' 1 if-. fi To the editor of the Buffalue Gazette. j j tjVtt of your pafltrijf this morning, in which is i ll fonciiiitii whaj purports lo be Gen. Smyth's cjico ; 1 $ fa,.,M.'iru of the'affuirs of the $8ih of Nov, and Jst (I'll -oMK . , I l-vig-ts.to assure the public that in your next I will I rv; u -'true account of some of tfatnost prominent l tr.M actions of thqse days. I When oijr Jives our property j when the pre ; f ci (is and dear. bought1 gift, of ' our ancestorsthe" sjcieJ honor ot our country ; whenvery ming general reprisals , be granted against" the ships goods and citizens-the rica, (save and except any Vwsstls to' which' his Majesty's license, has been granted, .nr which 'nave been directed to be released from the e mbargfr, and hav.Jjfltl terminated the original voyage in wh cU .thy wcjejdulai ied oV released) so" tnatas well the jL-etsand ghipsof tlis ,NJ Vjestyas also alf other ships. and vessels thai shall be cominission ed by letters of marque or general reprisal; or b therwise by the commissionc fdr cxe.curin,; the oflice ol Lord High Aumiial of (iteat- Britain,; slujl and may lawfully seize all shi;i' vtsselsand gjod belonging to .he-govrrnmerit of the United States bein'i citizens ol . A. ., it.. ? . , ' . . ... .1,' .ii-,,...- I! 1 0 is Mi lliai -.ve prize as men, or oagnt to noia uear as ine vjnueu iic5 oi.mcticn j niuawi-.tH njtri :u.are fallinc arid fadinir before us,' it is time i in the territories thereof, and, bring Uie",sa;me to to spe fc oat, wh .tever be the hazard. .'. ' j judgment in any of the Courts of. Admiralty with. In ascribing, a? I halltnnt hesitate tovdo,the late in h; Mjtstys dominions, duly aurltorized an.dj disgrace 'on this fronuer to the cowardice ol gen t ral Smyth, I beg to be' understood as not inttn rli g to irpp'icate the' chat acters of the officers Avhouc opiidoi'S he has brought forward to bolster up his conduct.. Several of them 1 know to be as brave men as ever wielded a swi rd i and ihet advice if indeed they gave the advice imputed td thtm. inay be accounted for in the '-obvious cor sidertion, with which VerC,6ne who saw him must have been imprtsed, any military at tempt itnder such a leader miltt , in all human pro bability proveTOisgraceiui. '.your Very humble servant, . 4 . , TKTER H POSTER' Foreign. RUSSIA, The Russian generala appear to have drawn a circle round th: site of Moscow, and to be closing uponXhe French quarters in that post; tion, fiom all the greatroads around' "Kutu required to tak cognizance thertof i-we bting de, siious to irive due encouraerement to'.his!jVl:ies- . rt . .- "... ty'3. faithful subjects, who shall.lawluUy seUlbf same, and have declared in counui,' by our oratr of the 13ih.of October insrr&ot, our intention cn oKh vo'u:s,.vye,re;. :;K'!:pdrpip;stponee:.;;.v . Agaiijst it - ; ,.; 'riv? r Srt the motion was lost. , -v,,-; "-.'"The question rccurrtid on tKe passage of tl k;ti . . : ., ' Mrrpottrr opposed the passage of vlhe, bill at considerable kjiigtfH-;;--.--;, 1 Mr; Randolph moved to postpone the ;fur- ther consvawrauon ui me w.wmuiiuni Mfnion lost. The question on, the passage, of rhe bill decided as tollows t , . - 1 J -.- . So the bill was passed. . "v. Merchants' Bonds . The cretary and forf: ihira time the bill p iss ?" cerning the distribution uf H m.n.v r of captdrrC - ;-vr V t " ' ... teizuresi orizes. ana renns is oi. an smn..auc e : . goods during the present h s di ks, do now mak In o'rir Usl P3e iII be:roun3 aC' not had ioKm.; "rrr nave 7 S'.rMACUlNKRY1? - ome weeks apan anicle znk j ' ' ditor.l head of t?