... sl" From (he Baltimore Federal Republican - MK. fiCKEKING' AiUJR'ESS. TO tHK PEOLK OF ' ' TH U STATES. no. vi. , ; , , Pf Haw Citizens. Wit. Adams having never as signed any specific reason for removing me from ' cilice, and the conjectu res' hitherto formed being insuracitfni to aqcouiu wjr !i( uic.ijucsuuh uuuc P more recurs J.Q; what reason was I removed? The answer is not to be expected, from Mr.: Ad am: I am myself constrained to give it In ; he year 1800, Gen.' Hamilton published ' " " a leuer concerning the public Conduct and char-1 actev of John Adams, Esq. President ot the U- mted States.' It had relation to the approach incrthVion of a President" Mr. Adams, and Mr. JcifVrsoii were the rival candidates. In that let. - tf, Gan. Hamilton thus noticed the removal of Mr. M Henry ,: secretary of war, and of myself, , fionvoe. " It happened (said he) at a peculw &r juncture, immediately after the unfavorable tiro unfavorable to Mr. Adams of the state ;, election xn New-York, and had muchvthe air of an explosion of combustible materials which had been long prepared, but which had been kept down by prudential calculations, respecting the t fleet of an explosion upon the friends of those Extrastscfa teiter JatedSJfltilAGtWOi fr0. TltwiuiC. Bovrie f.f to -timothy Pfcktring. iL1 I assure foil, sir, U. will be a source of mucji gratification if any eair.g in my power can cofttrT bute, in'thc smallest degree, to the PPU3 of those cross and palpable delusion which have been so long imposed upon the American people, by the Pipkney at London. iThen,. it will be chljTa change in one lordship' humble servant' for a nother ! Gen. Armstong, it is rumoured, is -to be offered the pi ape of secretary 0f;mrT,bu. we suppose h is -destined to blithe place oi jir Smi h .. .provided thl latter accepts a toreign em bassy- Butj our candid opinion is', , that no, con ministers in the state ,6f New York Pethdns, j 1 YnmiA in Kn.2 nf -Wharfe's, Tavern wnen it was supposed, toai nommg pouia ue iosi- although then a resident ol f nnc yieof ge s uoun in this quarttr, hnd ihaf komething might he gained ty. , ,6ne mornine, while in bed, Mi1. Smith re elsewhere. r An ATOMm"sACRiric of-tHosb jnarked. that in k few davs the federalists would ,MNisTEns, tsPXCulLT Mr. PltEMG,ioJ receive from the seat of. government, piece of had been for 'aomsJimefiarticuUrlyodlvui to whkh would both surprise and abrm : position par.tyy was determineo to proceea to ex- them. He would not impart what it was, but re iremities.' Compare this conjecture: of General ' quested ihe ' to mice his predictiohi. When the Hamilton with the following details i "7" 'mail' brought the - news of your dismissal, Mr. The excessive vanity and inordinate ambition ot Srntth told mtf it was ihut to which he alluded ; , Mr; Adams are well known;' He Wished also to en jjuid he supposed I would admit he had some ,kno w- . joyxne emoiumenia as wen as; me nonors or tne j jdge or. cabinet secrets'-,-1 had umierstooa, a pi-esidency. for at tM another term of four years, short time previous, that Mr. Adams was ntebtia But hy this time," he hadt made surh a devolope- ting wifn the leading1 republican members of the meet of his character,, bo inauspicious to a : cor; House of Kepresentafives:a coalition which went rct administration of lhe government,- a to have Q secure his 5,000 a year at the cxpence of exciwa oisgusi in .many; mnucnuai leuerausu. what htr himseli had deemed thepubliegooa, but Hence Mr. Adams's Tears, that their support a- a nttletime before : That General Smith arid other abettors of democracy, in regard to your public I spicuom man ought lo take any part, or place, in characterV-Then noticing my official publication I tlie administration - while the subtle afiotMc Gat relative to bur" rulers and their mahigementotthe jfan'rt is retained as chief favourite and counsel- In 'order toAtmBnicthc effect and universal Convic tion which tiiey had1 beefan to operate in almost e very section t the country, it was soon found n.e cessary to make you the. incessant theme mine most bitter invective and vftlear abuse." It is im- possible for you, sir, to have any adequate idea of the very ungenerous, and i may .say, wickcu expedients resorted toby the democratsln relatioh to this Sub ect," - .