it 'U; -..-:V!: . - f . 1 4 :.i'Jxit he;4liimeVMaedi!'''T0.'DuUic boats calculated to -carry 49,. uui wiiivh , nail vtcii inivcii unv lub r: rm all the. state excelling Correct rem fllPtr. Clinton, anJ . 104 IHjfSmSB'VW thaV throwing R;tW S scale of tfie latSrV had North. kyf0lc .VrA; ttinrhn.he would bavebeert e- ro'J" T . i-rf-MoJifc; Pennsylvania lost ;Cltd?,fron itlegaliW the electioi;andO: .. -1- rniicht. on the 1 8th iilt. near the ,Zn towns, between 3O0 US. .ih .I5lew " h CnLCamnbell, and SpOvMia- Ac0"! ii .Uware.' The Indians were routed, af- '." X. AO killed and .37 prisoners. The trl . Lkide. was 6 killed and 28 wounded. .. ... rA J. Christie, of the lth U. S. infan- r iu hrawe few who earned a name at KwVrrived in this city on Tuesday even , ' , public seivice, crlculalcd to carry -: I QO ; inen each, '? . , : ; ' rJ XlcQw&ai'tiUiery ad$meneacl 1 Besides a.nurnbtr of small boats, ... '. 50p ?t At twd o'clock on that day I received a copy of general Smyth ' order for the march of all the troops, the succeeding morning reycillie m, the navy-yard to embajk for Canada. J t immediately crave orders lor the New Xofk volunteers who nau hri rtared under mv commane. to oarade at four to proceed, at nail past lour, accoiumg vuh jims o'clock in thetoorninc, at their ancampment, ibout i of battle submitte I a few day 9 before py general one and a half miles from ihe navy yard.v. In the j Smyth the regulars on the rigm, or in me irom eveninir I leirned that the par ies mentioned in ge. boats, general lannenui a irwps iu neral Smyth s despatth were to cross the river atitne wew jtorit vaiuniccrs on uic 1 o'clock at niffbt to attacR tne enemy s naileries tin iu uvm uiw u v opposite Black Rock. Geral Smyth fibt being ; the janling, ana oin tne XMew voiumeera on Ml. Int. here, I waited bo Tieut. Angus and sugyjested to hiirT the propriety, (if within the Acope ot his or tiers) of i postponing the hterprize until nearly one to r.A ..t tfcfon-rWe are happy to have it in ner to state that information ha been recciv. ll!rP rit of the strtcess of the RepuWicao la m'-iM Ticket in the recent Election in the K? ol-Vermont, by a majority - of from or IT."- hnndred votes. ' at- h VERMONT ELECTION. a Ler from Windsor (Vermont) latcdx Dee Lj .a, accounts have been received from all the bwnSbUt Jin WHitu iicic jaa 6vs.ii jv me vnfes tneremaininK w.ipwm uewm- Leave a federal majority of 70, o h; will be a ... rfnse eiecuonuwuiK iu wi, m the psnoi ine, icucrsiiiaia i wniyiuiwi ,f the state, in many towns mere au or ieao who thinkinc ail was lost, stayed at home n anmc votes havine been eiven for Hatch Hubbard ana jonn nuDoara, inicu i juhuiu bbard, it 'is, probable "'" Skinner, who stood t on tne oeroucraug ubiwei, ua. uvbut.u, The fricate Macedonian, captured by COmmo t-k mm, tt hutitltilT BQ I lAra in in nre UCCUIUI, woa vuc mv ... ntjsh Navy. On htr passage irom Newport to e Yoik, with only jury masts, up,, before ind, she outsailed'one of the R. Island packets tltf all, in thc fces of the 'flying.wtilfery and in fantry'f;wbph a full vie oiour movement in t e day time would ,enbfc Jhem to oppose to us. I proposed to postpone the expedition to night ; to match and embark Jhj iroOpaCsilently j to putjpjr about hour and aatt before Jy light, so as to pasaibis dangeroualine of ahore in theidsrk, when we should suffer less from heir fire, and tp land about five miles below 'the navy yard, whtrejthe stream and the banks of tne river were peculiarly tavorafile to a safe and orderly Unding Vol. Win dersr'conded my JJtposal with geat earnestness and force; and it was adopted. t,The army was to rmwlc'at three nTOocVonT' ruesdav "morhiner and . . .