4 Xnerary. I The next letters tlree from mejr rtiauon to so parucuur a man as uauu Garrick ; they are ihsei ted among the pmate ic.iers 10 Mr. wooaiau in me. nr si volume, ano a lac simile of thettt is also eiveh in the btg,id. From , a lute London Paper, - 7JVMOS, kEDlVIVUS, . . ' A republication of this celebrated work has last nhe of the third volume. aken ;Uce. comprising so much information jes- . . . Friday." pectin the A ithor detailing so many parttcula,j u The above to that Scotchman Should be prin :; ", idl ijlahts general haoitsnd his mode of -ted conspicuously- -to-morrowrAl-jasfc X -ki ; c.jiviftcting the correspondence and, above all, concluded my great Work, and I assuie you farniaUtn so rna iy new Letters, that, if it cannot wth n0 8mau bor. ' I wouM have yoii begin to ! tarried a i evocation ..of tne Wvfcr himself, it; advertise immediately, and 'publish ' before" the will, at feast, -feme the public interest respect.: meeting of parliament. Let all my papers in de Snj h real nanus and character, ft is obvious, 0f Junius be inserted. " 1 shall now supply urtdtinA'' th$ original.-publication of the Letters yw, Very fast wuh Copy and nott The psper by JUA'IUS in the Public Advertiser, much pri- and type should at least be as good as Whcble's. You must correct the press yourself, but I shoulc" YaU correspondence must have been carried on be tween the editor of thai Journal and the Author hirnself. It was. indeed, proper, that mmy tars' be glad to see corrected proofs of the two first' sheets. The dedication must stand hist. Shew should t lapse before publicity wen- given to such I tt dedication and preface to Mr' Wilkes, "and it a coi respoiuience ; and the term ofjime which is no expired is ol that duration, as wholly to ex- empt the possrssorDf kese vaioablCmanTrscripts from any charge of the breach of confidence, in now imi-arting ihero to his Countrymen. The sen timcnts and m tter contained in them arc-pf public right ; and the Author mast, in the common? course of na'ure, have become insensible to all personal fe-.lings, either of opposition or approbation res put'itrj their puflicatiw. Hjiii'ei the p ivate correspondenct between Mr. WnodfoU Htid-J ir.iu, the present edition gathers up; variety of Letters by, the sameiauthor, uwler Vrtt ious oih;r s?ntures, on various other political fubjects. Jt also first tiers to the , country his vnn h.itl hfnr at it. ' MAtM hmn ikmi coi6dennaljwirespondenceith Mr.Wilk-9,carrr4 Itia in my power to make yon ed on thronh the medium of Mr Wood fall ; and cse thehourin which you dared to in-erfcrs with presents on-the opening of th first volume, he fac Sim lies of Junius' hand- writ ing, as well as of that f fl the political characters to whom the Letters by Junius have been inipuled. Ibis not to be sop. posed that we Can here copy fac simihVs 1ut, as the oviHe- contai.iec in them i generally of some inieiest, and as those of Junius re. s lected from his correspondence hith rto wnpuijlishedi we sTiall, fr the prceiv, be satisfied w'vti giving rhelr con tents, reservipp,, for so.ne futui occa'tiion, any farther extrac t which we nuy think proper to m ke from ie iiody f th j work, which J-., in truth, ths Si'sreompIeiF the le has any material obiectiorH let me know. 1 aay matt-rial, because of getting ymr letter, ' SECRET-Beware of David Garrick. He was sent to pump you, and went directly to Rich mond to tell , the king 1 should