- ' . 44 1 certainly iiyKear Mr. Secretary- Smith make the declaration contained in the. certificate of Mr. 'Kimball A few days before the account ofj your dismissal " arrived at Annapolis, I repaired thither.' attending lh"e General Court, having just commenced the practice ot tne law; ana having studied in Baltimore With Judge Chase and Mr. Martin, I was-well acquainted with" Mn' Robert omun anu me uaunuore d gcncrMj, : wwi J aione; would ' noi secure nis it eiecuon. vr.ai leading ilemocrattc members, were on the eve ot course,' then' should 'he-propose to Jjimaelf i Mir. Adams's expected ie election,ilKeqently din ' y "PUctefeii ne'fueo Suficro, Jrcheronta tnovebo." ; jng Rna: visiting at his house, and Who before that V .Some, of .ihe leaders of democracy were sounded.' time had never been seen iivthe habit of either. ; unfir intrigues. , uy my. removal uiey expecieu ousies towards the most upright ' at once to detach, trom Mr. Adams my patticu- iust. This consideration, and AThey were, or effected to ber willing to-lend their ; T have now. fellow-citizens, unVeHed mystery fj tofyty conditions t ofwluch one was, that. J should" pf iniqni'olwhich'-fo near eleveri years, very Iv ' 5 remove jrorn. ojjice. i nis was assemea to j few iiave had any suspicion, and fewer still a know, -tapd I.was removed,; but not without some delay ; edge of the facts When a man has, atone peri- -tV-Which furnished 'at least a pretence to thosea. od of his life distinguished himself by his public . ,dcrs; to disregard 'agreement. Not that iw. services, it is distressing to find and exhibit him a A ,er existing circumstances tney would nave la- capable or straying from the path of integrity .; vored Mr, Adams' election : He was.the dupe of and truth : for it tends to excite suspicions and jeal- and inflexibly others before sug- eested. were sufficient to restrain - my ben i and pect ability, "were not to be oveclooked. Ard e- no reasons merely personal, would, in this public uiuocihui mr. aui ic-cieuuoii oy a manner have drawn the secret trom me. liutthe '"'federal majority, the icsentments of the democrats apostacv of Mr. Adams, and his operf support of . w diiI J be gratified, if their future interests should men and measures that were directly opposed to wOt be material;) firemted hy my dismission: the system of administration which was formed ,.t Soch, fellow alliens, was the base,' the cor- durim; the Presidency ; of Washington which for ( rq t irtotive for my removal from office, ! With, some'timt Mr. "Adanu Continued to maintain .cat recurring f other proors, the simple fac,t that but which, hi the end, he fatally contributed to, levins dcmociats knew, some time before the subvert ;-this new course of conduct, in supwut ,'evi-n'., thdt 1 waa to be dismissed, while federalts 0f a new system of aimini$!rafio:which has o'ver were ignorant of it, furnishes :he strunr;est pie-j JwzA our'-'couatry with..ca!amifies hciureun tunip'.ive evidqice of the abovem-nnotd Intrigue.! knowRhas'. f'-inVh.l t nlVKnt an5 a still fur-' rulcuseoliny removal. cotrratif.-'ii.c- h-t&u; nf :;s , hai-acter. " 'Re has-r.o. lor. . , .. r-.