frMix& collars ran rEAR, . RALEIGH, N. C PUBLISHED (weexlt) BY LUCAS AND A. II. BO YL AN; ; '-;'"'-' ' "-V" - : .- . " : : ' . 0 g2 - 50 fFtf rs :f ADTXXCB. '.rf..: Vol. 17. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1812. No. 873. Intelligence. J-'aANKLitfO ioN (Q ) Nov. 9. 0n yesterday I returned from a trip to Lake Erie at the nV-tith of Huron ; ten or, twelve miles eas; of San lusky tiay, ami 53 troro ?laidn ; ai tne re,jue$t of General Hariioa, I accompainecl hint then. , fhe 0Jiwinpj is the distances of the sev eral statre or noted prices, t l'rom lhis P'ce to Washington is 9 miles ' jhandsonoc. -UitJe-townJiut mpr? no'edfor hand wmer -Yankee; Girls. From -Worthington, -it, .BerkshireY I4it5sr-rm BeikShireto'Frederh-k" town. 23 Guiles , From thence to Miosfi Id, 19 nite. Fsia the.ia r Genscsl, IJpHV-ai, U miies,' From thence to Lake Erie, (JioileVi, fcSe'comtrf gnfirf low 'iti'ti &wrrip r jlw XWfj "from the miri "fi f;ks- Is" beaurifil indeed. . campv futon itfere i abom 70J militia from the Co.'inecticut reserycand upp 'f Oh'ioamf)n!3;st the1. Iwst ducipl'med jnd most or-j. derly mifyiaX :Hr beheld. 600 mete at lieu's camp tha whole' u.ider. Brtaii?!? General per kjis, an officer of much merit and urtceasing:in dustrv.' From this phcv( nil )uth of ff.irpo) totb.e JowerSandusky Rap'Ja. i 43 mi1eV fcm thence, to the Miami rapHs, 40 m-re from Mtfus mouth of Htiron to Cleaveland. is 5') fom thence to Presque JsIk .1 10. from thence to B-iffalo kO ; from thics to Bhck Rock (opposite English fort Eric) 2 miles 21 mnea lojver idoyu.-i..tHr4a.Util.Njaji;a,. and froni there ' to Qvieefwtown 7 ntles, .where ihe' New York militia so aisgracefuily refused to sup port their brave brethern,-on the 1 3h c f Oct. hst. . When at the' mouili of Huron, we-obfervr-d JBritish vessel of seme; kind,' 20 or 25 ni!es iff, in the direction of Maiden. On the 26ih OlC two irien .went otit from I'erkins' camp, to car bat" trjeps ; onevas. kided, the other is sull; missing. Alout the J5lh of Oct. .me of general Perkins' mtn found the PenirwuU of Sindusiiy, two Canadian scaipsone gurt and three hats. They were not killed by ottr men, but supposed to be scalped by their own Indians and the.r scalps suld at Mftlden. Smvth prepared to embark- -They manoeuvred some time ; but much to the mortification of all, but particularly to the volunteers, they were order ed to reT.urn to ineir encampments. ,iney are or dered lo be aaiiv ready to cross jlo.morrow mor. ning. iThis is a summary of all the new at pre sent "on the frontiers. , " Major No.m is in command, attached to Col. MCTure. Much may be exptxted from this c vps. Three huWve.d Peritisylvriiaard 100 Bl imore volunreers, with the rifle corps of New York ar.l ,M!any, compose th-s egim'.nU foreign. (y-Las eveV;? ftVHvI the' sjp P'i'h tan, (pt Herrickj in 4 days from Liverpool.. B", this ar rival we were favored With London papers to the 2lst Oct., and Liverpool to the, 29'.h - Letters of marque and reprisal ha ve bten issued against , A merica by the v Brituh givernment., , Convoys were .about", topsail 'Crdm England for Newfoundlandchnd the West Jodfes. x .The official account of the surrender of general HnU'a arniy had been pubhshed, together with 1 nil's and Cass's sternents, newspaper phiiip- pi'.M. &C. . " , ' ' T American colors taken at l ort Oelroit hare ht-en hunsr up in w In w hall Lhaptl, -near the French eagks and standards. Col. Darrpcl is appointed a brigadier general to serve in Canadi. Capr. Daces' account of the loss of the Gtjer tiere is published in the L".iiton, papers. He says nothing of ' defective masts, anl complimrnt?, Capt. Hull for his treatment to his officers and seamen.