4 Tuts) - Mr. BmoV, Onvhf fray tafcoVgsiftrg, itssB.fjfttieril tfnwd, ttiVjUTpWaTn(r Tntelfigcneei 10 fs-d-Upgqi: PtoV m'S0Wi& ihIiWuni & S miles aWl the , a c"on&cVW movemet&Tuu l , mwiftl from etytireQlbb,5fcr,twMitO. the troop -.u. trt the attack witfrreatjrapidity, HSTttial lire en s my unT,n worn .: to B me -arrahgenienta.: fciWable J Iniuvini? pressedupon the French lovfldi Cmmece u was'txptaed wnildbe Hi wft ftfKrfncnt 701 Covens, had J oar ttjtnis?f r, uh;he Freoch. gdcrDtfieot." Alar tbe- rmath alaftn M1 jtrepWUonv . ' (keti weft b InTtunce-.: - vi w" : .u-.. ar.Wa ifctervjJ I I)Wctu3 fny.mit Tbe conenouon for the nar wsionWnw o;merici;KabvavmU"o of the riter, bv cotvHudel4va dtaChiBent ut volunteers, consislini of between i 1S00 and 2000 (the entmf30a Dfifuh, regulart J and 6 fr f05 Indians) under: Ike command of lr?a vigor ki, 4W -drffirtttt; marine . depahftitnla uhdier general -lpper, ob thr i3ih.ir.. , lie atafea, 0 J .- j. k. h. Wrimied at tlie eommdwe-r D)Ct. Rbheri Mnriy11 -a i nc B.wu Sv Sn order tdjooi the f, ihe.teft ,fljk of ihe utcv irHb general O P.zou. . j no',hkr of Dunn .ii.. f was ViO. general Dton.fi; i; th.e i;dao.ir of 1 enemy tit! kept poisessi-m of ihc. ter.of the efl. in inj,unceiiji'n.T i -,Kii h Ait nasa Sered the infantry to charge Ub the bayonet Wb the columns, of whwh th-encrofs fowe con Led, took fltebt, and not bvk wan would tovi r cJIjedtf(h cavalry could ruve Dttn annia ume ! i n0 hastened to the division of general Doc wrff. who, s I suppled, waa with, count (8r - and I ordered ."m to take. ptwaeaMon f a Cl -j i.pioht. which 6bled us to moleit the efic Cbf.trdst fire. unq. D- nifftnft time WWing the kft of tht er,etV, the forWrte Wha dirMTOV3:r onihrf of Wk.--Wof 6rtiVrhNepKkiorjnii di nTcefut flight taklnR" one stand of colors of the I,,,. ussier, 33 pieces of cannon, a reat quantity of ammunition, .the equipage ot tne nn$r, an Tne ffirerv baeeafte, and g. proiiigioua bot -ty. tv e -a,rfrrd ijou .mtn' in the: pursuit of 15 wersta, and amonar tWffi is one eeneral, and 12 - fticers bt 'i.ii. att. vuuu were kihcu auu inc iiriu- ws ItttrKrct with'the5 insie ia of Noblesse. tiencrSI jCanY capiti!ti;56f tW.king'i guard. was among the tlairt, and lits majesty aent io inquest ma noay. . The intrepidity of . the. troops ia beyond tl uratse. -I 'myaelf received a cotitu.ion, "which jobliged me tn leave the field, but not till the ene Sny was ift 'fl ghtf but thia circumstance rmders fine unable froni, my own persunid knowledge ro aute the teqtielr'sh ill irtform you a soon as bossite oT f h tntfrita -of - the officers under my jcoramand, but I cannot at present omit to men Won with applause major general D nisoff. whose jbnvery tofi&rs'lbi'hinest ,h-n,or .on the Russian farms, and also "prince Holsein Ol 'entwu hd conveyed my orders amidst the deaf hfol sh 'wef of jthe enemy,' and lindeirTiis own immedtate inspeci Sion constructed a battery, which eminently con tibuted to the success of the day ' , PROCLAMATION j.iFvTHE!E!VlPEROR RtS5iAiis,!--i At leusil the tnemv of our coun try) the foe of Us indtpendeiice, and freedom, has experiei'Cta a p- ruon o inai iejru'e' gci"-c wliich his ambitious And jinriheip'td agtu s ions had aroused. From the perqd of 1 iarcb fruin Wilna, his army, grfet ;IQ nUnjUrW assured in valor and dbcipiinearid ela lisf atihjbjemedHVi ar.ee f fiitilrSes guHieZm otli r repdhs.' thVeatened no less than the entire subjugation ot th-.. Kusiuns. Jhe system which we had -thought fit to ad'ipt jtrtngthehed that fconfi lthre. -The sani!inar battles fought oh his mute,- and which gave him temporary possession of Smolenskoyfi itt.red him with all the allusion of victory. He reached Mos cow, And he believed himself inVmcHe and iitvul ne.rablei Heow'exnhed in the idea f reaping the fruits of his toils ; tof. obtaining tor his soldiers Comfortable winter