hi ' ' ' '' ' ' i I i iii IT ill i iiii in i i i i i lira IN "Jin mil i i i .in i .1. ii ill i ill i...mn . . i i i.. il ,,.,11, iii , ,. I "i ii'4 us; he 7 ' ,,6xx.-Jrr 1 N C.i-ii4PUqUSHED- (wes-kit) BY LUCAS ANI? foHOTfrA. '.'- " 'V "T " i ' jV' ... . - . . ,-i . . 'j ".' , ' , , . "i '.'J "."j :r.,' Vt'-.'' "V? ''!"' ". ; ' ',. .' .. I ',. ,' ,, ,. M ' .Ji' so 5V base; apeon, in Jreieiyipp" jMHjr toxxuppty to irom Col; Mefrett.-' in contf quwiceyol an trdcr , f). - the ftined .letter the Brig8Jkjy tlile 5th Ileim pt w ordtrtit ? Hjt'tch i wtU full fieri aMeU dispassfonatVminds tbparadflr this aft'emoon't 'tf 4i'dock1t iWh O4V . ' ' to fcrtrm';juV'etiinate'.QC.tbeVcredtt due tothis street, to march (ov tbt protection oj tlic ihu v " Do c. ' COUNCIL CH A1BER, ; :'8lR You ire jrequestcd to publish the aaxhrforv . jnmonfft herewith transmitted iti youi paper. The? shew in thf sronjjest JiKht the. correctness jJ idimjhncty io(' Gsnecal SutcKeir's offiaaj con: P' .,rt. auiioe the utc nnnappy occurrence iii oai- tiroure, andjevioce in the.'miwt natisfactorf jntan pr. that the char&es of .neglect 6 duty;e?hited ' , .... i..-.' .if. Jj . ,,1 nst him re .Uiicriy,uuuuvM"" 1 f rTT" i;4:; Yt.ur obedicoticrvaftt ft . W :" safety inlte jail. ' Such a pledge would have been. on my part a very suiy volunteer aci oi superero gation, as Mrell ,as pf arrogant firttenationPXo power As they were .'morally certaln that by remain "ing in the house a Charles street, their deatruc-1 tton, sooner or later, was iiievuaaie. wna runamu ,object, in the 'name of common sense covAd they l! L.J :-!-.:: . U . .linn a . "' JI ' .!' . w U ln!nrt A placeof fu'chJmminent ilanger-payV of certain death ! -And at all events, what inducements,-ofli- ctaj or .'personal,' 1 could I have had for pretending to take,upoi myself the making ot a stipulation so extraiordinary T -As-Brigadieir I had nothing to do with the Jail. Of on self, I could order m mi litary forcefir its; defeiice. I could taknpisich :,,f;----c"C-.S"' "1 s Vlhe peaces 1 bus, in a case wherein there fas no -!-VB - ViiIVri-i:n'';'ill-- I obligation on me, official. or moraL to enter into -,.!WlirorMI.W..7.. vv,Mw..... : kirn) r nrAn .t,n..UtMn s too. of very asful character, I am repiesented as going ourbf my way, and vohintatUy pledging my honor sratea, mmifk riegimeni. onty tnrty five appearea jn vwy :rc,iney were oirniaseu, y ; ,,gr9,s misreesentV.ons, I: that some twojusuces would in due une make a ubml your teUenerq.iu.on upoq me to Mer out the m.. 1 jnd rt of mv conduct during the! mureovfrKt hat a comp.teat po rtion 0 the mh To Mi ' ExceSeweifrjiU &mkptd r in Chief of the r' v MiUtia ot Maryland.. To obviate c-rtain - deem it proper to submii fumJiamencary repon 01 my k"uu .uun..i.&i j , . y... .. ;;. -. m. As in.indtwJx'iI, it was no mre my uu.ty to pro tions against Trie mav omcuiiy seem rc4urc. In the part whhh I fiaa to takem ho$e ur.happy it tv ts .the duty of any other in dividual. Whtn I joined in' recom nenclmg the miscration nf , Mr. Hanson and his asswutes. J'- .J t.- J-nv1n ,s. occur 117 111 y uuiivt .. .v jail as a matter of favor to the. On the tontraiy I considered thtir .situation ao desperate; their fate. in the house so certain, that.it was from motives of .compassion that I urged thir compli ance. When 1 had returned from the prison, and reflected upou the fury and exasperation of the . 