ill v 1 Fmm iua new jut ximis ? ' ; Torpedo "'War: This system of warfare has sniccessivcly been presented to the French, Eng liah and American governments; by the two for me, tried and exploded, and Is now.presented for t yaminationto a committee appointed by the last, . vi j' h instructions to test its practicability, if ne- . to. .11 v. hv pynpriment. '- r , liv specious thediics adhered toby tht inventor, ur tier all these- discouragements, with a pertin city which strongly demonstrates his conviction "r .v..;- 1,1'iihv. anH sunnorted bv imperfect expe- . riments, it has gained a degree of credit m this country dangerous toour wruait. ,,. i u.uuw hs wish of those who doubt Us practicability, to test it by as complete an experiment as can be made, without endangering Jihe lives of the experiment its'. If pronounced practicable by this committee, - it ought to, "and vill obtain the sanction of Con cress. If condemned, we hope Captain Chauncey will be ordered to lay up me lorpeaocs wun uie complete inflammation of 4he whole chargt'Sf P-?' .. : 1. i - I -.1. - 1 v - 11.. un powder in the cnamoerfoi me oarrei j ,uic pre ven tion 'of -1 he , loss of the force' th rough th e touch hole ; perfect security agaiiisrr&wLjor damp in the priming ; no flash from the pan, and less risk of an 'accidental discharge of the piece than when the common lock is usid. Jt4Ms been in general use for two seasons, and very highly p- Perton County. ; 'E- w iu. John Thomas Y , S ''',' .. vs. V OiTgmat attachment. Benjamin Duty. , J ' ';. . p TillS attachment having been duly levied ,in the handsof Thomas Duty as heretofore express- ed, and being now again called in by the : Plaintiff James Sorter ' . . ' ' vs.' Mat. Knox's Heirs, . J ' v t v CrarFPoatsr i 11 the,. MilHpnd"'afcthtr VVaHaiwPTrrconsoous that she was assailed by something more Is rorrt the high proiesstonai cnaracicr 01 vimunu dore Rodgers, who is one of the committee, the attention he 1ms paid to the various arguments in thejr favour, and the accurate knowledge his ex- nerienr.e triable him to torm Ot the Obstacles a man of war can oppose to them, and the appa rent zeal of Mr. Fulton to establish, his fame upoil the destruction of every thing opposed to his favo rite offspring, curiosity was considerably excited to witness an experiment announced to have been made yesterday. Commodore Kodgers had pre pared the United States brig Argus for an attack, and we understand set Mr. ruiton at defiance. The experiment was to have been made on her, and 7101 Z On MOUCIS HI a JJinait ajai uiibiii. . ii vi- pedo boat was built for the fiurpgse Torpedoes fire. pared, and some of the Commissioners had repair ed on board, among whom was Governor Clai borne: General Stevens and Colonel Wharton were invited on board to witness it The Argus was prepared no experiment was made, and now we are told " experiments are to be made on models in a private, room." The one expected was to have been with blank torpedoes on the Argus, who was to oppose no force, -The de fence consisted in nets, spars and grapnells, ar ranged with such judgment as completely to bid defiance to all the torpedoes the ingenuity ot Mr, Fulton could invent. But the ability of Commo dqrc Rodgers had started objections which Mr. Fulton never had discovered with his " models,'' and so much greater is the manageableness of a model in a tub of water, than-an unwieldy torpe do in a tide way, that Mr. Fulton was not prepared fur a public experiment, but with a decree of modesty, entirely new to him, preferred the more novel, though certainly full as practicable method of blowing up a -.hip by argument But till he tests the practicability ot his system by a com plete experiment; we hope to hear no more, of his lectures on u Torpedo War," and that our wise legislators, instead of making appropriations from an exhausted treasury, to blow Up the Lng lish Navy, will devoJe h;ir attention to the fort$ fication of our ports, and the protection of our com mercic. - ' y desired to attend nt i.i...,:n 'c Htn 1 c .u - """ 1 Y on u day of the. next Superior cuu. J,l V1 county, which will te on lU.y.JI