( -. ' 4 , '. 1. - - v :.whSi'VtfwfevA faUsh'ed natfoni withbutfar 'TitSet prelirmn . ' iedT compact, . iucfvUs'they1 Kad nouIiVed under r T)'.-ipre as tjo nation naa ;at any ume. wimessea , 4 Wn the best ligbt furnished, adsweied to fill f Vjf,)tbe ulUrnatuiriMheu, wishes. It was beheld, ' fed altwSs pronouncedta be fery EOodr But the "fffowli'nti ; bfaihbitiorW and misconceived self-. J'edidr not go long; urirtoticed in this ccntry .- -f'raYrwvp. rrftiirss smnts in me nation wna loni? 1 ' 7 1 ii tfi ev hihit their Jmatrinarv talents who formed rH:vJrtiei and fultwoaedl political tenet from their i f fraKf the stages againsneWmcaUon oHnb con- i ; d tn Vhe XJr State.?ed.'arid auti fed.as tntf V w ... v . . ... . r Mi h-C 'fcroifntattv 'ihtt eimres'sty leaves the doof tpeti -$,-1t tc'iVefytiee'maA in the Urilte State who maf vt noose to -pantcjpaic m jw itmcuons. .. rn. eiier t rfJ'ikftiRcient to relidef it Te?pcctablVit still holds Xt1'li,T8'nouW bVtinderstood and eedf,' ' i' Jto those ho mil -condescend - to acKnowwage "VVtlwm3elTei paftklitrs. The'sporterfirte ton . littition afceewaf,-ngagtd In agricttJture 'ari'd I , ' J "tommerce, and trtidfred tht'msetves txspectatile & ' J Vthe eyeitf other nsYion'liief here in 'Mfi I fht nah'onal eoTTefs weie ' 'imVty i taxes eTe latd I ?in proportion to thelabnity Of :tht cuizen to)iy j rjiieratuit was encouraged, to pVBp'afe'theVigmg ge ' f. deration fjdr' red;ring' theettt servtcfeto" their "cintry ihe best informed cUtiDtffsv etc ouht V' inost competent to bred'in'tbetohclht' the iti of alarm $ preacftcu to tire people. inaj me con viUtutioni 'savoured too'' ucMjT-;rfiaade it s true, should have great weight. i he. tp lat ter were botF rnember of the convention wHich frnmed the ttrUerai constuuuou ; 01 uc w v v kidnej-iin preterehce "to ' the rnbit'distineaishedci- tiien.; Republicanism Is made tKe hotf ; horsa in elections for ju'dgesV tfcasurers,comptroUer, se cretaries of state or 'public printers i as if any bo dy cared about judges, ; treasqrersr, 1 comptrollers, secretaries of state r public' pHnters, tiibrCthan other .citizen's, jirther than lis they lioay bq coni- lcici h uiscuarge msir ouy as servams 01, me public. Militia officers, rnaetstrate's atI ehfrV'fa'- keTs, must have' this all important .qualification. ... .. . ; , - ,(. -, . . . uut uoes me simple name ox repuoucanism-confer good sense and I merit I I should apprcherKl oU Yet it has too often occurred, to our-cV'sgrac iiiPtbis state, that zeal in a particular cause com- Clsed jthe deiert, iahd Xhat party, spirit raised the applicant. nuibetfQrdMay3t&. rolina eonv cntiotrfhat $at at HiUsborougb J and pf the assembly,' Mrhen this jstate was admitted into the union; Much stress nas oeen iaia upon ipe circumstance of our electors having been ebbserj byjlheiegislaturei h(j of the emrnent gentlemen, last mentioned, havng acfjuiesceU in the measure koVwh&Vwevre.ih tame forward to North Uarpltna wnue tne assem bly was in sesslpn, but loo late to adjnit a pos'silifi. ty of an immtdiate choice, by the peopie 01 ttie numlier "of electors they were entitled tt4 .The State was then divided into districts, and the re- our representative governments indicates, Uut,as'teing tne oniy ieasioie nunie in wnicn understood and practiced in- these time's, I enter could participate in "the choice of th my ; protest anairist its application. Opposers toldent'arid vide president of tht union. I Ihera belxve that tne general government naa no I tiling mot elh.iew than Vo wealteuafte pocVoT XC .j the state govefiiment-' $y 4p'cf?a'sth4fT'the t, iiaiidralj swore ; vengance.against.toreigh fnt thftfi-op- eaters Valid 're-echoed the clamor 4 of oppoiitionTar and near, jBut the.consititutton I .as TaliGed nottvitfcstandirt f iands maiority j, v .decided to support it, It wil tegarded. hinding; ; "the action" and ..Vea&QnTpf ;;ita ,iolehce,-proauctd inose crreac aivisioiis wiuuti nv".uuuaviuui tuuu- , try. - The constitution ihad champions. ' ratifacanon of '3ay'a treaty, ,6f known by Tio 1 - vuiffar or separate appeuauen-. .iooui me ume oi the last mentioned date theheilof the locusts be- can to cracK. m intervals me spring smcinK e v gan tb he'heardm our land; v As the felrength of . the awArm was trrafluall? encreased, broken sounds were at tnteryals "emUtedif . These V ere not Tha- rbah f hafoab I ''butf RefivMcvm. i Hmtocra- cjr TptoiJln ihtlanuage : of-.Mr.Hanilplph t'.