1 ' - " :' -.; Ik vvcfl 1 -W.wof the Mtl!?L,,.lle, tTKen ,tC aViod" an instance-ofTti'oeuig douejRthe; I Teas The engrossed b;ll directing : tW Secretary f urftp remit fines, forfei;ures8cc.t; Cer: eoted and that was' by the tyrant Hen-.tairi ewes, was' taken up, and uo. the question, '"V nami is trananito' paste$y with ViH'all the bill. pass ''- :. '-i-U- ; ; " Jl Vinf ny for nis 'exactions and his cruel-It' was determined In .the- affirmative, 2S to 5, rl'Linthe'm exemplified particularly ia ( 1 -: ,' :v V - ' . - ' Vinson and Dudley; ad ' enormous v v SMYTHES . FAME r riuc!oiea!rjyr ij'ppoarcd, that historiansj :v :;7 " '$ttrutbf;a'teunJrbmtomai'Pec. 5.' , tl'? Pnit with indijnaUpn and ukonlshment too,; ' I have just jirhe loiriform you, that general uiw , .. ..- ort nf a Vnrnsd tvraut. '" He 'thefe &mVth ha ha A hi t rnmia aevera! times under arms PS", ..i.knhnusc to decide upon the case and his boats. in order to cross from i Black ''Rock Ives a'lu Keep uriiuim m. uvi v"-."v". into vanaua. vju. muuuay mat, uc uau incut, a ill 4 . a voAnilort that the liiw when ;e : c:. u.... i..m kair i mn h arOSC UpOIl u , nwi'vw " 717 " . 1 gain ill 1119 uviii aim ui uvi wu iiitiu vybn v"- ft..ju tMiialtT." cooieiDlated"a' wilful. YioM-'fa.. trnoni Were much incensed, tie' called a hum- Cm..v , -j .. ... -t -.;. , - 1. . . .. ..irom we cuhmouuv ber oi his othecrs. ana made a statement wnicn e ,n ct inue.. 0 i .1 1.. ,.,n.i.hti() 'nnf ahI hv.' f 1.1 . .u -' r r ' 11.. ..kin uu.inj uicanv awuiubui - imsnr.n mem : amomr incin was iru. 1 . 11 rur internal evidence of the facts themselves, but' fcu Gef) por,er sard that Gen. jmy ln had ptca, heevidenceof-Mr. Russell. Su.k1 potiCy there-' ged w$ honor to go over 01 Tuesday morning, lma the house sendine them to the aecretary in . th.t all th:nart Were readv.On Tuesday the I yji liu " - (3 Zt" and imDenously dictated a generoua trnnn9;re, Br.Pnrdfrlv ordered dnwn tn the river 0f grace. Having discussed every part ot; the aud ,nt0 the boats ; but were soon ordered back a u.t. with uncommon energy, and tn. traifol -wm ... Secret murmurs then broke out into, loud i .loauence, Mr. Cheves 'concluded witn tne romni;n.s threats and denunciations. Gen. P. B. Lwiag solemn app eal to the house s . . Porter said publicly, that Smyth was a scoundrel One word more in .tcmuuu - m-, an(J a tra;tot. ne W(l8 at the Rock, and appointed 1 . - am. 'rknllttr b rlsl in .1Y1V I T 11 M lllll. L1IC UC0L1 'f r. n . i . fcest, tne raw v' l : n 7 h meet some 01 nis omcers at ix o'uock, at uan- ie WttS the most luuwioua.yi t wb. r t0 explain. ' chs ; he whose glories as a sovereign are writ- y , Qn hm wa the wh;,e rjd.n aionK-eeicH-, fo the bt t.,wsof hta cbuntnr iind Jo?e mon- 0. 5 fired 0t. he balU'ised ... ,.r.M mi h fi'Mn nl (.res. 1. . ' .... heuW wam.Ji w v-.u . .. M-.r -,r. ---- thrt)UKh the clothes ot his aid who was bv hi sid,e- pbicuers, ot material, wnicnuciy The interview. atXando s w as not satisfactory to ttlMBJ VlrtttKa'f .hi' officers,' Cen;8Jnyth had .spoken, to Laodon Ufei heard threats ffom Sodien niatural agents, ami htftned and li'arned WoF the dreams of tbe-lcl . n. . U ..'..al IMMttne Qlmia: Mil m Sit'"".,,! j . . ... 1 1 ntnl lufr h. .'hrtusi.. wxnl tr hi f-nmn. flollhlf carried War witlrallits costliness ana 1 t-"""':' " ; V" T . guaras wprc set, anu every prccauaun icu w prevent , 8urpr;ze. The threats were made by some of the dw'tlintoiunteef's..' ite in the even ing, enquiries were repeatedly made. for him by , some'.