Octobir next. And as the L . slowly, the said witnesses will nlCils, iJ'M ward the nremain'mf T:,.u.' . . ""rj "".ilieiri proved of by! the most eminent' sportsmen in this and sworn as Garnishee, admUs that in addition ward the premaining Tickets yet country. S' V1 uv WIC1V.UII lffllTl SPECIMEN OF A CALCUTTA HOAX. Some time ago, a most wonderlul and affecting . - . . . ... story, was brought lor insertion in ir.e xviirror, 4.1 which it was affirmed, that an Alligator had lor some' time preceding, infested the river," close to public chant, in the vicinity ot Kerdah, much frequented by Hindoo females, many of whom were carried off by this Aleigator. At length, in an attempt fo make prize of a strapping Nymph Irom Halasore, the Alligator caugnt a lartar the moment this heroine was seized, she was like the hands of a man than the teeth of an AHi gator : and resolutely plunging her arms under water, she seized the assailant, and bellowing out for. assistance the monster was secured, brought on shore, and beine uncased, proved to be a young Fisherman, who adding to Other qualities that of an expert diver, and being ingeniously masqued as a huge alligator, had personated his amphi bious chaiacter, with great dexterity and success till he was fortunately caught, and delivered over to justice. The Fisherman had two or three asso ciates, on board a digey, moored in the river at some little distance from the ghant, who from having a communication by ropes, under water, with the pretended alligator, retained the-bodies of the females, of whom he had made prey, in convenient situations beneath the surface, and at leisure stripped them of their most precious orna: ments, to acquire which was the sole object of the parties. - No less than 1 8 women were reported to have been thus carried off. The story was minutely related, and form a consistent whole, Yet still it appeared upon close inspection so monstrous and improba ble as naturally to excite doubts of its truth, and being desirous to ascertain on what foundation it rested, before, publishing it, we had the satisfac tion to find, upon inquiry, that the whole was a fabrication, contrived by some native Bengalese Wits, who, in imitation of the practice of certain wits of a different complexion, delight to amuse last term ; he about two years ago executed to the defendant Benjamin Duty a Bond whereby he obliged htmselt to pay to the said iier.jamin uuty forty dollars or thereabouts of the value of about twenty pounds. That he has not paid the same nor knows what has become of the said, Bond, and believes the same was due on. the demand. It therefore ordered that the assignee of the said bond (if the same has been assigned) appear at the next Session of this Court to be held on the Wed nesday next after the second Monday in Novem ber next and then and there make known 'his title to' the "said liond, or judgement will pass against the said Thomas Duty on his Garnishment afore- said. And it is further ordered that this order be published three weeks in the Rajtigh Minerva. - a Copy Teste. JESSE D1CKINS. c. c. Charlotte, Seit. 5, $q. Wanted, A person to take charge of my DISTILLERY who is perfectly acquainted with making Whis key. One who is well recommended assaying a perfect knowledge of'that business, sober and industrious, will meet with good encouragement by application to me, near Lumberton. ' J. RHODES. .September 17, 1810. lm Nov offered for Sale, . 16,500 dcrca oj Land, In sundry surveys, til adjoining, situate on both sides of Lumber' river, above and below the town of Lumberton, including fourteen separate Plan tations 1 on the whole of whxh are between 7 and 800 acres of cleared ground, and upwards of 5000 all its parts so well adjusted, as to ; Peach andApple I'rees, istent whole, Yet still it appeared t6ni im jroved, with comfortable Buildings: Among which is that handsome and well known plantation, Mlysium, whereon 1 now live, includ ing .the Saddle-tree Mills, which, work twq saws, two run of stones, and a cotton machine, all in complete order; and a merchant mill and rice machine now erecting. The salubrity of the place, the situation and qualify of the lands,, tfie immense quantity of tim- themsejves with the credulity ot their neighbours, j ber they abound with, the convenience of bringing . Singular Occurrence. Some time in January last, the wall of a well, at a place called Sugar town, inthis country was discovered to be giving waVt.A man by the name of James Craig, was 5 prevailed upon to descend in a bucket to examine , the wall. When :. within. 