Quarters, ahd-f afndtng out froni Whence) ijtkt spring, fresh forces to 'ravage and burn our biiies v make capuvrs of our conn try men; overthrow our laws and holy rel'on, and subjt ct eVery thif.g' p his lawless wii). Vain, pifc8uropifMd.US.bQPtJ.Jnsoeut - Prepatationa are tittaking In Paris, for ibe re'tep lion of the Emperor. ; ": i A bumieiff of persons have fallen victims the )pUgie :whIchvba1; broken but in Coniudtirrople, v FRIDAY, JANUARY 25r 1 8 1 3. erenerat fiipber.. bavine been apprised ofTbe-Do siifn of tbs enmy, ordered, t, small detachment m adv ince, t.j jcommervce the attack ,tbett to retreat keeping up a .runnings Ire.whtcb .induced .the enemy twMtottal jr U"ariiintU completely aof roundtfd ,by geberal Tupper's aperi r,un, foice i v ttita inoiilvnV tbe'gener' .ord.ere4 ahargethe n jrmy, wer twith considerable slaughter, repulsed in lt tjuarrer "ajidput to ; Bightj living 1 4 or-15 ..l!". A$.rn?n..'n thfitl l, esclujuve Ol tnaTiy wfiqr iware killed in crosintr the river.. into - Iwhicb thef prcip"itat.ly pianged. being the onU Mccruauirc me yai quisnca naa oi escaping ajui .'''wrmmni,-. ..), v. . fh ;yTECVMsg4 the noted Indian chief aqd bt iga dfef;gecral of -his majesty's aUirsy was taken fri toijiet', and ia noy in the town of Fra4k'injto- It la worthy bftiark,'il)aith. conduct of the Briiish dastardljftn' tht jwtreme as jhey. 'deserved (W.fr tawny fethren n worthy allies the savages without the ijititst cnpqsHon-- constuenUy, if arty ,vtt';t ran ve at ached to the eneny io the. aptbh, It irjr be ktrihuted to t he savages Lk4, u--s ; mvJe LEBiji.. Ai far ...as rilai-aTatjonls receiveo!, there has beet) a Ci ni5erible increase of the .majority 'in fivpVw. of peace in th Scod District cm posed of the counties of Mi !d! -sei. Monniotitjii Somerset ahd .Hunterdon, situe the elcctj'in of last fail ; there remains 'htfrrfore "no do'6t in 'cjur Ihtnds that M 's. Scittt em an andMt- cltToi .are. elected. Ail -the accounts from the Third District, com War in- 'Spain.-- It is ceitain that the Englishj riosed of tU .' co.untiev of du'rlintn 01uceitel V ACANCY IN CONGRESS. Tb following is the lesult'of the votes at the re cent election for A member of congress, to sup ply. the vacancy occasioned by the death of gan. Thomas Bloubt : . : 1 -V , .., . . I f , K.KrHBflT. foeaee.l ."v -r,'r Heautort count llyda . E ltjecomb. .. Virabtrrgttti tyrrcu Thns,the Hon-William KenneHyMs chonen br a TrtjOrity of mpre than two to one over thf war candidate Mr..C'ark . .Tsvs is a pleasing result. CtARt. 9 . 40 80 ? ..... ' ' v " L 1 US - 5u5 and 'Spanish . forces have abandoned Madrid, nnd that it is repossessed by the French. The Span, ish 'general Ballas'eros has retired in dissncei fot murmuring at the appointment of krd Welling ton to the chief comma d 'oTall the forces. . ,: Wat in Rkid. Thr-c -rseveral accniht4 that a wing ol th-: French army- 42)0atftr6ng have laid down their arms to TM Uusdans. r; . Capt Gfahatn, oithe scur Climax confirm the', account of the loss of the Brtish frigate $OU '-H' AMFTON, and U. S. big VIXEN, cntbe Bi hama-,-he re4d 'tie account in a Nassau paper of theOtb ult. i ' i - 'yJVtw York Blockaded A British squadron of tn-ee bhiph of the li;.e, several f- iates and smaller e.s! art bl ckading New Y6rk- They hive captufed fVeral vessels. Amongst others, the U. S brig Syren. . On this piiiht, howcye'capr. C.rdeh gave his , opinion to!pt- Decat ur some months nuevmiin to the. war, at Norfolk. .fte'r.exam'tBing both frjgates '41, c'tpw Cr"der preferred his wn ; and spe&iune of i 7 he weight ol metal he remarked to capt. Decatur- . that as to 24 pounder on board f'isrates ther harr . ! j been xohi .iteatly trit-d in, the HHthh navy i W aucr ,iong prac ice tney. Oeen abandoned an l ,he eigftieen nounders adopted '; and, sir, addd he, ' when the A rrican officer.!, have had as much