-; naffi? Cd?.'hs- .nttiisate. of electf S v . .. - r "mem nni cent. nvihat anicle'were nointert n P1"4 ' tlm means by whichlhe:frS5 .f . abbred tp pr.venL a vote ,bv .Jisn; 5' of these Kail be; n Heguiit a, ii,!-.,. Jt' .H of .the Mmtiinport, wi!K, ,a, Kcljew..r ; bill from the Senate directing the 5e- ! r i t, : ... rw "M jr M'4 Mieuirr ui a renrescn'ahvA mn- , - or tae iraswy,xo rcmii now, peuaiue r-,htU ;nnr;n(((,,.Lr;;; . .. , ' . is if :itures,Jnertdih;ca . ancl,;tlie qoestion -statea, ".anaii fittd ductile m.es bf aitiinincr ; v lJ known tp. al his Majesty's lovmg subjects aid aU others whom it may concern, by this tun pr -clamation, by and with, the advice and'"' consent of his Majesty pri)f5fril , that our. W1! xhd pie sure is, in the name an-i on the iefidf t" Jm -jesty, that the net pwducf of all prizes taken (save as herein befrre .except) . the fight wbe eotts inherent in his majes y and liVcrownbe given to the takers i ("save aho the : p;odtce ,;f ucii prizes as are, or. sliall be", tuken by ship- or 'vessels' bw longing to or hired' by, or jjn, the s rice of th commissioners of custom's ornate thedisposi 10 of w hicii we i eseTve to our i arther pk abnrc, ami also save-and except as heri' VlVr mentioned . i ) but bject to the.paymeht ol ail such or like cus aow. i ormasow, vv inzineeroae ana wi teen. k...,:,: n,i;, . ';.. .r stfin, each at the head of a formidable army, uv been liable to. if- TV 'sVme w.;Ve, or mighr occupy the pnnctpat-posts in as many distinct; have been imported avmhan-'iz.-, und that jv lin rutfing off supplies, rcsburces and com-jsame be given in proportion and maiincr lnrein.f muaicatioos, 'prevent! g advances. repeUingj ter set. fih, viz. t ' '.-" &yVnhmgt(,n November P fg,, You will icollect from iji presiiltnt' i Bl, nicatio:i "hnd been received from the nroDtfr of ficer of the government" on the subject, whether, ' "ge.anu iu mews, just published, a correct, excariana and r.e.straining.expedition8fc,U thise' ci rcu instances "Bonaparte i awaits : the k i cothmenceinent ot he Russian winter in his I quarters at Mosco w. We are anxious to learn V how Bonapart? adrhis soldier wil) bear the - visitation of tHis nev?and hitherjtp unknown enemy The gallant: the ever to be lamented Gen. BagraTIon is dead of his wounds. HI i 1 : PK Jit - Royal ITtghne 'ti ih'e Prince Rrent (huncit. stj V .terras, in conaequence of infrniatiQn .having been received of Ueclaration' of ,Var by the Uuited ithi of America. pg4Qslhis Majesty, and ot the, iisue of letters oF rarque and reprisal by the said government against his Majesty and his, subjects, an vrder ftnvouncil. bearing- date I thelUtt Jaly was issueddirectinghat Ameri ' jf ' caipifnd, g and de- 1 v r taned tiltwther order i and; whtreasHis Royal 1 H Hithieas th.j. Piince Jleeeiu actintr in the name f i"f , and onlhebeh If aHisMaiesiy forbore at that That all prizes taken bv ships and vesst -h havun commissions or lctt rsof mark ijnd leprisl- (s ve and except uch prizes a ate or'shad b" t ikcttby the ships'or vessels be!onving to or hi;e-l by, o; if tha s.rvice of the.cmihissii)ners aforesaid ) mayl be Sl id antf dts'pOHeJ of by ih erch-ni' i owir, fitters, and others, to whom tichp ktteVs, f ni tk and rep:Uas 'arai granted,- for v'thelr owif.tisejanfl benefitr after final adpidtca' ion, and not l lore And We do hereby fafiherorder md i iref.t ?h ' the 'neti produce of allirhch -'are o"r.fslyail b taken by a'y of his"majesty's flnps or vessels -ol war,"(saxe and except when they shall be a iini on any conjunct expfcditnn,wifh hi-j mj'-sty'n lint forces, in which case we rcS'rvc to our -.elves Ov division and distribution of all prizes 'and -btvn taken, and also save' aiid except as htrein..fi ' meritionedLahaU be for the utrte benefit anr er. eouragemfnt of the fl pr tticer, cap'aii s, com manders, and other comm's'sioned oflkes hiv mijesty's pay, and. of. the . icamen, marines an' soldiers on board his majesty's s. id shipvari tiv; sels at the time of the capture, smd that such p iz i. my be lawfully sold and dispTSedf Irv xh,in an , If! ' ti me o direct 4etersTof msrque and reprisal to be j their agents, after the same shall havebeen finallv $ , iwar1 aSinsl the ships, goods -and.cituens of the (adjudged lawful prize to hisraajesty and not other '- saiiUmted States of A;atTc under the expec- i Wise. ' . ' ! - ' ( frC 4 , tatton tnat tne saui g vernmem woowuppn the ' 14 notification of tne Order in Conn' il of the 23d of June4ast, forthwitb.recalandpnul the said De "" ' - "2 ' i ''fill . ? I at' . ' . .' cJarattorlk of, War-agiinstJHialajestyr an-alitbc eommencentcnt tjf a tnndl the. said lettera ofninrque and reprisal. , i r "And whereas tne said government of the United i, i!t?i jaiuiesui(..-iu'.iiya, ujj.jii -.me lujiicauoii 10 mem 4 i; of the sid Q;-dvPio C vuocil of the 33d of June y --last, did,notthiik,fit ro reciLthe sa;id declaration nr. - m -ex r-jr - - -. : , IN cfoceededrtoCfMidemrand nefsfsted'Jh rnnHrnn1. '.i . All-' ' j'-.4-.:?ir'.l-.j p:' ' y -'in Here follow the regulations forth of prize money, which, and the remainder of th proclaim; ion, arj in th-e form usually adapted oi wur.) By his B)yal Hihness5he frince of Wales, Re gent of the United ( Kingdom of Gi eat ftritain . aiiil Ireld'.d, in the name and on ihe behalf ov his y.iajes'.y. 9 - -fe A PROCLAMATION. i 2 ! Jn? the ships antl 'MhfnHiiM'ale'ktv.ub.. ' Wiu-rMS' we am informed tbit cre'at numbers w ljects'srizexof-W ViO Oa suspension pf3irm agreed tfpbti ; between Lieur. tural born subilcts, are in the "service of dives tV j juenir Mrge r.TPSirnn.u'S-a u ven;,urj f,,,,,! princes and states; to,the-prejudice of his f Cieneral otanadVd fibn ; an'd whereis alienis ts,' mar manning t.uicy;mericaiiviorce8- in - in? io ihemibe. made to seduce sme of Ins maiestv s suHtetts TieWpces of tl Um to theiv allegiance and duy o his m i s .hi 'iw n-F'." u joncr. t tv. to enter on board .shins or vesst is ot. war, or lfis9yWhS t..iVince'1te'mht-acttrTthVr' shlhsV veswls beloiiirinp t.i the U i-ed oFArnet'ica,with inttnf to,coramit h ostility against his Majesty or his stibj Ndts "pr other wise to ;,dhi rt --entmie'- none 4 1 his incur the pniit ana rifteiiiittJiM!iuinxneierruories urtOl Twidpenalties-of such 'breaches tfbeirralt-ffanct . f is .R9?H;ighh in t liTianie aJud6fftK .beftai'f ' .ht i :M ajesty , and with the. acl ice fpiiiS; ;kjesty-,3; P: ivy Councd.is: .Vnf AM V ".i,u.iiicriC , llv warvery Jittle can be Yxected, a, mitcee of. ways andrneans, to amendjhe bill; frmial election u onceover I . The federal f '' by .striking out thejfrom the words "and the anuthe discontent 6f ihe re duties payable on such -goods.