jv-' ' , . . . m'"" ' ' ; . i lJj0S&i tEIGH, k; cJ-PUjSLISUEbiT)1!! CVAS ANT) A. H. UOYLXN ' " ii,' ' ; '"' r" " '.r"j("'i' r- - i-irl'-", A'n '-ri'lT''itm' "niV V iiii.i""'-r't i" f!i)'-7' j' i'ii '" i' '' ' " -r---iiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiMMUfcLM -si ,! m wwii v Caption? of th vVctf,;,, Jl5f j General -.fawbt of .K Carplinat , v ; -' v ' . -, i-.'T.'- : fl5 Making the pritcpJF'a'iip'lai-pubhiiaij mbnty jlreaify boviowad) would be liquate .ItftapVars accoftGht! t4 he .precedine ifcsttf fi'b i j the rrri view of the tase, and she1. more Uyar ioi3 wiuanwuucio about mciiiy numan ;;pns .wtrrryiey even iwjch mortr important man of dollars.'? about tnetii miljiaa ipni.yr rrb even much mortf important thai : 'i :L-'ciT bw'rfti5v5iij ' itt-'-tNu ' .cluvih- account of j Kuwf'fOr the cause of cttr astonUhTnept." 'It was iiti wfeanilte cHrer d"afTi e out of bu'uies. and. - upon! our. miutl, thai the Prtsidct'Jtthtjii to ejer a 'ew oon pofi'ical trade of the commjjnicatioft at thepperiing of this presewJmiSSr-iWy iwofiaiset and scluevidem fabrications- irnprvsseU his Session tf Coortss, did suie, that the revenue (f sails on bills of exchange or. prAmisory notes ;0 the communication, arid it served to eonfirm tj,e p'ouiiy's pioiest tv be eVKjettce cf a demand ) 1 0ur impressioni".' Wc vvtll insert mat part of it li 'to aincr.d thecleytnth seV of acy-wlcij. we alld'i(,. 1 '. " pa.j in (he year J784yhtiU jian ac jn f "'he receipts inio'tbet'reasiryi during the fet lyUX the cottitWf pleMand' ijprt tcBsioa ofttiyihe i'Klibi Keei' tfiki ' ,h,. elWieaEi1JLV? tcMnillPfKmi -and; bU:haftWothrewliict,.havje inJt'WT' ,8ttrw;'IW-ip .defray, -all ; hV? Kas lhall he buiU. an4 to 'cTeatlhlahil d'i treasui t t& that Hav irictti'diiW Xhe dcmanCs'im the .if ; treasury ,:t& that day,' tftclu'dui); a nece-isa, y mm i burstment or near thiee mi.liorta ot the m-inciie. ami Vreeki V '.itrfO. ;.wl:nkl hnlJia I K Fill nffr ' . f i t.' . . " .'if... .Lkf . I i U-'i.. rk'tu , io Ii.-l . wiul is da jrs,f 'terect3nge 6at i'.) , ; . sum of na S,a500t 'repfived-.oo accodntof rf. J?ha fiJ-yv for which he was never; he'ess 04 ntiy inoiisana dollars. tiiro. td. Ketiua, crip rnrl'.Smith and General Pogfr ... ' - i ' 1 1 rw 1 r iavvVVi '"' "iAii.rT:,i'. ........... '" 1 r. fn HkMfiirfltfQtty Gaierie, Dee. 1 4. ;';' X)n S.uuritay-st arrived in this f city, -fm h's way from the Mt tf'Buffalpto hisrnd at Troy, tswtaVOOpi' tlw:-;i3tbU. S. regiraent, uu.atieaana: ganUotdcvin oi m : .17-To pftvent ptjnecessary -cqs ami .-imfKF, ; tue loans au!)oristu by tne sc. , ot tne lasi session hewafter te'rnode "ot 8UMTorati'ecve onPjananvunts Suited r(fcetiiijnces. ., 4.r ' 'T;H . , i' tin R 1 f .OrMXOflol the residue of mhutl, btine rcfitrv- t Principal and fcecuntie may be brougnt mw Winder, colonel Silt lieu&nant colantl lioeral ler.and cap&n Gibson deemed the force sutTicittir. , I ddtertnined W postppne,:jpfOSsinr 'wit- until trioTO complete preparation would tnahle'rve to, trnh&rk the whole force at once, the ccijWilS.prs scribed y rny.ortfei s. . The nest 4ayaVWiita bucn prtpnriton.ana trcepj were ordered toi ajrain:at the plf ofeyinbarkation at 8 o'cloik on ' the Dioming off the0" 3Qth Nov. On their an i vl ll. .