JUL OF tTHJCH IM JDrASCX, til FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 18 13, No. 878. Vol. 17;; RALEIGH,N.C PUBLISHED (wiKii) BY LUCAS ND A.Jf. BOYL pohgrefs. COVCLUSION OF Mtl. QCINCirs Sf EECH Ontheldpobt, viz; arthe mrs a v r . ...!w .W war Mr. Gutncr ii that thi wa grounded on tor. exp. wuu I2ia, ' . . ... ta .tain K fitf. hat it would operate on rem a - , to the feasibility or inc rraiptiiv ,rtWr loan that he ad .fitted we the means tfut u yrwi-uiiM . - ' .1, . M n s4 U10 aentthe. whole force of the army stgainst that year, a country; and did every- thing to involve the . tionably . . .t ' ' . i c ' , nruiwi ar.rnmn; country in rum. navoc anu ucsoikuuiu uioi r . r disclosed a disposition, out d. the ordinary course nf inhumanity, and.it it were, not too lamentable tq be treated with levity;, , might be compared to, the disposition ascribed, to the gi antin the children bid play-- , t ' Frey Yaw, fumy , Be he dlivfy or bt he deud , ' IwU fittve some. ' - Unanimity had been spoken of If by unU on was meant concert m the conquest ot ka ni Drowde lr the appointment, of, pvopor- commissioners of 8th November, 1806. an tb" an unusual number 01 ameers wun s me expiaiuuions ttuinureu n, w uu.h now nvme naranUarBelia of an; army), as the orable and advantageous to the Unttetf States." DkI I belieVe, sir, that tlie passage of this bill, or disposmon on the part of ihr .frituh governni (hat is more difficult MiS unlike' ' to happen) the l period at leasi. to advance a consi-.t '.,! ! ictoat-enlifctmert ofthe Deposed addition 31 force, K" ?w.iu... - would , secure to us ont obtecti; I. would not ot.Iy Consent to givt (his force, but ten limen the num twr if it wre bf force alone to be obiained ; but when I reflect on' the tfiecivl ami sole cairn tot which avowedly the war is now prosecuted ; when I consider the-retuve strength, situation and i-j posble forcf by sea; and land of the o lUtV'ns .and evpec' ly when my VecolIeciEa i1 . assail fsnaiM'ed (f "rc ranno.,rioY ought we to close oar en enlittraenf the Itonfoon 4 hic .bas peryadtU many; parjs tot ' .at nn . K""1 " o .T. . . - 'V vour tmv tne extraowuvjry expeoce wnaf hwctfDt Krtom.Bg.;w.Tu.ri. this bill and its threat s they -t nnHti.mrtoi'm disaster which has bungnoliticiatts in that house, w c" J P1, shou!d have his support. He 'knew thTe;k( d Vour miliury operations-l. c,anotTrinS iinnTifl; and the shelli stiu sticlt- . . . '' -J.. u: i - . .. 1 : ...... ft.tl.: a.ocis jv " f 7 B , v, . r were those wno were reauy v 'pr uuuu .mm n,y mma to me Dciiti, tnai me larce bow propo ,g upon m r b v ; "u with the old stale cry 01 lintish conneaiorr. ,hjr had cac!a,on W.e. uir,, r; wasnot egdtism to speak of what belonged orffl sucn exuavagun uu v 1 " rn his eottntrv.J-lt .would ill become, a man had bien two ctnturies settlea tor ed question, anl as we havt. no evidence that . ifl. ent principles nd claims are now asserted. If -.r. those then advanced I think it fair" to conduct . tiiatiis Sfilf in buc power to put an end to ilm,.c' troversy with safely to our Seamen and adva: ta-. to the nation. Instead, then, of passing ihi ; i;' a,nd spending the blood and treaol our con., try men in th- prosecution f this war. I conceive it 6ur dutf to m.ke an effort fu the sane ion o damning fac&).1ih Jarm-ir W right and, the restoruoi. ol peace. ed opinion that such 3h f fairl' a lrfjeMlly made by thislu- V4' Ahe :.icr u-i,.: TSr'a'rtch of the government, wouiS net fail nro. . ducig