i V '"' ' X ';-a-'1,'' ' '-j' t'" "'' ' - .'J '-r--V 1-' . W . , f . , , .",x:;v -f,. RALEIGH, NIC. UBLISHET) (WEKKfci) BY LUCAS AND a! H. BOYL N. wfF Oi IVUlarJN ADVANCE. Vol. 17. . FRIDAY,. jANUARy 8 I81S. No., 875. Interesting Account riot. Fortunately they were. met by capt. Maher, various denominations preparing to embark. The wno wun mucn aimcuiiyj, prcvaiieu upon tneni 10 lorces inai wnuia, at mac time, nave lanuen on;ne From the Many Gazette, fothe politeness Cal Solomon Van Jiensstlacr, Leonard's cbmpany,v whom they wore to eiie inJebtea ior ine;uipwing imriqrcani,. ana minate.. The tiyiri artillery kept. their .. . ljsffckP Irnt1 O CVir.fl til man t t h A i . ' ark uanoiitAliAM W ijrts )ectabil.tr at BuffaloeVtleiailinK the events h;n have of la(e taken place ot the Niagara iriflitier- It will be read with deep interest by tKry citizen How yis the hoaoraHle ,Vn4 proiid ' Dear Sir, I otrgty, previous1 to tb'iV-to have trii-,n voua history of events that have occurred n'k fhis frontier since you' ltft It. The confused iaie of our affairs, and tfie acitatibn of rhir)dcan sequent thereon, must -ray io;.(ikm)rt by. But as transaction have lately taken placed which involve the destruction of individual bappi nt, tad vitally affect the terestsof the nation, 1 villnow pei form the prgmise I made ypd, and endeavor to give you a tketch of the1 most prbtni- ntnt among-them y- , ' 5, ' " Nothing was done on tbejart ol General Mnyth, wliicb promised a continuaaccf -jhe carftpalgn. until the 1 Qth of Novemberwhen, he issued b'is eroclamation callintr on the citizens of this State, to wlu:4eer for the purpose of in vadln-.; Cai-ada. 'Canadian sliore were aSout 10(0 regulars; col SwiftVreginrient . consisting of ,350 men,; colonel MClure's, f ; the proclamation volunteers, as they are called, near 400 strong, and itoU 600 of the' Pennsylvania brigade under the comTnanr! of peneral TanrtehiH. . This brigade contained 2600 m'eh, but no more than the above raf nlionotl number1 could bq prevailed upon to crosjs. This force Eufftcient for oiir purpose. Every thing wore" a T: riVVj55-. -The weathet 'Was Lmild and plwsant. i"he troops wtfe in excelItMlSpi r'ns, and appeared to anticipate a'glorfous triumph. j No'.rnng appeared taDpp'.'se oar landing not a turn back," under a promise that on the next mor njng, they, should have satisfaction. Their rage was now, directed '.against Col. Porter, and "Capt. exter encamp tng attacked. he next, day, was expected To be a dyj of tumult.t the officers managed to keep things -tolerable quiet--and on the 2th, Gn. SmylH ffVued io,ders,.for "all bands to pr-p4fe for ah exdition to. Canada This of course swallow ed qp every other eonsidcration and hapiidy we have received no more trouble from the mob. There, are several other circumstances attending t single cannon tr annoy us from the batteries. All tlnfisginiqeful afljjirr which ought 'not to be passed expected in a few n)nu'ie:to see ,ihe--Amencah over in silence. A connexion of Mrs. Pomeroy, standanl waving- on the hostile; shore. But our who lived in the house, had the night .before, I movements sv.emfd to bc-paralihed by some invi given bMh to a daughter. The bmtality of the j sible hand. The boats lay in the river upon their mob retidered then totally regardless of her pars. The 'troops' began -to 'grow" impatirnt ; and situation.-,-She was carried from the house, or it j confusion, or rather, want of order, prevailed a- not impossible that she might have fallen a vie- men? them. By noon the enemy had mounted 'ittr j'lwi.-fary' Off-Blood,' -;sho wai severely other cuinon on their batteries;' and opened a fire wounded at betroit, vavalso in the houssT; and tho' j upon the boats, but wWhout effect.' CXttr time was heiws scarcely able to move, his situation gained j wasted in doing pcKhing ; : and at length, about 4 him no comnassion. . ' Mutlj property was destroyed, notwun standing ) o'clock,1 p, m. oiders were irivenio feireat Thus 3 fine opnM'.unity for striking an effectual it excited strong feelings of honest itfdignattort. jnimity and weakness, yet it is necessary that they Not a tew however, were ready to .believe ;inai aishO'Jl! be known. man who 'could so. bpreficedly charge others of ficmg jilike desiitut- ot thev y and experience j:i he art of war, must tnmselt possess both in an eminent degree. About 40 ) vuluu'eer' came in, ia consequence ot that proclamation, and were On the 17th Nov. the folloiving general orders