- t. ' 1 j: il VlL On Monday evening seVeV boats for col Swifts recimeht, and eifeht for the late volunteers, were - ... - - T . .l -i tJr. .' Jit, This detachment is composed of pent'etrun o the) first rtspectabitity in the state of Tchntse ; major gen. Cocke is a private :in the rsuks ; s.-ve. ral members pi the Legislature ; a nuir.ber pt colonels and captains have taken the- htw as pri vates, proud to tnrol themselves' on the list c-i the. eaxlyde'f endef ijof iheir ;$ontr jr 'a 1 rightsjii Tjjeyj. are well mounted on Jiorits, have a musket or , rifle bayonets;-a brace of pistols : a tomuhjwk and scalping knife . .' . Fifteen hundred volunteers from the sa'? state under t,he commend of gen. Jacxson, have in;ir. li ed from Frt .Stoddert, under the direction ol the Government of the U. i. We fondly lvpd that .'.ere; long the 'wide extent, of tenkory from the St. Mary s to tne vuipn oi iviexico. exenang'. ita rude lit' savage wildness for the peaceful abode of free bom Americans. hi ' r fmm wr tttce.b mi flv. ! were filled with volu'iteers (col &wi.t s regicpent inc artillerr. Lieut." Angtls with our little nana oi , oeing mgucr u uu w.v.. sailors, assisted by captain Ur&ig ana a tew oi nis , smuniis wt: uic uay ja.. . force oi the encmyi iQunu inai aoouionc nan oi uic aiiuicij a wtK ."" V Ogc!tnaburgif (JV. Y.J Dec 15. To day about 1 1 o'clock, a flag of truce crossed over tbtyescott. The commandant at that place told colonel Benedict that, on the 28th ult. 40) of olir troops crossed into Canada, at Chippeway An action took plac in which ICO of our troops were killed. ' All the officer in a firi ish company wer killed, and the company taken prisoners British reinforcements' arriving, our troops withdrew io good 6rdCT,tattrihcpwMmer with them. lftt . j a nv, - - - - r ' consisting of about 100, at the Red House (the sea- which has on an occasions wime on me imc men charging with their' pikes and swords against great exaiftness of- discipline, promptitude, and n,l miiteri them in a 1 d rec. ztral tor tie service; naa emoarRC, aim me icai- .LLttiuik .4,1 nmv nuttrtftwil. Bred, the I-.- About three huarters of i- a o. Anrth) hrinin off their remaining regulars Tht following account of the distressed situation W the inhabitants and soldiers at Buffalo, says the IManlius Times, given by an obliging correspon- tt.nt. under date of 8'h December instant.-. . f Shafts of death fly thickly about us ; but they W unheeded by the unthinking multitude ; a pass. fine cofian scarcely excues an cuuirj uuu mc name Jircharacter of vsp -.ssebSor. Thre are three dead Lliea land Derhaps more) unburied at different I . ... V, . ! Iwses in the village, vapi. msson,oi me navy, M this morning. L-vi riaker, tormerly, nt Man ks, was found dead this atternoon in coon s statues Ik hadoeen complaining for two or three days, J)ut cdvonned'. f.he.Miuanon ot the ;troopa. and the Inhabitants ot inis aevotea town, is aisiressing in tie extreme and must continue so uh'il the destroy- itg angel receives command to stay hisf hand." lions : captain Dox, who loofe a aisuneuisnea pan uut - . .... t- ik . ura a v.rp v ttrinririeri. Alter a naru uuu m mi, b.uv ..... . and de'structive ehgageinent. the enemy, wascom- col. Winder regiment entered, their boats -with an hour after this the commenced the embarkation. wounded and several prisoners Out ot IX naval wocn i oroppca uowi. w :u' l officers who embarke'd in this enterprixe, n ne of a flag in my boat, ,10 designate it a the badmg t -i...t. iri..kaw koir men. were killed boat. I was accompanied by Majors Cyrenius 2oiirfdeJ. If bravery be a virtue; if the' grat(.: Chaplin and Jho.V. Macomb, capu Mills of the ...11 .i: k i,',- to those who irallhavrcavairy, adjutant Chace. and quarter roaster Chap- and desperately assert its riglus, the government ' lin, - ty6 pilots end about t Went y five volunteers will make ample provision lor the heirs of those from Buffaloe under Heutenant Haynes. kl.M W'r.