re 8 Congrels, HCiUdE OF REPRESENTAllVErVv ''. :;. Friday, January t 0 f A twelve months' arnty biH. . From UT Alexandria Herald.? y : HfTr. ClaV rose, and, asked tHexsame indul- eucc that other gentlemen had taken in. in and slanderous lies. JOSIAH, MASTERS. dulgirsg in a widely" extended latitude.--The cry .f French influence, was so absurd, that it should always be met with the he direct. 1 he genius of the two coumnet were entirely dif ferent, vre had no commercial intercourse with- her. The opposition had been howling, use Kings or me iorest, against r ranee, ana meek as lambs to G. Britrin. This induced him to disclose to the oeonle one important fact Nthat had taken place durtngihe secret sitting of the House at the last session, from which the injunction of secrecy had been removed, though it had not been entered upon the iour nals, which he regre tted His friend Mr, 'Bibb had made a proposition to include France in the Me Juration ojxvarand only three judei at tnem bers be it known voted in Support tftAe propo skion. This wastKe-ondttctipl the opposi tion who Was abusing 'Booapartej'calligTiim tne great aestrove r joi man it i n a-And co m- paring him: with the worst of reptiles thathad crawled upon earth since the uayscf Revela tions. This put him in wind of a lady in a neighboring city who was' a" great politician, and ' indulged in this kind of invective to a French gentleman who happened on oe oc casion to be in her -company your master, is ths destroyer of mankind ; the Corstcan ; the oeasr. with maoy horns, &c. 'The Frenchman waited very patiently till the lady had 'finisli ed her. harangue he then replied, madam, I am sorry you have so bad an opinion of my master, if he was tpjtriow of tj it ivould give him a great &e of paini, "norable iiciuucr irum xwassacnusecis naa lostms elec tion by the cry of French ioftu'ence (Mr. Cutts.) ; The premise "they assumed were tnese, that he had warned the sister or Mrs. Madison, whose husband was a! particular K-vWeqclMr JefferaonVwho some years since iPrMeces o ese premises . were 'C??jY$ teihi'fattt which were publicly feffn 'titty- where that ,Mt . Cutts as own ?laoiiv the .councils of Ae nation. When gtuuciwcu iu ui; uppuBiuua sputc oa lais Suestiop, they seemed to fancy to themselves .xnattney were tne rjurkeB, ruts, or vhathama of.Eogiimd. He toad no regard for Europe t:f or her slatesmen than as they, affected us. vi Jkc ,wjs averse io seei ng coo mucn power piac 1, vyd in try; hands of any roar?; j1 He thought, the wpcror of China's dbminiona too extensive. iIf .he - were politically omnipotent he would jl"ate the powers of jSurope, raise up HoU ! lati,d, imake' France a second rate aval nower ; curtail the1 English, dominion of the seas, re 8fc 're, Poland, ''aod make suitable dispositions hi regard t,d Prussia and Russia, whose 'fica with Bonaparte he advocated because like .. 'ffF , . , .- anc v( natwnai rignts. He thouttlrt the pen- ir- of A correct Natural History of tho Upai'qr Poison Tree of Java, has been published oy LichenauU The tree is by no means so iMnrnXsasWtJea believed." irds resfon ; its Branches) ,'and Li zards r and insects creep on its trunk "The gum insinuated into a wound by an arrow or other 'tnfltl ia 9 mirnl niiern J '' ' ' " '-.":' - note. : - The Patrons 6t the" Minerva are resDectfullr in 'formed ,ihat, nereaUer, the terms of subscription to this paper wiil be precisely those on which the other gzettes Of the city are 'Sprinted,' j,As every new subscriber 'is required to make a payment of ix months in advance, no deduction will be made oh that account. Consequently three dollars, psr rear will be invariably demanded. The MinervaJ rhough nf equal size, conuining as much mattevH 'w anu uu3iu)g as muca iH us execution a eiiner ine dr Register, has hitherto' been furnished at a rue one sixtn cneaner. J his, a regard to the pros pemy 01 me esiaausnment win ta bedone. , " supposed :.yoa tc Jbe JScglishmao, It U ajo Representatives of