." tPT qutiV tSef will eonsider ,af rilTirttjitt' Cmi3ioi$r of -?C?V. Sf ; w 11. '. . 1 . .. ., ; - .V "..s..'' .r.i.tnl rm'niU f Knhpntlv : and reimbursed and oaid the nrlncinal and interest of h- fcit rtit.''Mt i-A? v.l'. - r k. v w w viuiiiBii w -' iiirir rnpnwr '"rornl the Georgetown f ; tb'JOSUHUINCY, ESQ.;;;C ; T-' WTeace had bop'd to fix-bet -dwelling btre, v F,r Discord erceteebre, Won ndmeroAis ills in m arcau w"'""'.- n:a!J$mCorurabi4' fairest Jiopes oi vim i See Hac stalliwithnad Ambition nCaiv mniv supblyioe our armies witho0 "d whole. some provision. I nejr. win conwuer m y mi, prindple of Victories is discipline if and iubjextfto povirt martiaJf regular officefa all the irregulars whosjoir th trmf. U ;. ' .: Respectfully your mostobv-! r V - : ALEXANDER MVTli. t It is an ertot to relv on any troops e.xcept those who arc bound to oDeir. v capi. wenara nee naniu ovuii , .. . WWlt Fury yells ber snakes tremendous nws,- .pof Viflmen, ahd! the cotnpanks of Our day Woys' past, and we the rod must W'fC. Mj onoerptains- Powers pillon, Tate and Walker, there Were emoancea, on ine isi uccem- Siihhttrt yet W warning voice to sate . , . a' ,. Once blest Columbia from so dire a fate f Minions pf power; in our councils we, . And fain would husH the toll and fJ",?,t Howfest thesorrowing Mufewnh.riKhthrtlate, That foul -abuse his patriot orth would stain, Yet shll thnatfie, pb4 Qumcv, still create E$tte.m and'love in those who truth maintain, r.. u tu matrhU force of elocuence beain. When stern oppression wiih her iron hand . Drove thy forefathers first from Britain's shore, They hail'd with joy Old Massachusetts' strand, For there they knew their sufferings would be o'er. Ana tho' against ter roclcs the- ocean roar, "They heeded not the storm that hurl'd around ; Twas Liberty they sought, they ask'd no more, jLfi.H iVrres their penefous wishes crpwn'd- ber, only captain Tate, two'Lteutenants, and eight men 6f Greens, ? . f t Fof this fact f refer to col. Winder $ To lieut. col. Boersiler , - v ' H To colParlier. . ' : rTHE EMPEROU ALEXANDER. ; 1 From the Pftrt. Folio oi. March; 1812, we collect the following information respecting the character and reign of Alexander, Empei or of Russia. Eve fy thing must be interesting tbat is calculated to make us better acquainted with the man upon whose fate depends in a great degree the happi ness or misery of the civilized womJ. Alexander the 1st, Emperor of all the Russias, was born on the lSth of DectmberT iTVyi-mafried And tull success tneir grncrvu. j. t. . 1T0, to t (rtlisB Maria. Princtssuf Ha or snc, UK &""u7" " b" ' ' Uln. n.v h rfi: found. den, now the reigning Empress and was" ci owned at Moscow on the loth September, isoi, Having ascended the throne 'on the 1 2th of March of that year. Since his accession he has .add;d to the Russian Empire the provinces of Belestock, Fin land and Georgia, containing together a population -of one million six hundred thousand inhabitants. He has by canals of an immense extent ?fftited a communication between the ' Baltic and Black And well their brave descendants learnt to "ptie Tlie boon for which their fathers cross'd the main, TUey taught Columbia's southern sons to rise, Wht n slavery strove to bring his galling chain. Bern to support fair Freedom's equal reign They rusb d to arms and round her standard died, And manv a muse' has sung in lofiiesl stiaih jiOv well in ireeooiH inci im ""v1 . aeas. a uisiancc oi.iwo inuusanu iuuci , wc oca Where'er" Columbia's '.blood has swell'd the purple j 0f p,USsi& and the Black Sea, and the Baltic and Caspian Seas. Under his administration a new organization of the government has been made. The ministry is now divided into the foil6wing denarrnvnts :'" lit, oF Foreic-n Affairs j 2d, of War : 3d, "of Marine; 4th, of