SALEIGH,-Nf 0-tUbIIHED (eeklt) BT WILLIAM JYiAN.' 5- 15.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER- 25, 1 810. No. 760. :x ' ' '- ; . ' --- - j - ' ; ; i . ' 1 - u Tm 1 1 T piimiwi iwwiiil miii im j ' ' 1 ' ' -' - - mmmmmmammmtmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmi 1 ... . ... .... . - ;. . . . . - 7 -I and" prostituted bullies know, J liav nrnfn'ned '. the Sanctuary of u"h r ..';.. J !.'' U j f.'. .Ill n.JI'ata nnnr firhtS and , i ;u I.. int.AiiiK. !nn thruun .k".f .tXii briu vmHiratA vnur ritrhts and ..(. wnlCil. wuuiu, us iuiiuuu'.wm v ii ctmiii) wi jvu ." v,- -o ww, hat u braved 1796; to purchase Wjne, and the cjihq- prpdije? are daneer in it, and that to starve France, by depriving hef of all foreign his soil.- ( .. muArous and teach corn, only served ttf develope her resource, and Itlcknnpt .be wondered at that in such cr; Liinn'of ignorant and unptincipled men to ,rc requesiea 10 pciusp vu vy, Hjvm he ensuincr election, to phce the manage ., our public affairs in the . hands of abler jnester men. Observe that thoer who are stylpcJ "lawless banditti,'1 5 the" most profli j corrupt faction thaf this, state or nation are no other than those ver)- nonest, in L,t. namouc ana uisiuicico.m. vHu,.IMUi a tbe last election, were new up w our by the Aurora,,as me omj incu wnuwuu sfrom the horrors of aristocracy and monar d even colonial subjection, in form as well stanct, to mother Britain namtly, Simon rand his majority otniore than thirty thou I the wise, honest, and patrioticiepublicans Uf that day. Alas, the force o human de. ! which m such a little space has convert ke thousands of pure, simple, honest and Uublicans, with the great and good jSitnon ir head, into a horde of " lawless banditti' faction (he most flrqfligate and corrupt which avengeyour wrongs at , all times and at all hazards -4 Arouse, and savp your wn npnor anu nuiiui of your district, and let it not be said, that George Fagifndaarfarjin Keen and wtaw op'cr; the direcbrsoTyoiir consciepte of your rights 1 -Ascertain triumph -awaits you, if you wiu oi.iy ucscrvc n a : :. ; 1 Fpiimv ritiz-nR. iustice calls forma example, an AiitKM. iiUft tliat committtd: UD0h the place of Wk.v,w ----- - u - Tf oitinnc nnwht nnt to "lihbunisheo. we are under a government of laws, let .us put them to the test : and let it be seeny-whether the executive will see them taithtully executed or not .Jet us see whether the finger ot executive agen cy is operating upon our elections, uemanu oi your constables that thryiotersr shall be prosecut edinsist upon it, and see that it be done irien of all parties are interested in this, for where law ends anarchy begins, and every honest man in the community is interested in averting the dire cala mity of urchy. . ' LEONIDAS. NORTHERn"lIBF.R TIES. ' On Friday there was a genuine sample of Smj- dnism or Jacobininn exhibited at uie sxpi mei m stimtilate her to an improved cultivation of her own soil.' . - .- - . ' ' v- -.. '. M present, England js supplied with corn from America, Barbary, Sicily, and from her growth at homei wpgre cmuvauon js every year exttnded and improved. v In addition to this, she cumstances, the countryman is disheartened irom sowing the field; and planting his vine-yard, and that his neglect pt cultivation snouid prejupice. r. -. .u it 1 ii iur y ciirs, uic liiuuucuvc uiuvicia ui iic sun . would be easy to enlarge ipon these tcpicn,?, bujr surely enough Has been alieady said to prove, that uu" ' . . 4 J. . . mL. :u:o ..,kA Karl hf-pn nn. ate or this nation has ever .Denew. w wruey. pou. i ne juu"-, : ! . fi . of ; ef own seas Wlll furnish her whh as . ,pafpr i the honest eeneral Leib. and the der drill tor months line owiwr, hucu l" "V" 7 " VT : u ' ,:::7'n. " tt,9t if w. m hut ,;.ncth-aided bv some few honest but deluded mucn isingiaw i Wffete3ar to support the stag-I pibhibiting the juse oi oaney m ner aisuuenes, which are now (jonfined to sugar." This is bene ficial to her in another way, by taking ojfF, at p fir' price, that Surplus quantity of sugar, which the continent is prohibited from receiving. v; Wine s!e obi suns from Portugal, Madeira, the Canary Islands, the Cape of Good Hope, Sardi nia, Sicily, Spaiiu.JLiretce, ana inqTcen, jtnrooti many channels, from France itself. South