-.iy r k It would -be- Unfair. p.crhap3, to doubt the pa triptism of Mr. Madison ,oT which we have had many .profs...but, it would be absur.4 to i expect wisdom or enercr in measures dictated by a secre tary who openly combined wjU. lories on the, bank question, and w;ho has been repeatedly accusetioi, rendering' the laws a nullity by impropef cotini- vance ana remissions-oauimurc ( ucnt-j ; MEDDLING. Mr. Bourne and his wife . Had at breakfast a strife i He wanted bread an3( butter,with his tea ; V Says she rule, the roast. , 1 I ; . I will have a plate of toast t'' . ; t ;. So to loggerheads with him went she i "there' was 6ne Mry Moore .v Z Lodg'd ii the second floor : 1 a man yetyjitrong in he wrist-- ' ' Hejbverheard the tlutter . About toast and, bread and butter, So he knodk'4 down Mr. Bourne with his fist. JSays. Moore,'. pd rojr fife,' V You shall not beat your wife . It is both a .sin and idisgrace." r . ." You fool,ays Mrs. Bourne, Tis no business of yourn." 4 r And smack went a cup of tea in his face.- , Cried poor1. Mr. Moore, ' " 1 As he sneak'd to the door ' - "I'm 'surely a tman without brains, " When two married folks artjBouting If a' stranger pokes his snout ihi V Hes sure to get it tweakM fof his pains'f ' MARHIED, ' ' Lately, at Dumfres, ( Scotland) the Lady Much terardle to Daciii CwsAnfe, q, of Overdumfifid lingi in the county of Dumfries. EPtTHAL AMJVt CELTICUMi OverdumdHng't tTf ' David Custinici 'clept Esquire, Authicrfar die's Lady fair, , Passionately did admire. Overdumjifidling' Vlltir "" Sought fair jtnthterfardle ' hand flymen smU'd and soon the pair Buckled in his hoi v band. Auld Dumfries ! thy crest now rear, Sing, and pus about the nappy May Oiierdmifiji Ming's Heir ' K Make fair Atuktctf&rdfahappy t ;: From, the roof of this frndpair Stili may smiling Fortune ward ill Soon Squire Cushnie have an Heir By fair Lady Jiuchterfardle, 1 and three hundred, and commenced 1 fift 1 hours, -when finding a steady reshtanc- f ftt guard of yeomanry, which had bn J.nB4t vessel on her first going ashore, they retire shot ,they fired appeared to be cut from bars of lead about an half inrh in bars of lead about an half inch in of these: miscreants dropped, and vai'cf way by hi companions, -j. Died a sho,rt time ago, at the rofrianW , i ' of Laughton en le-Mortheen, in Yorkil. r1 mer Paul, Parnell, Jate ol the Ewes IVm ' aged 76 years, whosduring his life, drank ri !' one giher nint cud rwith two handle J' 20001. sterling worth of nyt brown York 'hi! go;igopd old ale) being much attached "to V?'. tipple, 'Of the best double stout hornehr i Uy 'ft.; B Tlus;calculatioQ. look at 2d. each npHE ' Commissioners 6f the Principal RJri 1 established at Raleih.navinPp;,: , ,r ficient ium of money to carry the said operau, agreeably to' the pfovjsions dfu,e L. esiaajisiurig me otete iiank of North Carol, " hrfHir Vail establishing the" State Bank of North Ca Li LIl..i J''..?.:." ... '. . . . . . "'Vi ucrcov caii a Krenerai meeting- nt h wu.,, v imc ai uu., w uc iicia ai ine 5ta.e 1 louse i. tbe'City f Eaigl, on the tjrfrd MolMJay in next, at eleven o'oclockin the forenoon of ibfri law frit thi iMimno f . of the .Prlntipar Bank, and for other business as shall be necessary for orgium me Bam -vrjoraiion - f Stockholders are requested, tp authorize w Proxies in the -foUowins form. viz. "Law J ing a Subscriber for, .'::, shares in the ft. Bank oXNdxth .Carolina,: hereby authorise '() n ( Vote for' me. and in mv hphnlf. t ths. general meetmg of the Stockholders of tbt'ij JHank,Xo,be held at Raleigh on the 3d Monday June next:: This Certificate to be Witnessed by Justice of the Peace. . The Commisstontirsof the several Branch lkito are requested to forward to the Commissiontrs of mc rnncipai nariK, correct lists ot their Sibvcri bers,. stating the number of shares subscriied la by each, previous to the said general meetMtf the Stockholder " - The Comniissioners of the Principal Bank will convene at the Statei House at nine o'clock in ih : !u fix. i. . iMuniuig ui, uic oar anpomiea tor tne genera ww ing of the Stockholders, fotbewqio auiuig ouvu uuanicaa