write no more." TO MR. DAVID CARRUJC. ' " t arn erjr exactly informed ofouj' imperii nentjinquiries. and of the informatidn yfaii so iysi ly stnt to Richmond, and with what trrumph.vantl exukatipn it was received- I knew etel-y panic alar of it the 'tiext dif. V Now mark roe), vaga bond.' Keep to vour' pantomimes, or be assured 9 9 - ' of JUNIUS." I woal(T Tsend the above to Garrick directly, butlhat I would avoid having my hand too com nior.ly seen. ."Oblige me then so much as to have it copied m any hand and sent by the penny post, that is If you dislike sending it in your own whiting. I must be-Yhore cautious than ever. I am sure I hotdd not survive a discovery three days, or if I did they -woufd attaint me by biH; CbatJge.ro the Somerset Ccffce Hctise, and let no mor'.al know the alteration. I am persuaded you f are too honest a nwn to contribute in any way to coll weral circumstances of the w when" and the ; mv deirr(ctlon-TArt-hir,iW k w in, " whereabout " v'i proper time yon shall know me factimiite the hard smiting of Jmntt, mh Jinerlooks bes What is vour essential reason for the change ? I send you some more shets. 1 think the paper is not so good as Vheble's. but 1 may be mistaken 'he type is good. The as- persions thrown upon my letter to the Bill of Rights should be refuted by publication. Pievaii vpon Mr. W ilkes to let you have extracts of my 2d and 3d letter to him. It will mske the books still more new. I would see thtm before ther ImVale iener$ t&'Mr. 11. S W&.djalU - ,: '') ; ; . S.i'urday, :; " ir--t have received the favour of your note. From theVonte'nts of it, I imagine you may hare something' tir communicate to me. If that be the .Case Iheg'you will be particular, and also, that Jtili jjilftelltne can-'idly whether""you know or insjt t whom I an Direct a.lett, r to Mr. Wi ai4 IVV 7 I T V, PJ u,c f ew. are printed, but keep this last to yourself. H-fL T . v ' i.W?k 'd.& - -Minerva-i: i.z The Rakish NcwPaDera . R5jit;W.H "to tKitef1 offr-ir-. Friends, 7wi In conformity to the Notice w hich they j.ubliahfed sointiine ago, haye "paid; up their 'AC. counts to the close of the pfesent ytar ; and( un willing to part wi.h the few, remaining Subscribers wuu nc iioi iouuq n convenient, or no may -no have bad an ODDortunitv to do ib.thev ar ffn-r fullo infortntn ihat i their Papers will be' cqntinuipnasting a much in its execotionll tntttf until the Kf nf Anril hotl' un whii-k d ; kn;.J Star or wiatif "l!ic . - ' 83 tl'hpr .L - " " - J' VI. WMftVI. UMJ, 11 V 14 W 1 I Account hall not i hen have been paidj or settled by Note,; their, names will certainly be struck ofl from the Subscript ioiii lists of said papers, and their Accounts put into a tram for collection.' - - - ' '. . JOSEPH OALES'' JDNES & HENDERSON,: . tOCAS & A. H. UOYLAN7 December 31. 1812. : , formed mrriter, the tiS m Prill be precselr i?l:.Lt jn ,'..r , "v .5;t tne city are prints W :Je,suoEcTibef;is rc,ird to k? ? ivwiiru ii aii .Alii r- ' . i turn p n Ik., .i. ' . y er wiu oe jnvanahly deiukudcd. Tk. ars t hlllicrh-frtiwl - . "UMi... us Star pr ;ReKistehas Uithtrti! LbeCn'f0"' neaper. 7 his, a. regard toft, hmtnt will 4 to be done. W. BOY LAN- HAS KKCXlVgS, THIS WINTH. SEVERAL IHPOft TATIONS OF BOOKS, . - Among which are the jottoming ; Gill's compl. te Body of Divinity, 3 vols..- 15 lason8 Spiritual Treispry, soz. rr -; ; Stackhouse's History of the Bible,, 6 vols.' 18 Buck's rheological Diyionaryi g vols. , 5 - Miscellany, 2 vs. . 