23 I -t . 'V- ;,L ''i f . - ' - I. II? thin under command i and on th rofcmy, l'n. '-a r-ke in. without our oeii;,atie ear'Ie any resistance, and after havir -sed eye tnAllYt the best of ray. abilities, I found fearing obliged toorderthe colon to be struct; . v.;,, hnt the unmanageable state Of the 'h,iff Vptrtect,wreckt:Guld ever have J. , do. conceiving it was. bit duly not """Orifice useUsry the lives trf the, men, with w'fn. oroipect of success, otof benefit to their On tte larboard side about thirty shot had ta rr ... K..U. flvehefa of cobber down, and . .... k.Vt a larcy hole nruWv r starboard counter, and she was so completely refit her sulficiemly to attempt carrying ner imp L-t an J they set, fire to her as soon as they got ft, wounded out. What consKleraoiy weaKeota L n.tarters, was. permtttin? the Ameneans be- r " n u. -ktr. i thv nuarrer ' on the 1 enemy hoistinglhc colors ot inai.pawm, irjucn, ihoa)h it deprived me of men, I thought it was my f 1 felt much shocked, when on board the Co 'nutioii, to find a lrge proportion of his ship. n.;iJvJ. and ronDV of whom ! recognised as baring bar fwtrmeetia the a5Wpt io board ' '?. . v if. -Notwithstanding the -unlucky issue 7f the affir, iuch confi lfuce haye I m we exertion ot ineorncers aJ men who, belong 10 the Guerriere, and I am o aware inm ms uuvca w fi wins t0 fortuneL that it is my earnest wisfr, and rm.trl K the haDolcst oeriod of mv life, to be once Wre opposed io the Con,Mitution, with them un iler my wm'.nand ; iiM- frigate of a ' similar force 109 u uemere..' ' :. I caonot helol noticing that "the attachment Mthe sbip'a company in general to the serTrce of heirmj5 ana. country peaects on memxne oin iteretUt.t for thoutch ; every art was used to en- ourage them a desert; and to inveigle them in o thf Aroertcanfcaervice. btr high bounties and reat promises, by. the Anaican ofiicer in di feci contradiction to the declaration to nn?. that hey did not wiah such a thing" ; only eiiht Eng- k "i i . i . l i i. - i i. f .u: l jnen nave-iremaineo oenina, iwa omy oi -wmcn iraher huve volunteered for their service. : ' Leaving tbej.cbarac.ers of my bfficer an;' bip's com;?anf, as well as my own, to the t'eciai In of this Honorable Court, the justice of whose ntence.nciiJerson can ' presume to question',-1 ow.mv narraiivCi craving -indulgence tor hav jig iakeo.upao much of their time. ' FRIDAY FEBRUARY 5. J 813. ; Tbe -oniy subject of importance, immediately under distttasion in Congress, is the bill aUthons ing a loan of aixte'en millior.j of dollar. Th . Luh-.lJ-nHs for the present year will amount td thirtv- uuuaia... t wciyc minions onir ot ciear reveiiue are calculated on j and the deficient i, lo uc. sHPP,uea PI wans, treasury nqtes; 3cc. ' apnum, during life. This proposjtionj soinfioUe-fthey commenced ptunderin iy noooraoie io me mover, win, we most am I eerely hope, -obtain an unanimous vote. ' - . ine Diii, ,vrouiiaing a 44 gun snip, tor the oceani; rt4 20 "gun ship' fof Lake Erie, as a gif to 'the. "gS5vernmept of the , Vnited iStates, has passed the house of represent iiiveav We -think .ui uuni jch is win oc upsei in. ocaait tiaroor r. T.ie comuiitte- has reported in-favor"-of incor porating the banks at Cston, Cbambersbuig, riusourg an. j ora On the 29ih ull. Mr. Grundy, from the torn mitee of foreign relations! made.a long rr port on the subject of impreasm'enta, which shall be given in our; next. Accompanying thef report was, a bill, which we have not seen, relative to the em ployment pf foreign seamen. ' This is considered an important subject. ' - It appears that, though the French are beaten in Russia, they are in great strength in the peninsula, and will probably force Lord Wellington once more to retreat to Lisbon "indeed', we have alre dy verbal reports, stating that he 19 now in bis sirung potion near mat cuy , out tnese reports want eannrmauon. v-s -' : - ' - . . -a. ... y j- - " . -Tj.. ... - Tr- ,) Esclfacl of a letter from aentlemaji in Iredell, to ,. Ait friend in this City, dated Jan. 6. " , ...... -""I often sympjthize with-tbeiminoFTfy "inUr lasi leeuuiure, a.weinas tnaot-conurresswuii Lthe weigbt of taler,v. on their side they were and are I i i it.