. RALEIGH,' N. C PUBLISHED (weekly) BY WILLtAM BOYHN. .teg H'JL-UJiB-a ' u oa g 2-50 ttnri-i Jtorjitcs. . 15 THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1810. 01 No 7 52. ..... ire 0 WILKINSON. rrcrn'" to -the tout in ftomt ? enquiry, to toil i mine: of- Gen. Wilkinson, aa JJngadtcr- fihe Army of the United Stah s. . ; (continued.) . p. ..Ciitaln Peter's Deposition. irtGtfs Peter, of Georgetown, appear- re the committee m the capitol, on 1 hurs 1 2th oi April, 18 10, and made on oath lowing statement : ,v. - Woi'dtcry l. vvnat o.o you Know relative to Vinson's having directed and effected the ;tof a sum of money, by captain Moses military at;ent tor the United htates, lor importation of private property from Balti to Pfttsburpj in the year 1805? ' rr.- General Wilkinson, in April or May, Erected tne to pay to one or two waggon transportation of property trom Bnltimore iurg, I mlormed the general tnat as a- the detachment I, had paid all the wag- employed by me for the command. He ive an order to captain MoseS Hook, "agent bur?, to pay the amount of the waggoners the general first paying the transportation jj articles brought oh in the same wuggons hseif. I know that the goods thus trans- and paid for by the said captain Hook, a e to the order of, general Wilkinson, was property and no way appertaining to the service, lne amount may ne ascertained reBce to the books of the accounting office. lyment was made to a man"by the name of On our arrival at Massack, captain and was furnished with a tent, by the or gen." Wilkinson, for storing, the aforesaid indizewhich was also,transport?d from Mas St. Louis, in public boats, which occasion- expense of an additional boat for the trans- ton of the public property. rogatory 2. What do you know relative ral Wilkinson's detaining'he troops at Lou in the winter of , 1809, for the purpose ot pg' a quahtity of horses belonging to gene- ikinson. ',. w. A detachment consisting oi six com- embarked on board of about twenty Kn. pats,- arrived at Louisville, in tne morning 37th of February, and continued there till eninor of the 28th, wahine the arrival of Morrison, with general Wilkinson's horses nine or, ten in number.. This delay "Was by ierof creneral Wilkinson. These horses me private property of general Wilkinson, ire fed and taken care of at public expense, arrival at New-Orleans, which was the lat- h of March; also, that a public boat was Wfor'the accommodation of said horses, at knse of not less than one hundred dollars. ir arrival at New Orleans, the said horses idivered to the. order of colonel Parker. the month of May of the same year, four ' II. Deposition of John Smith. " Personally appeared before the committee, John Smith, chief clerk in the department of war, and on out!! madarthe foflowiri statement That in the summer of the year 1 808,, some time after the determination of the military court of.enquiry, called for the investigation of the con duct of general Wilkinson, the papers relating to (hat triaPwere in the war office, lying on the se cretary's table. In a few weeks afterthe papers wtre in that office, general Wilkinson came there and after transacting some business, and as he was apparently about to leave the office, Jook up the said papers from the table, observing' at the time, that they belonged to himor thatthey were pro mised to. him ; on which-he took the papers out of the office, since which time I have not seen the said papers in the office or heard of their. being there. ' Interrogatory I. Did you object Jo gen. Wil kinson's taking off the papers ? , Answer. I do not recollect making any objec tion, as the transaction was sudden, and the gen eral represented that they belonged to him, or had been promised to, him, I do not remember which expression. Interrogatory II. Did you inform the secretary of war of the transaction ? Answer. I believe I did and -that he made no reply, to my recollection.' Washington county , ss ' District of Columbia. 