ArrrYUNT .P-." but it exists somewhere, and I begyoa will ndea. 'Civ: yesterday, Hi Maiestyloop of war ); .-We assure the. writef that all the papers fcf suV fctfj CapVBiNo ham; Irani' $rujse-;TbeJ Bcjifcpthe 1Kltorf , are jfit MpNyUh equal and nave rv ""'?X;.vL-l:.,-,,i-.tV'J-,w 'v.' r... ,tth betid cruising off Amertfcar r i i in th i'rnruin rr me t loin hai nnt atrnrn m rne nosiomcc ui ltaiciu-, , about 106 miles .to the Eastward Jocakt,'.a bil 4?beryand -chaisjmj i fite. steering & with a Cotrimodore,s;u!ue jvrarderi;i;-, ladiiit -at the main land the- conclusion drawn, tltMAi anjAmericaiy must thertiore bt jwmeWh athcimmediaiteo utKWicki:Pfopriet6r' of the-Alh v. The English aiccount" of tfia, engagement; with jixd at , Uiiif pWH ?tbr'later sum ever adjudged in that state i in the frigale;spendant;re' jjj :At abQvrt ,iiit, sne came- wunuf nanji MM riirtfT hWt.htch was . lmtne-' ...i-.J;,i4 '?--;.! an ftrtVrtn FnTnmericed.'whVch Star. bara?rauf) of sincular construction. 4Tne 'tiniied : full i threB-tjuarters $torvihen f0nowiftfir j, Uatene ; rliartretf Uiff' aUiriltUSttaUOH ywiea iau: :iviv3.;ywMi'"c w 'wv snVakinc: of this bfarittu.' ti-'aems-Vi '"- in KoriOiKi; wiviuuif vw-ox1"- tnc conduct hank neyerVaii considered Jra. nartial i r.&.t had ia leltjer last'yi'iP: from- a if now ii&wjf-j possess could fcayCptoYcd v W.hatA general mu IP?M orre?poi. speuK .wjxil iiyacnce nu vw p extracj; , wey fcave ' guoteddoes not contam "the truth tVtKs'cliante is, nhat the" conduct ;;of ?v Drancr(!'P'f3?,,??a tmpaman wc pcait nyi jrotn jauy man's. jniorroauon tjus. jivjii i ip""1 oii I and1?, e-aver that pirky politicks nver . enter. ed ptp aipfjfncn h tncre nc vccii av ai -;uy some repyoiican roerooer ormioirs. rectioji hutkd the 'tr whcW 3u at 4ha I -ff V5Hoafesrfro the- aurpund fce had a soceased: firtng,) asked, her jh . .k&j of 'you .to be; a set f,s.WdshWnamrt;ftdth privateering, Mi;mck her cr, and ( .inihpoopi,5Kat seize all you ivine Rarac; OI, ni. m;, :m tait aSd dulchhat vo.u ect ; that after. the. mo. f r?T!: S ' 'inn rx you hun public places, p&to?j$ h3;?tt-r '3iul ihTre3rc,:onhose, who hare trusted their n:der easy-Mifl-xom snirv;t,y to,, a.. un a . hl!U:u vcar colkdioh which, the rciaoinder iot the n.irht,1 repa-noe: hir u4 jajesln the morning the (rigate bore down up jUthe Little Beltj and coming within hailasked Jcntiissbn i to send a bp ;o i,er,' which was '.granted;, and '-an officer 'c'ame'an bosrV wUh tieyenger iroro.viuiipuoie r.'il&ei5, baj teg tmtnted the transaction, did nothitc feht: J.vs so inlirior in force to -the President wa ;nv the UskBelt had find r firtt : would willingly ren- . her every assistance in her : power and ad- "Cash I say, in imi'a.ion oi your superiors, -you love a while,. Tor th'e sakcof speculation or for otliar iur;:ost, un ii it slips entirely through your 6gers.tV.c wrojig way. Now, take the hint -Ctf.oe fjrvvarjs!!(ivv your faces and let every .... t i x i oi: guv, or marit me conssquences. 'nation.' The democrats are evi .- - -.A- dentiy looiug ground in Virginia. This sa?e, the ffitdrthat she Should go into an American port hotbid'of Jacobinism has at the last congression hrepair. "The oflker then; .-.took .hjs-depatture,. al election, returhedVight roembers who are either teWrned to - the President, which made Sail,7 and film federalists, or have at least forsaken the sup. nation of theiFextfaoiinaij-y condi ct.' l4 oftn oHt 'nf sicht. leavirp1 the Linle Belt al nnrters of that aolicv which would hurry our &ces 11 killed. 