- -- - 1'hc Argo,, 44, is ordered to Jamaica ; the Ata Dwina. s Ah expedition from, Riga against Mittau iatowski au Feminskwe. The head-ouariers wer on me vi iransierretl from Mojatsk to Peselina ; on the. J3ih they were at the castle of.Berwska j '' on the 14th, at mid-day, we entered Moscow. The enemy had laistd on the Sparrow Mountain, , two werU from the city, some itdoubts, which he abandoned. M The city of Moscow is as targe as Paris ; it j8,,an e.el7 'rich city, full of Palaces of all the ? of the Empire. The Russian Govern or, Rostapchin wished to ruin the fine city, when he aaw it abandoned by the Russian army, ije had armed 5000 malefactors, w horn he h?d ta. ken ttom the dungeons ; he also summoned to. had sUcctffed. The Frent-li were driven from it Gn. Viscount Cathcarts account of the loss of the Frtncb'in the battle of Moskwa states it at 40,Cf0a; The position taken by the main Rus sian rmy is.G miles in Ure rear "of Moscow where k great battle was soon expected., Lopov, Octol)er it. rSpatchei frtim Lord Wellington are dated Oct 4 U the exj'Rs1oi of two roines. a breach hai lx?en'.ftia'le in the-Walls pf lha castle of Burgos, mj thathlR'ntish .eabjnb tfeerusehj-switbin the extent ..walls. 4 e Brltwh Portugese IOB3 i or i:-3tolraiaiif tb Jrenchej liod;ed W ( only Marmnt. Jba;ret t)h d o "j Kt ajftotctl hi at my numerous rrin force ments were on their march to joi-i it. 1 v " -! Soult, Snuehe't and '.Joseph Bonaparte have united at Tfuxilk, " The Spanish Ocn. Bsllasteros h-d entered, Grfnada. Mina had defeated 2500 1 session of the Kremlin. We have found in the getherO00 satellites, sod distributed arms among them from the arsenal. AJ-Our advanced yaxiH arrived in the centre of me 1.171 vrs rcica a- nre p? musketry, Which , issued, from- the" Kremlin, the King of Naples ofderttj a battery of a few pieces of cannon to be opened, ""dispersed this rubble, and took po- The Pennsylvania brigade awred at VVoos jbarra?sed. lanta w to return to Halifax. AH' expedition aint the coast of France was prepsiing in Ehp.Lr.d. Three f igatcs were ready for sea 2t Bordeaux at the last jlares. x The' British ti-alt'e is represented as much cm- teroft the 2Jinst. The -Virginia brigade got to Delaware on the 5th . I left Gen. Harrison at Delaware, about 25 miles shove this place. I pre Stune that these two brigades' '-will join at wpper Sandusky,'8 soon as the almost ' impassible roads itl jktriiiit fif urovisinn Kiiuv - ltrn nr.. : forward. In a' few days all the cavalry wili r? proper arms." "Another extract, dated " "'';' VimcrknPjI. Nov. 12. 44 The Indiana kill, tl Rve men hi'irt wVuuded ' since I anjved ar this pltce. I need not say any thing about .the failures of Hopkins ; you havej Ths island whir h lately appeared near the A aoreo hju sitnk fticriia, leaving simal The right hi GVrgf Maiming is returned a tnemtpr oi parliameiu f-- Livctpoul. -, Gev tr,.i.coyue is ff tuned with Mr. C n'ii 'g foi- Livr.rpiwl. Mr. Brougham; aiu) Mr. Creevey oi'cnursi lost their eiection . Mr 'Vrvlas hss bcrt Oestol for Edinburgh. M WiUjerfo-ce has' voluntarily declined a re election ii p'ariiam tit, , " ' Ifris ai'cu'ated that ttilnisters will have an ac rea.xion cflirty members jn the new parliament. A)?ti!on for-peaee has been voted at Derhy . I r.t 20:h rrer-ch v.uU'Tttv gives ar account ot sd a discrtRti .n of th tt exocdition ere now, .'