3 Campbell an the (iopellf ' -' 6 I'aley s Lvidepces of Christianity . . H - ,' " Natural Theology , : - S .2 i Vloral Philosophy 2 60 Daviesr Sermons, 3 vols." 50 DMdiidge's Family Expositor, 3 vols. The compete Duty of Man, by H Venn, FordyceV Sermons to YUng Women- Udd ridges ditto to Youth a 7 5 3 I : fay think proper; I rn Sir, jour iost obedient 1 anUiB0s( luttnble servant.,- rT4te-4ast4eVt-y ouprintedV wasJ die and I Jntaroperarid I assure you printed agai; st my ',- p plnicn:' The truth is, tliere are people 'Oi,btlut me whom I wonld wish to contradict, and a' ra'her see Junius ever so improperly, . th 'o rot af all. 1 wish it could be lecalled. Sup- jX-se you wefe.to sayWV have &me rtason to tusjirct ,that the last letter sigtard Junius in this Papfcj, -wasTiowrittcn, by the. leal" Junius, tho' K r j; tht.obscn'5tioi' tstajK-d os at ihe tiaie ; rif you .-A caw bt' id ai.y thing youriself more plauibk",:y6u -ill 'fiUt.h ohlige ne. wilhont positive .issrrtion. , M ' itt it be thelsarae day with -ihe enclosed. Kitfng ytmr pa.;on for this troutU, I remain ; '7our friei.oVaftd humble servant, " C"1 j x irI have rereit Tx Mr. WO ) D FALL. " .'.. Private and Particular- , Fac similes of hand writings of 5c.ntlemen whose mame'shave been mentioned as the author fl " the Letters." " ' : " MR. BOYD'S- Mr Wood fall will obriere his old Corresnondem by keeping the first place in to morrow's Public Advertiser, (about half a column, or a little more) tor a raper on an immediate subject. He wil send it in two br three hours at farthest v.d ano ther some time before dinner to- morrwo-whici. Mr. W. will ph ase to insert in the same manner Xm Wednesday Norlolk street, May . . MR Wilkes's. that the warder sappointed to keep him a close pri soner shall not leae hfrn either night or day, ot to change their doty with other Warders but by t A af..- l-iii r innW' k, .r::. '.rLJ W 1 or of fitj from the Constable, Lieu- C P'ce; but you mv thnge the direction to Mr.tM-i.-'.JbhuFralyJ You need not advertise it. " l - ( - -T ' "j..... r. - . - - . into th ' . ' Friday, . but by ' 'VSirits e&sentiaily neressary that th in. ; cloid should be publisher to morfdvv, as the K r gnat nenion .-ccmes on omlak and Lorci Gran- , f "1 v . , sraggerco-' ll you Should receive T any answer lo iu y.,u will oblige me much by . ot i k publishing it till jaftcr Monday. 7 ; CI' It f puty Lieutenant, or in their absence the -of the-- rower"--.-- ,r.jlj..r. ey are to permit no person to have admiitance the rrtOm hp i rrinfi iwt in. np li ctvalr tn kim Jbut by a partiular order brought them by the Ma jorjor wrcntieman Uioicr. - CM A, RAINSFORD. MR. HORNE TOOKE'S. ' lam well pleased and' perfec.lv satisfied;- H : you will ign n fair Gupy of the. enclosed and can I not get Mr C. to present it for you ; send it o ime, and l will get it presented. ersist ana wonder nothing. .. ': Tkurnrtair Min-ht ' rv . V 'K'a? tp see the,pacqu-fyuu Streak t ' Whatever happens, do you persist, and wonde ' , !l nwWWitt the Cavenc'ishts, though at nothing.