-'.'Tt'?" vl-f ' -,-V-. -"- f J, - r ''It -tls lender DK t WW ,-vwuyc c -a hv the pleasure of giving, besides y j ihe pleasure oi giving, CSctad intere.ung forP uews. fr - informed, by private letters o.om,wasii,; 'i Mrttimiriiiit' ha bga nara'at t. ii 1 ,r if war : and Captain 'Vonrf, Of bifa Uc: . . i.. mmher of congress.' but hOw as- jl" '. -.u.nr general, as accrcury of the na Ma Vtfipont Election minated in; the 1 r .:, imif rats to renr-sent that state in ..we - - : '. . -, -j. oet confess, wajwjr ..'rn (jBATrTATtT Of TBK VQTIS FOB FbE YVitf wi number iS-jivc AfJ; .- Clinton. Matbtort," Jgro, GT tnsachuetts, 32 . . 9 - Kivxle Island,.. .4 N-wHaropslure 8 o Vermont, ; ? J. J Connecticut, , Maryland,,-,, XJtlawarei .,,-,- ?; Virginia,- r ' ; Kentucky, ...... 'Jfth.Carofin'aa-;. Ttnntswei ; ':?2. South Carolina Ohio. ; Georgia,' Vw Orleans Uvierd Afimiwig baa been hamiast4sphHmat ever since enjoyed fod health, fica from ey either of hon or or jusitcecan, withhold bis support wimum a sacnuvc oi ine popular voice, ana an out rage of the public icelinj;. .Strong measures will uc iukcit tiunnjf ine present session irom wuicn there is every reason to believe (hat the adminisTa twn will riss. ; . . Mex, uerbld. 9, 29 0 '' 5 0 v0 a o 0 ' 0 0 0 0; 0, S. 12 f8: il ?T ' 8 124 ,20 4 7 0 0 ""i a o .0 0 2 o 1 , 8 ! 6 Q 31; - 0 6" 25 12" 15 8 11 7 "!;'8" 3 i -it,' - 86 127 inerwun nacpropo(iion'i our part (o Uicat-Untuin a,n uhirAa'.u:ii oc expirmng etfortf to which cer. uiwuu.uor twiQi wut oe vrayea. : A plf wui of given, on in part i inoao now o power, ,w ce of futvifmal not, to. ;.abaodtfl:efiftltt terms shajl have been acceded to.The.cfueUon, we luicutijr ucuovc, win ou st complexly atripped oi ulbus ulcers bealet op,'ind she ha: litver since oad , any re.uraoi ncr..ieao . - - r, last night published by government in a G J5xtrfiinatf;"" -The Lxatdah Gazette Extraorfrnary H eJjtt 1 : j' V if : . 'J Negrd Franks ho w Ared. about tryycart, the iiiZMt-tfif King's Evil, without ' interruption, during a period of. to vears.- He was Vaccinated in1 1504. In a few months anerwatds aiseaw beaikJ up, and He pgen. viscount v;aucari, nis mjMy an.o ha . ; Fortrijn Officf Not. 1, 181 . A desnatch, of which the luilowiog s a . 'has ben this day -received frotavhis -rxc .;. r- We observe that an idea is in eircuhtion in Some of the G incites, that there is a prospect of an early accomitiodAtion mttrC. 0 yla wjsh it may be - found op any recent m1icationst on the part of (I. B. of k disposiiion to meet the liberal advances of bur goyerhment.Of such a disposi-) Kutfs Evil lor Two years he was the vacdnated, tion we navenowever no prooi. vi inc persevcr-arice- of the U. S. X in thcV pacific disposition, we hve ho doubt that every addinortaL prdof will ap par from time to- timet that circunista'nces may render, proper.--VVc allude more particularly to extradtOif.crv ana Werupoicn'Uf y M ine otir . ery ttcrophUhaa syrnpl6m.,-r ' r Stsrcmaurj;h, addressed uOuil usaAvt, " Nagro isaac now agca aooux au years, inc :wi awe. slave of Mr. Basil Brook, was afflicted with tbei - ' , . St. Petersburgh, Ccr. 27 1812, Scrophula from the age of eight or ten years, until My Iprd I have ihe ikaur-u u;siUAi'--the time of his vacinatioh, whfch was performed 1 your lordship that the guns are erina(.d ' about 6 or 7 years pat. He got well soon afieir- Deum Ir lo.'Jpe.. ung tomorrow in iha CUwcl.