the Interior ; 5 h, ot Justice ; 6, of Finance ;,7(h, ol Public Instruction ; 8 h, ofO;nrral Police. "The minister of each of these dcpaitmeh's renders an-annual account to the council of state. . lr ? Among the most important laws of this Ytign is that relative to commerce, which fixes the ribts and privileges as well as Uicdutis of merchants, whether natives of the counti y, resident foreigntrs or transient traders. hat is inore ciiaracierisiic of the liberal views of the emperor is .he piivi. l. gi: granted to the nobiliiy uf tniraging in trade, eiti ei personally tr by vhe investnum of their funds in commetcial houses, without any fieroga tide. ..... ( ; Now when the thunder of tKe war again Is heard to rattle o'er our native land,' Say will those freemen rush to arms amain And to their country stretch thrir aiding hind$ They would, did Liberty their aid lemarid, Bt 'tis not Liberty, alas! that calls, They cannot, wiH not, join that ruffian band Idinions of him belore whom freedom tails, An4, whose deluded name each virtue fair appals. Hail ! to the Patriot Statesman, who proclaims The voice of Massachusetts stern and high, W ho tells us that ber bold and hardy s warns In Freedom's cause are ready all to diey- 7 But that from French Alliance they .will fly. That fell NapmeoDjtas their hate and scorn, ifor do they h- ed the scowling of his eye, Who on his chaiv of state now sits forlorn, And feels his little heart with rage and madness tion from thir prerogauyts or dignity. Of the torn. V siui'M'cVts thine to repfesent aland, v v hicii, though it'bokst not of its, fertile soil, Yet frced-ihi scatters with unsparing hand, Her blessings on its haidy sons of toil, An Luxm y's contaKion, weak and vile, H tb never lfd those sober sons astray Ttien howe tr Discord rend our land th while, There Liberty hU shed h. r brightest ray, (And bcitiue still prolong her intellectual day. From the Jtytional IniclliigtnceT, ' ' TO THf EDITORS. - , 28 h January, 1814, G; ntlemtn publication signed P. B Por " ter" ai appeared in sundry public prims, in which same character is hr la lornacurdizing lhe Jews, which provides the means of insiructio. for them invites them to share in agn-ui'uie and trade, and without restraining in th.- bast the libtrty ot tbtir religion, exttnds to them the ligliU and pto tecion of other Ruiian Subjects. ' Dur ng the reign ol ALxoi ider a number of uni verstties, colleges and primary schools have been established m various parts of the empire. In or der to secure tit great Objects of th?se institutions, the ortler of Jesuits has received Uio E:npeior's protection, and a coljege has been louhded for them at Petersbutj;b - , " In addition to these improvements in the foreign and domestic 'afTiirs ol the Russian empire, the laws have undergone a general amelioi a j.n, which the wrusi- protesses to give a true account ot the' -"u l,,c ",c tuu" ,,w,u prominent ranwctions of the 28th Novembtr,nd!ma . e,5 ana m,"" lo ch .;ney the Treasury notes which ma be issued by, virtue of this act, at the several time and times when tHe sarne 'according to tbe provisions' 'of this t act . should be ihua reimu'it'taBid paid and lthq said torrimissioners are furibr authorised, to" make por chases of the said botes, in tb'q sameniahher as o( othe evidences of the public debs ind' at a price not exceeding par,"for the amount of the principal and interest due at the time of purchase of such notes sf So much of theturtds constltulWg -the'ap uuai appropnauon oi eignt roiuionsui a.uiars, iar the pnncipal and interest of the public debt ol the United States,' as may be wanted 4fdr; that purpose after satisfying the sum necessary for the payment of the interest and such part of the principal of the Said debt, as the 1nUed States are how -pledged annually