tJUi- . 7 rjttjrnfrzrrf.W impart- 'jnich' faihJacfQrpre&onuy&Q; er.isl m.the; mindV td 'rhatttazctfe &f V'v' V .' " k n-V fFance anihatiir MquiredJargft uTOa by V? can Tiave -such undoubted Mrsf.jftai ifodourfsfo h? iS5 - The aubi cts d-spute ?H V ' P,!rtfe'.?F ftJEM v MuVhoy.taWe MrMMil gold we fee ourowtf" feo&Me excf .lUXpV k "a.?; Should AmeiiwUa-Hongir dysKo '0 . honor to refuse-In addi fotjhese beUae. Itffc. He haV iohbeen here, ftiiat of those ' Voi thfeft hhaSSbc - -Th 7i6 6f VVil& I .V V,v7 fMw-T"-"-. - ;- l."-"VW''v,' tntrl st lona. Ihio It yt mime inrt nnh fni-'ho.tliw inLkn.'..k .. ... ..f i...:.- l' .".' . . - W e Mw-rl . ; andjntertst. xis bltbia -cart .easUy;' be decided I-hhe V k - ' - t; Stes ,tcrJtp5 in a greater cVgree Ihan.ben ch,er. SeI theervam,iid if y find ; : -4 i x 5ialC!g) t ' - :;f Jll ! HJV. IULV, All lltL IU lltlll a UUZ.CU UUlUCSl ". I- 1 1 ' 1 " 1 : ,1 -1 -.-; . .. . J I- orw. paraed' as1 the, ProviiceCarc from Ihe; . zstaiesiparuy -uy onjr an imaginary une. ana pare rfV'ly by rivers and .lakes, "whose pppositsborest by ' waef 4 coiii.niinicaUonii:.-1rough'tiV.a,i it'M were ivniocomaviiiiittir.iunttouanis arc in. ganger oi pe t vtomnig vlubiuiwted o. 'mutual prejutjices, jealou i3,"rcflt;ciions nwoaches, and" all 'thai process 1 n J of iai lobar ehenatiou winch . has, uvtlip progress ! v of feta; fehdered tbeJriUsh and rrencn .so in- 'Teteraie.ih , their hostility, as to call, each other ,ri: ualural enemies. f n j Report procured. .. ; V F. After' turning over a few Jeaves, reads. : Joel Barlow, late' agent at Algiers, 366,612 dollars 26 cents, advanced to him in his capacuy as agent. He settled his accounts jnjith Colonel Humphreys In Europe. No account has been rendered at the Treasury.' You havejest your half-dozen. ;"; n " 'V? . ' E. But it does not follow, that, he . owes the whole oC-jt, or .any. part ofJuL w .ViV'.-.. v' F It has an awful squint tho.'- ; Col. rlum- . . - ; ' a ' ' . phreys has. been here and much with, IVlr. Barlow. l was his duty to settle. What lia p.-. ited I I:- I jbjr popular '.passioost into scenes of war which,1 js wrj I fai those passions had iot.beeu excited,, might have ' ou wjj i ""been avoided. .,1 . 1 , 6-, I ri;Snn th, could have done it he would not suffer his name to appear on this list. - Bi He is a favorite of the government. Sir, ting a history of the United States, and find the characters of Jefferson and Ma- icaus ..territory into a state, Seems to have r produce Jitss. , ; I xue expressions au: hcu inc pamaism -fv-Ji tributed to Mr. Quincy are ce rtaialy-broad nd o! Jn!?fh ft"C vw..,v uc fcuWonruDy me day HuttereU 'unnoticed and uhrecarJ-rf i jv.....,. uui.v.u, u pnuaai ui his speecn m i",''v "itn a tuuoKKj an Irkdkli ' a v .i.:i-..:ii i . aiirl a liint . vwr. t nn.. ... . ' ''Mil uciviii win uione snew. uut we are inclined to " 7 icverei doubt whether any legitimate cause for a dissplu- (, ' ' J rT tW tion of the union, can be reasonably anticioatp.H Diiid to thpse iiliwtrir,... LX..1:. ,n?rt vr. i Hunn .h-. : i.: i... r-.