- suspicions 'persons',, at,- his fonntr lodgins. Notliitiff. fun her OccutVed nh; t night. It, is 119W said by every one from "fee ad 'itjua iters,, that he i 7 To estaWrsh an scademy in the town of Snow 1 54 Granting: one other separc tc election jn tbe Hill in the countyji G eetie. -." " .... .... .. ; . county of Uuncoiube, onJ aha a.. g int. pHce 8 To render navigaLfe Long creek in New Ma- of h )ldiog,oinrsepaia e tleclion in fcfio ctmn y. nover county, to the head of a lake "t the. jmouih , 55 I'o .'facilitate the naVigaian ' ci- 'Old '"l'uwn of Cypress creek,, about eight mUc above the 'creek in the county of Brunswick. "-7;,' place where it is liow niyiganle. J . 56 To amend an Jaci", jMsed in t b ..year lg if, '- 9- To establish one ' other separate election in entitled 1 an act to renchr navig-Ji.c V-llly y..j, p, the county of 4inc.)lnV..-. c , ', . . . ;" --in the rounty of Bludui ' v V; . 'i 10-To divide the reg'upent, of militia of the . 57. To incot poiatt; C ireord Lxlge, I'o. 58, in county, of Wake into two regiments. " J"the -ton of Tarb -rnuh.: 1 1 1 'To establish a. separate election in t.he.cbun- 58 To rep al an .-.u pass-d at the last .ots-!'.n ty of. Brunswick, and to provide for the payment of the genera'; -ssi mbly, rntitled an nc o-.'j--i"'-of eis ns atlendiog the counts of. said covin?y. r's-; the co-n i-;s 'thertrin mntio'-.ei to 'ik'- t - 12 To establish another separate election in Comptroller at:d o'htro(Br.?-is'respcc.-i.g .'j i . . the county of VViikcs. ' ' ct-s of said counties so tar 'as relates to the.i2o,;'. 13 l o revive and continue in force an actf pass- ty "f L'.nr.oln. ' . k' ed in 1809, respecting the public buildings of Pas- 59 To uthoi ise the ou-.Tty court of Pasq jGMnlt quotank county . . ' ' t G to traimt r. je such J urts of ?he regisier'a bt?Kof ' ' .14 To repeal an act passed in the year 1801, said county anuwa p a: .jiectssdiy. entitled ' an act to establish a separate election at 60 To ta.jl. sh one other st parne ulecti n' inr in trie streets, that to v , would. . comnut violence lymists, the PMloso. n:w.,- bace fefgn cirant'ries ; he gained, -victories' wests abroad, while national improve- : wbrk3 and "gener'Al prosperity, kept; tfi'hi'fi-ireicm hrr.ese. s ' . ' i !. I Thoueh'With unsparing liand he'Wa continually Ltribudng tb the public goixl, his trcaiurywas f:n .n frill a Whil hi 5ii iiff.ts were filled With in , J . . . . -.-.'' 'i- ..k ,1,.- i.. fctoMshmeht" at the hidden power uy ;wnicn ncir c nccaicu wmv rcr' .. . v- ... 1 -.- i..s . vr ' .'..Kri 'l k rnlnmri hive neen drawn in? seemen 10 create money out ui.iiuiiuiiei tuai, umuw v .kwivv.., I, J a,wt amiaKbi Wivereiirh; -felicitated himself with ; jur bv his nroctiiiidd r?. are dismissed, and are as private reflictibn, that he had indee found out ' cohiinhally passing ht re. mach enraged at the ie great 8 desirable secret, the tru'o, philosopher's noble Smythe who w.sto lead thefh 'io victory or one, the only assured way to make his country de-dh VVi.h hern, he is now considered as a ourishand what was thUtsecret-?--'H'& ckx.kiss traitor ajdd a coward. ' it) CokMKRCB. the house of Joseph Keimbal, in .the county of the conntv of. Hyde dnd for other purposes. Warren,' and to establish a separate election at -61 Concerni.ig the webnd regiment of Cum Grove dill. .. . . , beiland cuniy. 