ex. ; periencp as we have.hafi, hey too will prefer 13 pounders; hThe fiigale -Macedoniaa, U only two years eld, and we venture to a ssert, in every re. spect, is one of trie finest frigates th it ever fl mte'd mi the ocean. Comments on the reautt of this . ac- don, bet ween i)iesL, t wo frigates, under auch ci. cu instances ire useless. . ' ' '.v . , .i. Aa. Alvocatf,, nakif Cumberlaad and Cane Mav. aeree tfiat bKad'v'ot-ites ( war made butlittje .exetttOhbfJ didates, are tltoed; Iti the First District we be Here the ar ticket ha sticceede i. . The renre. r sen' atiort of w irey in the 1 3 h Congress will Middlesex, . according to our inie'Iige'nce, girts at least "ar increase of 200 majority for peace since the October cleg ion. Trenton Putier,? The following aBidejelativVtb ; the National Intc tigencer," printed at tbe seaof gofernmeni by G iles and beaton, is taken rortbe Kentucky xi- i'e Uf-mwcraitc paper yi nign twnej THE NAllONAL IN rELUGENCER The narne ortnls paper we would advise Its td. itors to change into thai of Court Ga2;tt'e, asits f.ce h is lately becom very courtly, and h attends as mi' uielv to tbe parade and motions of the fireal and their la'dir at W.shingtbn, as it does to -,' Clothing for the army On FHday last 4hree PennsylvaM! wagons," laden with clothing for the tropi ref iU ttd in this, state, passed through ttaleig: o thttr way to Wilmington. . no ?bor rfan be CreJ wTfh mofe etktmff tttan ab rs pound bill. ' ' ' ..: v - men the politics of the na'ion itn'd in a sty'e too,'6ich as is used by th- English papers' when noticing the K'siEr-t airinett rides and oihcr equally ihifiariant ac tions f-f bis miii;s y-the king, 'h'vr .majesty trfeJ vne- . from the JVaattviUe, (Tcnn.)lVhi$. Extract fr om the orde' iMiok. " Cif'p"'if Volun- i iters near NsUille, Dt-c. 34, 1312 " CqI. Benton, officer of the day.' , Oliver Bush. private in capU vVsHis"comriv Mitnteers was jciv:cted of the crioip oldeer1.fi He was odefedt-to -bt' drummed duof camj.; n?jf h cnie, trf ,Ms sentenceto be ; ' p-,5: hshtd.at.ibe k-rftd of very t:mp ; be .ws pro .btbitcidi ''Vt.pearig again! in tbe I cairn p oi b-yjImUeer, and tbt others, ficcoiijjoned" fficfir. arid privates of the voiuner torfia' were forbid'ever again; to, associate wih him. ( At three o'clock inbfternoon, the sentence waycarried ihloclfccX. The- two regiments cf to. ' fantry, Were drawn tip in line, and occupied a fr ait (Jqosrter of i njile. ' The deserter, surrounded by . bayonets which pointed at his sides, was conduced to the bead f the line -by a detachment of 'opt, CaVroll s Company of Nashille volunteers, followed by thd nittsic of airery fine drum and Hie a pro- fouiid. sijence reigned, and perfect order was ob- " served throughout the time. Having armed attha ' head of the first company, the guard with 'he de, serter, was halted, and the music ceased to p!2jr, I he officer of the day on horseback advanced j-iic-addressed httnself to tbe company before which the deserter was .halted ; . " I am coromaAdefWby thr general to supc-in-tbnd the execution of the sentence which a court martial has., pronounced upon -Oliver Bush. Oliver ' Bush, a private in Captain Wallis's ?;o'nl.)any pf volunteers;, has been convicted of the "crime. of desertioh. By Ithis crime.! the most in. famous whkh a volunteer could 'commit, he his rendered himself uriorthy of associating with it ' volonUiry defendersof the country Vlhie Court mar. tiaf has s ritetoced him to be e 'pelted from the camo. of.the volunteers ; and have fo; bid him airaint to eni , ter it -The officer, non commissioned officeriantt to aotiate wi'h him ; his crfmc having, broighr aw disgtace uptrti their name whtch can only bewip' queen, their royj highnesses the princrtat:8- A ( tiarojin'e, &r. II the Jv'iyors pursue, thjji.