- . wards a"d ha ionttnued , free from his former- for most biUiiant affair of tac 18 h, bctwetn U.j coinplaiata ever 'since. " ' 1 . tadvancedj guards of the French and- Uubiiu .t Cm fourth. ; micrhear Moscow, in -which the for mcr. un.Nv ' A Negro Bof, aged 12 year, belonging to1 Marat, were defeated. with great losi ; and U il.t ut, Iy v,r-rU;ii- h- sn afflitorl artth the dellveranoe of Mo&cow by eea. vVini.aEiOvl? '. 11, a a v w v vrw a-w tc vi r . Mtuivtvu v , v w the 23d October The bulletin is npt ytt published, but I Hj e the honor to enclose a opy ot the note I have tS and dot well immediately, without the use of any otherrnedjf, aUd is now in perfect good health." The f5tlawiug observations try th Oixtor C company" thefc cd3e3---''. 'FaiVhhougn the bcroph. ula appears to keTJWlTXbmmon disease among its beiflg iivtended, as we (earn, to. introduce into'; the Negrotes ia Calvert co.inyt, no one hasbeeti the Legislature a proposition for excluding by law foreiett seamen frolii the , public and private vessels of the U. Tliiwill provide for givini tlfect toany siipulated arrangeiniint bttween the tWo-govemftnts whif hTmay tfte place after the adjournment of Cftn rnco ivemencetlocideht io a fecial call for the purpose. JVat. Int., yet k'iovvntheieto have take nit afteracchaation ; and all those who were emitted with tr upon whom the experiment is known to have been tried, h?ve' recovered perfactlyi without the ts? of any Qiher reoaedy, and tnar too' armo - iromeui ateiy aer tn.ft.mc roc,. w,s . wniiivunniM'f tlietn." 'Inasmuch theretutft't OOberve t iBs Doctor, rf as we are unacquainted with anjr yea. son, why vaccinaio should nor hrVafter be fouod to be an efl tially mcacioua reroedyor th, Scroph . .' . . . ' ' 1 ... it i '..it ula, as it nas Dce provea iooe.gaiqsi mc cwiwn morhinif received by tlie emperor's command I have also thclusM a-trausUtiixi of this tillV account of the defeat of nursUul St. Cyr, bv cu Wittgenstein, and of the aiorming of VA '" the 20th Oct and also thit of the repu se of ivu sllMacdonald's corps by gen. fingdl. ; " LieotenaM general count, W ttgci&tein I. been prorivted to the rank of geral of CuVilr n.t ji 1 neumLr hi s victorv was sunur Vwiit MLM-M J ailVJ VtlS VTl Hlflivis. IIU 'HVU t - f iXihe Pock, wfasT vhiamuftattdlaldajr.- Pennsylvania TfiaV Tost lour votes four of' her electors havlpg,hen illegally. chos:tH arid Ohio e, fronj the non-atteOiJanceijau erector. it ia renorted that the Chesapeak frigate, ha Icut a-Briiish gun brig inu an eastern pyrt. The schrV Vaasise has been pij-ked up at sea f tue Argust fiUedj tnannefii dj .ordered fqr a flort in the-U States. , .. - Letters frbmthetiort.i .est afinonncthe ebnrt' notd activity 'and Jeal f Genet il H rrisou "in the duties of his station, and state' aom-.: r i. cumsifenccs which indicate a pus pose not to let the wVAter pa river withmt attempting to distinguish his little ar my by ,sjm gallant a'-hifvr merit. ":? Int. A ine looVingtomp vu of -.about' 50 rtgulat of the old army ur')r comm iou oi ,apr-. J"'"' f'Xj m NoTthC.arohna.p cdithro' thucity last cveu uie.ohthcir way toiori H.iwkuis. Wc. ucders.avd sevutil o.ht' compuies ii'm both forth and South Carolina ar. on tUeir a ay 5 join ow tmis to the southward. , y ' : . .. j$u$uta Times - ' .'