r!".!.- .'-...; -- ..r" -.,.tf'.;"'"'"r.-,f.-.- if HE -R&LEX&H NEE - -i RALEIGH, N. C PUBLISHED -(wbeklt);. DOLLARS' PBR TEAR, O 2 5v CENTS IS ADTJIKCE. t; , FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 S 1 81 2 No. 867. Vol. 17. -Ml : i V' V : ' ... .- .-. F . T.',-"...-.'v!'-.,i.V:. - - n - -" : -x , ' , . ... .,. ,, .. ....... ' , . :.v . ' J1 1 Interefling State Paper. PRE SIDE NT'S M ESSjiG . 7 CONG RESS OFTHE U NITEU.ST X.Z. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBRTl 4. 7TM President of the United Spates this day j?6m: inenicated, by Mr. Coles, his private secretary, the following Message to Congress ; li ii 'fellow Citizen (f the Senate, ' .' ( ; jtnd House qf Jiefirtsentdtiveiit : t On our present meeting it is my first duty to invite your attention to 1 theA Piovidentud'favors v.irh our coUntrrMias eiperientdr'in the anusua! .Wee othcatth dispensed to. rti inhabitantsrand in the rich arjunoance who ; which uic rewarded the labors bestowed on it. In the suc cessful cultivation of other branches of" industry, JBiirthr pross t;neal improvemciiLik vorable to the nationid 'prosperity, there is just oc casion, also, : for pur 'mutual congratulations and , thankfulness. .', : : With these blessings are necessarily mingieci . nvuuAut nA - vris:itiirlei incidental lO the ry,:andwere ; for atirne victorious ; but not re- tish orders in ccncu is rendered, by the time ceiving the expected support, they were compelled and manner .of itliable to rriany objections, to yield lq reinforcements of British regular and The final communications from our special mi savages. rOur? loss has been considerable and is' nister to . Denmark, 7 fcftord -.fori bet . pi-oofs', .of; Ilk deeply to be lamented. That of the enemy, Uss amicable disposition of -the f p4vlsh governmelil. ascertained, , will .be the more felt, as it includes From Russia we; have the satisfaction to ecevt; amonc the killed the commanding general, who assurances of continued friendship, and that it will was also the eovemor of the Province ; anC was noi De. aucciea ay ue rupiure ueiwcen me uni err sses the 'Dresbures and vicissitudes incidental to th state of war, into which the United States have been! forced by the perseverance of a foreign pow er iit its system of injustice and aggression Previous to its declaration it was deemed proper, sustained by veteran troops," from 'unexperienced ! States and Great Britain V' Sweden . fclso profuse! soldiers, who must daily improve in the duties of , sentiments favorable hbci the field - V , ' VVith' ilje turbary powet'3, txe'e print; tihlito "Our expectation of gaining' the command of the I .Algiers oor affdrsf eJnaiiionthe ordinary .footing; laks; by the invasion of. Canada from Detroit, S Th.Cohstil General residing fth "that Regency, having 'been disappointed measure were ins'antly has suddenly jrd iviJnut cause,; been banished, taken to provide, on' them, ;a naval force superior-- top;ethritli atlthe .American citizens foundihere, to that of the enemry Trom-tle"talents and aci ! Whet tt yity of the officer charged w! thiV'object, every; despotism, or the.first act of predetermined hosti. th'mVthatcan be done may be expected. Should -Yity, is not4 ascertained. Pixcautiotis ; were taken the present season not.almit of complete success, by the Consul, on the latter suppr.sitiun. tlie-pi-ogress made will insure for the next a naval k The Indian tribes not underforeign iuftrgation, ascendancy, where it is essential to our permanent remain at peace, and receive the civilising-atteri-peace wUh, andxonirpl over, the savages. jtions, which have provedbpjjntficial to them. , Among the incidents to telnla8ure8 "bTTHc'!" AVtth a Vrev ':to that vigorous pi oseGvtioH f ihe ar. t om rnrind 'in advelt to the refusal of war, to which ur national faculties are adaouatfY Llhe governors of Massachusetts ahd, Connecticut j the attention of Congress will he particubfTy dVawn of amhit-om to furnish the requirci. detachments of militia to. 