1 f . .- I.. .. i. -w . - - - .- .' ' Ul ' - . IJF-r- . - v . . " a i.t I- if". tDe the paper bullet cohiest, like ijie old Ro they hiajr at UstteacbVtheir encrtiicVto.con' qui: r them on, their own ground. Tbi last list lent by the Secretary of State en taioYthe names of abort 170O;.si nee Aprii .180?, who claim protection as Americans. Of "these 40.v have be or are ordered to be, discharged. 85 had no documents to prove they, were Ameri cans., 229 are British subjects beyond doubt. OCj ji me ciocumerH were lnsuinciem.' jus naa fraudulent protections or did not answer the tie. scription given in their protections. 91 are on board no English ships of war. ;,Thus the state', ment goes on to show why they are not released. All native Americans are discharged as soon as I they are know, tp be such. But while we employ 40 or 30,ooo British subjects, and to a-great p:;rt nF thm rt'iifliLlentlv mvm rkrntrtinnft aft naiivp attached to the character of Gillatin lri "?6-'.7" 81 Americans ) it is a subject of no wander that so .JfVTtkr bur readers tolve crtrt respecting Mt . (ViilUtiji, taken from a New-YotW ftapert for j.Jrikhjj evidence ;oF that genileWah's'cbhsj'sten'cy. Gall.iun owed his political rise in a great mea- . uriio' U pariiciparioh In the Whiskey Lisurgeh. . fj.; Will it not therefore be , a most just retribu '.i.)i,h;(ii!l the meas which assisted him to rise Ji w'y work Ivis . downfall ?.- The suspicions which ond 9, are now. folly confirmed, fully made mani. foM even to his former friends. ' Thus time will rjo on, successivtly exposing the hypocrisy and wickedness of those ho have sri long abused us, ; ljMri.bAre, one after another, tW shocki; g defor jtiity of tljtrir characters 'to the indignant eye of . lblip scorn. The Israelues, when they prayed tora king were given one to scourge and oppress them ; and when th s infatuated peopl sighed for " demagogues to be placed at thei'1 head, their wish Vs granted' only that they, might be cursed and tormehted. The folly of the. Jews ended in their iKjMt, rptivUy end rerorkablecUspersio wir Jhe whole world. IIeaven"grantthat this people may;aby timely wisdom, avert any like calamities ! And this is Orsly0 be done by-tearing from the leart of th? country the serpents Whose fatal folds threaten U with destruction. , . j. On the question of the existence of the French decrees hosiile to American rights,' there is n very convincing article ii our first prige. I: is written . with great moderation, exhibits undoubted facts y in the clearest light and is every way incontrover, tible. If any o-e, after reading it, can believe that the edicts of Berlin and Milan arc reic'indedi wq really'can form no conception of the sort of mind he must possess. That our government is trcach eroi and deceitful towards itscifizt ns, with regatd. to French rtlatioiisr seems as plain as the light--of neon dav. Why then cannot congress ste tlrs, and why will they assist ia blindfolding us, 8ir1 tiri ig s on to desperuti'iuj or da they consider themselves as completely divided from the people in duty "and interest ? It would really seem beL ter if the President's house were in Pittsburg, the capitol where it is ; and lj,heTtt Jet especial degates "Tom the people examine every mtssenger that passed between Jhem I Thus we should stand some' chance to detect machinations and toi4en .tify the guilty. Direct Taei The paper containing , tW re. port of the committee of Ways and .Means, ill fa. or of oirfect TaCT;e7masTinytmtCTy"iiftt5 l laid until too late for the insertion of the Docu. hunt in 6ar present number. It generally cones ponds with 'Gidlatin'S