.' ss ." ' ',"".' : BUR .OS. - : ... , It will be seen frourthe- fillowine abort sketch bf the town and fortress of Bunros, that the obsla. 4Jox, may hot toankind rejoice, at the pleasing cles which they present to the'progress ot an arr prospec ; twhicb is here presented of being : fited, my are tpesiderabtet from two of thje .worst 'diseases which have, ever finu'jd to enjoy sp(ehdoir aud pie eminence, as the ' alUicted the hutnan' race, i f j '" ; capTtatof Ofd Castile, the- cradle of the Spanish An insertiaii of the above will at le-asr oblige vMonarchyV has.'fo'r .thi' last HW'entuiies,t dUnl - wie of your ttohstant readers'.' ,, mdicus. from its rWbcritv. and is o a glrwmy Viegular , ; ; - ' eaa ' - v town cortfaiMog only abouv 8 or 9 oX) inhabitants. ( The following paragraph, 'om the Aurora.6eds FrumVic Aurora tf Dec. 23, 1 12 ; It w not to oe supposed that the. Biivish party fris-surroanded by-walls, aid built on a declivity forming the right bank of -the liver rlanxan,'byer whirh are thrown 3 stone bridees Wmectinj: the1 ton with the-aubu?b La'B?ra'Oahe;biow..- of .intpngres' will openly attempt to sup the wheels the adjactnt hilLstanfU an ancient scastl4j which has ol governmefit'as in time past', for .thnes are. chaii been repaired and sitrfrVglhened with woks by the gfcd ; whaxfwaifibt treason last Session, would now m on the and this ciay be done u-.der the spcious nam of before Victor should join, and o suddenly t a.Idingof friend locate, and contmerce. These gentry i naparte. should not have time: to comedo hi as- ti'y4s.ii','-lt,l .MtpttaVrl om plaints, from those who bring Country proiiucc tnurkeU that they tajt obtain, but aoou: one hH the pfice'furh thti ;meilv did. The qms i, b fi-qjerjtiy abked What can be the cause of i I lhe,cau,5CiatODViou8 as. ne cirrjiras'ance true: It is owing to ihe operatim of the dtsjrtu live-and yesary; war.lhetout.try islnvolycd io ; tnd wliat is still .wor jbe ' longer this war is persisted in ihe greater wilt be ihesacffioe tw y K.ime wuat make, who Baa a sfxp'srite o. th f produce to; di pQse of vVc,i-ould sk out Couritiy'brelhen what would be their fcc!ing tdsvardsTM. Madison and -the jnajm.Uv JnCon JtrcM, if a iaW.sh:n4l be passed that would sub. - jrcr,i9 out rJf 20 of their sleighs, wh'tn corai n ; lKh prrMtuce .o meirKei, io capture co oestruc tion. WtJld tiaey not tlunk tliis was a very ui' ju-t and" uiaqnal law, wheu no stjonger rcisoi.?. could beortcrtd Cu-liS;ntcesshy, tl n there caV b for icwiUniiingithe piesv(4 war J Under such ' ; t hazard,,, is thert crt:e Faimer cr Vrier? in ; ,. hi-. Senses that Wiuld think of. pvchastog for tran ror'ation, under ,s uch circumstai cef l Yet this i; raOKepresemttnometff thil precise situation fjWi4 emerchemi and ship owner, if he: purchases a car Jo of Hjmber and country produce (pads, bis vessel i;Kf seids-he- to -a' foreign maak t : 4li (iovei n i'toent fgroUh hirrf" no .piotection .or convoy, it chances ouLof SOJ-hathis property, wjll be cap tu!e4or dtstiojtt!, bv. those we hav.yoluntaiiIy i iinadeohr enemies: Can it be ; expected Then tha. V those who