.heir entrance into Moscow. It is dated S"tuem There has arothvexp2diti'ii:nr:i d for Tippfcan j her. 1 7, They say ih Husuars set fire to the city oe;thef haa ar'iytJ at !-ort Jl-ri-on. ' Whether ;iri 500 phces i thai 1600 ch'irthes, 1000 palaces, they.arethe exam ftf (re .ine -which jaely fuld, ar.-1 ma'gazm;. $ Wer- destroyed. One time aSofie'.cahlternine ; if they do the stain will nu"d. et ol the inoendiane hl been shot; Thirty sot easily be iped.!off. .ol Rus-Il has destroyed .ihous-rid .stcfe and wounded Russians, it savs, were an Indian town onllie lUiroi-? rivtirThfc ahs were : patching in -jrder to move off, when ' The French entered Moscow Sept'.' 1 5, having JtusstU wit&.oa?' men- attacked, and drove thmi.fought no battle after-that of Moskwl. through a dismal swamp, and thro' ths river killed a number in the rivef,-following them !o the oppo sit shore and took their canoes, and fouud in them a number 'of their-desd. This brave -party, go. 30 scalps, 3 prisoners, 80 horses, and a con' tiderable quantity of plunder .4 of them were wounded." v r fhe Ru"i6ihn offirial account says, before the Frenxh mi e red' MosLjw, ' all the valu.ibles, the stor s in the ai stnais, and almosi a;l other proper-' ty- ptrdic and private,, were previouslyT-emoved, a.ul scarc'tly a single inhabitant remained in" the .ify. 1 he entrance -ot the rrnch into Moscow' French 1000 kilted, wounded and made prisoners. The British Gen.- Hill was marching" to ladrid. Liverpool, October 24. Another French bulletin is said to have arayed in London--contents not interesting, i Bonapnrfe has been still at Moscow, endeavoring to render the ruin comfortable as winter quarters. The Ru sians account is gven of the; progress of the French to that city. The itussiaa.s calculated cn a plan of the ws'fere during the winter, which will impede 1 he French sudies. Veduce the i r n umbers, and exhaust their strength- ' ', )" pahis, October 1. Ancouts from the emperor at Moscow are to the 25th ult. For the previous six days nothing material is mentioned. The Russians set fire to their capital before they departed it. A nephew of the Biron d- Bstetiill, one of the ministers of Louis XVI had obtained a' livelihood at Hamburgh, 'a few months ago, by sweeping the streets. '' St. Petersburg. Swpt. 3. BULLETIN OF TlfE RUSSIAN ARMY - Prince' Kutuzow, general, in chief of all the arntics, communicates the following from Bo rodino, on the 7th September. . Sice my'last despatch, in which I had the IvMior to acquaint your Imperial Majesty of the attack which the enemy made on my position at tjorcntno on tne am ap'. ne aeain oireciea a threat force "against the left flmk, commanded, by genfral BaRratioq., Sedag the impetuosity with which the great strength of the enemy was direc ted against that poini, I judgrd it necessary, in ordr to check him, to make a movement towards the heiflhis which Irul previously been fortified ; he action lasted from 2 in the -afternoon until night. The troops of your majesty this day dis played the bravery which I have Constantly obaer ved since I have served with them. The second division of cuirassiers, beii.g obliged to make, a second attack at dusk, distinguished itself excoe ;;intcy" nd generally all tlie troops fought without ibiinp: n jni;h of grotnd, every where repulsing ncmy tvih a Joss mnch superior to ours ; we farsenet 60,000 itevf muskets, and 123 piecss of cannon,- on their carriages. ' The most complete? v -anarchy reigned in the city some drunken mad men ran through it3 different quarters, "arid every where set fire to them. The Governor Rpstapchiu had caused all the merchants and