-'.'. ' -i ii ' .T .. in no oeiier conui'ioo uin prisoners ai jarere, wan the good will, but desti'.ute of the power to effect., any impor'ant putnae. It isdeepryj be lament ed thai reason is spurned and despised by our mooern rnaionries. in vne reeenr. caoice oi eioc- tots in this state, ami In all those voting by eerier 1 ticket or bv ballot of the Ueiitature, there w-isno ftir' expression of the public voice, otherwise Mtv Mftiscn .wouUl nt have remained president offhe U, Staves. t The, unexpected fev9Ju;iQn, inlhi 0incs of ihf people of.-Vermont, is ominous. ,.. '' Thc situati in of the executive, howeverls by no mt-ans envjable. After all the thrteningjblus no g. and uuiiyiug, w nere are we ,? , y ittimt are- gular - rmy ; without disciplined nd. confiequew lv, tff.';iive m litia ; destitute of rr-venue. .and to! crown the whole;, with a cabinet d ficimi in en r ' 1 ; Sr. Fulton has received letters from lis friend In Paris, whi:h state.' that at the request of thi bmperor, Mr., barlow left Pris on. the 28th of Oct. for WilnaT;', hje arrived at Frankfort, . 144 leagues, in 3 days and. ivghtj., -These particulars plice t beyond, a, doubt that something Important is in contempiatiobi or the empefor would not have requested the American ambassador an meet him at the distance' of 650 leagues from Paris. The shfo " of -tfie ine Le Suffisantc, and the frigates L rtartense, La Pallas, LaSeate. and mdee diiler tr command . of commodore Hall. have sailed from Rochfbrt and Bordeaux to cruize on the coast of the Ualwd .States. 'froiri 'fa BalnthoH.itMg . ' ' ' V'ClKCULAlC .' ,,. . -. - 'merican ConmUtr and j-'- cyo'f Prize Cause at Pa-it. 'o the cdnsula and vice consuls' of the Lmfnl St ates 6t irterica ri 'ng in. ports ot i ranee, or in. those over which lur imperial jjrize court has jurisiJiaiart,. '.. . - rntltmrn, - :H ....... .. . . t Be it krtowrt that the President of the United ime.j bit-w esate nas Been pitasfju o s vperard, to my coa, iilar duties, those of li Jlmcricun firize Cause at wiriti' and has Vuthbrist ci and Jiiccted m to fid,' and protect American citizens in the prosecu lion of said causes in Z?'ekr, where they .'xi-w le rrdduced .an'l discussed ; and par:icunrv before lie imDenal prize court and his maj- sty s cuuo- ii stare. I am also lostrucieu; to detect and xpose evrry sbecies of fraui or vioUlb'i r,t the awftif nations, and of the -Arheritan fi-i.ur ; all folutltanr ni'irlf.r.t nr sarrifire nf ttip nrnnrfr. I. - - r f "? ftgnts apd, inheres;? of American shippers, mer pants and insurers, and to -render' an account to he executive ,of the U. Staler of every circum- ince wn.cn I may consider wr.i thy ol its notice, P'Kenjing theatreBtavion, de tention or rel- a'sot pnieucan seamen, anu ot vessels and cargoes m i mute,, or hi -countries io. wnicn tne reguiatios id decisions of her mail ime courts and authori- ies do bf shall hereafter, ixtend. in order to execute, more efft-ctually, the pen- iral and, ,'special instructions of the president, and J oie, secretary ot loreiga relations' of thr United $y nn J- wisdom ny i iiig but disgrace." ' lov then can we expect a M-. Quincy'a Speech - ! he report of aS'peefc!)