, ,, .,.,...,,,., - ... ,..---f;J -i--tff'- ?,-' ;", :.'-f'-, -...:, I;' ' . a ; ' :,iV -' '..' 1 11 IE POPE . - T!.e p..pe has been confined. bjr the Emperor's rdti', hecause he would not accede to certain propositions.... .A. cardinal was recently sent to re The Subscribers, n'utrat'ix on the estate of, the late RICHARD TROTTEH, request all thobe having any claimsj against saia estate to present ihe.m, propery au ' . .o i , c . j against saia estate to present mem, proper y au new the p.opositums and. require a definite an. . t , . . . .u:' ...iiL... .swet. His- holiness in a ptfemptory tone refused o ' ... . . . . .' . , . tft r,.u,ia ... o k; . i .i . ' , " nsuury wner ne ts at a;i times preuHieu to 10 tiCCecle. It WHS h titiii! tnil s nwi rnmn imp. .. . . i. . . - . . 1 1 might endanger his life. The reply was wr.nhy a Chrisrmi, ar.d savour -'d a little' of the spirit arid finnntss of the antient martyrs Me who fers God,"' said the .Pope, need not dread such a be ing as Uonapaite ; and as to worldly hopes, while 1 live on fifteen et nts a day, rather than accept a pension from Napoleon, d'-ath cannot deprive me ol much.' float m Hefu-rtury. uidate the sum?. Idte. are. rtnue stcd to calPand settla t h ei r ire spec ive accounts,, and pay, or renew theimotes with i1-' TT nrrvm . .. -. - ' . r - "3. , . r 1 Re l.rUSICPS Ot Hie UlU Vel'il! V OfNnrh rr. rx.w i4NU ouai.ntc as aamaHiitrator'anci anmi- ,. . , . . r r - ' -v ...... ""rf 0 ,v mbi6 ftuumi lutnr punenhe prosperity and t'bc Increasing opportu nitits of this establish rnentn-' In erecting a college imbnjf ourselves, it was the object of iU founders to provide forour youth means of Improvement m it I T7II0SE raeiiitrpeiionmnces on tlie'Bntish V V turl, acknowledged superior facinsr blood. CHEAP JEWELLERY. TUli Sui)cri.ier, wo has resioet! longer -in: this city than any one w ho follows his line of bu ,n tU j .i.i rf . v jf . . . . i correct symmetry, real beauty and character as a tiiejy to the duties 01 nisJorrifesston. not havinff1 1 n e . r . . . . nor desiring to have any agency tot lo make and ad ""'Ui!b,I! ftai-ptttr' and '1y adm.tted repair - Watches and Clock,, kid w SUv,.- ""Pt.al, judges, ,n god order and will woik, &c informs hfs friends and the publig in general, that he has lately received f:om I'hfk ddi hia, an as-sortnient of Jku;i.lkry ; which, added to hu lo mer'stock, mke (although small) a neat assot rr.snt, and will be sold on the most nv-dfi'ate te-n!S. k; h'e has in his employ, Mr Dccosta, who makes &11 iin Is of-Jtvellery, engravt s Gold Iettet s, sets Miniatures Hwiiu.work, cc. in a superior manner to any in this placa.- The liberal enc(Mragemant he h?s unifortnly teftivd, renders iVuimcce-fsniy to say any thing e-l l is abilities, fas he docs not expect to receive su; p'rt if utii!esering of it. He expects to finish a handsome srssiSrimer.rof ranted KIGMT-DaV CLOCKS, immediate- ly afttr the rise of the Aembry, which will be 5010 tlx me .m pnees. lMu hfUcc 13 THOS. EMOND. Cr To Roys, about -14 or I S yeart'of age, -are wanted as appientiu-s to the aliove business. WANTED, ah .1 -...a u... . simiiap to tnose wiucn are enioved b thi' v.nn' 11 r -;.r rt i--z7r.7l ti oilier Darts of thtwo(ld4 and br-thtr &w inr?j;; I own, wno were compeienno tnetKpence of dis. tant education. To accomplish thisobiect. wor thy of a free sind"enligutene:tl people essential to ll,!r IiKfrtiHt. 