lis -4- -U:'.- V'.'t.-'":'' 4 11 r .ink I inf"' ihiJU' iiaufc" Vrr-t? cir?;; Ir e nt arThrely that OTOuch 1pflitess :.nouw.!i5ijjwwi..w:'TT 1 - - ' . ....... . . . c : t ui A . n. . i n - B. . mh n tu nirn ins rtiriiif rT Tt-nir. littPil kSM rAtiV X iettititdte fem of guilt and that in prospcnns, . v.u, jy..?., - " - j: - ..w-w r? V:r;'' - irfVK-.hii iiimitd nt beexchaneedfora sword. v Si urdatfy :ifove mhe r I not to put - - - v - -i. - , . - i. iti.'ii '-s'-.,.i.-- r s.tfhoia be the lessons oi parenwi wc jyir. apci t f t,- f haiidnAta i Mr. botakcr, how Oil the e? "n?y;? '-V---- ii. haw to dcov the T.baDPf ycaittaa from honv- -itituenw. ..., . .viiv., ,V:VV'': . LHft K .K mart trniti what thduccmftnti haU be very k- winch1 neiiher viriuor habit. rtnaftr. V newer J-DCinwti.Hwirq iVhfctfiet it Jfe ;liiti''pal:iicu1 proyuions uf our Dnstitutioo. my-political J , fact, that. Ac Uuilet thes . nnl Irt' Apr f IV - ,lu r or vnrftiiMi rf mini. lOfl trie OlPC -n niav. -n cni.ntenat.ce the belief, that inWm& thtV v. . . " l . . the Estate cannot' be prfakere7or at only ; nri erv amfll Ideeree. I think thia priocirle of pautical acttan m' controvertible. .Jiowr. ir otji the. CiUnttiiifiH which e.xmta in Ueae V. ojateit that which.reaolti from he chracttr itif ffiejabour in fliu jent parts of the copnlyf U the, most obl. bor add critical, r In the 'southern; state, all ",'tiie !alHdous. industry of ihe country conducted by. A&vts ; in Ihe northern states it is conducted by the , yeomanryt their apprentices or chllUeft. Tbi truth ii that the only teal property "h?,JiJx-i o.';rs ihkb.l Snjhe ndx,thcrl states is that vhich U ppssessd ill that oi minora" the terjTj class f wh1dh'aV ii most Valuable periodV'this! lav proposes to divert therri V:The.'lariUi;'''Drtl ; south caii fook rovind upon his fift, hi liundred and bis thousand cf human beings, and say f these; are. my property ", .rhe farmer of the north .hat ony one or flwo ewe Jambs,hisxxhildre1n ; lof which-he cara-Aayi-itli!i pnde JjketbeJ Homan tnairop.' 1 hese are my fornamemsv' Yet these this bill propose lo ' take froni him ; or what is the Sarne thing," pfoposes, to corrupt theTn ; 10 'bribe them. tiu't 6 hia iseruce r and that too, the Very age when tbe''deirevbf.l(eern.i'te most artive, and we, splendor ot taise- glory tne Yet yotir.aravefl are, sale there trams rtot frea 01 Jther wilL but tubiectto the will .f V. 'i 1 ni Tiuri pr iceaijraaruiiUis.: 1 he moral lie ia lacred It Is prfecipleSthat, ; cases- of miscon.'.-' dtif-tot:he;4ivibe minor thalliiaeWr cnnctWetiUsflf eapble.ol Vscapiog roni- ilie ' poteme an J wise control of his master otvf,v thr.;Tbe p'.-opostJd law cuts athVfa'rt this wi! principle r It preacJies infidelity," It mates tvtiV r rt;criting officer 1 your country an -aitotk if V u aaj'? io every, vain, tnqujrik, d n rbfjVchted prAambiuousf n)ircr,k Come hiiU !!rtrs,i ao ffcwn frtxAi bonds. , llere re w(iges andbouniy for disobeyianteQ ,atrt to W v.ivJ-Fof gtt what you owe to naiuie' and ybut projectara; - C,o tti Canada, and you ti , 6nd freedom, and glory.". Such u the iniiiiV of Ms!aw. ,;;7-S':: :1 "Take a tlate from