"... - ' : - - .... . , "" . '. v.. ... . .. ' .. . . JJXSS DOLIAKS PBR TEAR," RALEIGH, N. C. PUBLISHED (weekl) BY LUCAS AfrD A H. BOYL AN. JMl? OF WHICH IH AOVASCf. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 2, 1811 Vol. 17. No. 880. Congreis. " HOUSE .REPRESENTATIVES. " .-Friday, January 39. , H FOREIGN RM-ATIoKJ. Mr.GHusOY. from the Committee of Foreign 'UeUtions, hwflcJibe following reports , rue Committee to whom was referred onuch 0f die President's Message,, of th? 4th dy of Kovember last, a relates to our Foreiga Affairs, report ; ; , , . ' - r . v That itf presenting.to the, house at tits time ft view of our relations with Creat BriUUi is dejm dated &t War. The wrongs which fte U, Suu lad reived from that power, for a long series of ears, had already been laM before the publiej aftd fed not again beenu me rated : they-were to deeply felt to have been torgwerr, aimougn my may be forgiven by ihe Americaa people. The IT Statts havine enea'eed in tb war fa- the sole purpose of indicating their rights and honor, that motive alone should animate them to its close It becomes" a free nd virtuous people to give an useful example; to the world. ita vne ciuty oi a reDresentative eovernrnent to render a taithful ac count of its (Conduct to its constituents. A just ?ensibility to great' and unprovoked wrongs and indienities iviir iustify an appeal to rms, an hp nprable reparation should restore the blessings of peace ;reyery step which, they taKe snouia oe puided by a sacred regard to principle. To form a coirect estimateof the duties which the United States lhavejo perform, it is necessary tisfactory provision against impressment, of a clear T complaint would have more weight if sane- of any seamen in vessels of the U. S. other th?h and distinct understanding y..h the British gov ttorted by-the British example. It is known on citizens, native or naturalise??, provided this btipu ernmpnt to th' fffect, in some mode entitled to Ihi contrary, that it is in direct repugnance to itt lailon shall etend only to such miions as shall confidence, your committee would not have hesi-f O. Britain does ...not strupla jto receive yvto her have entered into similar. ipulations not to em- ? tated to disapprove it ... , Tiej-fice all who. enter . The impressment of our seamen being deservitd i onined herself Within that hmr.me present , cie the pretended right to impress Uvm Vvssew y considered a principal cause of the; . war, th icintroversy woqld- not exut Heretofore the sub-1 of the U. S. This provision howrver, is not to war ought to be, prosecuted until that cause W4a'jects of even the most despotic powers have been! pre elude the Extcuuve of the, U. S. from ipul- ' removed To appeal to arms in defence of a right t left at liberty to pursue ihtir own happiness, by and to lay them., down without securing it, on a r honest industry, where Ver their itrclination led them. Katisfactory evidence of a good disposition In. thetTha.1 British government fefuseV,to Us searqen opposite party to secure it, wnuld be cws'dereiTjthat (privilege Let. not this, then; be i ground of in no othnr light than a relinquishment of it. Tot controversy with jhat nation. Let it be distinct, atlemntlto neeciite afterwards, lor the securit iiferstoodU that in case an ''arrangement should Uf ;5w;h :jawj;e nfSdi between $e t'd nations; wtierejr tach argumews vn.icn vc uecu urgeu ociorc n? ue- snoiuo exciuae irom us service me alliens ana claration of war and been rejected, would ha ve subjects of the other, on the pririci plea' ,and condi more weight,.after that experiment had been made tions above stated, that this House will be: prepared, in va'm, .woufd be an act of folly which. would not mj far la, dpenSs on it, ro give itVflect, ann for fail taexpose us to the. scorn and derision nrjf "ihe that purpose to enact laws, with such regulations British nation and Of the, world. . and penalties as ; will be adequile; With this On a full viewi therefore, of the conduct of the pledge?, it is no perceived on what ground the Executive, in its tfa- sactibns with the British gov- British government can persist in iti claim ? If ernment sirtce the declaration of war, the cominit (the British seamen re excluded froft the service tee consider Jt their futy to express their enure of the United States as may be effectually done, approbation 6f it. .They ,perctiv'e in it a firm re- the foundation of theclaim must cease. When solution to support the rights and honor of, their Jt is known that not one .British seaman could be country, with a sincere and commendable dispo-, found on board American vessels, it would abaurd