-f" re-in of Urfer iaifns-'Thjpribt and,de t vVie;n'tjr of the constitutfonliewed out a cistern that i .would hoid-no water I he populace went to annk, jL but their thirst was uot quenched. He had assiit. t :ed '.'-to r'Tmild the:shrpbot was uo dixtroiis naviga- II '.'' It' ii -also ' correct that the democrats hadsaid he ::iwpuld not do. '"lie was, however, at that time a friend U' commerce, a patroniter of learning and ' I; ; a mari '"'capable Df doing business.The people, un 1i der his administration, paid a few more cents di. S fttctlif for the support of govern rntnt, than the'y had i h 'fir a 'few years befofe ; yej they consented to pay 3 prUciselyhe same, inditettty ,xctpii$ the stamp " iXJfoty excise, which txpir,ed by act of confess I ;bef9rt fore Mr. Adam weavtiutof offkt. Bit this inli rect mode of taxation the democrats have eternal ... v Iir- kpntVint of the vie w of the people. When qui s -jA'.vtiOhed -byone of thehr consiuuents as to the uuth 1 -'i : of this'fetleral allegation, your thorough going de I ixnocraf, with much gesticulation, 'will answer, no. vL "tell you What, myjfcpdd Hiend.-you go to a ' tore. Well, -ou buy yqjur things, and you pay ?A'f your money for them with your own consent and ' . f free will ; ys yoti do, as freo s my old horse Jol v'iv eats his fodder." The poor man forfeits a but I 'lrJH kt twrvTr.A rmoe -a MA 11 kat 1 sReri T If he WO'.jlll r hKflM VI :WJM M.IV. V- - sltjtfcbse wh9 would reullyaell hi.n the truth, he IBie'ht learn that bur embarassments have not all been owing to European. politics, but to a miscon ception' of them, and. a want of capacity in our ad' ministration to put in practice even their own the rics. He would also learn that he paid the regu A Ikr taxes, stamps and all, wjth .more ease f fourteen. Iv yeirs ago than lie does now. Money was more pienulul J one uouar inen, was worm nve ai nc Hent i because it is elways better to have one dol Jar at interest, clear gain, than to have the use of roade' atonement for-spme of the' indiscretions of I J hfi admiMistTation. h vlmauishi aclhosentaxe s f allen he found they displeased the people. lLv- .Ihepresent government done any thing like this r o. They -ure so wise end consistent x that it seem .-. hea'ven and earth cant turn, them fiom their purpp- V V Mr. AtJams, however, walked out of office, and I 1Mr. J (f.rson steppe in elated. ' Miv Adams L broodtdovtr his fallen gveafness for the space of 'seven l"ng years,' 'wherilol. jii.;1608 9.. that sin. t "gylar ttwanation pf democracy sprang-forthf calkd .mlargo,rr- -'" - :' ''" '''. '". .'" ? ; Teyeralists are the friends of the constttntinn, f 'df freedom and commerce. "They have iinrforroly ;adoctt a consistent tram dt roeasures, mcn u Cjurye'd,).would.have reft this country, in 1212, in a ;4enfoi'dil,e.tlitotioothan her present one' '1 hey love jov erh rflent of . energy i because it l s calcu, 'lifted "to protect ihe people- irvJtimes ' of d fticuliy and dangler J,but ihey-.lo not reUjarv tne energy l fDrofesS to h'e Ik renoMiean mv&elf as under- rbresentatives'from each of these'chose 6nemerh atootf Jby. bUf constitutions r and . as the nature' 6f I her of. the' electoral College.; Thi$ was done jas i this state first piesi- knowlhis administratroruiave iSeen called fede'ralists. : Very i statement to be 'correct ; because I was then ;a weiu ; tsut war is declared ana is mow inevitable, mempcr, ana vpieci tonne elector tor Morgun ciis Now let bs see Who fouT beoremostln the ranks trict. . BesidcswVioar one dssenting