5 " Personally appeared before me, one of the jus tices of the peace for the said county, John Smith, chief clerk in the department of war, and made solemn oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, that the withiii and foregoing statement and answers to the foregoing interrogatories, are true to the best.of his recollection and belief. Sworn this irth April, 1810, before WILLIAM THORNTON. ation of general James Wilkinson's Baggage and Stores, from Washington City, Baltimore - and Philadelphia, to Pittsburg. 1805, . Aprils ThirsUnTpaid :JamesDicfc ' ey, per voucher, No. 1, , This sum paid S. Thompson, per voucher No. 2, May 7, This sum paid John Frush, per voucher No. 3, 6, This sum paid John Philips, per voucher No. 4, 11, This sum paid Jameal Cook, per voucher No. $, 72 15 85 44 31 50 58 50 15 40 -Dollarsf2626 Letter from the Accountant. DEPARTMENT OF WAR, Accountant's Office, Ajiril 19, 1810. SIR. Agreeably, to the request contained in your letter of yesteiday, I have the honor to enclose you-copies o! the tollbwing accounts, required Dy the committee appointed to enquire imo me con- duct ot brigadier general James vviiKinson, viz. The assistant military agents, will discharge the above, and place to account of public transport for military service. .Pittsburg, May 14th, 1805. (Signed) JA: WILKINSON. . I certify, that the above is a copy of voucher No. 7, accompanied with" copies of the subordi nate vouchers No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, for payment made by captain. Mose's Hook, assistant military agent, at' Pittsburg, and charged by him to the United States. Wm. SIMMONS, Acct. Defi. War, Department of War, ' Accountant's Office, April 19th, 1810. f. . No. 1. . The United States. To James Dickey, r. Dr. To transporting sundry packages (ge - neral Wilkinson's baggage) from Wasbmgtort city to Pittsburg, weigh ing 1,202 lbs. a 6 dollars per hun- dretl weight, Dollars, 72 12 Hooker assistant military agertt at Pittsburg, and charged by him to the United States. -H,vV Wm. SIMMONS, fy. ' . ; Acct. Defi. War, 1 . DefiartmentTf Wnry : Accountant's Office Afiril '19 7A, '1 809. v- . . (TO BE CQNTI UED.) . Washington, August 1, 1810. . GENTLEMEN, I will thank you to give publicity to the en closed address to the. people, and I shall feel my sel obliged by all, whose libeiality and .candor, may-incline them to republish it. , L., With respect, I am, gentlemen, your obedient. set vant, : ; --'- zzz , . J AS. WILKINSON. Messrs. Smith 8c Gales, ' - - Editors of the N. Intelligencer. . to the fieofile of the United Statee. , Although I had resolved not to obtrude myself upon; your attention, until I could. "have inviud it to the irresistible force of my vindication. I am driven from my purpose by the proceedings of the late committee of Congtess ; the sole object of the majority of which appears to have, been, td search foe matter to criminate my character and conduct; the report made to the House censisf ing of inculpatory evidence alone, instead of being confined to their journals, is now under publica. tion, and will naturally tend to excite your pre judgments, before I have been heard in my de. fence ; what man among you, who has been en gaged in the public service more than a quarter of a century, whose acts and offices have been as va ried as mine, could withstand an occult, inculpa tory enquiry, if backr d by the power and pur e of the nation I My cause is the cause of all, and if the measures of injustice aimed at me be suffer ed to prevail, who among you will be saft, froijp the most exalted to the most obscure ? Tconiure you, tntn, otieno yourselves against me pangerb, Dollars, .72 12. Pittshnrc. Anril 27th. 1805. of lieu tenant Moses Hooke. seventv-two dollars and! and your country agamst the cdium of having a twelve cents jo full of the above account. Signed crificed a fellow citizen to the malice of those. duplicates (Signed) JAMES DICKEY. No. 2.. The United States, , To Samuel Thompson, A. Copy of the account, payment of which , To transporting sundry packages (gen wai nrHered bv eeneral Wilkinson, tor freight -of flour, Sec", from Baltimore to Charleston. - B. Copies of accounts for cartage of baggage by Frush & others, to Pittsburg, in 1805. C. Copy