siiionno promote peace, on such just and hohora.j tp "urge that fact as a cjotive for sueh impress- ting, by treaty with any fuieipn power, for thf reciprocal emp'oyment'of the seamen of eoth na tion by the other. The hill consists of several sections. " ,' ,The bill was twice read, and referred to a comr mitten 'bl-4he-..ii!rliQl, Jtade'tbe ordejf o(ftho ''. ,: 4 Foreign. ' ble conditions as the United States may with saTety accept. f WENTYNINTH BjjLttTIN OP THE GRAND ARMTji ! flfolodelsehno, 2d Dtct mber, 1812. The 'weather w as Very good till the 6-' h f'or. and themoxenentof the army were ibxecuel wnh the greatest success. ; The cold weather com mertced the Vth ; from that time, we have u- every night " many hundred horses, whicli Clrd while tnounte jpn guard. Since our a-rivi-l-at Smolensk, we have lost many horses belonging to the cavalry and artillery. . The Russian" anny of yblhynia was opposed to our right. Our l iht ment, . ,.,. , ' , In declarmg a willingness to cive effefct to the quitted the line of operations on Minsk, nr d tuok It remains there tore tor ine unuea oiaies ,io tproposea .arrangementy your immittee-consider .lor it, teat ot yyaisaw ine emperor was M-piu take their final attitude with, (jreat Britain and to it equally the duty" of the House to declnre, in zed at Smolensk, on the 9ih, of this change in maintain it with consistencyi and with Unshaken terms the most decisive, -that shoqld the British ! the line of operations, and prestuned how ilieene- firmness and constancy. . . . L government still (jtechne it, and persevere in. the, my would act. liowtver diihQult it appeared to The Vnanner in which the friendly advances and practice of impressment from American vessels, , him to put himself in motion in this severe sea- lotake a yiew'pf-.the'commiinicaiions which have 'liberal propositions of the Executive have been re-; the U. States will never acquiesce in that, prac-, son, the new! state of things coiftpelled him to do passed r between 'the 'Executive of, the U. States iceived by the British government hair if) a gfeatitice, but wilfrest ft . urtceasingly with all their j so. He hoped to arrive at Minsk, or et least on and the British government sipce the declaration measure extinguished the hope of amicable ac.j force. It is not necessary now to enquire what the the Beresina, before the eriemy.be left Snco. ftr war Rnrh a view, the commtitee is persuaded icrrnmodaiion. It is, however, possible, that the. course would have been with respect to. impress i letisk on the 1 3th, the.) 1.6th he arrived at Erasnolf ' will shef distinctly the'existi.iff ground of contro . British government, after instructing- Admiral ; men-, in case the orders in council had been reM The cold weather which versv between the twp rutions, ad the inrli.spen sable obligation on the Uf States to. maintain it. Your committee has seen with much satisfaction that at the moment of the declaration of war, the attention of the Executive was engaged in an ef fort to bring it to a speedy and honorable termi nation: As early a the 26th of June last, the charge des affaires of the U States at London was Instructed to propose to tne pnusn government an armistice, to takeimmcdiat-' effect, oh conditions which it is believed the impartial world will con sider safe, honorable and advantageous to Great Britain. They were lew in number and limited tiLttit- J0?; daily practised. -That llfj or dets in council should be repealed, and that our flag should protect our seamen, were the onljt in dispensable conditions insisted on. Other wrongs, however great, were postponed for amicable ne gotiation. As an inducement to the British gov ernment to forbear these wrongs, it was proposed to repeal the notv importation lawt and to prohibit the employment of British seamen, in the public' and private vessels of the waned States. Particular care was takeo that these propositions should be made in a form as conciliatory as they were ami cable in substance. Your committee cannot avoid expressing its as. toryishment at the manner in which they were re. ceived. It was not sufficient to reject the pi.opos ed annistice ; terms of peculiar reproach and in u!t were adopted to make the rejection offensive. t- it happened that, alruost .on the same day in which the. United States, after having been worn out .with, accumulated wrongs, had resorted to the Wart en to communicate to the Department of State the repeal of the orders in council, may have declined the arrangement. nroposeuVby .Mr. Russell in the expectation that thafmeaure would have Deen saiisiaciory to tne unnta Elates, nc mis as it mav, your committee consider it thc.iuty of bhis Home to explain to its constituenis the re maining cause of controversy, the precise nature of that cause and the high obligation which it imposes. lrm what has been stated,, it appears that how. ever grea'. th- sensibility to other wrongs' the im ursssment of "our teamen, was that alone which . .... . . j ;.t. i ;.. .... -i:. commenced the 7th, inv., .