-All stands well. - --- JVvM' couw.oe..notndot;e;:.famHyv':-v.THef 1 Vuidd nn( t be so siily as to put their arms on the -1 rtiT,ttNl ::.he Wisdom of Government isof more import S Ti; , . ngS ibat:-vVOP ywoTW v nn than the laws. I should 'study the u mpzi x 5JhW-,cr know medeis I mak: ' my. , of the, people btfote I ventured on' more actions - S' r!1 or,nqMesr reward Vwol,lri coniiWer the whole of the prosecution u MWnv is of i Libel cf such importance as Junius, as ont U clear.my pinion,' that -you have : nothing' to nsistenfe.plan-ofoDeration.' ' lear irom th ll.nf It I -ert... e.... .t.:" i - presslyo awe hitni in case' he should thi-k of t msm you bvfjre the Ho. of L : A am ' sure. I Can threaten him, privately, with such a storm, as would make-.'btm tremble, even '-.in- his To Mr.. JUNIUS. Printer , Woodfall in Paternoster row. u.u grave. Mr. Farrer, I'iMiiumiw ine name TMnrw 5 ... . i- ' ; . . . - '' r- " h Wit MrfhuHnniiA.. . ..J IT .1 ( - ' ,a'w",u',V: iu. u y ounave, any lung : house, whiqb" ' he Carried to you, a,,d about which v - 'm a V. : vwi..,,iui..wlis, wn: ut;tyou said; it wouw be necessary 10 write to me Mjl Siiivnt informs me ofa piper left at my 'glad to hear it. C." n '" '' ; " .' - V'.' "',.-1 ' v-' ' ' -'.''"i y. Sunday. . i& -- Sitv-The spirit of your letter convinces me viha-y u re ja tejjich', better. writer tlijn most of 1f 4ht. pcu.la'f whose works you. publiwi Whether u Inv.'tguetd well or ill must be left to cur Ju uVv .ktq4intaiic.: F.r the, matter of assis. .ta ce' t-e assured ihat, if a .question should ariie s lip mjny j writings .of mine, you shell not want it. , s Yd jou see .w things go, and 1 feat my ossis , J taBCe would n t avail you much. For the othr , f 'Jjufatsof pi iiitina-, &c. it does not depend upon v - '.us at, present., AJy own works you shall con 1 itantly avod Jn pointjilLnu ":T" hall r.ever sufftr;- I wislTtheenTbsdT ,K announced moiow co: spicuously f. Tues-,-vday., I am n6t-7 capebletof writi.. .t0y- thing ! "'or finished. Ycur ivicuv M r Whit Von li; ' ,,4 Mttre7pu1f1ave-Wi,'con8de"tL;ui aun-"- ; ' ., !Vour Inind, rr;L:X-vv-; C." Be sij good as to let me know what it is ; and if you want to see me, ctll,on me 4S soon as yon can, tts-i go uui wwu 10 uay. . Youis, &c. , ' Friday, V. G. HAMILTON. LONDON,1 July the 21st, 1763. Sir I take the liberty to acquaint vou, that the btarer " of this, Mr. Mi:inctoei was an e nsign in the Kegt. ot which 1 was 'Major,; and that he jsol an unexceptioable character both as an officer and gentleman. . ; v I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, -''C;.-!'.' r'-.. CHA-LEE.. ; v Doctor Burgcs i'-y : H AS REMOVED '.o iha shop (on Fayette jjjllp t teet'j formerly occupied by tit', Wm ii - ittiAMS. ' -,';;.,.; "':' . ,ev. la 67tf. . ... '. i l;'.vv. . . . ' ' ' Vt 'KTt '. " '"' ' -"it ' ... ' r- Co' fessinn of Paith and Constitution of the Presbyterian Churches in the U. S. Scott's "Essays Clark's Discourses to. YottLh Saurin's Select Sermons Wesley's Sermons, 5 vols Gallowav tin the Prophecies, 2 vols. " NewtoB's Works. 9 vols Dick and Perry on Inspiration Practical Piety, by ilaitnah Moore, Fertruson Kortian Repuhlicr 3 vrds, - female rMograpky, or Memoirs of illustri o.us' women of all ages and countries, by Mary Hays, 3 vols. Plowdeti's History of Ireland, 5 vols. Molina s History of Chiit, 2 vols, with maps, Dep'jns' do. of the Spanish Main, 3 vols. with maps, ' J Staunton's Embassy to China Life of Sir William . ' Cavallo on Electricity, 3 vols. Xn'en-jr's Travels in Greece and Asia, 3 vs. K. mes!s Elements' of Criticism , 2 vf Is Hoolc's A"i'bto, 8 vls.