shopkeepers to be carried off, through whose intrumentality or. der might have beeh re established. -More than 400 French and; Germans were arrested by his orders ; in fine, he had taken the precaution of carrying off.t he firemen with the fire-engines ; so that the must complete anarchy has desolated this ' ; great and fine city, and the flames are devouring it. We have found in it considerable resources of every kind. J The emperor is lodged in; the kremin which is in the centreof the cfty, like a kind of x'ttadel, j sui rounded by t high walls. Thirty thousand woun- ed or sick Russians are io the hospitatsf abandon- vu, wuuuui succour, ana wiTnom nourisnmtnr. " The Russians acknowledge that they lost fiUy;' " thousand men in the battle of the MoswmT Prince Bragat ion was mortally wounded. A fist -has been aiade ol the Russian Generals wounded' or killed in the battle ; it amounts to between 45 and 50." - took 8 pieces of artillery. 3 of which are abandoned, bein- useless. Many officers distinguished them selves, who must be specially recommended to your Majesty ; and of whom I am now occupied in making a list. SECOND RUSSIAN BULLETIN. . Gen, Prince1 Kutuzow, commander in chief of the armies of his majesty the emperor of all the is not an annihilation of the c opire Advantages Rjsia,, comninnicates the following to his impe- Extract of a letter from .in)nicer in the Army at - Buffaloe to his friend in Ncv.Yofk. ' A I Buffalo Mv. 20t 1812. "Dear Sir, v'i ,'" " -" :. J ; -r You-1 will be pleased t to "hear that, thej riiaht oeiore ast, an,, expedition wanLifgari1a;d,'" under ! teinforcemeni7jand it""wfll"S'upplied tne command ot Lot, Winder, of the i4he'gi ; vrnpj(T acts, with: great 'firmness ui?iu, ip storm.irie tncraij baueriis. op:uM.c to Black 1 Rock About ten boats' et o with a pro portion pf the seaman 'on this station 'under com. mand of Lieut. An;(is. Ouy 62 of the. boats succeeded hi landing.. -They -were .-commanded -by ,apt King, late of the Slh Ucgimeh'l, with Captj-Morgan; of the 12:h Jnl-vtry, Capt , i)ox of the. .I3th-aiuiapt. '"prcull w'rh Captain Angus and Samueliwartwout as Volunteers.- About 50 Sailors and 60 Rrgt.lars constituted the actual force empl.ygjjiithjs eaterprize.! -T the is ton -i&hmeht of fricmls and enemies, they achieved the wost valiant Tefs pf rial heroism oyer witnesbed. T he whole ofihe hatteries, from Fort Eric t j Chip pewa,weresijence,rhe cnon spiked,' 3 officers and about 50 privates taken prisoners, and the hrc Canadian-feontietfor 16 miksin extent laid Me and deserted, " .'-' . L m ty accrue from our aband..nioK the capital. We : riaI majesty ttom tne nei,i 01 oatiie ai norooino shall be-enuhied to cut off all reinf 'rceuients;1 tb- 8th of Sept. After the attack, that the enemy m;.rchinrto i iinhim (mm the rear. We hone t;rriadeon the 5th on our lett flank with a very eon. crmnel the .inrmv to iVlnr.ow. ar.rl V.hanjrp ., siderable force, nothing particular occurred on the his plan of operations." . 6ih ; but yesterday at 4 in the , rrrorning, availing The Rusfcian irenrral Kotusow is dailvTreceivinP-' himself of the foL'gy weather, he,again directed The Itussian n s K.'ices igaui5L uui icu iipiuv. x 11c auwn ul A new lew of came general- and continued until night ; the loss 400 000 men ih ordpred ' ot toth. parties is tireat , Dut tnat ci ice cperoy The' Moldavian arnty was Advancing. Patriotic fudging from the repeated aud vigorous attacks donations -continued. It is said several" French officers had been assas sinated at Moscow, being mistaken for Bon3parte. Bonaparte, hurt