- peeled Iwfore the declaration pf wjr or how, long creased daily, and from the 14th to theT 1 5tb and,-; the pr-.cuce of impressment would have been 16th, i he ; thermometer was at 16 and 18 degree ,'t borne, in. t he hope that tha repeal would have been , below freezing (Reaumur,) "The roads we,re cqt. follo-ved by a satisfactory arrangement with res- iered with ice, 4he horses of the cavaTryJ'artUleryj; pect to impressment. land baggage,, perished every nighty . nri'hy;Knn War having 'been declared, and the case of irn- dreds, but "by v thousands, particularly thoseJf' pressmt-nt being necessarily included as one of the Trance and Germany." More than. 30.000 horse most important causes, it js,, evident. that it must pevished in a few days; pur cavalry veredis-, be piovUwl for in the pacification. 1 he omission1 mounted, our artillery and our baggage waggon . of.lt in .a tnatvcf oeace. would nor leave it onitslwere withou. horses- It became necessary tdde, ... fir mi r ground $ it would in tfcjc be an absojutejstroy ft great part of our artillery, provisions ridy ' reln q -islrmetit, an idea-at which the feelings of munitions of war. ; This army, in so fin-: a con-. ever American must nvrjt. The aMn ot thefdjtwo oti th,, ypfp&f 6ftefnt thCT mt ; almost withoht cavalry, ''without 'nul7.'Ta'), without waifeons we coud r.ot guard vithour ci,-," prr?td an "armistice, nd in all probability otiiu. S'.es have a claim on their country for pro accommodation. Had that great interest been ar-1 tecion, and they must be protected. H a single ranged in a satisfactory manner, the l-Tesidemiship is taken at sea, and the property ot an me!vairy more man a quarter o a leagae noiwun- -, nean ci.zen arrested trom him unjustly, it rouses; standing, wunout artniery we couia not the indignation of the tountry. How much more battle or maintain a pes Don, we must .march was willing to lely on the intrinsic justict of o- ther clai-ns, and the amicable spirit in which the n- g iciation would have been entered into, for sat isfaction in their favor G B. claims a right to impress her own seamen and to exercise it in A merican Vessels. In the practice British ctuizet impresn American citizens, and from the nature of things, it is impossible that that abuse shoulo not be carried to great extent A subaltern or any other officer of the' British navy ought not to be the ruer in such a case. 'The liberty and lives of American citizens ought not to depend on the will uf such a, party. s The British government has insisted that every American citizen should carry with himiheevi clence of his citizenship, and that all those not pwseh$ed of 'it might be ,impressed. .'This cri terion, if not other wise objectionable, would bijso las and only remaining hoiiorblefaUe; native in! as the document might be lost, destroyed or taken support of their rights, the British g overnment ) frtim the party to whom it was granted, nor might had repealed, conditionally, its ' ordt r!. in council.; it in all cases be eniitkl to respect, as it might That measure was unexpected, bee iuse every ap-jbe counterfeited, transferred, or granted to impro. pliiation for it had failed, although repeated to per pet-suns. But this rule is liable to other much the very moment it was decided on. 'Conditional strongqr objections. On what prir ciple. does the as the repeal was, it was admittedjp have remov ; British government claim of the Uni'ed States so ed a great obstacle to accommodation, i great and shameful a degradation ?Ught the Theother only remained :the practice of im :free citizens of an independent power ocftrry with pressmeni. it was proposed to the -Uritish gov ! them on. the m.iin ocean and n their owiwtssel ernment toopen an, amicable neguciauon to pro tlv. eviJence of their Freedom ? And are all to be tide a substitute to jt, which should be considered ! considered Bnt'ish subieCts and liable toimnress n?mple equivalent; , Xhe substitute proposed, was! ment who do not bear with them that badge I Is ilefiatd, jand of a character, so comprehensive as! it not more consistent with every idea both oxu -to have removed, as was presumed, every possi- i lie as well as private right, tin' the p.irty setting yrccuon to an accommodation. The propo j up a claim