fu IT 1 ''.'4--4 ' ' ' 1 --vv-.-. ' - ; --t:VL. h v -... .v;. -..... 4'.-; v: AND A. . BOYt AN. .j ,XBALF 9 'fitCH IN ADVANCE Vol. 17. FRIDAY, FEBRtfflYtt K 18131 ; v'-. "V:.;,K'". 4:'v 'i.-v--' j.4. ' .. ":. N0: 881. r 4 ' .... ..!,- ' - J Political. MASS ACH USET TS LEGISLATURE. jb''1. ' CfiVEBNOR'S , MESSAGE. ; GenilemeiLoLihe-Senate, and --i-jL-J---I Gentlemen of the House of RepresentaCives, . In the elections which have taken; ptace in this state since your late session, the people- ha?e ma nifeSied an unusual decree of unanimity. They have, for the most part, an equal interest in pro moling the prosperity of the country, anl when dispas6ionaie and well informed they will not he found ! deficient either in discretion or rectitude. IVlav ihev be vet more united hnth in sentl and jffction. and be ready t6 forget uhlrhpbftant . '"m- T-n ' . potnts ot uinerence wnen the public-peace and safety require their union, Although wc have no agency in conducting our national affairs, we must view with anxious cort cern the important changes which are taking place among the powers ot Europe. one ol us sove reigns, under the pretence of giving freedom to 4he seas, is carrying war and desolation into re gions remdte from eaph other, and seems deter mined, by fraud and violence, to subjugate or des troy every civilized nation. Thus tyranny has in all ages assumed the fictitious garb of liberty. In the calamities and dangers of Europe," we are now unhappily involved ; but as the principal alleged cause of hostility against England has been re mrtved by the repeal of the British orders in coun til, and a desire has been evinced to k.-ep the way open to reconciliation, we can hardly suppose that the war will be continued, to protect m our mer chant vessels the seamen of Great Britain a?a'mst hclatmsf-tht-governrnentTTro cwqutr the aujointng terruones, the acquisition ol which must -be expensive and of very doubtful advantage ; and .... i . - . anil less to am me inumpns and support the usur. prions of the tanrelentihg oppressor of mankind. in a commercial iiaie i ne contracting . ot debts is necessary, as trade cannot be canned on to anv great extent without credit. But owing to the spoliations upon our commerce by the naitOas of urooe"iahefreauenrandTmexDec , . r o tie commercial regulations and, restrictions ot our own government: and to the "present war with Great .Britain," the unavoidable -accidents to which met' in trade are expased, have of late been mora numerous than at any former Deriod. Ivtanvijer. sons, by these unforfseen eveats, have been im- povensheit in their c;rcumsiarices, and are become incapable of paying theirdeits. Perhaps yoy will think it necessa v Iq make some provision by l.nv for their relief, which shall guard them agajt.M the severity of their creditors, vi he same Unit give no encouragement to extra -ranee or fraud ty-an: unreascabie ir-dulgence to.dcbtora ine rcmamdernr the message consists bf ob rvjtiens on local matters, in 'rip-wis iatercstinir- to our leaders, j ; - j " i cannot express the Troth, and founded upon, the eotiVcrifiton system topass unmolested proves shedid bow is the One of these beinp-S of Frarir.e W UAe tn th VtarRifiratinn nf the Vonrllir.t nf the Arlmira'l n h atAtmxA fni ?. Tf Virtue, ihtflli. militia itn tKrj AvLitr laoA Ru h!a Kill al. wp wtv nrm ittA tn UoaJ a 1- ..tLm :l ed ofijcSe seeker. F6i myself disdain I feel whenever I hear making a parade of his 'superior gence and disinterestedness. ; , v ? ' , ; so, all the youth of the country are ilace'd at the But let us consider, for a moment, what is in command of the executive as a disposable force, T,h&. paragraph which immeJiately fallows is taken horn the NevV York Comu;cta Advertiser . t- - The oomn'.erit's are from the Evening Post. K 'If then tiies arc truths and ,are self evident Jet evr ry man whofrs the: conviction, nondf r and reflecti on the. best me 4us of i scnine 'his toun- try frotrr JMaaTtfflvliT. no one who has filedg d Jib reason, etid enti.ted hit . fimtiom ' as a oar;y wan, can ie.t d u helping hand int!is crisis of our affairs. The help we need, is not that which we Can expect from either a federalist o a renublica i as sucii. lo, it musUjnrtnate trom a nobler toutceJ . . . . 