- r . . : . w We vJ.: . . . r . . . ' . : . . - . - 1 " 1 mm. ijui iiorvu in . tiun iiiu tuiui aa uuiu t t-,.v u .: r . . tin nt 1 77c -yi.j- l , war wouiq oe prejucticiar, n not ruinous, it fur a quo VM,1U" a new siate on our southern ; " ' ' ' ' - k . j r ; twould be most severely felf, for ..rstance, between! F. Unecnerous hint. extremity.' Besides, the iJca of separation ooIuLkL..!'8. t.'me' when..U,e rablei ;; the Wnadas ana tne neighbouring btates. Be- B. x p(rrfecllv wc recoUect how ...o... vou not, at least without the most urt n,r,,;,v. ,n' DT " "5 XJ' "TpuuI,c. cour. -.atdes'the destruction ot lives, the burning of; wag wh' it w-' said that Ti.mmhv ' , t .u e . 7- ''T cnaracter i, .f.-..-I hnueM tK"nlimHP nl ril tl alt il. cn.. ... - - . -- ' T uv. iuuuaucu iw UlC Such'a state" of? ertmit between J the inhabi Plants pfthe British, provinces andhe American ; S cu.zens, js to-be. deprecate M .yW. .lessen , Methlnks too, for-his own' reHutation, if he -,c y VHCU iujuy xiiciik ui ju uvtt. uicrr ijiucin anu ibo icnucr an ucim.vrupiure more ens y ami UKCiy to rtuic piace. - oovernmenis are oitennea, ntycr heard.of mitit.ry g,, Zl? autocratic Mate ,, THURSDAY,- JANUARY 84. 1811, Several cprrimunioations, and othef articles, o. mitted this week for want cf room, will be insdt ed in bur nexti' . . V : . - V On referring to the congressional head' our rea- puoliMoVth Gazette alluded .w. :WJ&?S Pgeaj try, this discountenance of U lOT of hctitious fame,'- is fairly aVribaff S' of the , people, for wchuve not bn wi?'1'? are We wanting in citizens of intriiwJ- " solid usefulne, of hiKh abuZ S ,ot a 1 Uiose quulities which constkut. a public honors, o We have harf iu ' d, VU percei,. U,t bin for crccig S? leans tcrriloi-v int(i a stat.. tn t.f.v.1' nv.' 1 .1 ." iiiuiu&ui me American eMinuutrm 01 .11. wm 1 1. .r- j-.. ,- -2 -r-- j- ....... pu'Jlic e aultti'. vmi thought not lien ol ",.- Tk. , . , . of our rate w,n.i,ji. w j,.' ofnweable'prppe y,,t would throw back, Jn of chari Wh, has -no .cuunt beenl"c- The,stTOngimpreSs,onof ,t, hideous defo,- " o'"'-';"'';)' I' I'-".! I I '0. "!' froducftliei.- hortid effects. 'riill'l h"h i " ' nX",US' and to " "T. f "B ,hit " I rA?ainst,uch,calam,ti?i u is the .duty of ever, sHllet't" sh.U "onnle v - 1 ci .. - 4 r -'ii 1unrtr w . r rvinir irr n nvp i) finri rv md snipnriifi mr f i,rn ri.ctifii 1 thev. wlnt rnlf urit? f jlt-n?c rtiv t hm tK nnnr all . their influence,' "a' spirit of to nromoie. with r4 S' '- 7 . r . f. ---- , , " j ? jnutUal liberality, candor and forbearance. Gn '' eral ''reflections and criminations ouRht to be dis- ";,l..coiuntenanced. Those, habits of reciprocal sar , . y r.casm, towhich vulgar minds are . exceedingly I y prone should be-counteracted by sentiments and j.VJanguage more conciliatory and liberal. ' J V; A correspond'ent treatment and behaviour to wards each other should be' adoptedr Oov. Sim- j : coe' example, . in this respect, has notnly been ! pajtj ' j.Wl?9dedhfthe writer of hi, life, but : ha. also E But' Barlow while at I received the applause of the ablest politicians in sl)eCuiatet, to Drofit. usinir ti : . liurppe and America ;.and it is to be hoped that , j other puhlic. characters, equally patriotic,, will ' :i isave 10 ine l-ittrnrinn-rmisl r.ansi lor nnrn'o-vrir. dered." Do you believe that Charles Pinkney is not at this moment indebted many thousands ? There is ' a scienccin drawing money from the Treasury," I believe that each of ithese persons is greatly jn deit to the treasure, and unless Congress attend to "it, as in the case of the Smiths and Digan. Purviance and Co. it will nevei be Algiers miffht have speculated to profit,, using the public money when purity ; and the one into Wilm ini'lfm fir iiu.