'to the insufficiency of.jthe existing-provisions for JiU iu violui I wards the defence of thu maritime frontier.. The filling up the military establishment. Such is the imiiiuenane'e sum of near S 5,350 GOO,. rt cied c n actot.r.t of the Jf ans 6Utivoi-'2e(l l y the arts ot the lat tssi'-n t the.-ivhOle sum attuaily.cbttinrd on h en gn ounis to leven millions' of dollars, the rtfiduc of v hi h, being rt ceivaile "suvsVquerito thSoth f f-' prtm ber lasfUltbgeihrth:e:cuirtni retei-'ue'i enable us to defray all ilie S;er'Se of this y:t . ; :t he dutie-orthe-laJf4jecttd in por'aiiocs of jBriiish manufaciures, T-wjli; ;tm!er the revet ue Ji thetiutng year morei.pl otluctife than could .; :7oThave been antiaptnT 7 , .---;-'- ; - - I he si;uati'Ji our coi:n'ry. f llow citizens, is qot wkhoyt its difiicu'tes ; thouKb it abounds Jti animating consferatioi's, or which the view lure prVber.ted f J:!pw jisoyrMsaij. tm, . ptkrV hrwoif1- :,tmer(ijn.c"ive'- ha" vt s e ; t"" qus ; and ufisHtkA controversies and with ..re, povyerfulsin the-hWjiris and habits of war, w are at vnjr. The vpiiit ond;s'rtngih of 'bis nation are nevertheless equal to the sgppit .f 11 its rights and to carry u through all.'.ts tritds. They can be met in that cofifidence. i Above all, we nave (lie " CfcSsb)CO iii which vc arc ui:iu,uiy eiijjigeu...3y.a.V lien tier ' Tiorof vatn --glory ; has it is wairut, .uion (1; the , rights of others, but in t he of ouron ; that it wss pneened ly refusal was founded on a novel and unfortunate nappy condition -ot our country, arising t.om tiie. a.pa;ie,cce wunoui,-. example, utuur wrongs at cu- exposiiion of the provisions of ie constitution, re facility of subsistence and the high w.jges for every ; nulalirij: vsithputend : and that U was finally" not lating to the militia. The correspondences which species of occupation, .'that notwithstanding t,he Tj dtclaied until every hrpe,'b'f averting it wasexiin- Will4e before fou, contain t!e requisite informa augmented inducements provided at 4he last ses- j fcuisbed by the-(ransfcr-of the Bitish 'srejure as a measure of orecaution and forecast, that'<ion nn th snhiect. It is obvious, that if the au- sion, a partial success only has attended the recruit-i mio new hands chujfir.g to former councils i and considerable force should be placed in tne Michi- thoiily of the United States. to call into service and ing sei vice The d'efiuency has' been .rj.ec.essar.il yH until dejclarati. lis w e to the lasUp, gaii r territory, With a general view to its sedirity, commantj ine militia for the public-defence, -can supplied during the caitipuign, by o lierNli n re- through the l iish env6y7beeV:lhar'fheTbcsiile and, in the '.event of war, ttrsach operations in the be tnUs fi-ustrated, even ina state of declared war, gubr troops, 'wUh .all the inconveniences and ex 'eclats gainst onr cr.mmricial lights and oul n a- uppermost Canada as would intercept the hostile ' anj 0f course - under apprehensions of hi vasion p: e- penccs incident to 'ihe-nv .The remedy lies, ip-iitinie indeprfndei.ee would note revoked ; n. y, influence of O'eat Britain over the savages, obtain. ceding, war,' they are not one nation for the pur- establishing, more, favorably lot the private soldier, ! that they, cculd pot be. re vnked: without vilatii-g the cbmrhand of the lake on which that part of poSC niost of all requiring it anil that the public the' proportion between his, recompense an I the : the obligatiorta jit (i Briifin to'o'her po-crs? as nada borders, and maintain co operating' relations safety may, have no other resource, than in those ,term of his enlistment. And it is a subject which 1 well as to htr wn intertsis. Tohave shrui.k, with" such forces as rnijht "be most conveniently large and permanent military establishments which cannot too soon or tW seriou'sly be taken into con undt r such cit cumstantts, from mnly,r S'Starce, employed against other parts. Brigadier general are forbidden by the principles of our free govern 'i suleratton. 