41 4'' r 'L t 1 " f(M. hosy'S SFfc.C0KTW?Ep.) tht r 'Jaws, and - rcsolvec! W to hr'm liTiV' r,; u t,i:. !?: ' andttfluou. vtach woulbc doing-toTence Jfth juch t (ayse and euch a rtsoluiion,-neither habitant! td-the;ile Dauphine. and found tame 1 to lije KVo,kan.,fcwn hjJeofcontrUc(ioh'Uut Trance 'tiotlfa combined w.r8 cf'lbe earth can of tlioseha had bcen i-tilcrf iL-.i.. .0 auspices 01 fi'inevve.- About' the Barne period Baloxjnt ar the Pascagola,' was settled; ; In 1 719, toe if ihe gentleman Ul in,sHt on giving to tbe'sccond 1 ( ' t member ai cinargeti exicndqsensej it maybe ; iiic J?y "appljmg it flotbe. Wirrfl- boundaries iff ' . f l.bmMvuia.vJts said .thathen-' '.Ff ahce ceded LuHiana vfo (SpaiA"iiVi'62, Jihe country .extended prior viijcuaiy. oij i owy,, cseiapnett ironi . joulsw Wiethe ttnitury .tjiteriptyinB iiuothe rtd ivejcnd; rrcl'eii). lt;,Tn't6ew'' prtk 'i.ce Itnlirhe : frame bf the Province bf Texas.'' Dvi,AHc uwiMiwwvii flc-oawine re, niemorabie 3 .Ci?lic' eU known h'aw tnjstf.'rious!y they were sus r ? pindtd by an.rvneiti?t iri 1 8C6, by. which Ht n9 uiwf wuKMif Nywua Mit-niy 1101 cross subdue 4hema., Mr. President; Mhat are to be the vi?.tqujpncie 01 iis measure, a measure adopted at a lirac pariicularlj .. caVsqUicd 10 excite the re .iir.,hHr.;n'i,.i'Lu .11:.'' : . v -rt- . pwiiiumu .w vyuiu aiu jiir, jfiiups ;, a time wnen that, people l pressed on all sldws by thtir' enem r. "iis'lVu MFJ'SviJ proairate, wnerr tticy bked 1 1 . uicoapine, aim ui umencns .should, not ;i A" extendthei setttements asfKariut liver. And , ; for ihia purposki'.tttevof.'jpoJlisiQn'- until the i'A ; difference should -he fettled Jpstructions j were ( Bjvtn ln8t no surveys'-should made west of a t . tne- gentfemanrls not satisfied travelling . lath wejtt by going tactile e;.st be may find an :l 'apphcstion-.theto.wa aad inland otjw- Orkans, formal Drovision introduced Into most treaties, anrl in 'would W understood if fio expttised. Of course ,rr v the c;ssiorf.' would, be 'subject to-piior treaties viin oiner .. in wss jpam ' concluded a J j treaty with the United btates, whereby Hihe agrees H - " th'auhe navigation of the Mississippi, in its whole ?;-breadtli fsom its Source to'the oceiin, shall 'be free ? " ;M the citizens, of thu? Cnlted States' Tind that the V. aU..1l Kilrci' ll vl.V .lAV,-.t L I.! t . . 5 , . ; M)inwikInre.igni,m wpoau iueir Dicrcuanuize K v6n1 effects, in ihjnrt Newv0.rMns" freeof : doty for tbrec yeers; and after that period, if the ? prhiletfe is not eTctendetUat the port of New Or t ,v y"leans; she is tp-assign" to; the' ' United -States", on f ViT equiyfctit tshtbUshipnr Ta Jhese protisions ine clause in question 1 apprehend refeis. . 1 n noiuing or jiQstfA'ton 01 LrfJiiisuna is cor J I k -r mp.mdent .with the cflhstruction.I have givn the J' treaty.-1 hen pdswpa-.wa biiglnally dili vered ' i -Vy.'Ancc 10 Spain,, Florida' was not dilivered r '1 r;,consia(Lred any part ol the eesVion. When Lioui , i? iu unycifvnc iiciiiy oi at 'iiueioaso'wrs restor - ; to rranqe, ilqrda was. not diliveied. When '- ?ulI,ana W)rfV the. treaty -of laoj was dilivtred , - ,to,theUnited States, Florida was' not comprehend '( - ' Indeed the government of the United States mtn ireaieo country on- the wen of the Mis t , iissippi, Including rtbe-tbwrf ancJ island of New J; . 