-s the report says, under, consideration in the Au- ! under considrratinn 5, r.nfwi a ia,.,: i. State. -7- minister to Spain g 63,630 S cents. Advanced , lecu,,.ar'y eloquent and .nerget.c. on account of salary, &.C. Infsrmal accounts ren- , , uc tcicuiaicu general ivurantia nad arrived at Lagufra on the 10th of December, He was re- n,ca,,pn' ,s as follows- ceived with great eclat, and introduced into their Yef ercsy at 13 o'clock, tinder a finite;' .fro councUs, al bad recommended the en,Udyi8 fflM.! GRACCaUS. The article alfuded to in the foregoing ccinmV idle, and of course no Injury. li. I know ,not that lie ever did. know he had i 'Hi.. f j I- b' j ino right to do so. tren. taton had such opp'or- -'nllS3Z?'rtlTS a?2 FT 8 S ditunities. ' He. scorned to imprpve them. When I "uStr T- ft rPc-he might hare put thousands in his pocket, io the I f , Phxty increase their own national prosptnty.In - f a. i..,i;ek'.....i. , , - , Z-vi case of the bweduh, vessels, he-speculated .not J.f. Tj"-" . u.v uvi, VUiiu ivuiiv,. -4uu .MIC WIHW fn. , mu.lf k..t ih.m.n.P. n,L..,I S,f'f rU!",0n r - V? ldj'Wt gained 14,000 dollars, nof lor himself sides,' we have much tq gam and enjoy by a good , k, r k k.. .... r u:n. m, ! Z: ; V, V r , - .;tv''-u' "r'-Jt deserves enquiry:-- Were I a member of F ir.A. - rtioture. or state hi iriiiMtinn nn.nmi . -fvfvs' 1 . . v i , i tK..,,;vs'; i-i, . ' i . i ' uongress l-would move lor a statement ot these i -tbouffo it-should not crocked to actual war. . , , , , . . ' ' ' c.''- ; 4M-luM accounts, and know how they stood, t '. ..T-" I ''Vwl. . T jpS . :W. . . 1 Come,come, let us attend to the wine. You extract W a letter to the hduor of '. the Virginia . , . r i xr . u,- r ,i UvV. Pr-r r. have wandered from Jefferson to public defaulters, iucu lyitc logo againstcorp, the ionner . ex. , attended. py ins tyd, Cpl. Burgwin,' wi itc'eiM pedition against it having failed. - .! at the Ferry Landing, with military hohofs,ir Simon Bolivar, one of the deputies from the le IlLh sion ranr-na I 1 1 1 , . . . " -l , I wuuoii, naa reiurnca without having ing the conipany of the Wilmington Vtej. satisfactorily accomplished the object of the mis- n Jls arrival at his residence in Coek strm, ' . - l l. .- ..I .. .... . wiuLu ne was cscoiieo uy the nuiitavyjicfoiti. paniei fired a cqngratulary salute.Tiie Com missioners and Magistrates of th town,c(oin. panie'd by. ihe United. States' Ofiicer? then mt'if. ann several very respectable cihzein, mm ( his Exctllency ;' .and,- with the attending imhurj companies, partook of a refreshment. v " . Wilmington GaitttctfJin. ii, i . w.u.v.,M- t,u i,;v ,,UYV ,cl us come "acit io me glass.- iou nave r, V -.'. , rT atuipvuMri .ununaiT 1 llll. -! 1" . J .. . t ' . r,r . . r. .... .v,r.r. csiaoHsnea notnintr. . V il AJUL TM1 fill .11 IVT Ltl-IL L. I I 1T.HII JSIfl 1. Tit., ... '. - - . , , . " . ill, , a rt w.'.r. 1 . J I ... I 'air ,., - '"'""fi" " ","" "I HTCCU UtJUCULC j BIIU 11C V lit! rbelievgs Joel BaiToMLtlfies nnt'siapd l-irgcly lnclebt- Only that he who reads the Columbiad - acholaiv Kokhis4itpeecJw .'