1 presentee I . '"i. noil cnmm.nt . j UJ"'l aii ..a?n-why:We 6ucbtimin'eai.tlV indlZy',? nW, it tAat our l.t. ' . ' 1 IOr nn mnw ..1 f J1" i f' tauSnv j wi iniormation 'Hh?a"f ftugal Will he subdued ne 'n'nde-'.ff hen ""acola and Mobile at 5wi ;.wer Krance; It Is well ..asToll?.... i; 81 tUe Mobile trade wi klK " T : ft'abama are well seu Qatette, dated . ' WaskuuWoV, Jan, 23. Mr. Newton of Virgihia has introduced a "re solutionr which", I doubt not, f will " have a good effect--it is, to have a return ot the army.He was indebted to sol. Tallmadge for its modification so as to come at the thine: be Wished.! oresume we shall now know the situation of the arm at N Urleans and b able, to judge of the propriety of tne omce ot coioi;ei being a mere, smveure. We shall see whether col. Duane derives the full pay ofacolonel for attending his printing shop, or wbether he must join his regiment and do the duty of a colonel. ''"".!. . ';," --'' ",'CJh??-''s " I assure you that many things, which the po pularity of 'Jefferson's name compelled people to submit to, are likely now to undergo a serious in quiry. Americans can no longer submit to the degradation introduced by nr. lefferson, andmur- murs are neard troin all parties. The appomN ment of this man was insulting enougn to the American-character ; but the manner in which he has been indulged is beyand all endurance. Jeferspn little imagined how odious, he was mak- ing himself to the; American people, by his par- uauty tp lh-is loreigner, for the aid he had afford ed .him In his lying paperbut it wiH be long, very long remembered Against him.; A few of. ficets such as Wilkinson and Duane, and theun exanrpled indulgences shown them, iV sufficient to destroy py administration, and . rightlyi for the people can see through these sjiemes, and will form a correct opinion of their works ' for by these shajl ydflTknow tham--and punishment, ino.uga aray, is sure to come in the eud.' . V-" " ' FMEjVTO'S; Feb. 9. "XQn Friday rrigbt last about 1 a o'clock, a Fire was discovered, in a smoke-house near Mr. Join B. Blount's: . - It. Was easilv extinguished without carnage, ine nre wa evidently,;: communicated' oy nesisn.At tne same time the store of Ales w.Mtdejohn ndBond i broken open.and and lorids and notes icuh.e amoiut-of bet weerTe and 7000 dollars." The perpetrators ofhis dar ing roooery were taxen up the next moraiam! me ctici wiui n.u conterjts-r-wunuv bujieuj i the door, of one of them. They had atteiimted. iu vu, iu open u ...... t. -.v.. ,,. -v,Qbr ad ministration insinuate that Britain clone ws oenejjcen uy our renewing Our intercourse under fcrslune s arrangement. Pra.-w'i.f'. n our Rulefs a. Jittle indebted to that step for. pre serving ineir popularity Were not the Sou tn.ern . states benefttedbygeUiCs fof their hordes . ot; tobacco, rice and cotton ? Were .not thejNorihern States benefited by finding a proi niaoc market w.r. thetr lumberand other vxports Was notour National Treasury benefited bv th amount of scverar.itiinibn's du Tbn ihibOMM af tides f . Are not the whole country indebted to v' r X ' y--ruarcmJ wmcn nowea to every Man's Iam. 7 . 1 ' I 1 -' Nathaniel JFIott, aged f6 On tht 3 1 9t . ult at bis residence in Currituck County, alter a Jong-and painful illness, Jcm Uurr, hsqx a respectable mhabtiant of that Coun ty.' i -..': '...