- A V .' .Jw , '." . .1 jwae adjacent . woou",there to remain linlil 1 VTrIr Ull'nvnrn ' ' ,'i i 4 l hey were set btiild firts, Wd rerrUin until 3 o'clock kVhe-'m-orn ,vi ing of the 1st ;when it was imen4.i to put r,n;' two hours W.jS.sVsl-tvrVidVtfie 'fire' -V ib 'liefKd tjiey occupied be!:i wrt Lpd f above hbpaway; assanlat pceV and if sue. cesslu)nrduhrwgrQ (;eoi g-. l OMhWexpedrrioh the contractor ws call div to furnllh rations for 250 men for tour iava. wl ft as found Uut he couR furitt the p- vlj the 13th ScptmhiastiWwhhe ?as severdi I "ifV1 f6" he diyuarfi? iastwalUd wounded. -1 mjucm cot oi, I , day, gained htme'ectivt.atiiiS of TOttjorTi , gtnci ol Van Uenaselacr and of the .whole annw IZ iohftetiiierft xh ttv- .loth of b: Dtember last, will Carton a jo. scire facias,) . ; iV together, vnthAhe fitrKnt rcttenu. suable u to f-,feUow citizens. We ar5ap"to' obse'rtSihat he 7 V"S - J 6 ' " y-w- i ' . . im Kouurtemin aau na nearly recovered of his CMPr 9ntr , ' j;V'v -j fwmm ths we wdd uodcrsund that te whole aulMU. 'y Wa,'a voiQnwi'h col. Viiideriu d atiempt at crs)ing the Nia Won, ha Jut into our hands, !.: folio wiriif pantr, contaibrnff hmvth'a rcucfihii fn .'.1 .r,r.. i "fi -Tn irrtf tirfr t hf !.i wi relative Ito the "sUbreme ' : jrM ..fff.-,, y,rggT.ai!r- -. .n.v r--r j;-rir, c tj - y - - c - 7 - . . ,.. ivtu ,t.uu4'v on ie 'ianpfia snore, airreea, .eoirti'-tV : ' ; ;'.i.v, that the rtnpressicns "made upon uabyihe rre-;Ki. W'bia-4at fiiuV.fHi.i- .,2ttr' ..r,,: ' PiviAfiiiw fn hie entered a Well tbunl bx')k "eta 'a AWtuinirutmn. ' w-"r ini.!- unnn' 'others. ' ...i.i..5.. i' ' , ... . .,.T-'7fi'.v. , ,, ,, ain'ii .., r, -1 ',ui saiitia .wiinuuifcornnieni. .. t . . ! : .1. . ntU. a'hrf i-AifH-A frt . .. ! 'I .. .1. . M.d.al lf . Ill -.ur. I V is HI UC III Hit; stuiui Jf 9 uiuyt. nuu vw"" Wg g-J t JllUUClU. Ill III - tiau H" illllli'ltir.fcl be held in the state house.) - 4 "0( h. KHtt inst, we' find an aldress from Govern . Lidoua 10 ye ouiu wiicu ihw.tw"i.i'v "". , iim oarrowtu was jin.wutiw'i"" """ oj.wr nictate unsuccessh llon.r - . . ". '4' ':.t'';w;J 0? b'atl bet iid he fore the '$0aI Se)l-nii vcr, and ' gftr4 rjvr. Capt. 19 For regulating the fee's ofjofficsrSkji-w 'v, Jthai Sj f50.C00( were to be paitftujjsequent.ly, fjr' pnbiication, the rues caarijes, 6cc ) ; , rxvhicii i'h tilt ccrrent rcveirue' wou:a enaoic us krei.cral i The tmliarkdtf. n Comrntnced but wps irlaveA f tirmstanbes so as not to be completed uA il uUr-dav litylit. when it I O --. - "(Mfc lOIIl t it t.i i 111- tntry, 668jnen, Hie ar iUery 177 men, Su-'s-o-. Umtters tRtpnated at 23 si tompanits nf fede. fal voluntas, unde-r captuins Coliios, Philips,". Allison. MooW;Maher and. Marshal. aiffotiHilng'; to- 276 men, cmniarKird-fey lieut. coKM CItiir," tuo msn ot col. Qiibbinb s nnluia, ar.d a lew men CAMF NUfi BUFFALO, DEC. 3, 'lfel2. 21 Tjo raise arev!nue for the iwiyrrifcni of the . nru'eton 1 1 the lei-isbture of South Carolina', to Civil tist'and contingent cnurges of gotrfcrofhtnt fdf xVjMCh he says . 