v. --t- "i' r U t. 3 .'-".- '. v.."-.' f lw)fT, That the declaratioii'cf wr j?afot G. j matter ought Jo originate jtutnesetwe, w rnjfreiy .: . . -- - ..- ' i J --- ?r. . .1 ..li.It-t-i ......... fH.ta iu ' iUif(r esi pjsiponsracnv.uniii ic.uiu- .-im quiiudingt "d cricataruig- is jncabtrousi and no ; t css;ul, the grand objects wovejiueu tor must l:m baudotied. -v. 'j-Unsolved, That . s lrtirars the inalienable Ni. i ;;hr.f freemen, Kjily4nd openly to investigate ' If inrciiJuci of tjuir ruler, if d ilut we will oiru- c t i occasion vindicate thefreedoru of the press :u.u lUu; tn-r inanition oi treason, given uy uicwu -diat flrTrsfjitfents had bsen thought' ftecctsanr ; ttituti n of the U. States, is the only one sanction- i-fS td v tusticc jd l-ational liberty. !? licivjjivetliat thi conduct of the governors of f i luAriw.ctU, Connecticut and Khode Island, res , pecyr; the quota of militia demanded from ihem UTcitC.ivtly l.y ths secteury ofwar I he United bta ei was conitituUonal, and merits our decided up'-robation. " .: . ' - lUsoi.ed, That the navy is the kind of national vi . kfcnci legist dangejous to liberty arid most com be a nation understindinff what It' oVrcs to itself can " "endure tu " ,; rJ;--.W'i' ' -"Ci la the debate the bill eoncenin the pay and other advocated for the enlisfraen 6f minorsr attempted to support iheir.unrighteouaoctricies by iefei;en.e to the lav and practice of '98 -89- AI though the law of "93 did authorise the-Frcsrdem to direct as to the age and s'ifce of the recruit rthe enlistment of .wards and apprentices, so far from being encouraged " was at that time positively for bidden,, as will appear by the following copy of general orders issued in '99, by niaiojgenf Hamilton. Thee ' Orders bftre state men) 'he megbwfc k.ilM nf?ient to-set thtt quesuon at resviorevcN-Aibwas the of 9 otfelture of nbiftss thart Afepty mil ; lions;of uloWirsv ;equal 16 one third of the -natiomil debt, nd which, from the; magnUvide ollbe' som must, InilieVyprH o itsvdecisoo , praducV the ntost extensive, effects, and If decided , in pne particular way,- involve irfit 'the. ruin 6Tyat 'ftITil5irsT)fpeVtyoi u, f mucp. as n dare; "Buir: 7.: TVlw'' you naYr.no rifrht Iniaf WUU ths enlist- .v'uh the genius, habits ami Interests oLr: ;s ; and whilst we view with delighvdmj puiil'le wi U states i alien and enthusiasm the herotsm JiLtTiall, a v-caiur, -a a.nes, antujir-ftasiv a8soctatt8, we fiihffl 1ikt77n tlttn i' il mnfiiiix fni iaiinrnha 8f of the policy of augmenting the navul force of -.- country. . :: '-. ..': . v the Georgetown federal Hefiublicaa, - - In pace le'oues,1n p at'' cerci. lion Utiki tfWlf fidHer." it is mticVto be regre'ttcd that somie, mode ca. -r lie tlup rd to present those insolent Canadians. Mi huhine at us, ths. kooJ and w'ue peoplv- ol ment (jEiitWMof ihtoxicatior, a practite Jtiitfofte" has' 'been frequently adopted, and which, stranee as Itiuay aeetir, hSs1 not ;been cyri sidered by some of the courts of the United States, as good cause fgr, a discharge upoa a writ of haU eas-corpuv,, . ' ; , . vff j?atffwi Garr.'f. GEHPflAL OUDERS. , ' v - . , .. - .''t A'ctf JV,. .' 