vifce, at'tfie' wheri that war. grows actually defensive. Will ' very satre session the assembly passed a law to"d. any dare? tb cal! in Jtjuestfiyn the patriotism antprlde the state into dicts in order that the peoV bravery o6 TiatIvi : AmericansV'who are in the mi- pie might in future vote for ejectors : and the rea nority They Viirdo their duty. They . have i son the assembly passed the law at that time, there struggled to evade the-horribje everit They are being then no absolute necessity, as another election not y et certain that' it is for the best.' And in for president and vice president buld not occur endeavouring to restore their forlorn country to' tor tour years, was Jor the purpose of indicating 6ej abl d by iwiiii rcuiuoeriiv ana iraiiuuiuiv nut not me uci'ti ui ictisiuiurc mai me consiiiuiinji inactive,'?! Shalt conclude' with Ihbsf rsmarki ! meant to estatttshthe rbfit;W votirvc: jfof electors. eWrd?. 'A. TTiat whenever anv form Pf trovern- itn the 'people alont! This, therefore? instead of ment becomes de'structive'bf those -nds for which controverting, ;confirms tfi It is instituted, it is thefight of the people to alter oy the minority ot last session and supported vt apoiisn tt, and to institute new government. ne presenimerns or tne several errand tunes. layirfg it3?duVdatibnvon such principles, and orrlVl''My corespondent, asserts that no question' ex gahlzing it' powers in such 'forrn as to tiiera shall cited less interest in the convention than that res seem most likely to effect their safety and happi- pectirig the choice of electors oF president Bnd vice rress. rPrudebce indeed will dictate that govern, president of the Ohitt'd States. t . This I adrnit. mentsVng established should not be. changed for But whence did this indifference arise I Why bC- light or lrafisic"ntTca'uses.;.lJut when a long train cause no mernher dver dreamt that any legislature of abuses,: and "tisurpatibns, pursuihg iovariabfy would co 'abiise the pwer entrusted -to it, as to the sanie object,.' evinces riteighHbYeducte hem c.bhertbepny,nege t)f fixing the mode of choice under absolute despotism, it is their right, it Ts ..mto 'a right ol making the appointment. Much their duty to throw off such gbvernmenta 'and' 'tb 15,1wa imagined that one legislature would at' provide new guide s for their future security." B- D. ROUNSAVIJJLE. July 1, 1812. A- - KOR THE HINERV.t. . Messfa. Editors, ; J '.' . " Some pefson, who is ashamed to own or to subscribe his name, has come forward fetu'M: to Control or'clfre'ct another, over which it could have hb cbntr'ol, and declare it to be their fJuty to appoint elector? by. joint balfou Such a de parture from principic should grieve the heart and keenly wound the feelings of every true republican in the United States. ' , . ' The chief argument brouirht forward bV the de. fender of the electoral Uw, is deduced from the ' r .i trfot, will be read witlr n littiIr ,a8ed" act ,oi a man who has grovriVf tt H' ' ." ' Hiic pan in -finKr . burn 'PUIS whose pfivaie life has mr.. v Wor o. ,M Comfnna tk rj For a day of faMc fasttnt?. Humhil-l . - 1 of the world irr his righteous PS ? 4 tQ: be engaged inwaaeainst, , nJJK wh.eh we are descended, and which forC. erations has been the bulwark nf ,k . 7 8 profess : And wheas by thU .fni ?,on Chanire in nnrirninMMnr:. .u. ai"i!n Commonwealth are in a peculiar mmJi 1 to personal sufferinc, and the h .r. "f nortion of ihpir enKitv ii i.j. ' " "Jt M tat bnof our fatlw-r.. 5 W.iJ.:T.us' "n& and artger vyith deppfijg selves before ,m forour sins 'a'theSS retu ns .we h,v made to him for his me;ci.1 l.o ascribe riffhteousnesa krnfria iiq uitli tk. m.. ... . " W threatens us with the mmt nn., f . . . '. -whs vi ttiuetiiDotJ calrnities, &ndto beseech him loavcrnhc toW of his a.njjer,and. remefn1)er for'tis his fofiritrhl in the Raleigh Register, finder the appellation of '. practice of other states. Tills appears to me to M One of the People, "and directed a letter to Col