- -i; ! 1 ..',4,'- i it .1 Z t Sufpenfiou Law. 1... ' 1L -1 -11 nlW..I i-s.' nvir emneror. snnomrn aoove u, v " i . j devoted-tothe...i-t has been -fcreed- draw-Ui razor of war. and riv for smoo.ht ess of Chins on """" jnact to susben'd Exertions for. a limited time. ths Tery fleef 0f his magnum bontttnii ' . -' T. BE it enacted ty thf -General Assembly of (he " Tnese magnum bonuma have been conspicuous, .S:ats of .Warth Carolina, arid it ia hereby enacted ty bu jhe tmpcrov i,as bdea-uhfrttuntte in the se-th- authority of the same, Thut when any jud'u ment ,, ( r sorrtc 0f U'1033 wlio have' directed Jtheir s. ail be obtained Cr any debt or damages in any opera.ionH, oiie general has disgracrfoily tor. (:r,ui hvKjumdicttoi thereof, against aay d -or -'dolors tw.y time afterthe 1st dpf the prc-j cipiule mpt to 'fiiki Ahmelf off a, a gen se ,l niouthof December, and before the .1st o t e-, . w.,,- intompett:ht cens. The bru ,y, 1814, it shall be the duly of such it be- MU5eg of lhose mlscai,,ias are .parent. The f. . whom such judgment shall be obtained, to stay were ; ul niS!!, ,,,., zKe vj Execution auu ipwr proceeaings ,nui m u. . ,.Ae in the u. t of ?z t or th-s la rst term or regular -session of such Court alter,. yjf 1 v V the first day ot t Y:""1 ln a few- Moments' the razors under, my coo,. arid t iurteen, on such debtor or debtors hvst giving; mand will transplant an American beard from the txH AVrNOjlrtjed; as -atmmi'bdroriD;jAnf).i; nUvCMtHx on tne estate of the -late lUQltAKU rRU'l'TILU, request all those having any claim? against said estate lo present the mv properly au thjnucated, to ihe administrator, t his atorehoust hi Sahshuryi.whtr'-he is at all time prepared to JlfJUlUilC .III1? SPitlC. , sunlit lUUWVCU J DOIU C3 tine ave rtrqaestect to cattiind tillli'p.fespeipir i ye accoun. and rnyt or renev their notes with satisfactory, security : dtherwiss they 'wi.fi' shortly be placed in the hands of an dlB:er for collection, -, J AN4-: TflO TTKH. admrx. ; - - MOSIii At LO'JK. adm;r. November 15, 1812. 71.4 Thev are taai'Ms uccustomel will shave of . . ,.a-.,.;,-.f i.vt.! .Morc wiirK a sliail lie urmrov .., . ;.- mv nrv-fni.i lbi. of its owner Soni an acknowledgment of such securities iu open to shaving and stead.ness. 1 hey 1. tnA wnnilc the same, shall Ihty Will llOt. b cd:idered as part thereof ; and if sucli judgment; Will you stand, with your beards growing, arms before the first term or session of the Court after the , resting struggl I !: t tl..n folded and ha r Granted, end look on ihi, inte Sllrtll nOl De DillU Willi aiA uti bent . , 1. ,t j ,,1 , if. . u Crat term tr ariiir,n nf the Court afterthe resting Stniggle f Are you noc rtia'.ea ome nirn Dcioro 111c hi si i"' in w u v.w , , - , - 1 1 ..... ,. fir tday ot February one thousand eight hundred arid! who. were shaved at 92 B.o dwav, 1 104 . . J' .... .K..,t..,fc.i:,l f 'nrf.f im. same atreeti Or have vou, under .-the baneful rndiutely to award exe :u ion, in a au.nmary w,y a-, mflutnee of contending fccUons fo. got the street ? cainstthe principal ,id his securities for the full a-! Must I turn from you . and ask the men r the six mountofsuoh judgment, w so much thereof as shall nations (sairagts of .he swarm, ho njvei reman u paid, together with the lawful interest had beards) to support the emperor cf ijiebodv Seon and costs. . I bftbtMis ? Shall I imitate the Uaahaw w, h to . II. Md be it further enacted, That when any judg- tails or three tads, and suff.r.your bristles tn tn-ntshaUbeobtajtiedbcforeanyJusticiofthePedce'gTO to. ah