EST :1 i Hi Pi Ml y lie r '4 J hid eel rl sell wr 'to I CO e oi Sfr. iest , a nab 'our :ctiy! Tw in c nect' ne-- ; trer tid I ihir' vide'! SDAY, JJJNE 14, 1810. ',!": -i' ,'... . ' '. V Jrcat quanuuc5 viiiui yc ianen aunis place la a few days" pa. Utf bunday; las we 1 eii need a severe siuM"-" wuin, nan ana ram. rh damagclias beentione m the; neighbor to lands recently ploughed' anfsor we unuerianu, iayc usiaineq considerable iS. 7 riie'ioUlhem mail lasf duin. consequence Uje Iresnts nas noi yei.arriyea.. ' v; MASSCHUSETTSaEClSLATl)RE. . 1 i Hie lesisjjture of ' Massachusetts Convened on 3o:h ult. the number ot .representatives :ntbeit 644. 1 he democratic candidate', nJlfrncn, q. was chdsen speaker of the be by a majority of 23. On the""31st ;the Vislature made choice of the Hon;. Harrison 1 His, the . federal candidate as president ,of body. Nathaniel ILofhn,. Esq." Mas reelect- It tii'eiate election for governor in Massac hu, y)r. liorc nau 4,uyy votes, ami Mr. Gerry, 41 Scattering, l93By TwKicKTitf appears Mr. Gerry's constitutional majority is ,1,134 e-plurality of 'Mr, Gerry's overMr. Gore's fur readers wilt no, doubt peruse,- with eonsi- jiesurpiisc, mc arucic wnicn we nave taken the Aurora, commentinguponsome late re- of the Editor pf the National Inulligencer. articled frill be thought the more exuVordina- kben tiietone assumed by the Editor of the (ra, upon the first appearance of Champagny's is brought to our recollection. The follow- paragraphs appeared in his print, at, that ! . . . ... ' .: .V"l:.WV'. ..." ' i.' ' By the note from the Due de Cadore, the ko iinisici lui- jyircign anuirs, 10 gen. Arm published in . the English newsnapers. h appears to be 'quite as favorablu disposed V tammerce of this country as under the ci I lances ot Uie worll, and our own wavering afqual policy, we have any reason U exfiect. f we hesitate, to maintain our ownriehts," can we expect Jo regard them ? ' lire shgll be excluded JromVrveryfJiort on the W IuroM and be viewed in no other nan as we colonists and vassals of Great Bri- ft recommend" says the Aurora of the 1 6th "to the particular attention of all our read me two IMPORTANT .and ElOQUKKT STATE pof M. Chamnno-nv. riiiL f rvl i o y ' w uiuvic) 111 p paper, one .addressed jto gener Arm- w w otner to Mr, Koell.f , ? are told," says the Aurora"of the 20th. Jrtain TORIES, that the language ; of the TheK YounR EhBisb Roscus,: Master Beattv: haseceived a cornet edmmissiod id one of. the volunteer .regiments of dragoons. j-.'ii ..- We are authorised "to state, a&iiMtfJnefth If. Bryan - ot Bertie, U a Candidate reoresent this oisrrict -in Congres'if fax Journal vwwwij rut jrvnf wn jft eiagcw -gentle- f w. ,-t--. ; ; HAvANKA:.'Mav 9. iaidi .jltiewnovemmenrrCouncU'oFR was proclaimed and acknowledced -with-'crrpat and general o, on , the, 27lh(ult Thechange was thejriorej acceptable to' the people' here, as '.their confidence had 4een weakened in the Subremie junta ot Seville whose dispersion will liave in- tused new spirit f patriotism -arid Energy into the loyaiSpanish people they satisfied ai id the tie ws ofxthose w horn they entrusted.' Bv cauuon m selection ot tuture ottiqers, the Ameri cans may ;be'Yfcseryed.The thange will, no doubt, favor our ojnmerce 'here, as" a i reduction of dbtics and free trade may be expected between t. Y'lr- -r--rr'T lT-T j.--:.