1 . - I .A f ...H..,l..H..t .hKm lnn no M I A the most horrid monster that ever append S Iu ' the shape 01 man v. ir r r j i r..... " has beefc ajleged against me, thaf in ad - consiaerauona 01 uiy; ...u 3u .w irlknL1iis a:Soaa:es'to leave. the e c"uld be found mll.ngHo r.sk sq much, my house mvarles street i had no object Dut-netr derations tf official duly but by piinciptes of com Ktver did t mak greater exerii ms to maintain the supremacy pyhe a.v, and. to prevent u- aon 01 bloou; ana neyet .ma i enjoy nwe com. pktely the unqualified. approbation of qr.y ovn Conscience ; and yet, most unexpectedly ,. to rm?,' thsre have been widely disseminated rumors cal culated to exhibit, me to the world, in this afl'iir, massacre in the Jail. The Unxiiin pled wickedness of such a purpose, Slid the palpable absurdity tof such a plan, are of themsely,7one,y lion bf'the cferffe.;What,motiye could i have 'Lr- I ' ..'. 1 ' 1 . . I consolation was, that I hd assisted in preserving the lives of my feilow fneo, and my expectation was thai I should have had their gratitude instead of their cai-imny. rhe only pledge given by me was, tint I, as an officer, would -do in their pro cction whatever was my duty. Aid I do affirm ..that in my official ca paciiy nothing was '.eft undone trfat onght to have 1 did iwi.diuey. aner receiving the had for enterlaihiAg i design so detestably treach ero .5, so. ho'Tibly flagitious -l: From these men I J IWity notti "-VftA MA'ivpr) nr tntiifir'- ftoinftf fhtYi f hart noi ('one. Aosfility : ypn the fcontrary, 1 had for several oVW?" of the justices issue orders, to Colone, tficai.a terio al Regard. With the parents of Ste. rett, Colonel Hams and Major Harney, which, tome of them tKa'4 Wliveat W habits of unin had they been carried into effect, would have bnt tanumtfd frPndshro..lki4crti;ti! a ,orce nvjCft- str .ngtr inan ws rc ery o i these meh hadteally beeiv my object, the ,clured hy lhe exigency as wdt as to tht of her, calumnies that'have been so Parade your .men in unifoirnV' Every excimou was used that time l)d the dispersed si-nation o ' me men woutfl aamivot, mit Jew attendeo to mt ordef, none ioined the reinxt nt except ; S -..;-;.j. Sti-RIM. 'Captain r : ? -':y-4JtJotA,:i5th fteg.-.AMiUtia. lifyjthai I, left town on the 20th '4 wantonly utteifed ajraijbst 'me!J J a;As to the border of Ooloel Stwret, It is heces sary; miiy , tojrema'ri'. ibatthere, wtit not, is has been asserted, two separatfodyS pf Infantry j the one commanded t by majjorlleath, and thether b ClonelrStefnttt, yityit :!Skiifhti was r.oir) that day or dered out of ivhich vAIr Sterrettf was the fCol. and Mr. Heath4 the1; first .Kf ajorv r And. as . before a. excellency? know, ;that at the time ot the ou?FKe on the printing; office on Gay streetVWhen, aid or some time beforevl wos absent from the state, yet as soon as I had beep -; apprized of that NcirT citmstance, U hastened home. urtdei' an, impression of'doty, and with a view to cbntbiite my, besj ex ertions towards the restor'atiorT of peacegob or der,' and the authority, pf the law j; and although doUbt's have been entertained b' many as tb t he law, all calls of the civil authority On me for a tnii Iitia force have been promptly complied with on my part.