1 , -jAyouUi .nave-heen a depravation blasting our nest i ne same insutiiciency nas neen expenenceti inland prounesi iropes : u wuiu uaie suih.r tj upui the provisions for volunteers made by an act of thejtbe high rank, where the virtuous struggle ;of our . last session. The recommence for the service rc. fathers had placed us, and have betrayed thfcrtifig-r it.- . ... . k - - - -, than in niiicent legacy which ye nokt iiftrpst 1o; iire done has sent generations. It would have acknowledged' that on the element, which forms three-fourths of the globe we inhabit, and wht-re all indtpt nd- nt iTa lions have eq jal anrt corn-mon r'lKhts, he Am ricm people were not an independent peopk, hut (c.?o nisls and yassals. It ws at this moment, and with such an alu-niative, war was chosen. The raii;iii .It thtfcpcct ssity of it, and called fT it. Tite op ebl w is accordingly n. 1 in .-ttifw,t.itw'rti.-tha farv trihunaL-- -' '.- -.. ' 'mnVl nf r,mmr,W nWr " ' Anrl i-, i!,. 'vif es T)l m i, i net a aiuf others in the sea nrt towns . 1'iSl and all no.' e iul IU ;inff w ho hoU'S II' ms n nd A'distinguisbing feature in the -operations which - stance, in which sk-.ll and bravery were more par. -under : Mr.nlar organization, wotdct ivt bs a pro jthe chain of events. and the'destiry of.nanVs.-. It preceded and followed this adverse event," is the 7ticularly tried willithose of the enepVy, the Anie: I v-ident addition to the means of their defence-' remains only that, fai-hful to out selves .entmhd use made by the enemy of the. merciless' savages ; Vican flag had an auspicious trHimph. The h'u 1 recommend a provision f r an increase oTthe no connexions with the views' of other pow. rs, under their influence. .VVhilst the benevolent po.Jgate Consiitu'ion, ccmmandediiy capt. Hull, after ;Serie't ohkers of-the army, the d (iriency of i ntl ever ready to accept peace from the' hand of licy of the United States invariably recommended a close and short engagement, 'completely disabled V'hich h:-been illnst'rsted by the number and dis. j justice, we prosecu e the war with uniud councils , pedce nnu promoted civilization among mat anc C0Dtured a ' British fixate painin" tor that lace ol separate .commands, which the course-ut wun.ine.ampie lacumes oi tnenmu ii. un-ii Hull was charced with this provisional service ; !ment, and aerainst the necessity of which, the mi having under his command a body of-troops com- jit-,a were mtant to be a constitutional bnlwaik. ' nosed of regulars and of volunteers trom the slate On the coasts, and on the oceanr, the war has of Ohio. Having reached his destination after his been as successful as circumstances inseparible 'q iired in this case, is still l .ss attractive knowledge 'of, the war, and possessing discretion f,-om its earlv staces could Dromise. Our nublicithe other. And although p.iiioiism alone nry authority ta act offensively, he passed into the ships and private cruisers, by their activity, tnd. M0 the fisld some valuanle corps of that dscrip netgbboring ' territory of the enemy with a pros - 'where' -there was occasion, by their intrepidity, tI0!1' those alone who can affrd the sacrifice, can ,pec:t of easy and victorious progress. I'he expe. j,ave matje tne' enemy sensible of the difference he. expected to yklJ to that, impulse, dition nevertheless, terminated unfortunately, not between a' reciprocity of captures, and the long. It will merit consideration also whether, as aux. only''' in a letreat to the town and foil of Detroit, confinement of them to their side Our trade. fry -to the security-oi