-- , M - inis isianu ana taii inenas ana neutrals, as speedi y as new arrangements can be made." 1 . krhbors: have handled, for the lairt ' veark Aa yoii are int crested i In- hist business. I dare say vo wm noiomit ai youdrd thti law .'relat ing to" the governor to Publish-the teas and navt CM the hill fiJ" 1rttinn t,'r!n! ! I ai ' cbi uiuqer. - ', J v v--' Yh A9;rahjdPN ts on ' th auestion to' noitkftli in S'! 'deCnitely; the bill authorising theSccretaryof yS(atef to advertise' for oroDosals forefceemiW the public tirintintr, as taken in thp -Hnn - summons on tne i vth uecember last i ' V ,r YE ASiMessrs. J. H. ' Bryanp T.4 BeUr BaU four,erna,rd,;BallaVd, i BVBell, Bryant, J C. Bryan, BaiterTBahnerr Beasly, Chambers.' Ca tor, iCit Campbell,- Dower, : lJrew, Deans, 04 ton, Hi Flowers," Feltuny Flowers-; Freeman, vjr-iicii, ajvio, nuagins, Houston. -;v .,Haw kins Hill, Hirden, J. Hawidnl A, .Jones, Jones,; N; Jones, 'Johnson, VV. King Kennon, Love, McDowell, J. Mebane,. M'Gimpsey, Mr Gufre, DV'Mebane, Nance, Nelson, ParVsi Raineyj HichardsonW, Smith, iSttrling, J. Smith. Sim. mons, .Turner, Thompson , Vanhook,' Mr Welch, WatsoriiP. WinjarnsrWihf,TWoTn iitiaiua, vciucrti, laiicty oj. m C- rOB THC MINEBvA. THE avocations of a pLpier at this season. jae cessanly caltmm ott trom the recollection of the abuses and. negligence of our public servants, or should have continued my remarks in your 'last paper. . " J,- X ' ,' .- i ; .,.; . ,.: As you did not' publish the law reoulnnff the governor to reside penndnently .a't. Raleigh, i have taken it for granted that I -have not misconstrued ita'sTcpresented'to me ' . ' ' rx- 'x vjt iriust be a poor excuse indeed to the chief magisVrate.rdf bUr stae, for wilfully neglecUngf the requisites of alaw becasehaTlsw-rnaypeci-fy no penalty for the infringement. 'Although the statute does not point out he fine and punishment or jts violation yet I presume the ilejjislature deemed it ( as binding upoft the ;executiveV as though 'he were liable to foifeit his salary-fo re fusing to perform the business of iiisjbfficeihey never dreamt that the head of . the government,1 would hesitate to observe -rFgidfy" a law rclatine 'it i ir i .... t 1 . ' -. " soieiy 10 nrmseu, wnne ne eniorced every other, upon .the pwiple.. . They little believedahat be cause .out 6F delicacy to the governor, they had affixed no penalty, he wculd feel himself the less bound inhonor to comply with it. ;They consider. ed that penalties were atlixed to deter the. bad from violating theirsolemh injunctions; ' r yunougn l ranic ampng my neignoors as a re 1 I application anil give in proposals tothe. CAmmiinnVr'. .N t cowhouse inlaid town, pa A)e 2dof July "' -vl newheit and wbtre, a meeting Avill be luld by ' ; them for thf purpose oC recciying "and cohsldering ' I of suchpropiSsalk as may- be niile, ahd'enteririj- ( into contracts for buildir-ea Jail id f the ffin,iit,:iV '.J dfmensipns and mareriajs,' to wit's 30- by ,2o recti , ! v"w olv" ,cs m ouisiue waji oi oncK, antl tiger jn- ' f side ofjhat part of the buiHideaianed fiM-stmn'-" ' apamtntQ.biiralleil an4 ItheU. WitK'-wood A fiill clescription of tho blaxu the different heltty-wntTO will be -made kinown'on the'dayppointed for re ceivmg proposals, t: wllljjc expedient for those -who wish toamdertake the liiuldim'.'tn nrA t arr early hour, in hejday,vas th?;Commissioni:rs , "ff'S w avoiq au;unanafCes8ary UouWei 'will be'-r readf to irbmlrth rptar PHirER JOHN OARRCTSOK. 