letter. THE ANNU'ElSARY d'f Washington's B'rttlrday was o'.werve in this, "place witll the usual demonbtrations of joy. IMPRESS! ENTS. j More misrepresentations have gone abroad on -this subject ihan 'oO any other in dispute between England and uvft. Mr. Johnson, of Kentucky, as serted this session on the floor of Congress, that Efty thousand Arnerfcsn seamen were groaning in bondage on board BritlA t.hips of war 1 The Au- rora itself with all its hardihood, confines the state r.itptto 6257. For our part we have no wish to reprtsenl the n nber Iessthan it leullyls j .no desire to p filiate the enormity of tbe outrage which U pit upon us when a single citizen is ta ten from ..out vessels ; and least of all a disposi. lion to submit with lameness to that glaring in. fringement ofthc country's rights, which the im: x'UressTrtent of our brethren On the high, seas un- :quetionA1y exhibits. , But neither do we wish I o distort facts, nor magnify or place in a worse light than th"y reallv appear, our causes of corn , plain. - Wc would rather see a single step taken to "redress our grievances than hear a thousand hif h toned threatenings against the aggressor. Tor the fallowing s'atfmf nt, drawn from ofFicial docu men. st we are Indebted to the -Virginia Pa triot. " It was contained in a letter from Vas.hing- ton, dated , ' . ; . ' 77iurtday, February 8. , Peter Little, one of the representatives' of the United States from the city of 'Bulitniore, . almost three months. ajoi offered a rtroUttion, which was d;pted,'CBllir. on th .President for a list of im pressed American seamn witn an me panicuiara . ' . . - - , -. r) ' ' many arf for a time impressed'; it is rather sur prising that there are not more. :; ,(- ' The Secretary of State does not jgive a. list, of Americans impressed by the French. He says he has the names "or hut fe w, and doubts not there are many.' As the French have iaken so many of our vessels, and in so many iustances ,frce tne seamen on ooaijiJ their armed vessels,, 1 tjiink we have good ground for .believing that there are more native Americana now held J frenu'h bon dage, than in English. . Ensign Hczckiah . IVudrworth, of United date's army, (engaged in the nefarious transaction at New York, of which some account has been pub lished has been dismissed thVsuvice, . - A cornmittee has been, appointed in Congress, to enquire ifilo the expediency of authorisiiifr theitraoer beteen this and Natchtt, arid will.it is ge establishment of an Armory at Louitviltc'xn Ken lucky. , - ;"; '"t r ": - " A letter from a Member of Congress datfd l7th .. February, states, ' " Our" slumbers are disturbed this morning by the report of the Ci'mir.ittce of Ways and Means on the system for raising i revenue, as proposed by Mr Secretary Gall.lin. and an intimation gi. ven us by Colonel Porter, that on to morrow he in tends to introduce a hill for raising twenty thou sand additional military force'' The bill supplementary to the act making pro vision w armintjthc whole bo'!y of the Militia of the Uuiied S'atcs. has at length passed the II ose of Rc-p'rt sentativt by a majority if uxietu Votes. Aa:. fa:.' From "the Mew le'rsey papers we learn that'2 out of 6 .of their new banks haye beep .organised. The; Prciideints. of thtsr banks -areror rentbn, J4mes Jefferson Vilniquire, ajfprNew ark, Wlliam (SAPennngton; Esq. James Jejfcir. o WilsojieVjrure'.ia i' editor djprinterof the de mocfaiicaper aj Trenton, and WlTa Peri nington is, or wasfUtor of the dpmocratiQapir at Newark. ThiV'is as itshould be. .' y .. ..