uncommon l-ngh I Shame wh-frr 1--a uist any debtoror, debtors, ou or after the tldrtyJthy bltish 1 No,' where 1 command, the-shaved fi'-stcfthe'pre'sent month of December, it shall be the and the unshaved man, the savage and his Sa du .yf such Justice of the Peace, before whom such j them, the child, the maid, the old maid aid the y.ijgment shall be obtained, to stay Execution and all j matron shdl be secure of a dren-dng ! fur-, licr proceedings thereon until the first duy of Fe- Men oT Gotham M A' present is the hour of bat.rv, one thousand ciht hu.idred"and fourteen, on renown.'. Have you not a wish for" fame ? would such debtor or debtors first giving sufficient security in twu Freeholders (such as shall be approved by said Justice) for the stay ol Execution ; and if such judg- -Tuvni, wit!- six per cent interest thereon, be not paid ai d satishVd before t ie first dvy of February, one f . 'Ua eigUt hundsed and fourteen,thcn it shall be t-c du y ol the Justice of the Peace on application to $ yi.iV4 L.xecuti ;n msuntcr against the principal and h:s securr.ies, for full amount of such judgment, or s j much tl.treof as shall re.m.ln unsatisSed, toge t , r witn the lawful interest thereon and costs ; Pro- vided, That noting herein contained shall be so con strued as to prevent any defendant or defendants from claiming or obtaining tae stay 01 lxccuuon as here totore practiced. III. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duly of eviiry Sheriff, Constabimr other Officer to w fin any other Execution has been or shall be di . reeled in conaeqaence of any judgment already 6b taued, or which may be obtained before the 1st De rrt.nklr current to stav all further proceedings there- ! 3 on on the person or persons agaidst whom such Execiitions has or shad "have issued, first giv ing 'I bqud will two sufficient freeiiolclers securities in the full sum speciued in t.ie execution, payuoia to mm, heror them lor whose debt or - damagtssuch Exe cution aforesaid has or shall have issued: W hicb bond togetiitr with the Execution the Sheriff, Con stable or other Officer shall return to the C urt or Justice; of the Peace to whom the same shall be 11 Au - viJt" 1 . 1 j V U I 1 1 If t-n ... . correct vnimetry, real beauty and chA bl ,sure and ualuable roalttterA!S by tmpartia iudeai..Il-W.dmii,..k mdes from Wavniv,,,' n J7' S-olUcr; oVi mares on . moder ' aii.half inches) but ha. produced STlUPitoi common nT ducwl ti.-... .ari or size tothose of the largest toi mares. ; This is readily aceoui,ti rer.ollected. tliit ItWn,ntA;..L ., vf'-w';:i Zicharish, five feet four inches ihelr Second Class of tie Safquehanna Caa-l Lot tery is fiye . feet three and at, half Wu, : I'ctkus, was full five feet fmir 'it? lebrated Eclipse, his sire, was cf X' lo run with I63lbs; on his back. "4 inik-u-V21 g"ing at bis common rate, kc. Hi-j..a,r' t of Strap's d im. 'was nnl only a bor'-'r -"' or 5 inches high, but is considun-d to W,'1 the best horse ever 'in England. M, t: ly, got the 6lh September, earning the 1111, 1 i J y 11 mv ivi Uiij 'J X23th om. This Lottery co.taneiicS V ult. and will invirress. thrice a wttkr,.l pleted. . 