6, 1799...: Turnuant to jnstructions from the Secretary of War, the following additions to the rules ancl regu latiorw respecting the vcruitin service -are to be observed;- one.bytcitiiens of the United St te VkII h-isrtliift(Lr;lPerft.n not born whidn saW Die i' Was it posslblerUe k&keu fotlhaf house.of repfssentatives or a icee people lorone-momisntio entertain i Q nghl of leaving sucl a question to ttiie decision of on aaiigle individual f or that stiqh 3k purjw'ie ,culd ba tolerated by any man who un' Uersunds civil liberty . . ; rl It had betn said that the S. cretary of the trea .eurr' had the 'power decide: this kwestion. - Mr. Qiincey said he .would inquiry what the power Vested in that officer really! wa ? Taking it in the ths Secietary'a own words, it was to V: remit the share of the United States a'rtd of all other persons, in whole or in part, ad4on such terms arid condi tios as m iv he deemed j-eaSwae ai ; just." --i ' Here said" Mr- Quincy, would oe a power, dis- ciotionary, arbitrary and repugnant to civil noer ty.' l hrowing out ,ot ms mtnfl an extraneous St is most enlightened Ca ion in the world. . Every w ana .ntn a saucyjiaig is wrmci, pun ici dh. r nmc tfr'Z'ne. pasqumaae or oiner luauca, in epite of M:, Gi,!vS' dignified allusion to these im pertinencies las winter . ;' And now, J e Gdes has, in a late Intelligencer, denounced all who dare to laugh at our cabinet, its projects and its failures. If the same w hole ':4 . ome rtimc'n cotdd be applied to the, people" in ha. v " : biting the other paits f the globe, morv parweu. lfcriy,iu.our.etiemy term I ! . . btj)y effect ; andwe cannot but sngest to ou tahintt the propriety of issuing a prxlamatioi- V 4gamst-.aU sneering and ravishing at the good pto jpl of the Uiited' Stat 'S and their wai like rulers, t and Ihcvr generttb and armies in any part pf the -. Vfcrld, particidarly in our enemy's territories. I iif .it hot beycfid'tWrance provoking, .that while- we ' ne alternauiy sweating and fleeting on this sije ' of the Sti,Iiawieice, for no other purpose than tf I Jut.gtt pver and cut-their throats, and rob ih'eit f r church th)t the Canadians stand pttfectly un ' i. 'concerned. a.d are sHaktng their side's at gr tr... ii4Jfivf'1tevWu effors.tq invude in ilw daJt, and withuut !'f : i : v!.Ve entreat our adminis ration, particularly M r Mr. Gales, their " fhctoium," to p n a op to i ' l- truel procedure, whkh rtndtrs our Ibices so vt. liiejQjoing extract l.a ie:urirom wew iuik Which is enough to raise the lotxl, to boilirHlVui. 11 .of ry American, whither; h be a na'ivfj o , iQ wonrltrJ'poQr Pmetoy's wife was thrn I i v r-thstrtet and his lioue burnt down by B'tptiaJi M'M volunteers. - . : ' ' EXTHACt ve just received here" a mo; Xitiia, who wfi. within the are on the 4h dayoCj July, I7l9,ttirtt be 5 deemed citftsens fof the pku fOB pfenUsrrtliiit-'lEvery; peoji ot born with in the OnitedStateiiwho may have migrated hith. r.;sihci,Athat 'day, must produce a certificate pf MaturalnvtioQ trbnt"eome competent magistrate, or court, befoie he' can be enlisted , and every jer son it hbsoever not ;bcrn witlnr the United States, tiefore he can be enlisted must produce proofs by the affidavit of two respect bl inhabitan a of the county iii which' he shall offer him ilf to be tnlisu cd, taken and certified by some mastrate author ied to administer oaths, that he has resi 'ed with, in such county: for at least one year immediately pi ecding the time wheh be th'dl -so. offevhimsef ;a be enlisted, the said certificates and ailvJavita when respectively necessary shsll be produced w the olhcer who shall hrst muster any recruit vh m they are applicable, after he shall have joiri' f.d his regiment towards the justification of the of. ficer by whom he, shall have been enlisted. A?. nrtntltes shall on no prttext be enlisted. If any 