V,;H k&i ihe Melme : the emf , bekaa f iwHgoatiotl more easily f t tpan.jsenpetv p .cXui. 'MV"v7.r..viv .'r144; . . ,S5 .Into vcssclslVictory e-Re,iv. awair,nK;l proachi , - i- .- "if . . - j. - - ,j v . i i ,ir..MMiAHjA inii!ii Hrvraiii iriia mua nuu iy v iu v-i v i i u1- aw w RAiWi-pn fi and 7 b'cljckvnhevUaQ encciea urtir; iq sec lutiu ,mci u, ..w.-- - -r - 1 , , . . -jw. . , , r i fiutna. i a iti 11 rail. Jinnii inn ua m v , i r . . . . i . ' :,.;..t r i-rt UAatiii'f t 1 1 i(M'-,v 1 lill. Tiint iU-.iaOo.rf Wthe foit- Horn, !W ? ..Wrin- herfr W:.rZ?lZ&ZZ V, ahnlK . Hart fil tlm fncmv W'UUIU liuvc itiii it.ni iuv."vi" v vi.v v ,., -..-j v.. : 2 - exDosed. "The resitlue'cf the Michigan militia i I am ei essly authorised to tate,' ;tftt ro were.in Iheupixr part of. the on to resist.he MWrtlnir and col, Hndley and hect. col. . Mhkr n ai ... -a. ..fnt.ii i a a ninrtuiri i rn in i nw ur u tv i il.ii m vh. f- Kid of BriS: General mt mHary WaSihikgtok SeXt. Iff, Mavinr been ordered h to.thia place by Mrthurrtor f h purpose of conimut.icatirg u K;L t cbminanded : by' Brik'. Gttieral E and ts disastrous result as might enalJe r ! to aporeciale ' the cot.dtiCt of the fers wd;tnenvanl trtdeveiopethes which f." so Joul a stain upufi th nat.oaal cnarsc- Wtbe M'RS statement i ck - When tbeiorcc. laiisicu m 7 .. ..... Detroit Baweei) unciiD mitth- The the Ohio o m.litia,hiurd some picked n a situaipn . - . - . . . .Z -.. it. a rnmmnnl. iTh.f Imnw anrl Tdlr that no circu nastancc 4tt out eu ,wjio Kiape snoi were uiaiu u.uw-" - . , Wnrrr a" " : s':m; whhmMc. of : not a look of.cou-aMice met .he eye, livery anrath n.s 8ori,r;to .ay oown ma Wconque . . , . ..tac , bter, I man exD'Cted a pmud day for his country. Hi 1 -n. IT Willi 1 I 1H1UU. it -)3 II I ro1. mi i 'vi - , I k.uow (JieiJ. tiuil ulu r -..u s ; tontu Ute 10 the general rtsuu and ! I was inl.irmed by Gen. Hsll the mornijij? after blade upon ttiin of them t; - feinain 'l.jieutral ;";yKi'i iHe )tt4vsra -hiefs from Arbecro.tchj w!o 4formv;d th'c di-Wga-, "J. ' inn trt VV:uiiifii'i the Irtst u'Tinvf; in w:iof' . Tviend?hip i,;knpw,yoii bar! freat .0ntdon'e, are- v'a amo-.t!j the hostile triors, ana; sjvenu .01 them tin- ; tinsi'ui.slied leiitfori Ampng tl.fc .fast(.imbet tyf ' ,'' chiefs who lecFthe ii.il'ejjititjs, .Teciimseh, M:i--A pot, LoyVV WMfc .Ll considered thcpJt.ncjptilil ffiis nurnrbus s'sscm-i blAWe of savages, under the courej.yflaence aiid dk - 1 Tecuon oTthc Briush"V6mmandere;i:Ij!edliii'fi to- .t 'tally' to obstruct the. only" commtivte't?"ii . whtcjr J . haA vultU 'tsrircMittrv.-- .''.This '.cn'rtifni'lttinrti.n'1 JtA icd from the settlements' In t' c stnfi dtf1 - ;.' . - . ' u.-. v - ' ' "i ' e yvi iJd 1 tli".capiiuiatioti that tne Unusu wrce xoiimcu w , , h nnf!ncd from the sttilemt nts in ti b : ?t 'f 1 1Ef)0 repurs and that he surrendered to prevent 0j0 txyQ hu-(irc(J miles throutrli a vviUv if.o, 1- cUretl, legrei eu i a 1 ... . . .. 