- ' '' I have the honor to be, - - ' '' . Your Excellency's . ' y -; ; i Obedient servant, v? :- J' l -' y - JOHN STRTCKEH, V Brig. Gen. 3d Brig. Md. Alilitia. Baltimore, Auut 29 1812. - I do hereby certif of Ju?yy and,rurrffcd,la theist day of August; 'i 1 and I heard aoig. i-ira.g' out on the 28th j' f " ( ' - t: S'X'iPfic(i Company ' ; " I hereby certify that 1 was in the city of'Dattl. more for seyerat days before, and after the 28 h i. day. of July last, - and received no orders, hei . her ' did I hear any ;thing of turning out on said day, , " i ROBERT LA WSON, Lieut; - " - f 1 " ' '- ' .of Capt. Conn's coitipany ' August 2Sth 1812: , . ' . , ' I hereby certiry that orf the 23ih day of , last, ; when the 5th regiment werebrdered dutTof - the protection of the Jail 6T Baltimore xou'ity, ' was directeUby the adjutaiit to order out wy oom pany and furnish the: men wiih powder. Vnd ball, - I accordingly yordeted them out and only thrc '' privates witlt the two licujenants and ihyself ap peared on the parade ground. T 1 " t ?; .rx ". VVvVXNCE,Capt.;, Rifle Company 3th Regiment. iBaltlmore AugwX 22di812. U. 1 ; ,;-.-- Baltimore 25th Jlugiu'tt 1812. Icans.wer to your request of this morning for. my opinion as to the propriety of your ordtfis Jqjereby certify that on the 28th day of '.Jhilr", it, late in the afternoon, lieut,'1 Towaon sent me- - 3' - I have only to observe, word by his apprentice that he was requested, to " " by Cavalry or Infantry, ' inform me thai J muht order out the company iv.-V''"' a service such as they 'mrdiately. iX returned for answex by the ppren:-'4'tji directed to me for dismissing the Ar'illery on thelast, late in the afternoon, lieut.' ''Towaon sert me evemnp: oi me ism uii. i that Artillery unsupported ..i. i l. : a;. . . .. . : i. i. . r . j r , wuuiv int iiouiiiuiexik , in a ocivicc smuii as mey uifuiaici;, i ryunitu ior answer uy tne ppre were called upon, to penorm, said evening. jtice, that k would r.tehd as soon as possible, arwj ." v 4 DAV". HARRIS, Li. Col. ithat he shou'di take the commitnd until I came'. istweg. Aniuery, auacnea to ju ungaue. i4ary- Isnd Militia. Brit. Gen. Strieker Baltimore, August 26fA, -1812. , jruung jinn iwi leu .mc yrocre wian ten " -A minues when enMgO Ri'Cubbin came whh direct S i rection omTHecnufalr trFReermenrto order out th company as: soon apos'sible. . I told Mr. AVCubbin that I' intended to turn out a ;Rncauiy w jub Hiraagc went oy'iifiu.. 1 0WS01.( , U:ider thee orders, horrid-purpose could have beer accomplished, and however, to my great modification, 'here appear to attend ; thy informed me uiVhout aily.participation on my pari, bv barely" etl on,y about thijtyjivt iiiEmiry, an aboT three refesed, othtrs. alleged the late letting thettt remain ; in the house in Chirles. or four dragoons. And as. to. the artillery, it is their notices, being in many m street. ? For, as they . were dostitute of the req-ii site proviiions and water j as they wc re quite ex. hused from -the fitigue of duty and from want 1 of &'.ctp ; as, from desertions, they were reduced to numbe rjjarsly suflcient- to; mi)0 the most essential sUitoiw, without any, to relieve theih;" kjiasevidentthat-Jthey cbuld noLlong wiihiand the multifarious assaults of the very numerous and Jiiguly- exasperated vpopulacei and . that, conse queatly, '. their; destruction was obviously inevita ble. ' Enfeebled, and Intimidated as they were ij was manifest to me that they could not have main Jdlned their stations five minutes. against the im pending tremendous attack. 