'FRiDAY,bv 8 13. r . .. . Politick REJECTSD.liJlITtSW'f RE A IT. "i ' i. r '-g-l ....... .!rryirrnt1M h. commerce and navigation. The people and in- , - 1 Al' AnrUaul. une of Wis tnaieilv'i. Dll VV tner nations. USUI UV; ' - ' J J . . . ' '. r . 1 ... . . a. . f ... .. 1 i 1 ilV.ll , MIS. and i:nt- Jfor their nleniiwitenuaries, Jimc-. .vi.MH-.fr- and wroauce, 01 rrr -- ; rintion or iar ana diuh wuui w. ,v" - . jfrncw .,: - , , , : : , . . ..f a,.i : m.n 1nwh!ch case thev shall jects of confiscaubn, whenever they are attempted to be carried' to an enemy.. Bl 80 veSsel detained on pretence of carrying contrabanu ox war, unless some of the above articles, not except ed, are found on board of the said vessel at the time it is searched,. . Z "- V Ankle X , WhereaVin consideration of the distance and ntV-i.rircui6fance8 incident to the situation of the high contTAiting parties, it may frequently happtn that vessels may sail for a ixrrt or place belonging to an enemy without knowing that the 'same is ei ther besieged,' blockaded or invested, it is agreed, that every vessel so circumstanced may sail for, a port or place belonging to-an enemy without knowing that the same is cither besieged, Ujckad ed or invested, it is agreed that every vessel so circumstanced may be turned away from such port or place; but she shall not be detained, nor her cargo if not contraband, be confiscated, unless af Tr Britannic Maiesty and the United States oi dratrce anu moiesiiuion, iu mui, r WfQSWJ anA Lnrl ' r.rcroea to the ands, countries, cities, ports, S S rivervwithin .the dominion, and to S Estbetween the sulcus ofth remab and reside there without any hrmtat.on of 'fl 'Kmrt ind Lhe c iiztns of tne United time, also to litre anu powebi. iWu HZ andr that purpose, to regulate the com- hou.es for thepurposes of thetr commerc, ana S S nav ga v-Ltween their reactive ! generally the merchants ahd traders .on easi iSrteALJnt', thu isi, 0f Thaller oy thV most complete protection, nd se. have ruspec' cunty for their commerce,, but subject always, as un ta tiiemfuUs to make audcQluJe tutes of the two countries respectively. a . p .-r.t.-,. .n'J' v.. .ni m iw that" I jirncie r 1:7;: his Britannic na;ty lm aimed for his It is agreed tliavnootner or nigner au? w . , ...... plenij ccrl " r.Z". lw 's... chll nVhr or hiirher duty 4.1V 'J . 0 Si hts MttnWc majjity h,s aimed for his It is agreed thaviiQOthr.orh,g ieranues ,na ttenry Uichurd VaulJ, (tord .be paid by the sb.ps or merchandize ol the one S) one of hs 'iriajesty's privy council and party in,the ports of the other, than such as are rper of hi majeVyilvr t, and Wti- paid by the like vesse Is or merchandize . of a g-o- rii and nrtsiaent cf the commute ofcuuacil .be imposed in one country on tne iropoic4uo . jrtigii plauuuons . . - r -1 ii : 1 koinivnf thAfypnwtr, J I ,kb the advice of the sentnercol, aatl, pomt- mponauon o ne "n,any ves,c. or Roods-of either party, that may touncu anu i v ...v ',. r" U1. 'An nP manufacture ter such notice she snati again auempi 10 en cr. matters 01 .1 rage aia lortigu uuumuuiu. -7 v"v"-'w" t-- -7 ., ,.- r And the president of the United utes, by and 01 me o ner, ina,, u.c ,ui f-- - nnrt np nlace she mav think proper. Nor shall " ... 1. t 1 - . -1 -A.Hnf.-v- IllO OPT riP. Ilfl lirill L1IC L'lUnUI t' 1 for all But she shall be permitted to go to any other Kivp"fT.irf.d imo such Dort or place before the ffilliattt-nknejfK.. commissioners ex ii.).Jinary 'country.. - . jmoosed on the!same was besieged, "blockaded or' invested by the plenipotentiaries ;no, afcer huviug cxohung- hf any Pn2lC other and be found therein after the reduction or ed their respective iuU power,, have agreed on the , exportation or nou , of any cle or ar , KaWe. tQ C(Jlfi5Calion . .. .i.- 1 o 1 licies 10 or iiuui uic tiniuiivii ui- -i .... . . . . . ----.-.-- V - -.--...fc . .. . . 1 AC. .Hrtir t 1 ' va itJi I'l i-VA" Actively, which shall not equally extend to all but shall be restored to the owners or proprietors There shall be a firm, nmolable, an universal other nitions. flat -the tirttisn ; govu re- . 8hall du. i n .A.