1 L r ... r.... i-r were received, thei;refrular brce nerlv f.ve fold, therecan ,be .Troniwr m the river Detroit.' The hv r!r fU Dt L t ill U Ul UUI . - - -- - . J. x o fciade, and be hid .'everfrason to bl evt su-fts, LuM hav? crooned hiJff ' l'hc reion giver, jfjjjfel'ayiuy'o'pertiions, to mount our cud W. and to ttiTordito ihs C.n-uian inifitia M.nc a-ul donor unitv-to .quit a (ibioxi'oti Svivk-e In 'li - pirtni i.poh the recti e ixtfy c" rfio ...! t 1 . lift . .t. a L u'.!utK iu4cnii ns. . '''ti .1 r 1 rrom G-kterut'Uull for the whole to retreat tome no ooudi. vv .ituurine yniwiiuMup u - iafee neing comuvnaeci oy iiie..unusii amu s. ' i t for the- 24. tv.undei s not to open the ene- j signed by him is a sufficient jusiifica.lon for sur ' anti ti)e shres and rivers- by ptiiV"U.uts, ilie J.'.lv ivtrsal burt ol ind.gnst.on was ap.;ren-:eruj. a 10n1m.fi lown au ny was tuta.iy oepriveu oi an coiiiniumcaqon oy wfltqj my. One nnivtrsa eini of the oTCerV Tn l wlws?- to? y, is for the government to determine. Can. q;i tnis extensive roacUt dt:p id t'.-mse oi io . ' . . .. , .-;w .....t. -w iKr. fol'v .he ufn.-r hceit rnnal t the smnt and zeal ot mer. and evcrv. otner sun.v. on bu l IJaaair i ji v -' . - 1 n i . . o' . : ' , , ' idtii fr 'tr.'.n-ipOTta, res, .mcdidiie, c'dih- . :, V . . . u.. .. ... .,; . ... . l...,,...,. ne .sLh-o' events, saw tr.c lory me uenoral nccn eonai r me mhiu a. 1.1 .--.-i.inR ana every orner aunpy, on ick norscs -an us hytr rW? M r linn w.t.lv;n.n fl l.t,te--,h trnor,.:- the event- w-nH have bet.v bnlliam oncrtions were iuuccful until its inn a! at lie. p L . n u rl III int rniiTSr! Ul 3 UIUl illlid.M'lli u m v 1 v vti-, ' ' .. i . - - ... - ..... .". - nm nt n 1 111 . i.ijr 1 1 1t.11 "mumi . - - - . . . . . Leeks, th caiman were mwi'ittd, ti e mM:. rut. unrl rvtrt Drrnai at inn n"i.'.de tor an 7 . . ... j '.jnitii h wuik wiiic'i -300 could lully man, and in o whirl, and successful as it now is disastrous- and disho-;' trcit, St in a 'few ctaysit passediutot-.c ei:cxn'y's 1 ' im Tie - sliot n.-.d sheils cr ihe enemy ere MiiOK'.' The norable. - i tiy, 'shd alloppysition' seemed to Ktlirenirc it. um-d, at 'fort was in this maimer uHed ; the men were di.j .VeryrespecfuUr, month nreaine-d m possession cf thsconp hich were.pr.stnt all the fidd ,Kc.vrh ml wiiich ,ected to stacK .heir arms nd scarry w op. -as held 2 days helore our pr.pattons we, t ; unruly uftorced .of n.o mg. b ov h r a LonvDleted, it was u nimously aKre,d to maHe'tn..c,.nasas ihr ,T"' "V"; : 1 iaie ' investrhent of the lrt. At a comic: n iramediate Attempt to accomplish the object ofitisii thc.r rode up.o enquire the taMse. wn he expedhioi.. ''.It by waiti-g 2 days we mul'' ! muni, -nion parsed between th-- ( ommnoiPg g.n the exneditioi. r . .. . . .... 1 ti... .....r-.. hiv ar 1 eiv. 11 was a-vr ......1 ;r-?Si w .termiiied to im'wiUi- vu. In entei inc into tins cpiailatior., tha. gen trais which "etid.-d in thec?.pit)NThinstlhntied Ao jjen Not C?.-'i. hv siorni. Tl.iaieral (..k.xormseHioni his fn leelinjs only. uUuuuJ,.,r u.vr... 7 l--.