of the"account of Frederick Sandha- gen for horses sold the United States, and of general Wilkinson's order for pay ment. ' . D. Copy of vouchers, Nos. 19, 23 and 24 for payments made by Heut. George Peter, for expences attending the march of a de tachment of troops from Baltimore, Wash ington City and. Carlisle, to Pittsburg, in Wilkinson's baggage) from Wash ington Cky to Pittsburg, weighing 1,351 lbs- a 6 dollars per hundred lbs; To ditto, one box, No. 17, not included in invoice, wu 73 lbs. a 6 cents, who have been combined for the destruction of your government ; for, bear in mind;- should tha precedent obtain, that the Houstrof Representa tives have power to institute eriq1vmto ths v conduct of individuals, and to publish msimd- ; r ny iney may conrci, uciuic mc bh,5hihv,w , neara, no. man win uc baic jchiuhiihb of artful, unprincipled, popular declaimers, w!k professing the public good, seek "only the gratiii eatidn of their ambition and revtmre. The run l 6 of an individual, taken in the abstract, is of little (importance, but the example may infuse a deadly. 4 34 poison into your councils, and reanimate-the dor- - i ' . r mant hopes ot those wivo conspired agamsi your Dollars, 85 44 interest, your happiness, and your union ; for - s - treason, like the leprosy, is incurable, and the Dollars, 85 44 22 a ! heart once corrupted by its poisons is lost to pa- Received, Pittsbuigr April 27th, 1805, ofliu- triotism and public virtue for ever ; ; tenant Moses Hooke, eighty five dollars and forty Little discernment is requisite to trace 9 trie fQur cents, in full of the above account, signed source oi me ymncduuu . iiw, uu duplicates 1805. In reply to your request that I would furnish! jam tinrP vier mirrhased bv Abraham conies of anv other documents or papers in my rahams, military agent at New Orleans forom of the--United States rtbaUbree of them ry, I beg leae to suggest that as tne accounts oi tery ind.frerent. Eeneral Wilkinson, in relation to this department, r,trof-Columbia,1 : are of considerable extenr, u woum uc unw- Minsrion cour.tu. ' cable to furnish copies of the whole, within any ketown. ADril 28th. 1810. Came captain reasonable-period, if they were required ; this l Peter before meraiustice of peace for the however, it is presumable, is not necessary. Any aoresaid, and made oath on the tioly t- narticular part, or any-vo.ucncr u w7 particular .circumstance iucu wc mimiuinv reauire, shall teiurnisneu wunuuuuciaj. n w ..: r.,n.. .s. - l am, very iccvwunjf, oi. Your most obedient servant, ' Wm. SIMMONS, . , .. . Accountant Dep., War. The Honorable William Bus' ? 3 Fin1 lists of Almighty God to the truth of the ig statemtnU;! Sworn to, before : THOS, COCHRAN. Wr Deposition of Captain Williams lithe port of Baltimore on the 24th of Jan 1J09, on board the schooner Wolf, in com iih general Wilkinson ; fifty barrels of Hour Rbeen put on board belonging to the gene- un our arrival at Charleston, Hour was ta "inv the-schooner, and put on-.board the U. 5 bne Hornet, in which vessel we sailed for h w . f-vana Of the' flour-taken to the Havana, f barrels we?re-nmented to the general of an "officer of the Soanish irovernment, by Fl Wilkinson. .' kion. What do vou believe was the quan- rfflouf .out on hoard the brier Hbrhetrat Non, and taken to the Havana ? 'otr. I do not know that all the flour shir 1 Baltimore, was taken to the Havana,' but that more than one half did arrive there : barrels may have been gotten rid of at Wm. E. WILLIAMS, -v ' Captain 5th Infantry. . Uth April, 1 8 10; before the subscriber, p ,,. e Peace ad county, appeared a tacts stated in the within writins? are true of his knowledge. .