Wna. Porter." I suppose taysellf to be the person had in View, 'but sliduld tibt, perhaps, have noti ced the pubiicktion were It hot to let ray friend ce I have not ahcgtKer "heglected him ; to a void which Charee 1 have thought uroper to send you the following for publication. .When I aay'jtibnahat we were to contend, by amies, for -.a pre "my friend," I do not mean fny Well wisher, but;sid.eut There are some questions ititcnJcd tu be - r - - t v. ' j r, lng knidoeisand tender mefx;v'. I do, therefore, by and wiilr the advice and T me viuuiay, aim at me rciquvst cj the Iloas of Rtpreentativcs,;.appoint i-3'HCR-:DY iJ TwentySlhirdlQay vf Jidij nexito observed the people of this State, as a day of Fasting, hiT. mihation and prayer,' that with penitent hearts wi may assemble inriir places of public jvfiwhip Wl unite in humble supplications. .to the Cto cfct Fathets,yho was their defence In dandier Krdti whom tjiey never rbugTt in vain ; and bent Ilim" through the merit of 11 is S6ii. tiiat V, forgive ourmgratiiudeiand the innunienVulsitiA gressions pf which ive have hen guilty ; fbatfitff na.if.nai and stateoverntntntthat theleadersi the people m:'y not cauts them to eir : "JhathW would. inspire the PiYbideBta'rMirSonWw.' overnnient of Great Britain irith'iustiml nsriife stntiiwents ; that lie wd.jtd fitimble the pride ar snumie the lusts and pasnons vi men, from vrhtihe re'sernble the pretexts resorted to by France and lngiana in aercnqing their blockading systems each seeking her excuse in the conduct of the o ther, while neither could find a justification in the neveriggested, at the adoption rf thTconsiitu, i Z J?f. ,w ,uj mwii a,ic onu ClJUUilUH leiEfV- "That Jfe wotild'nuard the lives of 4,lt Solfest' and Mariners', and protect our xommt 'ce.and nij each state is to haVe an equal vote. Hence it is believed to be peculiarly proper that the senators should be 'chosen by the atate legislatures ; and that the other two branches of the general government should Spring ynor e immediately 'from.the people. Any thing which woSild ovenhrow this maxim, is V.Z t.u "T "I"- ' vieation lr.m the danirer. xvirhwl.irh.h,r c6tvpasstd ; that lie woutd' presern; usfuMni- tes.me violence, and foreign nv-asi wouid dispose the peple of Uie-t S:a ts to do iitf. tice to the Indian ttibes, -tp Vnliltti r, and ntl exterminate them : And that He WwA prouct jfl-j o ; i hat -ne . ... iiuiii i urn i m I. x irt- g i t-r i-id vu.n ,'VMrvf ui. tn!rit f,r?rtiftn F wuip.c veri'mtntswliich at e hfis ilf to the safety and liap.'. n.ni ul,AW .41 j - . piness of mankind ; '1 hat He-'wcnld regard tvitV'. - i he wnter who has adrressed mi avt tiif nn f . , - b -i n0t-v u,;n r,wn mw t or.,,, - u- " ' lemier compassnn the n-dtri;s whose mo$tn- K"J "'. h"'?' J-""e' dc-Aial rich,. h'a. I,eeh .vr.tl from . h.mf farf true American bught to hold himself alooi from oppressi that He w'oujd brtrk in pitcts my indirect fnend ; for I have often Seen it hap pen, that where one sets Out to expose another and goes beyond the bounds T truth, reason and com mon decency, be adds to the character which he fam would deride. Let roe ask the gendeman if fact, and good sense, and argumtrt would not have had machgreater weight witlTsbciety m convincing their understandings that the conduct of ihe 1 si assembly was improper, and my ad dress unwise, than a tissue of degrading and un jusiifiaide expressions thrown out against me as an individual. Investigation and illustration may have some good effect upon sensible minds, but jdeclamation can only gratify such as are prejudi ced. -. My friend supposes that my object was to pre vent my colleague, Daniel Gold, esq. from being re elecved in. the-cpunty of Rurhtrford. In thfs my friend must he widely mistaken ; becau-e'Mf. Gold . informed Major Green and myself, before we left Raleigh, that he bhon'.d nvt be a camli.late at the next election ; and I have never heard that he has altered his determination. I am blamed for' not telling the - people, that the electoral law. -was "considered' by the a-stini ly as only a temporary expedient. There wos n j more necessity for that explanation, tbn in the fastin- uiaoce mire was lor tne act itself. 