our Iron ier, coi-ns mty not fjut In the surrender" of both, and of the gallant with little excep-ion, has safely reached our pons ; ! he ' dvamageoii!iy organized, with a restriction h"1 corps commanded by that officer. The causes of having been much favored in it by the course pur of their services to par.iailar districts convenietit jfv' " this, pairtful-reverse will be investigated by a mili ,SUe(i iy" a squadron 'of our frigates, under the com J to them. And whether the local and occasional ser-pe wretcneci portion ot tne nutnan race, auo was omcer. and all on hoard . a tirade which cannot b making exertions to dissuade them from taking t0o liUeTally bestowed ; not merely for the victory . either side in the war, the enemy has not scrupled actually- achieved, buufor tbapiampt and cool 1 to call to his aid their ruthless ferocity, armed wilti exertjcn 0f commanding talents, which, giving to n.i. ...... u. a iwav. a v-. ,...v. 0iirage its manest ciiaraeierrond totne iorce at the war and Hie advantage of the quired ' .' ' . j " ' And cannot press too 'e'rongly, r!n the -carlicsc attention of the le g'isl atu re , vjh Tm portahce oftifiS re organization, of the r,LJff esiablisliment : with a cryice have re-j.l)eacc "e so ootamed. t'nn as Hie only means. un utr tne divine blessing ot -peenuy oma'rr,,g it. - JAHiS MADi)N. - November 4, 1 8 12 "' torture, which are known to spare neither age nor ,,ie(j ils full effect, proved that .more could havt:v'iew to rentier more distinct and' definite the re hex., in mis outrage against me laws oi nonora- been done in a contest requiring morci Jatrons and responsibilities oi its several, tiepari-J We war, and against the feelings -sacred to huma- j- Anxious to abridge the evils from which -a -state'nt5' That-there-1- ruomfor-improvermenls "'i u,c wmiiiwiMBia uiiiiui leaon w a 0I -war. cannot be-exempt. I lost no time after i. plea of retaliation : for it is committed in the face was declared in conveying to the fliUhh rovern of our example. They canqot mitigate it, by call- j ment lbe terms on which its progress might be ar " 8 sei1 "ewnce against men in arms ; n,r it rested, without awaiting the. delays of a formd ciujiatEs ioc uiosi siiocKiog ouiciicries oi ueience. less families. Nor can it be pretended that they are not answerable for the atrocities perpetrated'; since the savages are employed with a knowledge, and even with menaces, that their fury" could -not and final pacini'.ation. -And our charged' affaires at London was, at 'the si me time, authorised to a;ree to an armistice founded upon them terms -required which will materially promote both economy and success, in-what appertains to the army and the war, is trpially inculcated by the examples of o ther countries, and by the experience of our pwn. A reu-ion of the militia T-ws for the purpose that tin orders in council be repealed- as they affected the "United S of rend r'nvr them mote systematic, and better a-1 Wednesday last: 'I hes'e J-dapting thLm-to emergencies of the war, is at this;' Yesterday, William I! should I time .pariioulayly desirable, ; : '. . ' hsih IT. S rein, n r " . Pl.ATISBCi en- OciJ tfi. Capt B iker, late of the nor h western ' 6 my, whoretnrntd on parole passed thro town, on his way to Qoebec, wbh K vh ng and rn ney lor those unfortunate but biave fill' ws. vi'no wttt surren- drrd. pi'Koners.of:VjirLTkl.i,oit, y G-n. I)nn3, with C1- Mortmdale's rej. inv r.t of Vermont detached miliiia, arrivedVat thii place on Us, us tomroueo. ucir is tne spectacle wntcn-tne u.;,!.,.,,, -a i!U!.t ,f ni.,rt-n,-. deputed authorities of. a na: ion, boasting its reli-! ,edgt.4 ruies . lhat .hcl-e shouId be an immediate , .gion and rporahty,' have not been restrained from , discharge of American seamen from lit iti.h shipV, presenting to an enlightened age. ' nd a stop to impressments from American