- ' -.C- ' btfore, and subscribed, - rts, Secretary of War. Dr. tAO Cohrofihe account, payment of which was ordered by General Wilkinson, jor jreigm oj jwut, ., from Baltimore to Charleston. ' ' No. 12. The United-States, . . To Levin Jones, . t Feb. 23, 1809. - l or treigmoi tne acu r- Wolf, from Baltimore to unanes- ton, employed for the transportation ' " of general James Wilkinson, ma" " jor Saunders, major Robinson, cap tain Williams; consul Anderson, 25 ( non-commissioned officers, musici- " ans and. privates, with tneir tag fir. Sec. &c. - Dollars For three day's demurrage at Norfolk, 4 a 30 dollars per day, For 3 day's detention, pilot at Norfolk, (Signed) Witness, (Signed) JOSEPH X RYAN, For SAMUEL THOMPSON- : - N. PINKNEY- ' 1 nnil nin s Sftf ' . wftr . vf. rep r 1 1 'tions, coeval with Burr's conspiracy," antl coexten- sive with its affiliations. I did not involve the na tion in a war on the Sabine, to give efftct to this 'conspiracy, though my orders warranted it in the repulsion of --the43paniards. uantt.on.myQsa.ms- No. 3. " The United States, ... To John Frush, To transporting 700 lbs. of general Wil kinson's, baggage, from Baltimore to Pittsburg, a dolls. 4 50, - Dollars, 'cretion, I defeated the wicked plot, disgraced thfe 'prominent actors, and blasted the sinister aspira I)r. tions of numerous and powerful associates ; for ; these signal'-services, I am more signally perse. 1 cuted, than any man public or private, in times ancient or modern. 1 he conduct which, without bloodshed, saved the country from the dangtfenus 31 50 full of the above account. Signed Signed duplicates. JOHNFRUS1I. No. 4 - 1000 90 9:- (B.) Dollars, 1099 r nrrmmtM for Cartage of Sagzage ey Frush W others, to Pittsburg in 1805. : '' J: No. 7. Abstract of disbursemenls made for, the transport- 4 RcceiyedV-Pittsburg,- May 7th, 1805, of captain usurpation and a.cW1 war, was palpable and, Moses Hook, thirty-one dollars and fifty cents, in - .r;, anrtt evnn!re.A frnrri the natjth:,l . . . . . k VMM..-. v . records, and you yourselves are witnesses or u. The crimes imputed to me are speculative and le gendary originating with loese and corrupt raen some of them acknowledgedjrai tors, and suppcrX- ed in the first instance, by public malcontents ac.d personal enemies : yet these men, with indcLtti gable industry and shameless malignity, have cat- ployed every engine and every art, to awaken sut picion and excite your jealousies ; nd a life de voted to my country from tlie dawn of the jy.ulu- tion, has become a tneme oi aeciamatory inv.- HThe United States, - . ' v To John Phillips, 1805. : - May 6th. , To transporting sundry pack- - ages from baltimorec to rittsourg, (gen. Wilkinson-s baggage; weignmg 1,300 lbs. a.dolls.'4 50 per 1 00 lbs. Dr. S 58 50 Received, Pitt'sburc:, May 6th, .1805, of captain Moses Hooke, fifty-eight -dollars- and fifty cents in full of the above account. - SignVdpricatesr. Signed . ' JOHN PHILLIPS. ... . . , .No. 5. ":. . The United States . , -. . . To James Cook, Da. To transporting from Philadelphia to . Pittsburg, bne cask (geheral Wilkin-t. . son's baggage) weighing 280 net a 5 50, 9 dollars, 1540 Receivedv Pittsburg, Maf -lJ, I805vpfcap tain Moses Hooke, fifteen dollars and forty cents, in full of' the above account. Signed duplicates. I certify Ihat Bie above and foregoing, contains copidTof ; subordinate Touchers No. 1 , 2, 3, 4 and 5, to voucher No. 7, (a copy of which is hereun to ann wed) for payments made by captain Moses tive : f-am denounced in solemn deliberative bo- dies, by men of your election,' Without proof on. their part, or any hops of redress on mine,. It i ...J. nofoi ious lhat justice has been denied me, -and. that I have'oeen excluded in a jland of ltbertY my native country, thcordinary rights of tlic moat -; humble citizen. . f- You havejbeheld a distinguished character stp forth the avenger of Burr's discomfiture and as sociating himself with vile informers, denounca me in the dawn of the cwi-piracyv before a sttiglt. -fact had been" developed ; and to justify his dentin. ciations, you havewftnessed the ruthless venge ance.', with which Jliis. political teaser has tines . pursued, mc' at e ense 9l?Y$.ftIK todelicacy7-to truth fend candor. l ouhavtf seta,-j hi Faithful coadiutor, the leeateetof Burr. resent-- nteots, a man who has sealed his own i infamy .X the attempt to effect my ruin, come forwJ vlth . a volumeof manufjturcf regpi tr,, fhoods ajd perjuries, fitted to the cccasiin ; r.a you l 'A v- i .....X V

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