to pay and reimburse, is her eb pledged and, appropriated for the payment of the interest and for the reimbursment or'purchase of the prin cipal of the said nuteS ; and as much of any -monies in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, as may be necessary for that "purpose, is hereby ap propriated for making up any deficiency in the funds thus pledged and appropriated, for- paying the principal and interest as a foresaid. A 1. Makes an appropriation i to defray 1 the expence of preparing, printing and signing the notes. , ' -' -' '' ' , 12. Makes it felony to counterfeit the ttdtes. 13; Authorises the payment of a commission on the hotcs formerly authorised, an main unsold. ' : .'''" FfUFUS KING Esq is' chosefl a Senator in the Congress of the (Jniied States, from the Sta'e of New-York, vice John Smyth, Esq)Twh se term of service exb'nes on the 3d of Marh "pekf. l.l swbo, in conformity tct the Notice which th I published some timev ago, have paid up thelf '. Ac; countsjt6 tbe close ot th present ; year ; and,nuri' willing tdpart with theewrenw vf qo nave not iouna ji convenient, or who. may nor have had an bpportunity to ''ddjSoVj theyare respect. fullo;informfcd thajb their Papers Vill be continue! uritil the t of April n'ep9;wblh:dayijr; iVei Atcounif bhall not tbert have beert. paid, or settled 'J by Not e iheir names from theSubscripMpn lists, of; tid-papersi anrl their Accounts put into" a train'for collection. ' ,fy v vv.:--r..5 .;JOSEPfrG.ALE&,';;-'.'.; JONES & UEN DERSOY. LUCAS 8i AvH. BOYLAN. : December;'3U; 1812.:; X'sr.j Wi BOYLAN la uf December, at Black Kozk. tonie tacts are truiy tted ; butwh iever itie wriitr gives num tert, his statements are (I must prtsumt wilfully) ilpcorrect. "i". He states that on the 27th November there fveee collected near Black Rock 4500 ejetuye men, under niy command ; that on the 2Sth 2000' oi- 2600 were em iarked ; that on the morning of the have beeu before subj'.ct'ed.- Donton Palladium. A BARGAIN; v I OFFER Ffllt SvLE mv toie 'oYQfMshf STATIONARY and wiH give a credit ot otic, two and thre,yelars I expect to receivein a few daysa large supply !from Philadelphia, to tnatke t he dssortmnt more complete;" Tbe whole 8Uck shjll be put at such price at carnnot fa41 to te an object 'to a person who wishes to establish trimself in a profitable trade. It is unnecessary to say that to a young man who has some knowledge of Books and who does not like the drudgery of a Profes sion, this e9taWishment promises frobt, Tespecta ble acquaintance, and may afford lime to pursue his studies. Undoubted security will be required If necTSSary a . small sum. of money can be hd to keep up tbe assortment. Letters on the suhject, post paiO will be attended to. . If n.- sale be made in few weeks, I shall en large my assortment. WM. BOYLAN. Feb. 12, 1813. 0,tf r STRAYS. S TR AYF.D from town last falS a red and wWtf -STER, three years old, with a half crop In M.. right ear, commonly termed an under squan; Mso, a rtd yearling BULL of the same matk Information of these Strays ill le thankfully it ctived by WM. B YL N, Who wishes to employ three or four WOOL GUTTER'S for one month. Raleigh, Feb. 10, 1 8 1 3. 80,tf icy-NOTE.'- Tbe Patrons of tnc Minerva are respectfully iri formed that, herealier, the terms of subscriptio to this pjj er will be precisely those on which th. o her gizeUcs of the csty are printed. As even tevv suoscriber is required to make a payment of six months in advance, no deduction will be na!e onjohat iccount. Conseqviently three dollars per year will be invariably dem;nded. The Minerva though of rqual size, containing as much matter and, cpstitig a much in its execution, as ei'her the Star or Register, has hth rto bteT iunvsheil at RUSSIAN WAR Smolensk (where the Frei.ch were surroun led) is on the frontier of Russia IToper -Lookoo, where Kutusoff'a van had arrived th the I 5tti November (latest date from' the army, then' I5,0 0 j rate one sixth cheaper. This, a' regard to,t;ie pros sirong) is 30 or 40 miles SJwth of Sm.ilen,Ko. neiitv of the establishment will no lonecr "nermn " " 7 "v; ri,. ,. .., . . . . . . . . I ' o r 1st Dect irfber 40ix) men without order or restraint i rw, n-K Ue is a Kusian army; v. is. vv; . 