2dly; It is alleged that I pledged my honor to these men for their security in the jail and that rupon that pledge they consented to leave the house itt Charles street. , .From a principle of humanity and a wish to maintain the dominion of "the law, l and others paired to the;place.. We there at once perceiv ed that the inen in the -house would infallibly be desfrdyed in the course ot a few "minutes, unless - soineyexe'ef avert t, he catastrophe; - it was suggested to me at the time, and indeed it was the preVaiii og opinion, that the jail was ttte only place ofsa'ety. When It was' proposed to them their principal objection was that hfc miliary -before the, house was not sufficiently strong toiprotect them.' on. the way to lffi&,tfnmvAiLige;,M infuriate' a nribbtTh6se who will seriou-ily . consider the tumultuoiiH rnn. . fusion of .the scene, the impatient vociferations of i the exasperated mob, the menaced impending de ' sHcuon '"oT the objects of their fiirv. the Conse ' frnt agitation Of u. ? will not easily imagine, yhat, at a junacure wr frigh ful any ;thmgwas tho't M but the tremendoys'danger of the moment, and ,r . oesi jway ,ot averting it. -Thinking, as I , did Sir, , In repiy -to your request to state ary knowledge but that I had changed my mind,' and should iir., 2 I may have (if the cause of the Balumort Inctether turn oujt wJfihor'Xhevt; Hur -Pfndcfit PUrjpnct turnion; out trtot nu'tftthously i"t'the orders to me "were Verbal, "and nothing was ssiu aixjui uiuns. or uan ca n ridge, . s , . J )BNKELLKTJ, proper here to state that most of the companies did parade as ordered, but in what force Colonel Harris has not been able' to report ;it is however known that some of them were very weak, and as they are armed jv'uh swmrds, and ought not to he employed but when properly supported by cava!ry and infantry, , it wos deemed indispensably neces. saiy that they should be dismissed with the lew infantry that paraded bn'the occasion. On tais subject I re for "your excellency to the accompany ing letter from Colonel-Harris, marked. A 3dly. It has been alledged that the refusal '.of the nilitia to turn out was owing altogether, to an order issued by me interdicting the use of ball car- UKlgeS. f y '.. ; lyjorders" transmitted to your excellency in on the iiS-h July last, I madf inq nrv of the non cornniisr.ioned officers who notified the members thty informed me some peremtorily hour ol eeceivtng instances some time after the stated hour of meeting) which lat'.et cir cumstance was owing. to (he number of memrs 'Sir, and their dispersed residences. The want of ball Yours of this date I received, and think the, cartridge was not stated in. any one instance.. as a best roocie o.t .apswcrmg it is, to state the facts as Baltimore Augwt 22, 1812. Lal:imoreT August 17, 1812. eason for not obeying the 'orders . fptpirade. Very respectfully, . ''.,''. Ai R. LEVER IMG, Lt.Comdt. Baltimore I B on Aug. 28uh, 1812. Brig. Gen, John Strieker, (firescnt.) (c ..'- . Balii mr fi, August 1812. Brig. Gen. Strieker, . y Sir, s Much having been Svtid. and various reasons assigned 'relative to the Military not turning out on the 28th ult. "I felt it a duty incumbent on'me my last report, will speak for themselves. They'.to ascertain thc.-cause, so far as related' to the cannot' fail to acquire the approbation of all men! squadron under my command being implicated, on and they occurred, so fa r as I vas conhected oi become. ' acquainted with them. . ,; y , "rZ On Monday night the 27th ult. was informed 'I' you., wished to see me ; X immediattly went to'- . your house, where a number cf. person collected,- W ana among tne rest Major Barney. From ycur P' conversation and your repeated assurances, then, W and from all the circumstances that accurred with- " , in my knowledge, I do.rioljhesitate to say, that I -' believed you .seriously dispesed toputa stop to th riotous proceedings in Charles s'reet.' About 1 o'clock on Tuesday morning. I proposed, to you l that I should go home, beit under an impVe3ion ; that nothing further