Ms master, cn anv reneral antf novel principle, Hid there would .be an ear h v quaieirom we fotomac i we St. Mam-. Uni an apprentice irorn. nis master ; eedti a son, worth all the slaves Africa ever produced (r un bi father," we a,r told u a common atr.if . It will be right when there is a law lor ju tutii is por the law in France ', , -Mr. Speaker,' I hope what I em now about to say will ot be construed, Into a -'."thn at It is not uttered in that spirit but only to evince tw strength of my convictions concerning the eff ct v ' . i vi ut in w on t ne nopes 't iv ry. sid d t in France, moit eiHicmtr. no nroiii for their-manumission in the bill. 1 r-ngiaia ; particularly ot Massachosctts. ISm Thit ihage between1 I he.husliancmati of the north,' the mechanic, the! pass it, and if the legislatures of the injured staus, hf hfste if) makcuiauidCUirtrf si:au nave ic piuucut uiui-m v -.a. uuu y JUj icvruuinc uniciti. AH ' ' w" . i i a t lepsentatioirrciWlnakeon ii 'the mosLlivs rable age, , ialtfie minors Bovjct to him, put to 'h3rf. "Your t with the bid laws againsLkidnappirig and mlnsi- dc useiun to uiciii. iu, vu- -i- . . nBrrirllin. Wtll sir. what thtn Ii property irrthe lanor ot -otnere is saie Where fingther are false to themselves, their prosptriiv j e ? is Nrpoleon our King ? or k'ttejuaticc Where the tqualtty.ot such a prvisicnl and their coonti-y. , ;. ' ' j of the Unired States f The s'lfcy' l ' very Will known in our country, indeed, -, Debate tmtmurdin tfewxtjugfr)' ' ' 1 nnle has been urged on the hous-, obvious tio.n the very nature u vne wing, ; - r,k.i. mn h a silent vote. Even, nuwsir. it is iw4''lc nnw. . j . "..i... m;a i; i re we in France JUirnroBfrht vnn mv tlUtiihts. -rawer bv wiv of "e the 1 re6U'ent protest, than of argument. And I Wai not. troo-" :i Mi(,r Iion prv snt .....W, ti;at the exact Wind "of life,-at which the temp. iUmyelf afterwards, w.w any cavws wat may be 3 . -" . .-5 m v , ,tUo.i of th.s Uw begin to opcia.e upon .the mi- whom norm wnat -munner. 1 r"r " ir . " . ' 1 . -i. .1.. : :..t..: ui.. w...:,...., u;.in , ' ' - ---- , - - . c- , 1 tfki'. 1 v rri'.iiiiii wurii li n,nnr rwliii rAirn n innnrv w&r 1 ni nmtiirp rtr. J "'-i.- --- . made : neuner dv I should not have deviated from the resolution, cf which I have spoken, were it not fir w hit ai). pears tome, the atrocity of the piinciph?; and ihe magnitude of ihe mischief, contained in the pinvi Sons of thii bill. , Wheti 1 speak of this principl'.. as atrociiut, I beg distinctly to be und ts'.o d, us ;iot Impeaching the motives of any ", or fcpre'ssntipg them as . aUv-y-ating an atmcioos principle. -I speak only of tne ,mtn;cir whiclv the; object presents i sdl to my morrtl ie .v. . ( .is'the iric'fpal':cnnttnj.:J i.v thr hud stt 'ion iftf thdv r.blrt of which I spoik. rit -.euion pro.' .Videii'lihat every fieron ubvve ihe ur 0' irtrh'rm tar$ oh' ihall eV.M,'rrf by uny icn. L j Mi in ihe eeivue of th 17. S itu? he fir lfr mM lament ; any .fV'y,,i uny act m Contrary tioiVitMr.ii'dyi', ifw naMiite .it tin pro begin to 1 . 