'apprentice, shall 'be. enlisted through ignorance of the officer enlisting ht!, h shall be discharged, fijst refunding and returning any money or other i if i '".A t AkrU-We h jjt 0 vurWaWeT lauly- ptrbJished-at - "tontre?: flini'h', I wi'l jSrsc.ribr; to i b-i as el as I can J';ttViv is 'je.?.i'ti;Ie '.7V Ivpa'iion'ojf tunoda." tJidis I llf "irrefiiT i iKe- baijt gi;o''dfMsetri Quebec, in b 1 f'-'tb.Mki.'pf.lt.large.pluio'cakc, nicely tiosted'over an" ilooktntr' extremely invitinc. tTowards-this an 1 -t-kVroass. fLjrnniilittav vidu'ntetrs regu- 1; t$iM(iJ'Xt!h horse arid'tjolare iruding, with lhh I ltjl-1DVe. '.jfltyure ypnjew.fh'"rfortn rjots, s'm wftli f : T' f l Iwlf f Ofc Voffictrs; niiKbtily dizehtd whh gofd'imd silver lac-: i 1; . aoriri . .me BTnjicr e.n nu .laeeen. unn- (t;'x',--n'" oi joe wni.ie, .aw, in iiie loreg'oun- , siii Il )fc'''"gp-nrl PironoV- iu a ftoise cart, v,Uh his fuc O'-fy'Sordthe lussWrdJ being stuck 'hrou'gh :. I J (v iiot jri mlhd'.toin of 3 fe ca t, 'w"nil? the gen I si rV-,:' -4ePrke ;hug-apple pie, which h hofc. v Kbottiirands and .uts wnn irieat sati'sfacioh. Un C'thv.'lhKbatid ;.oT DfBrrHrn Tands Vper'al Smyii 'bmyth has ivv one under each turned to sqyirune away, in POhefeiier.thtft -Kcfimtii plsv uhoh''i-heii 'hng: IjhM 'poof-ge'iti'Hopkmsv in ahe.rnpsv. pi' tabic ' tondijioi up his breeches by j'Jltf. ; ; the .waistuandf an ! looinK: in th from and. rear, as ' tlVJtigh he w a- iii a sUtt;, f con ti- ual t ba w ai .d so- I K .jf - and nn rhe LilT p-c nerfil Ho iklns. i ' .hufte -t biadder:,h!M with wind, '( ?l :4riW..T'hIi''rhe.)neck:s .of -.the" bladders ts :.. wards O'lebec. at whach he is I m 'lac :.n . will find the knS&Mv!5 M , . oy;s,Vi rewwd j...:. - inn Kuiu itmnm rrirdin 1 ' . ..'-"tin c 0 - - 1 tin 11 1 i : conravre and ii lnfir,;.. i:.-,?l.n than.i high way .robbery for it l(es iMsfoundin uJ that;,us t oi,ght (mpro f ..or impns nouse td.take 4 p ,n lhi(1 ih .TV;?: " ,-V'VJre Ane merchant u, gentlcmca-gt. n W dt!w. aidiheircuse: but, sir, I am the of -a (certain portion pf.iuzsniof ,v,' l, must b herd, ahd who k.i v anl ;iil m V'n their free rights. Un W therefore, it h3w? believed aud Understood, thai my tasoa'tia -do no go3qwhil'e'.C3!i..erj:iOiicuce iVwA' Oi the contrary, it ought ti. be a mJve wi ', wuu.Kiiiuts a 1 no, 10 persevere; lor if svch,v structwns oflhe laws as that n dtt,n .. A.. V .J. - -u . . ij .t-a is.'..fc.L. . j . 1 great broad bottom of its piintiples, he fotmd'U is done, and the mdre. quickly, ih- h- . f iwu treat striking and, distinct obe9 which alone , hy so muchjhe more sJycrel'and spelily sliould determine it, C Jre was that innocence i a nise be .abated ahI pjii down. Nay, sij, ii ihould-nev. r be confounded with' cruilt. Another,' be- auealiohed whether, the nrett-no't i.:.i...--t hat penalties of the Jaw should never enter into-tlejipt .to D-dliatVth abuse lae.nrt oi.St':St. the wrays and meaot a national treasury' .ftaa- gray ate it NtcBssxfT t-they (.Ieud iJLcrsii1 . a . a B . ..... i.l 1 . - . . mimn.f 'n i, i(a-(t. j tmn.ri .fivn oixiinri B in nf:essitv. me hr-im-' ntrhmin,..iA..i. staoiNe causes. v One of thoeeht to regtdate rantV proflig!.te ptetext ' "1, , ' and. determine the foifeiinna, and the penalties, To candndaTsir,r-t,'is thy unarteahieertni: over which by any law, the Secretary "could hot th there txisis in tha". people of this ., ,.,, I presume, to possess or"eercise any control : the vigorous moral senHuetU, which will Rot'beaVoi),' other related to the mode of enforcing the forfeit-pressjbn, and ultim itely wiil rise agj'iitit iintj ures anu pcnaiues. vuiisquvjony, ne oevrciry ersisicu h vv.