theyntted State would mere casual mistake, and I entreat vou to re- J" pe sonai cnasusemeni wr mose oasc --.1 1 ' i. . l ? i and Klannermia lie.. . . it . concue y purser, up yov Know it isincompau- ble mthjny interest to wag a war on your ac count, suppose ne were to say to tne genius, surely you will not forsake me, ( have grown oiu in your servjee -i nis arm was oroK e ai TFipoli-I lost this eye combatting the Insur gent, land this leg on board the Constitution. I have always been willing to lay down my life in yQur defence, prdud 61 .my allegiance-- have a -wile anq children in good old Mas sachusetts': my fate is hard, those chains are galling. Could the genius refuse , to listen to this effectual appeal to her'fedings? He presumed not:; he thought Mr. Russell; very " correct in demanding a suspension of thepractice of impressment prior to an armis tice. When we ceased the War on our part, G. Britain should cease to , impress on her part, for that was the most 'cruJ , kind of war. He had not the samef sympathy for theuofiVnd ing Canadians that other gentlemen aipr ard to have -Ask-the honorable deiegats frrm In diamia and Illinore of theTjarbritife that had been committed. They were instigated by Ca nadians, whose arsenals furnised th supplies, and they sharpened the instruments that per formed these bloody deeds. Britain, we have been told, was a proud nation, that met dan-. .ger halfway and jaevtr rt taxed. She went to war for the right to tax the coloniesi, and was willingtcMesist before it was half over, pro vid ed the colonies would return. Ve had been told then ref the elections in 'Ecgland if it proved any thing it was a Jesson tfor gentlemen. But tliere Ibaa "been a dtcided expression cf the public voice 'since the declaration of war, and that was in favour of the war. From the state eff JewYork not one had been re-' turned who voted against the war,, while twuutof three who vpted for it were'returiJed. The defeat of Hull lia'd been the pareht trf all our subsequent disasters, a.d it -was always pointed at with sonTethiug like exultatioa. Coftld not gentlemen point to the arffair of the Caladonian, and many other brilliant affairs, that had taken place since the declaration of war-AU our Indian expeditions had been successful to a miracle, cov-rintr thumsi Ives with glory -Mr. Clay entered hit acompa-t rison of cur lahel and naval force, frona which i he drew the ccwiclusion, tht it was not for' want of valor, but txj erience , that produced the 'chief of onr mishaps on the land,' .TheRaleigh News v, i 1. Who. ir. -r ... JU 01 t publuhed some time sgo, havefe .WS wuutsjb; f swa willing to part wkft the fcw " ' "I t Vho have not founW Zll'lH SuW i annpportuDity lodo so the, " H fulloipforined that their Pii7 ? W uhtil the 1st of Aoril ne: ZJl i ili,,,,., by'Note, their names win r,ail ,,uur;l fmU K. . .. 'l"y Bt lr., l VI HMIil l I their Accounts put into a train orSlJ' - V luCAl'tOV W. BOY LAN RBCElVBd. THIS WlMTKffi slv... , TATIOKS OF BOOKS ' Jimong vthich are 1te JfMoieivp. 1 i i I J :JtCth?ah. fronj IVf assachusetts should have spar ledhis observations on an illustrious citizen o b retired from the political world the i--ptitjrfbf acertain'party were irrascible, he u,s in lQOl Jie hadVore from the handsf i yiotaUd "usurpations the constitution of, his eje untt ; nQtwithstauing the Invectives that had been issued against him, his name would tran'i existed .'only in; the treasonable annals v tnessex junto, - uut the gentleman had : jectured to hiraself anlace in the historic nacre . ; liteiollecd that 4 years agc,' thai geptleman ? had 'moved the impeachment of Mr. Jeffe rson. rtv !is.uipcu, umuicrrupicuiy, nis motion is i the house, and thq question was according ly 'taken upon theproposition 117 to onr, and (tiiatone was the honorable gehtleman himself. M-u pK uwi uvms uown me virtues ot trthe 4th, contains the names of his mur jerjSus assassinsl- U I'd BHuti even near me aouse tnat naa bren ut tfcredagainst