1 " T7 VAtl? Uattiilvrrrn 'J'N K. CARSON', CoMOrtt, 20th May, 1810. -WILLIAM MANS r - RQfft FERCUSOV. ' - NAY'S-rMessr Avery, Boyd , T. "Brown, BaK ',nge'f 'Campbell, : Collins; Crittenden, Cheri 0 vTranklin' Academy, orihe;Siudenti of: tb.eaanklinAcaderriv: ttx& place on; Wednesday " the."6th iaat.-ontinUirg three, 3ays v attended the iTtustees, a rum ber of gentlemen of - thef neighbouring counties, and a numerous and brilliant 'Memblagl of la. dies. The progfess:jnanifested by the S'udettts on tliis examiriatioii wai highly "saiisfactbryand reflected great honor on the asskluous attention of nnger. ry. Carver, Carter, G Davis, DowKng, Forster F renk,' Giisson, Goodman, .Gaston, Honryj Hooper, r. Henderson, A. Henderson, Howell. W. Jones. D. Jones. ''E. Jonps. w. w t ' i - c" nw"ort S. iCmEnard, Lenoin Moore. &lnori i .VnC'PU" 1 h? isesof the .Academy; May, Mills, M'Ne .Owen, Pickens terson,Pearsn, Pate, Roberts, Ruffm, Kyan, "Jonas, Williams, Webb, 'nr. j .'r t. . wane, james vvimams55. nard, Lenoir Moore, Mooring, 1 wn VJW cc.wucsoijflAcademy. eilirMatlhwvSwoSS Pickett, .Pafsonsr Ph lipsV Pat- ffedA' .Ppal,- on .(htlonday n t.. t3 rp -i ,p r tfte present inst. , ; n,r:Pate, Roberts, Ruff.n, Relfe, ! rfioard on V..m. b, L.. William,, English-Classes, 5 : And . fbr the tanguagW . .p. v- . and Sciences 3,3, per Session. "v. vr? 9 1810., ine jcauor oj me jxaieigrr Minerva I ne UIRTLZMEH, v ;t --- -' . 1 , Will you please to give the following a place' ' MOTTr1 m your next Thursday's paper i . ' - . : ! c , "" .f A i ' r ' A publication some fewaysSast ippearud in ! HRW Sn-bt?4i4rfTjblef.i,r Farmerm i have been told bv 'some friends of lffil!1? "ustjir. that Wake and Frank! n rrnti. iha frt.i. uJw if1" Wrtll,cl "ay uave m J uiy flexttoV receive , v..v.-, uucuiVllv. ' 1 QVC has been ascribed to me. Motives and feelings of Ji eratituder iirwime tn liimmv inv i-nnMr . . 'I L,u. Z'a u : IL , 7 &;r De Home, wherelt is Convenient to the beonle A prompt payment will then be exD&ct- He will receive Taxes' at. any time he shall thauthoTnd by .id meansim.Iienviou:to aKSv-il5? claim thet merit if any, of this trifle, especially i ?T ' J F"? f I "8"5t next: when the I writer- promises, thereafter, that Vthe " v X Th rS,& pa,-T"w.V !:, members of thearff General ''Assembly' shall nnt escape his animadfversion." vi , If those who .for a moment suspected me would reflect that, that Assembly gave me all I asked PuMicAttt-y Mr Printer," I am no jacobirf, and I for--the plee of an engrossing clerk and assistant no aristocrat in republtcah -disguise. 1 am not willing to place any man or set of men above the law. lam not' willing to stifle an indignation for one" regardless of his dytyj merely because he takes to himself the title of republican.;! am not so blinded to my partyj as ta shut my eyes to the glaring and palpable neglect of a high public of-1 ncer Because ne is consiaerea a republican. But such is the ,2eal of some men of ourcounty, and miliister in his note to Mr. Armstrong, is ' Sucn their IiOsuUty ?tcLyou and your press, that I For I find my firit number has. excited considera ble enmity against an innocent jman, once consi dered federal, who is accused of being the writer ; and much of the. common slang tf the day is poured out against you for publishing it. . Buf I will pot flatter you I did not of choice select knew that the public' printers would publish no thing which informed the people of a neglect in the governor : while the governor continued the .