have heretofore pure basei! for shiprntf V J will do l ; now ? ; Certaidly not. . And ..this v;l.wil (fohtinuc to incr;. jse-so long sshe war,"' ?ts, Jl ; the people, thiiik that tuh?r their interest or Jiafi. Juntt is promoxed by the po!icy-rf .Mr. Madis-1 and ms paruzans, they wilr co aU,.in then nowc v a ,h,ibfe mK avpr.ty into offkK, but oh the tiiher hand,. th:jse w.Bo. prefer lreace and Pfosp ri to Wtr and Poverty, :VtU iiseairfaF and-hony r raUe means -tQefiefcL ...j-,jta3uic. , .yy.,t : '.jrpruana paper. i if :;'. y'.w fanfuonedfirivfitediHe;. The following facts te communicated in a lute r jtis ' rectived fronr. Cfcarltsioh, C. ( "" -;' ' ' ' ' Z ;? I he, privateer K arrn ed lure a few dai s ttriwiih g250.00(rcie' Vhicli ihty ai.l'tl.ev u K,oiiui o pitat . anc cttat were the te oiuas QKhe oct asioa,', lineal 's)he i)ici v x.5rfcO hor t iduratiin l jie capanf ai.d all Ihe view arc now in prison on ch -re pf 'pirat y aii. t tijuroUc.,. It is alledged that tht y bai tk d W. Sian v Plep pa . t.j ner, ( re w s ntl plui Oe rti " . 2" 11 her bpecie amounting to-Uhe sum. met French: and beybnd this there is anpihcrvsrji4i! be high mason xt w nign treason to give ata hill, called St. 'Michael's ynreon a horn work bad and comfo!t?o our enemius in time of .war, ana tie en erected, which was' carried by storm I9ih ult. The cas le is a lofty square b olid -masonrv. and commands the. lull or M. aik sn chjel, which. in return, overlooks the outer defences of the former. "Adjomirjg to the casile is a church which the French have converted iuo a f -rtj ai.nl both these ureinclu'led within - three distinct -linos f circumvalhtion, the- wholu forming a fortress of ar. oblong figure. AU thiejht-e ' lines fntrst 'je successively carded, before the ostle cn be ta ken After -getting possession of St. Michael' hdl, our engnv-ei's directed thvir appr laches, oo tiic ight, a ad en cied a battery, which comtn uided the oil r line of the Wotks connecting ha fortress' with escab.led1 .n the 22J, S MM T L.i n.'lni... Q .VAAtnt lteuMyt 1M4. r w . tirfed to the' westward, h-avidg some 'tgnvj&iUy,,.''. haye been cut off; that the provi-aoe pf Yolhyn i U entirely chared of the enemy i and ih du- Tehichagoff may probaHty : have reached Eins?. about 6r soon after the 2 1st )ct. ! . t I have the honor to be, &c. 1 v' (Signed)' ' - CTHCAHT-:, .V"' Noemier 13. , ;,7d?fgt of muh vt. r '-.',"'. An officer of his majesty's ship Arab has arriv ed with despatches from rear-admiral Hope to Mr Croker', date J Ci.itenrjMrj;, the o-n uist. which transmits a bnlleCm oi the opfration1 of the aj nu ;s tinder prince K.u uaow and gen. yVinzingeroic. and anxtract of the report of gen. VVittgenbtci.i, ot his opeTatiohs. "",' '-' ".-.'." ' '", ' . " 'These documents s'ate. that on the 8ih Oct. KutiKow, understanding that Victor's carps h ij a. lined Smolensk to join Ihe grand ar;ny, 'Vrirted "'". ta i s t a w rrc to attack Mut-at's advancea guaia m wv tiid remember that we hve f plenty oi enoix . siwanc ,,. ...rT.,..,.. . . i .