him, he was sure it would never disturb the ? serenity of . his mind." He would iit mor'e.recard'the howlincrs of the Rririth qacVlefiose from the jisseXi kefeatjls thaa he rbuld the stor ns that beat at the foot of hia faWrite IonticelhHe'recognized .the'ei prUsion.of the gntlemab'used some sessions I m-- feaccabhj ' f- -we can, fprcib'if we matS. The doctrine of ' a separation; of the Tin 0tiv had Keen s frequently Started fj in f'e w - Vf , lt n!l ri fuliol unpoputart it was Jirtioyed or re-appearbd according to tfie Aiw 9 F!aP Xwt-ayMinct:;trn ;w'as awk Toum! o- iV th"people-aud was for "the present jwij&dtawcj;,!:,l& not .Pv,as wuv nor was not cherished by the gre; Mxpf patriotic: citizen o the east, yut Mcpnncipiea icadcrs.wno. had abu t Tt ;'"""vv- "iuwiiu!)c mrioiiion was iu rc K4iu powers' ov neaee it tnir mnu Kn py 'Ccc- they mast. He did not believe in he snlceritV of the o-htlf PiFsion i of the people on account of the W?f arn'sl-t was not his mother tongue, ind he .had shewn the w-iArtte when he ;otcdfo.V the army cf 25,000men, in addition o the fi!ling np of the. old army which was 0po6 nare. r Suppose the genius ot l ?9 91 our untoi tunate tars- m the lgecn o. a BriBsh pfison'sWpv andsay to iov -Tjyott must be content, G. Britain Political. The followinsj Correspondence haw rn Mr Mas ters, lately a democratic reurescntafive in (.on press frdta he state f New Vorkv sod Mr. Shaw, at present a demucr.itic rtprtsentatue ' in Congress fromhe LStjte oLVermoni'i-iS co upled from the SpiTit of 76. - " Washington, DK. 28, 1812. Sir I am informed ou have said and reported in a caucus of the republican mernbers of the le gislature of e state of Vermont, and elsewhere id that state that I had offered you a large sum of money to procure electors in the state of Ver rnoht JTivprable to the elevatiofi of De WiuClinton. to tue presidency of the United States. Also you have circulated a report in the city of VVashiagton that I informed you Mr. Clinton's friends had raisetl a fond of seventy thousand dollars to pro mote his election ; out of which fund you could receive ten thousand dollars for jfour ai(i. It is a duty I owe to myself respectfully to request of Mr. Shaw an explicit avowal or dtnial of those reports. v - . -Lremain your humble and most ob't serv't. - JOSIAH MASTERS. Hon. Samuel Shaw, of the House cf Representatives. - The following ia the answer of S. tyam Since your note of the 28th inst. has come to hand, if you wish any iiifdrmatibn oh the subject inyourdetter, you can have it by calling on me at any time at my quarjers, or I will give an am davit of the facts, as you pleser i :- v -,: - S. SHAW. Josiah Masters, Esq. " i " ' Stray . Horsfe ax i r.u, in.m tiK subscriber, iivme? upper end of Wake county, near the Cumberland line, a Large BLck -orr, about five feel 'five inches high,' with a white spot on' his left side ; a 'sc rfd on his withers ; his right fore hoof cracked up to the hair; a small White speck in his fore head ; and a tolerably long tail which has been uicked- He Was missed on Monday the I lib instant, five dollars reward, besides all reasona ble expences, wtllbe paid to whoever shall bring him to, v , KTHEfiDR"EU JONES. Wke coomy,J Ja.pavy 29, i 8 13 7ft,3tru: StrayHorse. . THE Subscribers. ptuh culled 'or by Capf. Wrn. Scott to tppraise a. Black horse Supposed to be about 12 or 'l years old, fcpwards "of five feet high, a ar in the Jforehead a small snip on the iiosePhas the appearance of lately being cured ol the fistula, iv white saddle spot on each :de, both hind fset white, which horse they value to be worth fifty Hollars. Given uner our hands this $7th Januai v, 1813. Jahiton Bmbee, Johiah Jikirit. SwOrn to before me the day above- written, . VVM. BOYLAN, J. P. " 'WilHani Scott requests ihe owner of said horse o come forward, prove property, pay charges and ake him away- " ri11' rnr no monger Ptao , LStackhouse's History of the Bible, ft j. . - - Buck's Theological Dicticnary, 2 vols. . i lfiiaur iiHiiv. J. it.i . l 10 UH icu ..:i.