1 and ' if lhi ' nrotunf iii f .1. worirr, -peculiarly so lo their respectability, it wa necessary to encounter many cljfficuhies.i. If the whole of these could have been foreseen from the beginning, there is reason to apprehend that they might have appearctBoo great to be attempted. But it is the wisdom of Providence to fortify bur minds under.the Dressure of instant evils rv the prospect of a;iprpachirg success, and by it? locca-1 sional smiles, .to animate us tor the strugeliiS lliat are yet to come. Ul .this nature have been the be satisfactory sevtjii.iy': otherwise they will shortly be placed in the hands of an officer f.r collection) JANE TRO TTKR, admx. M()SES A. LOUISE, adrhT. November 15, isii. 71.4 THE EN GET H ,S r LLION STRAP, A person who acquain.ea witn the racking and burning of Drick, to superintend and tianage a-Htit.k-Y'ird during the summer of 1815 An industrious and s;ber man, who can produce tcsti fi.oMials r '.is character, will recive good wngt6 on ,ipplic .on to the subscriber in Ua't igh. Dec J8.tr , Wm..P()EK. Just Receive d, ClRfcCT-FROM K f. W Yc-liK, AT TH E ST-TRR OF THE , A- '' SI) 3 'C ' 1 B KK 5, ; a Large and geineral assortment of ') DRY GOODS, AXO.VOST WHICH ARI Supe-.fine BrAad Cloihs Fine do. do. Cdssimeres, Coeings and Stoctinetfe. Inse and Dutch Blankets, Scarlet , Cloaks " Negro Co' tons and Fennels' Bombetetts,'- Fancy Waiscoting Juoilee Cord, Cambric Gingbams M-dl Mill Gin,h.;ms, Calicces Ro e Pt-erns, Long Shawls, Fancy Silks A- i(aes biik a: rj Cotton Hose i'nir-iiui Calicoes lu-j'in Cmbics nd Dimities, And great vuriety of FA;Y GOOS. -' : ' also, ' . '4'' SHOES, of all kinds, . Sugar,. Mlavter Coffee, Tea, Wine, Rum, and London Brown Stem all of-which will be sold low fifCash.- , : ' JOHN ?c ROULHT STUAUT. .Raleigh, 0.48, 1812 . 72St' i .l. . i ... . cu' fecca wicH inai k me proirress oi tnis semiuarv. stand the ensuing seas-.n. nK 'Pr'berX tVrfiive i, .u.. : ''nir wry. " . . . . I it is now ascertained tnit m siy mnn U i m.l I V . .. K .. . -I. V. . . -.. ilulll . r , ' " , - -"" the present d.te the principal building w.ll be rea wdl be let to mares on lm uiU jl in. kirate terms. a rL ,k. ... . r . vrv : r . i c 'r . . u7 "c 'ccp iu.i m uiimuiiiiius, is soon as i "i v iui cui i iiimi aic iv . live icci one sna ' !. n c l. j . f , ,f . i . . . , . , p it shall be finished, he number of rooms in the an half inches) tu' has produced toctc of suprr m , . ... " " .i r.i i i . K "two . ou.lJings will ne sufficient to contain eurhiv m UJ ,Jrst sr,y income su,dents. lhere will be an apartment, alsbffbV , n ' VT ? r '? ' W'reU ,t 'S of ihe two societies, we for the libr, y? and re. ollectd, that Beninirbroutrh, the sire of Mr r. . . . r au" is nve feet three and m haif nehes ; bis ivMhSt VL- w war atteiid h-i. f rn, . fL'; 1 4r:!l P' -ym venmg and mortyng. I he opporturMife i7:" : z: i : t : " raT w,n be understood, when it is consider i u . j r- i u- . i . c ei that each of the societies has, it is bel evedv leb ated Eclipse, hu sire, was ot "such power as r.m onA . , i V! , " . i . , , . . trom 800 to 1000 volumes and that there are to run nMth I6 bs, on lus back. 4 mi e"3 359 rds. ieM. kU -u l l ,c aic tl. . c ii n . 