1 1 this si'lei.di.l scUeme, one ij .iber MUST DRAW SIXTY THOUSAND DOL L-US, :. r . ;' " ' -V" ' AND MAY DRAW - " ONE "ilUNbUE'Dl'H,'JO SAND DOLLS. JDUUC luiiiuiB,. uu v ...... ..f TI i,-rl. return bfinir niade. should tlicv th ink i "t,im"" v' B 1 .""S" 7 O ' .4 : fill... If .nr. CI... tnnitiililnrl "fin Pe' eon !. in ne fnilar l-hAi i.nr. cihall f.tuv-.ill fi1Fthr! v f. netv of cuils ot different shades or colours an- oi the tunes respectively specified in tuc first and ,ow P"d r hIc -cheiip as can be offered in vnn not choose in future times to be named as one ol . these wbo, imitating the heroes whom the emperor shaved, have in spite of th- season ii visited the.hea quarte rs' of he chit f, sm I honora bly bled wjbere he presides ? Yes, you dev.ire your share of the fame. Tnen seise the prestnt moment. If you do not, you will regret it -and sav' the fair have btcti drc'sed in -i . th fash onabWs of Gotham were lathered and I was not there !i" . '. .''. Advance tVwn to bur aid. T will eit for yo. a few dars. I canutt give ynu tho d.y of try dL parture,frou the seated fusliions., ' Uut come on. come in mobs, con panies; hJf rcmun e, p;nr r si'.ttly I, (the emperor, tn fifXitt flf'.0) will organize, agonize or Muai a- you oi ' a short timer Hide o fie:tr! q !n -rs if the dis'anc is far, aii send bc'k mjm- horses, rr'.iW.4, tv iv s or asses, or scrd your written." omn and". toi personal attend.ne- but rimT'hv, that tvei" man, womai .or ch iilj-Uiat-fo n: s t ' '.sea-ju teis, places tbcm-i 'v -Tide- Riv crmb hind r-. shall submit to the saiuury es raiiVs of imft hairy at disci )li;us 'Done, at HeayQ -jrtrrs. No- 101 B-odway (Signed) DOi:S.BORi.TJ the u c ,m 1 " 1 matider in ehi f. , (Counterseignedl WOODS of the- hone dc purtment, setter of UazOrs, and fihiz iticn en; raltssi now 'to the PALACE, where the m-st re Beau nd a va ' , SCHUM. 2 prizes of 2 " '' of .. ' ' 2 1 '- ot 2 of 2 .of' ' ' 4 of 6 of , 10 . v' t)f 14 .-.- '" '' of ... 20 , i ..of -- 41 , f I "J cf 8000 of g 30..00: 2000Q ifou'oo '5'ono ' 3,'O0 beat Favorite the 2n&beat,iiiurtctd Co.M -Hathow', by Tickls 1, tlic 3d am! doubled anJ whipurd out Mad thr Lw1 m h and, three qaanets U 'was atla'w.; ir-aptared she i-ad the best bottom of a"lV,.e c,' inAhis race, is the only one of .'Stfao's ' , nave twiukvu iu ijc uku 10 ruii rjlllatr iii.'n;. i will be; made knowthereafier, i? , v ; - .v"-,'V " ' henry cotter -j t arpirougn, jnov. irfi? " , . i... ' ' ' '-. v 1000 200 . loo 50 20 12 Amounting to o,2C3 priies- btenks is'i7,T92 v CHEAP JEWELLERY" 4THIJ Subscriber, who has reskei iongwii this chjf than sny one who fellows his llneVl fine!s, arid whose attention has bteri deolc(!i, trrely to the duties of his prnfessinii, i(jt h'nij nor 'desiring to have any agency but to niuiw '4 repair atQps ann hock?, tiold ami 4S!f woik, See -rjnforms his friends and the tW'ucin ge.eral,. that he - has lattlv- received fiom HiiT de):)hia, an assortment nf Jkuellrkx i wl.iik, added to his former siock. m I kes (.dihourt a neat assortment, and will be sold'oi) ihe tn The number Of moderate terms. I He has in his e'mplov. Mr DerKsta, whaia!;ti . " rrr 1. I 1l I. t J ..f f -... 1 1 ........ 1 I J t "In ihc abo-'c lottery areiow utReis out on- mi wirjs.ui jcwmciy, ciii!i.T,uijuii,tiins,Mi ?.,' . 3 ooo .:u'mbeis, being two ticket of ore num' Miniatures, Huir.work, Sec. in a superior 'nusai' , ' . ........ :.. c ,it" Kin.il Hriumin:i tfl anv in this nlarc I O-l lll'CVM V CitC, I" - J " "-' I io.i f '.l to iiu same i umiitr i .anu tne oriiy station-; u nuvrat encouragemciii ne ias uniio'mlf jry t r-pital pri.s are the two of 30 000, ro tvhkh received, renders it unnecessary to sayaf.y uunj (j;8. t!VaA initnber, after half the tickets are of his aMUies, as he does not expect -u itcuit out, will be entitled. Coubcquctvtiy any one hold i sucpnrt if undeserving of it. T ii'tUe 'two tickets of thai number mu .t not enly I He expects to finish a handdome a5rwifrf ' '7 