ttiedesiird eUtct. t he peculiar nature ci the '-qotsiUm- wUich ,now topstitutes, the soL object for continuing the war the intimation wv: en by thr. e'j'rruiive in the correspondence' wisli Ihe British government sin e the declai arion ot : war, together with the opinions stated by Vit. Monroe , and Pmkney in . be letter to the secreta- &c.d can produce ahv desirable effsct.' (Mr, Speaker, as much as I was opposed to the .declaration of war a"nd as' much us subsequent events have convinced me of the correctntaa of ... , antl atiiCtlons Werr exclusively -rt-vui.u ;uuv i"'" in tne penei mai nisinc ouiy 01 tun)iTs to jj.aa. rruuij c5mu shrink from his dutv for ihe yelpuvgs of those policy ot that unlortunate act-. My rmiaa js nent , a jav which wouid not only ' check daerti-n? who were kept in pay onirace 10 mat oojecx my enoi i? are oirrcveu. , rrom the British serviec.-.by lexcludmg nt-rsons .ot a very pniW W-V S l? whose family irld to be lntimidatea, snouia uc .,ul" u,cu . c,1!.a rl mKnw intM'i'tr. mnnectioria'.h.' tfnrc i frave on that momentous OuesUon it is 1 f I't . ja irT ctit.nh, n,. p .' 1 It . l .U U Ill II ic OM aim ,t i"-v wv. . 1 , . w - 0 , , aiaie t't jan. jin iovi f ii svm. ' v: mm w- 1 ... .U Ci tvhl ph' ahfWC 911 OtnirS tnC UlSlO ' . i , - , A ! j. . H.i i.rci!mi tr n.w..t;n IS. . . . .. ". . r lory of Haglana most inconirov ashed, IS, that She a.wavs flacr...crS w.c p,.- . mnmrrela U to the future that she always meets qan .A.-xmn aii fKn(. who ormoswl 'thV cort i fiie impression, is strongly fixed on my under ; that descrfntion from employ in our sriccibut als6 r.r half wav ; and that she yields nothing to ' u hrjmds At. ect.ni imnrtjrJ"" that Jhis war can be tcrminjted with ;deprive the British government of the Apology at naces. f his . .. s with the strines of " advantage to rh.s nation. Without he VdgedTor Ttnrressing' American seamen Ly .ex. er wearntss This how litth-sver known tions-thexr ba eks X' If , so sorely no christian . 0,lng. British sabje?ttf from tbe:Commtrci,i and SrJrtl vVs well known bv Uropean cassation,' and the r necks marked m d - bul - huraan,ty and sound poHcy public seyvice or the- Unked ,tat,s. Having ,U ipon the ft or rt congress, was weu ku w oy h check cdar" No,- exclaimed Mr IKa, nrt,w,.hnil remain ttiirfomr. on I... .11 Vi. r M .i o;,i,. ,ie tj ""v - " a ;v .' . oar part, to stop tnis career 01 carnage anu uiouu January 1807. "1 will take the .liberty ot retting ! t ful to my cnur.iry, ana mav a jusi juagraciu;si,t(i. I have st iiir cabinet, ' ab'd" wll naf)1 iurposes i on that ground the present mcast iie the attack on .Canada, was, noi w r; n,:;f i r.-.f Kri,rt.,. iK.m.hlir trihn, eacc, but to ensure war. Mr; kmfy . ho wh() arav,niriutr that country to ru- ic meant to judge truly, but at wama pnvi- Qf men who c6mpoge th(., AtneVi- y. and his duty, ava pubnc man w . r,.. c biaet Mr,. Q. 8aid he .knew but little, 3 . . . f-Ui. -n M(iufiln this rsse . . , . . . ' jik-ba't principle ui vuC a, tl lhat rltte did not make him ambitious to Sw nrinCiDle and the practice was that there uliri, fM;,m;m i'V in. Jmno attempt to neg)cte wntch was not pre-, cmistruction 0f it- D ir.V so he f jtind ecl-d..Dy some-suQciv - - that the denies of the country had for twelve -nd loOksng at their reasons it was im : , ;ihe way that pirty we w out u .. T""'vidualtwo. Virginians and one foreigner. Juid got inf. po-w?r. waf by-.asH,.cing them Q t ofour g-.vnnmen existence, lam,Io circulatiyfl'wg prtjuui!, xy petuat th.u p ,weT n thL state wa& object icked meaiures, and coihlnue to support -the au i wt could have been made by treaty. , 13 rl ! thc4st was a lonS:nme ags sc cure of smh meases.