to any interest, whether it be to ptr ition before made to exclude British seamen from 1 sons or propeity, should prove his right ? What ;or service wafenlargedtso -as to comprehend all would-. be the enduct'of (i. Britaii under similar nattye British subjects not1 already naturalized or circumstances ? "VVnuid she pei'miti the public ship entitled to naturalization under the laws. of the U- of any! other poer, disregarding the rights of their states. This was likewise rejected. ;t i,,: flAg, to enter on board her merchant vessels, take . Your committee have soueht with .proof of a disposition in the British government to j ing officer thought 'fit, often her own subjects, cx deeply then ought we to be excited when we be hold r,o many of this gallant and highly 'meritori ousrlass of our fellow-citizens snatChed from the WV T. J VI I- ft risk ay u , r-ntta 1 be forced to a battle, which the want of arlillejt- and cavalry prevented us Iroi v.isl;irge " must occupy a cei tain space, not to be tuvned, an4 -. bosoms of their families and of their country, and! that without cavalry which protects and unites thp '',; carried into a cruel and ttHicting - bondage; .It isi.coi.umns. i nese aimcumes, logei ner wu jices,; n evil which ought not, 'which cannot be .longer j five cold, rendered our situation distressing, tolerated. Without dwellinc on thesuff-rinirs of Men whom nature had hot gilted wnh thUortu ' ihe vi. tims, or on that "wide scene of distress ,'ude which places them above the frowns of for1-', which it spreads among their relatives thro, the Uu'' appeared ' alarmed, lost thi-" gaie-y, .their;; coumry, the practice is ii itself in the. highest. good humor, and saw nothing bf fore 'htitv hot; le. U. Ststes-as a nation, .roislortunes and. catastrppucs ; those wnorn;--sn 'egree degradirig to the II is inconipatible with their sovereignty it is hubversive of the.main. pillars of their indepen 'jence. The forbearance of the U. States under U has been mistaken for pusillanimity. ' . The British pretension was maturing fast into a right. Had; resi&iance been' longer delayed, ij might have become one. Every administration remonstrated against it, in a tone which bespoke baud" created superior to every, thing, j.reservt;4. their gaiety aud ordinary manners and sa'a Rtw; glory in the various difficulties i 'lb y Jiadto, sun ' mouhl"rf,7.;."v' -rr -rr . fhe.enemy who saw on the roads thetrisces of '. this awful calamK which attended the. French arj;; my, sought tovprofit by it. They filled up alt" , their columns with Cossacs, who catriecl off, :l'p tbecrowinc indicnation. of the . country. .-Their the. Arabs in the descits,. in camage ana trom remonstrances produced no effect. It was worthy that were lost,; The, comemptible cavdry.llha the illustrious leader; ofourajrnies, yy'ien called by the voce.of Mis county. to-the head of the government, to pauc, rather than tb"fecommeno make nothini? but noise, and is not capable ot breaking. one., company . of ..yoitlguers,. rendered 4 bemselves formidable by favor ot, circumstances. accommodate on any fair condition the impoitant uiuercnce oetween the two nati6ns,jrelative to im pressment, but they have sought in vain hone is be found either in the commuhicatirins of the .;Bfitish minister, to the American charge des af- ?rfs at London, or in thtrs.e of the commander of -ine British naval forces at Halifax, made by order f f his government to the. pepartment of State .1 hey ave seen with regret that, ajthough lord Ms'kreagh professed a willingness in his govern .inent to jre;ceive"-and d iscuss. amicably any proposi- 'on having in yiewVeither to check abuse in the v Practice of impressment, or to provide a substitute ? tt, he not only declined entering into a negocia tton for the purpose, but discountenanced the ex pectation that any substitute could be proposed . whch his government yould accept. It merits , notice also, though, It ceased to be a cause of sur prise, that in the.communicatlon of Admiral War ,ten to the Department of State the subject of inv J?ressment was pot even alluded to t1 i i' .-' V Hact il ' i . - f -;- , " - c t-ictuuve consentea lo an armistice on v repeal or tb,e orders' ui council without a sa- v nosinn bynieans thereof, their vessels to destruc tion ? Wotild she suffer such an usurpation to de rive any -sanction from her patient,forbearance'r to hi fcllow-citizens a new war before they had j NbtwUhstandiisg. the . enemad. rpasop- tnefc-.i recovered from the catorruUes f the late ohe;.. It j ot aliithe ..seriouse.nterppz.es wniciuinty ututcrtook , was worthy his imniedi .te successors to follow They were beaten by the Vujft King ;ipd lost ma, i his example. In peace ouj free system of gvern-,l r)y men. The :pukevy..lchiiigB); wth3poa j n-.ent would gain strength, , and our tfappy. ynion Imen, composed the, rear' guard, anj scaled tht? bectmie consolidated. 