'wnearia as the wiioie ol Louisiana by receiving t-'. and payine the purchase monev. which hv tt r .t."ns 'Of the, treaty they, were not 6orf to do, i h euuwnicr oy tne act ct Congress creating the 'Louisiana stock they were not authoritcd to do. I V. altr Juaand aim possession had been deli ) lYWlu President is it conceivable that after the ' 1 .boundary in Question had hpciw.fKi',? k .u : v f lnat K,le'lw compact of nation's, and eoflcrated i.Ji long. and, bloody, w)u and too by a lapse of fH w".viuie utui 111c icrruory T- i(,LV'K:tn excluded byjhat bduhdsry, and rais, 1 , d into a distinct province under (list5nrt n 1 'v I ' name, it ever bore aitvr ihe establishment of the I I booridary--l! it, F say,v ir-conceivable, iffhe ; 1 parties mean V to have included this "nrovWe in 5' ' r . tbe treaty pf lldcfobso,' that it should not ha've jjs:t-beia specificaMy .'named i i.'v': : C''1' j3ie4now,.sir; cltd iTiyVemarks on the quest ign of title, and ijl proceed tbtonsider very J ' t 'Oy lhc y remaining miestioni-that o expe-Jency.- : - :v . ' -v-- , rs't would be well for gentlemea-io consider f v h'eher thi measure is not a departure from the si aou pacinc poncy lie rttelore professed on the p$Y of the. United Ststes. Sir, our policy .has betn to, avoid wan. 1 o this policy, we have sac ri ; ' fieed many of our national tights, and---property f -Jo TasC amountjKckete-indignitiesand suf- icrea.ine nation s character to sink. We-.-Wf.re. ''panicularly squfaxnishln relation to St. Domingo I Colo'tyojr Francet-whejLTi aAtate jof Jebellion We jt that lime carried on and had for a" lone i : . ir. . .- - .. . . . . V'w,jc weiuic an ajniporiani cpmtnerce with that ; jsland, when, sjtddenly we were called upon by f 1 the, French? minisit-r in the name of Ws master. f ; ',n a stile too nct.the most decoriiiis and hvIJeH w cctuiuuisn mai commerce. And do, sir I Compare, the twi cases. Here is a Span isb colony ii a state ot rebellion And ''what "do VOU del' Refused to tlif m nrovkiono anA , as ip the case or St. Domingo i No, Sir. Do we . merely aid andnssistthe rerolutionists ? No, sir ; - - but we are aboUtrto invae'e tlie! colony and take I it to ourselves." Sir, your-conduct would have J , been, consis'eirt, if instead, of passing a non in. xu:3c "ftWWyjailf ftaH. detached a rforgottoh that the ' rx ic ttiiouiaiiue uay o rcifiDuuoixmay come. bnairi 'f7.-B uvmj; nc aj'. oit ingiantij ca.n send ilura to sea. ypur Fast 'jlndia merchants may, pay l Joridauv. our vessels n; Ihe tports of Spain indln the ports.of her colonies 'my be sicd and confiscated, and with more cause, than the late, seteures " and ' confiscations of Europe. Sir, I." consider this bill all important, and nree ...r..i . ....' " iniL.vkun mwiui cuustiju -uces.Liel it taerelQie be well considered before it passes. ' . . In' point of we, F thiuk we are Darticulailv unfortunate. Kecpliect the important crisis of this country in rejalion to the belligerents of Eu rope. -France, it i$ saidj ba revoke her edicts, Snd 410W it regains fc-r Grea Britain tp say whe ther she will repeal hets. ' Jet i4$ rememhered. vjrciii uvuam is now inp tuij.j&i pain, and, f gt w? know, may have guaranteed' her coipnics. vvouia 11 not at least have been pu dent, af done a former occinion inrftqtiou to another flower, to have encjuirejj what part she would take i If she i$ to act the pari pf an ally oflensive and dtfer.sive or 0' an ally at all, can it Veexpected that she will revokfiher orders in council or even reprain indifferent i It is a singu lar circumstance, tliJt the proclamation 'reviving the non iiitircourse with Great Britain and the one for taking possession of Florida were upon the anvu-at tne same time. 1 here 1 only five days difftrence in their dates, and the Florida procla mation is the first. Sir, tome, they look a good deal like twin brothers. One moment more will close my remarks. The houorabje gentleman from Kentucky has told us that Lurope is now in a sta!e of barbarism, and has emphatically aked, are we te sit litre and cavO, ftbout questions, cf. right ? , What, sir, if l u rope has become barbarous, is that a leason why America sbovld become so too ? Why we should depart from the great system of cpuduct which has been the pride, the safety, and boakt of our country of failh of justice of peace ? Is this a City Ot MeW Oilcans Was laid nfTarul ik. pi ine -government 01 jwuisiana ;wa established .L v .'