- It is therefore, not with j u rto erre, however, that the g -'.V ?2 Won they.nevtr ,t any totictonttftfw th of appointedf..r a second four years as me a primary consilerartm -in rpl!tffrCf of Sii dwprtW lati. -5 subject betairly woghed. Bringing antip- e f- ot of Engtanj to che throne of mn a ont f. make. ho,w far the honor or reputation, dfcpendj in a great mea8ure, on the me Ins' which JJl i:hies agamst.Bmaifr tobt-ar on opposUu.n and b a slmiarpiau of intrigue for- political wisdom, of any in.liyidualmay be be uktn hereafter by the congress to check . calating those aatipathK s and keepinghem succt ssion - alrcady fixtd on fur jamt9 : affiled by the adoption of the plan lor Oeserti0O8 from lhe British service If the t.eaty,. . ' htJ i!ive,bei;.gth whoie obj.-.ct of their policy gecond . . which has nccurtd to my- miml. do know i3 ratified, and a perfect good understanding: i ti X nr thb the treaty Of 1 804 Was rejected ; for . ' h: .-i r.:nt. tue 111 .rorp the , that anv bpnor.ble gentleman will be affected by .productd by it between, the two countries, it iU .v S his treaty f -l 8 '7 was rejected ; for tuisr V,t.s shoulu it be adopted I hop, he w,U not-to for their governments by friendly corn mu- , ; M v r jti r..k:i.K connected. JVlr. would show that the mw rfr,i jn.nflVfwni ho aie in Dower, so L ...u ...ik...ul ' ' wii a w iii rryr 1 wun ili.ii ' 1111 1111 111 hliil iilau i . . . t - 1 uiv. i ......-.- ' iiiiht uuit utNiHir 111 rdin iiinr.i n 1? a l 1 11c v c: :a 1 .i ' . r rim whs iiuL wudi il uirLriiucii 111 ui ijit' ntjmc aid sir, that it is my impression, i from it a' horL extract. After. ktatine the opir-.iod that this war cm be terminated w'nh Jionoc and j they had formally expressed Uiat 'although ilia advantage to this nation, without 3 further appeal ! British' gove rni'm-nt did not feel itself it libertylo , ',- to arms. -In stating this opinion, I .do not mean ' refinquiah, formally, by treaty v itsclainir to J, to be understood as identifying the honor of the seaich our merchant vessels for British seamen, ita nation with the honr of those by whom the war ' practice would, nevertheless, be csseniatiyif Ji was declared ; or, "in other words, I do not admit, not completely abandoned, they observe, That , rnattne nauonii no'ior rests soiciy 111 mc uanu ppimon lias oeeo since count mea oy irequ m con of those wfiio mty happen .f be in the administta- fcrences on the subject with the J3fitish . cromis tion, or who may happen to consiittite a majority sloners, who have; repeatedly assured us that in in coneess. N'o, sir. this is., an elective govern- their judgment, we were made, a's Secure agan.sv nitnthe power rid !ie ultimate 'responsibility , the exercise of their pretension by the poller lev. wif h the people they cannot be dishonored which their government had adopted, in rejjprd . I ! y was squr-ezt a 01 ju,uw u' xC.y., , . - . nrn tftu - v.;. a ofd. r t aid the executive at thr eye of an , n Tt nn,J-,Ua tn the . - . -b , . , " . . , . , quire tv wnom tnar armv was 10 oc commanu distipctly was, " by the man rl for thf nfYt. IPrftJf lenrv." If ;he president acd his frimis what Peter "-letat ionsovernedimiTTiVf ttQ. a the Tale. of the 1 ub, was to him, Deet,' ., nnt ,u,;"-(nf,L;.,Ji,i.m,. -- . 