&lvsuch. manifest evidences of i;nnt;n,. Uavorite of the legislature. I have long: seen with 'mon Every one amongst the.mj ho Aopes TeKret that the Regjster, like the federal presses nhing from the'.rjeonU. Will-' ..' rfaringTlaTmTs administration,': will nu!jiish,.no N his particular .standing wiUthem thing howeve true which may not please a ma- ryTOwaras the public, they timfir he-t- - T. 1 "ooay ' 1 1115 miserable state of the anotner. . , - icjiuuhmu incasca, . uctumc a puoject ot re gret to more republicans than myself. .For sen sible we are that the public mind is never tn Um noAlipf. Inl.U t J. - T T r r . . i i-auu. vitnw tn mc tiuaac oi commons 'iney must acquit me, I. trust, of an intention or of be- J arjjch JQj)e:lamented,9ayV: theurora' "st, ; that some men, sIkcere fuiends ica, should have examined our real situ- uperticially with respect to France, as I k UP opinion that Urn terms pro- government to our munister, are in. nt wonderful that the Democratic Editors 7 "me quarrel, nor that the party fsckcUi ing capable ol such retribution. " Si ingratum dixerisyOninia dixeris." , j vWith great respect, l am " ' " v-: ' v Your most ob't arid hide servt, Y. l WItLIAM BRICKELL.1' " A" ear Louisburcri'June 9. 1810. - : I . - , -.: - ' MARRIED On ihe 3 1 st of May, Atlas Jones, -Esq, atitorney at Jaw, .cf xmon w win Kekccca street, oi Moie coumy.. . . DIED, "''.' In the town of Halifax, on Saturday last,' Mr. Benjamin Johnston. . ; " Atri--Nqrfolk on the 6th. mst. Mrs. Margaret West, an actress in the ..Virginia Company, and late proprietor of the Norfolk theatre. . C7 The citizens Of Raleigh will please to take notice that ! have. the list of Taxables for 1809 to collect, afid shalltall on them irt a few. xlays fofi T yvy i ij jj- 3v June 13, 1810. State of N. Cakouna,T Court t,f pleas Scquar y - " : ter-sessib.ns, May Guilford county. J Term. 1310. Uoadian;JJick ladiah .Dick, . ,? ;1? , r ' 2 Original Attachment." William Robert Lindsay, Original JttaciinientiiS:, immfi truth and iruih drsclaiming both," encer anrl a.,,: '" lists ajrainst wwderive" WIlMcan dn-'K .mtated'hir IV-.r r . . S CAPE-FEK LOTTERY. The following Prizes-have bei-drawh-fckH publication of the last list. ; ( ' -. .- v . the. Defendant appear at the next, term, 'replevy William Teass VVilliara -Armfield, V3. S Original Attachment.' William Teass; J 4 Adam Scott,' - . -vn' i . '.-. Oriinal'-Jttacnent'.i'fy William Teass.",- J . i':'; foregoing originaLatfachment3 were turned to this TtrmV Clevied ufton sundry properV"- fy belonging to-the Defendant ; end it appearing ; . to the Court that .the Defendant is an inhaUlant'l r "-r of another state, it is ordert df that all proceed:. ; ings in the said attachments be stayed for threej f mnnth ? inl ilf n.U!',.i.n k.njrtV.''.i..: ni"TJf'' ' 1 1'riie of R 200 No. 86QG. 2 Do. of S 50 N os. 255 J, 7043.'' ' 4 bo.of $ 20 Nos, 6719, 6325, 7257, 7921.' - 35Doifg 10 Nfos. 5(569, 90o6, 480, 69(A). 2206, 156, ou;o, viao, iui;o, iwy, 510, 5000.696, ifcffil, the property levied upon, and plead to issue, or demui', otherwise judgement will be entered up against him. Test, ' v v - - r - JOHN HAMILTON, Cl'k. A T . ' . - a narp-am. - - w . w CHIiailL. - " " " 1 .. a.w V . kl Lll LailllllL 1 t 1 1 U 1 II 1 V J T PI I VI IS 1 rt,7l ' I VI . . I 1 " tl I, I . ( II I 1 . S . . w . . , 1 each other. They cer ; except we resort to the of our onnonrnt 6914. 22C2 1892. 8876. 5Q6i. 846. 