America furnishes her with hides, and North America with timber ; hemp she gets from Bengal and she will soon raise enough of this article for her whole demand, in Ireland, where verv extensive marshes have been drained for the cultivation of it From thence, too, she supplied herself with y am and linens. " She has rendered herself independent of Rus sia for tnllow, partly by the substitution of oil, ami partly by fthe use of the iuflammable gas. From the -coal 'which is employed in the produc tion of this gas, she extracts pitch, tar, rosin, and a sort of turpentine ; and she has discovered that nation which has taken place In th,e- ordii)ary-in tercourse ot me. - . s " But more than'this, how is it to be imaginec that nations cap coniinue;to pay , taxes, irnposu .... tions and contributions, fter the channels of in come have been closed? It was a wise observaf tionpf Prince Eugene of Savoy,, f ' Nobody cora plamcd ef ft; very jatrtmt'ye'''eahUable dis tributed ax, which I proposed throughout the whole kingdom, because I at th same time time; afforded it means of, increasing its commerce, vyhieh had not before bn thought tf.'' k Thii's then it is to 'the interruption of cotn- merce that we must refer the extreme distress ur.; der which the continent of Europe, from one ex-; treniity to the ofher, at present suffers, distress, which a continual peace' alone cannot suffice to re- lieve. -' . 'v-. I- ' Even those (Countries of the continent, in which the frightful cry of war is not inimtd'mtely heard, feel themsehes oppressed and deprived of their strength ; they are wjihopt resources for the; present, without hope lor the tuture. All personf have missed it much more widely in Snyder ow tne deuce is in u u toe muuidi uu ccetd to a charm IT. S; Gaz. i. From, the Aurora. IE DtMOCRATS OF TK NORTHERN LIBER TIES. si Citizen ' f On Friday you witnessed a scene unparallel- the trials of our country, he sanctuary t-. r..ii m, : t i,v iK,r ;u tu rirnnrr:AtQ wre naradec! in ClOUOl '1 to riehts : and who will presume to doubt ? ; files oh the west side of Second street, the Arabs ( thev missed it m M IVean, and U sad on the east, ana men uu uuu. v.v ; . . . i i . . .i i tu (u.Uranet. pvrent 1 to, count me numocrs. "M""i ..-r- ing about twenty, who fell into, the Arab ranks, occupied the middle ground, On the count the democrats outnumbered the jacobins by thirty, and it was declared by the constables, and acknow ledged by .the federalists who stood as impart ial spectators,. that -the democratic judges had the majority. ',Aisoonas this declaration vasmade, the jacobin leaders, George Fag'undas: Martik William Cooperv and others rushed :r rights waslnvaded, and a lawless bandit-! into the town house and tore down the enclosure mpled law and order under their feet. Hi-"! erected for the judges, and shouted like savages to, in the contest between antagonist parties eWtirui. the nlace where vour ludes and , . r - - . ... , rae-e was never belore commmea. many wuci andn-eflectino- men, who had- come to the ground to prevent the ascendency of a profligate and a corruDt faction, withdrew with disgust. T he dis order continued until after .three o'clock, and was tjuufched by the generosity f the democrats, who proposed and agreed to divide the judges equally, although they were fairly entitled to them ail.. After , such a scene as this, it is hardly to be wondered at that, the jacobins should have had a 'nan Sal snrV.ess. The ianizaries were all t their , . -.?-- - . - r .i . j . idas, William Cooper, and man by the post and under orders, whereas many o uie ue of Trick, who has just come among you,imocrats withdrew, and many, very many wcui hers of ' 1 ke description, were the leaders not come at.all. The Lee of affairs was very dil tiartinn nnr.erned in this outrage. 