1 . ndiu 11110 hj ijwv s.si- iia. 11 u'viwiyv iu uiu lecttrnand to secure his own elrction to o iiinir tv tkini 11 111 'fj? bL C'l-culatujg that infamous ? T ayef. umny.,!:l hese British antipathies w, re to wh( dest5ned hMirMidentand his fnrnds whatPetes u.ar : . , . . success; From the rt ieCtipnpt thrt rause. I hei tfore. r I H W iv vi IKK t jv k i v u ovMi-vn 1, & i .--. - w - - 9 k'uments hq. read he inerican cabinet contrived previous to every m. d tlsm From-d, gotLUoii to ;adopc some -plan to prevent its s1lowe(1'that the firm laid It reto in mend ed the non-intt.rcourse course, without a kno ledge of ' hat tvent. roS jtipr itit reiitj r 1 ny: 'at: ,la; in; tr at- 3 plan of the cabinet of iereiy. to preclude egotutipn ; the. conse- cummand ol ;he armv. And he appealed to uence was, that Great.Br:taiu wouM .not pro-. vetv honestman in the house, whether they bed til tt was suspend -d, a treaty then ensued, rniVfX mntPu frftlWrK;sforv th n,re of o.ir-mtP'- I. , .1 ... j ', . , -L -L . I I --vv. --. , . ana tnat. treaty was rc ,ctea in. n iney naa uhi..,. f pmnrgp f-o rh.' imhjrmi .thpn r.ame tn ar . . . . . . w- - . , n , .r .. r . amoi'ion nau ever qeen developed,, as in tnis ajmeniwitn r-rsame, .aoraer logam Po- free rcpuMic a cabinet of ot.lv three men, rais- miarity tor the new president, without ever nn nf mn m,n anti n.Arn on nf isklngthe young man- whether he had creden. themselves at tlie headof it.V . , , tals l-jr the" purpose." But there was a much - --'" -. - , worse and proyokirvg otitragf practised fo-rn-..- .. tn,vT.c cnryjntT- Jame Great-Britain, au insult personally to the Qn ihe Ull for raising a vatWit ona, force 0f ;Wenty thoOUnd IBntish king ;au insult such a gentlemen do mn, to be unlisted Wone year.- Mw oear from eacR -oincr- no u ss man an as- iv pi m. n uan sc f ,.w t.oq mat, me oruisn ;mnai en aq not Know , Nol ,mf, eqen ly it happens, Mr. Speaker," both trhat wasjiis own honor so well as Mr. M adi-, in anu p0rllical v,fc, that men of the clearest JS'Hi trulv and this Mr. Smith.' the Sf cretarv i .i,.., . .iur.t . ;. r. kf State, honestly avowed 'afterwards was put , much difficulty. ard embarrassment in determining jn oy ivlr. AIadis-ri himsell,-artd yut in with on he course btst to be pursued on the applica- the sole view to keep irritation alive. J tion of means best calculated to produce a given ,If th.re was anyr thing to which man could jpt''ject, lhe object most devoutly wished for by e solemnly pdeed. the nresident was ple'elg- nsysslf. and no doubtequally desired by every hon ht tl.e alTaiisol ihe ration are well conuueteo. ivej, desi,.et ,nf m that mode to arrange the husti, r.. Mr. Speaker Wh-Vtevev may have been the ' hess as satisfactorily as it could be done by tiKy. origmal causes for the declaration of this war we Xhus, sir, had the treaty o1f l806 m en lafied are now taught to believe tbst. the question in con- an-(j a Qod understanding been produced bewteA r, test is reduced to a unqle fiQtnt. The Bi i ih or the twocountries congress were wariied,- ever. iu-V tiers in council were repcaleoivthe 2Lstof Junetnaf evetiTrharit waseiFSuTy to lend thtif ald7 ' . ... -- . . ' -. 9 ,. hree days alter our declaration ot war j and o,i ;n rtnderint? effectual and nerD' tual nv arrantre ' 1 ",ment' winch .migh.'' be made on the subj-ct of im pressmen! Ar to thr late crmmunica,liohs frdrn ema,n" I the executive deriartment, made t the Buuah ing, and fot which the war is now carried on, is , g()Vernirnt since the declaration of war,:it is noH; the practice, of impressment from on board outn mv i.