-London, calf, gilt, German Theatre do. do. , do. do. The Looker on,' 4 vols, v do. do. do. Chaucer's Works, 14 vols. do. do. Aol Shakespeare do 25 vols, do do, do. Watts' Works, T v?ls. do. do. do. Every man his own Gardener, by"M,awe) and tercrombie, - Marshall on Gardening, vols. Kir win on Mania es Kneef on Education K.'iickei'bocker , Vision of Don Roderick, by Walter Scott, L-mpriere's Universal Biography, 2 vols. Coxe's Russian Discoveries in America, 7 with maps ani plites, 'ke's Expeditions to the sources of the Mississippi,-thro the western parts o' Louisiana, and a tour through the int rior prts of New Spain, with maps and chars. Swell's M dical Companion Thomas's Practice V- . Stanton's Virgil, English notesy Wrison ott Di seai8r8olir',;:-'"";',r""''"-" Carey s Pocket tlas, Vn gtnva Spy, Jefferson's Manual, ''he Spirit of the Book m3rt s Horace, rrancrs' do.- Ul hus on Population, vols. G lies' History ol theWorld, 3 vols. Ancient Gftece, 4 vols. 1 50 25 80 25 1 1 2 S 2 9 1 I 50 4(1 5( 12 & .: - Music. - i:Z tablished himself in Rh t- u Acdcnmg on tne piano forp. js a giving lessons,, on that instrument t n "J"'" number. titft's of iium&er of scholars. Paren'. nMhit. "".N' . . - - , V. r U"vioiq students attending the acad;.r.. " aured that, his utmisi eKerions shall hi', improving. such voting ladies as he may b. " ' ed to instruct. He.flaters birnself, bm ,h "f f' tension he has directed towrU the v-KJ!'" his experience in execution, aa'.weirasYil, methods fiLcommumra oV,n.UL. i -h . . . ir--- i.iw.t ivuft7...lft .t . . i .. ' w misic, ray sUli be benenttd by .his I l6tj, that nuiiit ihADh kiKv ' uws, wiui tnuav. ic uimie sjfmv n-nfc.. ffi(nr 1 tt jeioni and hi termsjvin he taiodirats 11 niay be. known by applying at the Minerva m To the MercJiantioFkaleiglv. ; A F'RIEmD to the Hale gh .Acdetny Thousand th;nks to you for pas: , favo-s ttt f !e fu'ure, you will p'case to let meYave at iea! ne hdf to say in the making of bH barj; ti I vhich I, am concerned ; that is to say, t wift o raise ho more accounts it, my name wthiin, urder, verbally or in writing, as i am firthhj i.tduced to purchase ; ut parettts are the btst mi s of what their chil tren want; t -shaffiwil t'ttdt with yotiT accouuta hitherto. I fcHieye(d o be '"'all just'.arid-tfuc"i but 1neyre'sacli"'ii l'i ot think proper to have been raised. .A burnt cbij liea'Is the fire. . " ., . N., B. The stores of Mr. Boy fan ahd Mr. Cski ire excepted. - Jw.-s. - V ;.-'; A :; fjjj State Bank oFN, Carolina, " . , , , December u h 1 812." PURCHASER of Stock in the S:aie Hank . iformed, that a power of Atto.fny auth'Tisinp Transfer o! a Share ot Shares held in the Sfatt iar.k mnst be witnessed either .by the Cashier ul In principal Bank rrof one of it's Branches .,y Notary PuWic, or by two Justices cf the P irtd if by thflatter,.thcif Vgtiatur- s must ber. .Red by the Clerk of the Cfaun, with the Cwny Seal annt-xed -This reilatVm to tommtm o he first bay or Jaoaky kext. of which at 'ho my be (onccttjed will t?ke mnftK- - W, H. H YWuOD Cmi. 9 15 5 T 3 m 13 10 8 16 18 9 20 50 7 3 8 50 50 50 7 50 75 2 6 5. 3 2h 4 25 4 25 65G 2 25 1 2.. Richie's Memoirs of Europe, 3 volar Vlelmoth's Cicero, 3 vols. , Boswell'S'T ife of Johnson, 3 vols. Tour to the Hebrides KEw'WoVELS Vivian, 2 vols. - ' Milesian Chief, 2 vols. self Indulgence. syIum, 2 vols-' ; Mar; led Lik, .3 vols , 6 a 20 10 12 10 3 2 i 2 2 5 50 50 50 50 25 The best Writing Paper, by the ream or quire. Red and Black Sealing Wax. Red and Black Wa t'ers. Red .and clack Ink Powder. India ink. Boxes of Paint. Office Tape. Inkstands. Quilis of the best kind Copy and Cypherine: Books. Liule Sr Smith's Music Books, lilank Books f i vlusic Pocket Ledgers. Ledgers, Journals, and Record Books"Blank Notes and Clrecks. Count y and Superior Court Blanks. Copy Slips. . January 22. ' . 