ships, ' The. misfortune at Jetroit was 'not, however, "with i an Kodei standing. that an exclusion .of the without" a ccnsofiftg,.eff.'Ct. Kwas fallowed by seamen of each nation from the ships of the other signal proofs, that the national spirit rises accord- should be stipulated ; and IharUmarrnisJcTiVTcT ihg to the prcisure on it. - The loss of an imnor. be improved into a definitive and comprehensive tantpost, and of the brave men surrendered with adjustment of depending controversies. -'-A'thouph ;: it, inspired every "where new ardor and determina ! a repeat of the-'oidiTs susceptible of explanatiQrjs t,on n.th states and districts least remote, it. "meeting the views, of this government, had taken ivas no sooner knowQ, than every citizen was ready place before this pacific advance was communicat. tpfly with, his arms,, at once tefprotect his breth-;ed to that of G.'Uritain, Ous- advance was declined, tin against the blood-thirsty savages let loose by from an avowed: repugnance to a suspenMo ol Hen man. a srldier of the pnrsnanre of the sen't nee Ut the atldiuon ii ships authorised o he tutt c! for ol a court ma. iial, was shot. His crime was (ic- servtce, two 'will .be. s.iortly ready to s'ul ; a third ; hcrtion, with the intent to go ovtr to lie'entmv ' is under repair and delay will be avoided in the re j Anotlier soldier of lhat legimert. who de;en7 d at pair of the residue. QQhe appropriations lor the the same, t ime, was bi t tight out for exei ut'n.n, hut purchase ot material tor ihip-b.unY.ing, ihe gi eater! was. pardoned by Gen. Dlof.mfit-ld ; itdi:v;iin ao pari nas oetn appuea to mat oojtcr, ana tne pur-, chase will be continued with the bal nce.7- The en.terpriaiBg-spirit which Iws characterized I eared thai he was en??c -d away by Htnn.an. it i charrcteristir. of o,-vulgar. rcivaTc'.ly minds, the enemy on our extensive frontier : and to con vert a' partial 'calamity into a source of invigorated efforts. This patriotic zeal, which it was necessa " fler to limit than ex'cite, has "embodied an ample force from the states of Kentucky and Ohio, a irom parts ot lJennsvtvania and vircinU Tt - . . 4 v M( A W -pacc'crrwnn tier the commanrl nf hnmilm. -iii'ij -..j ' , . -..-vi.v... tnw-ai iiarrisoil, who possesses' the entire confidence of his fellow uiers, among whom are citizens, some of the volunteers in the ranks, not less distinguished by their political, stations-, than 'by tVunr personal me--rtts;The greater portion ofjUis force is -proceed-Jfig on its destination, towards the Michigan terri tory, having succeeded in relieving an important lionuer post, and in several incidental operations ba.Si uohuie irtues oi savages, rendered irlclis pensable by the siibserviency into which I hey had been seduced by ihe enemy ; a seduction- the-m'ore .fucU as-it could not fail to impose a necessity of -vvuUUUUarjf bcvenues, againsjt tnose who yielded the.p.ractice.Qf.impre.ss.m and withent any tfituhaiion that the arrangement proposed with respect to seamen would be accept ed1. Whether' the, :sirbequeht communication'' frorAJLhiseoyernment, affordinc:' ah' occasion for reconsidering the' subject, cn the"75art of Great our, naval force and its success both in' restraining-' never to be contented- with a victory ;- thVv n t insults ajus aeprcuauons-on our coasts, and in -re-: likewise add insult to the vanquished. It iv not prisils on, the enemy, will-noTlail to recommtnd aiiientargement of it'. 