-' wamandmejv -tisy in'pefvertitig, opposing and imjnVtj chi idjse being paid "and secured, -to be paid measure for carry ug into eff ct ttie course ine agreeable to law?' and Insertinglthevwordsf mnmeftt ha3 taken out 'puMicenemy atwU' " on payment of the duties which would have . much tWtre-.tcU, In ihe event of the election 'bad .nrh o-noda. wires 'president, and coonls s5i?hlon a ihkh", tuii and merchandise been' legally imported.", S cannot expect from our intwhal or,f .ThVWendment at-th's stage of the bUtV PP0" ?"y S1! tm'm 31 s v ' - iu'iiiaaer li occiueu. iwr, j over, and in;', passi . reqatred unanimous consent 1 which cUioh shws lhat ve ardetermined S t wis aconrded bv the house,, after a fe w - qbae J. oar governm,n. (which can only be done by d,e J vati ns Jrom; Jlr.,piDO, wno fw;ea war, ai; ..tlec,iiip. -of oor, rtwM WOrtby presrden!)i 1, th iiigh a majority of the committee of ywAys maUers will go oh' smoothly, at least atnon; . r'. and means 'were opposed to the Mlly . th-; most uhh -ard of ui-riy una-viuslycoacun-edn ClintH. aie.ndmf'nt, . '.f' " f Nei Yotki; who are seconded by'lbeSj," aMr, iU iberts opposed the passage of the bill New. Krigind, Thtir agents are abr'njd at ti4i on account. of its ffeneral nrinciples. as of the mommt ihrou;b every state. One has t( dUfi ultv of legislating on it. M-.' Cheves replied. . . . 1 . a.. i iNonn u-arouna, as 11 1a siaieu in a wuer l.om . 1 ora wmcn 1 iavf M en. u vnii is sc. tr.avcDo 1 . 1 . . k .1 ; . - .1 .... , ClOUOl OI III CllSalJUOillinicIIl MlClc. i ne question was inen ; Ken n tne nnat - f .j ; t, passarf tne b.ll, and decided by yeas and vole-of'North Camlin; ft thaftliro:K;ll w navs.-Y-;aH 64, nays 61. .... ' , trigne, the vdtfi'of the state may be-lost ent, So it w:as ditermiaed that the bllshall pass. Thatma'y be eff, ctcdia this minneri A bill mi v ' " " - pe iiiiiooncta to repeal or moriity 'hi pr sent lectoral law, undt-r pretence 01 subs ;.iutfng'a:tvthet mode of. election. Hut whn ones the iteration iv madc impediments will arise, and. filially the rn.it lor will be delayed till tha constitirionalti:iieMp se VsrhichTvrill be very shortly. Gol. purler S'.;j gested to me, a plan tf layi ig .the ra?mrcrs 'iuta districts, ea.cfi to vote one elector. Tlie col'mei no doubt thinks himself right in this plan. But it ml onlyretains the principle, and al! objections uhica belongs to-the electoral law, without any nf it UialriiJ!): Fill 0 V, J.WUA'lY I, 18 IS. NOTE. - ' - The patrons of the Minerva arc respectfully m i'ormcJ, t hat, hcreaUer, the terms of ' subsciiplioo this pi,'er will be precisely those on which the, her g .zcttes ot the cny are pruned, m every .ew s'a termer is required to make a payment of Kf properties. The state will W -j ...:ni t,n its votes and Dart'of its wxieht-be l08t'Ba. Tt 11111:11 11 in Hiivaiit.c. 1 11 1 runt nun mil 11c uiauc t: r - n t Hat account. Consequently three dollars pep cannot be spared at this iime,p-irticiUnr!ys'mfc'. Mar or Rtgiter, has 'hitherto been furnished at a rule one .sixth cheaper. This, a regard to the pros 'peiity of the establishment will no longer permit 10 be done. . 4i'-:'ir' :' m . t . . . 1 1 f .1.. 'i... -ear will be invariably demanded.: The Minerva. nlair piay-wnicnii usea oy v u.c .u. o . . ' !.-!.:-,...-. " Vein intanrn ia N. Jetsev. An electora tut tnouvrn 01 equal siie, coniainine luucn mauerj-j-yf-., 7- , - . 4 d costinrr as much in its execution astithtr the H est.h'ishfea that the people were i9M genera ticket-. , ' in.e; majoniy oting ecici;i : puhji.:an anr unanimous vote would have beel.gir en to Madison 'Bu' t hroiiRh accident, a sir ill mi jority of the assembly are federal. Thty lw laitlyme'u flt the power in. their hands, rcpwW the'electoral law, and enacted a la v by hkh Ik assembly is to choose electors, atid an unmimor. vote will ibl given against the opinions ofthspe pleTrtb'iVtate. rhelrjcon jrre-ssiorol eisnfeM abomichanKMig ;soas to xSweep olf avnuiyi. thcW republicajv meers.as possible. A c derable change through- ucbans,....li--fe-place inlba elections of Ni- England. .Eixi? it turned Jbwatds North Carolina; J hope atttmptWchanKe the law, till ywr tlctionn v..'wilf hk hrn'nin lv resisted. If vre ere evfVi The followinii geniicmen compose; for the pre-sentyafr4bis- b.dy- '"i';xldeonlstori:!.