T'T'trfe J'tV''" j -t-Ai' t t !'5 ? pi 8 .ej'- 4; o is 4 i il Ob a0 their, itXfat'wttflaoik 'ttIifWfilinttiiiKe 36tlif .iSejstemuefc U for want of air whetubo hole was I cut.' if j Flour,, at Lisbon, 23 Ooilars' per parrel i.Cornj .3 at Ui least interesting circumstance, in uinvaous. vacems perousnci. , " ' " ,tateretfor fcr;i ' the; aearajeHfint , ,;ai.??: .:.'" V: Ml ,7 nirinir s they were, had borne upth head e tittle-boy -above the "water, determined that, line as ihcjr lived, he sbouti riot perish!.' cgislaturco NottWrplina' H5UE OF. COMMONS, The United States ship Constitution, commo dore Bainbridge, and the sloop of ,wai Horner, were Bpoxen on the 6thjN0v. in lat. 30, long. P i!'Die4,t: Philadelphia on .the 3d inst. Mat. Tkew Tubti Esq , of 'he town of. Salisbury, state oiiSlorth, CarolinaMr.. ,T. though a very yoUi the Navy ' answer is the most insolent and im ' proper ever .returned to a gallant antl deserving , officer.. The memorial to -the .Senate contain a lucid; statement of, meritorious, services on .the part of capt Lawrence ; is rejplete with ir: resistible arroents and conctusive aothorites why he ought not to. be 6i reeded. At least, bls ia the opinion of. An Oli Seammj . ;r U Shift jfdfnrt, Oct. 10, 1812. Sir I was much gratified this evening with ;a r, i. inougn a very young man,, was hqnore by the legislature of his state report of your return to Washington', and hasten VL'iih itt .nrifv'iirtTmviir rvf aiSliritfir ' frfniraX : frti- thp trt. nrJdreSH VOI1. a l"lVl'r(tiah of Our riprhtS. On a ,r. Stone presented; he memorial o( John Ste-1 Wtsttrn superior court district, the duties of' which subject that .nearly concerns me,, as well as others orr oeni oi niucu hi asucittiu, iivyu-: 0flce ne a:harced with ftecultar fideliiy and of my gr arte in service1. U has lor some time Boat Njvigation,. professional ttbility- In tbe death ot this yoiung been currently reported ift thi,city(and in fact 1 the watersoi tne v.nesapeaKe u.rouijn uus, m3t,- Wno was (Onally disiitighjshcd by pnVate have sem 2 le tera from Mr. UoMsborough, that y -oi ynaneaion, ana rarj..g ior.. virhies ,nd splendid talents, his native state h On on has sircnpthen the report) that licUt. Morris, was to bteen deprived of one of its favourite sons, and soci be promoted to the rank of captain in the Navy ety one of its brightest ornaments; in.cnnseq tence of hi conduct on board the Con, Gl Mdcra'l Republican. . $tiution, in the Jate action with tbcGuerruTe i' 1 have the most exalted opinion of Ikut. Morris, ' The discomfiture of izctt.,' Hookins, which he so of course can have no wish to detract from bis br law for allowing a 'salary, to-. the adjutant! n0mpouslv announces and thanks his officers for, meri'S : bat. after the most maiure consideration of this sta'e. ' ; appears to have proceeded from 'a lihe of .conduct I re 11 y cont discover w herin his exertions as Mr Porter, nom tne committee on tnat, pan m which has been pursued in. pt.bticka with singular fi.si lieu, en uls him :o the rank to which I under J gofernor's tmrssHgwnin reiaies 10 m ( success, nanuly a firming out ytoa office, ticloie stand he u about to he. promoted, I he, appoint . nil 01 iiw puwiiw , vi'i-"v ' ne Diocet'oeci ."n me ejciteaiuou, ce rxaur eo me m;ii i'i mumcr cuiuiuanucT wimu, m' ,e0f a bill or the disposition and preservation 9t.nse 0t mr officers aVd th ? army as to the ?pe o;iiioi, arnp'y rompt" j)jn and, as far as 1 in the cit ci exclusive privileges to him and his asi,ci- ji my appear just ana proper. . ucierrtu. . motion ot J A mtron, the commit the governor, s nussie was tascnicted to c " . '-'.'if . quire lutu the propriety or numng som.; provi bo public arms received, from the general gov Ifeited. the. memorial w John 5rephrns,"on tne; (iye condescension, and deference. A f trw rd-, y,a the subject, commodore dbiect of Stesm'BoaJts. fnatle a fv.rable report.ll irhen' 'inurrnu.rs and discontents were heard, the s- ntitnen.H on;he occasion I prea n4 a bill for the etlr'igemtn.tf .SteamBoanl general turns: his army into a democracy agin, acqtiai.ited with,' as.