t...,. .'hinv :hnnsands. but may tret the twent wai ranted EIGHT D A V CLOCKS, iu me -fe. howiaiuis, ni-ki'ijt i . possible lor a aif.gle nunbtr Mdra cm l.ui.drcd ihcjuiur.a-aoujra.c i icneis nave lism rai i-Jv. and may, from the grlcat pfhLrny f .he scheme and thectlmiy ot tne drawing, be txi,-ectcd still gre Uiy to aavance. l'Or a iewuaa hry rriay be had at twelve dollar s. J J hi the season of double dotiei N. B. Official Bulletins n hand-bi'd f.f n wil1 be issued giatis to purchasers of ImptiLl ai;tifc cles during the war. i,.id sections ol tnis act ; and at the expiration of such j tiarss it stiall be tlie duty of such Court or Justice j respectively to award Execution in a summary way against the principal and his securities for the lull anvrtini of such bond, or so mucn thereof as shall rciiauv-unpaid together-with the- lawral iiitcrcst t'iereon. -and the Constable -or - other Officer shall receive from tie principal giving such bond tne r um of two s.iillintrs for the same. v ' " p iy. ivlni be'it further enacted, fhat where any ' f nffuirt, on strong suspicion of dett by Gen. S'nfl" Constable, or otriet Officer has levied or Bell, Premier of the mansion " df O-tiRAB -VK. 1 1 tertemeoU beforerthe 3 1st -December current, by- a lay, ' ' . . ':' 1 Utue bfany li.xc.uiion, or has arrested and im A late discarded Prime Minister, and tio'.ori ous VoLi-i ical opponent. ' " f R.:maikibl.e coincidence of cir umitartces I General Parrisrny captured while at tilt: very hkad .. -. I LJ..Il. .Sn C.n trC(Cldl I1UU l.iiJ m wu ovtsoned, or shall bave arrested or' imprisoned t be fore that, dayW.y personiby'imtof Ca.Sarwhich has 3 r'i1- IjAVTiMonK, Dkc 14. A large Encrlish ship. 550 ion's inouMtin'g 10 Of siiallbave issued for.any debt or damages, it sh-U guns, witli'a cargo cf mahogany is m the Bay ierit be the dutv of Mich Sheriff, Constable, or other Offi- in by the D Inh'm, Caot. Stafford. . She s oke ar Xer, on bond wimsunrciept secrity being given, ERlish brig far. "Brazils, comiug in, cakvtv.red by the U- S, bug Argus.- 'l ive shipftnt it by the Dolphin, is the John Hamilton Thomos-m, frm Honduras fc London 120 f4 (as prescribed ii the 3rd sectioti bf this Act) to de- '' liver the property thus levied on the debtor, on de- mtuid, ana release the persv" arrestea or imprison ed from custody.- n''v''4.'. y yina oe ujurtner enaciea, i nai nommg nere Letters, enclosing cish, fr.r undrawn tickets in the'foreiminir GRAND LOTTERIES, ui II b at tended to with the u?mobt punctually. Regnlar itccounts of the drawings will be received, and in ly V--.tr itu rise of the Assieiub!y which ;!l!it sold at riit id prices. KuL-hrh, Dvc 13 THOS.IvMO.Va lit7 Tvii Bovs, ibout. '14 r 15 yt.n 'of are Wanted as apprentices "cj the atovcinfs ;,,-7' . WANTED, ; ., ' -v A person who is acquainted with V miWtif1 and burning of Brick, to superintend and m ..tup',' a Biirx Yrrd during the sunnier oi 18 1;) Ai industriot::iand sober man, who can proline , f nnaf-ori'of the fate of tickets givea at the Miner- mot.uls $ his character, -.will tecme $t w i nr0- ' i on app'ication to the snbicnber tnJtakiL'ti. a Chiiri U'arish,. RTvTURb hhtigrelul ackn,.wledgments to hif friends.und the public, forihv liberal cn c'iageiiient the have given him hcrtVfore in his line ot business, and informs . hem thttou U- first i;ist. hts large and commodious, three story brick budding, at the , ' J v Afc.v of ran. EAGLE, north of th': state, i.oube, will b in complete order. to receive boarders nd ti averk-rs ; w here he ear i n'esdyst.liciis the reiitinuation of their patt;onae . t .. , .i.u ;,Jjo ..r rn;. Ml.