preparatory' io me sam gto. rai meeting,, as shall appear necessary. Jolm Haywood Ber.jamin BrichlL Extracts from London Paiers. ( At a fox hunt, on the 8ih instant, in the Fa isii of West Kilbridge (Scotland,) a young man fell from a place''. called the Three Sister, the iact m?y oe suit a ;ktc.v. ku: i.ie wtt:itpto:T...hi;4: ir.it, . Ii ihar.nasiu fca.l ealnad an tntiance -Mv.1 Adams hac tcM rac, inn i e t n du-w' . itr j ;-,, n,. r)f,-aM:, k r;-r '-in ' fm' since b'a beef"1S"csl)omt of thateievated and precipitous ridge, , .. t lection of Mr. Jefferson to the P( c.i.t-' L-J jv - e r J" . . H L .f c-', i .i ' -tr v; t ' vky rcss'ntrncnts 'were done called -Ar&eil Bank, a height of ahputl80 feet to v tain. To detach,- thcrefcte, soai'o of hi)l"!ft:! 2wa'.'-ll iV-'Tavhy"' excited 'abiioireiwe min- the bottom,' upon a. 'small ..bed. of stone ; and, as. ; - tans, was' essentiaUo hisovin succcSR. 't.v-i' vlih ..'! et.-.d..LiJba.nR iiunwp.mn. tonishihg to tell I was taken up, not bnly alive, but lhe hst intormetipn I received rttthoiiitiicuc, Tii"St'ltV Mi'KPBINr.. was trom me person wner gave me tne miomVi 'cfi.mh'vtrtop.. ceruncaie. rar. iviniDcii n;:-oeenacicr& m tbej March 3, j fill. S 'department VfsVatel Ater quilting hex.fic he r;P..V My.jourbeV hwheward, and Some una 1 wenl to !?availah, where he n6w resides. In 1 803, voidable delavs on the way, will cause a suspen. be.ng 'm Massachusetts', he came to see me, and ;5ion 6f these' addresses ; bat I shall, resume the gattjme.lhe inlormauon. "On his way bat to. subject as snnasiiossihle after mv it,imto Mak- Savanah irt te Autumn of that year, he found lme at Washitigtoh. The fafct he had stated to me occurring,-! desired him to make out a cer tificate 'of it, and to" show - it to '' the gentleman - f from Whom he received" the information, and who . Jiyed in the1 district ol Colmnbia. ' For the present I omit his name i cpntetuing myself with saying, luat ne is a, gentleman respectable tor jus standing saclmsttts. are not you one of us 7 Mr. Smith replied, ' that Is as it may be" 1 his reply seems to admit of but one meaning, yvti that Mr. R. Smith's openly appear ing as a democrat,' or retaining the. gartf of feder ali3m, would depend on a political evect ft'Atier Jack vr. Tom turntd ufi irumfis. PROPHECY- The following observations from the pen of Gen. Dumourier, in the year l794,iheivihe.priSphclic. Ir. SecretarySmith mikes 80 conspicuous a figure in this a ffair, it'njay not be amirt to recite one other circumstance recollected by the gentle-, hian referred to in Mr. Kimball's ''certificate, T.yiz. Mr. Smith having stated that the news looked for (Vrtrri PKl ar1lririi 1 ii niia fottr imimnionf ' irrm. wYicA- : ' . - i, - M - ' - m 1 (.v nm. V -l J, 1 HSIJUt LOU l VTU3 rivi- ...v.vV, m... -'"'w.h. "".ly unex!iectedx.and will creath-surpri2e your fiar cc lw, u w.Domc, wnose name will ,j,."What, says Mr. Bewie-wiih-surprUe, a. J certificate. S-y:"; " nMr. 'Kimball's Certificate: ' " At a , public tiblc, M'Laughlin's' Tavern, in ' GeOrgetovrtJuly 1800, I heard- say, that some time in' May preceding, he was present An a publip r room, at Annpolis", when Mr, Smith, the present Secretary of the 'Navy made the fol--Mowihg declaration : - That we (meaning the de mncralic' party), have '-been ' sentdoWn ty (from Phihdelplifa1) 16 know on what termtwe'would sup - port Mi . Adarns at the nextpresidential election. In bur answermong her. toiduions, was the -dismissal of Col. Pickering from tha office of Se- ' -. eretary of iitate -1 but .htha delayed it till he lost all hopes of his election, by the strength of his f uTrj nn .y . uitu now . we uy not inauK uim ior it, ' v I have shewn this statement to Mr. :,who savs if it - docs not contain the precise words ' ! of Jlrt.Sraithi that it is substantially correct. ; i Mr. .J- further says, that Mr. Smith i.sV'd in ,the samepcblic manner , that he knew .