- f..i..,,VUM;n Lerween serves to itsell tne ngnt 01 imposing uu . hisBrkannicjmajestv, hi heirs and successors, and ve vessel, entering into the British ports in Europe ring the continuance 01 tne treaty, . m oi. 1 . i & LA ...UtK fliolt of onw United States of America, and between. ; heir . a tonnage auiy equai i inv w uvu . - -..7 board the vessels of the other, the subjects of the Uns'S a' SaorBrisdsin Sports of opposite belligerent un they be in the actual c frmeh of... the United ernployment of such U . 1 jiiiates, reserves to itself a right of imposing on -; ar;tpn Vnnrern:nc, 1 .u. ... fAh. nnrlc n Ihp I nif VVIICIcaa uiikici.h i,v - r ,a States a tonnaire duty' eaUal to that which shall! trading with the colonies of his majesty, and! 0 . . . : t i . ,u. ' tho intmr.linh V-n hv his maieStV 10 CTU1- tyof amEy, commerce and navigation between his nKoV7 ! in regard thereto, ifT aiTeed 1 thaTduring maiesty and the United States, m.tde at London 1 11 t.,h ports in Lurope. . . . b hostilhies .. V.l. s ofthe growth, - - , respective countries, territories, .cities people, pt every degree, wunout exce 4?ns. or places. 1 Article II. It is agreed that the several articles t the trea 00 the 19th day of Novembtr one, thousand seven tondreC and. ninety four which have not expired, nor, as yet, had their full operation and tfTct shall be confirmed in the best form, and in uuir hjli teftor ; and that the contracting partie w id also from time to time, enter into friendly iexplu nations on the subject of the said articles,llor the mirbose of removing all such doubts as may arise or have arisen, as to the true import of tiie same, is well as for the purpose of rendering the; saidl ft c jm-f..ri ht in thf trade 01 me iwo coun-' 'a"" uwwmvj trios with each other, the same duties of-expor-!, produce and ma.iufacV.rc cf urope, not being ..?' a : ..11 .rnnHc ai.rT m-rr.hsin. contraband of war, mav be ireely earned irom .the tize: and also the same drawbacks and bounties ; Untied States, to the port of any .colony not block shall be paid and allowed in cither country, whe-iadtd belonging to his majesty s enemiesrTovu th.r such inmortation or exportation shall be in ded such goods shall previously nave neen enter- ed and landed in the United States, and. shall have paid theordinary duties on such articles so British or American vessels. The hifrh contracting parties not having been 'imported for home consumption, and on re.expor able to arrange at present by treaty any cummer, tation shair.fier the drawbacks remain subject to more conformaW to their theWWTnriik a.n-ee that until that subject shall ' conveying the same shall from the time ot their he regulated in a satisfactory manner each of the iclearance from the American port be bonafide the ;,u m.n in h rnmnlftet nrssesslon of Itiroper'v of citizens and inhabitants of the United hs rhrhts. ia res-u:a to such an intercourse. ! States : and in like. monner.that all articles, not -Article VII. - being contraband cf war, and being the growth it v,nii tJ frp f,ir th. ti rnnfmrtincDartiesland produce of the enemy's colonies may be respectively to appoint consuls for the protection brought to the United States, anil after having of trade, to reside in.the dominions ahtl territories -been there landed, may be freely carried from aforesaid; and the said consuls shall enjoy those Uiei.ce to every pan 01 r.uiope, iwi.inw.iww lib- rlies dud rights which belong to them bv rea provided such goods shall previously have teen son cf th -ir 'function. But before any consul shall entered and landed in the United Stales and shall act as such, he shall be in the usual forms approv , have paid theordrrrary Uulies on coiooiai arucies and convenience .,; ... '" Article III. His majesty agrees, that the vessels belonging to the United States of America, and sailing di rect from ihe ports of the said slates, shall bead m'uted and hospitably received in all the seaports nd liarbo s of the British dami nous in the llast Iidies: and thot the,;ckiztns of the smrj United briies may freely carry on a trade between the laid territories and ' the said United Siat.-s in-.tr tick's uf which the impouarton or xpariatioti res pdctjvelv to or frorh the stid terrimru'S slull not be entirely pronhi'ecl.PriJVided only thai ir shall jnk be lAwful for them in any time of war between the British government and any other po. roi . 