1 00 to bedone. Vere oischarging their muskets at the navy.yard.m,,,es tr,jn Smlensko. Slonim, where is the van y ..ffiffn ihaLoaith.c7jAoy. .there.iii)ere . ,lmral;Ttchitcltak6rs army, i 250 miles S. w. irom bmolensko, on the road to. Wat taw. Salt' Fed. Gazelle. lrtfri ii; lieikruborhubd of Black it fx-It not mniv than S50O effective men, non commissioned officers 1 1 ro.m wnich it appears thai the country N V. W. At.d'nrivate. oi' everv corns under mv command i an( S. VV. is possessed by Russian troons, who not more than 1500 were liable to be oi'dered to!are P,aced there to prevent the French passing . f. - ... . . - . . .. West (r Anm,n.r Ttfr V.A rrm rue it i,iir;.ra. auiAii uiiiir lu uumiuiia irentra v - . n 1 . V ri o reeeived. On ihe 28.n, there , were 1050 g(Md troopa embarked, and also so many irregular vy lunteers as occupied five boats, esumateu at 150. On the morning of tbe 1st Dec. ihe'number of men armed with muskets, who w. re at the navy, yard, .embarked or. not embarked, did not exceed .200 men. . . ; Xy 'tiX " . This statement is as correct as' Lean make it ; and is essentially corrects ; y 1 He says that he is informed that gen. TannehiH'g Volunteers were ready to cross. 1 bad in my pos-sion-a return shewing that of 150 officers of that brigade only '37 were willing to cross : ihat only ' 2 1 1 meo, volunteered uncoriditionally aiid 165 bn various conditions A pari of gentral TannehrJl's folunteers (I have been told 36u) marched to the navy yard by aoute I had piescribedptnd were prepared to embark. The remainder went to Black Rock byTiheway'-of Buffalo, 1 presume to b 'spectators If they ever for a moment intend ed to cross tlte' Niagara,; thaLinteniion .wa never comrnunicafed to me. ; - : ' .. ""-V1"-, : 'c'1, , If there 'were 4500 effective men near Black Rock, how will general rotter, in his capacity of contractor, answer to his country for paying on the 30th onjy 35 barrels of flour oh hand, not two ptuno's.bf flour td 6ach man ! , . . I hej hostility of general Porter to myself grew out of the contract. The trobpi were starving for pruyiiions ;t the officers -complained of unfair practices, that damaged flour .was forced: upon them'$ that the lean beef was stripped of every morspl of, fat j tbat .vinegar, candles and soap were not furnished ; and in the sickly, state of the amp, those wants were severely felt. ;V : V UirJer vich circumstances, afier making incffix f tual tequisitipns", was coropclled to order pur. tjses to be ade! TREASURY NOTE BILL. .The 1st section authorises 'the 'President to is sue such sums in treasury notes, as he may think expedient, not exceeding the sum of five millions of dollars. ,' 2d Authorises the President to issue notes' in addition to the abtfve, iioi to exceed five mdlions ; Provided the money obtained on the notes au. thorist-d by this section, b considered t a part of the money authorised to be bdfrdWed by the act called the 25 million act. - , r 3d Authorises; the reimbursement of the notes one year after; the date, with inteiest at five and twelfths per cent per annum. 4th Authoriit s the president to appoint persons to sign, ihe notes, two of which persons are to sign each note and be paid gl 25 for every 100 notes . iSuea. 4 ne notes are to be countersigned by the commissioners of loans or by personsappoitr ted by thtr President- for that purpose" who are al. ? .rcc,ve 1 2 tor every hund ed notes so "gned '; (, v;'r : ..