(Ej; .T'; -viff m.s.V!iESiiect their coluinns will be disgti ft my. rxi-i Cl their columns will Oe aisgraceci with dcLM'3 of all occurrences at the balls aidothejr purlits of. Washington, fdi- ihstr'tictio)i of ihe rustics tn the i 'i tetrdr, and as at the coun ot Paris heio t the revphiuon, where the kitig smiles," or the k : g looks .serious. or the fong was chat'y," The match, rapjess to be run at Carrukn ttn the t2tb, etwetn Mr. Allen L llavic of N. Carolina, Mesi s. Jimes and Charles Richardson, and Wn7. Taylor, of South Carolina, were. declined ewinir to a disagreement about weights, , But the parties matched horsey and ran on the 13th, 14 ih and 5 h i or " silent,' rung th'bugh hc t:y, We expect all inst as follow j ''' I these ret ":-d of the President. Scafte an apoihv Little Billvi the property of Wrh. R. Jotinson, j nr;iH -s now mde, which is not published, heauvo atoroi'eheat beat' a Floritcl filley from 60 to 70 ' ittj '.'ne pire-iidertfh&sbeert Jticaatd n appoint, yards.-; The stake 750 each l ime, 3 m 55 s ; & If c attends a r. vitw ot the Columbia mtlitta; On tbe 1 4th, foi the Jockey Club 'purse of 250 bis apr-roh ticn" andwthe liiits rf hib cohutenaiice dollars, ihree mile hvats, Munroe, the property ol j are published with as rhUch pomp as Bonaparte Buiwell Wilkt-ii beat precursor and a Virginia j would u?t- -in", t elating the ' liarticularv .pjitfjyictor'v hor?e bt looking. to Mr. Turpin. wrh gtva ease. . that decit--d.l.he Fte of ah empire. .Such stuff may oft hy unvinfmm eternally tvom then preSc.iCCv ' . In exptlllog blmfrom -the camp, in rrnng bAr loose exposed to the sentw' of his fella W' cid2ns-L.i On the 15 h 3 mile heats, for 750 dollars,. tr ligirla,jhe but are loaihsome to tha A population bf 40 millions, attached to their kin mn' Clociia, by Bedford, With great ease' iime, and country' and devoted to their re! erioi. tnd 6 m. 4- s. Isw3 the least brave man of whom is Si.perior to t ' h 'inwilltng "confederates and v ictiius cannot bc j . Reward qj . Metif-m motion has been made in conquered" by any heterogenous, force bich-bs.the Huuse of Rv pt csentati ves of the s 5ie of Tenn could mustef, -even dt' treble . its 4 die amoum : svlvania, to ureitnt the thinks vf Uat Common' Scarcely had he reached Moscow, and attempted wealth to Commodore Decatur and Lieut- liifltile, to repose amidsf its burning ruinsj when hef Und with a silver Urn to the former, and a Sord to uiiuscu cncircieu dv tne oavonets oi our trooos : amnsc an I tf jrd tattle to the cits Inhabi ling the repubTtr.au ytomatiry of the west- the latver. bt then too late discovered ;batthc possession of Moscow 'was not the conquest' of the kii.gii.om. ; that his. temerity had led him into a stare, and tVat he must choose between retreat or annihila non. ' fU preferred tfie former. ; Russians ! The Almighty has fieafd our wishes, and I crowned our efibrts with success LvtVy where the enemy is in motion : his disonie ly movements betray his apprehensbnsi Gladlywoula.he'com pound for safety ; buf policy and justice alke de inand the tertble infliawn .The hiaiory ot his Istiog must not be told without the terrible tatas trophe by., which ' it wad i". attended-; A hundred thousand men sacrificed to. his frantio prxsump tioo attest your yalor and devotion to your country, and must deter hjjtn from a fepetitlotn f his im -practicable design-' Much, however, yet remains to be done, and that is in your power, Let the bne of his retreat be rendefed memorable by your lS!?st indignation j destroy every thing which can be bf service to him j and our com manders havei ow'-rs to rtmunerate you. Render, your bridges, youjj roads impassable In fine, adojkand execute the auggesiions ofia brave, wise, and patriotic hean, and show yourselves desVrving'the thanks your counuy and your sovereign. Should the 'eroains of the enemy's force escape; t& our impe fronti-rsandatienrpt to winter therei'they nust