- -' - - r . , ... . s . .. We learn from' Albany that the petition for the six million Bank, in tnU c'ity, was presented to the legislature on Saturday . UstVnd connniUed to committee of nine.- A". T. k. Post. " - . ;; ' ' . The king of England, at te last dates, was fn a very low jstate, having refused food for teveril days. fl It is impossible to tell, from the slight and con fused accounts r reived, whetherjhe atTuirs of; Spain are growing better or worse, dirieral Bal lesteros Kas, lately been (jut off with 50p men. 1 "Thet Louisiana Gazette of the 13th of January, says "Tlie bteam Bont Mw.QrleanM from Pitts burgh, arrived hereon Friday evening last. The ' captain reportr that she has been wider way not j more tban ?59 hours from Pittsburgh to this place, ! which gives about eight miles each hour. i The WfTO 'Jriean Steam Boat was built at Pi!f i burgh jy the Ohio Steam Boat, Company, under the pjiteiiTf granted to Messrs. Livingston and FoF 1 ton, of New York". ' She Is intended af a regblar iierally "belieyed, meet the most sanguine expecta tions ot the company". onejfiundrerj aftd 8ts(eh great grand children, and fifteen great. Hat grand children haviiifr lived to' scq tii,grnftg ifi.ns7 ' ' Hit, rtaflJ T '? W. Boylari HAS two copies ot the G.utral Stud Book of (England, price 1 1 ; ' - ' Maweston gardening,:. .. ,j " Marshall on ditto : r.. s V . ICoscTuscq's 'roan&u vres ot Horse Artilferyi . ' Macomb on Courts-Marti 1, : t Stockhouse'i history of the BiWe, ' vols. . Camie's Bible .with marginal riptes, . ' PaleyV Natural Tlieology--Ditto Evidences of . Christiantty'tlittoJjSetrfiohs, Fabef on the Prophecies, , . - ." The Sermons of,.- Bla'nf, syrin, M Shorter, b n Uoddrtge, Paley, Davies, Fordyce, Ws i. ,,ley and Vpliaurin, " T Robeson's Proofs of a conspiracy against religion, Butter worth's Concordance, ! ' , -M'Lauiin's Essays, ' - " , . ; IJuck's ''Miscellany, ,""""" leati46n refi gibus etpe'rience, . Uavics'. Sermons 3 vols, including his last set? . . mons, . , . '.. John. Newton's.works 11 vols 1, Newland on Contracts,, , ; -.oiboh'.. Analytical abridgment of Blaclstdne'S " J ( Cbmmen,taries in 1 Vol. Chitty 'on Heafitng, . .. Helwyn's Niai Pxiu2. vols. . ' tii uise on retl property S ' vo?; 1 ' , ..' SALT WORKS. By a (rentlcman from the Genesee country, we are informed, that last summer at a salt jvorks at Gaicn-tow nship (Tyugi county, and state' of Ne w r(uk; the owner had an idea tbal by Egging he mig,ht pel-haps arrive athe alt tock, accordingly ht employed a hand to try experiments who went about 60 or 70 feet, when to his great.satisfaction he came to die bed of Sajt, and "broke off a small piece but the water broke in upon bim so fast tliat he had to c 11 for assistance to get out, and had only iim- to bung one of his tools with him, and a snail piece of bait, which was cltar like apiece of AHam. the water rose to the surface and ran over: they then bwill a wall of stone and lime a round trfour fetWhv.-o close as toHioft Water ; NAPOLEON'S .ANS'VER they have a number, of kettle's, or. salt pans ctn: To Mr.. B;trtow, un his first lorm.il introduction, tanj,y -hoiimg, i.,it fitill they are unable to use ,t as - is said to have been PS fellows V ' ' r'S" ' ; " 80 t tn1 w,,trc is saui to nave been as icuoas . i .,yn statter8.0vCP the'ground. it cl.rislahzes with the I am happy tp Tctiye a minister plenipo. . hctoftiie sun in the hot weaihcr Penn. fiaicr. tentiary froiniheUni .il abates, p.irtir.ularly sol ' .' ' distinguished. gen'U-rwMi whose ojMfiron ure so) ' w PLAISTER OF PARIS. well known- to meik -hs hngtrab aspect ynr , On the east side of the C uga Lke about a mile jwu win oowin every mint; you wian uwn fr,.m it