4Q64. gytc- own Um7 ' u ItL be snid or leased lor a PKoriTirom the contest of -As lorthe tar, I have not discovered amonii its ' 51 Prizes o8 7tt(f, Nos. 3335, 840, jW0y,4Q56, 19ij.tjrist m the town, of 'Hill e owt?r ine most barm. vnous pictures an emblem suited to mvsubiect ou' 01J, BWf u 10U 51,JU - inS wtne estate ot Feter Mallett - -w 'J onewhich would reoresent the rhi.f m,: ' ?3'' W.5. tevms, apply, at ffillsboroi .. - l - . " . ' - .. ' . - . r f.. i 4HDX. illl-Ji -UflfiK. ftlV. :il.iK. HfuLl 1 IliiiJ. mi'H r , ., y . - - T, 1 ... ' a. the papers printed at the: temporarily abdicating his government : and I was, 5732. im. 7,06. kiWirk oon qkt o.bT' V C"D or at l-ayetteville, B, Th.v "p'J'gnd his corns j inereiore unwilling to put tnem to the trouble and 9854, 1341, 6260, 10439,7998, 96, 2215-1 r"" onu e"-accunt in this way 'for the slight .expence of procuring such an emblem, besides ' ' ' - - Wi !y an!r..ajiSc.nse .? patriotism 'which ihav'e-fl was not willing to appear so ridiculous, as, like I ' VrJ? ?2 . : M r ' , demnr..;: Ir " , i. , -U. -Ik" 7u " 'w-v.,M vwiiui wm com 1 , Uo. of 2494, 3379, 9352,452, 1 democratic print, has the fo low- with , the same breath to condemn. -wW- T firfxi fifii . L : -; . ,. ... - athoiu c vy-1" neajm ana as labors of the desk conflict atramst itv Vof .... .. . V.rv .yB cannot retrain, trom noli !0 il,- ".uia,, which vc nave CO cannot retrain, from noticing nu.iu.ra, .wnicn we nav rn, paper, h, se'ems-that . Duane -ti&i ered dp resolutioii'; Sufficilntitb' ar- ofiK. ot,.sevcre reproacFthe tepifiorising aiior. of -the National lmellirren- "SeIt ha? been long guilty of the Jtf and utmost-; insincerity ; but Fto ii,r . 5 must aunoute in a greaj lju Klshamo- hmi'; ioiJi- .rtfJi. mwwj t- ? jiowever, we under- f 0nlmana' "d Of course feels (tor animad e in the Aurora so far ert:juDon the a,-.., ..r --; . , ' " .'tn,y yi Jntellimr.'nk.t.4.A 2itieor u , 1 o-4 --"s ii?, ut mast' I ?. u5 Entlemaij. r v f : ; ; :- ? ...thc. -Bgatnlii i Btruck four tSStt P0 w11' -ab'out : 14 out or ' ' ?ny,vnia- Fifteen of cre kdler !tccn that composed, the Uc hnr, "v"" n-."ujii seal ,v; "ScV were, not injured, y .f 7492y9953, Uo. oI'JS 50 Nos. 8530, 613, 8906, 6635, 4546. 8209. 2068, . ::: ' ,v--?T 'T " - Do. of S20N09,, 8303, 3997, 1647, M40,' 1894, 8473, 1748,, 8351, 583, t)79i 1328, 1204,7592,3000,1234, .4056. 8994,6378, $70, 302,1964, 6370. - . ' , , Do. of g lo N08.T229, 2810, 10885, 78l'3, 5227,, GStii 6392, 8579, 4485, 9377, 794, 3228, 7136, 760, 3215, 10343, 8993, T844, 61.60,-S33f,- 3887, 6094, 1036, 458, 1567; 5, 21 3, 3179, 1066, 606, 1206, 3927; 8868, 5357, 7856, S56, 8378, 6896, 4321, 8454 1070. 145. 3675. 7276. 1339. 4308. 6559, 9095, 9682,3808, 7955, 68391 9766. 6923. 3314. 3665. 5154, 104, 3r4o, .6098i 1144..1Q841, 9256,,2i72, thought contlemnation was necessary, and then bv way of balancing the account, approve of tha Which I had before . censured Without I rmiM po'sn my hearers for the" pleasure of admi.nis- icnrg an antidote ; 1 could not flatter myself with a Rearing in that chaste, dhd, I can truly say," ably .contracted print.' y-. - i-rU''. I fear I shall lire yous and your rexders before I . have done, with my complaints. , For truly as a member of the commrjnitvV who cars h. t u-eeiy ro me. support ot. the government, I have ' 10t3 1036 7819. 8345, 5064. 8427, -236, 9092, a rignc to enquire into the abuses: of those who'!