would occur, when yyou re- v iucaicu iHc ip remain somewnat longer as you of candor, who will take, the trouble of comparing land therefore I required of Captains Hor: them, with the ;aousjimitalions and restrictions , Stevenson, i to answer foj their respectiverocups 1 wished my advice and assistance,' to which I of the law'of Maryland;. " t .. no, pary.ling on the afternoon of Tuesriay the 28th ! agreed. :Some : time afterwards upon your returf vviien the written or,uer was aeuyeu to uoionei Sterrett he enquired whether balLcatrridgejtwere toJie xarfied :tQ.whkh enQuiryLreDliedJhatT .. . . . . : . ' , did npU think it would be necessary, and at the himselt at. the time, but th,at the iuarter MasterTm great dis ress when I went to tbwn)'4ind same time remarked that tne principal object was! Sergeant cabed on as many ot .thetroops as the led me tor my assistance. , I reached home aWut ult. in cor.tonuiiy to my orders issued to them lOjiroxnyine srreet into the house, you remarked that .-' that eflect.'-- In;rt5ply to which requisition Cap j nothing further was. necessary for me to do, that" j tain Hntifl-Lihat .he wm "much.; inditrtoaed '1 could then iro'tO' mv famiiv77wnA hart twn l-fr ' "-'I .- j , W -..r ? - y -r-mr m w .' . t g hd"rk- a to assemble the men as early sstposslble, anbTthat to wait for ba-l catridges, might, hy'the delay frus trate our views. This opinion was founded on the fulkst persuasion then-and yet entertained) that a whole regiment of infantry, with bayonets and a squadron of horse, with pistols and 3woids, would overawe, and if necessary disperse any mob that would appear. But this opinion; of "mine could not possibly have had any eflect upon the men. as there was no such interdiction in my official crderf and as there. could have been none such in the or ders of Col. Sterrett and Major Barney. And as a an illustration of this subject, I have to refer h4t the armed militia,, with the prffired assist-! you r.Efcellency to the accompanying documents -'".ij ui uidiiy ptrroti. who naq oeen 'ltn.nc-poj,',;"cu " 1J' l . ! ..Iwjaceoajda'ttrir to them an adequate pro(ec- It is worthy "of notice that no such opinion wai tn, ! gave to them my opinion, but. only as ingive, to Major Barney, yet but tfifee of his whole shortness of his notice would admit oft'" (it .beiiigj 3 'oTclock, arid irt the morhmgTwasgaihnnWmed . opinion, 'that we cbuld take them to th iail. A j' claiihg at the nam? time thaft 1 and other citizens, y- !:oking or.ms with them, would go into'the hoi low sqtutcirtd would, there expose ourbelves to .H the danger of the attack of the populace I ad . cordingly tool Mr. Hanson under my arm, and tis exposed myself to much danger. ,1 was con-sidL-rably hurt by large paving stone, thro wn ith great force, jhich, had it struck me but a few r t'iches higher, 'might and probably would :have . Believing as t most assurediv did. the iali wa sanctuary, which no mob would attempt to vio- 7-rv.'r;,'.1l"' prouaote that I may. nave- tepre-i"" ,.v vi mem as a d ace ot aatetv t- hut squadron tursed out 4thly. It has been asserted, and upon oath, that I "dismissed a body of Milma, urtdeflajor Heath, contrary to his advice. aod remonstrances, end that from Ivlaor Htath I piweeded toKiolonel Sterretf and ordered him to dismiss the pary which wasTun'der arms in (lay-streetjan order Hhich Mr."5terreft. obeyed vith a heaVy. heart.', T'his accus'atibn hai bsenaccompanied with in, sinuations as to my motive and object, which Upon mere-circumstances of suspicion, could, not by" a liberal mind be ascribed even to the most abjm doned ruffian. I shall content myself as 'to this "T Srcaiam'Sh'fhsitteAi&$terw SoHtttnly do I anrnr-tha !