1 . . . ma . a-- relented America as a h,le y. 5 h, about esh-sn nvsr UKt .l to me parent, 01 niae.. vnui or tweity wry with a huge puise in his pocket he aKe 01 ire nas narJ,7 Pa' 3 U1C P fni Lord TJorth witn a pistol a: nis uredi was sa it " Deliver your money. Uco g he IU, polling at the young man,, nd spcaki to '."-d Noith said,. 4 I g;vt. yon that iirans mouuy lorpi'1 use." Behind the whyle grtup Vas a i ixncn capering, rubbi- g hts bines fbr joy, and txcliii. ing, Bcgarj . Just o in France ' Now, ,m. Speak r, I ha ve no manner of doubt, that the doy that this act. jassts, Hhd the whole, cluss of our northern youtlr is made subject to the biits of Mill Ul.f 8-tr.Vot fvewniTii in incst unuej states, ca . ' . t. .1 . r.--: ... 1 lirriiikr, tUDDinc U'tir nuw ioi i ;y, unu txoiaim vioioiis apparent iis tendency U not deniod. . It $ 9S2uc. ra:nors of a!l (fescrip ion be they wards, apprentices o' cil lren, fro ti t'tr 'service af their guardians. mastt;rs a'id p ien's j 00 Urir "principle I, rest my objection to 'be bill. I med il-. not with tie nature of the War. Nor'fs it bvcau-. I am hosiife to this war bo h ii iti piindp-diaiid Conduct, that I at. .'present niafce an objection to the provns of the bill I say nothing 'gi,ist its I vfaste. of , Dttblic money. 4f tiht dollars a month fr 'the privue, be not-i.oogh, tdk.' sixteen dollar If that not ei.qugh, take twenty JEconornyiis not my difficulty. -Nor do "I." think much 6. that objection, of which my ' hono-'ub'c friend from Penhsylvania (Mi, Miinor) ctmtd t think a great deal j the liberation of debtors f. 0.11 their obhgafttons. bo far a rebates to the pres. entfargiirnent without any objtcMno fom me, you may take what' temputi ,m you pieas.:, ltd, apply y them v to the" tUnary : haunty for niitrheht--cla .the jail exhaust the brot)ul make ,!a '1eseit of the ti;jplirg shopby wha't Iiiiairta, ypu please, for ovtt vice for lunacy hich is of full age and idt o y out of is tiuic , - But here ston touch r.ot btivile right .legurd the sacred tiV of guardian ,nd, master corru;i liot our youLh- listen to -the ntctsi'ies of ;our tne chunici arid "manufacturers -have commmtratibn ibr the teflr of parents. - In order to, give a '.clear view of my subject. I ithallcpnsldtr it Under three aspects Its absurdi W.i-its, intquality"--its tmnvorvlity. " ;6 In remarking op the tbad'ijdUy of this principle It necessary inreeurio mai paF. qi me ir.essage 'rthe preBide pV bf the Uiiitt d States, at 1 he ope n!mjfioftbe' 'fejraH"sesiotr-of eoiis;'M'ttiern" trodutftd the subjects proposed" in this bill to the onsideratioh'iOf.the house ; -and to observe, the trnKe and , left handed tjcnclosions it contains Jt Ac1 your rtcruitmg.olficer thaltlier! inj " fieear, Jut bq tn nii3take ot this ..whole pr.'jtti lies in Fench maxims are applied to. AmrrTcan slates. Now, it ought never to be lost sight of by legisla tors in this country, that the people of, it arc ncv m m--,tf rytne cost oi fis ciotning ana edaciion. lie; w. t n the age of 1 8 and 20, is just the psripd id profv. to the -father and mother. Ii is also the fu n m at w'nicli, from the approximation, towauls itii(,I::)(A service Suivitt begin? to',grow irksome, atid h tkM.t of lsbiKy powerful. The