1500 volumes in the library of the collece. , goiUi; at his common rate, &c- Hi 'hfiver. the s re a . t. ' - r . j . i . i . .' society nas ueen lately consututed toT tnt ol Mrap sdjin, was not only a i- .e of "5 feet 4 ,;li,; e j j i ,ivV ..V5 oV 5 -inches high, but is consul to have been s the best lioW ever in England. Mr. WiNos fil. P shed m New York for me 1 1 , - . . " . .. . socicir 'it win oe iransporcec to me ro eir1. an ly,g!'Lthe.6th September, carrrmcr the hi I weight , .. . . b '' fl i of a iff years old, i Norfolk last fd:, 4 mile heats, r:;; TJ;:' 11 wW!B?r l i... ... . . . . ... 'v.' the year- And every Sunday ni. blic worsiun mik orawavonte tne zou nai, ersumcca JO:net. aiias u.. ' i t : r Ua;K...- u- t:i.i- t-.u- .k.. i . u wMiuucteu lor mc Dcneni oi me students in ii,"""i "y i n mc uuy, mc on ami 1431 ncdc Person Hall . - ' doubled and whipped out Maria the list three : v..t r ,u. .u c ..J1;,' 1 . . ' . t. 1, j- . tut ot the members thaf compose the Facnltv miles and three quarters -j It was allowed that f - u i . . .. V . . 7 . she had been well ridden she would have won, as Zl ? k r , PTT' it anneared she had the'bast hottom oCail , bee" ,made lhe.Tru. tees forthefnstruclion an,: -u- en jt L-i " . morai government ot the col ecre. pe dors. This-filly, and I believe she got injured . : The Rev, lW-e, t Ch.pntanf P,tfe,sor of MP,1 in this Pir. is lhi rnlv nnr nf Siran'a" twt il. I ... .. . ' v v ' "" i .:: : . 7 .'I ' nnlosi,hy.mu Fresr'.ent ; the Rev.-JoseDh Cald ,..i Known oetrieaio run mtwer particuairs. wiU. Profsor r.f N! hem,tics; Mr. Andre, will if ftl.iilo tnniim K.r.ufinr . . - "' ihanna P. anil T . "Hg.-esa, thrice a wt-tk r wtK pieted. In ibU.plebdid schemed TH "MUST DRAW Stvrv nuM I.,. i ' '. S A Vr ft w . 2 prizes of of ot xf .. of", or of of of of of of of 2 -; 2"'- ' .2 2 .6 10 .14 j 20 44 po . $000 will be made known hereafcr. HENRY COTTENT. T.ii borough, Nov. 30 1112 71 3t . StaSapkpf N.Carolina, PURCHASERS of s frfo-med. that alpower ...of AweVriy authcriiing a Transfer of ft- Share or Shares held in the State Rhea, Pr)f.-ssor cf iaiiiiuaBes. and Mr. Wil'i tio-))r, 1 ntnr. Tiie academy at Chapel Mill will be cndr th - Good Land for Sale. V (contii;ct of Mf. ASo. r V. Clopton, subject to th, tVILI. seilth., rAC 1 ii,'- ,..in. r-VyV tt the . President of tiro college; i ' . "is gen K m ui acted lormerly as lutor n thi- 1 now live, containinti cne hundred and hirtv ...:J...-. . .-..,.. r. ' .t-L .i u ip . ... ... . . ' univeisny, atui v- is neirevcii u.at in nis talents ftmi . . . . . ' , virtues the public will hi.id ample secun v for th. mnu ana mos: yr to ciearj.iy-.iBe on crane lirstk, 4 r e L .. . iA . rc i- w t , Cool conduct and . proficiency of the youth wh- thpp niili-n past of llip tnwn iJ Sj uSum - M T ar,l ... . r . . ' ' u r . .. '...i.l.. . c..ii .-.'11. 1 I .11." ... . .w i.. i ..i r...i l"ceux:nner nis cnarge. mere will bt an uuiiiit; iiifc ruins n U w I lail vi M r. 4 i . t t . ili'ui..; ...w... -r.. .H , ' '."-tmr class-s in the academy, to which the studen' jk v v!iiui)ri 3, ii'U "Uiers. i a u,uo 15 unUfilT'!. ' ..I, k .. u I j J -i i edly good. There ison the pr.mises an exctllef. , :.4. r . , . SAW MILL, (erected in 131 1. ) Also, a Dwtl.. .t . . ., ', ... r i4- . , . . ' ; ieiiuii'vv wrr.ing. sueiunR anu cnensn ;rammar fine Hj-jsk and several ou' houses. CnrnmmkU,, . . . " r . . - . V. . " . . - . . , ... l ne no we nnow r.-airin(. nnrt win ,i - tion and a further desrnption are deemed useless. L ii. iu LZ. ""?. 7 a! the fVirrh;LKr Ir. ill rrrainlir iwiK tA tlu .". - - j- ..w. ..... ... .miiii. . . V" I tL. n .1. .H : . 