- aU -ji. .i Hat order ai follows,' " In consequence of an order from the : V-T- . a-l Hjiotjme did directly n,:A; i. nJlr in c, ,, or inditVd" -V-'- ' '" 7 a , the Sih regiment it ordered m. ,"cuy give mi fiewnal guarantee for their tUofihefruon. parade your men in,) ttoilofni. 4 o'clock when Captain H. was shewed the or ders, the bearer of it not being-eble to find him Sooner J,and I have further to observe that many of that troop had been on duty nearly the whole of the preceding nighwhich may be esteemed an additional reason for the'U not aisembljng as or dered. ' '"1;'; r Captain Stevenson refers me to the letter's of his 2d Lieut. and Cornet, who had been charged with notify mg thermemberrbi his troop ; both lh Your very Obedient servartf j;. '.; ".H'7 WMV-B- BARNEY, MajorSth'Cl D. Maryland Militia." . . : mv ; ',1 :' that there was a very large mob collected in Cnvltl street and t hat jou wisued my preSr.nce I- wc nt i ' to your house, where I was told you had gone wi'h tne gentlemen whp had defended tht.hou,e. to 'no f jail, I was induced tpbelitye that an attempt Would A oe maae to iorce it and massacre -Mr.Ianson and his friends, 'which I communicated, to col. Sterrf trf and soon -fttterwams'fir'awt t ir. yotir house you thin ordered Coloneristerrett to-' call out the. 5th regiment : upon bur way to hi'V Ot those concur thai in answer toth"e-tral mad icounupg. iiou.se. I enquired. H he had a written uport them or) the 28th lilt, tlvmen unanimously deri whih he-answered In" ' negative. I i reiuseu turning out ; remarjtrng ,l that they were always ready and willing to meet the enemies of thcic Country, and to sacrifice their Jies in, its defence, but that they never, would turn out to protect traitors or disorganizers." . y " It may be proper to a,dd, that one of the mem BerraLthlyjtr(5bjr( the Felrs-PoinrLight Dra goons") whilst passing the house in Charles street on his way home, was very dangerously wounded in the back and one of the arros1by the discharge of a musket from the house J and this may have been the caus of ihtir d peremtorily refusing, to obeyheir ordersy V :' . ' ;y . '.- U. - v. f I have the honor to be, Sir, mediately returned to -you and asked for it ; yv ' vuiu me juu ijui.i.iu srw.vc-jina oress, ana requested me to call about fifteen eh'd twenty mi--nines afterwards at your countinjg hntc, when I should have it '; I, went ojrny shop. where Idound m the colonel, communicated jour answer, to .him and he waited withmetlrere nntil vorrcame.wfieTi you : informed us, that upon tt flection you cuu'd -f j not issue a written order nii.'ii another rcqcisi-' ' jtion from the civil authottty.ThisiVeobtind':';T. after considerable djffic'ulvy'rid ('elay, about one ' it o'clock . when as soon as it ' was pfesentedfc'yrji ' riiti ,U- n.:,iy.n nr,l,.J n. ' . 1 1 ' I . . . t M l, W IIIC lllliltll VlUfl l KIC . t"lUIICI WIJV ' lOTIt great pains tbcollect jherepim'rn'i-and gave or. y c ders to meet in Gsy.strect at 2 o'efock when as 1 many "had assembled as we thought- comef'vf he ordered ii to. march to the.jailj&hd advance ' 1 some distance 'ln.Holli.day Miee'j;, jvt-en ym n et tTSrdeTctfTiTtrrTcnrrrH T hereby ctrtify that on the 28th pf July iff the there waif for further order., whk h we olwtd. ' 1 afierribon, I received the following .'written order! 'After 1vitrig some timtrthsrr was a laiga iuV" I I

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