- :V" 7.' - ' . 2 WANTED, A person who is acquainted with the making a'nd burning of B"rick, to superintend nd manage a lirick-Yjrd during the summer of 1813 An mdustrioi'S and sober man, who can produce tesit. monials of bis character, will receive gond wrges en application o the subscriber in Raleigh. Dec 18 if VV. POtiL H Burges AS REMOVED o the: ihop (on Fayette- vilie :teetj formerly occupied by Or. Wiw H. t'lVLlAMS. Sov. 13 67tf Stat6 Bank ot ti. Carolina, Deolmbek Sth, 1812. PURCHASER Vof Stock in the -State Bank ari informed., that a power of Attorney authorising a Transfer of a Shdre or bhaies held inthe State Bank mnst be witnessed either by the Cashierol th : principal Bank or of one of its Branches, by t Notary Public, or by two Justices of the, Peace-rand if by the latter, their signatures must be cer tified by the Clerk of the Court, with the County Stal annexed This regulation to commence on the FIRST T3AY OF JANUARY- NEXTj of iwhich all who may be concerned will take notice. 72,tf V. J I HAYWOOD, Cashier. R Charles Parish, ETURNS his ratelol acknowledgments to his friends and the public for the liberal en- j cv.uiagcmeminey nave given mm nereioiore in nis :liot ol business, and informs them that on the first i inst. his large nd commodious three story brick ment handed to me." In mv note to 'vou of this j building, atr ihe -v- , . mnrnitier, from the nature of the knhrt ihtin I. Slot of Thb tAGLB, contained, r. qui red a wriiten ifTi1 matioTi'or den'ul ; north of the state house, will be in complete order Washington, ( o cluck p. M.J Dec, 28, 1812. To Samuel Shaw, Esq. . . Sih .Your letter ot this day has been this mo Campbell on ihe Gospels Paley's Evidences xjf Chri nnstianitVT - Natural .'JTheology - Moral Philosophy yz ' A 3 2 2sl 2 50 7 50 S 2) Davies1 Doddridge's family Exiositor.'2 Vol The complete Duty of Alan, bv 11. Venn' S Fordyce's Sermons to Younc Women i uounnage's Qiiio lo xouth - - Cor fession of Faith and Cbnstitufionof ttav Presbyteriaft Churches in the U. S. v f 1 m 1 w H 'Mi 3 ri ft . acmt s assays : r.-: v .. Clark's Discourses to Youth Saurin's Select Serptbns ) Wesley's Sermons, vols, r ;: .,. Galloway on the Prophecie5 2 vols. Newton' Worksi volsry ; : ' Dick and Perry oo, Inspirafion Praaical Piety, by Hannah Moore, Ferguson's Roman Republic; S vols, temale Biography, or Rlemoir3 of illo?tu. ous omen of all ages and cduntrtM, by Mary Harsj 3 fptf. ,s ( Plowden's History of IrelaiaaVS vols. ' 1; Molina's History of ChdV2vls. with maps, i Depons' do. of the Spanish Main, 3 Vols. 1 ; with maps, ' 5 9 Stauhton's Embassy fn China $ Life of Sir Wifiiam Jones " I Cavallo on Electricity, 3 vols. U An'enor's Travels in Oreece and Asia, 3 vs. 10 Karnes's Elements cf Criticism, 2 vols. 8 JO Iloole's Ariosto, 6 vols. London, calf, jilt, 16 'Q 'ierman Theatre, do. do. do; do. li 7i fhe LookeT-on, vols. do. do. do. y Ohaucer's Works, 14 vols. do. do. to, 4 hlktS4iare'-S 43o--2iHfa4o" -x. f or 50 "-':? Watts' Works, 7 vols. do. do. to. Krery man his own Gardener, by Mawc) , and Abercrombie, T , , i latshall on Gardening, 2 vols - ' Kirwin on Manures . Kneefon Education 1L Kntckerlwcker Vision of Don Roderick, by Walter Scott, Lempriere's Universal Biography, 2 vols. ;Coxe's Russian Discoveiies in Aiherica, J i with maps and pktes, V Pike's Expeditions to the sources of the- Mississippi, thro the western parts olj Louisiana, and a tour through the inte rior parts of New Spain, with map and char'.s, . Ewell's ?,tedical Companion -Thomas's Practice ' . - Staunton's Virgil, English notes, Wilson on Diseases.- 2 vols. Carey's Pocket Atlas', Virginia Spy; leffer3ons Manual, The Spirit of the Book. Smart's. Horace, Frances do. MjKhus on Population, 2 vols. Gillies'- History ol the World, 3 vols.. - Ancient Greece, 4 vols. , Richie' Memoirs of Europe, 3 vols, Melmoth's Cicero, 3 vols. Bosweirs J ife of Jolinson. 