1 . Then; being reason to believe that the act pro. hibWng the acceptance cjf British licences, is not a sufficient .gutird against the' ue of them for! pur poses favorable to the interests and views of the enemy ; fprllier provisi"ons'Tfn"Thar subject 'are"htr -ly. important. Nor" is it kss,so, that penal enact ments should be provided for cases of corrupt arid perhdious intercourse with the enemy, hot amount iuglQ ireasont jKryet embraced by any statutory I provisions. or received in a more accommodating spirit, ie mains to be known It would be unwise to relax A ctusiderable number" ofATTTErjarrresK which Were in England whtnjthe revocation of the our measures, in any respect, oma presumption of orders' in council took place,, were laden with Tiri such a result. - , - tish manufactures, under an erroneous impression The documents from the Department of State, !that thenoaimportation act would immediately N v - At a recent date,' an attack was made on a post t the-enemv nenr Niatrara. hir ,l,oul -r ,'. , j c aiiucs, it appears, -as ordered IB comnlinn tiWK' t.i.- .l oops who executed it with distinguished gallant- which relate to this subject, will give a view also of the. propositions for an armistice, which have been received here,' one of them from the authb rities at Halifax and in Canada, the other from tie ; British government itself, tlrough admiral Warren r'and 0f the grounds upon which .heather of them could be. accepted. -, ' ' ' " Our affairs with France retainrthe posture which they held at my last communication to youv Notwithstanding the authorised expectation of an early1 as well as favorable issue to the dis cJssions on foot, these . hayq;e.en; procrastinated to Berhh and Milan decrees. This ptoceedimr, al though made the ground of the repeal of the Bri- cease to operate, and have arrived in the United States. Tt did not appear proper to exercise,' on unforeseen cases of sucfy ijhaguitude, the ordinary powers vested in the tre'asury department to mili. gate forfeitures, without previously affording lo Congress an opportunity of making on. the subject such provision as they may think, proper.;." In their decision they will doubtless.equally consuh. what is due to equitable considerations and to the.publie interest. - , .' , . The receipts into the treasury, during the year ending on the 30ihof September last, bayeTxceed ed sixlten millons-anf-half of-dollars4wJucf enough to sut due -in fiiir battle a manly and big hi -spirited antagonist, but the man must bt nbtij-td, w hen he is no "longer t-pable of doing Us an iipu v It is not ..uncharitable to. conclude, th-u4.,th-.se,. who are so proclig-I of Insult to allien fo 'i t-'i ! display a cowardice when be was capable -of hrj irrtTrg-hemreqtHl o4bi--,insoUnu-,.iUii. barbarity wfftn heis not.- These msiri injure- the just" popularity of capti Hull by such base cab -ov mcs; they represent, him . to have conttiit-tt with a man whom it was no honor to have'subduc,- Fitm the II out gn Gazette. . . . . inve seen a publication m a grtat nnmoer tt were, sufficient to defray all the demands on the treasuVy .to that day, including a 'necessary reim bursement of near three millions of tbe prjrWipaf of the public debu "In these receipts is mciudMa democra'tie ne'wspapeTSTajipgthatmy. fej:'is:erf.t the brig Reilec-cVof Boston, was endots d Ijv capt, Dacres of the Guerriele f rigate, wi.'h a ch.allein;e for the commanders, of the Anencan (Vigatts. to meet him and hate' a if? a tetc lei- a few if. Unites. I " aver that all put licEt ions, saying that r.iy registrr was endorsed, A r. R -FAi.sR, and n'T.e bXiisvch low characters as Privatctrwc. or Jatobhis'wec&fr assert , such a downright Jnheo n'-Wity are C5,p,ble.''of-..'' sayingrany, thi:ig.lo d. ccive and by ilecetioi i hey expect th'.supprrt ihrip mof.t 'rigbtr'QrtR.c-ii'se' I exterminating , com meK e, and - riiinin-g the mercantile interest .of -the ctfusHi y-" , :.eLl. . My register was not entiol bed '---jior did cirpt Dccres-write any thingon any 'of my 'ship's pap rs ; ' nor send any challenge by me whatever And f tepesr that all assert iensof that kind Ai;j? falsi?:,''. from what ever quarter ihey may come.. - -. : " SMUKb P. MVOTT. 4: La e mu$:"r o'the htir Rzbcc'ca. .Boston? Oct; J 2, 1212. -I