1 ' Gentlemen Your IeUtr of ih 2d Dttember is th year, 1313. . i u It appears from the statement made m , the before aw ; and I an&werit i7he foilowins; man- presidents late communication to. iongr!s,5, ojre-.'j.iur , . - rrints into our national exchequer, that it t a.nc to' t Jit !b- 26 Hot OrJober 1 nrArrA that rint. defray - the current expenses of tae v year iriere-iscows'shouhl bo prepared, for the tiZrisp ruu'ori pfl-pcdient to invade Canada, in open daf-l?jitVvv trom' -: . ; V ar'i'.'erj' ar,i cav,-.l.y, anil put the carpenters of We hopenope'son will be co ui'oerai. as to itic aiuy n, ri b6t ' - m. i i r r . . i ,. i . i . - t - suppose mac we wnun so nr urv uic ic, i uit: awi or ovtnner lnows were com Ten pence, per Ivand red acres ; two sh.imngs al)J six pence on ev;.ry poll, an.r AlOU ot ion pron;rtyi Peiiuri, stud horses, jack, asses, Sec' are taxed.) '? : ' 2' Uquiring notice of their appointment to be given to overseers of roads and creek. " To be notified by the sherin' within twenty days sfur their appointment. , . 23"To-amend the m'nitia laws of this state. OferyrscouiptiLd to reiain their cpmmUsions ihree years. . A LOCAL ND PRIVATE AV.T 1 1 T cmMictpte criato persons UWrtln me 18 To establish a separate election t the in a b'tat : vwJli xoI, P. Bvt'or er, had e'mbarkea- the .whole--on board ainomitihg, exclofie oi oftfira f ceri to . 165 men, or thereabouts r and it afS'. hours latef fban jA been coiitew plated. . ' "Jf A'uf '; TherttVre'som croup's of, rrtea not vefeinX f batked ihlyj were applieto, requested and r.;-yj vhlch is due the Pusi lent of .the U:iHe I Stases, as to insinuate tbatJie is capable -f s.-u u-r, what he did not believe to ba tm':. We sha'i fc. I our p!c cJ. aii by bringing soitk? bleats from lake Oi u.ri , abovL- ihj fai.U of Niagara, the" '"dumber wag was m - aseJ to seventy. . ' V.v '? gelves 'indebted to anyene, who can, and w:il prove : 1 h:ii mi t!ic 12;h Nov. issued an afjfftessio the to us that we are mistaken in our view u( the'sul: m, of e.W: Vrk,: and werlaps three hundred had ject Wrf believed, when we. read the omjnurii- aniied at 'r)off.ti'o. : l-presiimetl fiat tho tegular cation or iiir. Madison, that the bans mide btiore tin vys. andfise v'' rtJder colsatls Si.ift ?tM 'the SOxttol fiept. last, otfito ha j-aid'su'-cq j.-nity, , h iu; tvoul.i iu.nisi. fi0() inert ft; duty ; a .id of asd the ordinary revenue, - were adequate t. th i general '"jnoehiU's bsJglde (from Pennsylvania) expenses of the vtsar 1813 'Mr. G tUrm ray-v hew rt-ponirw . to'al of 1650 ' as maiir as 413 hid vo- houe of Mark Chnsijan, m.the cdun'y ol Ctim-Joans to ' the am'.unit. of v twenty millions or luntercd to ctos-i by.t C inada. My ordeia were birland, and to repeal an act establishing a sepa!l:;Li.AHS mftst uc made this year I If Un. wur 'io cross m! h men at once." ,1 deemed ratejdectioii at ;h house of Janies Aikins, in ihejljsls, fom the in' reuse of the puhlkk debt , the rnyself itadi' to fulfil them. ' ' ''" t lame enmtv. , ' ' " ' jlouns taxes for the year .1814, wiilbe Ttdemy.u. Prtpara.ory ihei-cto, on the'niiyht of the 17.1i nf Political. ititg he 'mUlionn tdd:uorir'l. col. '.itovr'stler. Abe trtb i'Vcbi the Jorjo;k Ledger.