3 volaj, i .r i . Tour to the Hebrides .' I NEW NQVJSLSk Vivian, 2 vols. V ' ?"' Milesian Chief, 2 vols. ; a ; -Self Indulgence ; Asylum, 2 vols. x p 1 1 7 2 SO 5 2S "6i 8 j Hi l!i 6 5l 8 20 50 )U ' ' 12 SO 10 i04 an s i 2 25 Mav.ied Life, 2 vols Tu'm k..Q WrV,;n Pnnr. hvthe ream or ouirfi ui ic onarucs wucwier you co u nv atncumt 01 . i" , 'mwi""...., """- Red and Dlack Sealine Wait. Keaano uic otherwise, must be a matter of Jourown determi- i nesUy solicits the continuation ol thejr patronage Rfc , d riiaCk- ir,k J ration, l cannot juuVe ot ypnr answer yntiKit is p;etfe imnseu jin ii iiouuiiuh nis pan snaiine receive d.-:J5ince my letter ot this morning, ! am informed, through a sourcpentirled to credit you Jeclared ta Mr. Roberts, a member in Conirrcss from Pennsylvania, and Mr Ea-le, a member from Sooth Carolina, and to several other persons, that I offered to give you ten'thousand dollars when on your wayto the seat of government, provided you yi ould return tp the 3tate of Vermont and use your influence lor Mr. Clinton for piesidcnt. To such ill founded calumny must require a written deni al or Bmimation, as well as on those, "contained in my other letter t,f this. day." Please to transmit your answer without delay. .,; v , .With my respects, I remain yours. ,'-: , yi:: josiah masters. - i''':-?- ' V c IVathington, Jan. 2, 1813. Samvbl Shaw, v v;a, rv'-. " .'..;-f: ' You having Yefuset an answer to my last note and to receive any further communication, have denied satisfaction, and are destitute of the courage of a math aqd are a ppltrxn , -ss ' . ;That 1 verffere,d you, either djrectijr or indi rectly, any sum of money or other thing. for the" purpose of promoting De Witt Clinton's election", or (or any other jsurposeX is as great. a falsitv as jever was engendered by man. You know ypuare a iur, uijo i proclaim you io me worid at such, and was t cot for the respect I owe to the Hause w.ntin to render gchei al satisfaction to those who favour Mm with their custom. Honest and active servants alone will tie 'engaged, and his stables will.pethaps be excelled by none Ralegh, July 3 18112. 43-tf. State of North-Carolina CHATHAM COUNTY. COUNTY COURT OFiPLEAS. AND OJARTitn SESSIONS ' 1 " . 1 i jNovemoer term, ivi. ; james. o.snsp wue, ltW-or Parilion o Edward Madrey & Wife. J ' La' ' iyt IT aoDearine. to the satisfaction of this court, that Edward Madrey and' bis wife Anne are resi dents without the limits ol this state, theretore ordered, that notice be given by publication in the Rdeigh Minerva, for three weeks successively, that naljaa K.u I- 'am-i. fln1 anauriati :.iitKin'' tli three first days of the next term of said court,- tp be new tor saw qounty, at the court house in ruts borough,' on the second Monday of February next, the" petition will be taken pro confesso and heard 'ex .parte. t, Testi-' .-. , ;";''-r ( -r " v .; T6;Sp;y' THOMAS RAGLAND, cc. . Executed at this officc With neatness and the ut"- ' ry:y.;j- roost accuracy; . .:('.v , ; rr'- " Powder; lnd" "'7 Boxes of Paint. Office Tape. Inkstands, Little fic Smith's Music Books. M Recoi jud Superior Court .Blanks. Copy 5hp' January, 22 v , Blank Bloki H lusic Pocket Ledgers. Ledgers, Journsts, word Book. Blank Notes and Checks. , CJunif Eagle Tavern tT IN' WILLI AMSBOUOU jlf.,- - - . THIS Tavern will again be opencJ, W ; n'ttjeu for and on account of VaC& ief.- L r l . ," .ri wtii u tni bv the lat The-former friends and customers to JJ and the public in general, may rest asswea . every utmion will bepaid o those wlo lai r with tnur custom, mrenuer - . - . r ble as possible. The supplies, yv.ll be goou , sufficient, s The stable, peihaps "l Us in ihe state, will be plentifully biored with . an v ofprovender.andkeptelllitterehl, has been leased for several years back at 3 . . per annum, ryeV the last y ' trary,io anicie or ' fhat-.he pgWj.. patronage, yvhich'b.s heretofore : beea. wiH again aid ahd assist in reviving ., . J t r t I t I t c i

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