1 ferent. however, from what the democrats tnem few davs -aco you were informed of the selves expected, they had proved peioie irom s thrown oui bv a number of this faction, ;To the noise made by the Arabs, that they yt re '4 !i I who have the means propose to emigratelo Eng- t i.. rtannfannrM. thf raw mater al of ano ana America ; ana among uiom: i wuoin uu India and China is found capable of being usedPn of relief isidenied, how many already have pe: without the inteimixture of any other ; and her , nshed under their sufTern gs ? , " 1 ntlc IS UIIC uiiivi kuuaiuci aimu, wim.ii it cannot be believed that governments will regvr4 with indiffrrence the shodkingwant ot integrity inspectors were ttsit to receive your votes, onsidered as sacred, and no. hand barbarous ase enfugh was found to offer it violence. nday, however, the scene was shitted,, and ticn, the most pram gate anu corrupt wnicn stHtT.or this nation has ever beheld, dlsdain- JMaw, all order, all obligation and all prin- rushed into your townhouse, after your of election were declared, and tore down ndosure erected for them to. receive your Yes, fellowscitizens, such men as George you away from the election ground, and on v, they gave you a stronger specimen of rent to which these ignorant and unprinci- men, seetn letermined to go. It they can- ain the election by fair means, they seem ivtjd to employ loul, and if you will not vote sev direct you, they, wilf either turn you from giuuuu, ur inuusc . you niitu uh ii. you prepared,' fellow citizens, to submit to I Are you willing tamejy to surrender your lidas, WiUiam Cooper, and Martin Reese f Vvou. can vou submit to become the dunes or loots of these vile puppets of corrupt jugglers j must have changed indeed, if you do not kin with scorn and Indignation, at the thought of ng such creatures to direct your aflaus. he inspector election on Friday, was not worth niggle, and it was so deemed by many of our hren who staid at home." They thought that men nominated by either, by the democrats or jicobins, would do their duty, and that neither perjure themselves to ain a point, and fee their difference, Every man who has, ouid be -etvusted by the Jacobin faction was ght to the ground. . The Jamzaues, cotn-' -ded by Pagundat, and the recruits they could were aS mustered, J and were as obe-nent and servient to their;,, comhiander, as British sol-' to their officers;- It was truly a mortifying -tacle to see many honest, but uninformed P. and who would scorn such discipline, if not tr gross delusion it .was mortifying to . see in rank, like Hessians, and Fagunda, Caopsr sihd Frick, with rattans in their parading. in jlront bi ticm, and ealling ihem hbedifhrA l mir antrrVii' ttaf Vvrlaim with Tnlin ts, we have faUtn upon evil times 1 "v leiiow citizens, thouen many pt you leu ,'ctbn ground sterdayd fUie tumult . subsided, which was raised by '"n. and though'' trretAtt n tnbera Thf vou staid W, . nv -.v e, it,is hoped, that you wiW .not be equally 'Jess on the dav of the1 eeneral election, .when ject will be. of nearer concern to you- You ' cweoojfjprjin in Northern. Lerties 'in the cbunty, and this you can prove, tor the ?e of jacobin, if you will only show yourselves "5 pou. Alrnpst every vote within their grasp vbr6ughtfprwarfonTriday,whereaSj hundreds ?u staid at home. Arouse, and let not your whirh oucht -'to be held sacred by you, be W in the dust Arouset and let -ignorant more numerous than they promised to be, when the eeneral head had collected, lhey are p, i W - . -X. .. .. - t . ther numerous nor respectable, ana mere is now not a doubt if only common exertions are ubed, that the democratic ticket wil have a large major ity in the' Northern Liberties. What, man who values?his principles or his reputation, win suo mit to Wchleadersrand - whattnan of common clothiers have been equally successful with British wool u With respect to the exportation of her own produce, the European blockade affects Great Britain so little, that her manufactures are scarce ly sensible of it. Such is the prodigiously in creased and increasing demand for goods through out India and America. In fact, it is proved beyond a doubt, by the most authentic public documents, and by the tes timony of the most intelligent and impartial ira vellers, that the industry, the commerce, the put) lie revenues the credit of England, not only have not sustained any diminution, but, on the contra ry, have oeen increasing, and that eviry class, of. her population is in a siaie wi uLcuyaiiuu, peritv and comfort. If we reverse the picture, vhat dreadful evils are sutterea on me comment : Our ports ate closed, our ships can no, longer be employed in cairyingOn that trade bciwten dif ferent "parts which their different circumstances render