-., ' Vt '". Thearnuai report ol the Su-z. uf theTre3S'urv TiaslaldRJ'cre our readers in' the Ledger o(Ved msday. It appears that Nineteen MdUons, Nine Hundred and Twenty1 l iv Thousand Doilars i -:.Wich jeJ-ound---nttrttb'iprs--we' .'iU ;cff-grf'y Alfciii are wanted beyond kn income .tpnet liie expenses of the curreit jrcar" Tf.is sum,.itjs ; pFoposeil to raise. BrCoattsT-ad Excfieo jcr Bilh. TheTirsl mode "might artswer very LweU, if "Were were not two paniei n cessary to make'a 11 I iao Wc however believe, that the Secretary calculates, tl.it the stagnation tint will bpro;iucetl4n 'com. merce bylfhe w:ir, will dimitush ,tha "demand of themei-chaRts for m ney ftb'ui the Uiuk, and thereby tadlit ate th.- ians to govern tmnt Ad miuing this calculai ion should prove to be well ' luynded, it will be a benefit (if we may so.say) in ,1 pirlicolar instauce, porcured by general calami- tjt. The pressure of the war has not yet been felt .... ... . . . . yj t ; "iS'Li101 L-.K?ateiraaivity is seen in, -Ihe commerce of tlie country, than before theTwar -u-o'trr ships '.anioar,. produce are in t;e rea!ek demand;. .. It is fjol teuisite that we should point out the cause of this activity j it is enough to say,' -that its duration is precarious, aspendinj: on 'the' ,Wanu and ih: will of our enemy. We -do believe, ,thut our commerce will be mor - testiicted. janrf ' that ihe Wflks will Have Ies3 use for th ir capit .f in accommidating the merchaois wrtirdiscoTiuts ; but prudent directors will pausi, befor 'dny.Ail! ee thejr vaults emptied of spieci-, w'liii h m jslb carried to the frohtier. and nfi'li:irs tn P.n.,.lj : besides, what is to become of the year 1814 i.Jf '''Whpyer will attend to the dates ot Mr P. us VwhtiiR." iie)t. sefl'sAcorrfspuiideticc, will be convirxe I tiiat lite bo.Jyof scan letter containing the htat conversation wt'lv Lord a gurd Castlereagh'was drawn up in the City of VVah low I'ort itigton. Its contents r. re a further confii in Vi-'J1' of lender the fact, which in tiieirturn receive u important fnd.tra iTiVmraiion f otn their Birth, piace? mong .other-aaile.1 i r. dererbv'ihe lirlfati matAP tn-A iWtn'Nh :h.hJt';'. they did not! ;The .number o tlitse'tbe Tjrigadt," I mapc estimated at: aliOUt 'IQilt wis pnibldy" A greater : l.V:p; ; v.iK'r, ,,'C;( . It then became a .qaestton'wlielKe'4'yf' pedient to invade Canada, in opjn;ah4-w'? 1.500 .roen, at a ftiMit where nq reinfoicetueni could be expected S&sonie days. 4 I sa w t UA Mit number of the regular troops was-decHmng rapidfyf I cew that on them chflf I was to tfeprld., ' called together the ofRctrs ' commanding corps n of the regular army., CoL Parker' being hi k, :h .Ke present were, col. Porter of the arii'l' ry, col. Schuyler, coL VVmder, hnd jUutrcoCole.., ;, I put tohotn this qdrtion. jlhuti'we proceed Thy unanindfatty eeuW4h;we-.ought nt. ' 1 foreaiwlihat . ihe'llfnteeYs,''rwhr hid come cut fY a ferv daysw&uld dapersesrvei! jof them had, on the "cenih'g pf ih'ejttth', 'b1tke',theV, ' umskfets. 