- omy ccmsoiatioii I nat; ii ofthe Treasury, by hiswn cnfession.n his re. that . if ;by -oifCE .loams, am! o-her vdewJ . 1 1 . fctL ii 1. .1 -. 1 i",a r. prei, tpai ne mtrsi acs oy.inauaw,. naru, vesica 111 means, ine treasury i w pc nireo,-,'hes? scriw hirnr no other power than- the tribunal by wKich it of oppression may be .compared 10 that'liont. 4 wai to be Vnforcad i hut h5 'hadrite .diseretipo !-m'ost;'etrerae 'darknei,Whtsh' precVthe'itii no right to. tatic 'of fqutvahmjii ' and b4ing.decided . irig . f ,the diy "x;:. ; ''v-i-!v that there was no fiauu, no power pver.the peo-i pie's properly at all ; fraud' and -wtlful negligence on their part being the only'Aiungs that gve him ' bovver over them,- FaiDY, jA51UAitY 15, 1 B 13,' it a i TC' - iuupn,-'ng as u oe vm not a.eiean rug ano.av.ntm- U virjliii ftVil? uo.e3iUte y hthfad Gen . I I Hh8 and;h.dding fcis cati'.uiioirils in'liis H-hnd half X'! ;l-4nosphtire, can , only kclalrrC ' Stop de veels' bui5eieJeU.', M r, l adtvm stkrn ! s 'behind' Ge p)erlSinyihb4 M phvipus ltlihrathi !-' tv' tss,' claps tilm oil the shoiilfers, and is say in j, 5 1.!:-? "tv .-v v tic artf cock I squin awty;' You're hty miu for" Can a djij," H There j a sontdbine m the nUoV group wdnder fully ludict"oiisi whica the skill b?" the painur b r;tJKreaied.grily, by ie -happy jtjlriict t coyXAY Q j ill -hn's ruise'ry at bei n g in the rt arf grh. 'hat 5 Jkusi stji,iRly set oJTnd strength. nest, by vVUil?fcctacfAlrStiisp!t:at (he oridrt,flrxhibi tivnof Kb favntevCKneral'Sn.'yth. .Vtid there is a - W -rf "v-- . .-r-...y ...... " .. lowh s lor 211 tne woriu,- as 11 new srt auscuuteiyem .(f.' JwVfled:artyW hcCrrttfed itb Oeneral lit ajr i orbr'.V Wh sl5 in his cart, fnk ulumrv' ear K-ss, un 1 1 U i'.-iJ.UR'tiuJ 'jut KiHwtCi 'or or tne scene or scent about ill hm v3od. nbjorbed wbolly ay the apple pie h6 is irticles which he may have receiied. Major gen eral Hamilton enjoins the strict obedience ol hose regulations as points ol material constquence " the service. He equally enjoins a . par'jicuL r jitention to those parts f -f t he original rules and regulations which' fortid'the enticmcrtt of persons iu :ate, of lntcxtcatton and limit thf .age withi hich recruils -. most be enliited. It is learned with regret,, that in several instances they lve ot-heen sumciently attended to. fauhlol army 1- to be preferred to a numerotis one, and a regard njustice'and-properiy in-thecondacLotle.ycry jirt of 'he "military service, cannot fail ulrimaicly promote the haqof and nerest of those consifr ie-i in it as well as the poblil good.- it is ex Reefed that the commandants of reci ttfnfs will carefully advert to all wilful or nrgl-'-iOt breaches of these ruL sjand if any occur .vjll ex.-rt thr. mt-nns which ths articles of war rovid. for repressing disjirders' an l neglects, to he prejudice of gox) order and militai y discip 'ine. , (Signed,) , ABR HM R ELLERY, -' - .dwtt .idjut-int (lenrral. To (he Ed'tar of 'th'c Virginia Patriot, It is aito:ishiiiir to 'remark the in'.ousite tcv of the democrats livery body remembers the E ig UjJh ;,exermi(ii to Copenhagen, and the object vhich carried it lhejp.e.and 7ficcfTTkAK for-ijoiten-theTtiJads. 