7 ftrwl fl iur frrro o I - ' hlGC that reality: to be understood by hartyrnen and no frnr iWK2Takevt.h 'jpa, .ur administration have seen nrto involve the country in war, arid who is thr mnni nt f K f Anna hn. nik.a ' It I. - v - j a . rxiisapprove ot this measure I it there is, il our land xwuiaiiis niuiui iia a vrrcii.il 3U Ulltultcemeu in its welfare, 'that he is equally indrfTcrent wheth er it is at peace or involved in war ; so regard less of its fate, that he cares not whether wisdom or folly rules, nr even enquires what are the pis. sirig events of the day,'let him be held in iust ab horrence, as an outlaw unworthy any man's rio . various foreigners, who have no ties 'toTcgnnect them wi'h our soil ; who have no further-regard for the land than as it affords them a temporary asylum, and provides thsm with meat and drink, and,consq MjntIy, neither feel, nor can be suppo sed io leei, much real concern m its affairs-- But the American, who takesvso very little interest in the well-being of his country, "as to unite in opin. ion nehhet with those, who support, nor with those who condemn the leading measures of Us rulers, .is a selfish misanthropist, in whose dark and gloo. my breast no suark of patriotism "ever p limmerorl. No i all honest men j all who feel that love of to march ahy where and do any thing, for which nur tuiiicas may pass iaw. 11 mis oe noi vir tually the system of Nkpolebn,; it means nothing rlus subiect. it would be; that the hlnrtcaHe has .been irisiiCttted unde the expectation of , French iu viibaorcoD.c, tinu vesacis arc prevcniea fron sailing in order that information might not; be obtained, of the point here the Biitish force" " It isgoo' said ,he. eloquent i?r. Quinc, 14 for : is stationed. , , This is howeyer only a conjecture Frenchmen, eood lor foreign eonauest. and ?ood foir corruption ; bitt )tis bad for self defence. & bad for Americans." . l '.' We are preparing the debate of the last week as fast as we are able, and it snsll be regularly published without any unnrceiadry delay. Ib.r on our part, for perhaps the' character of the war is ,apout to pe, changed. Hitherto we have felt but tle of its effects ; our valuable coasting traded which; is more important, than many imagine, has as yet been subject to but slight interruptions, With the force, which froln the British prints, fllik ll'n rl. v'o tlnfl m mm iUm . ...... i ( . ; -i " ( , . . ' ! MmM vii iiic nay iu uur tuasis, we The proposTtidn l .whjch had passed the house; may look for a blockade from New-York to St. DptjHaUve'hy' assefnbly b'-' tliis St'ate,1 Marys."; . ; ' - We understand that Admiral Warren, has ad. dressed a letter to Col. Freeman, commandant at this place, notifyihg that the Chesapeake is in a state of rigorous blockade r for buildffrir a fricate and a corvette'. . has bern re jected in the senate j through what unaccountable i ' CoWriRMATioM This morning arrived the ship Emily, capt- Scott, from Baltimore bound iu Aiaouu uic oin insiaiu, ine nmuv wat ;bv iheir nrtinnH in th nrn.nt iuip. ik xaitinr. country which is the honor and the .boast of the of this first measure of an effective kind, at a mo virtuou3 in all aires, must belontr tnhn nawv rh'rripnt hn th et . :.. i other ; to that which approves and supporu, or toi lying out at an accumulating interest, exhibits a that which condemns, and. bv all cnnstiturfonnl ' s measures," opposes, the men who administer niYr;Hr ,fTairt. that vrtnt tnK;Ki Cn. )),;,.,.. public affairs. Suspect him, whoever he msv be. lancholv reflections to everv man HevntM in tti. andjinder whatever specious pretences he may cause of virtue, liberty and indepencence. ? collect. haweveT.ibat the senate, both in the last ear and in the nreu'ent. rfltrl rm tmm mntuna of reicliitiohii support the rights Jof the nation and the wawith lift, and' fortune: Such conduct but It fixes an indelible stigma on the common. 