1 foi'esaw 'arthetpaniber of ''the rfegai' ul a r troops would decrease j'meaalestjand n:hcr diseases,., bt jtig among them f and ihtv were nof in ten's iivthe n.onth of Dcceniber I 4ufiu rtd' Novsiubn, 1 snit over lv - p ,rfiss, one u-ider lieV,f. h'1 olticers that the; attempt - -invade sCnada woidd-uot be made, nntil the amiy wa rei ,rrdcd ; ' directed thera to withdraw their arocpS-jctifi. Cover them with huts inimediaielv." '' .. . w r under cant- Kir.tfr with nyfus. of the havy, at tut head of a n, united, i he hm'w ,a t.ir intnrf 1 y) (. -uoy a bria.'e ab"uf tne mi es he. tie ; ll.e. second party w. ie to tak i and if .-, tne c-mnyii of the enernv's batteries -.iecc s of ii g!it..it rt i 1 It ry . ' 'fne fi.st purty irlsr:. ;thJ second, af.tr ren- ;S. ' I . eu sea You say that on Saturday, every ' obs'inction was removed, and that a landing might ha t beehr e flee' tetl'" without the" Io6s of a sinc'itxan '-' This provesyou unarquainted v'.h' tfee octui rinces of uie day. . CoLT .Winder in retinng from the ene- my s shore in the morring,Jost, a' tenth prt Of , J his. lorce, In 'killfe li'ewed no morethati 5 or' 600 rnenf" as est i -.ii t ed by Col. Pdtkcr, atnl une piece of' aftUlery .t,op. ; posed a nine plunder. That" fofcel we rto cl- ub, " might have overcome, but not, wjihout lobs;.and'. pytty artifices',, played (f with, stage t ifect, L'HHl-' 'der.tig on-ervU cable the ligbt ainiili.-ry, :aeparaf jLa.kr&g!i is niaiie.l luaxioiu Licou A.nSrthe ut congress," and tuen to correct Jb4S t -.rpresston byn(n, and a pat t of the tfro7 iciutwd, rwhli all changing it So as- to mean the members .opposed Xnt boat-. ; while c apt j ins Ki"g, Morgan an4 to the wr. All lhk miiht be con sidrcctl very !Sproul!, It'.'..!. Houston, und about sixtv m.-n. ie. villv. .or St least Verv utamDoriaat. we? "it not lort maintd. " 1'he nai'tv. llms rpflnfr.l., -MttTirL'.l. tnr.t he u ic io-whith it- is converted .by the Intelligej.?aid isiuKivd unserviceable- two of the e.m's thai from the greafad vantage th'''en$niyi wouu cir a-,d its echoes in every, quarter, as a pr fof twteri..-' , c-ptured 34 prisoner, found two boats, tnav: bad mignt have beeircoOsjklerable :y, the affinity between tb.t iirinsii innitstrv an-'lths in whic!, caot. King-secit the niisontiVlmd abcut recapitnUte. t.Uf. orders were to paSs into opponents ot war. . J bis strange ;ir is too jpaltry -ivsjt bis paiiy wiUl the .otuer itrictrs ; he himself i naua wiifl uuw men pr oncr,' un ine Bit oay 19 succeed with the. most in'irant and vijgar.-- jremaunng yjiii r of, lei it be observed, tji t the txpre'ssioar uttered abandoj.. . am! wi:hJr.wn"by-L"rd Casileieah, is ylicw!bin- Qrdiiis hid b"cn given that'all the troops in the j n1 lte7'' and to1hye;tIt J with any fi ' t jo wan-ivtfft, ui.les it be the neighborhood should '.march, at teveillee," to th : Po,0t where r'eihrorcemeni statcol parlies anojh towards 'the Wriiuh,. in .relation to t!ie-.war.and the 'sent in 1 lit; nit. lit having returned and excited policy 'alvucatedly ,ach- "Had L'ofd Castlercugh .