6f,. abuse' which ere heaped up n the Briiish government upji. that occasion. liven one of its otHcefs, who was1 afterwards at tba imerican Court in - a diplomatic capacity- did not . scape the' mabce of a lov- ,ifofi(raie mob; Hui m?rk the practice of these p:ople and contrast it 'vith their ptofessions. The newspapers -icll ns hat the Spanish port of St A lgusvine is to be ta ken p jssession of by ttie-A'nericart arms ; th't it is to be forcibly wrested from its lawful,, ancient sovereign ; a sovereign no'v m the hands of B&n yiarte as a prisoner.but whuse tiithtul subjects,! ided by a powerlul an I magnanimous ally. stiil contending for their iialepsndence in Eufpe. Li the n uric of won W, ivh.it is 10 be done with (his. poh of "St. Angusiifie ? Is it to be annexed, with the provipCe of Whkh it is th capital, tohe mct jean diKnuiioni or'is it to be held for'sar fccLfii'ig, tikethe- Dutch nnvy seized at Copenhagen, t iitU a 'geieral peace takt s place, ? -TtV last En itt.iijby 4he.bxe; w.as one "of the toudesl t'-dniiiincnr-.ivir Jackson," a'n3'vVry ttvtnicf co -n'ect&d wUh'the affair at Copenhagen, now exults irseiti..g, : heighboi'ing port . of a nation with wfo;U, wCsare-aH paee t -a- seizdreT"wriichTTf if takes place at all, vfill be n the identical princi ple aeted tipoo by the Biitish and which everyj deitK'criit horn. Georgia to Maine was loud in' ex.. e'ckt.ting. y v' - -" ''.' ' r Thsrp issuisu a thing as consistency, and fmor- tally hate to hear 5 people . 0 ' loudly condemning in others which they are guilty ot themselves. Necessity, 'n.appears will operate" here with as much force as it did' at Sr, James's, and a princl pal towo fif a nation, which was"tbe firstto acicttow Jedge Ameriean indeperidence.will be takeb "pas session of in bnler to hindenour enemy frptn using X'-Q 0 ,r-PT- J!, '"ice duri jg'Vtie piese'nt coni;iitr 7 Mr. Qiiiocey" Vid that in all cafts w : 're the1 hsrtifcft were innocent, the uiscretion of the secret tary was confined to the mere expenCes and costs, In the war In which the ifnited St.ttts seat indf that discretion he was bounds to exercise ea present enagid, they preset 'he curious ' special sona'dy. But tlv;re was a ques.liort of a mich clc of a nation absolutely p-rstveri'.i' ii anaiudvi hignt r nature th-n this. A question not between tpftut off-its own 4iglu band- Mot thai wt ptut i the merchants and the treasury,' but arising from England has never given: great provojia'ion to ila the essynti'al' principles of civililibtrty. It was' plaqi-Uty of cur republican ' temper ; net that, if tf this tna 'every mm. in a free couutry holds his desired a qnarrtl. tiiere could nol be fmnfi l3iii. life, liberty, and property, indepeodi-nt of the ble pre'exts for g'.inj: lobnfTets But in ific p4 will of iny individual whateyeiv To any citiz'.ns sent insta' ce, with Mr. Jclf:rson, who ciu!d ai of the U. states, therefore, who had heen inno ways s.iy an hunrtd excellent things for one cent'y enmesshed in thetoils of the law it was he meant to pet firm, we b liec tht re never c compdent to'rx'yert to the secre'ary of the trea more false arithmeiic emMyed 'h-sa to Cjrn'u: sury and to demfmT hi discharge. Iteverse - the pople that it was their interest lotto to.r. the p oposilion (txclaimed Mr Q ) and I say that Ibis their, interest to have coruintrc. Thtirpr.i, you are all slaves, and as muih vasia!s of 'the'', pe-ity is connected with i, essen-idiysnd iidisi'i. treasury depaitment,; as any slave in he Turkish lubly. War has constantly been di- Miemy o.'V-i ;muire to his master ; observe 1 speak of statute muxe. One or other of the patties mui eci tw jnJf.,.f-i,- - ' . f, ; muterialiy