. a. 1 - - r.-- . ' 1 . "- ----- v .u ere. m 1 1 00, me - r rencn erectri n rr "VP'St-T" fMitnat prance had joe acj,uai pOT6es,Mon inr iouiie, at icas j iiut,; tne 1 greJ ; instrujn'ent which ascertains, beyond all dotibt, that the coun. of Louisiaira is bjie pf the hiosl authentic and so- lenin ciurace.G.which the archives of a nation can furnish.Vlwyaii hit patent granted in 1612 hv Louis the TtXit, to Crozat. :niprW to: n a sicb parU cf patent as: wti e-applicable to ihe suojeci.71 mtordinc to Ibis document. Jn de- scribintr the DEOvince or colon v ol'LfinliUi. -: oeciarffl to oe bounded by Carolina on the E Him . ai ww mcxiku mi me vtsi. inoer mis high record eyidence, it mieht be insisted Uiat we have a fair claim to East as well as West Florida against France at least unless she has bv somecpnvention or other obligatory act, restricted the Eastern, limits of the urhvinr.e.' If" Uo in deed, been aiserted, that by a treaty hwfifiv France and Spain, concluded In the var 1 19. iul Perdido was expressly stinula'.ed to be the hniinda- ry Deiween their respective provinces of Florida! on the East aiid Louisiana on the West ; hut as I have been unable to find any such treaty, I am induced to doijbt its existence. shore,' and a part -, . 1?? t Z. cons dering all JlZ read to thero tU ac he penajtv recpv ed-him m the extrt;ft iHtWl? e?.go we got pn rshoriiASTfc cf ,ii piuuivt(.u uer carrying- 0ff fa; .1 - virsn A principal kmonir -A ?lftS, Pfjlbe general. ss.cmt ' r T" 15 w, . rio.i roaster kSai,,,tijrTJ!t 'A fntn-t'J V "" l.iM we hnouic nave DadLto r d-d save... We have sufiWed nTh and mghts on lhe,bcach onSd S' er but our greatest mart ,fia,: T It bed of the property we had.ad.-lS2? CSiTr1'1 t'difiertS vxi4.ee ni umi wren rexcharped for rate of one bnshel forUo. There v auif quantity carried to Millord, hi -f and purchased bv ihe in,,u 'rJr.e,u - . .---- , K'W aiicr I 1B'.... '! Extract from tfio Grant to Crvzof, dated Fort tointlcau, September H, 1712. "IOUIS, BT THE GRACE or COD, 8tc. "The care we have always had to procure the i entei td weuare ana aavaniage ot our subjects, having in duced us, hci to seek for HI possible opportu nities cf enlarging, and extending the trade of our American colonies. We did in the year )683 give our ordets to undertake a disrovery of the counfries and lands whicit are sitHated in the nutlhcrn p irt of America, b'tv een new Frnnce and new Mexico ; and the Situr de la Sail, Jo whom. we committed that entetpriae. havinn-had lad interfered as a revenue officer iiseihe sailor lhat lost all but hi. fife", Ifj I saved that I have been r.o - but htvei- met with such treatment S from the savage, of Slaughter Nk I county c v - v ' University of NoriK;CarolP THE. subscribers, acting as a conVmituv -the authority ol hn tr.,T,.. J.l,tt North Carolina. hW Z"1 the public, that a contract is at lenC:hS ?-r .ilding of that Institution. success enough to confirm h hclief that. a commit nication might be settled row ' Arw? France to ffie (Jultu'i of Mexico by means of large, risers ; this obliged us immediately after ihe peace of Rys wic, to give rctrs for establishing a colony there ana- maintaining a gatuson, wKth la form all whom r m ttr enable them properly to txecu'r the U ? j Mnvd on them by the trustees, it beconte i 2 t .j uvvwj w.at V1ry 8na,, ,npS8 , ; ol ail the subsci ml ion iinr":V.,1.....f . lllc UUJJe 0I oD'aming aid toil end above mentioned. It is requestei that all such papers be returned to them. u ,,J,";'U1 V"c''voy man or otherwise, oriorbe. .