-he? jnfjrms.m a th ewaters of thtr &tS):rf' ' 1 and demands the opinion of every tnembir, to he written yo'i. I .im feareful y wil diency of that measure, l'hey demanted the ci can jinge jie uiiitrsal satisfaction... 1' hnvc dtjttce-whsch the cemiral h.d iu his nossession as oiismJ?'' !tl comrnodore Rodtrers, who fulh id the Vrfhation of 'he' enemy nd 'this' evidence ''aerce.- rt .me.fa$tthdtan,f ih b1iorlsd jttei Mr. Stone," f' om the committee to - whonf was'; W4 s on the bail of the treheral furnish- d with all fomaivs; use oj his name in my communication to felted. the. memorial of John S'ephrnsvon the; (iye condescension arid deference. Af trw rd, you the su iject,' Commodore i Bainbridge V resume yon are;; me that hel has, ill consider mv given him in writing by the .proper officer . A retno-i-traow-as i.nproper, but trust, on taking mongst 'such faw j recruits, ind after he hs thus my feeti into consideration yon will make Voluntarily' ir. the first and' Second instance, sur-! every allowance, when J, inform yon that ;yny rendered the reins kof his authority to thoipw horn frends ci.'incli.tvnb mr in thinking, that thepjC'.-., it was bis duty to govern, he nods tohis astonish motion ;oflieut. M'ottis to .the grade-1 first, men ment, that he is impetfously dictated to by a sub- rtioned, bears, peculiarly hard on me, as I wras ordiiiate officer who, demands'., that, the army, be ' first lieutenant .with the now commodore., Decatur, ordeitd immediately to return Can ny' thing at th? time be destroyed the frigate Philadelphia ;' better be ex;eoied from such rav & undisciplintd; at ilut limei if not now, thought as much of as men so utterly unicquiiuted wiih military duty ! the capture of the Guerriere, tir ahich exploit he when their will, instead ot that ot.the commanding , ws promoted to the tanx ot fost v.aptam, ana l t his circumstance and a heavy swell, which trcs)n at the time, I ascribe the uous ial length of the ac tion. . , . ' .-- r -L. ft The enthusiasm of every officer, seanvn and mirtne pn board this shipi oh discr.veiing the en-cmy-lheir -Heady coiiduct in battlemnd precis on of.ihfir fire, could 'noi.be. surpassed- Where a'l met my fullest ekpectitions it would be unjust o"" discriminate; Pennit me, however, to recnmrod to your particular notice my first lieutensnt Woi. H. Allen. He has served with me upwards f live years, and to his unremitted exertions in dis ciplining the crew is to, be imputed, the obvjoui Su". periority of oar gunnery exhibited in the resul'.of -this contest. Subjoined is a list of the killed and wounded ory both sides, ' Our loss convpared with that vf the ' enemy ivifl appear small. , Amongst the wounded . you will observe the name, of lieut. Funk, who died a few hours after theion-he v;as an ol!i cer of great gallantry and . promise, and the ser. vice has sustained a $evere kiss in his death. ' ITie Mjiced6nian lost Ijer' m i-n mas-., foie and main top masts and main yard, and was much cut bp in hi r hull. The dam ige sustained by this ship was not such as to reader htr return into poi t ne cessary, and had J not detm.etj, it imprta.u that we "ahoiild see our prize in, should have continue J our cruise. ... With the highest, consideration and rspe'cf, I am, Vir, your obediepe hntnbie server, The Speikrr hid before the house a pamphlet bntaiiintf documents tending to prove the supe- .Qt advaniagjtb oi runways ana sieam c r.iajies erc-nal navigation, which was reierreo to tne ime committee- to which Stephens's memi ml !as referred.; r.K yf;' y c: a message waf Tecetved tromr tlje i,overnors forming the huse 'of the death