77,tf. . Eagle Tavern, ( - N WILLI lbt)Ut)UGH. ' THIS Tavern will aain beopened,' on the Jfw of January next, for and pn acc-nmt pf Vaughan & Caudwhll, and Will be kept by the latter. -Tjhe farmer friends and customers to this House, and the public in general, may rest assfured that every attention will b paid to those who favor it with their custom, to render their stay as agrees ble as possible. The" Supplies ;will be good and sufficient. The stable, perhaps among the best in the, state, will be plentifully stored with all kinds of provender, jind kept well littered. This Tavern has been leased for several years back at 300 dolls, per annum, yet the last year it was shut up, con trary" to afoiclt s of agreement with th leaser. ttis to be hoped ,-nGtw uhSiandLngjhaXihepublic patronage, hich has heretofore been so JiberaX v, ill again aid and assist in revising it ; and the most moderate terms will be observfd.5 - -V JAME'i VAUGHAN, T - LEON AUD CARD VVEIX 72,tf Charles Parish, RETURNb his grateful acKi. jwledgments I his friends and the public, for th; liberal ,Ku,agement they have given him Heretofore ufy .ine ot business, and informs i hem that on th-- B mst. iiis large and commodious three svory bi4 tudding, at the . " -SIGN Of TUB BAGLJty . ( iorth of -the state -house, will be in complete orrftf o receive boarders End iravellefs where htw nestly -solicits the continuation of their jiatroiac. He pledges himself th Jt nothingon his part shai" wanting to render geneial wiisrV'Son to those s! avour him with their-custom Honest ap1'; ' iervants- alone will be engaged, and bis suti ul perhaps be excelled by none. ( Raleigh, July 3 1812. t ' 4.?-r. Hvrrv Ararlmv', TfiTWri r;v;rvii,ii: umr worn, w N v Ta, iiu i mi wtiiu i aw, 1 this academy has aeain been cowinudty tire, preparations Have been made fo1- the receptioa .if students, and the school will go into operatic on Monday the 4th of January. 1313, w&'JJj sinerinfenflance of Mr. Jthel Graham, as priocip teacher. This gentleman's moral character literary imnrovemntsJjeminenily qualify WJ. Hirrhiro-H iht dull"- "aMached to the StallOII. I ' ;reek la --.guages an-usuai nrancnes " taught in this institnlioh. . .' TheV .wood .o r elegant brick building will be eompJete J a! perhaps, by the first of May for the rP1 he fttnr ents. ann tor tne ooerauons oi iv - dwell County , V. C, Dec 2S 1812. . -. : .State, of North-Carolina, 75 K sSSICaSL' '. r CHATHAM COUNTY. CCUVTY COURT C PLEAS ANB CH'ARTtR S? Novfim her Term. 181-'. James Bishop & wife, S potion for PaTi.f . V. ' Land, Edward Madrey & wifeJ . . -i, IT appearing, to the satisfaction of tin J, that Edward Madrey and his wife Anne are m dents without the limits of this !,c'.'" ;n (t orderedthat notice be given by pu'.hcatio' Raleigh Minerva, for three weeks jucce ihaUiHless they appear and ausvvcr w . fd three first days of the next term of saui c be held for said coun'y, at-lhe cou.1 house borough, on the second Monday of ' enn ' he petition will be taken - pi o v"- . t ex-parted " 76,3p Test THOMAS RAnMN SHU . :d:r : Printing, Executed at this oflice; with' neatness , most accnisey v i- I

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