-preb'en'sioiis for ihc''iesuUte','.a'Udu'SO men an boasted. like I alleyran' , that- they nad a party in , ihe comman.1 ol col. Winder suddenly put 1 his country strong enough, tp lilloence 'ar.d over- boats tor the-opnosite slxirt j a jrart ibis broc thirty met, , whom lie would iipt embarkation, not mbrethan 14pU men Were ' iembarned, arid those .were to have put oiTjm- N " I - - L uescenoea nre river to a ..... . -t - ments were pot to be ex- Qnl both , daysi '; many of the regular a0;f troops were , rnet in, bad peahh., who, cot.i.i not der("ye stood' one day$ .iArh.rwh.baHhuugh-nh'ey 1 ' tT jo I were-on tcr sick report, were,inrnec; out t.y tiuif 1 awe ihi govei r.mrrt ; hail member of the Bii , hd laiulnd, when a force dee meet supeiior-wi(jv :tish parfjamHU, iri ast speech, protested ii his oae piece, bf artillery, was tliscovered ;r"retreat jiia-t; aaiusi . iue- iiiiinmni ui a eiuv uf;u uui , ytcieu , mu- em. vviimci uciaCllinrul 9U1- commerce " wUdsrihe : elecu ).i of p esidetu .wjis'j'fererf a. loss of 'six killed and nineteen wounded, depending, which, he arkled. was likely to gjve tlv m a decided and permanent influence over the couijcils ofthe country, as Dupont did irfMhe French Council -ofvAncWntS'.( if ny-Tederalbt 4f diiititiLti n han received aiul accented With -.tram -etVHvhoarenousre a-jports of delight, -'the ho.iOru.y vlistinclioii of natu ' TfraidrbcUhiic pwpulafityjby-)aying internal . - riziiiwii from the Briiish govern .nav, as ts xes, they VVU not ,b$ less so,1 as the Period of an fMi 'isoii cliH fr.im t h? racr: elecu'on pprnaches-Conseq'ienlly, it will grunt there; would be cause V ..Haa tipou loah, until.the bauk cipHuI isf merged, conduct of our all drs did ...aloe pubiick deoi,, i u rMjT'.-"' " '' . -f Datriotic' principles. " Thes? w 'The Kxchequer!ll3, whtcli arVeliad solitary-facts irt P-r. wi,! rtisi.ver a fcnir as their aminf li(lioiiiL i').i w ill. certainly ffe precrat e as their a mount , Nii)cr?;t. . Ai the reVenue ' decreasesv the de . rad lor thpm' will be liis-iif thy are ;tkken in ..f)mtnt Of the d itiasbcioming dtfe in f 8 LL it , nodiing more UniiV' an aiHiGipation 'oT. the' : fjnenue, iiVt J a'dJ'a 'n'oi'hwig ity the jtccGuht' of the U: t: me.-A.Alite thi ' duties are p:id, the 'demand for ,tlEe bills, will ftea.lv ceaseA A rK i-T, AVnsu we firtt. pcrusfd Mrf sCa!ain's ' report, e.-eie-,truck '.-wfeh svonieht.Vi Tbis ?ortu.farms us;, thaT-v -.vkV rv .fcVaLiMs' of boL. H3 ore wantrvl In,, tn 0 i!ie j yx 'ji 'cthei-uf o0 ll ot JlJ-Mtn'tf.5"fl carn ..'v' -bat at toe tre'asuryViihXj'' .esjiouse" against lb?: interest 'and h')nor of this,Carnpbell.- CotbSel "j.,5 '3)lUtn.iptember'i!i,ach'y gayeatjpinion for i SiiLwoiaif MrrCalli'tla 'i-ii ;-.,'' cblisi6ft: witb ihe'fyrei'n-; service'.,, they 3su;;portj bf-rth'cco'ud '.q-jes:' : V r.-:'':'-;';V'--' "';!' v.v''h' VvV'-'l:?1'"'--'-' ' :'r 'l: i:J-f-':'-T'1 ' ." ''"'; '.''::'; ' '' :':-,';,f'-' ':'-"'.'... ','.'..;-.".. -:.'"'.'-:.'- :''. , ''v''- '.'..' y ''' '-y ' " ' -'J . . ' I'"-.-."-1--' "' '','. v'".-". '' 'v .v.-v.--' ;:-' -" x , k-:: fr!d -j: r -'-";vv-:.; - :"v. :;,''.-',y v - "rench in such c.&e, we of suspicion, tliat .the not turn upon pure and alliisioi.s ar made to the chain of , proof, which establishes the conclusion so opposite to the pre tensions of the tlemocrtUic party ; -, Scarcely ;, a yeir'has passed without adding VniterAallyto them, and the history of the origin of die war aftd the conduct of the executive ever since, has'accu muiatcdiuo 'Je molest fation. Liable to such, a load of. reproach for subserviency to foreign, ind'ience'i and even the dur ation of m .