'brought to by the squadron under Admiral War wealth and on republican goveinmentsince the'ren, and her register endorsed in the' following can be determined, not by their; professions, but jbors in the Chesapeake, were yesterday put undjQ (Signed) J.. B. WARREN, Yke Admiral of the Blue, Commander in chief seejklbxloak himseff' wlrb boasts that he Hs no tiar fyman, 4But to return to fur ektrar't 'fenn thp rw merciat7Advertisert v ' After informW OS with wonderful trravitv. that bur affairs are in a denlorable crisis, .the writer. who has borrowed the Dofu!a signature from Southern paper of '0l& Man of the Mountains") . is . . . ..... P J tenses, ihat weneed a hdntng hand lnihis cri- -Aurora. Domeslfc. Franklimgton, Jan. SO. IMPORTANT AND DISTRESSING. -On the morning of the 22ci inst. the detach ment under General Winchester was entirely die sis." And whe shall , it be He very khdly teTs ' ,eat'1 l ine w,ver taiv8in bY an Indian and Bn us know, who, at least, it shall not be . The j tiih force' am?l,Otingv to about 2000. Winches help we need, is no' that which we ran expect !ter'9 fo,ce w bout 00, composed of part of from either a federalist or a Yefiubtican, as such.,'Scott Lewis'sahd Allen's Regiments. The en Why not, I ask. Because, savs he. Mo one emv .commencea me auacK in the morning, imme who has fUedgrd hi renion, and enlisted hi fins ttons, as a partv m tn, can this rn-j ff mr . . ...... . ......i. v' XI'. lb 1U31 UllllldLC ' ' 1 from j n-r jMrcr and fi4 trfn z.hurrfoun- ibut very inconveniently posted, and being entirely ra:rt."What f Pure patrio'.ism ho where to tv. surrounded, they were brofeen m twenty minutes. ioiwu ani!ng men ol either party t And who is Idiately after Reveillee, by throwing shells amongst an lend a helpiK hand in 'our trooPs vtt0 ln othcers and men had risen -.ffurs " '" No it must orieinate lrom ' Aey were, however, formed, I The General endeavoured to rally them after they ! had Dflssfd the river, hut without fflVrt pnv. jeriujr oemg, inai pos.' ' , . . " . . e, more bf talents, and S0-?' with thc Cenera, broke through in that lai been seen in - any tdirection bul from the deP,h of thc 8now tnos he gr?i 'ncr-sencp, the su nerior beinc. that W T ' O senses mov oi pyhuc vtrtue .. . r . . . u ifiwis, up ji.iu ..ui ism, man iia's. oeen seen in any! " v r" ", i n,ati ot r-v prly his country l.as yet produced ?, " ,uul Mcrc souu ovcr iaKcn n ine .naian8. Where. is the. cxiu! btinls from what Quarter The General frequently attempted to form J .ts be come-, vir,8P actions are to nrorWri from ' tnem to PP5 the Indians, but his efforts were noble urct-r u 'lose motive are to fl f om effectual. He was killed and horribly butcher- than did the actions atvd mo- i ef 0ur Io?s 15 TcV ' bul thc Prech! number of tourer l ! 11 .1 t : -. . uves oi a Washing,on ; or his co tenants of U1CU not own. ii is nopeu tnat the greater the tomb,. Hamilton or Ames If TideralUm i Part of our troops were taken prisoners. Geoeial an ifftiobU- s ource. Washikctom was ip-noble. for Hanson has returned from the Miami Rapids 15 he was Its founder ? if federalism was an impure . miIes' nd inten,ds taking a stand there.' His tountaifwVAsatNOTOM was corrupt, for he wasi"w H 1 . 8' Ht,,lra"u ne nopes to us origin.- And if national confidence may not, lc amc lu B.,,, s,,.inc PncipaKonjeei oi the Extract from a resectable gentleman at NevfCrlearifi aatea uec. " By news lately received from the Western, frontiers we aie informed that the army of volun. teers organited at Nachitoches, within the U States, far from meeting with a friendly reception in Texas have been defeated and cut to pieces. Mr. P. S. Davenport, resident for more than ' 30 years Nagogdoches, a man very much attached to and highly esteemed by the Spanish authorities, was dragged along with many other peacable Spanish inhabitants by Magee and his troops of miscreants he followed them to Trinity, and from thence to Spiritu Santo,, about 40 leagues from St Antonio. At Spiritu Santo he found the means with all the Spaniards about himamountingr to 350, of going over to St. Antonio, and having informed Governor Salcedo of the situation and other Particulars nf the invndi a .