passions iiunVfaiv nisi,' uv their most ungovernable svajt ifidthe judgment, nofc jit ripe can easily he iiUiu.t e.l and cQirupted by the vain dreams ot iriili ary g'ory. At this period joiw law a, Irteoot. toir aiito ulcry to his wevikness-in short it France..1' ijir, the'iirtat ' R-'S D"'ty a,w wages lor oisooeaience. to his lies in this; thii iai"'al 1 r oci d O'.ijja'iions. This is a true view GUi.u taw. 1 hat it will nave that mil optrr-tion, " hich in afvocdtcs hope anvrxpetts lbatltwii fill your armies, with runaways fiom their masters Legislature o", Nonh-CarbUna. HOUSE OF" COMMONS. ' Thnriduy Dec Sf tntAivnztfa axvqal fetor. .The, s follotii- report from the treasurer waslattl before the tDtoe V by the speaker' ' ' " ; to (hi Honorable Ihe Oeral jtatembly of Ac? A r " ; " ' Carolina. C -.J w:;. IN. discharging that truty which the Revp1 ; nue Law's of the State require ot me, I have to inform you that the poWiC tales of-every deS- criptipjp, as coliectiU aud acpdtimed for at the' ' h it, H.stn.mens tit serine ton. it cfla-sPrrt a8Ury department, for the j ear comment. v,:uc '"".r V - 'u'-'iy' Tuc.riing with the'fimof N -m.T . . I m m ' ' l f m.. wg witn tne nratoi movemoer isn, ana emi i:ig t1th the 31st of October 1812, amount to .J. twenty-five thousand, eight hundred and eighty: ' y. nine pouvds, nineteen shillings and two-penctf, ( 25,883 -'19 2) That in -addition tothi' r sum, the jJiviuenus uecrarea ty tne uanss or - .....i.. ff.,;.-JnH nnii,. ana umers, 1. au not ot neve. ur.t mat it win "cm ucm muu win,- .ai, huih uowuv..-,-. . v, that th-y are, aud can never be any thing else, have a 6al -0Pcrali0" 1 know-. Tne ltmi'- r,od on the shave3 held m those Banks ic-rcc-, v,,'n i tatibn to some of on yotuh wl! be ineaistible ttvely by the State of North-Carolina, amr.tat.t ' The true source of the absurdky of'bill, h V iu my consent they shall never oe exposed, to to two thousand five hundred pound ; each v a mis-ake in the nature of the evdl. The I'nsi. it". - .. .. : . - Bank having declared at xtjyj rate of five nt-r dent of the U. Statt-s tells us, that the administra- i -1 offsr anotheV comideratiorv. The utibn cent, for the half year ending on the 3Ut of De- ' 'ion have no' buftkieni men for their armies. oftie United States, tleclarts, in as scV.nthlcember iffu, nc at the like rate for the hair" the reason is he adds, the .want of firennt y mer.dment. Private irofu-rty thai! not be t 'ken Lr ending with the 30:h Tune In nd"7- tnunve. In this Ires the errors It is not pxuniaw M ff F'A tomficuaion. ' Now . tQ ffJTegoicg Itcms obtained Q v ... ...u...;. .n'in., fiii"r.r trmiM frt of all tht prntVty which the 1 laws ,(, the northern ;, . s eT i.. v....i. rx,.:;' y,l .A.. Alm tohi h vmi are dLhi lent. f,ir. what-1 '-u"-a l""'-awui.nj, vi... .'.;.. .1 1 .,;n,nn mao vit rnnnrr i h V hich consists in the lib r ftf the mi inn. a aise.veomanrv of New Knelahd wre. by.our la8 ls 8acfrtl. t0 "e guard lytinn to the principal; and necesity ofithis war,!1, is perhaps the most valued there 1 vi ry llttlejor at least much less diversity r . . 1 '.U.