injuM by it'jj ' -and, in n cuLrpi ' Mr. Q .incy said 'hat he had carriullyexahiineil " view, "the whole world, ia a greater or le-sjtrtr 4 ithe lH)ok of the treasury a xji found that op It b in this respect the such power had ever been ex rebed. The" custom- to advantage, the prfet amputites & try practice' in most" such cases, wai to remit the cient member. Of all tlie powers en'l ns eial'iesou payment' of costs and 'charges. Two com est against EnglandvWe1 abne had C;mauKi only were of aMifferent coinplexioo'. Those were ta lose. The other nations, either lu Ud in ftehf ihe cases of G'llespie and Armstead. In both ofVpithy or manacled 'bvthv fetters of (lewte:. ti'ese casts jtfrtgnvrnt was giventhat the men sloggishlv lesigned tne misersiwe imuitc.iM.- were innocent of fraud or of wilful Wgligtnce j "left them conten?, if they mighr-rnj-y rtp i...'tu.i.hi:,n.!intr wWwh Hill(sni! Was lined one : to suffer onvatSon. InteedYtO most OI Hiew,iwi f urth part of the net p.odncr of his sh-pment, to j was not important, Where there are moreinoWlj g- ih r with chaiges and costs of suit. And Arm to feed tha'n the whole .product r.f- tety stead was oh igedto pav costs and charge'?,-hesidss , land can supply,4 there is no need f other x two cents a gallon on the brandy, of Hi. h it seems rageineut to till it. and little fear of its lyirg wst bis carvrfrconslsTed. N iw, s;m1 Mr. Qjincy, if Not so with us. Unless we diave vent fii. We' the secretary of live treasury really invested with lusage we raise, indiisrry wn. mas you lions, and entferpnz,i: lorstxe a cma. '"j-" J i-lowtr of this maRnitude, dbube itas you nlease. he is the desnot ot the countiy. ir tni3 ai to ntr coTrsiiwiurrr is an expositi in of 'he Ijw by.'yotir ofliC( ar,d otrr niti i.f FIND NET Y UU OWN, 1 1 rv. . r 1. 1 A 1, v.as; rru f 1 1 n i a xnoiirn of xXvt uvvvrvotir oinctr oi ni i imywiii ajiuruui vihuvi ir,-;1suiv. com k 6E,pfiTiSMi cowtt unapartk: anmiosity against ureal onum. .-...ir t vu iVr r.M c wHt'M vr)ii wu t.. v;,u will mit tli it. for vears'fehe has heen thee!yi ... : f. . . . un. tSii- vikws ako PHiNcif.ua of ou cabi the commercial wotid. "Ana woi n--iy" v- . peritneed so much hennfit, as we have iryur;, jreat mcu5i--;- We ha a--;- inrir,l. kiniwl ir, the rUttMrr.e ,f drawn liber J Drofition the sale. . -Wirh n.., it,- mviiwlSrM witli'- which he ', diice-' we ' have bouebt-'" British irtuiuljC . . ' , . .... I .1, 'l,.n.4 a mnni..''J Vef W w I'i rutl 10 contend were so veiy viciein, w ucmeira suiu mc, uiuu i v,i tultrinrhew ettects, inai mey coum oc tumujicu , sjjuc uui viu,..B .. . . .. . . ." 1 .. (,:.:.. ..ir ...,. ,, 1 VV aw to assis' W to-nothtng- Dill anose ipve -powuers -!;- pmntre. uumg wu -.u.. -1 jfji i finuiu lireat uriiam s a nauun, Mr. Qjincy snid that he knew the prejodues of fintercui se with her ? ' In a gr rUin gtnttt'men wee veiy stiong. 7 lit did flot-U ean 10 offend he only wished to unfold anil dis. ! up our c.irgo?Vin degree, 0 ce me cuss high pr civl hbeity with which ths imagination had supplied, the phy. ' ' . .rJ L uivl uhricr the Mintiosed iuSuence of vain clorv has doneinore than anyoiii. J Whicl tne raptures 01 ije p.'ssigu inej cku-di wcie exactly in prpjjorti n to the deformity of its object1. t vVeiforbear cpmieirtin this new outrage on th i Niu'nis oi nj.