made pYoposal of peace to the emperor of Russia. ' ' .' It is said the Emperor, rejected Bonaparte's overture, end had determined to refuse every over ture wliile ihe euemy is in the country. -tHnce the entrance. of the Frenchinto Moscow, that he made, and from our pontlons being tortt fi' d, must have . been infinitely superior. Yotir impeiial majesty's troops fought with incredible valor ; the batteries passed alternately fitZha our possession to that of the enemy, and fcom hia to yors. At the' close of the action, the enemy, though sbpei ior in force, had hot gained one inch of grround I remained the whole night upon the liel 1 of battle and as soon as I ishall be reinforced ' li . . '? the empt-ior of Rubsi. has issued a Very"txcelleTiTfy-w-cM by tne reserve or Moscow, declaration.- Ir says " the enemt is possessed oi ja'"! the artillery repaired, aided ty tne neip 01 me bare walls,-containine.neither inhabitants nor prb'-'i 'Almighty1, and by the incredible bravery ol the visions Thehaughiy conqueror imagined on his enteringMoscow he might prescribe a peace, TWENTIETH: BULLETIN" OF THE GRAND ARMY, ' Moscow, SEPT. 17. ,:V " The Russians have celebrated Te'Deum for'. the battle of Polotxk. Te Devma have' been still g , for thebattfes of Riga, for the battle of Ostrowno, and for that of Smolensk. According to the .Kus-s sian accounts they were every whern conquerors, ' and they drove the French to a great distance from the field of battle. It was then amidst the sirens of -he , Russian Te Detims that the army arrived at Moscow. There hey thought themselves conquerors ; ar least the populace thought so for well inlormed persons knew what was passing.: Moscow is the intrtfiot of Asia and of Europe Its warehouse were immense t every house was provided for eight months with necessaries of every description. It was only the evening bo fore, and the day of our entrance, that the danger brcanrt known. We. found: in the house ol the ' miserable Rostopchin some papers, and abetter half written ; he fled witl.oikt fihishing it. : M Moscow one of Jthe finest and" richest r r1tieif j in the world, is no more.' ?-6n the Hth tbtf Rus 1 . ;; sians set fire lothe Exchange to the Bazar, and S the Hosptiaj.-On the; 16th a voilent wnd arose. r'l$ A III VV 1 4 iJUI IIUIIU1 WU JL V 3IMlli3 9VV 111 W JSI IJ in 5Cvdifftrent places Wit the .same moment, by ? prdef; of the Governor Rostopchtn. Five-sixths of the houses were built of wood ; the "'fire spread , , with a prodigious rapidity ; it was an ocean of ''P flame. Churches, of which there were 1600 1- - above; -10OO palaces, immense '.'.magazines nearly ; all have fallen a prey to the flames. The Kie. "( me.tin hasvbeen preserved,. . ,';J 5 -y--"- The army is recovering from'its fatfgoesjt(".; has abundance of bread, ptatoes, cabbages and ''-t other vegetablesVmeat, salted provisions, wihs i brand, sugar, cpffee, and in shortf provisions' ot all sorts. . '"' ' ,: , " ' . ., ; '-rw The advanced guard is twenty wersts on the It rpad to Kassan, by which the enemy is retreating. ''. Another . French advanced-guard is on the road ; ,' to St, Petersburgb, where the enemy has not a ' 1 1 'll ' '.'.,' ' - ' "' ,s t "Vt' I ' htlJl. JV1UIV L 9 4, j 41 The 'mperature is still that of autumn. - The soldiers havefound, and continue to find, a number of pelisses and furs for the winter. Moscow was' the depot bf t hose article s.'; :.t. ,;,r.rl. but he is deceived. He" entered Russia witii 3u0, 00Q troops. By war, sickness, desertion, want, -- in ibis Valorous, act, the brave CaptiWa't8, of i &c. he has lost one half. " We have an army still A nornr .'itsr A ........ :.t .i. lj '. i , . V ( -y-. uv;iti ,;i imc. "dry, rtrpuei wanwout his ,te f Ulti'teiyCapis, King, Morgan,-SproUll Ywlth Lieut. Col Boersler, of theyn hj at their heaxU-meiii : the vencratiori tlw ir nl coun try Tnr Id.:. 'Li. .1 l " n ' "".'i.iuirc jj:my auu oravery. aeven omcers Jut of eleven of the' navy were wounded... Lieut) fccisson is badly woumfed, but not dangerous,' My. graham, (son of our friend Col.iGrabam"ilvas his ICg broke, hlltia in k',U o r.... r twout, Sprpull, Morgan and. Col. BoersIenTrre .e vapf.t)oxrTs slightly wounded ; and Capt. ifg, in his zeal to send over prisenera, remain on Jhe other side, and was made prisoner together h sbout ten men. - 7 . - 6 : . f After this affairs the whole force under Gcu. before him, and three endeavoring to cut off his retreai. ' ' . ' v v ' 'i .- - " Thfe treaty between Russia' and Turkey is published. - T - Some alarm existed at St. Petersburg, and ap . plication was matie to ship ome of the; trading property. .The; emperor said he saw no ground for fear j but gave the permiss't, and some arti. cles had been embarked. Hemp had fallen in priose. Measures were taken with"; a view to the protection of St Petersburg,' "";.' . Ail&ejastjrJ atesruietdlussians-werectuig-zsu n. t tk ,11 euu ii kul T ran unrtrlalcf iicminsf the enemy. Princtr Bagration was wounded in the foot by" af bali.Lieut. Gns. Turechkow, Prince GeOrtschakow, and Maj Gens. Bachnstiew, and-Counts Voronzow, and Kitow, were also wounded. XWef made some ''prisoners, among them a general of brigade. It is. yet night and I cannot obtain further particulars. , 1 His imperial majesty in acknowledgment of the services of the; general in chief K'utuzow, has gmhted him the post of marshal general, with 100,000 rubles'; and 5 rubles to each soldier who was in the action of this tver memorable day. gofousff against the French near Moscow, and. driving them' in or cutting them off-staking coo, voys or ordnance on the road from Smolensk, One Russian j-eneral wast operating with success near Rusa and Mojaisk ; and nnothern the 'TWClNTY.FI rst bulletin of the .' , GRAND ARMY. 20; NINETEENTH BULLETIN" OF THE GRAND ARMY. Moscow, Sept. 46 . r - .. . MOSCOW, SEPT.1 Three hundred incendiaries have been arrested; T and shot ; they were provided with ' fuses, six tr ; ches longV which they had between two pieces of v.. wood ; they had also squibs, which they threw, upon the roofs of the honses. The wretch - Ros.1 .. topehin had thei prcjiared on the pretence that ' 7 he wished to send a'KfByn Jull of combustibldf y ' matter amidst, f he French ftrcf.He thus got to; gether the squibS arotherTftX'fcrisJs, necessary; for the execution of his project, h t ; " The fli es subsided on the 19th end 2Qth ; three 1 quarters of the city are burned ;' among other pal- ? aces that beautiful ne of 'Caiharine,, which -had V After the .baUlToTMolk pursued the enemy upon Moscow, by Jthe tqree routes, MojisIt, bvenigorod 'and Kalouga. .V. "The King of Naples was on the 9th at Kou- bmskoe, the "been newlv furnished I hot above a quarter of the ' jivuv -- a . '..'Vs ....... ,, Winteotrhtnasalury the fire engines of the city, be lef' f be hind: -hm ei' OOQ ; x muskets, lau pieces oi cannon, more uu Viceroy at Rouza, and Prince Pon- balls and sftells, 1,500,000 partridges, ; 400JOOlb,; - :;??":"' . vV 'v ' -5 '""'-' .-'' ' "' ' V-.' ''; -'-- :"r'-.v : , ' m . - -- - r ,-':..- ' --: :: r . -;-7 ;" r ---.-

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