! maus t( ihaf Aonouralile g-;ntieman, on t,he bill to raise-?0j0qg .men, gives n f,:r.) notnn of the sen tim'.nis uuertfd by Mr. Quince no ih.u oacasion It va penned from reroHecii' i Vhicll., anil w done, considering 'h.t circurnsunc ; i ut in x-gar.l tp'tne clissical laigvnge, b(iiii-irircry, an1 lu minous sentimets, of the original S;eech, the Sketch is no more like "than I to Hercules- .. The Grand Jury of' Wtik.es County, Georgiv hovc jrcscincd as a grievance me act -passed m the last session of that State, Mto alleViaVe ihe condition, ofdebtors In the 4ebate upon ih- army bi'H, MrvHandoioh. with his accustomed elegance and -distinctness. 1 4 . a spoKe in appropriate tprms ot ingignant reproba 7ion)f Ijench tyranny and7perfidyv--A-young- sier attacnedtotfte lee ion wasDrtsent when his rAas'er's character, was delineated. feirtg .asked ai inenext ewewhetjier be heard Mr. KandolDh. it . : . - - ... - us answereu, in a cnoienc . manner, ? Jres, and il ineitumpereur had Mr. Kandolph he would tiU him under his feet,," suiting the action to the word. . isop- impassiDie tnat at. tnevery moment tms ttir.etiT o')servalion was made in the dratotng room, in uorsican Tyer was chained in a, caere, ud like Rape; drawn abaut for the rhuUitude to gaie t' aa Uiy would at any other monster. " V. -' . - . " n w 2 s . . reu.tceji "r 4 -- 'jymA . .' - - LATEST FHOii LISBON. Capf Flemui?, fof the brie funchal, arrived at ileody TsUn-J fr.im Lisbon, which platre he left n the.i.rt Utc.inlorms,, that Lord Welli igton was retreating, his hea.l ' quarters beine "at the iSt" accounts. 15 laarus4iL advance nf Cm An A Hodrigo.wiMcu he had left at'-ongly fortified, ;md caoable of suMiainintr an obstinate siece. It wis belisved he intended t fail back on his Id lines hear Lisbon, to go into Winter Juar. tftr.- . . '..-- ' Cniiriua! reinrdrcerrients for Lord. Wellington's army, were arriving at Lisbon from England A mo'igst others, the guards, e8teem-;d the fldweri oUbe Uri'ish truops, had arrived; Massena hnd rjmbined ariiiv was ts'imted at 100 0'H) men I he t3ri'isi army was 50 or '60,000. They hnd uffsred considerably from stcltntss and fornv r engagements. 1 he trench troops, it was said, Vcte nct.adyancine. isToqrtthV' fmg the paueagirs v: . treating us yxthe mst brutal .manner. The commander of the squadron orderei one b the passengjrSj'oQ board hit ship, for (ear of T rising on the.prire.' trew. J luckily was one t. thoso who remained .on board the brig in co'ifi if mentr- Awr,being; ia their possession 9 days, our way to Alters, I perceived from the cav window, an English 4 fi ie, say : two or thr- mues on, standing towards u. We then ha l- flint hope.1 Some time after We heard th frij jnil mi I placed mysslf aa far out of the ct.1 wiodow as I possibly cowld, without freitigobsen : iy the Algeriae oxtdeck. At leiigth th fil-i came undei our stern, trt about600 yardsilistai.tr. I . wved with my handt which w answered fro. i the frigate. A boat was sent alone side of us. 'T-'A loTjcer asked if. there wjre any passengers on b . K mcy losi.cea tnere were none, lie wa t,,- about returning to his ship. For a moment ibl i of our emotions ! Fortunately the frigate vt '';, came under our stem, much nearer, say 40 y, '!. I again waved my hand, which wa&'repeatt V answered from the fiigate. The officer ags'm c;..r on board and by force immediately proceeded i the cabn, which was about 1$ feet squnre, w U of us confined in it. The ensuing scene truly iffjeting. It even touched the hearts of . '. banes? tars,' &s followers. Anion? us wa- a : v elegant' young lady, madattt Salmon, water to W , Onis the Spanish Atrbas6ador of Philadelphia. I . suffered rauchdurlng our confinernent. I demanded my release as an Mneliihtnan-W. some difficulty the pirates admitted it, when I w allowed toeTTnto tKse boat with my servant, a a'lout two thirds ot my baggige, thereat bdr: apanisn passengers the English could noi'demao them However after a long consultation tu were given up on condition they would leave! t( ;bng and take nothing with them but the clotht they had on. The ilnfurtunate young lady w. oliged.to go on board the fiigate and leave all