- - . .l;Plwt.,h whi'e Rip: displayed rrnnnt ;,t sf sh'rnihil fniencine our march. -. Hedesrwuo-nwr, tn.- .. i.. en m. . . ... ... - . ... . .1 .. : 1 .1..: .. .f.K.. i..;(.jiv.li:iMrlpr. iiiul l JccnMdeieu hitnsclt plegcu 10 lean in-, army i. ; u ir -Kr.ujn.n .i iut -' ' . . . 'Halelen. The ammunition vai placed in the fT as tUy should have felt. I ul he who held 10 '(ronsthejcim : lomion aboeslied to correspond wkh the views heEenstaU arjd the day wa apnoimed fjr coin ,suruirc!er. tdl hefcavhe w mencm&our mmhTnfe'decWril-mert.b-it he! E en tlu- t.ioen w?re iudisr 3fl:aiing batteries,. and etery ,w.q isitem ti- le was j 'prsparefi. jT The spirit and eal, liie.iidor ai.d ioi. ; I have t!ie lionor t' he, Yonr mnt obedient servant, LliWlS CASS, CI. 3d regt. Ohio Vol TLe Hon. Wm. F.usTt.s, --" Secretary i4AVir. - ct un ()e ry, niifl Wi;s led from its resources. In different dirt ctiors. dtitachmcnts i nenetr..ted sixtv miics in the" settled ' part of the province, and the iuhubitaf.:'a seemed a- f.stieu with tlie change o; si.uation, winch appcpretl to be taVin. plae the miliua from Anilu rhiywri; were daily diserluig, anci tiie wisole t( ir,uy, thcr -t lunaortne control 01 tnc army, tw.s stui.i; t r pro-. ns;e( the frets so eleatly and lucid) v stated io-tecf:on. 1 he" -Indians genev;;l:y, in liw fust in r..L.nMi ri. u,ri- ar..' other material and stance, appeared to be 'neutralized r.r.J dici niiJ'a"'1' imporiant -facts, that ouht to be mde public, to take no p.rt in - the contest. fort oi Am; tt trch ;u14 not perhaps protieriv enter into a herstburg was eighteen m.'lts l.elow my: encamp M.ii.arv Uep-m. Let onuinbe fo'y Hie present t ' mer.t. Not a single cn.-on or .i.e-.tr.r was ,oi Ai-trM.Srren.jer.of Daroit, the British and wheeis suitable to carry beiore that . pi;, e. con AT,,rrir?;tnmifr1) ..fn,..;..; WMd together auited-toy : officers, w.-ether -k Vas x.riient to r ,h,. , rp.pnt war .ut cauuon, 10 uiaive a uikuk ui me in t liitante - l,e.iHWra(,li,,.,.;e.fic..ive m,n present fit for riuty C60 wtthcu u uh Cs, on the reject r. it was rot. hd men on l-arn.Ji.vlu.ii-.g t,e.deu,. hmen h; f'.re "ad to. andjtts probnh,. Ration, &c. an .ttr of be Bu J tt,u d.-rk on'jatuiday-evemnj ijeleustlin'-ta manner ?r. evinced hi ownj)elii.f i i' 1 . 1 .ei0' o4 inducted pkdgvvha". in .ht horn of lalj.-tu d.rk on hatiiKlay t -vemnR iBeuinn..-.M. cv.nueo - y. uV ...... .. -r -. 24 puiliaitji tlircc JiuitZF15 w?n; prc. yvouknothefoundxvnntmin theVr'cluiy-.oen-. t- ort the provisions received orders from; Ne a Lupland Stes would .remain "v. ,n tha .x U Vas then n Jnuhuon .0. hav, tot:'ceocd it no auacit woma uieniuic. w -- . , ,ri,iV1, w .,;u tV ... ..; ,., , , itianon displayed by the fiic rs j'wr die near atcomphsriniei.t of th a uriTftd iiicted pedgrvha-. in -tit Im.hi ot thpv wiitild not he lounu wpntintr in UieVr'tlu iL r rnimtrv nnrl themselves. . Hot a c nai ! t.en nun it ieurn wi.na iwv- " " measures, in opposition. to the' wishes ar.d opim ! I -.