15 To alter the place of holding, a separate 62 To repeal an act, passed at the last generhl: efection in Iredell. . 1. assembly, prescribing the m de of - appjintii g 16 F6r opening and extending the navigation of co iS'.atdes in the Coumy of Wilkes, and to 'restrict Neuse 'river. f I . Ltho county court in the hp ,x)intment of cofistabl.fr. 17 Requiring notice of their appointment ta be in ftrure. given to overseers of roads and creeks..' I 63 To authorise the court of pleas and quarter 18 To authonse 'the administrators of John G. 'tesi ns f, f the cou-ity of Wake to lay ao adfli- Ticuu, late ; snerm or urunswicK. county anu tne 11. ,1 x x tor aetraying expences ot the poor, ana: eKecuiors ot William Nutt, late sheriff of "New-1 for o her purposes. Hanover county, to collect the arrturs ot taxes 64 I o authorise Aaron Mbertson, of Pasnno.. Jius in. iai cpunties-for the years 1809 and 1810. tank county, to cut a canal and m.kc a -oaf', 19 '.GrafKirjTgfie other teiMirteotlection in the 65 To authorise the -county .court of Camden (o co'unty of-Rutherford, and for p' her purposes. !lav-an aidmonal tai-'ta dfeajr. the xpences oC 20 To authorise the courliof pleas and qjarter! patroller in sai 1 t:ouny; " seraqns-ol UupUn to lay an additional tax tor the' 66 To authorise thecounty court of Bunrombe . -e .l 'J- I . r . ' " t . . - if . . . . upptri 01 mspoor aihi lor omer purposes. ; to lay 9 tax tor tne purpose ot repairing their pre- of St. and for other purpose's: ; , - . . Randolph, .from 'his wfc- usarnah. 22 To amend an act of the General Assembly 68 To authorise certain commissioners thertfiv pafscd in the year I807, entitled 11 an act nuking named to raise, iy way I lottery, a sura of mom. y compensauon 10 tne jurors w no may Uerealterat- tor purposes therein named. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 18.12. Departed tnis life, . Ii-irs lay monujig the lth uisfaiit, Mrs Mary Be'&shany wile of Richard , Bcnnehan, esquire; '.f . Jrauge "county. J)etply and ! Sincerely Is the death of tin, lady 'lamented by her numeroas friends and acq iaintar.C"!S. Long will The ' General Assembly, after passing about reo her many virtues be renuinneied 'by them with a a kind n'iciid. a. pats, and we have' given aJit this week ; oiii are o'iiigeu to . pious cnristian. iyr several ytars me vrcum is.iue Ottr paper Detore 11 was josiiaiei.u o 1 vhiii iuc sicKness una in.-, 3:1c uis vji -'pnui'imi whole Those omitted shall appear in due hcxU s Providence with meekiless and resignation : prd pared to.die. she awairen witn canun.ss tne com f ' The General Assemoiy, auer passing uuoui 11 ncr many thiuci dc ui.uihi,u U) laws of a public, and private nature is expected to melancholy pleasure . She va a kin 5it3j urn this day. Of.the titles, of moat of the acts; ii.dolgent . paYent, chari able 0 Uie nvehave eiven a Jist this week ; btit are obliged to piuiis .'cl.risiian. For several ytars tt The. House of Representatives have refused to , ing of the King of ,i errors, and her tre:nbitr pwt)bbe Jndefinitcly the btti froth the-Scaatey in j spirit, winging its flight 1 hrough the regions oi ;fAV V of tWjiin we ' 'coiifidently hope, found a sal' 'M "-Mi ' v'btes-1 . and . -the-hill' has . beta - 'referred to refuge iii the bosom of her Father arid her Go l l Directing the manner of electing the vestry Sent jail, or for budding a new one. t. Jinea a Church m the town of Wilmington, 67 - To divorce WitHs Philips, ,f the county of tend thevcoutuy" ahd Superior courts in the county ol Kontson. V . 