- T'i.. V,1 r...l.i. .1. - I nor, &, which ; ,0.r l rau " .f. v T -, 1 in, master or ol tbe urate, 10 virtue ot. a it evolution or tne ?, and rtir, nr.- Assemiiiv passea m uecemoenasr, mc suiiroi , ; cious to our mechanics, manutjcturers and twelve inrusanu -ve;'iiuiiu,iqjiuy . '.v'. j v l... iL. .. . 1 r. xt ,:il K, -U.-i.H a h4Hnri. nl lftiirtwft':,!i iciwiicii 111c. ireiivicninii II UII1 new- :.ll will "V v vu-vvu , -..w w. .f ! Tf sti.ii rifiit. concernui" me invasion 01 ;iaaa, ; , - -t-, ; , -- . , . - , 1 - si I . MTg Ln,inZ u TL ,rn ork fWr. StoWe) proposed to secure the waees! thousand, tour hundreoVandjJur pounds, seven. a-i a lllcall .Ul't'i iihiu 1 g "v . 'tuny - . i " .... 1 i-n' ' - . 1 ' 4J ' Canadaaa-anVbiect of ambition. They ' do not a?d bouny of the nhstmg minor to those to whom, shillings and eleven pnce, reported to -the- , want itaa an .object of plwtder. They see no h' ice belonged, was rejected- WhH is . last Gen Assembly as remsinjng in the 1 rca , t - - the c.mqtiest of u,,a i' i oftho?t commer. constitution ? What is it but ' tak't for extendinff and maiotaining in tha' country a large military force - imdjet preU nre of j reserving the cbnquered terrluTries- rtily, with ' view to over owe the adj i;iinat a.ies. vVi h thi vicv of that project, yeonvmry- i-ffNew.Ei?ghnd wft-nj that rn'al rnotiwrk try. fill , your armies w i'h men i wxr hy tolii g. I hey have, no desire to be the tools of ihe ambition of any mo, or ariy 'set of men. Schemes of con have n charms ior rnern. r Lm.y.HiX4ioieus of nver the serf biard and the tcontier ; a thealtcnuon of congress wiltb'; pa-ti:uwrly. drawn into silence the Indians mour teintory tothe instifficiency of existing provisions; for fiil-iour citizens j take the shackles from your 'Wlt'C d thri militSTv estriohshmf nt. . Such it ihe mVr.i t tnw ua ahios and seamen ; and sh . . " " .... i ,. . ..... ltA . . r t . .. hit:hu rrii'Ji nf.Attr-couritrtf.rnlxhip frnm thr Irtril . rif lUt rmin'm a m y.'u.n ih-.rr:-,r. d,P hivA fs, ,.. h l .u.. tn k- ftfmrt.' Htnw nr rdnt: isprectsfclv 'assiched bv any ::of onr laws. Yet the Jh.uik-iiMtioiis, rior vet our schools, colleges and senf.inarUs of education, to which i I refer, when 1 speak of our moral habit. These are but meatis precatdtoris.. ' Iiis certain' established principles of life: and conduct, which without being ""rriyricv d lngtnt rtd laws arrvf en Thrfouruiatinof , fortify i''"1' Bnn "wni'n always rule and comroui ourpo nr cont i5t''e irijStit unions I do hot k'nowi for r4 instance, how th.' that I h.t, extent of the moral lie, which binds ' the wise bbiect tf warfare, 9"11 to. tht, father ; or the apprentice to the master, T)it,mti I'iiluteltientKjiroviaea nt (he taut tendon, a Jariial site e,V an !y. hdsj ancndrd tte recruiting rr. jviceS Thvde6ie'ncy';has been- neetssarily sup. "pTied .'during that rampaign, by other than reguhr Jroops, With all ihi incorrvenienccs and expences incident tOithem' '.Thte rtmtdy lies in establish Jnmore.f iv'drably fr the prjvate sojditr, the pro. Portion bet ween his recompchce.andrthe, term of .Jiniet,'''-rAnit'y8a subject, wliUhcii.nat too so6-;'or too serlalv, he taken into toii'iderat'ion.V Mr. Speaker-What a picture of feHcity Imh the.! 