-. ided; htmsi'.f th t no.thingt)n his piit shall be sX X.-;i' -Wail k J.i rA- nli.-i.rmW ' : -iti. . t ..:.: .1..: . ,.r v. ! wmu torettnr k. t e; al salistartion to inostw no iu wmiuv.u,iion ufcuvnuwi w wju"&u(v"" acnuu, i j.riuiintciy lyiinmu ine iu ui tiny iitv' . ". . , '. 4 1 Rxr.utiuna which re -or in'dvlie nbtainedor issued Gui.i JnnAA tuAv. il' h.n i4w n -aour htm witii Hit ir-custom v I - - ' J , , V t 1 V.IW UVUtlUbVI J V fc f H'V im l tiivi . '7. '- . . - ; . ..- . . - " . . m consjiquence ot any contract made alter the arst day , 4 ong nines and 12 twelve poind c v gtUvl es atiiU of wnuury next, or 11) the name otthe State, or at the--so mn.'Off'thercinVninoke f itance. of the Treasurer, or to alter the'mode by frcm Brazils, with cotton, Prize which sucb judgments and Executions are carried j Arirtis. f-.-,'r-..-"' ji. to effect, or to exanorate Llerks, bhenris, Loun Honest 'and active .er1 anis a;or.s will ')e engagcitua.nu.:iii-a'iafc.ies a li" isti to the U ! bin $ i v ty ' Treasurers or 'Tre&s&rers of pu6Sc ; buildings, ! -An ACCOm J; l rv and Constables Ironi paytne,or sausfyintf oivExecu- rT HE Mail Stage trun iL.leigii to t v leville . . ; tio.i or otherwise, all such sums of .'1 money as they , X haying of late b An Accom rnodatioa 'Stage. f late been very mutii crowded' with , 1 t f nave received ana - coiiecteapy virtue of ineir; omce, raengen, so anot oniy to mane iraveiung ve and i I Executiqn. issues agubist any of 'therni their ry uncomfortable, but , Irequenily itb . dis ippbiti' 7pr"pvrty shail be sold to the' highest biddet; to satis- person's desirous of procuring bcv tticriiif the i (vj iiHpVbe excelled by none.; Halt. gV July 3 18 12- 43-tf. Just Received, DIRECT FROM WkW Y h K, AT Til k STCRK Of TSfc ' .'".-. Sb3 CHIBKUS. A,tTlGE AND GENERAL ASv0TMEST ? , DRY GOODS, SiperEne"BvaCt0s " Fine. . do. do. Casbroefe?, Coatings and SfocJt'hsttr .Rose-'and Dutch Utank'et.s, Scarlet .Cioakl Negto Cottons aild Manncls Bombay UsTTai-ivy-Wida-ing Jt'bil -e Cord, Cambric CinghatT.s , iMull Mnll O'ngh-inis, Culicces ,Robe Patterns,, Long Shawis, Fancy Silki i Ladies'Silli and Cotton Uo-jU- Fin niturd Calicoes ' " ; . ; Muslip Ca mbrici and Dimities, ;.. And a great variety of FANCY ,G00 h SHOESrof all kinds. . . -,. London Crown StoUt-all ol which wi w low for Cash7 ." V - " .,.t ' JOHN k ROBERT STU-T. ( Ralegh, TLcv.l 8. 1HI2-. ;.' ty ""State Bank ofNTcSola, ' Dinrii a fun r.f Kif k in the 'State 'Jai informed, that a power or Atiomiy authj n Transfer .of -a Shaie or Shares lield. I''f.. public buildings fr6m collecting such monies as may . bedvie them fur the use of the public. 1 ; v V LI. tlnd b-. is fur titer f enacThartbis Act slvjtil be in force ami operation immediately the rail h a ion thereof. ' contrary notwithstanding.,t..',':v-;.-v-..,'';;-V. L' , jlers oh 1 the; road, , and especia.lv such -a wish VI. wd be it further enacted, That nothing here-Tiither to iravU by day thaii' by niuhti have dever- - f Jn contained Shall, be so construed as to prevent mjned to 'Establish an .Accommodation Stage be J Clcrii3,SheafTd,couutyTreasureysor Treasurers otj(W Rttleifjh every Monday Wednesday and Friday, at 4 o'clock A. SM. and reaci ayetteville at .8 ov cIock4PTM:&c. :;v '''vX;-V,;:r;;V.- VA-X,tn.'--.r As this establishment jU b'attended w ry constderafcle experice t to vth'e propuet'ori, they flatter themselves that the pujdic wdl be disposed to give them support in ihcirinuei tak'.ng X ,': ::v.: ' v ' V. SCOTT. Ihe.foiloAing is a very cruel and barber -Ous; ;sa--iX;s 'j.. .' 