2 1 :"wounded-aiid wicfco-.H' ex ' country to - destruction.' To put a good face on the matter, however, the prints of administration, this juncture, loudly claim Messrs. Randolph Shetfey,- and indeed all the men, excf pt two or thic.1 narked in italics below, as their deciden men. Vv ait till congress sit, and these papers; we predict will tdl you another story. We are not covetous cf the honor of calling .4F8.I0AV, JUSE 28, 1811. THE FOjtJRTH OF JULY, 18 1 1. y Af keeting of -the citizens of Raleigh, prepa r'' chsuinS nnlver-;itandolph, SheffVy, &c. federalists. But the truth r ncanepchden took place at the that they, with others, are opposed to thft ene indiaflVueenavem on Saturday evening last. ! mies, and friends Jo the liberty and rights of the judge rptter, was .called to the chair, and Mr. V. people. Awakening from a dream of delusion 'i?fonVW0VnM piercine the mist which obscured their vision ,?!5U;.U1V a ?le,V.w- ProT,ae ine Diaie 1 they perceive and will no longer accompany our WC"-i''f ;p"nC'Pl "f. the Acadamy TH in tbir v,rke rry. V ntt 'to ldhe Judges ol the Supreme Court are to be 'have presented to our readers the circular addres ?:,:C.XU0" tJel,7crcd -in the Com to his constituents, at the close qf las, session, o 'Mi H'frfbe' prepared, for the occa. Mr. Shefley ; but the paper containing it was unfor jjpn.iAcommteeofArjagjgcme fainted consisuhg of Messrs. Jones, Scott, Muse : have si wd Wyatt ; aid Messrs. John Hay wood, Seaton, RounSavilis, Glynn, and Lucas, wete appointed a mocrat. tommutee;, to furnish toasts. - The citizens will pavt iar.. procession; under the rine of cannon . from the court house to jhe -Hate house ; and a the, evenine. f State, to take W be given to the ladies in he A meeting, of the'lCouncil o! fee on the fourth of iuiv. has been called hv hit cedkney 'thepbvernor, to assist him lh the ap- pointment ot ai person to till the Vacancy on the tench of the Supreme Court, occasioned by the fab of Judgn bright.- V-. v : ; SHIPWRECK.- - ferae f a ifrtler from an officer at Fort Bamf ' ''i tofeaufoniCounfy, to a gentleman in this placet -:thVijt oC tpe 6thinst. the ship Agness, pP" f ennalyVfrom MYork to Charleston, was ,'Ca5t "way oh-the outer shoal of Cape Look out. '?passehg'$rs; and crew wwe picked up next .ai:S9a, putjpf. 'the long boatTand brought into placci ; Tl;rere Were two laflies on hnirA. ir.A Charlestoi ($G.')V the other the captain's V4 The vessel .after striking, filled so audienlf 'th eater, thai there was nothing saved. Most fthe pr. ...L'.".-.i - ' ' ' ' ' 1 . . A" " tav me;y wero sleeping in. Une gentle The following, jycthtnlT, is a correqt list of the Thiscomei frn the, gefieral'i pimps, wlroiay; 1 vtii goangitorae as ne ufces frct4ve VKwat-. ot such man' L fUliea : i of - gold , his fceirt'C marble,";and his temper jthat "'At aihVena J.v!C Two,'; arttcje1.viii)de. tttdoi iead, m::0 'isu i.iiac mere; o-wMaoGa c.i .ar4)iwet;ni'.; j ; Russia od "France f-ffi'p 'rh v ?d?;Tat tJjere i;'j,ehbod'f iaUsfrr,. ; raneemcnts . betweeir F4ance.aad hc 'U.-Stat'trsfeiii': J and wo venture, to aver that. ithey will ' 6tGefret$t .Sifnith'a infornaUonT and opinion nflCnrfblkfwe offer the following extractfrora tfael game fpeects i'WJ&' 42, t: he planned 'andeWiw4vde$n which. vasf f : fTnrgJriiay $ have alreaclx rt statedy.there great- advantage opg a pxaee with Tripojit, '"jVtirl3lta bh$h 'V the Bink of ; the Uni led 1 and tfee smrrenat . Ahiericins ImpiiscDH) v States, oXiaqO OOO dollars caViui; 1'hatUahth .thw tid alto th, m.5 mrnFmr.thW ithVhkhtthd highest JonMtfi '''nSJ.' -.; Gen Eaton waa HtaixWstocfe;(iV -1 FeU2d, ,:17oW yet f youth he was $ yearjn; theev6lai;?:rmyftew come memberpf the p'eje onianover", (N j ri tjie librior if,w!i4 