mix -v i ' RALEIGIL'l PUBLISHED (weekly) BY IVqiti ANDAf H. BOyCAN.4 VJV to S?f 50i&iV rjrjTr.1 , f yW?r!M,l." ' " ' " " v" t 'rertyv General .Rigjcl, Jw vasHAquin, die- tfiey real Atrierlcan xn)mcrce f aind' out tmd madft- ihe sole ol jtcf 'all lhekeoTiarv' V',' f ' Froin the Ptdtrat kcpilblican. ' Uted ft 'wriutfe-t-eply, to the deputies finri Pott- the UaIw Vates hadunifortrly rfecld tfej- pTs5on of that ad, they rPV'ht V St. DoMiWco Vr - f 7 .' wj-Pmwe the ense-'o'f which was, Uiahe act wouldAv' V.nder being-tfrgfij tjiresWenlwiIIUBtaiti Wtn ilaition,ii ripiji MPtH Tu. proclamati6n iFTfction containing Us ktiowledgcd jnyauthority as president of fHj-li,nd corresf pbmmeTiced ah bcUyc resistance, By ihat-sachrttaHatlon , yn'flfmt lt t&li.t . rto aeainsr Rifeaad,' may , be looked upon "4 epgaged general Dtlva; to retreat with iHa system ftQn-mtercoorse1 against the; orders m,tb9 case of Trance,- by ou!mifauciu-tbn . " viina! Wf anh-4ivUsW'Vts'depted. army wUhoulVthe ,Iimits;of, thaiarrondisement:ounvi, A.t)"n"Aic: atquently, active resistance aiv siibrUstoti ''vTNe reader wilpre6lfecUhRigiiud Irinseqjenieferinihedtb gdrnyself to the ;y 1 6 10 3Bu?ire Britain , must bje prepared fqr.tVi'itKpvosptcts be,r 1 i f!lvtaten.r hriMiragbarteCcbnfe ?ene- infci$?it JW$ done niwglij' othat fbre us," it isliigh tiwr lliat j'-provlaion shoiil4 i .t f - aili!l2uia in Kt i 1avr.il T!ie reaaer wirrecpiieci;!.inavKigaui ,1 : u'l? TaKn.mcurF, or35uw.riiKijiuiu3. i,ieniint -ot I'euon, ana Ast: "e ommaq A civil - ana .miliary .01 ai5u-itv,T,uvuuvv,ij was conierred upon ...yum jj a , fonuiar . . . - ;. 'Mb - 'I'M1' .1.' I'.MA ta'i'V ,1 . 'LL-..t a ntiofiir - thr theJtJddtf t7eJ 'i piefere3 this amicable mftlw 1 5 . : ' i ; , .4,- aU.-T T. I Wert wBcjeiyUy imTioing, "and . in ;,;.- -;t ! ion to make PRESIDENT OF HAITI. 1 S 't ;')tl:e People end tfie Jrmy, , -'w.. I h3 thought it expedient to enlrguten mf citizens and the, army, respecting iny pro- ceding during tne . rfcCent.evenisi,tnat nave urrVd in the southern art of AJbe republic ; and I have delayed it uwtd ith rrnornent, my mq ion and justice. Mildness, and a desire to ure me uioou ui niv. urcimui unit; iwiiji 'trmd the basis of ihy conduct ; th;se are the cisoaa. operatinir so poweriui'.y on .my mind, I did. -I was' very soot) alter recalled to; Port .au Prince ty the appearance . tf a deputation 71pm Chrlstoplie,vlioybcrng apprized of -the "divisions that existed in the republic Wished to 'embrace the opportunity of profitting thereby ; this event has! were .m conformity ,to my principles, had pre served us trom grester misiortunes. hat hive particularly guided.my steps, and have ),cventea me irom arriving crui, cai:iui jr of shedding .Woodivpu ! ' : in the midst of the agitations, by which' we ire been environedroccupied S rth the army on he txoedition to the North under the orders, of he brave tamatfej disquieted by tht movementsi fOoman in the South, having to loi ufy ourselves la'uistthe prpjects, of invasion by Chrrstophe, frequently disturbed by factions in the interiCK ex Isjwmted by turbulent and unquiet minds, I have xperie'need !ihe felicity of governing the vessel- pplying the norinoUs cipences that the state thtijw requtredfc ajdrtjf causing the aurltonty tMROvemnient tooe repeciea, at tne neaa 01 rich J was placed "by the confidence of the peo- e, without howeehviiVg ever solicited it. The aruval tjf Cenetal Rieaudin his native wntry was slgria;lized.by all the 'evidences of sar sfaction that the idea of the misiortunes trom hich lie' had just escaped tocld inspire, and of cnoiamg; anionjgsc ;,us t a new aeienaer 01 -our ;hs ; 1 uraplpyed mm && general ot tlmsion & a(hst the jnstm'enls ol lraud Anse: and 1 xai- iafcJcaluseaTiyjaibe.rOie& tranquilited in tnaLaccount, j exerted tm my enorts 10 put he capital of tht: republic in a situation of securi vfrom iiisuk, and to prepare the means' of re- jlsitig Jhe jrxnyf.