8 feetof the bottom, which was 25 fset deep the . whole wall suddenly caved in ; but Craig, by bracing himself in a firm pojUion,preserved a vacancy of about 4 feet in height, where he remained till the stones were all, thrown out above him ; and he was taken TJut after about five hours confinement, very little injured. . When the wall first fell in,- the. man at the wind lass,, freard him ask-if he could be relieved y to which he in the utmost consternation of mind re- fervent The Hoax succeeded, the whole country for many leagues around, re-echoed for a week or more with nothing but the wicked ingenuityof the Masqued Alligator and his fortunate capture ; and some hundreds of people travelled many a mile to see the human Koomecr and the" Beebere of Balasere. Calcutta Journal, From the Alexandra Daily Gatctie. INTERCEPTED LETTER - f R.OM TALL TOMMY To LITTLE JEMMY. goes in a fine old tune. Jarjjej Madison my Joe Jim, when I gave up the cliairy Thee I bequeath 'd my old blue cloak, a mantle for thy wear, And thank, the Gods, xbou didst pogsew a double portion, too, Of my good spirit in thy bones, JamCs Madison my Joe. From Monticello's Octagons, th abode ot peace and me, This p edgeof ancient friendship "theTi," "c6me's"','&i','ilratglit to thee ; So store its beauties in thy heart, and never let them go; -They'll htlp thee in thy latter end, James Madison my Joe. The pillars of Democracy begin to fall away ; But ytu'ie no novice in jheart of bc-Lit'-riflf theecayT Grease.weil their jmlmt, you little rogue, as liiayc had to do ; LThey lolbw only for lhe loaves, James Madiscn my Joe. plied . u JbF'. XJraig was next heard in' prayer. On a little rt flection Mr Ramsey, at the windlass, gave him, encouragement of relief ; and the people olUhe-neighbourhood -Ralhered7ThevEhow"vour vulnei able cans : iht thPv!i ,i, ,t.. k. And wound yod twixt your harness joints, James Madison my jue What think'st took Callender from jail gave paddy Dunn sword ? . "". Why fear of those curs'd renegadoesj ) Jo upon my word i Ik ft;- ' round, and. about 7 o'clock in the evening, (it " now being about 2) effecled Vis dicharge f om his subterraneous confinement. Arner Republican. - murder. '. . , On- Saturday,-the 18th inst. near the White Rocks, about one mile from colonel Oliphant's furnace, the person of a young woman (Polly : Williams) was found under a lige shelving rock, by some little girl who where huckleberrying; they alarrrted the 'neigliboui hood of the furnace, and on Sunday a corner's inquest was held on the r: body,rand declared to. have been murdered. A y oung man called Philip Rodgers, who is suspect ed to be the perpatrator, was apprehended and committed to jail; since the commitment, the jury have found a bill gainst tcu Pen. paper. Wonderful Escape. A few days since, a Girl - 11 years old, jiving with Captain Stephen Abby, 01 u-iasicnoury, m attempting to draw a bucket of water from a well, & feet deep, and 43 to the water, by accident fell head foremost in the well . - She was not missed by the family, nor could she by any means-make her situation known to them Nshe succeeded in extricoting herself from her doleful situaiion-Dy climbing up on the side of the well, by the; stones. , In her fall she received a number of severe wounds, pn her head, arms and hips an$ in her ascending she had covered ht-r fingers with blisters by her great exertions in .holding on by the stones 1 she was not by the fall depriVed ofJiefrtas6n7arid is now in a hope- way . pfiecov ery i--Mercuryi ; S '-J);., :::?fht Forsyth Patent Hun jL&c, The principle 4 of this Lock is different from the common gun lock. 1 C It p.oduccs inflammation by means of percussion, and .supercedes the necessity, of flints. Its chief -advantages are the following : ' The rapid and The Yankee bys, those wily rogues, look out for them my dear ; 1 hey oft y weakness have exposM, and you have much to icar ; Take heec; well therefore, to' your iteps, for they are watching O; they may catch yo napping yet, James Madison my joe. We've p'ay'd inftpur EmpVoi's haod, at firsfand bit, I ween, Full fi millioidol ars, yet his avarice is keen, . ' . I fear he's gerting ciaiy fast; iilas ! Wtat will you do ? There gems to be pa pleasing h.m, James Madison my joe. f ' obey "his, mightyrdtrs I have left no stone uuturned j ' Mad Leojards fightembargoes laid, & ueaiies have 1 spurn'd j r4 shooK the sanies by the ears, But allwould ijeyer do j 1 could not raise a British wai, James Madisoiwny jue. - As to'ybiir Ershint settlement, that birth so prercaturc,, WtknexfullivtU Old EiiglandTclimate never could endure ; The feds gave you a dinnerthen, but lit(tthey know U9K'lreconcertcd thing, James. Madisdfr lay joe,' K . . -' .t Stick to the way I taught you Jem, dant leave it if you please, And let yyt word be Uonafari and freedom of die seas ; ' . Dont you resent his cuffs andtcks, for if he'ijokvig now, The Lwrd defend you irom his With, : " James Madison my joe 1 ' : & ' Our bane is mathematics, Jem j it is our greatest evil j. But fjf that litlje ecience, oh ! I coujd deceive the devil ! VVfren late Ctpoke ot ciowtled vaults, thii jrov'd it was not so, And alPI said was call'd a puff, James Madison my joe. To play the e double games, my dear, Requires a head profound. Imestiiition startles me ; J shudder at the sound ! 't ?:t - If certain tilings should come to light, thio' Wilkinson and p. No Carter's mount could hide me then, james Madison my joe 1 . Absconded, Q Sunday the 23d instant, WILLIAM HOL- LYMAKr my apprentice boy To the Bnck JJMiDndPIasteririgtrade '1 le is between 19 and 20 years o!dvabout 5 feet 6 inches high, light brown hair. He went in company with William GVimes, apprentice to Mr. Pearson, tailor. He stole from me some plastering and mason, tools, and. a small, shaggy-hair'd doer, .with white and brown spots ; the dog answers to the . name of Auk him. I will give Two Doll at a for my tools, Twenty. five cents for Ask 'm. and Ten cents for William. HENRY GORMAN, .Raleigh, Sept25, if to the mills by water, the quantity of lumber annuahy made, and the convenience of getting it to market from the mills, all combine to make this far the most desirable pioperty in this part of the country. v , ... ' ALSO, 7 Lots in the town of Lumberton, four of which are improved, with comfortable buildings, and si tuate in the most eligible parts of the town. To give a more minute description of the above pre mises I presume unnecessary as a pur chaser would of course wish to view them. The conditions of the sale will be, one tenth part of the purchase money paid in advance. A credit wil! be given, if required, anyTnumber of years not ex Deeding twelve for the balance, on having un doubted security and the interest paid up ani,u;illy. J. RHODES. Robeson county, N. C. Sep lember 17, 1810. - lortj B O OK B I NTrT? HAVE establibhed .a -Hook R.,. uvHi au vi me iMinerva Ullict ul otiy utpt niS Ji.)01t-stole. bAMUEt Combs has for Messrs. Somervell & Conrad of utiu 1 Ktoeiaem-ffTo-sayriat' Tie U .. master ot the Business. The Merchant? leigh and the adioinine towns, nn 1,.. r ...... . t , , ' " . ' 'c nrr: wmr integers, Journals and l)ay.J50Qi.c ni. bwu, uui. iJicr 01 any size. tJlciks of f ran he. KimnliH tuiii, ., VI . ' 1.11 1 1 LI 111 II I 1 1 1 , ' 11 . . , uwn ub-ii vuuiiu 111 nanasome anddi covers, on the shortest notice. The nrirf.. i,:.j. r ... 1. ...mi 1 , -i,H-cs iunia ui wuift win ue as iow as at fetersbii' uicnmona. uentlemen cnminffimfaf. ' the General Assembly, will afloid opj;0rta TM AMf M1 f MAMA !.. 