1 "v ltate whatever, to export, irom sata. ten 1. vies, tithouhe permission of the lir'nish government, ther, anv" military stores, or rice, t he citizens Of the 'Unistsd States shall pay for their vessels when admitted into. llie ssid ports, no other r higher tonnage than shall be payable uo-iitkUh vessels, whenaimtttea into tne ports ot tne unit ed Stateis. And they sh ill pay nc higher or other duties or charges on the importation 01 exporta d), ot curjo.s of ihersaid vessels than shall be payable the same articles when, i.nported or exoned in British vessels. But it js expressly agreed, that the vessehpf hc Uni'ed Mates shall not carry any of the articles exported by them from ihe said British territories to any port or place except some port or place in America, where toe sume shall he unuden, aiid sucn regulations lhnll.be adopted by both parties as shall, from time to time he found nccessaiy to enforce the due itnd fuhlul oiiservance of t ins stipulation. x is also understood, that the permission grant. td, by this article, is not to extend to allow the VesieU of the United States to xauy on any part w the coasting trade of the said British terruo td And ship, the commanaers 01 srnps 01 war, suso nir ttiet S ish,ill conduct; themselvf B. as fWoraUly'&s'the ' course of the waf ' iheh - existmg1 may iKissiNy permit towards he rriost fritiidly powt't'that iuy remain neuter,? o6srving as mucl us p.-sitle-the acknowledged vihclplrts and rules of ihVlaw.j of nations : And for the better securky . yf- the respeciive 'subjects and cit?2eni of i he -contracting parties,' and to ytm thiir st.fTerin ijiiiifs by the men of ar 6r,priv.iteti-s, ;xd i-U others- ??e said subjects and citizens, Vhall4orlit-ar tloing iy damage to tnose of tha,othet .rj.riy or corbmitu'r . any. outrage against" ihetS j X'd if they acV thtt contiaryf,' tbeyahaU 'b ?pvivielai.d hajLabo-'' be-: Kound '"in ''their' pers6fid "et've to tket? safsfeUoni'a&itt "repa Jf Hi J f ' t all 'raa'g -s, and'T , the interest, thei tof,-of whate Vt f natuve iui 8id f d arnages .may be - :i v : -"'7 TylcK: ; For .;tcaose.Wcbnmandfro.ot(;t pi ivau trs, u . before, they receive 'their commissibiis, shsll here- ." -' after be compelled to give before a w.rnpetenjT" jnilge, sufficitnt security by at least 1wo responsViV'';,;. ble sureties, whu have no interest in the si' p"tU.'. vateer, each of whomi together with the said corn , l, mander, shall, be joiniiyand'seyerally bound in r the eurii of twothous' hd pountfsi'sieiliriK j if -such; : f ship1 be provided withaboveoic liundred and fifty v seamen, or sotdiersf in tne sum oi lour tnuuana. pounds sterling, to-' satisfy all damages and iirju. ries, which the .saidprivateers 01 ehertjnen).-' ' ; or any of them," may do ,6rl,ctnnit during thetf ' cruizes 'cdntrary to the tenor bf this treaty or to V j the laws and instructions for regulating their con-r T' duct, and lurther, that in all cases ol aggressions',' ; the said eonimissibns shall he revoked and annull- It is also agreed that whenever a judge of a court of admiralty of either of the parties' should pronounce entence against any vessel or goods,' or propt rty , belonging to the subjects or "citizens' ; of the o.her party, a formal and d.tly authenticated :'';' ;. copy of all the proceedings in the cause,; and of.ii the said sentelKC, shall, it .'required, re dtlitered-f to .the commander of the said vessel without the . J smallest delay, he paying all legal fees and dei- ' manus tor the same. . v - ' Article XIV. , : - .:' fit it further agreed thatyboth the said contract ing parties shall not" only refuse to receive' any pirates into any of their ports, havens, 6rrowns," or permit ny of their-inhabitants to receive, 'pro tect, .hatbor, conceal, or assist them in any man ner, but will bring to condign punishment all such inhabUantsas shall be guilty of such arts1 or of fences. '. .'....: . ',."' ' :"V". T.' And all their ships, with the goods or mer chandize, taken by them and brought into-the ports of eitheif of the said parlies, shall be sefzed as far as they can be discovered,, and shall be restored to the owners or to the factors or agents duly deuuted. , and authorised in writing by them (proper evidence being shown in the court of ad miralty lor proving the property) even in case such effects should be passed into other hands by sale, if it be proved that the buyers knew, or had good reason to believe, or suspect that they had been piratically taken. y ' Ajticle XV. . It is likewise agreed, that the subjects and citi zens of the wo nations shall not. do any acts of hostility or violence against each other, nor accept commissions or instructions so to act lrom any foreign prince or state, enemies to the other party, and ad mitted by the party to whom he is sent, j so imported for home consumption, and on rv m it , h.