-ajures of the u most pithiJjCi- preposterous indeed to see them endea. voring to sl'irotil their Oiwn mor.al : .elbVo'-iity in groundless; imputa lbns against others;,-Ve;sk, how many fjtmocrats of distinctioreTecied. urjonrilm most plauiblcgrouads bfreceivmgpen- slons frctrt the nation wh03e--stde'. they- constantly besides so-T-e offieets. The general embarkation commenced as the troops arrived ; but this being. a general embarka-' lion, the whole of the scows were occupied by a bout one third of the arrjlery. whiieVabout SOQ reguiar infantry, about 200 twelve months volun teets underxol. Stvift, and about two hundred of the Dii'iiia who bad volunteered their services for a few days, occupied all tke boats that were ready ardent: officers, TRe Affair Que.ehs-e w i jsla caution against r; lying pn cwaixis who g tha ' .bank ol the Niagara,, to lpok ou a'batil' a, on a theatric;! ehiyition ; who, if they arp t 'f ;;-i-u. ed. of the Vighls," break their muskets ; ot if tr.ty re without rations lor a day, desert. I have 'made -to you' this frank disclosure. -witliotit admi ting your authoiily to vetpine jt, uoder the impression that you are pa'iiotic and candid men ; and t that you will no censure me : for. following-.lhe cautioU'c6uacil of txperier.w j nor join, in the "senseless clainqr- -excited . .ajj'ainst,. ' me by an' interested man. , ' u j . have ome-reason to believe that tne cautious ' flie tioopsthen embarked moved1 up the river tM counsel given by the, superior.' ofjjicers of .n'ly com Bbck Rock without loss ; they were ordei'td to disembark and .dinef,, T; ' . T,hai received frorrf my ommartding general ,tn instrocjioir in the I'dloAing words-S" in allim poi'tant tfiovemcnts you wjll, I presume, consider il Virluib'tW! lei ri-ntliilr onvi&'nr haiih iVniini1 fl cers.'.' I deemed this tquivelenMo ait ..order, and lYhe movement -important.-I;ca'!ed the lie 14 offi cers-of the regulars and twelve months volunteeri. eiubai'ked. . Col. Porte t. wis not, found at the mo Linerd. . 1 he (Piestions; werev out In it exhrdient row to pro overt Is the i'urci vie have, sujjkieni t j conquer the ofificsitc coant $ ",'. ',. - ''7" T1 ' - Ihe first ques'ion was rlecided in the, negative by cob-Parker, col. Schuy lerrcotVhTdef , lie u t et ..BfMTsUe.r, lieutenant, colonel Ces ahdjnajbr vuuiiiudi. , vwumciawni, u' voiunieers. aione for then ctossing ovt r. ion Wail "hot decided- Colone mand", was Rood, From deserters we u-atn. that 2344 rations arc issued .daily oif'te fromicts crT;' ihe'viliitish Mt'e. "Capt. King, prisoner ui Fort, George, writes to an -ofluter thusi-' iell 'ur ft ic'nds to take befer care of themselves than it apj ears I have done " . I am', gentlemen, with ; great rsp&ct , your most obeaient, ' . - '. : - : ; ALLXAND2IR SMYTIir .' - Brtgat'derCeneial. To Me'sTS Csnrfr '"M 'Clrre, Lewis B:id.4aH, --J-Jxn G i iffinr t-nd f Ww. B Rochester, coav -in tleero'ii the. patti if'tc cuizens of thj v.eaitiu : r.r.nies of New York." '', : '. r ' ' - . ' P. S." lt will be obsrrved7 t.bafi tlie lo' Ce ready cou'd be no jahtwisV: asi eri'tued' than' by 'n ac itl ,-inbaikauon it be'ir.p; uiice'rtivwLat fvivi---the a vitiate u-Torce v,'ou:d ebai''.-;'. ' " .v;-" 0