-Christoplk, in the event of attacK v .'t.. ,;- . . All the citizens oTthe republic have been equal- the obiectoi iny most , htcly solicitude ; I have vays exerted rhystlf to'make them happy, and (iistin.cruish and reward merit amongst them. 6rrmy .has-.fever bjeen' considered Aofherlwie m, than as lormiog one j that of the south ij been paid stnd 'clothed in the same manner, bd at the same time with that of 1 he " vest i the tjrvice and flharchts , have, not more UirccUy Jtighed on the pno than on th? other portion 1 jthe veip evert! way the utmost facilityprovided for' die, promotion, and security of their interests, d they hav enjoyed parti c u lar advantage ari5: ne from their peculiar situation "of being farther remov?dfromheat:of tisarily to concur in the jpu'.illc and general ex- pcocesii for thel'minKnance of the government ; rid it. was strictly just that they should coope- ite, afid coiiform themselves to the Vicissitudes of rents. , --vi :-,--' It Hvas under Ihese circumstances, andat the ntnenf w heri the grand crisis was approaching, 7 the M ot the Mole, wkcii1 consequently all tiitttk 6rht tb have bfceh united for the defence i the common causei that 'certain individuals tfce towh of A tix Cayes were labouring to binge life form of the government and to establish Kfeirrtsir and tumqhuktus Assembly, the result of iucn ,ta been the- oeDosHi?' ot. feveral public "jactionaries, ; and t tie declar;uiTi of a separation ry ; ht ' exi s Ju g 1 govern me in . . The priuci pal 1tti)f rav aiWtion. biriellfe detlarett entinv '4Ue'f;dv-tinmnt (Chri,l'iophe) I refrained from 'iTinj; the forcfcn- aainsi the authors-of this' first vement ; 1 ''calculated that ;the ' presence.. of getik lt.Kigaud at Aux CaeSj vould have i recalled pdopl'j ;K tranquility and I , was besides in frfmtd the arrohdiaeaient of 'iNiuotiS had not par- !jcipiictl the rein.1' It. was not until ''ascertaining ih ceruinty thtit lhe sciiism was becoming 1 or sanczetl and chaerviil geneinis Bonnet and Ijyk Konoon thui piis: to eoj to Aux Cayes, that J tff-ercd troopa to march id 'the. bridfire of Mira ut, to concur in'pteaervini? thcarrohdisemtnt ippts, an.to piuvn: -tie effects of a fi'esb fcDVocatJnn." uihirl .till nhnin winrt. At''A'rtiiin 4 .--" wiif emeu 10 uic senciinj 01 aoepuiauon 01 "-tal notable .'citizens of fort-aiij Prince who r?eceled the jjtxtijj in ordW .to. xioSe to the ehiels yhk- hew assembly into ", what, a. abvbs they 'tre ; about tn.;'iivfimljtii- it if thnV !irtiiM 'fsi3t in a proceditt as ( incomprehensible as st1- TJie conduct of this arpy,under the o ls f trft .gctierU brigade, Delva aad Oedcon, c:'ihe moct exaU'ed'ulogies for the firder and ' dmatjon it" dibpiayed, and for its , respect for "L4"rrtV t Mt hiitiiitlikrar.fUnir hi nriviitiiSnn. thtii . . irPSJhed tram.cn.tenng a single plantation -m riHii u. mw .1 ivnirn i vprv rnnirnniniirv hi; 'c resign attributed, by the inhabitants of Aux '..19 thV ariuy, of envying' thera, their pro- cember j it'passed, on iny par t; ) with the greatest J tannick. hwaty will do, Us tflore wrong, tThis trannne9s and loyalty ;ona 1 represented 10 nua 'may ipv !uujywm n is cerwiniy,fnmn5-jriori aj(the reasons which ought to iWdu'ceaa Onion of! after ha aD minds. r1' pew V; Hjifit.fi1her(.it' must hS tp Vain some- ossemcicc ; theytwggt. is