- ':. ;...' -.-vi'. ;.''':'. ,2ii2RlvP4!4: V' ' ' .v - '-'M".:.r S. Armestea l, ' .y . " ; Bryan Whhfi 1?, vv' ' f2Thoinus K.inau -5 V, I fl " been directed-to'.beiritase.d Wtaftfk tfte'.emolrreo,' ana nave 1101 ii iiiuiaieo jijo'rinar' voyage on . which they were detained and releasedf, See. &c ) ma umin'cn ,,c-r,j"s.-ivegent is ne l: . (?ave and.eept any .ye'ssers haveithpdghrit necessary in I 1 V ity'stifenbabeeo,' hVhlf'l?.'bl m .jcstyUnd by r s 11 I 1' verthtlcss pleased hereby to declSri? fin the nam-knins of v V and on ihe bvMuifuf hfe ..Majesty 'that' nothing in this ord :r contained shidl be: Understood to r.cal or a(f-ct th-s Declaration which hjs Majesty's Na val Commander qn the fftrican station' has been authorised to m ke to the goyehjanypfb'-'-vl.' States of Vmenca fiaroejyjja I li noyl Highi XlffSS aoim.atal by a ScVre 'defsire to arrest the calamities 'of w?r, his- authorised the said com mander to sit!n 'a;Convcniio.:irccalling and annul in froni t be named, all hostile orders is . ; sued bv th tesper tive irovernments, yith of reorin vyiUV)uf delay thercltir a .view ns of am'ny anl chrf 'rce',!eti en his Majesty and the Uiilt-" pa tvs lyime'.ica,-.'''.' . : -'. Kro;n ttf 'C dt t at Cat Itori; Jiouse the 1 3!h of October, 18 '2. .: - 'i:'' : -' . ,--':- --:r' 'fl. tngned, Cavlrragh Liverpool, 'flV.'- .-.'. vv) ; i.niD ).)ct. ya, By His P.oyal Hig'in i the "Prinze of Wales, He.- ge.it of thf Uimed- Kudoia-of .' Great Britain an I'lrelar.d; in the name and on the 'behalf of hiaMsty, ; rp.-.. ;. ' ;-i . r)v PROCLAMATION r'.: -jFop Grantin4he-D:n' ri but Km of Pfizei-ditrtHth " GEOHGrV P. R..: : r r ;':; f Vherea3 oy our Orders in Council, dated the I3ilx day cf October instant,' vve'have ordered that he- in the n.mc and Si-1 ti theadVics of Sis IHajesty's Privy f,oancil,'toi pub lish this procj,mation, hereby iwifypig ,.nd dedjr--ing that ail persons, being his .Majesty's sti!j ct3, wno snail mcasiiv-i t y ;&" .1 - :rv W t?.-.- (hfl'v ' fiii atwlliQHbr-able neacelit will'he Mr-tl r.,J: ir tsurirm, anu inimas u. r t", iwj 7 - . .; . , V' " " ' . .. t s- . t , . j - u: !....v...i ..... nni unitffl -xurtiot)S'to can v on im 1 nave 01 ft iin:eu wios lie cauin m m . .---7-. - f , ,. ..r 1 1' cy the" Governor and Commander in Chimin the ken to bring Qtirejitmy to .a ..fbnRsc . . - - J' -v r- 1. 119 ii 1 . . rurn 1 nn i imit 111 rirni. 1 v iw iiii i"" " an J the other resigned Ji.e one' Advanced to the rank of major-general to be ttie titsjxjsmoo ot. toe,, "'"JVf ' -The Un i 1 1 d State s htwos, -' about .