-rehv rfer.lareit to he lawful and woDer, i exportation shall after the drawback remain sub- n .- .l' iSio-l anrt imnrnnpr rondact to-' iect to a duty "equivalent to not less than two per " i I ! . I ,...A. ond r,mirlf!ort that Ihf snirf wards the laws or government, a consul may, ei -.ecu.. u. wiwcn, ... . nnr hall the enemies of on? of the nai ties be ber- thcr lie punished according to law, if the laws will goods and the vessels conveyine the reach thr case, or be dismissed, or even sent back, jiva the otfeudd government assigning' to the other the teasons for the same. Either of the parties may except from the resi- UL1U ll.V ItOiM" vw.-v,...fc. ...w . f ... . . . . . .... na fide the property of citizens'lnd inhabitants of; muted to Mivite, or endeavor to enlist the m.lu tl L' t -d Sta'es " - - taly service any cf the subjects orfitizens of the 'Provided alway's, that 'this article or any thing otheiarp nce of consuls, such particular places as such judice of any right belonging to r par y, nu - . " :.: sion or letters of marque for arming any vessel ,to- . ' ' ' i- . ' . . . act as a privateer against tne otner party, 11. ... ..... . k . 1 1 I . . .1 1 v. r. ti..nmi. n Km Ch ttVP.tltP' paiiy siiuit juugc jjiujjiwi iv vAwi'tw. Irticle kill. that afterthe expiration of the time limited for the article, the lights on boh sides snail revive . L is agreed, that in all cases where vessels shll , and be in full iorce. ( - ' be captured or detained, on just suspicion of'hav.j - Article. JII. - mg on board" enemy "s property, or if Carrying to And whereas its expedient to.rnake special, pro the enemy any of the articles which are contra- i visions respecting the maritime jurisdiction ol band of warVor for other lawful cause, thesaidTthe high contracting parties on the coasts ot their vessel shall Be brought to the 'nearest or most' respective possessions in North America on ac :r nmn. rt r aiTf-nHmv rnnnt of neruliar circumstances belonging to those should be found on board such vesstl, that part coasts, it is agreed that in all case? where one ol only which beloncs to the enemy, or is olherwise i the said high contracting parties snau uccugogcu coiiGscable, shall be made prize, and the vessel, unless ty law snbjf-ct Lp condemnation, shall be at liberty to proceed with the remainder of the car go, wiihnut any impediment. And it is agreed, that Ul proper meSiuTeSshall be taken to prevent "ries; but the yessels' goipg with their original delay, in deciding the cises of ships or cargoes cargoes, or (part thereof, tram one port or dis- so Drougni in lor acjuuicauon : anu 111 uwVxy ;diarge7to anotherrare; to be considered as eany-l-mera or recovery of any indcmnificatioii adjudged ou the coasting trade.- Neither is this'article j or agreed to be paid to the masters or owners of tst)e ' construed to aUovv the ciuzens of thx said,' such ships , - . tees to Settle or reside withiri the sid territories, ! It is aUo agreed, that in all cases of unfounded or to go into thi interior parts thereof, without the J detention or other contravention of the regulations psriniasion nt the Urnish .-government ystabligheq ;supuiutcu.oy me prccu ucaiyiic uci3 IKre j tind if any transgressions shontd be attempt. ! vessels and cargoes so detained shall bealloWed ed Wains: the rep-uliiior.s-of 'die British jrovern. I damages proportioned to the loss occasioned there- .againsl the regulauqr.s-ot niie uritisn-gover ttent in this respect, lhs observance of the same shall and may be enforced against the citizens of America in. the same manner as against Britiiii Subjects or others ' transgressing the sanie rule And the citizen) of the United Ststes, whenever ?y arrive in any port or harbor in the said terrj .arits, or if they should be permitted in manner fjrtsaid to go to any other place therein, shall al-' fays be subject to the laws, government and ju- -hioTrriJfwhltteTCT . twbor.