.11 i'A.A.A' .U , Lit' - . Til-. . ' ; ffl in TltP II Vr.c ic a .V. on 1 rwMa.n - 1 . -i -. t 41.'.' .1.- -T ; ' ' - - " , .-.v. ... .--F - V',,. 1,... I. K..Ll . ' . 1 . ' tinMnh.hwonhv Md in m tjhvvro ? ' tKr.iir. n' L . "u- ,""JW. u,c 1,UU,IC '? a Kot?!,e anu "one Vmlir in-the FmX,h !.,nr,a .J,. U n-hr but Joo;s aFe Without some of its leather if inf can Tivuicciy reat a pavjc n ins noieson .v ir i. gipia that does not cootain grammstiewl blunder-; nor'is there a figure in rhetoric which he has hot .i.jnurdv.iVd.'- His tnesstfges-, so far as"aT)giicigeis THE FLORID AS. The crisis, in which the United Statts are in- volved, in consequence of what has been done by the Executive, relative to these Frovinces, calls 5. , ; is a writer of correct i'.tigbsh. He is a man of ta- th" conaderatu tof truly v bit not nf p-tnii. Von Intiw fi;CiW. "lT:t" ..-tivi, a watchiiiaker my have talenis to c&htruct ;;. a rfnost, intricate time piece from a,rr.odl, but may i(oC.hae genius toVwvent'a new ytheel. a' VYlwt would you call JoJ Barlow ? ,; v B: Kot. a man 6f genius, and, least of all a pe- A nvong the fi rst objects, which- ?tf .-ikes the at tention, is theel'ecti'ori of tfulymr Siiiwlti, Esq. to be Governor of Wet Florida. This necessa rily introduces the enquijy ; . Who i Fuiwar Skifiivith ? ... Fit I 1W J n C tr tlll.TT 1, .c ti.a. r TAaM. I' etld C'enillS" i 3 , I'u.uin.i'airiiii'B 11 iuc vi j ivnua " 'tt. The distinrtion-i, vint. TTi nn ?m. ! f0"' anff wa3 lor many years an agettatP ri rrvur rui n x. t nM." ...... .4 come wie- governor pi. a new atate, createa rrom a foreign province, the- recognition of which by the United States will, mrst probably, mvolv thenv in an-unjtit and ruinous war, with Great We willingly-give -the' 'following communication . a place in the Minerva. It does notofceur td6, hWever, that there is any thing manifestly im proper in a certain portion of our citizens unit ing in testimonies of respect to the chief ma gistrate of the state. It is true ahat needless ostentation does pot comport with the simplicity of republican institutions. Yet where such in stances do occur, they are usually perfectly ' harmless ; and the worst, perhaps, ta be urged against them, is that they are uneccessary. Habere yere any thing relative to the chief ma- jtT&teEmpLaJum would prob. " bly have beenfcund in a former subject of com-plaintHcn-midence at. the seat of govern ment. The absence of the executive, at all " limes, :1aT'syrTousiiiconvenientTerMi4hepublic ; ' 1 5 -i. 1 ' .11 , . ... . . t, aiui isiiuuHi. ue-.uie ifcss looKeti 1 or, sincet-ts W ; On Monday lasf, the annual election for Cij Officers was held John Marshall, was reeled ed Intendant of Police ; .Wm. Scott, Riph. Srai: Tho's Henderson Joseph Gales' an3 Thomas E- raond, were elected Commissioners of the Mi' die Ward ; -Sherwood Haywood, W.. H- Hi; wood and Mark Cook, Commissioners of theEis!. enTWaTiT7and-Y and William Jones, Commissioners of the W est' !ern Ward. Thomas Emond having declined theapi ment, John S. Raboteau has been elected m ! vyentinn : Jto power of ct'tation. There are not pv-haH a-flosen original splendid hnrrs, ner conUnaa- ;i 'tiafts of irnagciy in his whoje & ..lemhiad. There jf .r- 'fe a few whicn I do not recollect -to have ever . , -seen aetore. I ake tor j jiyet Miltoi would haVe c j .V Vs-, . f The xshole picy glared an . So A.o"c fhe eurthn ifv thp aid' ml train, trnd aijull suns,' hud hatl d ihc TethcriaL fiiaui. h WntU tio JUttfttaihtijTfr cvuld strike the light. compressed it into , ...... , . - - an undistingliixhesd tiutu Fhere are a few more slight evidences of'eeni- .4l9 but very l?gu'aid eiy frw, , The vcisifica I s Itn Js splendid, but; this h mecharjcal, .