1 he terms or j - u- . r: (,'hn.ad. we - iu- u. ... . i. ... - it ; ,mrtoKi-:-tt, .i,- ci i T...t -i .mv may rise up against us from uhreaa, c . iiiu .an liliuuu. illdt JlfCH lO llje UeODie. UUl II1C I .in. niiiH vJCIICiai JJilVIC IIU , . . , - . ., a .r,wr a both ; that we ought tostnd firmly fixto in the ito? Zr n ' " ' " -.i righteousness of our cause, and defend ourelves - . . .. ,l .1 against the attack of any nation that maV s fc 00! 1 fclnhafrt f ofvlh injury but cultivate fHend.hip wiihdUpJe tVbfinuicTyT ul.shply protection, ad Mm:k th,t we are all federalists, all republicans ;"' and ? f', . r . ,,r..u:';.:. . . . V11" .dna , 1 hat the chastisements w th wh rh 1 emayjWl: party sfiirit is -:r.Tm- . , x.. .. w ,r.,I r.r rrrrrct ,H wVc V. . T " J L.i: r.,uF' lu "Wl.l OS, niBV StrVC lO l)m"!': n, . , t my to ouJ bappy confederation, and ha t, U iodKh T haPxifned b ,His corrections nd ... u..i 'I,. : ,', 1 5V. "? r . ;t.ime of their trouble -mult dI their tranressior.J m I y r. -" . m,g ,wSiW compile u; ior :the assemmy - ""Ta T " .l,c as5efnoiy, sucn a . . . . . . f,vnw,;;. rp. hoW aat,' ins lor oretnren to dwell toeether in um-j jected General Jones' amendment, which was in j proposition as the electoral law was never dreamt these words, . 'A of. the constitution was never attcniDted to be vi- " And be it further enafcted, That this act shall' olated untuihpse wei e outDf theway who assisted - That He would accomplish the premise o! His continue m force until the lirst day January, It 13, and no hi 'ger." . . - There were "47 for this amendment, and 53 a gainst it, in the Commons ; .and some of the lead ers of the party said at the lime, that they had the power to lake. away, the privilege of election from the people, and that the power they had they ! should, certainly exercise-.- My triend wonders that I am not afraid of mee ting the fate of Genet ai d Col. dickering, who likewise appealevt to the people. I vvin ask the genileman, whether, because one or two, brave generals have fallen in endeavoring to take Que bec, that, furnishes a reason for never again assail ing the place? I thinkhot. Genet was a. for cig'ier, end had h6 right to appeal to the people ; and as for Col. Pickering, if he is not still in pub lic life, jei his inform ation is with the people. The vi iter in the Register says he is'despised. to that 1 Mm notsogood a judge : I only know !-whtch consists only irftWnounclfig and oppressing flhat he,, was - held in. high estimation by General our own citizens; I hey do not Icel themselves o 'Wii"dto-'recant iheifvflimotis without evidence, to ll ht led by ihe whims of dotage, or to father the vi..'-, , wenceiOt-every tone-wuo may u uHiuwm men . : fiane 'i i.:.' mr.m.r,) ! arrival rY lhf nnrthprn mull . - .?,iija ijM.iiv.iv nib - 1 hift'tiroughiis the Declaration xf 'War I ; Well, f'i shall suppott it now : bctVhat Ihayeyritteh 1 shall not blot out. " it has saved rhe two or three sheets of. paper. v .IJut a;4UUe;m-jre"offetote i UegtsTaiuret ""fo-tf" p!Cae. T 'T'r'r-1- KCenain principles; havecrept intp our state bf 1 late y ears, 1 care not hy what nume you call them, I Very disagreeable to me, -ajid t think to all who i 's&g. t be trouble to investigate them'. The truih iisf there ought to be ho party "ie'chi'gs brought in ito yifw n otiaig for representatives,. 1 J2ut ihe te-iV''i'-i. -;'." ''."