-il on this occa' well as for : I raehtion fhe names of these gentlemen, be- thbse who survived. ''Captain King proceeded to cause they had before decidly objected to passing spike and dismount the guns in the ba'tei ies., Lieu, at thft "proP08 P'nt bJ day-light, but when day tenant coU Ikerstler dispersed the enemy lower appeared, and one of the men raised some difficul- . ' . . ' i. it. An ikii ofnunt ho wn imliirerl tn remain, and liy sunrise in, in? muiuiug, uiw w .uo i :,.:...? . .ui.r ' Mnuri i in the midst of a vast concourse of sntt; at 6rsV day was fiMe, 1 matched 350 of the volunteers, to put off. At day light we discovered the troops who had rallied under cen. Smith's invitation, well disembarking, and were informed that the invasion -armed ahd provided and in high spirits ; about 150 ,pf Canada had been abandoned lor this season. Buffaloedrawing their arms and ammunitionv with describe. About men wii hout order or res. ordtrs to join the line as soon cs possiolf. 1 6ta-traini discharged their muskefs m every direction. j 'j-: - '-i. 'i ': ." . .. j u.. 'n .. c-fc. :u ;n iv AV.r.ii nriH ihrtutnnrl volunteers came n under tioneu my-men 4s liis'.iuticu vy,vciicia oiu;ii, ... - - , . a field at theiiavy yard, with directions WWhit for! gen. Smytn srouamauun, iu uic ioc uther orders. " i he parties wno naa crossea in oi iim: ru9, which ,....!,., the night, -aided by our batteries, wimit at, uay i ny oiu not arrive im a-.-ci um v v.....v.. Kht opened a powerful and well directed fire, and It is impossible lor ms? to lorm any esrimaie oi a niece of flvfne artillery oh the isbnd under charge the numbei ol troops embaruea af any time mis .... . . ATESC FROM FRANCE., By theschr- f'mneer, cap'. Adams, in 50 days from Nantrz, we have; been favored i ith the Jour nal Politique as late-s the 3d Nov. They contain very" little '.matter ot moment. Uonaparte was at Moscow in good health oh the lith Oct. He is endeayoVtng toTcstore the city to its former splen dor as far as he can. Threatres are already, open, ed for the amusements of its inhabitants, Whicy are said to be crow dedly attended. A military commission has been instituted at Moscow to try the incendaries and their accomplices engaged In the burning of, that anct-nt. capitul of the Musx vites . A military commission has also been .insti tuted at Paris for the trial of three ex-generals, Vlakt, Laborie. and Guidal, and th ir U ces, for an attempt on the internal safety of the state by striving to destroy the government and I the ordr of succession to the throne, by exciting j the citizens to arm themselves against the imjjert al authority The number of conspirators were ' twenty f -ur- Three ex generals, a colonel, si ' chief of battalion and several others were execn- Baltimore Sun- MARRIED, From the Bu, toe (razettet December 1 5. DUEL We, afe happy to have it in our power to give the official account ot toe recent attair on uranu inl and: it Will tend to counteract the numerous falsehoods which are in circulation respecting the raciiUw-';' The challenge, we understand, VsVcivVn by General jmfth.T i-. A MEETING took place between Gen.. Smyth and Gen. Porter, yesterday afternoon, on Grand Island, in pursuance of previous arrangements. irinr witnthttr triertds ann surgeons, lioih geone men behaved with the utmost coolness and uncon cern. A shot was exchanged in an intrepid and firm manner as possible, by each gentleman, and without effect.; It was then represented by Gene ral Smith second,, that