weic issued. Head Q i irters, Camp near Buffaloe, '''"-. Nov-.inber 27th, 1812, ' The men for service in tnis camp, anfl those every exertion was, made to save it. " Mr, Pome- j blow was irreparaldy losr; ;' either through the pu- roy fortunately escaped, or there is no doubt thatisitlantmity and cowardicei of' gem Smyth, or of this murder would have bren added to the cata i some of his principal officers, who are said to have That proclamation you have; doubtless seen In theilofjue bf other crimes. :Th...chJ.forMheJ mob; Nyjsed him ta thislextraordinary step.. At this DubJic baoers. ; Of course, Incd make no re. T wilt now return to the events of. the. war; and time every dark spot of diigrace.mibt have been marks upon it but will only mention the effects ' should be happy were it in my power to relate aiy ; wiped away. We should have met an inftrioi fhich it produced in this quarter. Some parts ; thin e which the patriot could rejoice, or in Jorce, and that force -apparently panic-struck-; of it were deservedly ridiculed by candid men oft which the ci'.i2cns Could feel ah honest pride, j which is evident, from the fact that about ten o'v all parties-kand among the friends of those who But a new accession of ignominy and disgrace has; clock, a. M. three sailors crossed over in a boat, bad anxiously laboured, and who had exposed( been- brought upon-our country ; and tho'it isjremained. on the oppesite shore near two hours, their lives, to promote the welfare of the union, painful to relate disasters that ftaw from pusilla- i plundered as' much propeity as they could bring were entirely coniimed,- and then returned with otft the lenst molestation. The effects pf this dis graceful circumstance will, I fear, be yet severely Tell by lliis country. The eni,ny will derive as much benefit from it as from a host of armed men. Before it took place no dobbt nuny of the inhabi tints of that province wouM wiliingly have sworn ollegiancelo the government' of the U; S. .- But iyfter such a wanton violation of the princi pies of right and justice, what could, be expected but that every man would fly to. arms, and, w'uh holy indignaiion, prtparei for vengeancef The fruendi'ot. t;ei0-i Snyrh endeavor to screen Win from the ignominy of this iict by saying that it was never authorised by him Be this as it may, he . i - . t-v r r orpanitid into a brigade u. ciei t,en. r ; u. rouer,. . v:ci!.it win cook io.AtlVm two ia's Dro -I was induced, from aco,currenceof ciwims-an-- anJ have in their haversacks- at "retreat, ces, which it is needless to menuort, to accept ot u . Vi,y (b-morrow. everv soldier will nut post of some importance in that corps but I-rtn-hu kckshoiililep hls musket. ad"brfc, shallever regreU that 1 engaged in a business, whtj , baule. with flials and catridees. will has terminated in sham. and disgrace. -,v- . Uarch to the- navv.vard on hi wav to Canada! tyWih oihetw afipeafed, baUU will 65 ready f,r embarkatio.,. wblch you have also undoubtedly seen. A fter thi s, nothing material occurred, until Wedncstldy the The ttnts and sick will be left under, the care of guards uf invalids until a convenient time. ffCtk ntn.n' in. tuitn.Aial a .-cnu an lliia I I li t rp I ovvwv ... ..... , i, i-nends or your country' ye who have the "t,,r u,c Jl i"ciuic u.c uu iucu.uu, stmilartothc tragedy which jvas acted at Baltunore tQ (olhe hfcart tQ dareJlhc moment u and did not attempt to stop the aggressors, ana last July. Mr. Pomeroy, who kept a public house ho . fftl. .r;V(kH. TKmV .m.rvnnmr.'. I hes not since taken any. measures to punish them. nere, naa, by some impruuent ana unjusunaoie : hun -r tornher rights trampled on hsr sons en slaved her children perishing by the' hatchet! in. power to the Btilish king cease on this continer,'.. I J) ALFXXNDKSV SMYTH. Biiat-icr General." Early on the morning of the 28ih,..a pirtv of expressions, given offence tb the Volunteer com. pady from Baltimore, and tO ji numutr of he. Be strong be brave ; Jind let the rulB itlM v I vwlla IIVUI L1WV W Jneroy is;a federalist, or in their hnguag a TO. ltY--.and of course, by men of thejr principles or rathef, of no ' principles, would, for the sl.gbtest ORtncejOe drxrmed to proscription. Fiequen' qur. rtls had arisen between him and them,' and they 'regulars and sulrrs were ordered to crfss the river, several times threatened to take a m?b like sat. stoim the enemies batteries,' pi k frisir cannon lSiCction upon -hnh'rV-Nothing swioushoAever, land