too have found a larire bank of Pbistlr of L-.ike to where the Turnpike from the busijuelian iuh joins it fii.tn whence it is carried to that river in waggons or in the "-inter by sleighs, asits but 30 miles distant, and from that place it can be brought down the river to any place of deposit-in I'o-tts, the pi'ce is hve dollars per ton at the quar Massachusrtt's Reports 5 yOW. Cavallo'si Philosophy, on Electricity, Cr llies'-history of 'Greece, ' ' ' ' ;. pVAnville! ancleVteography, Dobson's edition of the Encyclopedia front 105 to giro, Hume's Es says, Kaime's elements of Cr'ricisrri,, " Sketches of the history 6f-Mah. - i Kaleih, Februirv 88. ' State North fcaroh"nia Major -General DPAiB)UN, pnd Brigadier Gen. Wilkinson arrived a: ushington city on Holi day thcHTih instant. '" The bill for arming the militia of the U fi'ates, has passed to a tliird reading in the H jusc oi Re- A JjAVVCh ".Yesterday was launched from the Navy Yard at this place, the brig hmeririze, which has undergone a i borough iVpair and renovation, l'hs dy was fine, and the launch was witnessed by several CASWELL COUNTY, Coiirt of fileaa and 'quarter stations, Jan. term, 1812 Johnston k O'Hara, 1 vk Original attachment Jas. XJ. Chalmers it Co. J - . Returned, M executed by summonuig Thomas Gatcood, Thdma's Rumn and Stephen D. Wat kins, Garni -haes." '" 7 ' "' ' It. appearing to the satisfaction of this Courts that J.i'mes GChalmers and Willijm U. Willst-n the defendants in this suit, are riot inha'i'rt'ants t " tUisitate, whereupon on motion,-it isbrderd thai the. same be advertised thrse wfeeks in the R. leigh Minerva, that unless the said defendants be and appear at Our next court of pleas and quar ter sessions to be held for the county of Caswell . aforesaid, on the second Monday of April nxt and defend said suit; judgn;e?iit final will be en te'red ajjainst them. 1-est, ALEX'ff. MURP1IEY, c. c. 4 ' 30-3f. ;' ' " v ii i ' , Tdt'CLLEBRATIO IMPORTED H0K5E Ti T1 r XT ry i Uwtt hamhqa brftf ftjtact fee- found otft- .. . - , i-w V- tne we si te ot the Uak, of which a Mr. Rlttcn- 1 TTiT.f . stand the ensuinff seasoh at m nthU t. , t . 141 o - j - nuubc i wuc oi .iue piopnciors. r VV Bitasia, lately captured by the BrhisVwas the cap td of the p,tcti oriental possessious, and the resilience of the (iovetnrir tl"fiifral. In idpMr hundred spectators, who appeared j ,6 19. itw ,as mtr. vin.P. in fl :nj martk muth gratified uy the interesung spectacle. Alter I colI!ltr rfeft fHt ,l nnlvi,v nni;.,. nA k,k the lau.Vdrrmny of Uieladiandtentlemen pre -1 can6s -rhe Dutch buiU a ncw lown and cut ca. seni pariooK ,or a piaui om pienuiui co.a repasr nu,,i( arij made arain, tQ. off the Thf provKieo in seaman s style, mone oi ine wors-, town h, gradually intreastd to a great ekttnt, htms.iAat tint r- 7 I i :.. .. i. . t...:. .. . . t . . r'Tn7.1:." and its population has been estimated at 6u,0CO The Legislature of Pennsylvania has rejected 0ri uropean descent. 'I le town is not remarka the proposition for taking -he sense of the p.ople lb,e fjf hs i!eg4rjce, r U ha, ac3se whici)eom. on the propriety of calling a convcimon in that ' mMi(xhs Ltndilljr .,iace. harc0iir js baifi state. spacious 'arid secure, and is capable of holding a ' t A , u r .'i. "o,i ' Vl ' ino,lsar!o vessels safe iroin the violence vi the sea A New Orleans paper of the 2Sth says lheir is. ...a hv ,lrufn f w , ni . , . -,T- r j-, ... j , ,. r i f -' i , .. iiLk v anion I ji nil vi ii tonveiftion yesterday dected-EIigTnrT?o-mer.tih;: 90l)ie 6f them roriified.the aonrdaches 'to the and 'Allan.. Magruder, tsqu-res, delegHtsto town are also defended y .mall forts and redoubts. in Salisbury. He is fifteen hands and a half faigln a beautiful . bay, and one of the "most powerful and compact horses ever imported. He is now in high health and perfection, and wHl cover mares at twenty dollars 'the .season, which may be discharged by .the payment of sixteen dollars on or before the 25. h day of December next : and forty dollar to ensure a mare to !t W foal, which may be discharged by the payment of ihiity-twa'doUars on ; .or betore jhe25th day t December next. The insuriince money will be. demanded in every instance when the property, of the mure is chauged. v- . N. B, Notts must 'bfe sent with the mare, for the season or insurance. PEDIGREE.. DION was got by Spadille, his dam Faith hf. PacoleU prandamtaan'ta, by iJtchem, JassOf the approbation of Congress. ' Extract of a letter frum fth Excellency the Gfver- tion, the soil is-most excellent : rice and inrliao .nsr of uinana, lo a emccman in una luaee, corn, are abundant i and the sugar cane is culiiva St. Louis, January 12. Is 12. ,'-.....', I.havc Jijst received despatches from Fort Ma dison, informing me that the" Winebago Indians have, ddne, much mischief abov ihe garris;n. the Mill, by Otoqnoko, Old Traveler, (sister to' Clark'a Lass nf the Milhl M r. Homes' Mis i ne air, nomine marsnes and stagnant waters, is j MakeksS, by Ydung Greyhound, Old Partner, almost piovcrbiaTIy unhealthy ;j the country lor i Woodcock, dam of the Lampton Mis Doe, Croft's '! ""lJS r.,uno Is entirely leveu ror vegeia. bay barb, grandam of tne- Ancaster Sfciling, ted with little trouble, and. U esteemed superior to that olthe West Indies. : . Married, . - ; On Tue'sd iy the 2sih instant, Michard Smith. Those. Indians are supposed to have been in theEsf;uire, of Raleigh, to Miss jenelutc Jonet, of ercat deal of unnecessary 1 bor, the Secretary of State reported, and the .lift Though th labor has been gri '- s now puuiisneo eat and the expence -DTmtmMbhta44llT nnbllshtd. It will have directly the re Verse of the tendency Expected. It will convince the people that, instead of 15, or ,20 000 as stated in flrr Aurora arid other lying papers ; or 4ti or as ataietl by cne of the backwoods mem &.ta from Xentncky on the floor of congress we not Tair ground for believing that there are V. t Ws moment, of the whole 6,25? impressed .,iihin ten yeartf fibw above frdrn four to six hurt, -d td hd are Veal "Spttvc 'American! desirous, of :'" . i !'; ...,VJ .n1.'ji.t.,..U"'nnr pieasCt-ana wno ive iwmmntH iv"" ") efenMaken from enemica yse he la'e action, i exptet hot work in the 'spring,.; and shall, endeavor to he ready for it 'lis vain lo sup;Kj(5o out dimculties. are .oyer 5 the belief that they have but Just commenced,! much more rational." -. , ' j - ,, 1 . 4 'ttlV Jtat'edtn a .London pSper oif becemfter 21. that Lofd Cochran has acquired full 00 WOl ster ing in prizes during the short time he , was afloat. An eruption took place at Mount, Etna, oh the id of November last, which is described as Jiving more vitdent and, destructive to the Village's be low the Crater, than any which had happened for seyjetai-yearsV-; ;;v .,.'":!; '.. '.''. ' . . The Legislature of Virginia have passed a law for establishing a nevi Baiik in Richmond, wiHi blanches in Norfolk, Petersburg,-Ercdcrickburg, Lynchburg and Winchester, to be called the ". Far mer's Bank of Virginia,' with a capital of two canitai of the bank of Virginia, makes the whole banking Capital of the State three millions of doi lars. '.. 1 " ' '..'.' Chief Justice Marshall haS taken his place oh the bench of the Supreoie Coutt at the seat of go vernmcntv "'.