h; jewels,' dresses, fcc. amounting to aboat lo,ofi. dollars. ... . ,. V- We were Fed on rtce and water by the pirates I am sorry, to t Itiak that our poor fcllow passenet who were pdt on board the ship ore now in A'gwrs and most prob'abjy , will rjever return to their h-Vmes .The EnglTsVfrigate was the Cossac, the Hon. captain King, commander, who trested me in the most fi Un lly manner.3 Also his officers, to wham I am greatly indebted for their hospitality. J: - i Yesterday, at 9 o'clock, five Sail of the Mockad ing -squadron were seen about 20 miles from the Hook iq the offing. Since tfi'en nothing has beer. n?arti or seen ot them. 1 he strong Ni AV. wine last evening, probably has driven them 0 sea. At w York Even. Po(, Jan. 26. Trier's S a report in town, stid to be" founded or the aiuhoiity of letters from Washmirton, statint i sat Mr, Monroe is to be eppointed Commander ii-. i. uel ot the armies of the U. States, and tint Judgt Senctr, of this state, is to take his place as Secre tary of State. Spencer and Armstrong 1 Ibid. Th U. S. fiigate Constellation has arrived at nnapcl;9. ; i , " ' '. ',.. Profound Public Tranquillity; ' TIl is a singuUi- fact, and subject of gratnlation, that-no complaint of any description has for some days past been made at the police-office of this city ; a circumstance demonstrative of our eicr.etlent svs ftates, on this head, ypu are h rcby requested to Um of police, (supposed to bellow superior to that our magistrate. ew York Jiuu't. Korm the captain, supercargo, or avrvnt cf every -jo! London) and ihti J..vigtUce of i lAmerir.an vestal rantuiwit mt --,rrl.,.'t.4 j. 'J Krf:tel in the port or ports .of your cons ula- de. mvnf, that it is rm public duty: and consc- Jjiien ly my ft,reat desire-. to ikrive to claimants fu. ud and '.'.vce, io seek for them Dronmt UDartinl justice', vigilantly to watch overaiid r- -vv ni-c cis - is also DroDer to snnnse n id t notbiug mrre is necessny than, the opt-ation of the capt , or consiencei or aitornev enable me toperfoim all that cao be re KJ'ic. M -' u in 'ne nr'Wer.ution ot a claim nH tKii-rf'- mnt wUl ; be cancrlled whtn'ths f DSP i, fi , ,a!l. Moreover, it wny be ustfyl .o observe thaV my price, are offered; withourtorhmidsion r.r n-. I'f or ithcr cofppe'n! ion. f , , , , iou are i treated ge- t'emen,. to report .to me cry cae ;.f capture and of. sequ stration to R'lowledtje the rectiot of thfa r ir. nl r 'p,f: Framunicate its rooteau- ti" K rftm ..... n.. I 4 t ing nouses, within toi diirrici: wiih Krsv Potions with thniftf rT...;..fc,.;. ,r.-sL. I tender, you my poo! ..in, friendly aM, nd From Fortwtal-i-i'.u g- , of -the.br-g Ckres, from Lisbon, infjfm, ihit the lT.ngr-.sh r my uo lei the command of lo- J . Willi,'. g'W bad teturaed td their old quarters in the nihtarhood ofLubon. . w . , Captain El-'ridge, of brig Mrmion, has l)i(ii!ht utsp.i;-hea,. for govMnment f,rm Mr. Bce-sley,. ..the mf'rtcanA- apebi fr. prisoners in London Imor' ant despa'c!:s had iustbeen re- Caived ny f'm were Dtrtmcfhe year 18 to,-as appeaf s TiTifh tW tH annual report of the American society in England, - u or iu.wu negroes were ir.inportea.as slaves tr'j,m the extern cast of Ah" .a to the opposit shores ofthe Atlantic," by Portuguese' Englishmen mJ American?'. I he society have transmitted to he American secretary f state an abstract of the names of the American captains , and vessels er agfd in that illegal, disgrac. ful and barbsrons traffic, m order that prosecutions may be Instituted against the offenders, who will be made, we devout ly hope, to suffer the punishment due lo such sor did and cruel conduct. The society, have 'also .Tilde frequent representations to the English gov. eminent oh the subject. American. Extract )f a letter from Tobias Lear, Esn. l'atf. Coasil General of the- United States at Algiers to Vm. Lambtrt, Jun. Acting