-.port or placeaccording ,as the same may The citizens ofthe United States may also 'touch for.refreshmeint ut the Island of St. Helena, -hot subject in all resoets to su'clvreK'ilations as he .Britbh govethajiejit JAay ff0ra tinjeo time by, together with the cost and charges of the trial. Article IX. .. In Order ' to regulate what is in future to be es teemed contraband of war, it is agreed that under the said denomination shall be comprised all afms and implements serving for the purpose of war, by land or sea, such as cannon, muskets, mortars, petards, bombs, grenadoes, carcasses, saucisseS, cari'iaees for cannon, muskets, rests, bandoliers, g)mvderrWtchaape4KaU head piecesr cuirasses, halberts, lances, javelTns, same rights as if this article did ; tot - noise iurnuurei-noisiers, Deiis,anu-generttuy-Mi; other implements of war, as alsotimbtr for shjp Ibuilding, copper in' sheets, 'sail cloth, hemp, and cordacre, and in ceneral (with the exception ol un- wrousht Iron and pine planks ; and also with the. in war, anu tne otner snau uc ai ptai-c, v... ligerent power shall not stop, except for the pur pose hereafter jnehtioned, the vessels of fhe neu tral pow t i-', of the. unarmed vessels of othe r na tions Within five" marine miles from the shore be longing to the said neutral power on the' Ameri can seas. . ,. ' . " Provided that the said stipulations shall not take eflecttn;rav6rof tKe5h1psijf-any-nation'(6r nations which" shall not have agreed to respect the limit aforesaid as the line of maritime jurisdiction ofthe said neutral state. And it is ..lurtner s;ipu- latea, that if either of the. high contracting par. t'fesialt'uer-atarwiin-any-natioiiinauons.. which' shall not have agreed to respect tne special limit or line of maritime Jurisdiction herein; a- nnn. eurh rnhf pnr.tini? Dal'tV shall have the Jrtght to stop or search any vessel beyond the limit'of a cannon shot or three marine miles from the said coasts of the neutral power, for the pur-of-ascertaining the nation to which such vessel shall belong. And with respect to the "ships and nmne.rtv of the nation or nanbns ntJt" having agreed to respect the. afoi esa'id. line of jurisdic. exercise the exist; an theveralprovisionsstipulatedby this article . . . . r 11. . &4 ... r rn I if ni r ntF inc isnait nave iuu power uuu wcw- v-.ij rontinuance ofthe present trusty ;T57 i '7J'::- - Article A ill. With respect to the; scare hereby declared to be lawful for the said party to : treat and punish the said subject or citizen 'having such commission or letters of marque,. as a pi rate. " -vr.. . . . Article XV 1 r t- It is expressly-stipulated ' that -neither of the said contracting parlies will prder or authorise any " acts of rtprisal against the other on compiaini3 ot injuries . and-, damages until the: said -party. shall first have presented to the Other a statement there of,Tatifiedf by competent proof and evidence f and demanded justice and sati&iacuoii, anu uicsawu.. shall either have been refused or unreasonably de lated. ' ; '-: " : Article. XVII. : . - ',.;., TKe ships of war of each of the contracting par- tics shall at all times be hospitably received in the ports of theheiVTheir offieeis and trews paying X due respect to the laws and government, of the v , coun'ry. The officers shall bereated with, the res- v hec.t fine to the commissions which the bear : Sc if . ? any Jhstilt should be oflered to them bjr anyone of ; ?. live innanitaiiis, uh uusuusis i m. - j . . , punished as disturbers Of the peice and amity be- ;-j .uj. ..ik r.inr'i.rtpo:''- And l.ni!'. f nntractifipv.-' i parties agree that in case any ve.-l of .the one. ' J. should by stress of weather, 'danger from ertemfcs -; or other misfortunes,, be ffduceci torh.i : necessity). of seeking shelter in any. of thejrl of the ctr , intoivhich such vessel could .not. in ordinary 'casea,. j) claim to be admitted, :$he shall,- on manifesting ; I that necessity to the satisfaction bribe government ; of the Place, be hospitably ieeeiyechand perron, tl ; to refit, awtxrpuixhasnciv , necessaries as she may stand in ed ocopj rrrablrto such-oideis andjregukuoD.sasthe gotiid trnrnent of the place having rypecUOrcimv i . r .oK rase shall mresenbe. f Shebailr i i . - i I ciainca vi v -j r ? ... ung'- of raercnanii not dc auoweu -y .''" ' y c j . H . .... .. . . : - . . ,. " T. At-r.-7: a-fc 111 1 , ... '-. , ... - . . i

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