v-j held J vewl1- yearrt a yMiusl.i fiihe: Westemi-i J!1 ,Di$i-;;t,;li discharged jnitch to in? sausiacuon vi.ji'e government. ; in iBQir. These'- are : the' very words used, and what are the facts-! --.The capital of the branch at' this place', whtn tbeftjeneral was speakings was 600,000 dol. lars f vfhereas tljr- capital of. the Virginia Bank was only l,500,000,dollars, divided between Rich. roond, Petersburg, 'Fredericksbnrg,.and. Norfolk ; the capital, of the Branch of the ( Va. Bank here, was 300,000 - dollars. , Thus, it appears,' that in this nook, or; "-comer of the state, tohare the peoite of Virginia have very little intercourse" there was 900,000; dollars of bank capital, and for the re maindetofthestate, ,200,000 dollars. Yet Gen. Smtthcommercial information is received as the oracles of wisdora..Abr. Ledger :fi: From the Baltimore Whig. General Wtliinson takes pleasure in offering his His ihealth had: l)5ea gradually-tleclioingf these; C two years past, and heJbceathed hls lait on Satur - ness'th'e-king of ors:-,i-: u--' ; y On the Tuesday following; his remains were in-" v; tarred with ttiharr'andnasonic .ticrs'atleidetl by a vast concourse of people from -Bjriihfield aul . thej neighbburihg owhW;i Hjs jbocly Vas borne ,10 the meeting house where.5thc throne of grace was addressed by the UeV Mr; Cbddihgton, Chaplain, ; of the regimenttherej and a sermon, was preach. ed iHt RevMr?Walsb; of MansfieId,XCon, tf Thus'5 has $ne has ' done much tajoause our name 16 be rcBpected by , the powers lof Barbary who liad. added to the ;. military fanSe of our tfoontry and ff endered IcMna portant services JHe waa a man f daring swrit,. ernteful atknowledsments to the editors of the i of a powerful intelkcr,l;ndof marry virtureSHis Whig, and those of every other public print J. whose liberality and love of justice have inclined them to the side of 4p injured Tellowman : But, he is compelled, by a sense of propriety and self respect, to request their silence, on the subject of the various persecutions under which he has st ffvred during the last four years ; inasmuch as ! foibles are in the-grave, , his mnitaryj ardot andi atchtevments deserve to be remembered and I itated lk. i &??;: -r:'; MARRIED, V Lately the Rlv. Jahies j Woodberry, .foiMwt Mary Benbury, widow of the. late Gen. Richard he is to be broueht before a general court mar- i Benbury, of Chowan. I rfi lial, to answer to the charges preferred against him.; and any attempt to anticipate his vindica tion, would not only be essentially wrong, Imt would be seized on by his persecutors, to impli cate him for an uncandid appeal to the prejudices of the court, with the design' to preposses the members in his favor ; a resort which the general disdains, and, which is not necessary to the asserti on of his honor. - ; ' ' . ".. Editors of the Whig, Battifknt . Waslungton, June 17,181 -If any thing were necessary to contirm the ac count of Com. Rodgers, cf the late affair between the President and Liftle B it, which certainly is not the case, we can' state on the authori- ty of a letter from capt. Ludlow to hisTiiend in his city, that every pflicer qt-theTship is ready to pledge his honor that the report of the Prcsi. dent having fired the first gun is false. Fed. Gaz. UA very sin.lar conspiracy -for a very com- t'cuv per- DIED, At Charlestoa (S.' C) on'the loth inst. Mrs. Martha Laurens Ramsay,, the amiable and rts , pectable consci t of Doctor David Ramsay.' ;."