-''; ': -""'-" t''Cz '. Washington-. lowevtr, lor" my- own parff have tievei' yet.beeiv So high in station as that 'a all could do me mueff harm. Indeed, if the liberties of my fellow ciiiiensnd my ovvn are to be taken away, 1 care not how soon iny political existence may be brought to a dose ' .. - -", . f;. " One of the people',' commends Mr. Gold for hissilencfcV 1 think if he had taken a little of hat prescriptiofi himself, he might have avoided much j pain and confusion in jwinch he must iww be in V6lved. " Wny doeF he not show that; the asser Hons offered in my firstlddres aref alse ?T77 ': 1 have averred that the privileges of the people have ,been'unvvarraritablyjaken' awayA And how does the Writer attempt tb controvert me By ad duCipg Certain exptessiotis -pf Messrs. JVPLean, Davie and Spaight; ' I confess I can.not see that (y jf.tbfiJuiman jace, - when men shall beat flitir ; swords into ploughshares, and learn war nomore when fraud and violence shall cease forever, at its formation. But now SpaiVht is dead and Da vie ha$ lertioyed, a new set of iaw.makers have sprung up who know nothing about the1 principles rv P ri i nA hi'i rolU.nnUurnm rvr. ' 'TU -1 . I . . f v vu Huiiiiiviiivruuiv iuiuwi l s lie i;rVllcftMi (II ' ' . ,i Anl.th' the people must be taken away an of our sacred constitution rr.mni,.' fL, ; when tfc Iungdom of the Redeemer shall inumP' and for what I To gratify men " whose breath is in their nostrils" and who will soon be no more. The Jiiend who has addressed. me seems'hirh- ly pleased with the conduct of one of the Judges, in refusing to blend legislative with his; judicial Junctions. - Why then is he so much in love with the admixture cf three distinct powers in the le gislatvire, whose members are certainly not more enlightened than the Judiciary, or more competent to a faithful discharge of complicated duties ?. But" it 1 were m his honor's place, ! should not be ve ry grateful for that oblique cvmfxliment which could not be introduced without alluding to an atonement or former errors. . . T' ' ' 7 : ' . 1 am termed by the writer a " counferfeit" poli tician. 1 have Often, heard, it remarked of money bills, that their being old and nearly worn out by use was pretty good evidence of genuineness. It may not, however, be so with regard to men. If niy epemiei alone were live judges, I should make no doubt of being condemned,; whether of real or counterfeit coin. ."'" -A .'.:' $ M The gentleman, inline, my rest assud that as Thave often stood the heavy fire of the Halifax cannon, I am not to be disconcerted by the-popguns of children, particularly when ambuscaded! bytjhe; people - But t hebattle-must hereafter-be all oh' his side. I can pay no. further respect to' him or his performances. ." " It is believed that there 15 now. no danger of the matter.,The rights of the people Will not he again invaded. For, pieibrfectedurchiuis, most of the over all opposition, and the. heathen shall be jriyesu Ilim forflis inheritancet . and when the carlo fU"'U be full of the knowletVt ofthe Lord as the water $ ue iiui or me Knowiet'g cove the .st a. . . ". ' - And the neonle are renu'ested to atm f m UnrJecessary labour and recreation on the siiid t,a?' . Given at the Council Chamber in Boston, ii ' twentv-sixth" dav of June, in the year P oijr Lord lone thousand eight hundred ann . twtive,"ahd in the thirty-sixth year ' ftlie -Independence nicrica-. 7 " cf the' t'nited Spates cfAv . ' - ' CALEB STRONG- ' . By liis Excellency V command, ; withhc.aavw . . and consent of.the Council, - . ; . ALUEN BRADFORD, Secretary.-, GOD save the Commonwealth of Massacliuss. ... . rHiat;f I,;HIA, Jaly 5. -. Naval Knnp-emcnt. . t Arrived f ihi. mu-t ufsitM-nav af.ertioon,!1;. ni.it-.,,'. v.u ;n in ,i .v Trorti L'u c;lis,'V (Ireland) with passenges. -.On the 24ii J;i , rmc ; rat74u, JN.ipn.vfco 30, v.at. 1.. m 7 x the British -frigate Belvidere, ana w-.e-Uiat, the evening before; she;had been Ve'J an Aihtrican squadron oLfiveyil end' sttccte- .'11." . . .. . - -i 1. l-.rtf.IS u-. ' tnm n.telnn jl'f."' en hlf Throw III? her IjQal S M; ............ .,b .... vvr r.... - cfaV;n,.ur board, cuuingiaway her n'chors, ana fl ' 6 u'j water casks, having reteived.nuch damage, several shot between wind end wa'er , ; . .iC, The foltctfrig an extract fiom,the-'Og. r 1 i -.r V ' ,1 I ; 1 v . . i

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