( v-" : - . Tne Presiderjt of the United States has appro ved of .fhe acquittal of 'Brigadier General James Wilkinson of .alLtho charges' alleged against him , anil caused his a word to e restored to hiip. 'T "r Wke county. '.' '.'';; . ; : died; ; " ' ' . At Tarborougfi, on the 6tii' instant, D6ct. Hen ry flaywood, a skilful and vry successful physi cian, llLisilrtalh is regretted by.'-all. who had the pleasure of his'arquaintante aS a physician or a a member' f fMiettfty. . , . .;, ' In Newborn', on the 1 1 th, Mrs- Margaret lias-' lin", iruiie 44th yeaMif her atfb: . . f On the 4 h, !ai Portsmoutb',l5artere't county, of a cancer, Mim. vVlaryWallacer agetl 7B years. On Saturday last, in Prince street, district of aoutn.va-K, in, rue, ni,neiyTniiin- year 01 ms 8ge, Mr. John JMo'fird, a rialive of the slate of New Jersey. V, 1--..V.'V, Mr:Mbr'ford ' wai meniBer.of tne-lirst' baptist church ift i"hii city, and though his circumstances placed 'him iri humbfe Ife, he was by sjll who en joyed his society respected for the tirHanity of His manners and thecheeTfUIness of his dispition x t . - ! - .... il. .'' ! r'. .1 A&lew men nave peen permutca to enioy on earm so loni a course, so there have been but few whose constancy of faith and holiness of i life, Have Wit hessed tHe rtalityof His religion ; bis life and con versation may be truly said to have adorned the doctrine of-God his savior; y ; ' ; When Upwards of seve'riif y6afs of age, Mr. Morford's silver grey locks feave way to the retjurn of his youthful hai'i he cbuld read the smallest print without the assistance of pectaclesvand the powers of his mihd remained unimpaired lo the last momeht of his existence; He had seven chij . StiHf froni whom sprang forty two grand children, lakeless.(De9dcmora's. dam) Brimmer, Dickc Bler&oh, (son of Dodsworth) Durtpn Barb mRie. bpadiile jivas got by Highflyer out of .Flora, by' Squirrel, her dam Angelica by Snap, Rcgulus, Bartlett's Chiiders &c. . . Faith the dam of Dion, was a marc of the first celebrity as a racer, and afterwards equally dis tinguished as a brood mare. The Calendars from. 1800 to 1805 jgive the perforrnances pf several of her produce, '.particularly IMarcia and Vesta; the former having lost but tfo out of 15 four mile racf s, both of which were won by Lord Darling ton's celebrated horse HaSshai.vd, whom she af ttrwa'rds beat lor the gold ciip at Pontrefact Shei alsn beat Agonistis, Alonzo,OrvilIe, and many oihrr good runners. - - -'' "'' . Vesta was only beaten once in 1804 ard. 1805 which was for the St Ledger stakes at DoHcaster in 1804, .where she fell in running. In. laOs-sJuC won (among other distinguished races) the great supscription for four years bids, at York beating Sir lL T, Vranes celebrated edit Master ielt'y ancl M. Mellish'sQiiid - ; ' ' The'ctlebrity of this horse, as a foal gettier-4s in fcridrlo ho horse in ilhe Utiiled States. Some tif his colts have proved themselves t..; be img tHo best racers of the present day, paiticulai ly Mr W; U. Johnson's Don Qaix'otte. who has run inbre races and with more success than any horse 'of the fae-ege in-Amenca. - "r- ' - ..The season will commence the Rriltof 'March' and end the first of August.. I Will pasture gratis a jew mares. T pledge my self 4p have doe atteir tionpaid Jto mares that may be sent to the Horse ; .. and siich as may be left with me shall, if required,- he fed with corn,, fiats and fodder t fifteen cents per day j or a'tthe hiarket piTce of these artlcles Every attention will be paid to prevent accident or escaped but t will not be liable for either.. JOSEEa CUAMBSIiSi- J '.V lA i i - T o r