- t-n'ion, at this time, to enter into a par 4cti-i - merchant vessels.,. This subject his for manyjjai examination of the merit or demerit ;. I 'wl years engaged the attention ot both -naiionit iarely remark that to me they present. a novelty has been a fruitful theme- of execration and de: in lne histoiy. of. war and diplomacv, proposi:tr.n $ clajnVion rr almost 'very editor "and orator of alleged to be of a pacific ha' ore made in ix (fay the age. Great as our cuse of complaint may ' af(er the dtclaration of war ! Such a procedure,' have been, (and 1 am not disposed to paiiiate-u; much as I desire oeace and much as I was oppos-- ', it must be admitted by all who understand the na- e t0 tjje war, is to my mind, to say the least, e' ture and true bearing of thequestiori, that - it has 'emely extraordinary and its policy incomprtnen-, : beefl. subjected to much txaggeration. Permit sjbe. It is the more so from the ciixums'tarlce o( me, sir, here to nmarn, that notwnstanoing a B,itish minister being on the spot at the rca thef impprnce, the difficulty and delicacy which, mnt of declaring the war,-and keeping tip a eon., have justly been attributed to this bubject, and tinued correVpondence with the- secretory 6f state' the unwillingness': at all times manifested on the t0 tj,e iast moment of the existence of peace.: Un-" ," part of the British gt'vernmcnt to abandon or dero- der 8Ucn circumsiances -1 - shouftr'conceivie' each ; gate, from the attract right oi impressing her own nation ought to hdve known the ultimatum of the v seamen from on board neutral mercnant vessels,, olnerf and not WMtedior.theirof aJecIaiaUnrt . it i verv far from being certain, that she has not ' nf war to rtsunf,e the negotiation and give ? new been willing to enter into such arrangement with ; shape to their pronositions. I confess tharlTrri- this government, as would place the question of;nm SUrptised.at the rcsuU of this vnfnejmiittHn-j impressment on -a basis both s.fe and honorable , every thing, was demanded to'' be' yielded "bjr.i'c.ac to this nation. By a rtterence to tne correspon ler.ee of Messrs. Monroe and Pinkney with the British commissioners, which preceded the treaty .Co. . . .. . .1 I 1 enemv, ior wmcn ine war was ucciarco, even iC, a preliminary in the first instance to an armistice, ( and in the "second instance as preliminary to a ne. . . -t 1 lv.. t U . rvnntlu rr t-r in t ..ai. IKllh.. n.i - ' I . . . . . . .1 .. .. . fc t. : i " . 4i r.iiiii.iiii cu u uiurtc ukii.iw ihvu ... ,j .. .v-v. . irnriTinn. i nf pn TivHipnr .fiiineu ijii iiiir ijhil m Knk . i e. ant nononoif iiiii i i mis cniiiiiniui.v. is. Liiai - . . f . - - r . , n - - -i r- - rmn S once more be rt stored to . the i but which.was(unlbriunattly Rejected by hethmWMof.atuYe. which .it was not Within, the. pro- t th?u M ; T V" 1 V v i-enjoyment of peace. Under the pressure of fex. !presint,t-is evident, that fce interest of ,m vinco of the executive to confirm ; and of course, oathelstNovl8; eirnumsUnceSinvoIverl "in" a "war with a Ipressment was, in the opinion of those gentlemen, pemled on what congress might, or might not. the cnewedj hostility, -GreaBritain was ! , rfu, naliov -a war now prosecuted for a doubt-1 Ped on a footing well calculated to.sectffe our do 6n the subject.. In addition -to this, our agent touaded ; and yet, Ivhnid ! when that hostility ; f)I D; at ieastj strongly Controver.ed question of;own seamen from the abuse against which w hod jjn lj0tuion, through whom those propositions were .commencedr1-.