-- j nw i uiuva emor came forth with a superior force, surprised mem anc cut to pieces this company of freebooters- We expect with impatient curiosity tlfc particulars of this ahameful affair. E 5 TIM ATI Or SUPPLISS NK.CESSARt TOR TH TEAR 1813. Civil expenses, including domes. tic and foreign, For payment and securing the payment of the public debt Military' establishment already authorized. 15,205,515 00 Do. further to be raised, including volunteers ' and 1 . 12 month's men 6,000 000 09 in any crisis, be placed in the virtue, and talents .campaign. It is well known that this detachment was sen 10 nvcr iaiiu oy uenerai Winchester, without the knowledge, and contrary to the opin oi uiose uiscipies ne lelt , tichincl mm, in vain nwy we search' beneath thc skies for irtue purer, or talents brighter. A vay base and foul detracter .'Away, and fiom the generous souls of the men who can av ' parties have proven the bane of our country' " Let us belong to no iarj" Let those who mve ineir . country best, j:m heart and hand. and i l i-i . r . i . . ... It mustemaiutei. . olusnie8S 'rni, wnicn slander his pol laucu wuii-ncr iiarucsi. pumice : " Perjt icuit frontemt fiosuitque fiudorem." We understand, Mr. Grundy declared in his ion ol'Geheral Harrison. He was, however, urged by his officers, and agreed, . perhaps contrary to his own iudement. He reinforctdthe dtarhmnt. took the command, and fought and died bravely. JtmN 15. CAMPBELL, Lieuti, Col 19th Regt. U. S-Infantry T? .. f . . y AIL I . r . , a ... ... . ' - - 1 "viv, oiauu, i-ii.- wiuiiuv uctiareu hi nia Mia.trm.Ltw a tetter jum siiuunu. aaita Jan. 31. dechm: to the world they will be Amcruant o": place yesterday, that the present executive would ! . The alarm which existed, here a few davs v lieu ine mariMnrrinr ronrrinif.r th jhni o. 'never iiv? nn rnnncnt trti" iar. -unui ... k . .. . ...w v. o- - - - r - r-r w,w' aco resDecune a Drevauine lever has tn some tract was first broueht to me for Dublir.ation. in the Evening Post, as it was bv a resoectable friend .of the author's, (but who did not discloscthe au- - -vv-. ""v ..-.0y.v u- r- -v...,...v . v.i.W5..-uimiWUlc Legislature will take place, probably ' to thor s name) I perused itpaiiently urftiftwnTto- Madison resigns, dies or serves out -his time. , Ntw-York We have lost two mlh,!. hh the Daraeranh cmwUtinof of Ki. u i 2T5lmn'nn fnrtu w.,u ! Jt-or v! e .nave lost two members, both tne paragraph consisting of this extract, whn 1 instantly gave it back with an astonishment and an indignation I neither could nor attempted to con ceal, telling the Kthtleman who brought it thnt such a thintr could never aDDear in anv mr.r raf. K :...if rTj .... r. ' r-r- ig ui reucrai. ? ne saia ne was not aware of oi us containing such sentiments, and went away, as I supposed, to return it to its author!:- It is with extreme regret I now find it devolves Upon roe, as an act of duty, to- animadvert, with come severity upon this production, and its appear- hulc, in a newspaper engaged 4n supporting the same common cause with mvself. I am willin. --- . , however, charitably tc suppose that as it was only ft COmmUtliCatiotL it OW- iln ine rlirtrt - m tWm ir advertence, not the approbation of a irentleman. U'hoieA utto.km.t.t ... r...T . it . . r,. v -. wv.initnv iv leueruiibui win never, i trust, be questioned. Hut I should certainly feel mv- self wamintrinresoect to that nartw in ah. Mr.i,. l have had the honor to enrol' myself ever since formed arid established the constitution-' under which we live, and Wee flourished, if I .suffered -such a broad cajumny to. pass without .expressing, The cant of candor wtlfwhich this writer affects y talk about party can deceive ho one It is hard f 1 HeCMBSrV In niinl. 