-u, a.wvnnnerK-uqeficeniese vnueu $'''' 5iates,and wodd oaly suggest,'. Whethe'r it nighl Ji.t. on this occasion : be. proper, if the president i.uUfail tpTisiUe a prodamation. fir congress jo -i. piisktbroa iVsoluti mi x,-resife;pf their sense of J1- tijury, aodthei fi A. litertn'iitio: 4- not tr VVbiuU ta iU' ' A Mr. Gdm is absent, mul the - ...I X j: A exin.lrtrfi T V uOO 1 JV 1I1T1 1 III lllf, H(fc r-uing not oniy tmm universal nmi Biumciii,'.. ;!q. I'V-vC ' " , "afc IromiweH eStahlbhcd opinions, derived trom; shaH spemi in war iy , - viform experlXni'errharTherTura'iTisp ond which hu j too, as we shall rind, not 10 our u...u. - Congrels, t;f VM. QU INCtY- -SPEECH. yH :f. , V The subject .of the iti iichanfs 6t0i being un- iie jQ5idexaliori4.iaJheJi Me then adverted to thep'Jicv ol the restrictive sys'em. endeavoring to impress on conviction that it would be best D! iwliies alloeether because Gre ...... j a but .ur lesistance in man. and a p rnt bey mail i endurance cannot go, would be veiy. glad from policy, to encourage and ai J :auch way s arid neun's as those produced from. penalties, assured that th?y can ot last, and that they must ultimate. . y.lualdu lives Iy produce eltvicts tletrioienial to oursitlves, and greatly advantageous to her' in the present con test. . '.J..L. . ;' '' ."s"v"; . V?Mr..Q. drew the attention of the bouse . to the effects ot the restrictive measures on the collect, ing laws, and with vast ability snd acuttniss'cf reasoning, pointed out the impolicy pt straining laws, ihe authority of which was questionable, to. as violent an extent' as those of unquestionable right. He observed that within the last six years Congress had made' laws by which ; one hundred new offences had been actually created." tip exa mining the record he had found that in 15 years, that is from 1 790 -to 1 806, the claims of re mission to forfeitures amoinv'.ed to about twelve hundred ; i... -,.r:.v-.,.i ih 5nctiii.Vinn nrid the CCIU'v1; mankind And' aie we sure, what is to tx-' ' suit? Have -our rulers so wisely digests ... . .unl r .i.'.. k..... i.:-."tl..n. 't!.!,! itti f'pht iif ihrir success WtH 1' ' , to hbaiKlon the curhy of the objects for whi h we conterm' , at lJitta;n wisely ! is room to fear that no good ground exi f( Mr, Quincey rose to oflVr his seiitiments upon thi import nt -tnesuV'Jn'd obseryed .'that he w is nof mly astonished f. the lengtlvto whicbhe, debkte had run,bu' w& surprised how it came, to be dtbjst d ai tilt. ' " ii.stead -of arpuinents bein'ir 't6u'red oui ior nouorj'iiut cn;s.-t.w, -, not. .wen, win me n. s --nA ,: . .. u .u,t .;;tii,ns. a '"t . Sate us tocjuiese oimhw "; ' -ig, uU livpsnnandeied along wun uiv . , w!; secure. for pos'eritya boon whjcH i them satisfied and gvatelul .unner score mf.lioni, instead of an unimcum alert die? If it le commerce thatwetr . for,- we'do-not see "how 'the.ar is gtij a raortjavorable fwdng.-Indel.goveni pars to have given u, this Rr"""" Aj,.f kken anotherv.of which weshait -- while from 1 806 to 1 813, a space of six yearrptjn ly the claims were ' above one ;-thousahd,; which gave an increase in: adu plicate rati ov and from ttris .he iiiferrrd bat those oiTences wtreaugmeet od and created by thei restrictive-Ja -lv -'V -' forth-In such profusion, he was really as tonisbc64 -.lt has been observed by- sonia gcuUemen, thak n another,, ol wnica g(jt vi t he wish olVEnlnd to dr.y mertca.i her creat rn a-, u -7 ..,tf , bn. But wh it.. nonsense is ' ,-. . , j die ' troyed it ourselves. .We have ISjU . . imoor'u 'u. . to her fiands, by embargoes,..,-.. .. cotnmc!Vr fW the element W wh.ch . as tng veb. But this was the P'3 pur andtberefirejnpvekvaicoeiu; : LXl'