- You may , .Cfnis.rucf volumes iji-f sich,ith n5 poetry. It is .,'v?;li1le-', tailorvs dressing a statue in the most gorge-;i-.wis apparel), s','ill the statue has niVatrimation, no f'. sou3. Hts-Columbifed, a? I rjmarkeditiice be foe, islike the Rirjiiian palace of ice ; it glitters ; it smik an1f it is cold. ' The warmth of 'Arm!- . 'v's'i hearts wilTsoon jntlt-it to mingle with oblT- ; ,viou dust ; ; r , ux: ::::: i t;:;ilSiC! The U'uth is. yvu- dont like his politics and 1 .., your prejijdit-t s warp -your Judgment. ' 1 Jiavt hp j v .tli-'jjbt hat iiat when ce is no more, this', Epic will a'. it,ds uiucn ifeau- una aamireci as rarauise L-ost, ka. ...IT-K U-t'l il " "-u'i Britain and Spain ! ' ridla. Ktgister. state which I 1 he tun ghfy &hme but on thctomS, f s i'lvli w an exe"iitir;(-fl to -the general rule of s ,'t'AttMwfj of poet. , . , ;. : -ii F.f Two Domts must be' first settlpd bfnri. this is allowed. If lie Vno poet he is no except ii.'n : nor Is it'eettan that.he KtSeh.-'3VJheri;a tuau s estate n sttMed after death ii sa,.J,"we can ascertain, alodv has he becotnench i , Upn reading theletter of tje . secretary, of to Turreau of the 17th December fa letter m from the ne'rse and 'vigour of the style we take to nave prtKttacamfneruatfiif the pen ol Mr. Mad'so'njkheiirst remark which we heard made was, tjat if the action of our 'admii;islratiot comported with the language of this letter, We should have no occasioiflo complain of out 'govern ment .or rather', as at' present, of the-'wenf of a goveriUTicnt. But even the language of indepen dence is too -'much 'to be born by the partisans of th kingly, impei ikl plunderer. Accordingly 'we, find in , the Aurora" of this' morning,; Napoleon's principal gazette, the following ironical and jsar cri.lic remarks;; ; ' , : ' '' r'"""' .rT; ,: V " The French ambassador has-been a a criticaL " period taken without -'his hiff, and it is rather ? urijCortunate- for him', that when he appears in iV" print, it is in some cases unfavorable to the in-,. V lerests oi -ine states. -Anoiner-jaea very naiu- jrally.wc'cvrfon reading tliese-letters of diplpma- ty, and which further testifies thejffrirwtf -iK 'jfmrzWtyHh which our, affairs are ''conducted, that .the British gorernment being urirepre'sent- ed at'. this ptace (Mf. AoWff residing it is said at,-Balttmbre) arguments are gratuitoutty fumtsh- '. ediri us tefoilf, aoad vance, lor the permanence f their orders in council which that . governnicnt I count bf the public entry of hisexceUencr Gov'er il iyould of .course' be wrong in rescinding) whilst or Smith into the tdwh of Wilniington. The' edf in violation of "ah express law passed to prevent uic evil. v ' Know that only a lew days back, la gentleman from Rowan county, aflcr a jour ney of 120 miles, was under the necessity, not having found the governor in Raleigh, of re turning hcae without accomplishing the object