-!"'' -, '-;, ' On the 5th mat. in, the 8th year of his age Jatnee Wootten; Etc. Clerk of Halifax Countv Court.'; (i ;:; ; . In the same' County after a long and painful indisposition, ttr. Carney, consort of General a. W. Carney; tiptj Jf wje foionj a "' OB immon.. trt ivi. -Vnce, We Cart' nn v.p.' "tZZTm:7 bould nrocrasti. Vior.. '.Wjf'i letter efieak. i...ynnetti6h- i '""vuum Fw? t'cewr, gW?y,9 ietfer won and Captain Tljom'psot), of the British ship Mary wP uum Mverpooi, wha. arrryed at Ame lis on the ? i8tb December, reborted that a num ber of British, vessels were fitting put in England for ; France, having been furnished J with French and British licences Un.'f be British nessels were to be allowed 10 or jpg corn from France j Capt, T. also re a.wCaI L. . a. m . ft " - 1 " i "- ..tu Mi i.o urge rrencn privateer loeeers were captured and wrrisd iota ork jaat before C7 Published this day, a collection of all-the Miiiiia Laws in force -in this state ; to which are added, the ATutiual Exercise,' and the Forrrfatiou and Exercise of a company." Price 2 5. cents. ICJf TICKETS ii tbe Csfie pear Navigation ottcry, price 6 dollars, for sale. at the Minerva Office.. -. . ', " ;. .'; ' . : ... : C7 TICKETS in, the Franklin Academy Lot- ltry price 1 doijars, for sab at Jhe Minerva Of. fice. - '-.'"'' Circjjtnstaaces of a domeiftic nature hav mg rendered it necessai-y ttiat Jr ranees ilow en should return to her family in Fayetteville, u has (though reluctantly) withdrawn herself from the- Raleigh 'Academy, and purposes opening A SCHOOL, in Fayetteville, on the. ITrst'Monday in Alarcb&r the reception of Young Ladies. She engages to teach them those various branches of iterature which she has taught, with spao.e sue cess, for three years past in th Raleigh-Academy She is encouraged to -hope that 'theParerts. and -uanhans of children will feel po apprehensions in piocmg tneir cmitiijen orwarqs unaer ner in structiorr. ibey may depend that the utmost ex ertions will be made to cultivate the mindsaTid to improve the moralsof such as may be commit1 ted to her carei Terms of 1 jjition will he roa.de knownj on appjication'to the subscriber.- Fayetteville, Feb. 3th," 1 810 so mOderate-an exhenipe! t V WiTbe-adyantagesbf Iitefature ;4re so generaUf ' felt, aud) acktjw ledged in'.ili"dtt'r ntightenel . ah4 C P!fcaftijer ; tj grinecessary o. enlarge cV the mility of the plants I prize -ot, 109 a uoiiars is low 3prlttfr r, 40o . do. ''"' ooV . 50; -do. ;-.boo .;';'' -30 dot", 'y. S3o ' ." 10 . d 1 ; 500 ':' '.'; '.. ; 5 do. i f do", . 30 : do.. 666 "do dotyy-3330 Jio Prizes. : 1460 Blanks." 666Q saia'fTte.kets at S t$ctt--6Qr:: :: ' Tickets, 3 dollars, subjsa to a deduction of f . per cept.-- . .,.",'-,... ". ' , - ' ;, ;"!-' Part uf the above i, Prizes t9.be dtterpiined in thl " . ..'... following manner : , ; . 1 ; Tbe'lat diawn Ticaei after .500 i drawn, 100 E)olarv .V lit 7. do., alter 1000 ' r. do.-. 100 do, " lit do. -, "alier 1500 '' ".da. -100 db ' -lst;j. ;do. . ifter S00O '. do.- 1000 &d. ; -pickets wilt be-seldby the Trustees of said?K. cademy, also at some of the most convenient Post- Offices. . : ' -'-. j The drawing wjUcemmence at the Red Houst; as" soot)'' as three-fourths of th ..Tickets are sold -ind continneTto draw five hundred tickets per t!ay at least tmtilthe (Iravviog is completed. All Pri zea payable within thirty days after the drawing? i is. finished. Those not applied for within ' six, ifionths from thai time, wil be considered as rip linquished for the benefit of the institution. . ' - V JOHN M' ADEN, Pre; Red Hoate, (Caswell) Feb1310. Chaleston Harbuur, Januay 4t 1810., For 6 Deserters, who d.eserted from this post oj7 the ,, 3d instant, viz John Wynne and Thomas Stewart, of Capt. Armistead's compasy of 4mV first Light Artillery J ' ; ' a i tvv AU : was oorn in Ireland, (but camo to this country when an infant ;) he.is'fivje faetlf ( inches high, tweenty.two years of age. has a rcyeyes, browa hair, good complexion, by occjEr-. pation a laborer ; tjaok with him citizen's