-About It) o'clock the next de'v. they ar jthvu. r-Uiat a. convention vas to rmet in rrussa ens cf all the officer, was adopted-by 'h G i ' r; n ithin siKht of Detroit. Had a firing b-etchtSetts. the o j. cl or fleet of which would be to The olan ot attackiftir MaHen wai aha.tl n-(lr a-- ! i in H, or ary reeisur.ee visible they vould nae it.S'.cad cf acting offensively', weJbi.oke up out c nip, p. oieiia ely otiv tnreii ana auacKco ui-i j' tvneutted Canada, and re ' cross d ti e river in lb,: -.he ent-n.y.- The situation "h which this detach i.e a was piacei', although the rtsult ol accineni. . ;hc b'2st for ant.oying the tnen y and cnuins! ofl Iris ivtrvat thst tould have been selectctl viut his raw. troops enclosed bttween't 0 fires niL'ht, witiio'it even the shadow ol an enemy 'o in uie us. -Ve le ft to the tcmier ro rcy ot ive t'n piy, the qmiSHra',1" Lanatii-n', who nin joici us and tbe -irofii-c'ifm we afforud tin m. wa' hiU .1 passporto veoeAnoe,. '1 nis f -Jul and tit. account 'able step, (iispirived the troops, aod-de:oved he littfe confidence which a sf titsol ti.nii, i-r s- l.i,te nd iiidecisiireinettsuiei had It ft in the ccimnaiiJ bi?-:olhcerv--- ' About the I0h of Auirnst, the enemy, rt r..ivro vy .v.ii.w.v. ill - ... . " . ensure tins ncti'raii'.y : ' ; :uoio-.ei v-; vi i :.lic ofriccl' he had mistaken the ihracttr of his Colonel Cass' cotmlr; men. ' We, trust in llr. vtn he had but the doctrine lately i aid down as oithodnxm Fancuil Hall, with the c9ntempornn;. nus" lofyuage of the Federal pnnts, had a mobt " aw fnl souinrir c:" toward such suite. We pub ones ol-succour, it is haardtnVtttle t'oMinh :his-act, at the1 present monyer.t, wi:h mi - - i . 4 . " t . . I ."..!., Uiu nit tha'. vtiv ftw would hive escaped. '..vt iv.e:i ihluimed bv 'C5l' Findle-y who s ;w and i tin- I--.' iiri. f.l 1 he 1 1 mWrter master general. th" tl y . i the 'Si . 11 9r.di.r, ..ibat.lheir.JS ejfiirrjjjtuttir- mi hit,;, re trarwGKt waa 4,L- 1., , oonji.J2. 10 a rla'OO'), ot n-.yt) DStl IO JfMt. d 29 other vie. tlt'! to sWcw to ilie o;)i)osiion how an i iioiu, ji'Kjeir.j? fromrhtir coinhicf, has dared to culCi.la.eo, tiioir uafiuclion to the gtfner?! c.uv on tl-.e eziieipti'ze. . YY nile the .01 cia'.Joi-.s oi' tie at ny weie cieiaed by these pn potations, the ciowtls, ol advci iiiy had beon lor tome time ai.e! $eiw.'eil btiil thiekiy v 6 i.,:ti.crii.g yrciindnse. Tfesur--rti.dcr oi ' A.ichiyiuiuckinac cpci.ctt lie unMwta hive of Itio ns, anu t.cy were iwavioig fnv.'n m every ciuecuou. Ktinlorceintr.ti-froni Nii-gviil.ufl arrived .t .',niueid:.tlrjj; ui.cer li e ct.-tMrariuf.froh r ei i'loctcr. Ijiie Utbcriion oiti i mi:i:ui ceased, besides the reinioixtmeiuti tb. t ci.tiie by wattr, I rectived ii.ioinu,uoit bt a very ci'iiiiiiiiul.-it i.u'i.c uiidcr the tojoiuaou of nsttjor "C!i'ar..i. rs, on tbt- ti "vcr Lc French? with' tour ueidpietbs,. hi ce.iie liKfj the lmntid on ms ioiuc, eviotnt.v titsi i ec! !oi Am OF I GIMj. ommandtngouCCjsol3 d the rei.menl! 