1 a . . . r i man ii ever ra oeen. r :V: ZlXrT.?: 'IVr J u.! I aition to these opportunities, Mr. Meine. '" " " - ""f i-.y ."K . o-pur :re ha5 bCojne a reitlcnt at Chapel Hill for th rhase. con dn sr hv aiinlvtiic In 1 inhrfiK, n . . . . ' v,v- .l ' , ' rr j trl,?,, ?'.'(Purposeot teaclung (he r reach language, and w uuiiiiicj. ...... JV-t,ril 111 V11. L .1 . i .. MocntFalemus. Noy. 4. iftia r.fcfi'r w,l,i.ure e. P mat n " "eu quai.hed tor J ' - v (hp hllliniXt 11 hi I. K m Ku nnla.(aVun The first session of the vear will commence nf.' the first d of January and end on the 24'.h o.' May. i ne seconcr session will begin on the 20th oi June and conclude on the 15ih ol November. In the following list are made out for inspec-. tion tne expences ot tne year, to.be paid semi B 3o,r no , 2O.0C0 '.' v 50fo "-" - ,W'U i;0 ' - 200 - , to Amounting, to 8i?08 pii' ;xeSiv" blanks is 17,792. , ; ; , ? . jn, the above Lottery are26 ,;keflV If, i 3.000 uiifhbers. beinir l wft HrUii, ; very case, two prises of toViP. " ion fall "4, the samcTamber ; and tMf & uyiipi.Hi pnzes.are me twoot 30,000,;, , he first draw.n number after half the ticW, vun.icu. vunscqumuy any one k-i nc the. two tickets of thatnifmhr. V . . ""-IWli two thirty thousands, but may get tht t ooraw .97Rr nurture mousantt dollars. TklreTs b ioc.i la.'iuiy, aim HlBV, liom inf PTPal" iv.,t.-i f the scheme atid the celerity nf ih txpected still greatly to advance. For a ftw nty may ne naa at twelve dollar s. u Letters, enclosing cash, for nmlrawnr.:. 'he foregoing GR AND LOTTERlKsi!!i.. ended to With the-utmost Dunctualih- R.4. accounts of the drawings will be recened, an'li t .motion ol the late of tickets eiven at the o vo. Ojfice. Oct 9 ,r 9 By the President " .' -Necessity ..', T Etvis S Musk ivSLectf.ii inrnV. JUA fiie ids, that he has been disappointed in 'the re x :ii fit money trom the South, sufficient to d!s ch gehiidtbts in this quarter: the v will there- E, 0 an,! s;u,e lbn. ,mal b,Unc wi,Wn SSW -... " ...i HI w IHH IU IUC ttWTC class will fnd their Notes and Accounts in the hands of proper officers for collection; -. , L S. MUSE. Rvlrigh, Dt'cemb',r4- 7o 3 . a.3' mtis' '-lie witnissed either by the Cashier of T? , iKi n.;:i? r .5 -:r- ' .. . . ."I1. Lost or Mis laid, otc, XECU t'LlV to iic . n n ei by y.-Ai Dick 'I :' mwipai uuiK.vr oi Qoeoi I's prencnes, by a "'-"ii -m'wi jraa-, uanng uatctne I T"! otarr Public, br by two Justices of ihe Peacei,M''"' f MaV payable, four months after date, - audit by.the latter their signature rrtrst be cer-Sr the forty Do'l-rs All persons ate "S al annexed-Tbii i regulation to cormftnee on -Paym nas bee.n made arJ a rte"Pj passed to iat must BAT or JANUAHT Jlltatt, oF which all; e oangees. ,. ; uvviu WILIE jr -is ,s'lrho may be concerned will takf notice: 1 72,(f. W. H II AY WOOD, Cashier Qfeefrbr rovigfh, T, Q. 22d Nov. 181 3 " S p 1 Notice. -: I am under thenVcesiriV. irif'foi warning all nr. onfrom trading with or crediting any of rl3y fa. For the first session in the dining room and col i - . - . i. . -CIKT, , - -v TUITION, . , lit,: , ROOM RENT, ' , SERVANT HIKE, . " LIBRARY, WASHING, 'C NDLES AND WOOD, BED, .. S30 10 . 1 1 50 50 3 4 3 THE UNITED STA FES OF AMERICA, ' A. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, information has been wrV that a. number of individuals, Who havetacrti: bom the armv of the United StaXtt.pwUf,tor .sensible of their offences, and are dttrcui cfs uning to their uuty ; . , A full pardon Is hereby granted and proc!d& a J to each and all such individuals as shall, aid- in f iur months from the date hereof. tur t4t ihemsetves tor the commandine oSScerbf anrsi ,. ' ; litary post within the United States or the terii l ies thereof. ;v . ; ;- ? In teitimony whereof, I have earned the wl t. s.j - ol the United btates to be alrixl to' presents, and signed the same Wbq hand. , ' ' Done, at the'C'ty of WashinRtpn, thef-4 7 day of October, A - D . one thous.mil t$t hundred and twelve, and of the Jntfep J .-de.e of : the United States, the tftirij "-r seventh. J- - - "irr ' "V;V; . JAMES MXDlsOK. J MES MONROE, Secrecy m . 50 State Bank of North-Carolina, ' R ALMCH, 2 4 Ao.etllbcf. I, T ESOLVED; Tuat a di -idend of twaand XX half per centum on each and tvtrv share of I K58 50 For the second session the payments are tyre cisely he same. Prom this view, and from the plainness of dress and manners which is fashionable at this institu tion, it is believed that liberal education can 'r u 1 f 4" "ttily, or my account 5,33 l,wilf pay no debts that th 4Sate . Bank, be, and tho saoie is hereby de-1 Wuh.'rcsP to the opportunities of actjuii ( ft x TOy b contracted other,than by fnyselfor awriti:jcIared and made ptryai.Ie !o the Stockholder :or ; knowlw,ge, and invigorating the faculties is " .'!' ' kn onler fro (their Representatives on and a(tef the first Mon : in,endfd to mak any remarks. It is a sub 't't! ' v i-F 'MiUlirt o.nnn'fe. Tl.: 10 lull ; - r... I li..k-t ! on -which (he niiliTip. must h !-( in 1 dolf'n.. ,n 'It iU. F ihklii.' county, Dec. 1 8, 18 it : Kaleigh Volunteer Guards ! t'--..i.i ... ou jinir jMidc rour.a eleven o'clock 1 n ; hr- I srHa-urda in 'Jaimar y next, rquipt; - -. liy tfwtryt-f ilu- ' " ' ' . " -: . CLARK P; !st serg't. A7 HEMEAVa ctrtain '"Doctor 'AN'DREV 1 .-. .IVV7 K)RE,, of South Carolina, has nresent ed against tafe.tstau of Colin M'Arthuh, deJSuhacvibein order to acco.nmlate ' ..r VT ye, tnerciore, tor- rarner 10 travel by day than by nieh. hav Aliir. ESOLVED; Tuat d.dend tf twaandiW70' obtains at any .other, on conditions ie nurtnt nsome. ; - .- With respect to the oppqrtunhies of actjuiring not hifrt j on which t he public .must be left to their own ap prenensions, ana tne dictates, ot experience. These are the proper arbiters, and not we who .ae the panies concerned. . - ' Those who propose to .become members ofHhis institution ought to' cOrne provkkd wrjh the neces sary books, and a punctual attendance on the first day of the session, is of the iitniost importance to every student-as 'yell as .to the college. December 8, 1312.. -r' 71 SttV 'diy i(i December next. !. ;- WM. H. HAYWOOD, Cashier. If An Accommodation Stage. Jtj naving ot late been very mifth crowded wiiJ Paeogcrso as not only to m ike "travelling ve ry uncdrnt'ortable., but (V.-niiFnHr ' aL,1:J5, persons desirous of proem my, seats thereiri', the -4-i-.j2. dJUtr2!!L!r?m ,r'v!' for the sarhe, as he D L LUCAS. : C l Richm-n J cgiifvy, N, C Nov. 20. . 