General Farter must now be convinced, that the charge, of cowardice against General Smyth was unfounded, and should, m ho nr Ve retracted ; which, after mutual explanations as to th'e matters which had given rise - to the chargt, was accordingly done by him., General Smyth then 'efcplainjd that, his remarks on Gen. Porter wijre the result of irritation and were in tended as pwyocatives, from having beetf assailed 6y fen Porter, and that he knew tiothin'g deroga tory to general Porter's character, as a gentleman md.aniitnc'sr-. . . ;" ,. ' ,; " '.The hXmd of reconciliation was then offeree! and received. - : ' -' ;" 'V ; WVcongTatulite the fiiehds of these gentlemen ppon'ihe fortunate terminnttori uf jdiff;tence ariv, in g from too much precipitation, but which has oew. adjusted in a mander SO honorable to both, i WM.:H. WINDER, RAMI. AVClTf. MkckRoct, December 13, 1812. In FTdenton, on the 22i.d ult. Mr. John Cheshirel to Miss El'zabeih Blount daughter of Jos. Blount, . esq- deceased. On th 30th ult. Dr. Tioma Ca barrus to Mrs. Mary Ryan, late of Bertie county ; and on the same ev r ig. M: . Wiltivm Cut Wow, ; j of Bertie, to Miss Coth'anr Pofilctton, of Chowatw DIED, Lately, in Washington City, the Hon. John Smi. ot K the uTa n Ghs eveVy thi, g fKom,mornin to. was Yet scarcely light nil was at ! he, RepreSentve ,t?m Pennsy.varaj g. 74. "lS.rS. SiL,!n jJJl nr nn. end of a line of boats occupying a distance of ; He has been long and actively engaged in public .! i -j , .u.. u o mild - When ihp volunteers first arrived at ' Hie. ;t.ii;,.-n,. l nA Imorv. nnctpr th mtftk-n hAtt a mi e. wnenme voiu.uccisunH. am vcti, i ariDrehension that the oartv under the Command of 'the navy yard, and' it "was found that the regular ieCit. col. B&rst'er were in, danger of being cut off made ah unsuccessful, attempt, though his own boat landed, to laWjjtefJ men at a difficult point dbwn the river', andfiaaTeturned as stated by gent Smith. The general embarkntion no com.nen- ced, but k went on so tardily, that at twelve o'clock Ube boats, that they mi he whole of the regular troops and col. Swift's re giment were not in the boats. A considerable number of boats were lying on the shores of the river and creek, having been thrown ; up by the high water of the preceding day. Several were in the creek half filled with water and ice.. I call ed on gen. Smth and proposed to occupy paitof th'ese1 boats wiUi' my volunteers, many of whom were impatient to emlark; ;: Being, 'however, at this moment informed by Colonel Poiter, that the boats which had been used oy colonel Winder, were Ivinir about a mile below, major Chapin and . r i i . . 1 ' . . . . . 1 . m VSeiu w mi- aiwm vmriy mru, weiu troops had not yet appealed, their officers were in structed to permit ihem to land and kep them selves warm by exercise, as the boats were cover , ed with snow which had lallen during t he night, but they were instructed not to leave the side, of ;nt irameuiaieiy re eniw PETER B. PORTER.' Black Rock, Dec. 1 , 1 81 2. In this city, yesterday, Mr. Leis Du Pie. of . Suuth Carolina, preacher of i he ;' Gospel, and au' thor of several moral and religious works. . ft down the ' 1 ; ISO IE. . ''."' ' - TTie Patrons of the Minerva are respectfullv n formed that, hereafter, the terms of subscription i v to this paper will be precisely' those on which thej other gt zcttes of the city are printed. :. As every new subscriber is required to make a . payment oi ALACK TO l'OOR MADISOM.V , 'Cunvreeiiorial Election. By letters and pape'r h.Amnv'rtni nans of the state we arfc' enabUd to 'ycr give the" following result of th Coninewional elec.Ttnout?n ?. r . , i C i and cos HOU. as lar as lias UCCll ji,ci miu . - , v , . - . j. t st Disiriyotyet'asce ' 3d District, EgblrBehson, loTh'rabs, jun: iW rat Po;; 1CIY VI UU QbGtlf!. f ... - j ?w V. bix montliS in advance, no deduction will be mnH ' ion that account.