-.v juiynext : As sooti is ixmi- -v, ..im.ii j:nuti, me committee liaveilii charge to announce to the world the n,.i;c. of the inditidual subscribers towards finishing the of the victims of those (powers ? Is this a raasort why we should" commit an act of ii.iustice and violence ivy, arils a people vho had pitfiertd you their Irifindship if Is thi. a reason why we should embroil the. nation m war : ' I bgpaidpn, sir, for having, detaincdyo so long. The subject U important, and if I have not been mistaken in my views of it, I have shewn Ihe pioclaination uiiauilioris.ed,' lhat wc have not a good title to Florida, and that if we had a claim. it wpuld not; accord sib ihe.tquiiale and pacific policy of ihc.Uviied States. to assert irat this time by foipe. , f 1 Ar. Clay't, Speech, Mr. Clat. Mr. Fresidetn It would have Wa, ified me if sciine other gentleman had undertaken to reply to the inemqus argument which you have tusl hcaid. Hut not perrei vino: any one disposed to dp so, a sense cf du'y obliges me, mough very unwell, to claim your indulgence whilst I offer my sentiments on this subiect. bo interesting to the Union at larcet but particularly to the Western section of it. Allow nie, sir, to exprtss! my admiration at the more than Aristidean u&Uce, which, in a question of Territorial title between the United States and a foreign nation, induces curtain gentlemen to espouse the preten sions of the foreign nation. Doubtless., in nnV uture negccia'ions, she will have .too much mac. nar.imity-taavail'hcrsdf of these spontaneous con- cessions in her favr, made .on the' floor of the Senate ofhe Ur States. it was to have bet n expee'ed, that u) a question like ihe present, gentlemanT etn on the same uriiirl h ivt hH keflt and r.rifni.nl hnllrimr i ... n' on, sir,, why we should viola, W treaty with 'J , 3 UnLZ Zt??? M opa.n,notooe 01 ino.e narbarpus powers, but ope I ate situated in the (;u!t,h of Merit. rr ". Unar Qzjbe eau and old and newMexico on the wst. But a new war having broke'.out in Eurdpe shortly after, there was no possibility, tillTtow, of reaping fi-cm that colony the advantages that might have been expected from thence, &c. And whereas, upn the information we have received .concerning the dispos.t.on and situation of the j sion they will be so ere s?id countries, known at present by the name cf ., the province J ' Louisiana, we are of opinion, that " mere may reestablished therein a considerable commerce, ice we have resolved to grant the jcommmerce 01 tne country of Louisiana to the Sicur Anthony Cro2at, &c. For these reasons, c. we by J.bese presents, signed by our hand, have appointed and do appoint the said Sieur An thony Crozat to carry on trade in all the lamls nos. sessed bv us, and bounded by New Mexico and by the landa of the nelith ct Carolina, all the estsh. lishmehts, ports, havens, rivers, and nrincinallv the port aiid haven of the llannhin ' hrtn foie called Alassacre, the river of St. LouisJPer weck until it is finished.' The President aia heretofore called Mississippi, from the edce of ! Directors of the Deep and -Haw River Kavigai the sea as far as the Illinois', together with the ' Company who have the managemeut Of tliuM river ht. fhilip, heretofore called the . Missouri, L,otlu'y natter a themselves that the lolloivtii anq 01 !t. Jerome, heretofore called Ouabache, 1 251 'heme is o puui and-tair, that it iveedb no r with all the countries, territories, and lakes with- Iplanation. Tickets will be 8old at nearly all the m this place ; in -which shall he nuntioikd ilit name, puceot residence, and theamount tfite subscription of each individual c'onor. Thisbrt generous and patriotic mind, the committee sk aware, will not betaken into consideration V Tfey hold, however, that it isj-ight and proper thai lie rising generation shall be informed cf theWati ol those to whose affectionate and latherftrmw- 11 1 a tt ,Ft J Seij HiVtCOiCU. JOHN HAWVOODjt HENRY 'POTThR.1: . - WILLIAM rOLi- -i Raleigh, Jan. f7t IS! V. , - SECOND , CLASS or TIE CAPE-FEAR LOTTERY. The Drawing of the Second Class of the rear Lottery will commence n ih,e (In)' January next, and cohtinwjo draw 1000 TicketSj in land, and the nyers which fall directly or in di' telly into that part of the river St. Louis. doe armies. ;j. uur pleasure is, that all the countries, streams, rivers and inlands he.