70.3 r n r Ml 'r r id rs. mined to 'eabirsli;nccominodatioii.'Staw:be- Robert-Rutherford" t COPPEUSMftrrfc; ri; t'LAlvVbRlCER, UoNilNU.ES.to rTOk;ll 'torts 1 tf ware-inhis line, of business, 'tn'cludihi its various branches, - V-z. -rtills, wish kettles, do. for stewing fruit, tea , kettles, coffee pos, &c. of "copper or brass. Also , tin wam of every description. Talso intends to -(, carry on the bras founding to perfection. ,ffeV . lers a liberal Drice, in cash cr trade. for-feO brass, copper or pewter that - s - , ... . ; ,' "7 "v """"b1" 10 j bii shop Raleigh,' August 2L . 23ecuted at this office, Tfnost accuracy. atness and ths ut- twen4ialeig-and:Eayeitcwl!et which -will leave Rbleigh eery Mond, Wednesday and Friday, at 4 o'clock A. M. and reach Eayettevilie at 8 o'- CIOCIv. 1'. .M.icc. . . . As Jhis establishment will be airended with ve ry considerable expence to. the proprietors,5 they flatter themselves that the pudic will be disposed to give them support in their undertaking. , . -y'-'x W. SCOTT," p u -;T; '.':: D. JORDAN. ' Raleigh, Nov. 24. 1812. - - . X 'rHa juH rcteivfti p)hdelfihiar ' : Tirxyrzn, ra w WILLIAMSON'S j mSTQRY OP Wkr H CAROLINA. ;: v'-. ..-'- -jn 2 vols.-- . '- i :.; ,? cribers will please to ca)! or send fortbem. lhe;pn-e is gl to rion subkribers Si SO. . 61-tf The ejpences arc nearly die siflfie to a boarder jn'the village a? in ilie cwilct e. , " ;. , L State jDLNortharoIina, 2- J CUMBERLAND COUNTY - INJ-HE COURT OF EqiltTT, FALL TERM, 1812, ' r -v Atchibald M Neill .; - . H , , ,. , " ' -.,' Neill Shaw and others. , .- IT being rnade appear tojhis courf, UiatNeill Shaw and John Shaw, two of the defendants, re side without the limns of the state ord rep, that publication bn made for three weeks io the Miner v.AniVnJess the said Neill antLJohn STiaw file their answers 'at the" next term hf h7 .7. mi bill will be taken pro confesso against them" and near u cx parte. . ,. . ; ... v ;( ': FROM TlIE MINUTE S. t E.ST,-. - '? ;' ' -V '" ' ' "' "r:,pr" n,f;S:- Rv RAlKORDi C m. : V 1 Doctor Buries - HAS REMOVED to the .hop (on Fayette ville aereetj formerly btcgiied by Dr. Wm 4 Charles Parish, -T P.TTTRfCK ipflrrocn'i" his friends and the publicjbr the Iioert.1 " i.vHUttgejrnent tney nave given him .nereicn k line ol business, and informs them thit on the j" in'st. his large and commodious three .s;tr) M building, at the : tint! nr rttu ojfrrr. nnrlV, nf lUct.). 1.. ,D ,.,;il h in mmP'tO i.uri.ii vr. mqiv liUUStj Trill lyw lia to receive boarders and travellers ; wheieN tf nestly solicits the continuation of 'their pa'if' lie plu!:k.JhiMeiYth' t nothingon his patti wanting to render general satisfaction to ihis- favour him with their custom. Honest '""' servants alone, will, be engagedi . and hi ill per hapV-be excelled bf:icrr-z"f la f.rrh. Inltf 'I IHIV. .'." Eaele Tavern, INW iLLlAMSBOhOUG ITHIS Tavern will again be opened, P",1' of Jatitmru np-rt. (nf and nn aCCOUnTpf"?1', & Cardwrll, and Awill be kept by th'v The former friends and customers to tyfcfe and the public .in genersl, may' rest afAl" every attention. will b paid to those r?!,,(t with their rustoTQ'.'to rerxler their stay a? blc as jxissible. i-The .supplies will be go.. . c.:-. n-ul I..1.1.. .han among i',ie . in the stale, will be1 plentifully, stored ith -pf prriyeruleri and .kc plweH-liltet.f has been- leased lor several year peY'annumi-yet the last year it w u trary to articlts of egWOment.irt tB'.' i t. ...vithstandini?'. that .1 patronage, which has heretofore teer will again aid and, assist . io- ":" - v most moderate terms'-will beobseryi 7- uasABDwro?'11 December's. V 1 Nby.i3 67tf.

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