- Conseuently'.three tiollarsper will be invanalily demano'ed. ne jviinerva of, equal ' sie, containing z much matter v i nine as much in Its executiO'i as either tho - 's: TO THE PUBLIC. ' 'f rtathe last ' gazette. I promised to givein ac wgnl fij iooie of the most prominent transar tionsof the 28'h November anri 11 re .rt,!ier.' saving since that time received from Gen. Smyth assurances which, as a man of honor, I am bound to believijbat the' course pursued by him on those days was sur N1 as was required fejhis orders and Jnsijactipns frihi the secretary of war and general WtarJjcrnUhis cratnunicaiion will assume a cha ctr different from the one-men contemplated. 1 pledged howeVer to the public to produce facts; ich I shall proceed to do without comnterit waving it to time to idevelope the object of miilta movements which have appeared to me aid o efs net only extraordinary, but inexpilcabie.y . ; tyfyt'&lih of Noyember' there.were collected at this Doint mm,ra fnr f ahnnt d. nnrt iregular troopsewfork, Baltimore volunteer,' all under shore, brought up bon's, filled them With rrieh, and arrived at Black Rock, the.point from which it was proposed t o put Off, as soon as any of the re guUr troops. .About two o. clock, all, the troops which it appeared we re intended to be "crossed at first,, were collected in a group of boats at Black Rock, 'under the cover of Our batteries. "My opi nion Was that the number exceeded 2000. Most mep. ofobSefation who. were present estimated it attiOOThe 'men were in fine spirits and desir ous of "crossing.. - . f Goo. Tannehiirs Volunteers; to!. F. M'Clure's regiment, sme riflemen, cavali y , Bcc . amounting to. about 2p00 were : sail paraded on vthe shore, and, as I arrt informed, were ready iq cross. "Several boats of suiFicient capacity to carry about IQ.iO rriert were stilLlying at the navy yard. I have not been able to learn that any 6rderrur request was made for the erobarkattdn ot any of the trOops other than the regulars, and coj. Swiffi's regiment. The enej my estima'td at about 500 men, Were drawn uf in a line alioiu half a mile from the river. ".'"'.. iJVfu:L rcrruining in thehoals,iintil late id ihe at yrteri.:tori8isUngot Bylvaiiia, and Balti: command cf gen. Smyth. tie L atre were Ivinr- nt tK.. nn1r vnrfi hMi Rlarlt .ock, v-j',cn h;d - preViously preparrd, for the fc.. " " r,syurung, ue woofa across. mo ii terrtoon, an order was received - to disembark.ii It produced arfiong the officers and men, generally,' great discontent and murmuring, which was, how ever, in some degree allayed by assurances that the expedition, was 'only-. postponed. for, a short time, until our opata couia oe oetter prepareu. On Supday another order was issued by gener al Smyth for the march of the iroops to the navy yard, to embark at S o clock on Monday morning. I was at BuuVloe when it was received, and found that it was gviiyrally, as to time and manner, disap proved by the officers ot the volunteer I saw ge neral Smyth, in the evening, at Black Rock, with col.' Winder, and seated Borne objections to his, plan .a . - a :"i a .Ta. l he enemy naareraoumea nis guns on tne oaue ries, so as to render it inexpedient ,to cross at the favoirrable point which had been taken on Satur day, above the island that covers the' navy yard.j-r Immediately below the island, the enemy lay in larce, macn .aagmentea, in consequence oi ine. tair 01 aatuniay, occupy irrtr a line oimiuicvi tjout a. mile, where; the current fs rapid and th jiks, abrupt. I did not believ it possible to effect a landing frith raw troops, in any tolerable order, "' . v -'-r.'