'lt 4m pressed in or.if mu Vtany of these werevjvletu. J va absentl Werev udormed, lareORh a md um'Iy l nuhai' Which Admitted of'iiotbubt, U1.1t the"eiem.ral ii 40 j creased tnei 'ut'l!!t' "l'l-ersibwg n ii in actjjtitjii lo.ti-is. c,.iijbii(.'ajiui:ViKtl ah my t .xpeci-uonsjj'si v., ;.r r- uiii.i I (t.i. mil" i!icre..be vt, iotcc, couii;u to ii my txpecuaor the V y.uiuots, Coipncw., . . 1 .i - 1. 1 " ..uuiisi cs, uiawuies, 6iC .uu v.it-m I had TFJiirrm Cry, Se? r77?T97TSt27 JUT niililia. ' The rest of iheir miltiif n-i ' Tr?fri.:v ruleriKKHi, iSo tlo:k, A. iNnfcRvoi, the mos" ineiiu.y intercourse, t ct.ee j.asfiCU ever . eTr white fo:te to t-bottt 7'00 nven. The of ii e t': u,t; .w.es atriiy, rc-thctl this city, bearer w Aaiiieisvbuig, unci actcfteu tiic .l-.n:aJiui.K.a:id ' stated, that a capitulation would be necfss n v : n.-.mher ol then li'tltans conic. iv ce 3s-ce.r.a.ii.. Tliey'on the same day addressed to G-iv. Meit .vvnii -.,ny ckp,re ct rtrision ; not many v eu. Whto, a letter, of. which the foli'-wing is aa tx-, visibte. nd hvthe tvtn oi an .'ack rporTtht &ai7':'.fr' v .-.-v.i . ' " ' itowiraodforu it was- sjieue of force eh coui-l Relieve all the bearer will it'll yon-JBelie i, have all' rt ed'nn tniieridl ad v ant zr Ilowevtr it may astonish yru. as iyu-h is ii tola In ehiica-iripg toajpreciaiethe Totf'bvnteSvett.JLC.-- istketl;i.iveijcjtvth-t.-,eaH.s. whifh le d. I of hv the -ii'i. :V-' The hearer will fall the va- tinexT ei.ted i ii.l "dishoimrat.-lv, V iSTttt -j ,a.w - , ' . - , --r.-...', . .. I . -, .. 1 The doubtful fife of this letter rehUered it ne c ntnuiio Oessnrv t n.erireumsfceCiion in Its (fetalis, and irce itrTAir oo .ver, Hi -: we re t r svipn ior therefore these blanks were left. The word 1 ca-Jto Ihe-eh.MTv ; that rpon any otdinary pitulaiion will fill the firsf and commanding of Cdlcula-ion e sn. u) i hae delea general the outer- as no enemy was near us, and woundtu &na uuliuant ieetings 01 1 aSjthe sgptrtOrity ot our torce was manihst, v e , v. ill tes if . A ! :w . . . , ... 1 ..... . . . c. , . : . - ! 1 . .... ...v- . r 0; e -i .o,i.cs lroin iji-tatiier- wn.eiai iw.i scaipi.. ij.iia.e. , i ntie uemg new a vast r.uui,tii iiujLL, 10 the Dvpurttiie-.'t of V.'ar, of whicli itlie lnciuas .tt tiie -i;iush post, they were sVrfi b he . follow nig copies i.ue been obtained for pub'.irctitm : river Ilurn, liiownstown, and. Ajagu;tato,.i'f:ter.A Momrrnt. f.'A ' SfM. 1812. " " ctpt my c.Uiuiumcatiot). To open. iJius ;cem)'H t.M he enemy': ' " ctTl-,c incleseddes. alch v piepnedon my .m utio.i,"! tict.ciieci major VanlfuroC u L.b- 0 motives ano to . i-YftXieortrr, .nd tt w, s n;y imemion to w. mm mu uuuu.cu mew ijf'tuu .,..-. ,;-.v, loan cvtnt ' V ' .a(t...a' u p,om dut place bv 'major Withe- river lUsm, Kntkr an cxiicct, he w 4 oofsiMtf toi... n nt .U-ili vowrtttcers; t-tneierapp-a----'"" uun u. uS1 iui vi.e Mu. u,ia v7 ;: treiHitS of tiH!,v i n ,r,e' tonrn'tandiug 'offio..r at tUf post, rnd v-umccrs iioo the state oi .Ohtcii . ill! l.t iLuUL Ii lIS ... : ., r . - . . . . - - ....uMorl 'inv ot- nrovision tor tne' arniv.. partes, nun me measmts 01 icnn u asiduMM ;'he staui.j?, una nc v u"'au' : J .. ' - . ... , -. Bror.k w'as then at .loiR. we weie .."'