triB irauounction 1 xinrwrt rnant.tactures the disposal wo, Francs irr American vHsels iand IhisJs the. rny a uth ore v respected, il l ha4Ateen: actual state itne question. jXihus it.iM'Idt U- wilting to make iy othr;;its:e ot thein thaii wha. Britain, sets a ri'.P'ittcefi turns Mr njauume ouirages hho mercnaniapccomrpodlity 1 We thank Ood that w have a presidiu ''tttati lightenedj 'i congress too'firm, and d yeomanry too virtuous, to permit this iiatioh to turnnictor ih'so shaihtful a traffick,. If our friendship, anda free eenimercial intercourse with the United States, under the law of, neutrality, be Toot suf ficient to impel Great Britain td respect the rights of neutrals, in our behalf, there would be nq safety I wroto to general Rigaud the IStJhw Decern'-, ber : my letter bears the impression pf the riuritr .of my intentions and . the sincere desire J have of .uniting an ncam in one orject, ana 01 not losing for us in ofTering, toi government so unpriiKipled, any further Inducement. : The Voove most extraordinary paragraph , is . - . ft.. T. - 1 are to lx plunged into W3"vi'havtf a right v ccmafl3 that we also tv'pliVyi1' posture Bfdew-V.V, the tle precious moments for our preservation, ami copied from the National Intelligencer of the ISihVAm o giving scope w me' passions 01 men. thoughi.it necessary, to add some explications 111 a second letter, dated the 4th January last, and pointed out. an assembly at Ltotrane, ot citizens distinguished, for their wisdom, to labour in con solidating a mutual confidence, and rendering our nor of it But let them brware of wantonly provoking v. n trar without nrrkQfinn , i.,. :..! ' -Tl v and Rigour.; , A war pffmere passive sufTering; r for the assertion ofjarfabstract. thnf.i pie, agaioit one helligefent power, while we ard distressed by the actUallohberies of the pther, v'M' netiv be borne by brave' and high spirted ped- pie like this, simply for the, gratification of anf ' man, of .art of men, undk r beano.' 'i- 7. 'Staiet Gazette - Jt ) v ' VV ' r6m rnXfivnKi." " '',''' Ccmksrcc Aoith Frinth We hare teceived s veral files-f French newspapers; and have 'read4-' ktters'downHo the l&th Mattli from Bordeaux. j j -"yx44" " ,vau ucpanure , Or V4ivw HJHJ ujc euKcmsements ot vts ,- i instant, upon two or three pi the passages we sets tor ireighr, md , passeD':ers Ibr fHe vUnh'ra ; . 17 Twill -take the liberty of briefly remaiking., ;',.sii States.! . '., .. ' ;K.. . . The this t-The United States all J Yet in the letters, we find Iftforinof 'lipsf !' alonff motesterl aeamst' the. infracUon of their restrictions ou commercfe. hnihn''tjiM'j:'J3f neutral rights by the nations at war.' .exit, as forms in itself an annarehvf"nni1'rlw country(happy . I have to regiit thSt my procedings have en counrcreda determiried resistance The nha'i: tants of Aux1 Cayes met in the assembly for the department -li;; willnevpr enter inio the mind of any reasonable being, td approve of principles so contrary to public and. private interest . Alas, who does not sec all the consequences to be feared from such obstinacy ! I cannot persuade myself it obtains the general consent of the inhabitants oT the boutb', who hat;e too much reason to re-, collect the accumulated miseries td which - they were' so cruelly subjected in the civil warand which they would seem desirous of drawing down fifresh on their heads, by a. conduct so opposed la tteijf. tri-atntei est ,A As-depotfaryyOfheii: authority, I will not cease to watch over the W el fare and happiness of my ftllo citizens in gco eral ; my prudence and firmntss-will invariably tend to preserve them" from