9i,lAr!l in o f .U sMci vauon,DUt 11 is among the many sagacious marks of Swift, that the man who in party times .'0W3 himself forth as belonging to no party, is, r -vj!h few, if any exceptions, neither a man of hon y sty or veracity, and generally speaking a disappoint . . . , , , . i W ngo icsijccuiig a . pierauiuK- icver nas in some de- right demanded was conceded by Great Britain-. g?ee ided? thof if anynew cases should occur which is as much to say, unless England is con. iand moyt fctBi t have no douht fln .n:nnrnmpnt quered or humbled, the war will continue until ine thV. Leirislamre' will tk nia... rk.Ki- Let flie4mpressioo' once co forth, which everv pains is taken at this place to disseminate, that the war is to continue four years longer, unjess Eng land submits, "and the consequences wifroe very soon and very generally felt. What wi prophe cy will be history. fed. Refl. .m, CONGRESS. . ' ' ' " During the past week, the house of representa lives have passed'the bills to authorise a loan of sixteen millions of dollars to issue treasury notes for five millions more, (with discretionary power to issue' five" millions in addition, should not the loan be completed,) and the bill to arm and class the militia of the U-States. T" , The discussion which kook place on these seve ral measures, though not long, is deeply interes tingparticularly that which relates to the mili tia bill, as more seriously affecting the vital in te rests of the nation. ;By the loan bills, the ex. ecutive is empowered to borrow at an UNLIMI TED interest and sell stock at any rate which, in his opfinon is best calculated to attain the ob ject. From the expenses of the yearl 8 1 4, it will be necessary to create new IoansToTre- peal the restrictive laws and give to commerce al) the freedom and extent possibleor resort to the imposition ot direct taxes. . 4 By the nliilJtiaTbillrtheresentyslen was established by the father bf his country, and has been in practice for twenty years, is abolish ed an new principle introduced, borrowed. men advanced in life, and .one of them had been an invalid some yeirs. - It is believed the Governor will call the new council on Wednesflay next. What will be done cannot now be anticipated Mai. Gen. Van. Ransellaer will shortly be nominated as candidate for Governor,: and I think we have reason to be lieve he will succeed. r ? y , " A bill has. passed . the Senate for postponing the choice of a Senator until March, but it Will not be agreed to by the r Assembly . v.io;. Naval Defence A joint committee of both houses of the Massachusetts legislature, were ap pointed, and have reported in favor of building a SHIP OF THE LINE of 74! euns. to be called n. - the Massachusetts and that the same, when com pleted and equipped, be offered to the ' govern ment of the United States to be emoloved by them during the present war with Great Britian. BLOCKADE OF THE CHESAPEAKE. ."' : ' " i.-:..:'..'4...4:--'-?r-;r Norfolk, Feb. 8. ADMISAL Warren, has tLnnneri several ves. sels bound to Soain and Portugal, and ordered them to return, informing- the masters, that the 1 he ships have accordingly returned. 1 his mea- . . J 1 .-Ll. If auic ta cijuauj -nex(iecu iiuunaLtuuinue 11 the blockade is intended to be permanent. . If Great Britain rcauired sunDlies of orovisions for the PcninsuU which her rrrmUuour yessebj gl ,532,681 As the whole of the regular ar my will hot be immediately rai sed, you may deduct 21,205,375 00 2,000,000 00 7,626,108 4 1,000,000 Add Indian depart - ment Navy department including the expenses for the increase, of the navyas provided by law passed " this session 4'.' In the above is in cluded three mil. lions for, the ex pense of " 200 Gun Boats, as 4 probably not 7 1 more than 130 will be employed deduct Add contingencies Making in the whole 4 . . Resources. . 1st, Probable revenue 12.000.000 To be received yet of : the Loan. authoriz ed in f8 12 Balance in the Trea sury 1st Jan. 1813, ' r ; 4 millions, - - Deduct expenses on account of muitia, 1 million 1 '' "';:' 3,000,000 ' 17.000 000 Now to be loaned 16,000,000 Treasury notes to be ' l 19,205,000 00 . 185,000 00 19,390t5 -(& 663ff,l08 450,835 36,000,000 2,000,000 lsauec 15,000,000 58,000,000 0. is- r .4 lit.

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