cloaths, and armed with a rifle and. pistols. . The, pistols atof vincornmon makp, the propertjrof therTJni ted States. ' : - . ' '- . JO HN WYNNE was born inGeorgia 1 he is five feet six inches highthirty five years of age, has grfcy eyes, light hairj fair complexion, by ocrupation a .lylojr ; went away in .citizen's clothes, and arned with pistols, and probably rifleV as tbe parties stole two, rifles and a num- ' tcr of pistols, previous to their desertion. Ther rifles" are1 very ordinary in their appearance, the - FRANCES BO WEN. '84 Sw. RALtiKiH JCJ)EMY7 Circumstances isf a domestic nature thaving re called 'Mrs. BowtH to Fayetteville, the Trustees of the Raleigh Academy have prevailed with Mr: SAMBOUxntz td; undertake the general superinten dence of the Female Department thereof ; and in n1rtitint tn miKic to. instriir.t the Yoiinc' I.ar'ip in lain and "orhamentatneedle work, embroidery, drawing, 8te. her p;e-eminent knowledge of which will hoi be doubted." I he other.parts" of their eriu cation, such as Reading, Wri'tingt," Arithmetic', En glish (Grammar, Geography,Hi.stpry, the French Language, Sec will in? future, :bev1aught by the Male Teachers O.f the Aodemy, all of whom are well qualified" todischarge the duties of their ap. pajhttnents. 1:, ,'Wnu- WHITE, Sec. , Feb. 14, 8lb. ; v -ir,, ::At.:;- -: pistols uncommon, particularly .with respect to tbe,' locks, and fixing of the ram rod. - - - "' JOHN HOPKINS, of capt. La vali Trpop was bortr in South Carolina, is five feet nine inches high J has dark complexion and hair "-irent etf in citizens clothes, and armed with either pistols' or rifle. "'" ..'-, ;. v .'-: .'.' " . CH ARLES MERUL,. of said Troop, is a "na ' ti.vi of South Carolina, twenty three years of age. ' Jfive feet ten; inches high, i has light xomplexiaa anu ,orK' nir , weni on m citizens cioines, ana armed with either pistols or rifle. 1 ' . DANIFX HOLLOWAY, of capt. John R. Spa n's company of Light Artilleryris a native of Virginia, twenty-three years of age five feet nine inches high ; has fair complexion! blue eyes and dark hair. '" - w ;;" '' . ," T";- . - ". , ' ',...'V WILEY BARLOW, of said company, de serted at the. same time, of whom an accurate y descriptive list cannot be: given. " ; v - ' t he above rewara . wim an expenses, win be paid (or in that proportion for either) to any per son who will deliver tbe said peserters to me at- . this post, of secure them in gaol, and ' give the; necessary Itinformation to me, or to any com mancmg omcer ia mc army 01 me tne umtea ataics. . ClTJL-fiXLEiaH?"''"' ' ; , : 12th February, 1810. ' TO BX OT TO THE LOWEST JVpiSiTAKtB, V THE Enclosing: the 'Public. Burying Ground, a square of four. acres-The enclosure contemplat ed is to be either Post and Rail or Plank Fen.ce. For particulars apply to theundersigned, as soon as .convenient. tr . i- - -j Commta 'ri. tee. Sam'x. Goonwisr, - - tr-' nr... .... PRJCE STROTHEeV ; IMP or NORTH-CAROLINA WITH ROLLERS, J- aaJe'at this.oISf $J . fxies 7 42) A. B. ARMISTE AD, Capt. U S. ) at. ; I?egt. of Artillery commanding? " ' ; ; - THIS justly celebrated ;hbrse ' wi.U stand at odi ",'t ..; stable on Flat River in Orpge, .or; at; Hulsbo rough, the ensuing seasgA 'to cover" mares the . season to commence ofthe' 1st of March afld expire Ihe 1st Of Aust v.Terrha and further ; particulars will ne dujfy maao xnown. - t --. : - -v BENHEHAN5 k CAMERON Orange County,; Fib.-? . .-..-.. ,': ;,, . ...,.',. y.. 'th, 1810. If 5:;;, . p.-,-; -V..;- ' .7 Kosciusko's. horie artillery ; a work highly comtbendedy and; published atl 1 n.JVf; :'.-.,. .-.W published atthe rfiuaxt "m m it:, S3 .Ma 1 0 t ,'t-

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