-caL' jPickeiing. wpuI4 be 4Umissed,sonietime hc. s'fore it took pWe. , , . ,- ' .Hazkn Kimball - 20 f A Z:c."lS03'.'f , "- j , llwn . learnt Ihat Thomas C. Bowie, Esq. of Prince George's Qounty, Maryland, vhom I f did net personally know, Imt who was, named to :? Timm arrerrtleman t)t-litgh'respecf aBlify " wKnT lbad rUredJrom the .barr had a Very particuliar M.caiv,a:sA!,ioai.wihobt Smith (Secretary of the , Nav? in 1803, andnow Secretary of State) on took the liberty in -Apvd 1810, ot addressing a let-: ter to him with a copy ot the certificate. -Hi an- fver is long, containing many observations not necessary to be iiStrodvced here. I will, extract ' what ha6 a special bearing' ori the ca5ei powers of a man of a strong discriminating mind, A- king they wiB have, yhaieiet, he ttiay hf.r' A king they have got, and such a king mil Jacobinism always produce.' - :v . -V.-'-v. .i...-. " ' Is it possible to believe that a reltbltc, found ed on such an outrage of justice, and f hu manity,' can eurxr iasi or prosper uouiniess1 n cannot. The monsters have killed Louis XVI-but they have restored the king. A king they,4ill'.have whatever he may be ; aud this same nation, incon' stant, changeable without any cbhtroul oVer its passions will diliver up or massacre with their own hands, all these unjust judged, and all the furious jacobites and, passing from one extreme to an . 1. : 1 '. .'11 ' . . i" ... otner, win auore new Kings, ah me exertions that have been made for three years,-in favor of rational liberty will perish ; and France wilhex hibita monarchy loaded With crimes and ignominy, dismembered and ruined, under which the most conflict with destructive anarchy, before it can establish the reign, bylaws,' and be obeyed by the people" All of this "generation eyen those but newly bonw will undergo the punishment otthe crlmp7"Icirh'Se"TouryeaTFs rials present to view ; crimes so atrocious that pos terity will hardly believe them."'1- ', ' -TheAlexandiiaXazette, (a federal paper) in. foVms us, that Mrl Eustls, is to: supercede Mr." without a broken bontN and walked the distance of about five miles the third, day after. :. The Gretna'tirecn Parson. Thursday se'nnight dietl,at Gretna Green, aged 79, Joseph PaisJey, the Gretna Green Parson. He was born at Mar kendrew upon Esk, in Cumberland, hnu taiij in life was bound an apprentice to a 'tobarconiit ; which vocation requiring sobriety arid atter.tton. ill accorded with the lax disposition .of Paisley; He soon lell"' (his trade, toiotlow- the mptoymeDt"o,Fa fisherman, and he was allowed by .his contempora ries from his uncommon strength and agiiity, to be-the most expett man in the use of the lister y for the dest ruction of salmon, of any that we have heardof, and endured every kind of fatigue more than any other man. His ; Conversation never turn ed upon religious objects ; his delight was in talk ing of juvenile feats of activity, and about bran dy and the. immense quantities he could have drank of that stimulant without feelingithe small est e fleets from intoxicsP.jcn-. He was accustomed t o relate, in. the presence of concurring witnesses, that he frequsntly swallowed a pint of unadulte1 rated brandy at one d caught. Hexlwe't with com placency on a celebrated achievement of which he shared the glory of a , great brother drinker i .1 ... . . ' 1 . ney. consumeo. wunom any . aasiai. iice wiiaicycri Henry SeaWell, WiUiam Boylan . Josefih Gale, . William Polk, Theophilns Hunter Afiril2, 1811. William Peace, Stephen Quferhritigc Duncan Cameron, t Beverly Daniel. no "than en gallon oi bran Jy in three days. This man could never have, gained Celebrity, had it not been for the - cu'lhahle facility wiih which marriages are celebrated in Scotland ; for a more unjJQiisuca anurougn man in nia manners, we