return. j This was intended to have been was apprehended until the -day abovemcmioned, effected by surpjize ; but the boats had caicely when, upon stnew provocation, their ungovern- left the shore, when an alarm gun was fired . w able fury buHt fortlt; They began by breaking in !th opposite s'ule,' and the expedition. wasv.fpi' thaf pieces whatever property , of his, they could lay timev abandoned. Bill the next iiioruing, between their hands' on, and seemMtletermined not ' to-3 and 4 o'ciksck, 'it was carried into effect, and too much praise cannot be bestowed, on, the brave fellows who were engaged in it It was comman ded by Capt K.inn;, nctint; aid to General Smyth, desist until they should have laid hK house in ru in. A number pf our citizens (among whom was Mr. GrosvernorV who endeavoured to restrain the" wry ot the mob, narrowly .escaped with their lives and consisted ol about-390rof- whum,.35 were Several dfficra.''usevej7.'sexenion to quell and sailors. AH were brave, but th'TscTasfdiHtinguish disperse them, but without avail. Neither threats, .ed. themselves in a signal manner. You may nor entrelie? were of any use-- "Captain Allison's j 'trm some idea of the cour.ge.they displayed, arid company ; of volunteers wds; brought for ward and Itbe; dangers they encountered, when informed, rdered to charge upon them. But they; appeared that of those 35, only f escaped without being unwilling to shed the blood of those, who Tpf, some) killed orwounded, and 2 of those 7 .were made liirie had livcd ihihesaineTcahip with themselves. 'prisbnerThey fought principally with boarding 4HB- uiuuicciucu,cuubiyus inai uiey nq. noining pines, wi.n wmcu incy maae terrible navoc. I hree basteiies which commanded the river for as many miles, were storrrled, and the cannon spik ed. A house and barn, containing some public stores, were, burnt ; a!nut I JO at the enemy are said to have been killed and 35 taken prisoners, of .which last was lieutenant kirig, of the royal ar tilkry." Our Joss m killetj and prisoners, was 36, besides a great number wounded Among the pri soners is Capt King. This officer might-have es; caped. After ' the wished to,' success" had been gained, he went, with a body of troops, who ' had acted under his immediate command, together with a considerable number of prisoners, tfrafc- he bad taken down the place where thojf had debark? ed 'A - Here, he found that so many of theboats had bteo taken back, that there Were not sufficient ' to fear frotn, this company, and continued their Operations without ' regardinii"-'themfc' VTbV house t this time was empty, and the mn were drawn up before it merely with a design of preventing the illians from entering it! Sooq after, cpl. M'Clure, Vho had been indefatigable in hi exertions" to lestore tranqrfility, called away to attend on some important duty, and requcsted-Gtn. Porter, ho was present, to see if possible, that no farther outrages wwe committed u4'vV: r?" By some mistake or neglect, ,the guard was re Jtoed, and immediately 10 or 12 of the ringlea ders, entered Jhe house, and began to commit every VK.lchce that madnes's could suggest, whil? ab out 30 others stood without, acting as a corps d garde. - The house was three times on fire, and as often "tingtushed by the exertion's of several Officers "dcifoens who had entered with the m. b, for je purjiose. of saving from destruction jhe move'a, t'e rroperty. f Capt.M.eonard,s"'comp.my of flying fcrtj.lrry, was a( this tirqtrde red by Col. Porter, J Inacoips, to clear the house of the mob, and Possible,1 to do' it without shed(Ht.g blood. On "img in, thewere pppoied by the rioters with or- whatever arms their fury could supply i . ". the contest wbTth fnllnwl.' ihri f iv, ii. S? "e;ey. wounded ; one, since dead, and a. ijjTV-!! sinvyjriii soon follow him. Several . ners Vere made prisoners, but it was afterwards 8ht7radehf tcrlftlease'; them.r ssoonas U. . L.eonarl' company enteredtbe-house, ZZl: fb- ho-ood"without;?rair to their rinmK 8?,Zed 3iri arms,- and, - with? encrcased Aap?" ere returnig "with determination i,f . tng tipon ( those who y suppressing the While the bo'ms were lying in the river, and after gene-al Smyth had'ilelcrmined not to cross, he sent a fbg over by captain Gibson, to demand the" surrender, wivicli he dared not attack ; expect ing probably thru the province.' would fall, like the itaJls of Jericho, at the souweMjf a ram's horn. The answer returned, was such as might have been