'iwede4oy-mliee punciple. upon which all outlaws on this sub to the inequality of the operatioii.xfihe- provisions rests, ii this That this tie is sacred and inv:ol of this bill. ; It is never to be forgotten, in the he. liW regulates, but, except in case of misc subject ate. miscon duct never severs it. rnnJiM-i fttif irnvf.innu nt nf these United Stales. that it is a poluicial aSS'wiation of independent,' Vknow 'i " 5'id l,iat in our counlrF' 'minors are sovereignties, greatly diffc ring in respect nf wealth "hjecipd o military duty;. And so they are. Hut resource, enterprize, extent of territory and eT service iy a p tof of the. position; which ..-...i. .i'.'.h.. u M.hri9ie , nM ,t., h. : I maintain; l heir obligation to serve, id the mi foreottenhatahe proporaon of physical force, .'V'1' " layjjMbct to the paramount authority hich nature has given, does not lie within pre- fwnemftRter ano the. parent. : ; , -L . . - Tf-' r .. l .... 1 he Ifliv cattA. It . trn. that minora shall he riselv tne same, line oi ,diiot,. who tne pro . ":... ' r . v . . , - iTortion t f pcltical influence, which the cosiittuion W mum ciuty v wot Mt aiso permits y ije r . . . .-... r ' j. lather and ll.r mctr In rlirvr thm Frnm tha' iety-I f either will he service of the mi. stated, to amount of iWt,nty?aifcousan . t i -l;ii: : .a y. huntlrecl ana tnree nounas, eignww .n5T, quarter ot theccnntry know thnt gentlemen are very apt to sneer, when they hear any thing s;'id about our religious in ViiuitiJins; r.r ntoial habits, in the eastern c,ouiiyT Hu, I OmII fvhlkin A.litt I y.pun. It U nnl r or i a 1 -'.".' . mr-9 w v, i . , jr and six-pehce the VoucJrsJbr. been delivered to, and 8aed;ti'ponbthe;i;j spection1 of the committee of Finance i VVhit;hy:4 . . . . Jit. L.I.I, (nln'fri,,,.'. V'' uisburscmentS'or expenauurc we"l,,w"UJ, .t the aggregate amount' above mentioned,: leaver ,iU,irr nt twentv-nine mouwnur auu irnio. ty pounds, eight shillings any seven 4peiKe 1 i ( 29,090 8' 7jrmatn1og'itrtnie-Tf the State on the first day pf November -in thej current ar saVn the ber 1812,' Vet to be, accounted f-r.,.-'j Of thtsaper Currency issued by orth-CaT- ' Vh rolinay and which forms a part M this-baUnce, f there are a few BUIs xleemid unfit f6T-fofthtvM circulation ; these will s lecud ;aid rld. in ; 1 : readiness to be but ned, .if mult shall be thedcrj terminatirinrthe'lsfa-'-;'..-:' i'f By way of dosing the T information or.detatl which it is intnintrm me yet further to; give y u .Ut- UimA trWmatnit that I add. thstth S.f-C . Ull 11113 u.n - ,...'... i ' italmcftU only; f xvf ed " fM 1 r. authorized by the ':JMP-?r.i taihed bv the Uan k asnnTe r e - (;vsyn u- " t iryy'Tidr cotwii.; AVVy ;. to have mainly in iiewynot to disgust any V7- nerroay Tetain we service pi ine mr ..f;;. Tf ftj tK "if eacvl vears -V iAcw reVPor, tee nom the militia duty. What is the aon.! dends to he declared atfo. coffl -r-'1.- . '" v- . ' ; ' ' ' ' . . .'- ' .r ' :'.'-r-.'V- :: . - ; ;.-! r - -v. ' '-.r -, : ; V."T.-; ::M ''tf :

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