."w-v iuU9vui!i) .iiU. ' . X" r.f Oould see no necessity for .capitulaung, oor any propriety in alluding to it; We therefoie deter tnineel, in the last resort, ib'incur the responsibi!i-!sb. trt)f divestinffthe ieneral of his cOmmiidT-TT.isl We srrrrrnHrm-e-' plan was eventually prevented by tvvo bf the com- id,- pianduig ofheers of regiments being oidtrpd upon 'setae ht'ntnts s 1 , v On the li3th, the British tock-pmii JD Uetroit, and began toiwowyup woi Sjiat (anvl the; two follow ing days, thtir cbiect vvithbut inlerruption-s:; W'ttery for two IB , puund'eris and liiSwit j.r r, , About sunselon tha evening cf ethchmtnt of 350 men iromthe Wanded by' Col. M Arthur arid mys dTormifch to the rtverRalslTTTtOTscorTTheTrT ions, wlrich had sometiine remaintd there-pro ic'tet by a patty under the command of Captain priivJplts.'in",:;,.-!;. tu barked for 't'tis place, and-mr-jor. wciraitm ueieatea. anu rciuu.eu to t;iwuu?;.. tctf ivETT-r th-rvntberllbiftir.ed l.berty at Kingston to go nomc v..- ..b y ... .L...T- 11 c . . . . 1- ln im letter oTiheTih insr. rou lifive-tl.-Cali:J- teiy nidii men n. ninolc' , -'" ' . '-7 ... - . . ... . , t , ,,W r" . .. . - - .... T... i.-..- r.. ri.l:ir j! 1 l;it n-?inni-t!i.ii wifh a rfitmi ol lb-. kii..-rV . . r t i.o.i.ra, Annnnn rTiae nuu- iu iui- - ...... -..,vr I 'was. inform. a. u wounded. Under' this siwden anV wjcxpecjcAc"; ... (.u- hf curr.ic er. 1 Was inloriH lr-,., ,!.. rl,B,-t. iu t. , n I . V . ... v . . - ; - - - - -. ' ,V.l l-l .HV VH.'IJ..."- . . el-bv t.-. l-Min, we h '0 o' roumis 01 aor jquTiu . i .e t, Uiin uiiitea owics irhuwiv . v.. 0 - -o- -- . ,'7T )t Ihed and abot.' 10b (0 carlr-es made. for: Qu:t:c, with a ..part;-ott o hist.: me wuoic "a"'"'i? V'.-; fiv.ii u jiirf. 0:1 tin. rv t!.rr!ii'i I tvel. I IV v l.W.P. 1 1 il if i! I- V'i IwihvJiiruiabarivlol rPvC(,uoi;1 ut c over three nunorto. - x ph.l'..v,.,.! of amis , S Guovi-ePreb5t wnbou-:nny request on mye u- i-t- u' "'f ' : . r .. . ... -.Li u-.. ulri, : . . . ir . ..i ,.v i-o.. nd nerm it me lt.Wi that qu-rter, uudThctwy siuiioi-"v:haeUlhe i ne v " 4 , ' artilryhuvmg slated torn, ah cpmion titwetiid;, leranv un er. ooti- ' no. uay ui . aut.v.iuv. io pi-owuu v . . . . . , ., .!....(.'....,. ;r.,. ;.,m,i,L h.ii.ti.'.'j. fc. nnn.r nr nj. t i , , . n iniv in ihr rnuii'v. ana ar. hpnviT n mv o s DW.es n,ioiu.Mi, . ...... v. .n. . . I - . I v j ... . :.. ".H.1.,m.A..cnnim 1HI lilGOl S. li.lO ".1121 IIUV CUUllk lUl U J O .:iU 'UltO LlV . thtv pursued ranirtmnit". he! oten nude lor .puTchnsitg ann fe the Arttllciy, aim rebigneu wy rr;.-. -.