prepare. themselves to encounter.all thc ii 8"rs of ike clime and season "and the valorous at ' ?i oor 4Ps h"S barfassed, exhausted d defeated,. he shall forever be tendered, incapa e of renewing his presumptuous a tempt. , ;vf ; ; . -.J. A.; ALEXANDER. SaTw French papers coiu-in London dates to the . Nov. but nothing ofva very jntert sting natun t iransnired inT.ncrliimd: .n ..;i fl...j. !ywed t0 be transports, had sailed from Enelah.U . -Toyoi a iriRate, to Bermuda. I he Gvd- tta, thasi K . L r' .'2--.l- r dew ' "a-n tri gaiea, w rrtsi- nnat jonn Kutnne. nrsi that t Congress) had arrived, and reported turoop -;of . dragoons fi pxwJff' pS T : VltWedncsdayast afriv. I'He San prMiNCo ami Dragon of f4 guns each, are . said to ..ave ai rived off the C res of Virginia within a few ay.T past.-JVor, Ltd. " Cartel for Livojpout Cartel brig Cutliaiine Ray, lor Liverbool, and also a Messerigej; who ii to go in hp with government despatches, aruved in iowri yesterday mo niog. We understand slie will sail thia forenoon. ATfr. Adv. Jan IS. Z ' ' r '. The bill contemplating a compromise of the Yaloo cloims, having passed the senate, yesterday came oefoie the house of Representatives. A m6-r lion to reject the' bill dii its first reading was neg atived by a majority of four votes only. Ml. Irlti Useful Discovery. A scuedule and drawings have been lodge-! at the patent office Washington Ci'y. by Mr. tiarrison of Connecticut,, which secures to him an invention called a Double Iena, which, is Composed of glass, a liquid Substance, the us of whicn is particularly adapted for reading, writing, the fineTrtsJTc. .The lens pladed. near a lamp or candle, diffuses a clear and conspicuous light, tinged with a beautiful gjreen shade which has a delightful app- aranci up'jn ifiie book or other object ilhimmated j the use of which has a most salutary effect uprm the, eyes ; and those who have weak eyes, 6r whose eyes are failing, are enabled to see with, much more clearness thin with the common lights; ' The light produced by the Lrhs from one light is equal to the, ligTft of three candles ; of course a great saving is manifest where a good light is re quuitCk - i . - . . . . Frmafew'Li.aov.fOaioJjiaper':,. sv'It'iswith pleasure w announce to .he publick, ihat John Rutting first liuteiiant of Captain Seely V , l''.-r J"- - f.. . tTf ,. ns - irom- yv asningtorif.enn. on wriTed in this place express from THE UNITED STA t E3 AND THE MACE. ' DOM AN, Are nowlrtut harbour and Have been examined Hv l'mndreds of ourW-iZeiiS those who have ti.- io'ied this blcaure may not ianta"y information as to the comparative size and lorce of thusc in. prates ; but our iriend at a distance ihavej Uuubi less, some curiosity on this subject, and it may be grauflcd hy the bdlowing statement, it is not wi'h out reirret that we add, England' has fritnds and de voters artion'g hs,. .who would triumphantly cor re u the most trifling tri or we miirht cummil on ah i nepassports for. the : occasion like the resent. - jTne. Fngate" Vnved States iS otte hdndred .And severity six feet deck.; forty two feet beam , bcr gun deck is six feet six iches high ; has fifteen port hol-s on'a side, and carries on the gun deck, twenty fouv p ,unu rs.. . ' , V , The frigate Ma'ce'dmianxi one hundred atid six ty six feet deck, forty two fert eight inches beam ; her gun d.ck is six feet three inches ;" has hlUei port holes on a side and cairieS on her guh deck eighteen pounders. From this statement It v, ill be seen that the Ma cedbriian has more beam, and is higher bcisveers Ulecks tHan the United States ; but tfial the Iaue is about ten feet longer. To men i bt acq "-lainUii w iih nautical affairs, it would seerti that, in this re spect, the .American frigate had the advantage whereas 'he reveiSe is the fact. From ihegrea hngth of tile Unitt-d States she will neither wear or stay as well as the TVlacedotuan ; or, in other words, she cannot be put abqut as soon ; andSi perfectly satisfied ate outiSersHali.this fact, thai we are author-iced in saying some of the most l telligent of them have recommended, that the 44 s which we are about tobuildv shall have fronrfe to 10 ieei leas aecx man mose now in use nave lnus, adopting, in point of size, the model of the. Macedo ntan, asest'CaifcUflatcd, for effective service The next consideration isthe ejght.of metal It is well known, that the British. 