-..u ...Hi;,, o ; ..,! nltrlv aucceefleu l li itussians.too'ja whet. tbsafety of the country is in danger. Frum j f cannon, J 500 prisoners and t; stndai d ot tue , . ; tnn.vi,,', rtf rh UrkiAh it is not without first regiment .,f curaicrs-iHX r reiicJtiiktf t'ltj 'town'. Ibis line was t t i 'points,' by a ButSb ant Povluguea detach good reason, we stipt;ct every man, whetneran or oat ot cpngn s wVi opposes the present ; mea sures of goferomenti.to have received British mo ney- The w;anei s .inform us how-muchjthe British th petu! oh these traitors ; if found : guilty , btmg a membirr of.conres -ught not 'o save their necks. In order to get' I)e Wiu Clinton to be elected 'president,-. ihy-represented that Mr. Madion waMed'erj'tltpe-will convince thvin ihit he has more energy than will suit them remained tin the-fleld of battled, " ', si ns . w;v;t On the morning ef thc.2o.h, count Witfgensteir, ,V Stormed Polrnk, ifter 2 'lays h H 6ghting-; staff and superior binders, and 5000 rank a filt v were made pr s me s, and an exiraoidinary nuat ber of the Kren h were killed. -. " - The l!usian oss also.was considerable but thej success ws complete j - . r ,,t:.. : ... . - ... . , r i- ... . j-.,. ; .tin rHa 22d corns ot Ken.- vniuiKei-iSn; to ...MMMA.. 1L v ....T.i. ..1 U M Knar. D. " .ll I li LKMI 1 L k JUIU . I . " I ' ' -- . . . . If in; -..riir. vt -.tnty jr.-i-titv- twn ,..,, . - - .- - t. . .. A .i. ...... r-14 .i-ui.iH.' .tlVU ...wo.jv 1 ..... ..j- w-..... 4 - - - ;ntv ; 01 tlv failure of trre P jrtuuese attac k it was not j .viihout great difficulty wit hdia'wn. The Coinman :i.r ot hu frtre'5s 11 jaii to be "a aeneral who his song acted. under.Caffare.iH.'aiifwhb has doubtless ecevirl positive o ders to hold out to the last ; the Ttportanceof the post b'einij: ctrongly felt by both Mr'ies. Owi il it ii. reduced, thd French at my o iy reaiaih safty at Uriviesca, a walled city, only 'T V '':tk'xtraordiiUfj Lmgrvltif. f)ied in PUm m county a fe week past, GEO. PALMER, a' fre man of colour, at the v.ery aiivan ced age of on hundred aod t.vtnty one gears' A -pr;ifi. iirrnfd hv Thomai G Uusstl lq'r, a tl son to evacuate the pUcc wan su&n pinA.wf that they abandoned lf ih - ir 4ospitals. ' ." 25TH FHENCil BUtWlTW. lled Qi.k!T9 of he Mctvx, Oct, .23 latedirt lSOsiates, The am y teas yri led the srnokr temainsof orai,duuib.okm:ar . Mj. ow co,ivcvtd i ..o the .fenb of Uu-lap 5ar) of ibis man's birth ! by Hu-,siaii -baibrjity, The .iimperpr Mex.n kt; - jus.tce ofthv p ace i t Augusta that K he had seen an old memora . v -4 . (vii;x rii4ianr. -ari.'i i-trrrrei iifim i iif niani v wnp,i fvii.ui wiitLiiiLiir i;aLC ".rBuriros by a lofty, mountain ; at' the next stgn j was registered, f onrwhich i appeared , th tt he was: has rr fused eace leyun 1 vvhich, on the. road towards France, H the , re mend io pas-, of Pancoibo, secunug the ap- Napoleon is 41r.epar.1ng : mes. DiOach to tlwLbro. 'L'jndxi I'afier. It were well, if instead of the bitterness and-con rrHfe1yofpTn yxnmchmsrineit-vKlt'rtrTvoJ --.uUivate the -amiable and endearing ties of good r.iendahip.- To permit pvrty poison to pdllote the j-.rcd f mritain'of fellowship, -a'nd extend its bale- .'I ..I 1 , 1 i tPtcin w wn rn inM uii. w born the 27th December, 6&l ; that lie nan many- ores iu 7 e -w; years bei -re conversed 'with himaud;frofu -Pal, i? of the Uu.n nobdvy "mrm Ler's knowledge of histo.icaleVenU, and ferni thr arch to refuse U unf ,Ku;eS.ou of hmtiies with whonUe had W differeat period, and the leng-.h of ih (- wodAWyUtngerouf 'VS OT . .1. 