- ind established crindum the 4 Ur It was calculated we cculd account of bciog appointed Marshal pi the; crmo an 8,inch,dMypr.ru-c3 months- prions, indepenCtnt.ry of Michigan. -During the campaign ieau. thal4th,of'l50 bt,,ltlsnon 130U .bead -of caltle.which. a- cotmnal 'h the ArUry ; ana. .recop regiment coir- had been foiwr.ded Irom the state i bf .Qliio, and ! him. to you as a vaiuaoie tn . - - .tiu&riMi;Ai the Miami, i i&Mitrti ellWordtr. .ihic!i rtm.incdat.be river Raisin under Captain j-- Ucis particularly acqua ntcu wui, . , tll 'ltri,lili t!.e m,,vlU.hi V:;t I i - . - 1 . a. T . a W rt 0 Tl Tllf" rMIllllMM 21.11 .W i W - i-I ' -' r, r - On Saturday, the 1 jih, about, 1 o'clock, a' flat; f truce arrived from Sandwich, bearing a" sum. )oh$ ,(om Genepl BroclTtir the surru'td'e'r bl Jhe tqwu and fort of Detroir, statirir he'Cnuhl he 'wnger restrain the fury of tliersaa;s. fo vjlhi., 4rrmnrtcdiate arid spirited relu-al W as- ret urpe J About 4 o,cbck, r their batteries began to play upon Vieinwn.'he firewas returi td vnd continutd Without interruption' and wi;h little ePect till drk. Thif Utl tbrowti till 11 wtlock. V 1 ... : . .. .... .u- 4."A .onii.lul-eli- rofiunellett to snnri!'. -. .. t i, .., i. . t.i.j. ; : , . . I . T ...... ni'frtirtiitt uitfi ui 1 1 in unit ..v.. ...w . . m l.reisiK wt r..U4,tcnoi tne army..-. . n'"r""' - IT ... . . . . ; Air,ftKiii',v.' i.i jVu.-,...t,t...... ti f ' -. i 1 I 1 11 1 . I 1 A in LTltH .VI 11 I 111 a k ill liXJ V wj - . - lh,t had we U,e totally destrute of prevision,, ;tion too place. VT-fcpll .Wlioaru.y at.n,roltiiUy ir.tenfih,, nt Unt Utacf tne r.r. i 'ini ce-fof - otf r ou; v a tci onr uutrtsrunnouoieuiy was ro ngm. I hV tii my invited us to meet him in thcffield.' Ity cttf. aJhjr him the whcle country would have been cptn tt us, and the objedt of cur expedition luToHoii.sly--a.iid. successfully obtained.' It we had betnchi tt(rwe had ".othmR to oo DutTTo retreat c the. fort, and make the (...n.staiicts and our situation lint ' bhtJily' to shrrender; tameljr to submit without irraceful'y to pass in re inferio in tbe ijalitjp as in Uii Rumber pS his for. ttution. at present .fori rectiniorrivuton un -y " ' ' M the .cbanriyatiuu v W opened, to i c-tro84 t ,inlc nroner to enciunc.' . I v ' . . -; . : . -. .i.J..- inv, , .'- t am. vours fc..'-': Jlhc river, aud purs;) the '.ooject as -.ii.titrs uuiV, .v - 1 V.1IULL".- - M -strongly desirous, c: conunuing, -pn)ecti..i.w a T'ri- Knott Wu-ofte 'Deftt. -cf War. ' s-4ery large i.umi)ef ol the . mraDiuMb ei j-ih..,-v Hon. n..., cyo:ie J. wiio W vomma.i:y;uetepttd-it nt usr (niy:7. If-, r. i .-' ' ' C v ' '1 ' ..'1 W1VV'M,.V" v -r r - , ,r, j , best defence which cir. : Stii Enclosed are the ?. tides ot capnuiation, oy J,r u4,e -.rHcrr a u&' 'ilowDctryfealcWtsH-.v;. rendered practicable, which the Fart of Detroit, lias pcen -suirenQweu w risbvtbf three- Luocired mcn; Oa tt ctvt.ftfe .bi- thout firirg a guh j Major General; Brock, tonimanciing ms. jriuunic- 7 d niofflh-U olilie tf irist . iZfbOnyfr W raising -bavonttli8ajestvraaotce.i.piTCjiauoM 7 rating the grisoiot25Q.:.ii:lai-iti,vri'ht' 'P J yew .before 'an entny as -the trcops bate-become pnsouej--;w..wirr,.-..jo Ti'inZih f;.e, J ' - aids mcrwomdctaiunffUie par.- - - . -. ' v.. : - - - Vf

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