for which he had sat out. Dissapohtments of v this kind, if 'tVey frequently otcur, must Be se .rious grievances'; and there may he many suf - ers the one alluded to having fallen under our own observation. ----- - Ve feel bound to bberve . that the athTsion , in the Ufollpwiftg cornmunication,,to the Editor of the Wilmington, Gazette, does not seem to have " been deserved by his conduct on the occasion in - question. It was certainly proper in. him, con v ducting as he does, a public journal, to notice the proceeding&itChonof f the --governor; it ;. the thing needed vindication, an excuse coyiru be j foi in id, i n the un iversal c u stom in si mi la r c ases. But the publication, ih the light we view -it, was perfectly proper ;i-r Itself. . It was-.'ghren as a piece ot public information ; and, in printing it, I the Editor need not necessarily h supposed is either approving' orf disapproving of the recited i.'act of other individuals ; -: ' ' v These" introductory . remarkshaye been flinncrKt f not improper ; although our paper will be al- ways cheerfully' kept open" for the discussion of '1 -'''...'' L. ' 1 .f ' '".'')' ,'1.' V , auy practice wnicn may oc thought to have an tanti.fcderal of anti-repu'blichrt tendency. v Mestsrti Editor, -'-t i-' -f 4. i; The " Wilmington , Gazette", of the 15th inst. which a friend handed me, contains an ac- stead. . K$is:tT . A Conference of theMethodist Min'sters wtHj1 held in this city on the 7th of next wont!.; ! which is expected a very numerous compaty 11 every part of the country .--Ibid. ' 7 The following gentlemen-have been appop by the governor to be directors pi', the bank . C.rmr. Fftar. on hphalf of the state : Ottcn Acm Samuel 2i. Jfcelyn, and John Hall, . fjRce Cochr; j- n -La Mr. Hall was aDnointed in the room pi an, Esq. who in consequence of tM, holds ufider the Uniled States, was net eiigi" director., "' " ... V " lt Kiiiv it tkt v. vino. om -rimf since sfeninfl intention of resigning hisi ofTice, Mr D'-j l - .1 ' .k: : KU- stead.''"' liazeup. , '. . t ' . ia.-fKn ii,m in it rlpcnatclies .fm"11 9?' . . rt. !. ..lire II' ' Claiborne state, that rulwar oKipwit"; self Governor of Florida, had avowed a nation to resist the interposition cf tjv.:. : ... tint I u L. I J I 1 urhn Willi a ,n".a. I ne nan orrjercu gen. iiwiiw?i z." - . vyi;-. Tiifi. linnrlrrl mn wan marchintT 0 ftlta' K t . J to return 'Immediately Skipwith, 'iil mainder of his regular lorces, had lh.,ofl:" r sell into the tort or isaton -koiirc, " in fa ed his determination and that ot nis v-".t at bis colors before they would subnjit " ,l" J thority of" the, United -tates-T. P'S' Skipwith, who adhere to himWibls.ntfJ VJp are pfkei pally fugitives f. rilry .J '. in different p4rts of the U. -S..whn Mvf .l9T: fuge iahis territory as a sanctuary to sl.o from-tbe .'penaltR of law.nd of unWillihfe-Wrun . the risk- of again encoui. tnem. ; -.v . ' r.V - -"?' ,u ta' f : f..,'.,ur.,nr,A:nr, t,ia H.infisition of " .,. i-'pnaiWt -e are a'ppy tQ.confirm W 00 ,h; the assurances we gave: them a few fa j all the, real Vwmarirthe': ?lMfM and honest and respectable, part of . tw ( , vv:;V':4:";-v':-:v. -'v J c ett 're Per id li pn ; 'ho 111 ' PU 'at I 'for - .'. M - a. .','1 . .: :-' j . - ' v. ix-; r' 'V. '-; f'.. , , . . . -.-.7.-. f - -.-a. S- I .