-and re. puun coliipnatd under the natne of the eovtrnmrnlcf wHtuuna, wn'cn.s-nau be dependent upon the gejDJjmojKtiiOTeLoi-leJK Ft ance, to -w-his-h it is subordinate and fithfr. ihnt ik. Kl.l. UAIIlH lA.iru- . 1 at . - - - ..... ...v( , VtSn ' wcva, ;,: aunougn which we possess from the Illinois be united, fcc. I - quureu ipr me conquest-pt that island France I at .fl,n tiaJ irsiuttd ami injured us more than I 'Spai9 has-done, fad France.. then was enuallv s . incapablA.o Bffording wo'ecUon ttfthat island at j -VJ IK'W s tohercplpny of AVest Iloiida. - . '',bm what. has hejrtvyour Conduct heretofore to. various arguments. And hence Abe .homiraldo gentleman IVomrVerm. it tntei tains doubts with regard to . ouMiije against Stain, whilst he feels entirely satisfied of it aainal Fiance lielic-Virig as I doT that' our-ti'tlp against-both powei s is in disputable, under the. treaty of St. Udtlonsr?, be- ivveen Spain and France, and the treaty between the French Rt public and the United Mates., I shall not-enquire into the treachery by which'the -, wiin .--.riairi r 11 h An e ii m. i . i . . j " if .i'-'" utucu 10 you ine ngnt t idmd one of the uatural lights of thi f right loo.coiAtcrated tby, treatyf eid yoii go t i V' J." When 6hewdp:nied ,toyou tlMfcrihtrof depos I Ne!" Queans. Jo iolatida oFT recent treats country to MIOKll 'J 7n gq, la far 2 -When she subjected you to j o-quty or tribute, s some- would calUt, on the I ; ' M!lei -did )tti ito.wari. Nay,' s, when she ) committed (spolntions, on ; your commerce, and ' ' .u0ertd them m be c6RnUtcd wUhin, her jui isdir Vi tn by apovher ppwejr,.did yoji'gd to.jvar I No, sin t And MrhyS-Siam wasUfien thc 'aljy oFrgnri'hi( . ha Spairr rccent.dorie'io provoke this aco'f ag , rrtstionupon hei'territorv i What n,m, nm,m. I lie tlni(edStuitt l;U it. her determina-4 ; ' ..lion ;ti. i'..ei.v . I...... , - .. . I j VH he ha& lately stnt rmjuister .v express her " )Vcty. fvWi'.for both the j X 5 Ioow,d pay haf she; owes, usFor spoliai wtW ulatc Ui France wUl conquer Spain ? -b'm. myjblevopinioojUhe: will Ttpt do tr ranee is not now'conlietidlhb' wiiK un m,.j . ; . ' o ... wi4 wiiipvu qui. .wry but Jie E-hu an armed people; a people king "of Spain is alleged to have lost his crowrfi nor shall 1 stop to discuss the quest ion in vol vd in the overthrow of the Spanikh monarchy, and how: far the power of Kpain . ou.j'o he consid;rtd"$; merged in that of France. "I shall leave the ho norable gentleman from Delaware to mourn over me juiiuiicu ui ine lulled v"nes. i nave no commisseraiion for princes. I sympathies' "arc reserved lor the great mass ol mankind, and I own the people of Spain have them most sincerely.' ' I will adopt the course suggested by the nature of the subject, and pursued by other genHcm.en, of examining kito our title to.the-coiintry lying between the Mississippi and the ; Hio t Perdido (which, to avoid circumlocution, I will calFWest Florida, although it :i3 not the whle of .it) and the.property of t he recent measure s' iaken for ihe occupation of it Our ti Ie depends, first, upon the limits of the province or colony ff Louisiana,' 4nd secondly, upon a just exposition of the- treaties before mthtioned.;- ' -. '' "- ". , On thispecasion it is only necessary to fix the Eastern bondary. Fiv order; to. ascertain this, -k is proper to take a ciirsory viev,ijf the, settlement of the country, the basis of European title tpjco-' loni.es in America being prtr discovery or prior occvpHpcy . : rh l.685,;ra Salle migrated fipm Can&d'af 'thfh pwed by JAnte, descended ;the Missippi- and "namrd the copntry,v.hichit waters, LoulsiahaV , About. H39, D ner viifediccoveVecl by sea the mouth of the tississiripL estabUshed a colony at the Isle Dauphine oMasSacre, hich lies at the 'mouth' of the bay of MobTtiECand one at it.