'But at' the last session, the 'ramparts. of Sjpioichslc. He was surroundedv and tounc n'mseu in a crutcai suuauoi ne exincai , ...1 l.lm.Jf imlli flint inrrjnir)irtr . niKirIi - 'M illn.' i period had arrived when firberance could be no longtt justified. It was- the duty of Congress to take, up this subject in connection, with the other great wrongs ot , liicb liifty complained, ard to seek redress in the only 'moe which became the representatives of a. free people. They have done so by appealing to .arms, and that appeal will be supported by their constituents. ; . ' . -- Your committee are aware that, an interesting crisis -has arrived in the U. States but they:have no painful apprehension of its consequences . . The cdurse before them is direct. It. is pointed out With the Biitish claim'to imprest British sea-; equally by a regard to the honor,! the rights and men, the U. States have no right to interfere, the interests of the nation. If we pursue it with provided it be in British' vessels or in any other : firmness -.and vigor, relying on the aid of , Heaven, than those of the United States. ;-That American citizens should be exempted from its operation, is all that they demand.. Experience has shewn that this cannot be securetl 'otherwise, than by the' v essels in which they sail. Take from A me. rica citizens this barrier,, which ought to be held sacred, and there is nothing tofprotect them a gainst the rapacious grasp of the British navy. This then'iithe extent-pf the demand of the U. States, a demand so just in itsellVap consistent and inseparable froth their rights, as an independent nation, tharit has been a cause cf astonishment, that it should ever have been called into question.' I he foundation of the British claim is, that British seamen find employ ment in the service of the U. our success is inevitable, Uur resources are abundant ; the people are brave andt virtuous, and their spirit unbroken. The gallantry of our infant navy bespeaks our growing greatness. on that ''ele ment, and that of our troops, when led to action inspires full confidence of what may b? expected from them when their organisation is complete. Our union is always most strong, when menaced by foreign dangers. The people of America are never so much one family as when their liberties are -. invaded. : ' . '--z - : The . report concludes Jby 1 recommending .the passage of a bill t for the regulation of seamen on board the, public vessels and in the merchant ser vice iof the U. S." States ; this is represented as an evil affecting es- - The object of, this bill is to prohibit,, after the sa-laeotialljr th- -great interests of .thenulMUon, conctuston of the present warr the empbyment Isi V' ' ""' ' ' n; - ' : - ',? cr . '". " ' 1 - ;. ;.v,r ''. ';' .. ..'-,:,,. -. , . .... -"i?- '-..,-' . ' '. '- ed himself with that .intrepidity whicli . dlstibf guishes him. After having kept the ecmy at flf-dis-tance the whole of the l 8th and constantly re : nulsed ihem, .he made Ji.-.. movement at r ig!.', the right flsnk, passed the Borystenes, md tiisEpf i pointeu an xne.caicuiav;i.i).Hy enrn'y. . srt, 19th, the enemy passed the Borystenes at I'Dif i and the Russian army fatigued after-having h it. many men, gave over this enlerprizp. .The a-rrny of.Volbynia had, marched since .the 16th u.ponf , Minsk and was going against Borisow. Gep Dcmbrowski defended the head of the bridge j pf . Boiisow with 3C0O men. The 23d they were at tacked end forced to eVacuate that position. ' Tji enemy then passed the Beresina marching opon Boli, the. divisions of Lsmbert composing the vary guard ; the second corps commanded by the dukft of ; Reggio, who was at . Tehertin, had : received orders to advance to .uoriiow, jo - insure 'nc . pas-. sae of the Beresina. I he 24th the eivke cf Reggio encountered ; the dmsions of Lam berf, 4 1 leagues rom coriow, auacseu apu peat ptmt made' 2000 prisoners, look .6 pieces of. if annon 500 waggor7s"6r- the buggage of Volhynie'a'Trif and drove the enemy to the, right bank of tbe Ce- re sin a. Oen. Bethier, with tha 4th cuirassiers, j fdlstinguislvd himself by a"hand;ome char gt. )he i enemy, bnfy, saved .themseiyes ny -miming tne bridge, which was more: than 30O toises lor.g. q, I Neverthpltss the enemy occupied ' 611 the p- f r iki Kivcin ji'."lKi . rivp Ht A. CI lniK' hrfififft !

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