of M lthew roy; late Solicitor of ;the six h circuit, in orVr at the vacancy 'might 1e filled.; A bUot Was iccordtngly ordered: x ' ' ,- I . . . -.iL.; t , 1 ' ' 1 1 ...1 ' t .1 ' ' The commwee on inc iovCrnnr s rac-ssi rc t oiliCer, is maue me law oy wmcn mey are govern mmended the pdssasre of a bill to amend the ' efj Accusfoined to act according to the impulse ditla" laws of this State.' ! of ibeio-vn opinious in m itt;rs of civil govern. The bill to'atnend thf InspMion. Lw irt tela mri, aiwl bting told by their general that a mili; on to rar, &c'was inefi.ijtelv nf.st.jMied t iarj tjovernmeitt was nothing more they would Received from the Semite bill f r 'dividing the u- uou- tediv act !s they hail hitherto always acted. We in'o:Utrifcts foT'i-Iectirtg m-mr-,rs 'o.rogrs, The w -n irl is jus ly ihargeable with all the dis. ich beinir read fo: Its second r.-afii.i'ig, M l1. a'r Inn moved to strike out the who'? ot the arrange ent contained in the mil tor the purpose oi n Lining a new one which he hd formed. Thi-s feotion was negatived; 96 to 29. The bill h-n b-ssed second rt&d;ng without a rtivsi-n. i:x''. g'ace mum sing ta suh" conduct, ' If he will n t t.ui.iice his ow authonty a.d inculca sn ior ina '.viii - are ih'v offirers to blame for this ? There i h wav lha civil fioiticimt have of farming onf - iticir -tfic s inch if it d's no . tend to increase 'their popuhrii j, answers . all the purposes they wUhfor ; arid that is& continuance ia the stations : they occupy. Thus a g vemour of a stute will i.eppo nt in the several tons over which he pv& i s rewarded with the offer ' two Mmtha pay. Af'.t devoting near fiftctn y ears of the prime of my lif faithfully to thti servrce of my country, without . furlough, excepting pne for six weeks) you imu .. not, think hard of fny having remonstrated thu plainly on lisut. Ayrrjs promotion over me. 1 assure you I should regrtt extremely leaving tht strvjee at any period like this ; but ifoutranket ky an ifficer. who has no greater claim than myv self to promoti ir, T have no alternative. ' Trusting to the impartiality of your decision, I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, : .1 (Signed) JAMES LAWRENCE. The Hon. Paul Hamilton. a - - :.FtUDAY, DECEM S it, 1812. i-.. . , i , I I Sluts, it uv.aiy, "i in .ne ir'iciiy an uuuci-iiu j(ur, ; td e ich. ! A'avy.Defiarl ment, Oct. J7, 1812. Sir Y.xir letter of the Oth instant ha' He hrs ail the'eub-iroatOrial uower in revichtd me The susrees'ions wi;h which tha . , - , i hi. district, and is ready at any moment, when IcUt' conclude, prevents an answer in detail, The Legislature of this rtate, it is believed, iU ; his govcrnour's nopulanty, or In o her words, and ronfuits me to the sincle observation, that ii dose their session about iVedneifdjy next; . ' ! his own, is in danger, to turn out in its d fence. (Vnho can'. oi leave the' service ofourcoun ''. j. ., ' I 'll- i hnllFirt h, liif rmiinimriirn if nnt tin HIk ,,aiK tr i . I he Will S ill I Cinain hefOeS dlld DatflOtS tO v..- mi jr r.w" .-j.: ' - "J. . i " v : . v vui rcoci win miiu, ni uic preueuiii tuniiiina i 0f", .-, $q j0 Jq. late importations from G. Britain. -The bill to suspend executions in this state for a ertaiw time, and to continue j'u force un il th first of February, 18 U, has pass.d b. th.hoi!Sf ,f Hie legislature, i It is not; to affect contucts m-de af ter the first of January next. But this puTicy s t(frally wron. supp-irt the bon r of us nag. l am, Jir, yoiirn. ' partme'it."' We' have herein instance that on:n (Si'n" ) VAVL HAMILTON, nill jiot starve to death, orfig'u, or die, whtn it is Cap r Lawkkkck,. U. S S. Hornet. u u to their own option to aao,)t auotlur idtri n tive ; anil that is to 'retreat The general, however, endeaoufs "to pi k a crum'o of r.onsolatioi' from his misery and ad-.s: ! .So ' formidable whs our