every dantftr and to! I m nn.ln.M a . -1 . - - - T 1 ' I . . ... I t r. equality, which constitute the unshaken basis of the state. Seconded by the Concurrence of the people and the' army, I will take the most pro per measure to disconcert the oroiects itl our en emies,- ivd.1 wjU '3ViPwith pleasure the pub CilthuttSpWcwrj that CanakT us happy. ; I have csperiericed on the psrt of the generais and the army, in these recent circumstances,. proofs of their devotedness to thq country, end peculiar attachments to , niyv iei'son, which excite my most lively ackowledgttr.ents. . 1 The commandants of Airondisements and Pla ces, the inspectors oi Culture and the Gardes J"Jatiotalesr have disputed irt emulations of zeal ioyiCfcUhe'sucioujQr apnarenrontfad&'finh ? No, fr. ' Intelligencer, the truth' I, hot this, ; of the prima facie evidence of the newspaps r any thing-like this. The Berlin: decree, that! . Some letters, however, which -wt ha ' i&tffP: -v; most atrocious butroge Sgainst the law cf nations 'attribute the course pursued by ;the nchsfeafW and a,n existing treaty was never protested against! ye'rnmem lhc want of confidence' in the subtef;'"?lii by out covernmtnt until it had been twelvemonths ty and Rood faith of the American in operation, aiul produced fiom Great" Britain I .."How far the French government arc authorised bS the retaliatory orders in council. All that was by the actnal Course of our. mihlir muir.. w i - . . ,. . Z -.'"VJ IV done in regard to that decree was, to inquire' of '.entertain such doubts, the public is as, well abi T, -1 some member of the French cabinet whether it, to determine as we are. The fblWiiig are ' " J wouhf, be executed in such away as to violate tracts of letters f.tin Bourdeaux, ofy the jfit&!f r the piovisions of the treatyjhen existing .between ! February. Sl - '"Li the two nations. The Frenchman eve an evasive " " Bordeaux-. Frit. 1 k. i i i ? : -i 1 l answer,' in which he said fyt suitosed jepense r " Several of the .American vessels in this pprf i ';;' j " uia: me emperour ia not: intend to ry.olate his I nave jgoi permission to dispose of that part of theif u eaiy ; but that the proper person to -nswer such1 cargoes composed the, l-oitAics 6f the United ''' r a question was thetniniste ofexlerior relations s1: States,, that pint .wh tttgiisis: " in ; .cbloniai i Isroi .s. ''A quiry, protest, or rtmonsirante; ; It is said, how. , orders; ... ' ... .. A . r . . . 1 t . . .. I ' - ever, in aiiomt-r pan oi inc same inifcin&encer. jjcui-uiiiciii anci exemplary punisnment. - jn a practical Kint,.of view, it was .'certainly no infiac tion of oux rights ; lor the public- records will shew Uhat at no period -was American commerce so maintenance of internal peace their conduct isj prosperous and' lucrative as from the "issue of that order until sometime after' the nublicTtTotTaTrd worthy of the highest praise. All the citizens have concurred in genera to second the government, and have a right to claim UB .-Berlin decree or the order of 1806 be our craiitude. Vhat ought I not fo expect, with such mesrrrs tp encourage the mind against every lear of the enemy and of the future ?, Moreover, iff , recom mending to each individual to hold himself ready to fly to the frontier at the first fire, of the alarm gun, it is only to tell him, call you to Vktofy. trjat the rovtl blockades 'and oiders'ih' ctnincil i v AH produce, cf thooU of tbeU. Statef, hi ts of the Bril;shcaie birth to the Fi et.cl) dtcties.'ue admiUed, but nb colonial pfoduce. , T-he ''col ' oniy orcitr of this deEctiptioii, w hich b nowfiectof of the custom 'house has. Vrdtrs, that the talked about, is hst of May 18G6 Has this cargoes of all vessels outward, in exchange' ibf." been " all elong7 protested ugainst' as iulrii;ging the produce of their soilrpust consist 1.3 in bran upon our neutral tights? bo'lar from it, that' the j y and wine, 1-3 in silk, aird 13in " otherTatti ' ,1 f h s " ...