1 . . ., . .....e . Kioi ki-w, - ;hM ppar tviiru 01 inc so lov tuv... v.. , , .'rrr-acrjrnenaiHHi-pt.-i.u. ut wreath into the sweetest con.fjrts of sdtl'.'y, is bbitig life of half us flatting comloits. Is the ; Data oftife'so Carpeted vriih y" that we'med ' iress causes of drsconteiU imp ts transitory period? tO Soli en trrat asperity wiiicu 'iueience 111 iKmoeat bi -ions produces' in 1 h heart, should be 'he study- 1 everv inan,whatever his sentiinsts, whatever age w s torrcctT J county, Virginia. ' good tiebltn. - He"Wirs' born tn 'His wile is 85 tlle:,stia J ut-n-.it: -A: ' V' WjUiamsCdeciai uyi on Veflxiesdacarni ; ,ut Jhe auenuonTiiKl produce enquiry "and .. -. . ' p... -; -i. .-. 1 ; wen tnttrtsinVd we stae 11 as buriirmWf tnal uiraciii Biiiit- LtiiiH Kuan njve rmtt V house, Itis tl.p ' intention, of, the'eon initur , Interestinif Postscript. li sro. . Joi. . 1. Com Fodders' squadron Ye- eruay arrived this, harbor, tom a cri.i?e. ol 84 uiys, he, U. Veai-stdd and in'' Marshal rlubsoff mistook the . L-npr'sSqe 1 UVVC5 Ioi"-U'gnt, uoi rciu.uiw.w-i (-....-ri r, corps or Prince Ponialowski and th Viceroy ne . ya& deleated and driven duck w --: f'' the Pakra. The King of Naples Commanded, iand: ' added, by his judicious maa;euvrs, to htaXmr r e'tttatioa. . m BrSSSL3 , : j .- - 1 I. . . t .",,. t 1. ... ua situation. ; ' w ivaiii tiiyt-i mpy nais.mwiMwi -u The world is but one wide family,- on which the 1 22, and to the S as ia . 1, N V rmy loo. : tmiwt'rt ni Vr.fi inr.U wit !, a:, f J nf rn ,1 ' n.Mti-n-. 12 ' 'hev r.l iO.VO lh(l trade-W,n,l '.O 1011 .' 50, and . .. . .. . .... "i - .. ! '. P II -non and impart iali-y j hw absurd then 4udasl tht puiseorToinenionn rau,;ht of4if with the i4u$eou"d egs of jealtf lay, muda malice and contention fri.r i-. ' TreSideil?. Cflin. KoditttnU . UiK.tr l ' , .1 .V-C DaIU - :.. :. j-fc-- - - -? -v r awfnnn rw iii-iv -nriu 11. " - i - 1 ' u j w j.V rr, ihf liUte.uh Academv "return! 'A out ii or I J -ll. -l.- nnn fii. nitt livni'H t warn wiuiw-i -v mc . -s Tu-- f.ur-rVou' will prease to let mo. nave at. was?.. ' j ' .1. . et. ill harMratn in l : m. - 7, - : ., . one hull to sy in tue luaiv.. y 'fl"7: " I Let men consider Cheir . 1 he fresidenl ard conress, curing iae.r . . . t; rrned i .ih'al is to say,i 1 iSlyouj fall-sw roep'ltk? t neiriscrves faU'rile, and not attrtbu te . cruize,.hav'-;, taken tne Brtttsb packet -wallow, n0' 0i(f accounts in my name, wtlhout ay, lO-dtpravity of heart 'that 'which simply construed, iar.d the Bmi-.h'siup ' Argo, b'ithof which -arrived orfcf vwbdly orip writn-g, aa )ni.'rii&ijr is. but an error in jtigement ." La them leave per. Homeuinc si.'iee'. - They' .haveieen ;h enemy - imne i.oi pay opne of.them.. .CiiiWfeJ.arc -iasU;: -onal inv-etive for manly argumen, and endttavotirTct uiiers except the Ny tnphe ahd Galatea. . The. .j-j purch.ase , but parents are UnedeS5jwg convTiiae, jrathsc Tun fo irritate each' other. J Prt-sietn and C tngress keputha sea till their PM.-.r ixv theif -children wahCf t Let reason piescribe bt-Uftfls'- to enthuiiasm afsd 'visions were nearly exhausted. ,j.-.-';.-i.' --; ' ijUult wi h your accounts i hithertoi? Sl;lwUa t-isitfc iiff.