.'. ' v-" .' " ' - ' ;. peace. 3d. nnt yet ascertained. -, '4th, Thos. I. Oakley, for peace. 5th, Thos. P Grosv.eor, do. Cth, Jonathan Fisk, do. . - 7th, Hosbrook, tor war. , ' :y 8thV Samuel Sherwood, fpr peace. rf 9'. John l.ovett, oo. .: 10 h. H'sea MoffiU do'.". 1 1th, J' hn W.Taylor, do. , lStbZ -b. R. Shipherd, Winttr, do, r Utri. Alexander Boyd, do. Hth,. Jacob Merkell, do. . ,. - ' 15th, Joel Thompson, Wm. Dowse, do. v ' 16th, Morris S. Miller, do. t : ' .' 17th, Wm. S. Smiih, do. . - . . I8l.h, Moss Kent, do'. v - j lth, James Geddes, do. a, ; " " 20th not yet ascertained. . - , 2 1st, Nath. W. Howell, Saml M. Hopkins, do. AH the above which ere marked or t?cy are federalists, except Messrs. Fisk and' Taylor, who although elected by the democrats, are said to be against the present destructive system Otthe ge neral Government. This gives 19 federalists cer- lainly-cQsent and t KtUlhgt are opposed to the war, The three districts in wnicn me ciecuon h iw to be dotie. i hi I? n A If PP. ' Pr ;. r r Aftisfc. havrnr es" t TiTR:; BAKERS ' I VI tablished him.elf in R ileich and commtn ceu leaching on the PUitu FOHtK iy desirous of ei vine lessons on that instrument to an - additional,,' number of scholars. Parents, guardians and rtla( m .. - . " 'J-... - L ' i.,'. S..i,. I lives ol Studentsattenaing me icauemy, arc wyj sured that his utmost exert ions shall be uSeJ, in improving such young ladies ai he may be engag. -ed to instruct. He flatters himself from the close, attention he: was directed (towards the .science, and his experience in execution) as well as in the bes methods of communicating knowledge td others- ;j that even those who baYe rnade some progress in music; may still be benefitted Hy his lessons, yiltar fole time and application are; directed to his pra Tession, and his, terms will be- moderate. ' live) lftf may be known by applying at the JVlinerva untce. , t Jan. B. 'V,-,..f 753t . , C Hvrrv m'WiriihTANDiNihe wood tvoik pi. :J 7this'aca"demy MirT fire, preparations have been matie receiuia candidates are chosen it it by very sman majonuc. -rr--. : . cendtfman.. motal character " At all events there canoe out nve memoera in me """-;. u ;nle -intlv oualifv h ff.'to" mv.., .."i -,- ,.... next Congress out of the 21 from the state, who are not ttaunch Washingtonians. ,-,' ; ' , f-, .-i, v; - ; ; tow.Yor$ Evening, Pott. arid ;?.-."vV " : MtLLEDGEviLLi, (Geo.) Dec. 23 PRACTICAL PATRIOTISM. A detachment of threehuodred ,inen from the state of Trtoesseetinder. the command of Col.' joa WtixtAus are now on their w"ay to Point Peten1 in order-to reinforcei'.arid participate with the U. S.,trodps "and the Georgia militia now at this ' place in any exjpedhwnhlchmay beditecvj ted -by the Government ot tne- uT . against tne enemy. manai quarter, tuner ispaiusu w imw In addition .to these two' hundred more are ex plcted .o unite with them, prior, to their arrival it the plact ''fdestihatioh.' 1 , V ? " difcharff8 4he duties attached to the station kVftiitK l.ncrtiifre crammaiiCHlv, the Latin Greek languages and usual branches ot suet tt, . ; taught in this institution.- lhe wood work of t!io ' elegant brick buiIding-iwiHiD compteieu .gun, perhfp?, by the fust of May for the reception ,C ; the students, and for the operations of the schrv J , wVC. Dft 23, ,J813. 7 3t ' Caswell County U aetinainted with the making and burning, of Brick, to snpenntend and manbj a Brick-Yard during the summer bf 1813. An, industrious and sbber man, who can produce tesii monials of his.ctiaracter, will receive good waS oiPPl'cation to thssubsaiber,m.K lgiu . .rw iif i ; ; W. POLK. .-;r;