- Napoleon declared that thei r.iJo.v.aVrffhi--a war. the nroierutiori nf whirh. so complained, and against which it was our-duty to made djd not 'possess regular and competent -povr 0.tHlUrons7h2lri bring complied with, far as relates to our military operations, has every whpstilitV'ifV forrhe first time, and not whereaitd on all .occasions, been attended with MUhinviz. in March, I8ll, the Berlin and j disgrace, i def-at or disaster -Under .such circurn- ?'lan decrees were repealed. Mr. Madison aid in -his message, that io the repeal there something very objectionable. It was for him to say and to think so, when the reach Emperor therein gave him the lie di- r?ct, '.'As soouahp. American cabinet found t thereT;ivfas a Biistak et; they sought to. have tX5rew Bfitiiu half wayTrFafaccmoda "r-If they hid ka, r al. jvlsh for peace, they pui j have idone lo and agreed to a cessation of C"aaaUi! proposed an aruiisticej he ,.,',,;, 1. '''..;'-. . . - .... v. ' stances, I confess, sir, I am not free from etnbar rassmt nt in determining oo.the; course demanded by .'enuine patriotism, and besttalculated to restore ihe blessings of ptace to the country. I rejoiced -0 hear the' honorable' chairman of the miliary committee (Mr p. Ri Williams.) declare the other day, that his object was also peace. la'must be-a iourccof gratification to the country, to learn that some of t he strongest advocates for war, be gift now to think and talk of peace. The hon . gen protect them. ' , - ers,, and wa9 considered by t'.e British gvern Ti.-.a nnmintt nnt oniv pvnrsi!d in. forcible ment as incomnetent to act wttn mem on surn a J and decisive, language at the time of entering into! subject, on equal terms of obligation and respon- , the "arrangement, but repeated by Mr. Monroe sibility. Whatever, therefore, may be my opinion , -more than a year after, in a formal letter to the f in relation tp th we last pnpov.uans, and however:; secretary of state. The languagefHhat gentle. 'ill calculated they may.havebeen to produce aii 4, t.A vour eprrptarv of state, is rwculiarldesirableresult, I am far from consi dew. g tht-m empbaticand. must be within the recollection cf unworthy, the 'particular- attention of this house. every gentleman in this npuse wimoui troubling the house with the reading of the documents re ferred to. Hi is sufficient for me to state, that yodr allude particQlarly to' the equivalent proposed. an inducement for lhe discontinwance'of the prsc- rr: Here for the, Jitt timc,:tn ;tice of impressment.5 nianrarr.retir of state, dhl; in a letter add-ess- ' the whole history of the long protracted discussion'. ed 'o Mr. . Madison,: dated February 28th, 1608, jon thisi subject, it is intimated that something declare, 'rthat he always -believed and did .still be-if'jciual will be done on our part to prevent the rV lipv-. ih.t ,1,. trrmind on which the interest; of im- caw of the abuse of which we ro pla)-,ir frcu '- ment of SQiOOO additional reguiar troops for one' pressmen! was placed by 'the -paper, of the British w 'given, in the event of obtaining the ccaccav- t lAwran hAWPtforl lirrroff"" -tha nnccArvn nf V m - kilt J - - " j'f - - . 1 uviiiuiii iiviv'vi wijv iiiw pSviav Ui inc. litis Q h WllitTt5. nitMr! .f azhirn tvhrTi the f 1OI unr 'rnhiH ratian. 'ivh.rTi nni K. ria iKa ni;ct i: :!- V, . a; ST-

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