-rtnce of opinTotT cease to be coDsidered ,bac . From the'" 1st to the 30 n of N-v. ihevfeq'iad-just and true , bu they are s attrac t do ; iKinciuIcs and sinister. sii?ns. r , Ton , tvru.r a sailvani siqce 4hc latter ': date !-;.. ,..1.,. tft have'been raised but1Mi;ihiid.' -''. ' .' , ..' 1 m '. .t . . , - Hae been cruUinjr between '- . TWlFtaiitniefiu5Scan . - SCUOP'HUL ATRTKrSCjS- EVILir- Messrs. ;Ed itors-iThev ; foiKwi o'g cage's . wefe publislied in April list-by Dr. -Jamesv Smith, they re staud ..by hirn to. have occuraed in Calvert county; ' Maryland, and ara sui'Kienwy authentica t, d to "obtain our most implicit confidence.' A -v- - - r-- . . . tt T"'- 'UI'C a Capes, -t vi'gini., ana oosioo, iihb most bflthjs .time from 'he. westward. ;- ; NvIJ The stores ot Mr. tiayian asa 'if. v are except ed.. .. Jan. Ij ' ,;: re'public.tKn pf them may pt rhaps auract the atieotion of other Observers ; aod it is hoped, some dd.1iti .dial infort uion my bet yet obtained from the Doctoriinselfjoii a 'auivject so highly ;inier esiiug to mankind.) " , m- f , ! . '" ;': --';-- -i:... iCase .-Firtt-.''- :.V . ',-..".;,' Negro. Priscilla, now aged about 55 years, Wirloiigia'g to" general Joseph Wilkinson, had been hllictcd with the" Scrophula, or King's Evil, to 'us greatest extent for upwardiuf"25 years. ihe had never derived, ay advantage worthy of no'dcc from the use of numerous "prescriptions of several eminmysfciasho' aft ditferent periods to attend hej,1 She was .vaccina ted by her master in ; October., 1.8 10,. and bad thv KW "Pock effetuallv t ,oortsa ft er which, w'rt. ltl&n ttlaucha 10 rejpoVTia. gesral ipyi f Wxiluut umg any uber remedy vh&ever, all her scrophi ( Jmes Brshop u..v.-.. 1.. Pe'ttoofrtoriUpa'tf. U--1 ' V";'r 'tl-c,-' - Mi-viYoax, fanuary 6. . By the fast sailing corye.le' t)uili .shipM'homas, aapr. llilliard, the etlttors of the ' Mtfrcaiitile' Ad- vertiset have beeu obligingly furnished with a re ;tiiar hie of the London Moiinng Uhrooicie to th tSvh Nov. inclusive! '-from-- which"' the folio a in: important articles are copied " It will be seeu by our extracts that prince, M rat, commander ol ' Bonaparte s advanced guar ifas been defeated by tlie Russians, with great I"s in men 33 pieces pf artillery and a standard of uouor. - , pr-. , ' . Bonaparte has retreated from Moscow to Smtw lensk, where, it is said, he is completely sti' round etl by ther llussian armies. - - . fin 1 -v . ... u...r,. Ar iinAdia-irm.' Wintzinei-ode entered M.cow, fronV whenc?the be, bel l f.r said county ye re left, in the power Ths following" most tT-'nearine;. ta tpV aisfjclico of th5 court.' that Edward Marlrey aiid. hi-'.1 dents 'wtthoot-:tner'-Umt5sniT?siie ioroereur", ; . - ,. 1 Kaleign Minerva, jw m . : :-Yi i ' tluii-hHleifieVrap8r-a wp n, st davs of thmest term of Said . court, f. TT "fir i tLtbeenmy. , -a . jf-iiwa-. ' 7ir.wivJf,v-. - ',r.t-----fv,-. '.' r " IND .Kv Nov. 12. patte.'..;.ie8t, v-: ,n... i -;.... 4 - w.. -vv 2 imriaal;'m;Uli?ence ---'4 - -. '' :. . --. 'f -' ' " :-' '" .'t-v -v's .r. '; '.'- f 1 4. -.. - - v - -. - 'V ' -.-' : .;;:.. - - . ... - - - ..-" , -. - ,.,.; a - :. - . . : -'.... v.. v: -'---1 '-'- : .'V'' . '" " ' ' -, ' ' .-..-x. : iV r ; T: ' ' '' T ' -'."' "'v ? '-'" ; C'-v - v..,'-.. :, ;- ? - ;''2yXK?'rt -k ;"tr.T??'