indispensable, and' cannot ne con ducted by land carriage,.' Thus the intercourse whjch is essential to the social system ol the con linent cannot bemaintainc.d The southern na tions can no ionger exchange the wines, (, their silk. Set. for the corn,; the hemp, the linen, the timber,, .he. iron, and flke tallow of the north ern. in every country incic i n-v.uiuuiavvii of their sui pi, is produce decay ing and perishing -Th'ey are unable to purchasewith it the most necessaiy foicign commodities; and thus they lose all. motives and all . lnchnatiort. to exerf their nwn imitprt nf noduction. Another source oi r . - . distress to thecontinent is, the want of many ar tides which England furnishes, and thei privation of which has thrown many industrious persons out of employment,' Raw cotton and yarn, dying ' I - .1, nJ ,'X;tiont rlvnrrc nr nr!irifi nt this - . V ... ! Unnin iliill I .ULibUk UIUL) tt. , w m.v.v sense can for a moment believe that the democrat- ; -vievit isT-thatthe conti k i u.-. M.. . i v -v - : - --y wno- nave uwu hmci --..j . fr. Amor ro l ne mis of the -Northern Liberties, to the'ir principles in the worst ot times, will yield to be led by baseness, ignorance and ccr- rnntion f - and eood faith which these privations arid distres- v .... ' . . . , ses are rapidly introducing lieremtoit; a ready obedience was paid to tbe laws, because the ten dency of these was to promote tlie welfare ol the people ; but the newtystem. whichrefusesto them the means if providing for their subsistence, reduces ih r to a sort of stupefaction they can scarcely believe in . the reality of such prohibitions, End iTfey allenge their disoenei as an excuse mr mcir dfsobedience. In this way they habimate them selves to a contempt of thr la and the public authcrity. What a host of criminals muit such a state of things create ! How many, under the mfljence of want and desperation, will have re course to fraud and robbeiy, and having no legal means of pursuing. their-occupations, will avail themselves ol those wh; are illegal ! ottfeers employed to enforce the laws, so that what lit)k gainful traffic remains, ""is m the most corrupt hands, and the m6st grievous severity of distres ses falls, with all its weight, upon persons of the , strictest integrity. - ' Princes ! Parents of the people : You who hear their complaints and their gioans it is you whom our prayers invokein you our hopes seek a refugeyou wiU be our intercessors you will bear our lamentations to the throne ot the' Great Napoleon ; you will convey to his consci entious feelings, that inlormation concerning our- distressed and critical condition, which, doubtless has neyer yet been fairly laid before him., With . his powerful arm, witr his genius, it rests tc save usutterhuo p.ut anenu to the restraints under which we are perishing, and to c6n"struct-a new . system, in union with the accomphshments oy . his great designs. May you enjoy the inestima ble felicity of reigning over subjects, happy, contented, grateful, loyfl, and virtuous I This is -i . . .... ' .'. stem do not BONAPARTE' COMMERCIAL POLICY, c An article, of which the following is a transla tion, has been very extensively, though covelt- iy, tirculated upon the continent,? where it has made a deep impression. Ihe agents oi r ranee at Hamburg have offered a reward of 600 crowns to whoever will inform against the writers and printers of it i arid the possession of a copy is sub jected to a penalty ot 3uu crowns. ; Lamentations pf the Continental Nations oEu- rope, upon the Intel ruption of their Commerce ; . addressed to all the princes of that part ot the jworld. -iL. - - ' " Sovereigns, Princes, Fathers of Nations, Deien to listen to the compiaims exiortea from us by that uhiversaFsystemof prohibition to which our commerce is suojecteu. ineju&ucc and the high importance of these complaints are sufficiently demonstrated by the afflicting condi tion to whicK'fhe people "of the continentare re duced.. - ' V ' '-i ' : Now that thiriystem of commercial warfare against England, from" which we were taught to expect such mighty aovaniages, nas pecn camcu on for some years, wc-may be pef mitted' to en quire, whether it has. in fact been productiveof any advantages to us. .. -v From this eneratfy we shall find, that, while