expected : ' If you want Canada come and lake it." Truly Spartan impudence! : ' J The troops, were extremely dissatisfied at their b;ing ord. r::fl to retreat and had not gen S. kept himself .nut f tight, he would have received "many an insult. It was generally believed that no far ther ai;cnijt would , be ""made,; but the next day the following order appeared: ,' u HE AO QUAKTJtllS, '" " Ca;.p sear Buffalo, 29th Nov.. 1812. ".To morrow, at 8 o'clock, all the corps of the army will be at the navy yard, ready to; embark. The general will be on board. Neither raio snow or, frost will prevent the embarkation. It wiHfc.be effected with more silence than yesterday boats ready givrn. A number of officers, and amorg them myself, expressed our doubts to gtn. Smyih as to his real intention nf gi.it. : but he pleiied his honor, as a gentleman and a soldier, that he would go, and confirmtd it With an na'h. : On Tuesday morning, by 4 o'clockr the trorps were" again collected" at the navy yard. After Mno delay gen. Smyth appeared j but no marks of energy were discovered in him- Every, thing pto. greseed but slowly. , At length the day !gan to da wn the sound of theugk- was heard from the opposite shore. General ?CTrh juried when l.a' heard it, and m a few nnnutts after again ordvn il the troops to debark.' (A wag observed, that if the sailors had spited up the bugle horn, instead Of the cannon, -they would have' done more good ; for then gen. Smith would not have been fright ened.) '.-;'"' ' ' "" "'" ' Thus has terminated the campaign ; the army Jbeen ordered into winter .quarters, and general s. wid probably retire to enjoy pis well earned btu rels. Colonel Swartwout has gone on to Wuth ingion with bis despatches, and .from them ve shall probably learn the reason of his exiraordinwiy . conduct. Perhaps those who were present labored under an error, but they cried out with one voice . . , that he was a coward, it is impossible to ctmccive , the indignation that agitated the troops whe'ntney were a second time ordered to re-land. 1 real. believe that if gen. S. had been seen among ilie - volunteers he would have been SHcnhced tu'lheir fury. But he prudently kept out of their way Men began now to think f those whose struct . thev had rewarded with censure ; and cried out fvr- ; , a VAN RENSSELAER to lead them- 'General S. on that morning came to Buffalo, and when he r left it, instead of being attended by the good wishes ; of those who love virtue and patriotism, and who respect courage, he was hooted at by a mob. So -great were hi fears that on the following night ha , ? slept in a soldier's tent within his camp, and thos of the regular army were ordered to feleep on the' t V v arms, to protect him from the rage of the yoiuh teers. " ?'4'' The disgraceful affair has placed this frontier in l . ; mi .. . 1 ' a wretcneu suuauun. inc cucniy now wiuw uu . . u weakness, and, if so disposed, could harass u$ ; , without the fear of retaliation. T he volun'te'S- are deserting in vast numbeis ; out of the 2000 V' Pennsylvania troops, under general lanntodl, onljr '! 300 remain 1 In addition to all this, sickness S htfj rapidly diminishing the troops. There are net . tiibre than 600 effective men in camp. The in ha- - ; bitants are flying in every direction, and , every Thna. sir. have I endeavored to crive VOU a C0rV'.4.h - - - - p A rect and impartial statement ot the occurrences k that appear to me most material. If you 'should tnins any pari oi u worm coiHiuuui(.miug,vv 'm , -. public, you may make what us of this yovtieae'': Be so good as to present my best respects .r - It . . -1 T ..... ' t-. IS.'..-"iI,3!..1 genv an ttensseiaer ana coi, iovcu, nu uciii -e .$ me to be, dear sir, your sincere, friend and bumble ? servant. ' :.;'- ' .". Coh S. Van Renssilakb. . ytL , n. mCANNlNp- On the success of Mr. Canntog's election; in Liv il; "he was paired by,,mspax;tuan ter beihjconQicbiihis hotel v address frotn the- Window '-to 4iiiifffj0 thousand people, from' which; are extracted ths'y , lqiio wing passages, neing mow oniy woicn ar j , V. not of a local naturel'.- ' :., Gektibmen I cohgratidatef youonyoum will be allotted to the brave volunteer, l'ifiy men ! SUCCCM us yuur Tt, Tr "L"? will go in each red boatforty men in each white4cool5ra!