-SPO in num- were adopted j;istrate, lunder wliose- auspices the'se wm Vr, now stationed at S diy,,hve in eo order.; our enemy ann u,c w . . fl ed, we learn, to proceed .toyyar,ds1iAe,-'oaii An intelligent olhctT, nbwn this b.lace, iiiforms us th tt these men are vei y pleasintly situated and n'ifti'ly provided .ejtpeptlig for winter clothing. mm iivtvfi' thn iwmfiftfr irifmnk. ith wntnh thV enter or serve,- r oe iounaon coara - - " ; " ," ' easels of ar,Qr. otlier sh-orvvssebl h. cl b,v lurnisivecT, and winch are of stufl! as thick n "ffi. Tin td Rlafnf-;AfnPiVv wiih 4 w4'm is tnui wtir i m yic,neiKiuorniiuu, leave tlve'Sn nothing to compl iin of bn th'at score. They arc comfortable huts ; and under stuct disci S It ppars, front the dilWf&it accounts ol the coa temptible proceedi gt.at" 'Buffalo, that gen. Smythe; the Gsscout and Peltr Il.,P6rter, the spreVcr pf th: war are ''at loiterneads. For a wordy reitjn. beloneirig t inftent 10 commit hostilities apain'st'i his M.t sty or his subjects or who sh'nil (it heri3e adhere oj give aid or comfort to, his Majesty's enertileCl.'- pon thesea, will thereby' bo ne liable t v s,i3ffjr 1 tne pains Ot aeatn, anqail otner pains( and nei ehy declare, in tpe. name and oa,the ben bis Ma jesty; pur in fention and rirnareoliiion to proceed " divert at the -gourt at, .Carbon House.' the? 56ihrWdrrwe.k!Tow no two hUtu r clnmpioAs TheJ October, 1812, and in the 53d cf his T AIauvy'si realcauso.t the b-tacii between these glowing and inj ihe coiiLr4crffir supplies, fmnd-it rqcently a oui,4. bargain, and, tber; f re wan 1 the trdopj'in , Oaiadj, to gU rid of it. Smyiht.'s dela.fkfeat'ej hif .oly .-ct. Conseq rmtly, he '-abuses the Grafion. Aild thy' Gisq;in upbraids hi'-n. Let the.i'eadi'r r-fer-tfi thci't; litters, inserted to day. They afd ghriouspair ! " . " ' - Gsaeraj S ?jythe -half addressed an official letter to General D ;i born, on the subject of the late abr t i ve att eirnpt s ai' Buff Aoe- It, is the ' sam in sVistanceas:theojie,wepabtisb. "fJ''.h.' ;f Tn jhe litter,.. the lollowm no e was omitted to e pTapedTiu its proper sitnition Congr'els ; v UOUSE-b lr- Rlii'lihbKN TAl'IVEH ... -V ;-.'' S DKCEMBEU 23."'. ' ... '-i;v. ' f f' : ''iv -Navy Establishment. v -The bill from the Senate to increase the N"a vy.of the United ScateS; was read a tliird tiiiiel And the - question jstated, '!!' Snail the bill J iNIr. JNI'Kee $poketat consideralde length agauist its-.passageahdcguaSed by moving te-nost-pon.e it t;V ilin a ayc-wittva-vtew of ou? taming further intofmatia' on ths subjec't'-ot the materials, Sec; ; . 7 . ;.;',.i vThe motion to 'postpone was supported by ed that IMr Abtoh and Mr. Scyberti and .opposed bv .-fz. -"' : : '"''".T"'.. "";;,;. 'Jl;-.'. g-Vde ha've1 ine-J a man or ucseruon if l ir .j.. '.! r .Kii."ilM. hKonle.'WrtWviw ,. . ..'i: ...- SA.irVct. t Vlt 3 I'T-v or so governe-.i uy jui .yv, .. enemy, after preying on Our best r. .f thins more to do than to Iwdd.out a ie, a rts'.-.ance would chancre wUh'the men who t'"' iennii-.d on it 'Stilmiim woOl.dbe ettrt;i-l order of 'he day. - ....,,4,1 v. I havi-written-ttf t intended when I sat'.d.wh ; but you i-- me. I think the subject important. youwwill commutjicate to such of your ing members as yu mly dfirud. ; 4 As arty thing occurs iii ' yi. wriung tunner j anu win u: n.m ail or any of you "0 ' '.,,?;,. iram, gentlemen, very rP- ;, i.s3, ' .. . ' ,: . ... ' . ,a I A V. , . -.Tho navy bill . has rrr4,Wthf wnale ForUii. r .bJ liS- ;h mi., . 'x rfal.amcncmer.M ir' -: X' A-. - v. .Vrmnnl.lCicatian. VeVS aEoce ..il.? 1; .,,',,111 ... J;jn alMnif l f 2foi as'1 Rr-pvesentatlveiC ' t .... j..-,..V,- J V : J..,Uy",r - . . ; ,,, U v'Sijtbu,idredofigen. Tannehiil's' brigade We fas'' Rejyrewrit.at bvlf 1SS 'p '"..dlft scrtedm 24houi-s;VA court martial of this bri- tlhr i.3'.K-Cangr.e;t.. l'J . ' L man 13 UicsnVs for the cilme- -TsUi and cSoscn by aj- JV-;r ": iathisuciscynt ws' ' . -'C .V 'v.-'- -f-K'-rt ' ' - -:.:'(.:'' ' I '. -: 1

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