2 J To authorise John Peebles and James C. llmisoii, former deputy sheriffs of John Pipkin, deceased, late theriff of ,Njrthampton county, to 69 Doclaring'm what manner allowances h M be made by the county courts of Wilke und Lin coln, ar d for Cthpr purposes 70;To aihcml an act, passed in she year Im;9 entitled an act to establish a turnpike on a nv. dl collect the arrears of taxes d tie fjr the years 18 10 leadirnr from Buncombe court house over the Sa." and i8"i 1. . ' . ; , lu! Gip to the S-iitl.C-roIinaline. , 24 . To empowetthe county courts of Randolph, 71 I'o ascertain and fix the pay of Jurors in Wayne and Montgomery, toly ah ad. litioual t ix the couhty of Oi dMge. to defray the expenct.3 of the poor if said counties. ! 72 ()ec-l.ring eertain water skirts, fronting the t 25, For the relief of Allen Robinett aiid Micliael tovn of Smtthviilc, pcroiantnt pioperty. Vl'DoweUi j 73 Toe&tabl'bh an academy in the county ot 26 To authorise Jacob Lwsiter, late sheriff of Cab wrus. - he county bf Greene, to codect the arreais of 74 l or the better regulation of the town of Mur taxtfs due him in said coumyi 27 Tir regulate the town of Nixonton, in Pas Liotank county, an l for other put poses therein n -n-.ioned j and to ame.id an act passed in the ear 1801. V ' the committee of Vav alid Mtaas- '.H-iU;frlw''thiehiAe mfKfisiin a. in- ; creiseof the Navy, Wndw undetdist'uSiion in the House. ; No qupsuoh has yet been t4tea stflccting its ori4 s , ; ' , ... .-".'" ; .;: -Jf, Frobi the oton Gazctt?,, T'; V- . Extract ;cf a letter from vVindsoi , VermonVdated vi-jN! - f .,5th' bscein ben ..:'' .' " - CaptioijV of ; the Acts, 40Metf y (lie (-ertU' jincwblj a A'. CWc'nir, '" ; iUi I8U. , freesborougii, in thecounty ot llentuid, and to eft? ' larte the same. c i 75 To incorporate the Newberu female clarlJ!' ta!)le society .76 t'o-ernancipate Isabella and Janetwo neera it to incorporate tne American ueoige L.oage, slaves belonuig to tne estic ol James Alien, S'.17, Murfreesboroagh, in Hertford county. deceased. 29 Co estatjlish a place of separate election in 77 To emp- werthe commissioners f the uMunty, of Uoike. . of Reaulort, in the 'county oi Carteret, to lav iff 30 fp rejpeal an act, passed in the year 1806, ths commons of aaid town into lots and streets '- "' 7" vhic'h makci provision I'jr tne-paynvnt ot jurors 78 To establish and lay off a town on the. lands -'.tending he coumy and superior courts iuawl for of Jesse N.xon, in the county ot itand lph.7 j ne Cdunty ol Ca-i'teiet. .. . 79 lop event any person- from obstructing the Jl'to incorporate Anarewa tyj )ge, !to. il, passage ot hsh un Anauuse and biwmlll cre-KV in .,' I PUBUC ACrS. J, ' 1 To suspend executions for a lime tlicrein li. mited. . , ; . . hh Stire is changing as fast as Massachusetts M.rectmg tne m inner 01 appointing Electors a,'.