'J;: : : D: JORDAN tire unon General Smith's fcasebnadinor orocla. I -WMeih, Nov 24, 1912. mation to the men of New York; " Yet we fear some of our readers will be abandoned enough to laugh at this insolent hair-dressers altempt to ridicule a patriotic general I worn V I t -ggBgg.grj.jj-i.g , -u, uerm t1. 1 . g , ; From ' the New York Evening 'ut . v ;f BOMB ST( FU Rl()SO. W :; - CKNERAliFUFF's (NdTl?HAI, PUFF's) ; PROCLAMATION. 'Men of Gotham, , i.?';r j to- mahyyears yt)u have seen your emperor's Head quarters thronged wUh ' tumerous custom- . . ... .' Eagle TaverniTr . IN WTLUMsBOROUGH.". I THIS Tavern i!l again' be opened, on the first of Ja .tiu'u next for and on rcc junt of V augh an , & t.AitnwKLL, and' will be kept by the Liter.-. The fimt t friends and customers to this Housef . . . . v .. tu.i tuwt ami the punnc in Ktnerai, may icm sssurcu ,mm . ... . ....1 .M Ii.i-i-in4l irt t Krkvtt ' ulin fu tnr it with ihidr fu,tom. toi-en'd.r ihsir staves agreeaJBank most be witnessed ettheriby tne bleas possible. The supplies will be good and snlficiei.t. 1 he stable, perhaps among the Oesi in-the state, will, be plentifully stored with ?T kinds of provender, Mid kcpT well iiUeed. -This. YaVerri has been lastu tor several years nacn at jvyaonsi, per.annum,' yet the last year it was siut upi con trary to jurdcit s of agreement w ills Ihe leaber it is to be hoped, notwithsta! ding", that the public patronage, which has Ih rttofore been so liberal, ... . .. '. . .. . . - '.. .1 :.l .. (U again aju and assiur in rcivmg u , unu lue most modtrias tcurs will ic obe rvtd.' I. ' : i U-JAMES rACG!l AN,- -' r LEON AK D ' C A RD WELL. Robert Rutherford, COPPERSMITfl St .TIN-PLATE WORKER'. CONTINUES to' make all sorts -hi ware5, in hij' ine of business,' idcbiding its various branches, line vlz.'rkillsV w kettles, coffee pots. 5cc.,ofcopp'er or brasi . -.Also tin, ware, of -every description - He also intends to carry on the brass'fouiiding4o perfeciit.ri. He of- iers -a noerai price, incasu cr trade, fr all olri brass, copper or pewterhat may be brought' to nis snop.'.,.:;...K-:..,;-K4 v . ituitign, August 4 if : .-. A. 76.li December 3.' . ' j- , V. Boylan- i-y'fc: r '.i. 'Has jwt reCi'ivird) ft om Philadelphia) v FlrTY SLrs OF WILLIAMSON'S' 3T011Y OFJDliUIl CAROLINA IN 2 VOLS .'Subscribers will pleasa tos cell or send for tbcm 1 ne price i iD- tt nun suuscrioera d ' Octobert. . ' ; ' r'VtrC 61-.tf.:'.-v Executitd at thb'Ofiifie'rwiiieathess;-Viy ihtf .ut ua . . ' . ' . 1-1 l-. -iilil,. . . -, I 7 '1 . IKU ltrval rt.nli or nf One cfff 'BttnClie. 'J . Notary Public, or by two ' Juktices ofthe -i-i aud if by the latter, their signature Tit' J tified by the Clerk of the Court, with 'lie l Sal annexed This regulation ;.H -jj V 1ak.iiiV next, of IC" . IOC r lit 3 1 un l - " - . , who any be cJncerr.e'(i will take.nonre. . v v 72ttf ' - W. I Mi Y .VYPj H i DoctotiBurSe-.f- AS REMOVED;. 10 ihu!; vll?P..' Jn.. Mr : vi!le8tect) formerly occupy! '7 il. Williams. r"vt :r . Notice.':5- h rt ; " ; j am under the ucteity of foiwamjiJ u;, soWi frbm trading with, L r crei - r . mily, on my account ; 1 Wi'l ,f iiT a maybecontraaed other ilunjyji-i ten ordtr from y , y t n. ' Franklin countyy T)ecal : Rulcigli Volunteer Gua,,:,:;- YO 0 will be otr your par'.. gro' , (, 7 o'clock on ihe-lt SaturdsjT w Ja,' Vw : uv cider of tl.p;: is-;. i-.' V;" ft i e! t :n( ,et a 1 IJ N li ei .hi E c: I a 1 I . Y , : ...... .V, ..' ' .sivy,.?.- l '

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