'were., formerly in the habitof carrying 24 pdundera orr board their frigates; that the Acahta mounted them when firs: built ; but that they ha ve abandoned jhii system and adopted tbe 18 pounders, as the most advania geous piece of ofdnance ; becatise, handled and trianigtd with so much more eaie and facrlity.to the men ; and consequently fired oftener i and, be cause it is .gencrallyiadmitted, that at a disunce 2J)cc l. CI wukU w$jfiii fcrafrttRefhe goeVithe eou J martial has prouounctd-viipon Uliver Bush, te ' evere3t Sentence which it was in their powe to,. the b&cer of the day theft directed the t1ny cer of the euard to move the (ffeSerter (nrwrnf."'' jf v - - - i . .-- y he music struck up, the guard marched ,; ani '. i :tng successively halted at the head of ea-Ji coili-' I r f - j . . - i d the loot ot theiin.-, when hej.was vnartheef s raight oil oy he guard at a quick tep, he. r ieits march playing in their rear. Having been, enducttd a mue and a .half from the camp m ihw manner he a4urned loose. Iris coat turned wronfc"1- icie oui, io regeiye ne noorinjza ot mt Deonle.-' Wiifr'Wlilc'hlTwiis greeted whichever way he tonv (I, but not a hau of his head was huvt by any Us r ink soul." . . ; ' 4 ; Latest fuiui spaiw Lisbon eazettes of ithel 6; h; A Trn-rftrh arid 1 9th -r N6v tate, iUat l-rdl Wellington ws at SaLnan ca on the 13vh Nov The Spanish generals Eha nd Viruas entered Madrid on tbe 8rh with 18C05 men. it was evacuated by the I rencb at 8 m morning... lung Joseph entered Madrid on the v' 2d, and aS he did not fir,d the city as he lft it, ttty'j published a decree depriving Madni of the prvK leges of the capital and transferred the same to v " Vafladolid. lor which place he hid set qdf. V,...- 1 1 Stray Horse. , ' " I' STR YED, tiou he auoscriijeri living in tSmtr upper end of Wake county, near ihe'Tumberlandl'V line,' a Larce BlKk Horse. aWo'it five . feet live ' scald on hU withers ; his riht fofe hoof craektd up td thfe hair ; a small whit e'prck, iu-his fore head ; and a tolerably long tall which has been, nicked. He waswinissed" on' Monday he 11th instant. Five dollars reward, besides all reisona V" bid ex fences, will be paid to whoe ver shall lubg ' him to, ? . ETrtlXDRED JONES. A Vake county) Jania'V 29. :! Jil;..., 78,3tp 1 1 j Stray Horse. , ,-, THE Subscribers, on oaat called n by'Coptt.f XV-rn'. Scott Vp aise a Black horse supp-istd bt about 12 or 14 years old, upwards of five fuet high,-a star in thr forehead, a small smpon tbcr noae, has the appearance oi latery Wng cured tt v the fis.ula, a white.saddle spot on each side, both, hihd'fvet whfte, which horse they value to "be , worth fifty-dollars. ..jCriyea under bur h inds jhiA., 27ih Januarvi 1813. Joii-.mn ftuibcet . ' , v " .,. Ji ih Jftkint f Sworn to before me the cav bo'Ve written " ; Wm. boylan, J. p. William Scott requests tbe owner of said hra toj come forward, prove property, pay charges ami -, take him- away. ' ,. '''' ..- : WANTED, - .' A person who is acquainted with the Truki'-1 andburningoF Brick, to superintend and maayge a Brick.Yard during the summer of 1815 A v industrious nd sober man, who can -produce tvnir.:' menials of his characterj will receive gc wrsJ , ort appiicolion toUht subsojiber-in ,Klctb. r -F. '-'f-' eV.v . .- "'v

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