Consul of tht United States at Lisbon, dated Gibraltar, Nov. the 4ib, 1813 SIR, On the d inst. I received a letter from Johr. Nofderling, Esq. his Swedish Majesty's Consul Central, at Algiers under date of the 13th Oc'.o btr,i in forming me that; the brig Edwin, of Salem, Captain ' Gcotge. C. Smith, 1 1 itien, including lie captain, was the onljr American pnzs which had been" "carried into Algiers by ihtir cruizei-s, a!i I that the report that prevailed some time since of their vi r.g captured two American vessels off Okpe Su'JVjrifceat was without foundation. Mr. . Vorde.ling adds , that two Algerine frigates sailed from AJgiersjin a ; cruize, ;. on the 17th October, and as it is likely they will go into the . Atlantic and cffCadiz and LisbohT'it will be proper to give this account to all Americans who may be about :! by ji. Ueesley.fiom Sweden ; e suppose i'o depart from those - place s,' that hey mar be on Vv .'Aencm consul at fOotter.burg; which' their guard; Capt. Smith wai captured on the fo -warded by U.p Kldn lge. 35th of r Aogust from Malta for this place find fpondence. h lspf,.r: i ' " ! m7 mem AtX. Itti 1812. on to your public lu' if s: ,RD-ENV A letter from an Amertcah:gentlem?tn of much :Ptabiitnd,informa,kriv tb' Ma friend in cay, dited't, Paris, Novembery U, contains 1 fc'lowitg rem.Hl" in ; relation to the state of agwjtb iha. country i ; . Aa. Int. ious in ''Tb government jfeems now to he set P oposajs for a seulernent of all .diffiruhie?, but PviqriliiB kaet is vet uMlcd., ; What will i. i'Fasesoffrsselscoprmiaised under English Toy,Qrxoindemned, by the covncilof Priztsl as Mi ui .Fuepty; m toe question were-simply Ei4 wetB rraJr American, arid this to be Bv. the arrival of the Flash, we are Informed that five f -st mailing frigates set cut from B irdeaux a ;d Naii'Z lodavs belorethesailincof the Flash, supposed to h. destined for the United States. Hy the late arrivals from France funds to a large amount have been placed in thisi ity &: the disposal of French n . y officers ; it is thertfore almost certam that we shall soon have some of our good allies, tfie' French, in"6ur portsi and then which Lof us will si eep .quietly jn our beds :t We consent Jo. the'. longest term of military en listment, not beciuise we believe that'it is in' the power, of a repunlican government ever -.to recede frvtn ila military eataplihmentt .whenever they are rsoffcrtd to obtain upon any principle, but because the domestic and political state of the nation re quireheir aid to oppose intertrt to ambition in the s'atcs, and to prepare for ' that entire change of European policy which will most probably obtain. It, is a danger ou experiment, but not to be feared. ;. Salem Register, democratic t 01114 be BO OhstarJa tn lfc ifii-rnatinn of sTtroto Bated I knn...!. .u : !ll t . ,i " ' H vwiefe vm P9 PvuJt 1 s by American 'commiisipAers, thtre ;. r;C: -.Legislature of Pennsylvania .Mr. Smith; of Franklin county, has introduced imq, thl house of repu sentatie a;bill granting to Gcti Arthur St. Clair the sum of two hundred SaJtem wnh a cargo of winecMrrNQrclerling, in-whose charge 1 Ielt my. affairs when l was obh ged-Wquit Algers, informs me that Caj t. Srhi h was permilted to live at his house, where his sit nation 'would be as comfortable and pleasant as it Could be iri Algiers ;but" that so fcAV Americans had been made staves that th$ regency set an im mense va'ue on the head of , Captain Smith- I have requested Mr. Norderling to furnish,.JC,2pt, Smith and his people with money ; necessary for their propersupport," from funds of mine-in his hand', untd the- orders of government shall be :re ceived respecting them, t.L:,: P- S ;I anri this momeht informed that the two Algerine frigates mentioned in the foregoing, pas. std the Straits last night to (he westward, and will undoubtedly be off Cadiz and Lisbon. Y (Signed) TOBIAS LEAR. ( . Extract; of tt letter 'from a young gentlem an of - PMadelihiaiU his father, dated Cadtz, Oct. 28. " sDear Pj,VhrTn rrvv le. I" ha.