-.fi. i'.ii . rL.i:, 'to vote or a. PresiUun't and V ice.Presidcnt of lit U. States. , 3 Directing the place at which the electors',' ap pinted on the 2 1 st day. of November fast to vote fr President. .ah-i' Vice President of the U. States, shall m-et and po-es. 4 r- giye tneir voles, and for other pur- rtneal so niur.h of. the 6th section of an dll -Shei Ibllbwiiijr your example, The'mil itia who have been dratted ere dismissed, and ev ery private and aluust all the officer are cnaoe l to Federalists'; and doing' wonders." Nekt 'Alon dayiso'ir election for members to congress and' the result will eVihce thd. truth of wnat f no ttil ydu.j,.You may depwid upon 4 for thf. rihivr f !oiiire'i iSifl he all l-priefal." " . :' " . - . . . . x 4;."-V far: - ; s a. 'i r i K ' . n.v I 7 U v2 it L.rl l-un':iN fii' verm-m CQmng.rouwt-.:--A letteclrom Windsor, 'S,"VJ '' " v.' -vv:i..k.o. daed the 8th inst. uft We have the mok pie fjc,bf a mg the na .'iga-uwi a ad regulating the pilot; smg a Frances; that,th Federal i ickeV lor mem '.aSe f tne sev ;a' pdns .ot this s.ate, as permit birs of congress will ptevail in this Sute. '--In 10 -hefiro slaves to act as pilots, and tor other pur towns heard from the net - Federal gain is 341." l),)ses- . i : ..- '' , , :.- r. ' .''-..' j 5 for filling the vacancy i:i the representation The Bullying -Xfumfiaign closed. - ,f,,n ibis st oc, in the congicsn of tho U. States, A letter from" an ihtelliireiit .KenUe.nan ,at Al-"!ocCl''iun 'Jv the tleath of g'en Tnomas Blount. banv. states' on autheiUic and unuutsiionable au" 6 i'or oeticr regul ag apprentices. thority, that atter the volunteer enterpiize into Canada the whole army embarked in 60. or 80 . boats .; that belorfe ;they had reached the opposite Shore, they vjere . ordered ' batk to their encamp -ient ; that on' the' following: Mouday, they aam embarked in obedience to general orders, 'and be- .fore they reached theehemy's shore were again ordered to return ; and that on Tuesday, the Mill- 'aMh(Jt:imiiy ot Franklin. 32 iipooifttmg co.Ti.uissioners ior;tne puose Camden cUunty. 60 To divide the regiment of mditia uf the of, completing th.i navig Uioji of Neuse rutr, and comi'ieOf Ranunlpn and Orange into two. separate ioriothev puoses. - , " ' , 33 To prevent any person or persons from ..vurkiag seinss, skiuuning with ncta. or setting ucj.s in ureat vonientnia creen - on ounuays or fciiciJistinct itgiuients. - 81 T estabhsn otic other separate tlec.ina .a thecounty of .lyue, anu for other put ppses.'. ' ' 82 G anung one omer separate election to the . Uiiday nighty in every week, from the li.n July inoabKaifiS'cf Uuplm county. . 'tothe 25th of March in.each and cVety year. ' 3t To incorporate King Soluman LoJgcj No. 55, "in Smitbville, Northampton coumy. 35 To establish a seminary of learning in, Ro beson county, by the name of Philadelpliui aci ciemy. ' "' -. " . 36 Directing the manner of appointing over. seers oi roads ot -Richmond county. 7 Todivi.le the s ate into disirictl for electing representatives to congress. ' 8 For the enaoura gement of Steam Boats in the waters of this., state.-.: ,. ........ 9 ro' revive and continue in force an act, pass.' ed in the year 18 10, directing the, manner and tirhejn which surveys of land are to be made and retain A into the secretary's office ' '4, tiawere ndiifiid that their iservices were nolorer '"xla TV authorise. i.Stices of tpe peace, out 6f ;. required andi the Regular Troopa directed toWc. !cour(t t0 take; security in certain causes. L tiart: far Winter Quarters ! . 1 1 lo extend,the right of chalienje m certain aseti. 12 AHwi'ng further time for registering grants, proving apJ regis ering deeds, mesne conveyances, povyers ol attorney, bills of 9ale and deeds of'gift , JV. 