-e.C if I -were not to confess that to the latest hour of ,; my life I should boat. A niece of artillery and casson in each scow. Preons ailuS" V7 the -irUlIety' men, and about '20 men ol some other left to bring over his own men. and the prisoners ed in despite of cannot nenaamaae. ne resoivea,.at an evenrs, tnatpe, seen that -cannon, are tokbe little dreaded. . . lhe last should be brought over, and de'tei mined 10 re main, with as many of his own party as could ,jibt get into the boats, and rnt the fate, that might '.a wait.hira and he fore a i boat could return'to. his relief, he and his men wire- taken.-, ' 1 ilt was expected thai at. the; dawn e of day the main arm'y would have gone oyer and securedrthe" advantages which had thus been gained IJad that been done Upper Canada might possibly have now been ip our possession ; atheist, a disgraced little inferior to'that of HuU, would not have entailed upon out'codrt'tr'y w7tir 't?.: ; About t,bree o'clock the volunteer corps to which I . was aitftbed was ordered ,to march -to the place of .embarkation, 'On arriving we found .tfe light artillery 'and most of the infantrt-of the regular information brought by captj, Gibson" assures us of victory. but the enemyare as, brave as we are, and will fight. Hearts of war ! to morrow will be mernorable in the annaU of ; the U. Slates. ,. ' :y 0 r1' AtEANrMH"' ;' ' ; ii .4 T c Bng Ggn. (Ofnmanding - After all this vaporing it' was really expected that general Smyth was in earnest. But what the 'Vinrormation was, which captain Gibson brought, we have net been, told ; but he has personally as sured me that he never told ihe general any thing which could authorise his assertion. - Fresh orders were issued directing th$, embarkation to-take place on Tuesday, before the dawn of day., A co py of these orders I, have not been able to prbcurtsi army in their boats; and tho volapteef carps of 'but you can' judge of them from the specimens al your , triumph. It isyotr,; gentle mei, who haye-j done'rne the honor to seletmer not,' undoibt.ef- ly ,'fof any io'di viduat mc ot my own, ( I kpo w I can pretend. to none; oui, io uraer,uiai u re.. i-nrnn . K. nt wiii h nnK in iUfi&'-'ih.A: und nrSl fought in my p arhlt.i ... the Ion hnaisr.h nf which will mrWJ associated With your exertions, 80 or 100 men. Ropes will be provided that boats may take the 'scows 'irt low. '.r-'-V.'-., ?A field olhcer of each corps will attend to-day to see prepafations made, and the boats arranged in. Order. W hey will cause seats to be made, and every other- preparation. " The cavalry will scour thje fields from. Black Rock to the Bridge, andT Suf fer np idle spectator. While: embarking the mbstc will 'play..martiaLairsYANKEB';lp6DXC;wUl be the 6ignal to get under way. - The regiments will act altogether, but without being strupttWiusly attehlive'td keep , their places in .thiinetrC '?i-jlw-'' '.', ,r Wheh-tre pufl lorie roiiosi exertion wm oe maoerrne anurngjviii oe enect- d be;;proud that the:baule has betitft 'S erson, and that liiy nana has beeiv : vour exertions, and iliustrattd "lVr. "?v: me 7tn represent your opinions in paina . . 1 ment. von mleht vindicate the freedom ot yOurita'j choice, the loyalty of your principles, and the coi-. sistencyof .youf character. :t ;.;'; " -&0jjf. The hon. centleman who left your hustings fyX yesterday (of whom as an individual ! haye sjiti r: ken wnd mean to speak with the utmost respect) on babout the 16th of June last, proposed in the r?,j. house of commons a specific concession to 'AmcC,- l i;l ca ; and pleeged himself that if the ebnecasion ws made, peace wvuu oe prescvcu or icaiuicu. u; singuiarjcoincidenrle, on or about lhe same day, on which that motion was made, the declaration of war by America against Great Britain passed the V senate of the United States. Oh! but the con ts- r aioh .was to ,heal'. al) U The ministers, whether : waved by the honorable gentleman's eloquu eu , ; or participating, in his expectations, In.i.ot,';ff gave way, and the concession was niao.e. vonnuiiu - j fropi this triumr h, as npigiu natuiHy be expected, y' the honorable gentleman, the prophet of, Amtric h conciliation, presents hitto&elf-'-l ' ought rather id "') say by some among you to he, chosen as our r1 representative in parliament. Yesterday he. left J yonr-iowpCdisappoimed'orth honorable, object 5 and. bv another singular, coincidence, the defeat of the prbjhecy upon whicbjhis expectations were founded, is made known h,ere on tne vrry cay or the defeat of those expectations; for yesterday ih declaration, the tardy dcclanttton of vartby thii , -,;, a

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