- '...t--r'.i.- it .i.'.v. r:. i 1 mc luuuiu vi ui iivcr aiuQUC aq was jppvjmca t0,the general government ol New France, and become pari thereof, See.'' Debate to be continued in eitnexlJ .- .' :';." THE SONNAS. Extract fiom the notes attached to the.Rev. Dn Morse's Sermon before the society for proDaeatine vc ""'""K "e luctians ana otners in North America na -work wliich has been much apprpved of, aadcsnnqt be ioo "gepe rally .' read and -admired. . V- T. 'v "1n he CaHcassiflnMoAintainsvnot far from the nilclc Sea; is;i::people called Sennas, from their coimtty of this name, amounting to about 2G0KX) souls, inhabiting 60 villagls, 6omeof which are towns of 900 houses. These people acknowledge jcajis vnriM iu ue ineir oniy lung and baviour .They pray lhat iod would ties. them for Christ's! Sake, observe the sabbath, have priests who, baptise uietr cnuui en, ana administer the sacrament of the Supper. ' They believe in a future, iudtrment They are said, some of theni,' to labor under deep convictions oi sin, ana to pray nights an d.dayr They consider their, preservation, and the ore- vernation of Christianity amdng them, as a.miracle. hey inoculate their children for the smallpox.; have gardens enclosed with stone wall, and abun. oance oriruit ana. live in harmony apd eomfort litflis.is an pmciai oocuent trom iht? Hev Mr. unjnton s letter trom Karass, Tartary, Feb. I8q6. Extract of a letter from- a passengtupn board the ; Mauruih t.oretta, cant. Brady, from, the. Hayan- na, bound' to Philadelphia, with coffee, sugar, ,:.c. uiscnargea between t;edar and Misnilion . creeks, in the. county of Sussex, (Del.) in the rooniii ot ,uec. 18 to. .-,';:-. --,ri'.-. r? " Ve had an agreeable pasVan-e until we struck- on, the west side of Joe Flogger, where: we started a plank and drifted on the short near Slaughter Neck, with the wind N. East.. .The surveyor and inspee'ov pf .reyenue, came from Lewistownto our public places in the. state: and any geittlttuia taking ten Tickets can have them on credit until the drawing is finished, and the 1 -Yizes wm be rt'cfcived in payment " -,.; S-CHJSMS. 60- prizes of 100 dollars is (5000 dpU'f li?.Q ', do. of - 50. ilo. , " isJjKjQj 290 '60Q ISUO do. i do., dp. ot of 20 10 ' do. do. " do. is 5bC0 dollV, Js. 6v00 coifs. 7s 720U djl. 22iO prizes,. -50 blanks. " 6O00 Tie keti at 5 dollar each is 30.000 do The first druwn a 50 blanks be eutiilwl ' one of the prizes of 6 dollars each. Subject to a deductionof 15 per cent. , - . .Branton, . 'Josefih Alintent , ' i 'Afufdxk M-Kenzie, . Archibald JD. r.Afoifty , 1" FayetVevlliei' Mo'v. 20th, 1810. K.Jk I If IHV . v. . , I John Spencer r J Bjurtorr.Jk J. Uarniuon.r 1 VV M h 11 1a A C Ifr annarh in this COtin - fendant in "ihis'couse is not anjnhabitant ?t w State? ordered -.that publicatiqif be mwlet' Rakish 'Minerva for the space of three tm .. '. '.J ' . , . ' ... i next it?! mat unless ihe deienuant appear u iv -- i of our said court, on the first Monday om State of Nortli-Carolinay GVakvillKcCounit. - Sufierion Cotirt of Law, Settrmter TW Vaughaivfc Hazard, ") Ordinal altachmem n, in th nnnf vni i " ; , next, replevy property and plead to issue, juflk ( final will be entered against hlth. , . . v 'JVilneaf,, , "JV.r'rri't'' iMpoaTxa. aai DIQN, , WILLt stfad thi .season t mywe , Granrillfi. Court-House- !jracd jassiuacci:an4 wfe;w:crc:m algpod. wari ter m?Fv jmuat-j fi '"'y'i -'-'V i'';' ' 'f. r. 4- r