nc, ver-eonversed with, aud his conversation was al ways mixed with obscenity and grossness. An application was lately . .made by Mas??na to the British Commander in Chief, in bthairoflhe Marchioness of A'lorna, confined in one of the nun neries at Usbon ; but hi? Lordship declined all in terference, and refered the business to J,he Regen cy. One of the Pari9 .papers contains the names of six farmers, and two merchants, amerced in fines of from 800 to 4,000 francs', .with limited imprison ment and whipping, tar aiding the escape of some refractory conscripts to whom 'they were related. - A centleman of the name of Shores has under- iakco 4r Lve.faur Jxoists. in-axuXiickr.-L5 dalles 3.6.i44d4 f-iot -suptFiF. -to any - in 50 minutes' in -the hrst week oi iMrch. A yeoman. of the rfame of Dobbs, of Midham, Ducks,' has undertaken to gp 50 miles on foot in' 8 hours, p. p. for 50 guineasi ;to start atilounss., . ArTnost daring attempt was made lya party of country-people at Clonderalawly, to take poJ . - r . 1 . ... ' t 1 . . ' .1 n session ui me iiiiencau snip ivoniuius on tne night of the 8lh instant They assembled at about ten in the eveningto the amount of uelwtn two List oj Letters in the PosuOjfic at Patei 3 IK :-.. March. 1811. , A. James Allen, CharIes,Anios, Walter Mvj, William Allen; Young Allen, James M. Arthur. B. Rev. John Buxton. Beniamin Beard. fciicL house Bell, Edmund I. Bailey, William Q. MX Aiexanacr urowne. . C. Robert Chamblee, Stepnen' Connell, B ward Coney, Richard Cook. , Dp Turner T. Daughtry, Hannah Davis. E. Henry Evans, Wiiliaja Edmunds. F. Rhoda Foster. ; V' G- EH Gragson, EdwSrd GraUon. H. Henry Hill, Harrison 8c Jnes, John Har rison,. .Mary tiood, Uatid Head, Jon Hotui, Euwifl Hatfield, Anderson Hicks. I. Thomas Jinks, Keddin Jones,' Allen Jotits, John Ivey. L. Leman &, Clinch, James Lyon, Elwltift Lyon, John R.Leigh. ' , M Margaret Mulhken, Agness Magee, Llia- beth Manning. '. N- James Nance, Jan. Willis Newsi:m. P. Miss Nancy Patterson, John Parr, HiJiton Ptigii, Thomas Pair Robert Powc 11. Rr CaptrThomas Ir Robesonj-Jame-Redtellc Ehjah .Reden, Enoch . Reans. S. Dempsey Sawyer, Supervisor of the !) trict of North Carolina,' William Sugg, John-bin gleton, Solomon Simpson, Mis Elista S'-ndtrs. W. , William iWhite) William W)nne, h dolph Webb. W. PECK, p. m. ' ' ' ' Mi " 83-.',. RAGLAND's DIOMEdT A Chesnut sorrel, well marked,' now rising en years' old, fifteen, hands threi inches hig!i. ( t elegant torm, muscular and strong, in lug1' cs' , timation as a foal getter, :-:, TXriLL: stand vA iny stable in Chatham cu" f. l near Piitsborough, and will be la mares at .twelve debars the. season, jwentytlonf to insure a mafe with foal j if the mare is witli, the; insurance money will be txpecterf: f and a half-dollars the leap, the leap money to w paid down Any gentleman who may pi ' ' mcVes to'.Oiomed, shdl ha'te-the benefit ot ye se&on at Jten dollars. The season may be charged by the payment of ten dollars if tt"J' groom in every instance. The season comnir! the first of March inst. and will end the E:.i PEDIGREE 1 a. if Dwiec was got by the ol3 imported T- lis dam bv fciJ Liberty, who was got by oldJ.1" ' lis grandarri by aylor-s 6!d imported l-'earr-ouf;"'-lis g g grand am by old CwUy'; liis g I I.-.- ..J U.. 1113 UIU11UJ1U UY JJJlUl 3 Uu 1 his tr ir irrandam bv old Cudflv a . "1 " .. A i 'T,-. T'.-i'nf r. 1) dam has geiierul!y been supfoswd 10 V tmare as any on the cotttueii, .vt,'-. ' -.Good and extensive ,' pasturage. gt,'-:;.' inclosures sudable iur-n- into Separate uiiirtr frill --ntirl miiM wiih foal. 1 I"- are auOiUeiitly good-te! keep maie" " heing-frtl Avith-graliv but-graia-ttil-ii'i' it rccpnirdrat the neighbornoou i '''V - - sponsihillty for accidents tj any Kinu i any-greA attention will bepid .....'.-ret ' - - .CEOnGE DlSMtJ Chatham'coukry, Match $0, JO 11. ' "