1 - ' ' iui uiucn iiuiii rt uisiance. vJrciers lurreb old books, &c. received by D. M'Uac, ha master, Fayetteville. State of North-Carolina, CHATHAM COUNTY, . Court of Pleas and Quarter. Sasia, August Terni, 1 8 10. John M'Intyre, w. Nancy Mntyre, widow, &c. Archibald -M'Intyre, John Wright and Nancy "Eis wife, Kicholas Wright and Catherine his wife, and Macom M'lniyre and Chiij- tian his wife. J IT appearing to the court that the defend Nancy M'frityre, John Wright and Nant, wile,Micholas Vrighra8d Catharine hi) reside without this state, therefore ordertd, unless they appear at the next term cf this ( to be held on the second Monday of Novti next and make defence, the Petition will bet pro confesso, and set for hearing ex parte them. Also that this order be published weeks successively in the.Raleii;h Wintrvi. Thomas Kagland, c!s Petiiiaef tribtiiion, J 3 m' THE BEAUTIFUL, THOROUGH BRtp HORSE, IMPOJRTKD Sir, Pefer Teazle, WILL Stand the Fall Season at mv plantation on the Yadkin River, 15 miles north of Salisbury, ana win ne let, to Mares at ten dollars the single leap, to be paid when the mare is covered and twenty dollars to insure a mare to be in foal ; the insurance money will be demanded in every in stance where the property of the mare is charig ed. Good and extensive pasturage gratis. ' V " J. A. PEARSON. N. B. Sir Peter Teazle's pedigree can be seen by a reference to his advertisement published -in IO? Agents holding HavwonrVa T?pnnria : longing to tjie Editor, will please o return them "J iiic m si opportunity. " WILLIAM SCOTT'S TAVERN, AT THK . Sign of the Indian Queei NEAR THE COURT-Hot'SE, RALEIGH, . HAS lately been greatly improved by tl dition of a Pining Room, forty k long, and several convenient apartments fo vate accommodation. The- Lart'er and Cell and constantly will be well stored with every that can contribute to the comfort of'tbe I ler. The rooms are well furnished, have" beds, and will be 'well attended. The stall spacious, contain a variety, of forage' and p der, are attended by faithful ostlers, ai:d carriage-house annexed. The Newspapta the principal towns jn the United States are larly received and kept on file ip the Public! tvery exertion will be made to please. T tronage of the public, is respectfully solicit! air favors will be gratefully acknowledged. 3w. " . September 6, ll John Mark State of North Carolina, - " CHATHAM COUNTT. " V r ' Couti of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ) jJuprcst 7Vrm.v 18i0. , ) Original attachment levied on at XZ' ' " racrea of (a"d adjoining ll'm. .It appearing to the satisfaction of this court that Alexander Clark, the defendaht in this case, i not an Inhabitant of this state. j Tt is theVefore or uered that pubhqation be made in the Raleigh feTAlf r!e eeks s.u"si vely, that uni ai7l Alexander:iak appear at thfe next term' He fMto judgment will beentercd against him. , ,v ; -..,- '. J i" " THOMAS RAGLANO, c." Notice. THE subscriber respectfully informs the lie that he has opened a House if taikment on the Good Spur Koad, four above Petkins's, and eight miles below ih Ridge, in burry county, N. Carolina. Tb scriber fia'te"rs "himself that those who pie favor him with their custom will not find selves disappointed, as. he has a full sup corn, fodder, oats, and good timothy hayr a lends to furnish those that apply on, as good i an 4 perhaps lower than any other persona road, or from Salem to the Ridge. - ' Vv, , ' . JOliN BRYSC N. D. At this" time, corn at 50 cents per el; "oats, 37 cents'; fodder, 20 cents P zen, and Hay"50 cents per hundred pout"-' Surry county, Sept 20, 1 8 1Q. Notice k hereby given, THAT, about four yearj past, Retldin Sa Johnston county, , was about to bind mt to the;P.eace, and he agreed that if I woux him my bond on condition not to. interrupt it would satisfy liim, and after 'being pt"1 by my friends I done so.- I now u""?"15 Sauls has put the Bond into "Chaito tope hands, and that it is a plain note oi nauu Hundred Pounds : Cppeland has fcmandea ment on the notej and is trying to trade i our! I micl't naiy taken in, but-1 am apprehensive tnatinis a forged ene and I hereby forwam n from trading for the sameas Inot Johnston county, Sept. 26, 181 :. . . ' To take charge oR PXlfl U wanh-d. " ; Enquire if September 0. 7 North-Carolina A!n:-2 Is now printed andJofSalt aUl'. '

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