the continentfs jeverv day more" and more embar rasse, impoverished and distressed, G. lhitain is "ad v'ancirig in"Fcp and feels none ot the ruinous consequences ot tne restraints by which we are fettered. Sp far frqm it, she every year -has. oeen aoie io renqer ner self more and more independent of the continent to open to herself new channels of foreign com merce, and to discover withitt herself new means those .'ofth.envwhich she could supply chievous effects of this prohibitory sy confine themselves to one or a few branches Trade &; .industry" throiighoui-the whole continent are effected by it .: every department' is pervaded by embarrassmeritsr obstructions, and oppressions of various sorts. . 1 he very m eans ot correspon dence by the post offices, w he' her upon topicks of trade, of literature, or of private business or friendship, are restrained by it. Upon the coast, the inhabitants are precluded from- their old oc cupation in the fishery : they lose their maritime skill aid habits ; the natural nursery pt seamen is rendered unproductive, and all hope is taken from the comment of at?am becommcTable to establish a navy, military' or commercial, capable of con tending with that of Englcnd " It is by no means the merchant alone who suiters py mose muuipneu aim. tumyneaicu ,ic straints. Every person connected, however re motely, with commerce, or who lias directed any portion of his. capital or industry to any ot ils.ya rious branches, participates in the calamity-: and by the operation of -these- measures,-in estraint of freetlomrwe-see the-very sources of wealth Scprosperity, one after another drfed up. Thus per sons of every description, monied men, manur facturers, brokers clerks, -agents of every kind, kersoiisxQnftecJted pacxeis, earners, auu iieisoub ui yie . vv,. liga tions, whose '.bread, is taker- from .' them, those who were employed in the manufacture of cloth ing, furniture. Jkc in short the whole of that'nu jnerous set bf persons who subsisted upon the wage? of the labourjvhich the rlcff have been ae qusfpmerf to require from them j sen sibly feel the interruptions of the circulation of commerce, and munity by any means exempted from this distress ; the husbandman in vain looks for those customers, the greatest blessing which we can '"implore Hea ven to. confer upon you." ---. , Memors of Piince Eugene of SaxOTy7"Ea;1l'8ipri"aei'r,r From one of our Lisbon papers, we have procur- ' ed a translation of the loll owing intercepted . dispatch from Don Miguel Jtratiza, Duke if Santa Fee, Ambassador to France ; addressed, ' toToseph's minister of foreign affairs at Mad. rid. The perusal of this letter will impress ei vtry one" of its- authenticity, and as shedding v much light "upon the affairs of Spain, will b read vith imerest.A'oro Ledger. Paris, June 19, 1810. Most Fpcceliint'ir, ' - : ' '..: C . The day before yesterday I had a loner con versation with his excellency the l)uke btCadbi (Champagny) minister for foreign "affairs, whjj 1 had previously . informed me that he had tome . communications to make to me ,by' command' of the Emperor. I will endeavor to give your ex.- -; CCliepcy U UCltlucu aMaviiitiii ui una vuivi viivb, i embracing a numbcrof different.;Cjbjects, and a of them important The minister commenced by &tating th at . his imperial majesty couldnot sepd moie money.irro Spainrthat in consequence it would be necessary in future, that the khgdom should pro v ide for 11 IiatniS-imperial najcav .u an cauy uviyc c- rioug",TTSliangsenrn lerrjnvk : $painihat the treasury of lucf ii:d len ex-' : v" hausted, the emperor havipg . al.tady bent into Spain, since the commercenent tf the war, up warJdst 2no,mslli6f fraiics-thatj hje hafiroj made use of the resources jwhich cur country .ai-: "X forded, in order-to raise revenue; He bid that arek'already.inyplyed'-byin different degress ' Wcpnlributionnriipnt have -jiertx levieM in A'nVlAlusia, !; distress. ; Nor is the agTinpttural part of the com-1 particnlaily at Scville jthd-.lVialagAi and ifso j - I Murcia That his majesty Lad laid, a ' cootribtitH)'.-- of supplying hr wants ia the .same manner as! who heretofore flocked to W with ready money : Thirty-seven Mil!ioni cf Dgl!ar. ' . If'! I; I :1

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