-t nnlv ttmp tn Inform 'you of Imy arrival' here but did not e'ive you the? particulars" iof my escape from our new enemyl the Algerinfls. " ' Y'Y c- I sailed from Lisbon,7 Mund for this port ; and beinghVee days out, -off Cape St, Vincent was capturerjf trjr the Algerine squadron consisting of From the Usstx Patriot. i tioT & Colo wi i h tuesame breath During the administration of Washington and , Adams, the ttue. republican principle 'lsta.,o;V4V pose the adrhirtiitration in. all. ' thHr operiuposllli and it seem 'that the. same republican pKacljtjYr , should lead us to approve and defend evervi thi it? v.ncmne present aiiraiiiisirauoii aa: thou it II a lv- indirect opposiiion to their former precejits and practice . I In 1798 a wac . with France was the gtfeatesr jiossible evil and now a war with EneUndi is tlu greatest possibl? good In '98 an army ol" 6,90y c men enavigerau puouc , nperty ; iatz; en ami)' . ; 23:opo reg'jlirs; $0,000 volunteers, pd ripchy drafted mlbtia arc arid the riiiinr MAy-AdCa,., u.i,.juii , nil J me l l llllli nd edriipping tbim is qottf a popular. meaVucs . In If 94, a tax Oil whiskey and cider 'spirits lerenji ted an insurrection in Pennsylvania, in which Mri 'mf' iiiillatin bore a conspicuous part - 'irt,:18i2, 'tbli','-' me Mr. Galiatin, now secrttary pf.the treasory "c proposes a whiskey tax. and a stamfl abt in the barl cain, which has already been sanctioned by thefc I house of representatives- ; A In federal time3 a lor.n of five or six million threatened national destruction ; now a loano TWENTY MILLIONS does not startle us I S i Vtt, ' A. Thebill for raising an additional military force of 20 000 men for one year, having finally passed iHth Hotiss, awaits only the sifirnature of the i President to become a law. The Loan Bill for 1813, bas passed to a tfi'rd , reading in the House, as reported by the Commit t-e of w3ys and Means, with' the exception of an immaterial amendment. .. 'I ffat.lnt On the 22dmstani at the advanced age of 8 Samuel Mhe, Esq. a revolutionary patriot, form." Iy y governor ot mis state, tie was a man nigniy ve- ncrated and beloved in private life and no less es-; teemed for his public services on the bench aud in die council. '" -' Likewise inj Brunswick tmn George Divii: aq. aged 50 years ; a gentleman of an amiaole' and urpight character, ' ' ; - , 'ZL'y',1 In Buncombe county, on the 13th, Colonel Dt vid Vance, another revolutionary patriotrin : the J 64th year of his age.' A pulmonary complaint ter, mmateu the useful and well spent hie ot this wot thy and inte'ligent citizen. '-, .. .' ;.v Stattf of . North Carolina ; Suflrrtor C'jvrt pfJLav. J.' ' Nov'r Term, 1812 y .Francis Lewis, 1 n ; . . .v. - ; 4-- s' " L -Original Attachment Andre Davidson, i , ?C ' ' J ' : Ts appearing to the satisUciion of the court tb 6 Andrew T. Davidson, thsr defendant " in1 this cause, is not an inhabitant of this state ; therefore it is ordered by Court, that pubficatio n mae three mnintha lUcceasl vely, in the Raleigh Miner va, uniess the said defendant appear it h next superior fcourt of Law," to b- held for the county aforesaid, cn the sith Monday after the foun .Monaay in Jiarcn nexi, ana repevy of pu-au 1017 -45. sue. iudermenrnill be-enteted up aeainst him." f ' 79 3m Til : HLNUKKNON,, CAS,c,cv Twelv'e-and-an-half Cpats Rewari A BSCONDKO fir.mrhe fbb'ci ibeft rtiji smith's business. The above reward, but no -bar ges, .will be paid for his delivery to me,' on mvf pre ,; tq.4; raises, in Iredell. t. NEIL M'KiY. " N. B- All persons are hereby forwarned fiot (fc harbor me saio apprentice ai vneir pent. r Jaau7 I, 1813; . : .; . 5t?;.' I 5 - I it, - ', T.-1 I, , ." r i . ' - . ' ... :.-