-- ; ' , OnThursday the 23d lost. Mrs.. SusanaK Wil liams, wife of Col. James. Williams, of Beauforu Oh Thursday of a lingering diseaserat anxl yanced age, ; Samuel Chase: a judge of the C.rcuit" Court of the United States. V v v.j ' "T :;;Ten Dollars Reward, WILL he given on'the Tjdelivcry of my man BILLY, who tah away" from me a few months agoHe is abou.t -3 years old, rather loy inh stature ,'andbf dark compIexibhT Hfs cToihing is not recollected. A few weeks ago he was settle at the plantation of Mrs. Hobson, in Orange, near it the Wake line, and since has been seen in'this county He was raised near Halifax.' , ' r. . (v , ..;:s - William boylan. June 28, -1811. 95-3W. Noi,icer r-pHE SUBSCRIBER having -qualified-at the JL Virginia delegafion to the next congress : 1. Joseph Leivisjju'iior, re-elected, 2; John flaX-er, ane-.y tmmber. 3-. ; James Breckenridge, reelected. 4. John Jtiandolfihp re e' ;.f ted. $V Daniel tih.jffh; fe t.K ' 'JnTfunge"fbrffTtTs jnember. 7. Edivb- Gray, rfr '..-: t"i'. " an passenger 1 Jst upwards of forty thousand dol uank paper i and others, sums of less" mag On this subject wV; are, constantly receiving com ' .Plainu. The iLlfowin is .extract from the t ofone of our substrihers, dated iy 'i ' U -. ; C" ' r -3V-J 8 1 T" , Tsr tn8'W 'arrangement in the offieekhas fctl Place, I do not receive mv oaners more than ?ih,l,,1tflree weeis, while my neighbors receive ' the same mails add from thesame press, K''l' vEachweckM :have beenold that thes M lies id the' Office in Salisbury ; .but I cannot 9., John Diwson, jre-ticctcdt 10. John Ciopton, reelected. , 4 ,11. Matthew Clay, je-elected.- " 12. Thomas (iholson, junior, Tc-tlected. 13. Peterson Goodwyn, re elected. 1 4. Thomas Newton, re-elected. .15. Burwell Basset, re-elected. ' ' 1 7. ' William A.. Burwell, 're-ilected. 18. Hugp Nelson, a new member. J 19. John Snith, reelected. 20. Ayhit. Hewes, a new member. , 21. John Rose, re-elected. -'..28. William MCoyTa new member. ;: We learn that an attempt was lately made to assassinate the , honorable Mr. John Randolph febilst riding in the high road, attacking him with a knife and with a nistottoaded with a quantity of saddlers nails. ; The knife passed thrdvhis cloaths, and he received a wound in the eye,' but not such as to injure him materially. Fed. Hep. . ; '. Another Account, ( taken from the Aurora.) ,," AVhat object Could any man have for assasii rt ... j - w- uihii iimi v iui uaoaaai' nating John Randolph . THe truth of the "story, however, is : this, that a young gentleman of the same name'as himself, and a distant relalion', fall ing in company with him at a race in Virginia,; the young man wpuldoiot brook the supercilious insolence of this would be bashaw, and seizing-V switch beat John Randolph' with it. John went in search of a horsewTiip, with a view of wiping-off ther disgrace, and he struck- the ypuhinan with theT whip,who thereupon assailed master Jackey, knocked him. down, and beat him in a severe matf- oer. 1 he young gentleman is said to be a brothel of Thomas Man Randolph,, iormevly.. a member o f congress, and distinguished for his eloquent fob- uon on ie iniamous Xizoo fraud. fl v v - mon ptirpose has been made public sons- are said to have engaged to advertise a large quantity of coods tor sale, and then to invite some last Countv Court of MecklenbUrcr. asAd of our moiued men singly under tle pretence of r minis trator, oh the Estate of the late Maj. p.