ajp aicince hi tin; i prai'if, ndin.the c6 ;n ry (as 1 am 'nh) nevtr t'od b' for? oy Ivtstile feet, that it . mus "enpress the bordering .tribes with a se.se of their '! mtr. If it operates beneficially in ;his way, uiir lai our U7.11 no! Km ti f nrf t iw if-.Ir " At. m y - . i x (l l r v . . m ' I iiic arrciuu ulluiiiil ui i nr. u i i uc t;i ulu- i ... r i c .t . . i - - - i uiiHii ii'ncir rr - w t r- i " i i up r iuii 1 1 irvc m , i , n -mm 1 m . . , i - v i til iw V I' If v tlV 111-11 .U' . J- laisxi tine iasi man moun: us also tne luissi tn bulletin. y It . claims the- vie ory, aifd mus vheir loslr at twenty five ihotsand men ; that of B -:ta pnne, a i iony-ne mfiusana,. i ne empero nss prompted Oeneral K'.tirsow to ihe rat.k of field jnarshU presented hiln with fifty thousand roubles and Cve roubles to each soldier engaged in the bat- C.H - V.-:- In congress, tio dtcisir-n has Vet talten plncr, fi-om which 'any Opinion carl be finned a"s u t!ie final decision ct the house, on the subject of the Gljrious Naval Victory ! L 't irslia'e txtn r ctiveJin WAsinngtn Cki fni'o C'i!Vii- lore Decatur, dated off New London oi-.Ii 4 h inst. containing, the inform.ni'n that on t'ie 25 h of V)ctober, in l it. 29, N. long. 29 d-g 30 -ni 'iV. 'he frigate U.tcd States, undei John -Haywood and b.G- odwin, rsq'rs, have teen re elected treasurer ' and comptrol.er ot this Ata'te ': :' hi cinjiu. a'.!, fe;l in ith; and after an action of an hu'iv .50 I a hdf, captured th British frigatv Wh t flier tfii horde ring TnlTes wtn he te mou lting; 4 carri vge-guns The captured Ves 9ul i a f i '3.e of 'the lirgest class,, two years old four f.v..,h'- out of dock, and refuted one of th h!,t s il '.rs in the B i'.ish service. The MiCtdo nia bri cr vin ward hsd the advantage of enga. gimr (It. U. :td StateS at h. r own dis'fcnce,-which t army on the proprt- ty - t vontmou'g his route w::s so great t iaS for tne first hall. hour, the Unit with a sense "f Uieir danger frnm so forn iduble an appearMiice of soldiers, , ho invaded their country f rn.) other p .ip;se Vhan to retreat bark agJih is a very qaeiienable p int In siirr'vvhn die ,;-:n ronl -sses that he d -sired V the officers 16 tuke the rpi-.iou t-f rhe 'wbfc when, on V.Duncan Cameton, Cslvin Jones. V'm. t-6 m tod'Montfo'rlSiokeS. have been elee'ed muor ire Derais,-and Jeremiah Slade, Jesse 1 xi dcr - Jiio. II. Hawkins, brig, gen'b of the mditia of thi late.-.!. " ." '-;' -' , . ,, being trtiljci'! of thtii rp;n in in the ' ed'Statis did .not use her CiirroPafliS, and at no iV gative. 41 he requa id 'h it he mie'lit rtictate the moment was the British frigate within the com course to be pli-6ued fr that day only" cutht ht plte efr.ct of the nviakttry or grape shot of th to be surprised if ' h- dis -.vered the columns U oted Sa'es. To this ciicunrstance, and a heavy which he Ind dirt cted.tr follow him, moving in swell which prevailed, is ascr'ued - the length of quite a con rary direction :''.r outrht he to won. th- ar.iinO. The conduct 'of the officers, seamen 0 f rr if .' m.,inr Sinirl.-tmi 9,(Hric(iil liinri iA tha .' ttr,l wvxnruna ia oairl trt hav( mpl-ilcfl lll lilo-llfS' J most r(ie an.d dictatorial manntr, rcqtiiiincr him commehilation. The superiority bf the American imnnqwieiy 10 n.surne nis murc.n. or that lvs b-itfal?o:i, would break from the army and return V We think riot. 17. S. Ciaz. TO CpMMUNIC ATioW.' EZ'rrictrjfa tetter from Washing ton hated. Dee. 3. M. ."Johnson read this day in the house, a let ten dated Collector's office, 'Norfolk, in which the r A report Is inserted tu the iVttrs'iurg' tnttlli gencet-'thai the Constitotion fi'iga'e"hs ruptured thp British 64 cun ship Africa, but the troth of it fe Very much doubted here, .;. Commodore Rodgers has c-pturid and'semin- T-tr .i I T.. D"8e,,..,oaueu ,;n writer states to him that he know the merchants