-' ' ' .' act cf congress of May lust. Mr, Madison "never il produce is-placed in a state ofsuspensef .that is'i .f.'.'V. us l!iig an infraction ot our neutral : the positive Jaw oi ii ance against the introduction . .: .. i .. , : .. i . .... .r ..,.;. . . i . ' '. 1 ii!,ius '.vnen ne agreeo 10 nis arrangement .with cyioinai prouuee on any, terms is,nuspendedf , Mr.' lMkii)et Otherwise, the signing of that ar- and the property held in deposit for H&eribr duist rangejiicnt, without having protested against the ion. : .4 J, - ,L orderand stipulated lor 'a removal of it, was aj American-produce lona-Jide is,admiltcd toialej s high crime . slid misdemeanour, deserving of im ! with (he condition annexed, that" theproteedsL. enforcing of the Berlin decree. So, that whether con- certam pri shall be shipt in piotluctS of Ifrancetn nortions.. '' "'' ''K' j . ' 1 ., f , T. - .7, ....... ... j...,-;, Another letter dated the tthMarch, S"ays. ' y .LThe. state.pticommerce. here is rather prlt carifub , American vessels wan .American car. hi sjdeled as the original aggre8siohr-5t isTiorirtie that M the -iTJnited gainAt the' infraction of their heutraLriehts." - But the gces.flaveitt-mtherto-ftdlJHed.tp ejBtejphottfcJrr i much difTiCulty, but the eay which jatici lacev j is Very injurious ! the papers of every vessel are il (Signed) - , .... PETION. Given at the National Palace at Port au Prince, 1 at Feb' 181 1 , 8ih year of the Independence. . : ; j f - From the Whiionel Intelligencer ; o jffrril 18. 7 . ; A MISTAKE!. j"The American politicians in -England',-'ahd her English politicians in America, have run iuto an errour on The subject ' of the orders &i council. They, takeit for granted that 'if France has not repealed her ediefs, there is no obligation on Great Britain to rescind her orderS ; as if the orders themself e,' without 'any-refe fence to France were hot a Violent outrage oh neutral rights I And 11 they attempt to prove is, that the Frehfch'empe r6ur has not revoked his decrees and tfiat, they allege, justifies the continuanceof the orders -in council. Tf John is- a rogue, and James proves, it ohiJiimJohn'S friends exculpate him by proving Nick, a rogue too. - Sttth m the Iogtcfc of the fede ral leaders 1 ' :' W , '.-r ' : Xhe truth is this The United States all along protested against; the, infraction of their neutral rignts by the nation at war but they were not so silly as to , go a crusading against the whole" world. They, nevertheless, always1 declared if there were-r but one enemy, they ! Would actively assert their rights against that orie".' In this pajlicy and spirit the act oPMayT'81.waVpaS8di;pre-' scnting tp-Great Britain and to Franccf an- equal opportunity of escaping' from the aiternative of beincr the. one nation against which, tfie U. States would actively uireci.ineir energies, r ranee seizt aggression ana commtnceo an ncuveanu spimea their pro-cd thc'.occasion, abandoned' her edicts as taras retaliation. Now that Great Britain is s '':'"" V'":' 'V'J.. i "-v-.Vf'C; 'Tr'' j:...rr''V: ':-?:.l- -'-(i: 4 -r vast qualrities tf goods are preparing "in England1 :'f wen at this tirrie, to-be shipt for -Amerieai arid,'- mat our government connives at u in tuircgatd c ; t, tneir ricoee to ntid no intercourse i&i nave - ncr -.;jt, stnt up to Pari, and accompanied by a" rcporl, of; States, all elon" protested a-1 the chitf of the customs here to the minister tf r v' tv commercial department : Who investieateH v: it- is true, that our poVernmcnt have matfrlaHv i the case anew, and makes a renort to the fernt)"-. .'" II shifted their ground i that tity hate made ne jror in perran, lat a council of ccromerc whijlr demands upon the British covernmeht as prdi-! is held not less than cr.ee, often twice end thrice i minryjo an adjustment of diiTeicnces, and have ! a Week. The decision of theempetor is in a leWv :"7 comeupoh terths"oT amity with France, without j words; end is rot uniform as to all hip's, some ,be4 'v ; U her having lomplied with amy one 'of ihoscwhichiihg' required jto: take one half cargo of certain ar f j were originaijy maoe uponiicr. ; . w l rar.ee seized the occasion : abandoned her theis part l edicts as far as thev afTectcd real American just received frcro Pan's are'iaid to-be more tric , ? I ' commerce,'' Sec- ' After havinr? pot cur own and I have heard it from cbod rutlttritV thct an, " right. frdjih. France.' if We push the oint furt'ter impretsioh hss bten made upon the emnd'pr, that " it must be togain sometiiihg that is beneficial to .".England." 'V? ,:. ": : . -L S then, we-have gamed from France all that we have a right to ask oh ourrpwn account; and the information is derived from the p!Ticil gasette of jthc government ! Of cobrse, we have no tight to a restittiticn of tlie miitioniof Amerxan plo pcrly se'ucd and -ro'ufiscaied. hiidef the pretended principle cf reprisal ; we have no right to demand a restoration of ot?r ships and cargoes held in Se questration from the 2nd of NovtmbeY S3 afyedge for ouf enforcing the non-impbrtaon against Great Britain after, the Snd of Februaiy j and'n fine, we have no ' rrght,:,nb.vv" that we have so eh forced tKelaw either to 'a restiiuii6n of the plun der; hitherto acquired, .or even to a .cessation of robbery' in future. '7ITfc' French decrees had in no' degree ceased to viofatepurneutral commerce,' as late ag theiirnfddle, of Marchli Yt we Jhaye got our own right from France'; and G. Britain is now ile tingle. ojfekder ' . ..'.-J;.- - ' '. r This being, apparently', the decision of the go. verhroept, itiis noV for.ijs: to gainsay." ;But we must once, more rf enforced their non intWcoUrse-act against botli the'belltcerehts, France considered it as a hostile. doubt that seme of those Biitrsh prisoners whovm tit: parole in till parts of France,, and portictilarl 4 ' at Paris, render .their government ,hiuch sertki "7 1 byUndUcihg ;!uch ppihions, and theiif i'ftepiitf 1 I are, I fear, likely to feel. Great distrust ii kk'T''M, prcbsed tt our government, nor are ".we'Uireptta y5' r.f we hscd to be. Nothing will be done .trily an cau-7 ' thenticatei advice is received at, Paris or,thc nor; "'7 1 ihtertobrse. gcjingjnto'opeiationV:v. y i'i'l These letters, and we have Seen bthcVs of "thiS f ; ' likertenor, hew jihe nature end cause of our ccm-;f mercialcmbarrasiments in France ; .wheihcr they jff A will ease tjpoh'lhearfival. of tdvicV ot' ;r Virihf importation law, is Very quesitcnaUie? ; rcr .n is more . than prefc&Die,' tr.at tne irrj$.: or . avai jee ciples pf hatiohal"hcnor and rights, vill p.A''l V to disgrace arid HiegradB tfc'e A trian cfeaTacter 7; "' anApoiicy in the1 eyes of ,roan whose success ia-must-iiatu -in' the present state of $nf$ftK& JlhftKiv numberdf Atotrican vesstlslafVifcarTied.i'nio ' England under tne.oiCi.rs va coiah' tfe fros .' .- '"' V ' ' ':,' :

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