'York Coin. Hdverliner. : hffr EdiiorThe geutlemen who comtnunicat- edto vou the extract of a le tter from Washin on. ' saicUo be lead by Mr. Jolihson inthe House of i 13 For the dtstributfoji and preservation of.the UHepreseniatives on the . 3d insu have Rieat plea- arm reived by the state under the act of .con- tJrejpreq.uvstiog jrouuo sUieTthaTIll thtrottfcarsi ga-iLar." 'c tne muma. oi tne u. oiaies. , tof fheTsTttrirs at thebrris pciwuai caiaicB.. """T- ' -v wrote such a letter particularly : i to Mr-- Johnson, in wiionriney ar-unacutuuttd Vor. nden ; .IN, SENATE OF THE U. STATES, ".'r):S"'ftatiia'j'.nied,';as'.irt convnittee of the ; mh iH bill 'directing the Secretary of the J rea- LOCAL AND PRIVATE ACTS. ', 1 To divorce Michael Shoffner, iun. of the j county of Oninge, from his wife Sarah. ' : . 2 i Vo dividethe third division of the militia of l- this state, and In rnrKiiitiOt nni r.ihf.i' hii'irle,nirri , ......j. ....r -u penalties, .j ot the htth and sixteenth brigades of the thud v which uciwft nuuuqea, was repor-.j division. -"' ; ' - , f- : ktd to.'vhe Ssnate, find ordered to be engross .d 3 To authorise the cititens residing near Cy- or.a tbir4readi,ng,.27,td-,3.V'Those-ho: in-Duplin cnurVty, "to, clear. - l2eSv,wtie Jyiessrs. Crawford, Franklin" and lnake navigable the saidcreeVfr6m' thi out and the North H: The Seriate resumed, as In committee of th J WhbleL' the tousideralhjrt of the bill to ehcVeaWth y Jia vy of t he. U. Spates, and a motion made by M r ; . !, ,uuroay, to BtriJte.our me provisions for.building,7 gijn ships, 4 was oegatived. 23 tiT7. fThe bill warrderedia te:engc05serf for a third readihg, 28 to.afTVse' who: voted inihe nega tive were Messrs. Crawford and Turntr. '-U 4 For imDrovitiB: the navigation of Rbarioke ri. yer.from the town of Halifax to where the Virgi nia liri intersects the" sarae.r ' 5- To alter the Hme of : holding: the county cdirU of the county of Columbus, i o ' ; V, i : ;6-To"au'borise the cdmmissioners oflhft town of Salisbury tp ' i atse ' a. 8um7of money bygone or more lotteries for the purposes therein mentioned. 83 To aitet the place of holding one of the,se- pa.ate elec ions in Mecklenburg.coutHy . r, .-; :' ;"; 84 To incorporate Orange. Lodge, No. 47 in .-"" j the county L Li cohi .-, :- -'Vi''4''vv' 4:-..r-',V 84 fo: authut lie arid einpower ;thtrTru;iec7 of 'C Hertford ' Academy to raise by lottery i StOUO. , ' 85 i'o empower -the c jinmfssionet 8 oi. the to a a ' - of ureeiiSD.i dut&r bl Guilfoi dr Id y'f 37 -fo establish one otoer separate election ia lay a taxiorViie uaruiseiherein Wirt'wned,-:- the county oPNew Hanovet .'-.' 86 ; t' .divpixerainu'e fiirj ayub'ftttei 3a To divide the mduia of Granville county county of Buncombe, tromv his: wife-EiiiaWth. iiito cwu regiments ot bur battalions. , ' .A"1 For the bettelf reuuiatiohr' oi the .ibihTbX 39 To aiueiid an act j passed last session of the Newbcrn. i ; v,:? v" - ' General Assembly entitle i1 4 au act Xp divide the 88 To authorise i'a'n twgtiaentalfon of payljo the '. am.ltiaol Uuihoi-j cou ity into two reguncnts. jurors ot tne supsnaivaui . cbutity courts bi tn the tou.uy of Beaufort. . 89 lo betfure to' Certain bersons therein men- f 41 To repeal an act passed at Raleigh, 1795, tiboed such property is they may'hercafui ;ac:;..: emiild, ah act inakiog coi'npensatiOn,ioihe owners ' quireV. ... ':. --. .'