a r.i.r! k k ChJ8ed tne ni" hiva eotimited the penal bords that have been ! : jgiveri, as part of the cost of the xxto, and have aciuauy cnrgeo mem, upon tne country pvop-w, and ol eoujise ought to be compelled to pay thith " W understand the importer in ibis plce-pro nounte 'the sdd Ieter a gross calomny, " so fyr. as r-The-latest-ne.wr fronT Sj"atri T Is" that Maswha "lad joined Marmont with fifteen tbRUsaf.d men ; inaking the force sixty thousand a d tha' VVel Jington had raised the siege of Bora edtoValladolid. irgOs and retreat- it refers to them ; that in their salt s no ralcula 1 Contemplated changes, as rumored. Cheves, se. futrf the'navy; Gallatin, secretary of state ;4 1 Ksh. secretary df th treasury ; A nisirohc, se """"r "1 war i.aac wonroe, lieutenant general of a,l4Ui 'S. ' ' '., m " ; ... lion was hiade by' them of the penal bonds. Nor to midshipmen. Erunnerv was'obvious. .The Macedonia lost her mizen-masl, fore and.1 main top mast and main yard, -and was much cut up in her hull. I he da mare sustained by the United S tates was not such as to ren-ler her return into port necessary, had it not been considered important that; the prize si-.oald be brwught aafe into pott. Thf kilted on oar side were John Mirier Funk lietiteiiant ; John Archibaklv carpenter ; Thomas Blown and Hem y Shepherd, Seamen ; William Murray. Jioys Michael O'Donneil andJohn Ho- bertsi marines. The wounded were five in num her, and are recovering. ' '"T On boird ibe Macedonia, there were thtrty-six killed and 68 wounded. Ameng the latter arc the 1st and 3.1 lieutenants, one master's mate and 'l'Tbe- lage; vessel mentioned under the Newl" Tork head as having run ashore, and being burnt, 1 is said to be the POIC IMERS, of 74 gunu - V-v. , Weunderstand jhe priie frigate Macedonian Ity, rc& and.thecommAnd given' to the brave m Jf 1 dwtinguiahed t cajitJw ..This " is, truly yghtin tfte enem with her own Weaponi. JtthV,'hra,';; New YorkrtVship Star; Which left Lisbon October infbrma- Un haa been received that te V'ncharson at yxttorw fcurrendere the allied armiea under coidd any prices at this market be obtained which would cover such a calculation, I hey admit that coarse woollens and some other goods have fcotn manded higher prices than formerly, whilst a eon. ' siderabRpart of their latejmpor' ation's e mains on hand; which they; woultf willing!y fakf; Cost snd charges for, being' jsnicles- which will not cover the extra charges and double du ies. ; - "rr :V;;.V ',." ;, " ; .,;.y Ledger. -. Ftom the Boston Pilot, ' ';:'"..1' ':-' '.' " L'.. '...THE '.'NAVY..:;. , ' tMr, viaBTT, sir Having been an occasional reader of your paper, .and perceiving that ypu were friendly to a Navy ; and the'following co P'es of 4orig'maL papers havingfjjllenintq my hands, 1 requestyou,.' ;jf you, ihink them .worthy" . ! o"f insertion invyour piirnali to publish them The letter of captain JLowrencejs, a respectful remoastranco , against tho extraordinary pro. Both vessels have arrived on pur coast OEl iCUL. '. ' -17. S. S. Unitbd Statfs, AT SfeA. . ; ' -October SO, 1812. The Hon. Paul Hamilton - ." .' V. t ' Sirl have the honor to inform you, that on the 25th inst. beine in lat. 29 N long, 29. 3Q W we felUn with and, after an action of an hour and a half, captured his Bri'annic majesty's ship Ma ce'dohian, commanded by captain John Carden and mountine 49 carriaee cuns (the odd gun shilt ing.) She isr frigateof the largest clasrlwo yeajs eld, four months out ot dock, and reputed one of the best sailers in the British service. .The enemy Jbefnc to -windward had the advantage, oi enKacinc: us at bis ownHlistancei which. was so great that forthe first half hour weaid not use our i ' 1 ' ' . 