--,7161usBW''9813H6? w m . - r-. - i . - j - 1 uiji jr are iea in part trom-my-labor. I have, much, thercfore to sajTabout separate elections, promis ed nd not given to the people about the public printing ; about-the suspension of executions j and above ail, about the taxing oFtthe banks, and thereby-causirig Hhose institutionf to ' refuse the loan of money to men Who have been obliged m $Je.sor.t to tertain enemies of- banks, in the habit of taking t wtrnty five pec cent. Tt' 3 In the first Place en the separate elections were not so necessary, I can excuse certain mem; bqrs for not complying with their promises. 1 shall therefore say no more upon that score v 'As to th,e printing of ; the laws and the journals of the Ge neral Assembly, I jfonceive it a" business which should be executed in the" same manner, as all our other public work is performedv- Xhere is no eourt composed;! juititfs ever sb' republican out term of years a sborough, belong. deceased, tor lgtno" Doctor , Jaroti ; J. WINSLOWV or ; JOHN ECCLES. F&yettevUle 29lh May, 18 10 - ;40-4w; TO CARPENTERS. : A large undertaking for.Carpenters is wanting. It will require one w.ho has a very considerable . force o accomplish the buildings," . Payments . will be promptly made. For further particulars enquire of -.the ; , " PRINTER. Jialrinth June 4th, a. d. 1810. . P 9971. 3358. 9920, 2697, 1347, 9233, 9725, 7886, 7835, 5880. 10677, Do..ofg 8 2718, 6563, 8623, 7425, 1468, 8886, 258.1,' eo,4UUj475yy, ys. yoao, 9719, 7499, 39, 6163, 7518, 1929, 7593, 35,03, 3870,4690, 5521, 8374, 3i98r4913, 5945, 6525, 52747277,7630, 8431,2074, 4327, 46S8, 98619310 3815, 9455, 2431, 8365, 1374. 10826; 10415. 5248, 415. ,885, 1673i 4265, 7209,-8225, 3891. 8114, 7909,4864, 1466, 3748,4686, 8469,5158,7533, 449,' 2231, 4835.4245, 5109, 530 3751. 1451 439 8ir823l 5W572 7964 4020 4(i&J 102 51(2 916 3311 995. t.20 . 74"&..2l)20. .3977 6195 35 1021 9536 5862 J9l5 6553 4930 8298 i608 '847r896(; 28,08 ' 2ti28 .10203 ,6176 9087. 2023 974 :'3l40 v593 4.r-7 1997 5599 1922 10008 2885 : 5150 ,623 9W9-553S 4753 lfi44i 10458 10940, 64iSi-4910 :204V 150 "73i 7175 715? 91A7 8307 25204358 4101 "3668 S577 4ii'290- 873 574! 7747 4778 157i 10825 6502- 7123 '2510 -7722 470 10133 3110 8215 6888 6915 M23 4727 6348 1038U 12f.2 1147.10006 471 f .3548 7560 8681' 6722 329S 3J89 ,S84 7728 E692 1704 5H9'"79 10167 9760 4693 10030 5381 10.265 098 5063, tif&3 67 2784 643 7535 8633 172S nit vim ttM3o. , . - " ' -' ""v "' LOST, - tAREDMOMOCJiOCKETBOOJCy (Between. Petersburg, Virginia, and -the Noitll' '- " "''' spring,) CONTAINING two notes cf hand y one on William Hiflin for ten dollars, as well" as t the other note on John Qutrey, payable at Christ mar; and a merchant till from P. Sutherland "t( ., his father besides iher papers no? recollected. ' I will generously reward the finder if he will send me the pocket book and its content :i : ; ' - ? -"'t. - ,b.AVjU;AitEN.-,'. - - t que vi7uy iay - i q i u. , . - - - ... - ;:V,iife,''.'-' The drawing of Cape Fear Lottery. ' is- prngcess' ing. -300O tickets have been 1 ravi,,: and , tin r f:y wiljilie -4000-periweek-JrAwn- forlse thW;'--! weeks (b come, frdm the 4ih of JuneVTherfirst-'-'' -:Z; drawn ticket on Tuesday in each weekLwill be n - i;; titled to JOQ dollars. Persons wishTn;? tickets can --."' have them s.ent tq. anypost office in this or in I"-. 4djoiningf'ktaleWwaiTaJtited -uudray,ji pn t(;?'?; .1 ' ,

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