--';.-.-. ,- '-.,' v "'v cf outlawed or executed tlavest foi 4hecnues uto year 804, -'"'- aiadciv, Hallux, Utanyiue, vumutnana, rtiquy-.entiiled- " ao act to alter, the time oflholding .c ;: mans, BeaulWt and Pitt, so farfa'sjhe same retei ahnual'tlect'toaa of the county , of litrtfojd.' ud .t J to the county ot (jraimlteV - . " . ,tu establish two separate electtons in the 6'imc. ; '4 42 To appoint commissioners for the regula- 91 l b eatabUstl the namesof Dauki and Sarah tion of the town of ragansville, in Moore county- jCobb, of the county of" Rahuolph. "' 43 To emancipae'a negro girl uanieu Violet. - .,92 Empowering ;'the county court Of Rulherf rrd" 44 To authoiieihe county court of Chowan to j t0 reduce the width, of roads, arid -directing uovt''-' drawan additional, number of jurors 10 aUend the hands shall bompvlled to worn under bveneers - f superior coutrbf said county. "-" . - -in said county, ' As ".'"' ''. ''"'4-: 45 To alter the time of holding the superior! 93 Regulating ; the battalion musters cf -the-wp-lt courts of law; and couits of equity tor the county ipcr bauaium ' of Ci avtn county nd esUoliSiVmg 01 jonew , anoiher acuarate c cctioD in iraid countv. ft v . ... t . -- ..,1...:.. f . nn ' .. 46 To establish a separate battalion myster in the county ot Hyde. 94 To authorise Mis'. Ann' White, viidow atid-; v 'executrix of of the last will and tesiaracut of vV m ZZ47Grantmg-rtoahe-inbabita White, Tate secretary' of state of th s state, 16 caue' ' County one other separateieciio -i&zTo amend an act, passed tn the yeart8 10! jrirauthoii-e' the jUsucesLCjf the county (f entided an act to establish an academy in Waynes borough, and for other purposes. , , ' 49 Making compensation to. the jurors who shall hereafter attend the superior and county courts of Burke county. r. s- ' ' . 60 To amend an act passed at the last session of assembly, ..entided- an act to amend ail act IRuihei foid, to lay a county tax for the purpose iif building a gaol theseni, ai)t. t.jr. other purpose. V " i ' i)6 To authorise, the several peraoos tbefin nam'f to. coileCl the arrearage j bl taxes due'thVm-' in their respective couiitlis. : . 1 ' ': :' I , V7 .To incorporate a compmy '.to b iii;! a bridge . I -aero tar river, near ihs town m-Waihi-nuton. 111 , passea in ,tlie year 1780, 10c esuoi.sniug a town Beauibnc-moty, wid to make a tvaa adj vceut tbert. -in Wayne count yby theiiameot VVayfitsoorOLgn.'' jlo : ' -7,; 51 lo amend 'an act; uassed in thevtar 1804, no ...n,r k- liw. riSU jatj.J A- ., . .a L 1U aiuvuu v isaia " ' entitled an act to alter tlie place.oi huiaing tut separate elections on the south side of Neuse . ri ver in the county of Wayne.': 'f' .' '.V. .'. -. 52.-To divorce Eliaa. l'ul wood, of Onslow coun- 99 To au.horise jbhiiLongmiie, lat? siieiiT 'f Buncoiiibe couoiy, to coiL tt arrearages, of- i due him for thejears 1807, I808I8o9and 1;JQ" - . ' ' .i . .r f ,1 tv. from hT'h,.hanrt Andrtw-Ful Wo l. . - -100 to Uivorce uavuna ia5sey, -i a,uu. - -537TO authorise Jesse StalUhes Wstop the'ditch countyrfrbher husbaAudkiira ilassiy. "v Qntliesideofilarmhon where -the line ofJPerquTowris and Psqautatik farid ntesife c oiiveyarices tabe read as tviuentiso cpu.ities crosses the Sauie. . v ' - s i fr as regards tfc county of iHtUn. ; r

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