-vid puciiasing guuur., hhu.wcic iu uc acicu gaijgcu , uowan,dec. requcsisiijpevsuns nsving legat and crmfined, until they, one-and all, drew checks ! claims acainst said tstste, to present themo the ttiBanks-Tfl miprht think pvo per to dictate. This conspiracy has been known to the jnayor of the city some, time on the information of one of the party. Two of the conspirators are in j-il. As this subject will untlergo a legal investigation, we decline any ob servdtions. Philadelphia Damcraiic J'resU, ITIEt7.VHONS WITH FRAMCEi who are Indebted to. said estate are requested to maae immemaic paymeni 10 -r-yp,v;,. t : - s"V,-:v'W!A FREW, rffftV. r , Ch.arlntteune3,':18lU$.--.,-ja.,.95-W,? : Notice.' rTHE SUBSCRIBERS having qualified at M3?-' ;J -X term EdgeeombCoatyGourt, j8liiEJ it was the opinion, we hear, of the best inform-,! ecutors to. the last will wod testament ol N athan ;V I ed merchant at Bordeaux, about the 1st of May, ' ayo, aec. gi?e nouce to tjerauua navmg ce that the. French government would consider our .mands against said estate, to1 exhibit the same non importation law as a fulfiiment of the stipula-, properly attested within the time limited bjrvlaw. t lion c-f August 5, 1810. However we had tather : otherwise they will be barred of recovery ttsIso. see one just act than hear a hundred friendly prorithose indebted to.saidestate are mak t feswons from such a government. .. . .immtaiate payment as mauigence cannot oe nag. i that Napoleon has fulfilled literally his part of the. areemtnt with us, relative to the Berlin, and Milan decrees? but, that the seizures and sequestrations of mencan property, since, are under other re gulations!. So long as Napoleon is unjust, pre? texts are worth nothing.l-arwzorc Whig. y1- SPAIN UNQONQUERABLE. Tt is said, that Napoleon having lost 400,000 of his finest, troops in Spain, and despairing, of suuriuing rt, has at last resolyed ; to abandon the wh61e country southward of the Ebro ; tntcntling to retain the territories northward, to fortify" their frdnYie'sj'cut roads through-the Pyrenean Moun; tains, 8cc The result of this warfare demonstrates Ithataemleesoltrtendwanimousannotbe 1 ... . . .. . .... . - vanqtusoeqit has given'a just check to the pre BumpltoUs pride of Bonaparte at the same timei thaiiVhas scourged the Spaniards lor their crutliy hi America and Europe. -:"- 'i ':--:;);-'v';--:':; Of ficence3 issued by the Flinch govern, menf; dmiuing, importation Xn American ves selaT'-ordy S. arrivals had taken place under them at Bordeaux, when the Mahlii sailed-iWrf." June &th, 18.11', M. iWAYU, M V JOHN W. MAYO. SMATHAM'MSYh 9a3tp. V Exiract " oCa tetter fi ove -of the ti&itirsUhe BaU, lYhig 'dated Jtp Orleans, Aay' 16, 181 i'4 ' Gen,' Jamptofl 'called - hcreJ; i SpareCasi sius, after faying ' tyrantj madman and .fool,' and h'avingurhed evtry thing topsy1, ttiryyha's clear, ed Out igain to look at his slaves on the Atlantic Guess what may be the situation of the army, all I .Strayed,; 1?; four or five weeks ago; as follows, viz t A DARK ;BAY; MARE, six3i cven;yeaf$.;; old has no vlvite spots except perkaps a saddle m ar k . , :kl i ; ; ' ' V - ; ; . : ;y 4f f I A CHE SNXJT SORREL HO RSE, nina or teB v years old feet white . A BLACK. tail. The Mare and FiUy had eath of them Bells en? . ldi-hasaa)diceanoc4e' bite ; and - ' vt. V-S'il -j V''ri 3LACK. FILLY fjve years old, with a bob ' ,v Whosoever snau rcipro . jne sain i tones ici Subscribers, ' shall deceive Five Dollars Reward.?, If said Worses should have slryetTo a consider bie distance, information WUl be thsnkfiiliy sec'ciV " td by letter. ; . Raleigh, June' Slv Lpst;, FROH my Library; th voUimef Cckfe'S 1 Reports,' con taihingrji(f ?h and ji jiarijj It is supposedJLobietnn the room ot satne ger- tiemart who had the: use;-of it. SI iU bs i;d to ah'? oneiwhWilfetumt.b:;;:"- ?4 HO BERfWJLLTA -' Raleigh, June 10, 1811, '-y: 3-.-, "I.." 4 - .'.I.'

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