1 . . - : '. . .. - a. u. . V, ai'ilkm ill. carronacs,. ana si nu uiooicev wa ire w iv complete effect of our caasker and grape to CHEAP JEWELLERY, THli Subscriber, who has! rcsHed-' Jonfcer in ihischy than any one who follows his line.of bu siness, and -whose attention .has been devoted en, tirely to the duties of his profession, not having nor desiring to havje1 any agency but to make and" work, c informs his friends and the public iri ge'teral, that he has lately received f on lhili. delphia, an assortment of JrwelLksy ; w!'it.h," ddea to his former stock, tri kes (tdihough smvll) a neat assortmeht, and will be sold on the most moderate terms. He has jn his employ, Mr. D? costa, who make all kinds of Jewellery, engraves Gd J Letteis, sits Vlimatares, Hatr.work, c. in a superior manner to any in this place. y . n ,. Ihe liberal encouragement he -has uniformly received, renders it unnecessary to say any thing of his abilities, as he does not expect to receive iupport it undeserving ot it. . He expects to. finish a handsome assortment or varranted WGliT DAY CLOCKS, imrnediate- y after the rise of the Assembly, which, will b ;." sold at the old prices. - :v,a.j&. Raleigh, Dec 18 THOS. EMONU. .'Z ka .k...i 'A .i "i r ..T .'.' '''.', are wautea as apprentices to tne aDove ousinehs WANTED, ; A person who s acquaniied with the making, ind burning of Brick, to sui erintend and manage Brick-Yard during' the summer of 1313. Aa;, industrious and sober man, who can produce test i monials of his char cter, will receive good wegtS n ppltiai to th tvibfccriber in Raleigh. -"' ' Dec 13-tf ' ,' W m POLK.7 ;V Just Received, v DtRKCT FROM ct,W.T K AT THE STi.BE Or TUB' StB-CiilBKUS, ( ' f', A LARGE AND GENERAL ASSORTMENT OS DRY GOODS, " AMONGST (WRICH All Suierfine Broad cloths .,' -1 - Fine ' ' do. do. " , ' '" :' -v7 Casstmeres, Coatings and Stockinette Rose and Dutch Blankets, Scarlet Cloaks Negro Co tns and Flannels ' ' ' ' ; i ' Bombazctts, Fancy W.ai'coating , -Jubilee Cord, Cahibric Ginghams ' ; Mult Mull Ginghams- Cjhcces Robe Patterns, Long Shawls, Fancy Si!k5 Loies' Silk and Cotton Hose '1 Furnimre Calicoes : Muslin Cambrics and DmAi'ie, :.' -.' v And a great variety of t ANCY GOODS. ' ' also, ' '''.;:' :' .'" tjwnirii ' r .ti wtr.. ' v-jr.--.'. '..V-' A. A. V MJ i til (111 IV1 II Dl i, .r - -,- i Sugar Molasses, Cofleie, Tea Wine, ftom;t-ft.ndf; London" Brown Stout--all1 of which will btld?p low fnr rah. ". ' JOHN & ROBERT STUART . " Raleigh, Dec. lta "--'W . .. ... ... ..! State Bahk of N. Carolina, r , t '' December l5iA,..'i8t2fv PURCHASERS of Stock in the State BaEke' informed, that a power of Attotny tuthonigtii Transfer of a Share or Shares held In the Sute' iiank mhst be witnessed either by the Cashier pt ho Drincinal Bank oof fjfneof Us ttranehew, ty Notary public, or by two Juices of the Peace: and if by the latter, their signatutra' must b$ cer-v' ified by the Clerk of the Court,, with the Couiiiy Seal annexed This' regulation to commence m A the rlR$x jpat or Januaby mmt, of which: a't who miy be concerned will take notice. - r2,tf w;jUkAYWQQPLCashier. I am'underthe necessity of fot warning all pr V sons from trading,f ith,or crediting any of my, faw mily, on my account as I will pay no debts-tbat v' may be contracted other. than l5y m)'"sel'or''H'r v. ten order irom ;' .-"' " ; "r". TYlU.;. Franklin county, Dec J8, 8r ' V: L iS.' HRafcigh Volunteer Gua YOU will oe on your.parndv ground at eleycn; ' o'clock on the Hi Saturday in! January hext,equ!pt.' r By order of-the captain, f:t: " '-; - .' , Y ;V CLARKE, 1st sergtiiV.-' XTHERE S, a 'certain Doctor AN pE ' V V MOORE, of South-Carolina,- has prese4v ed-acainst the Estate pt Cpiw31aS ceased, an, Account, which PfWf know to be extremely unjust. W e, there fre, W, warn all persons from trading fo? the same, arliC has already been more pan suincienviT pw. -'l ALEX7SUTHERLANU. J -;',: DANii'.L iajca :;; .'. Richmond county, N.C. Noto. : JVjtoi - . , . ' ' ' ' ' ' '- 'v ' '' ,1 t' - i .'sVi'-.i