-r - A,. 5th Provides for the sale and negociation of the -notes. t.vOc,.-:1:' -v '. . '' ' . ; . , 6ih: Authorises the Secretary of the Treasury with the approbation of the President, to appoint an agent to sell tuch notes, and allow the agent a commission of one quarter of one per cent on all notes which he may sell. ". ' 7i h M akes the notes transferable State of North Carolina. MtCKLJt NBUhO C'lUMi. Suierwr C:vr( rf JAW, N v rTerm, 1 813., T7ln A T m a - - v - - . - ' levied, tfc. . ' ' V9. Andrew T Davidson Tl. appearing io he satistVction of the court that X Andrew T. Davidson, the defendant in this trtuse, is not an inhabitant of. this state ; therefore it is ordered by court, that publication be made three months successively, in the Raleigh Miner, va, unless the said defendant, appear at the next soperior court of Law, to be held for the county aforesaid, on the .sixth Monday ; after the fourth Monday in March next, and replevy or plead to is sue, judgment will be entered up against him.' ;' : lest, : -V .. .',-.r'-f 79 3m TH : HENDERSON, c.s.r.c. Twelve-and-an-half Cents Reward. a .iici'iiin vi. ii i. -i . ' . ' . '. Aujwwix u ivu inm ine sudsci mcr, ueTanaer Af'Aay,'an indented apprentice to the silver smith's business. (l The. above reward. butno cbar ges, will be paid for his delivery to me, on my rie- rwlmm n 1.1.11 .... . m...r a r . - IllJinucil X 1 1 Li IW'ftL A'XT 8th Maketf the botes reeeivahT in m, e &I1 rfittifa anrV?.-.. i j ; 7 . r- v wwary ruDiic, or oy two justices oi jU duues ndaxea-laid by authority of the United" and if by the latter,4r signatures ; 9ih Regulates the mode of payment of the noteii into the hands of the collectors or reccivers"of punuc monies. .. . 10th section is as fpllpwst ! N. B. All persons are hereby forwamed not th harbor the said apprentice at their periL January 11,1813. 3tp State Bank of N. Carolina, PURCHASERS of Stock in the State Bank are informed, that a power of Attorney authorisine a ui a oiiuie r onares neia in llie. Mate Bank mnst be witnessed either by tbe CashierJof wo piinipai uuiik, er ti one oui urancnes, by a Notary Public, or by two Justices of the Peaces ami if by the latter, their signatures must; be cer iified by the Clerk of the Court, with the County Seal annexedThis regulation to r.OTnrripnri. " he first At of January icExT, of. which all who may be concerned will tnke noticed . i HAS KKCfilVEB. THIS winthh skvvnli. mtmi. Gill's complete Body of Oivinjtyyols. VgM "';" .vlasnQ's spiritual Treasury', Vols. ?v 4'r'; Stackhoiise's History of the Bible, 6 vojs." f$ ;:X 1 Buck's Theologrcal. Dictiowfry, 2 Vols. ' rC 5 'X; m V Miscellany, 2 .'vols. ; m's y?-'f.'''.2; 50' Uanpbel on ihOospels J ? '6 50l aleyV-Evidences'ofCh Nat ur si Theology i. ' f"-':t;.; ,2f J . "" Moial Philosophy V ' ' ,'" v 1 ''2.-,i0'7j Davlesetmdhs,l .ybls. , v; f 1 sfl" Doddridge's Family Expositor, 2 .vols. "u ' .1" s! pie complete Doty of Man, hv'H. Yeon, 2r2 Fordyce's Sermons to Youne Women . t 1 - Doddridge's ditto to. Youth 'Hi Confession of, Faith and Constitution of the , Presbyterian Churches in the U. S; : Scott's Essavsv ' ir,7-'r i'i'.'3 '' Clark's Ditrourses to Youth S S juries, Select Sermons t I 1 2 5 2 9 ! 7 40 7 59 Wesley's Sermons, 5 vols. Galloway on the Prophecies, 3 vol' Newtek's Works 9 vols. r ,". Dick and Peri'y on Inspiration , . 1 12. Practical Piety, "by larmabMoorr,z: rertuson's Roman Republic, 3 vols. " 7 50 Female Biography, or Memoirs of illustri. ous women of all ages and countries, by Mafy tlnjrs, 3 vols- o Plowdes History of Ireland," 5 vols. 45 Molina's History of Chili, 2 vr ls. with maps, $ Uepons' do. of the Spanish Main, 3 vols. With maps " ; rv amnion's Embassy to China 5 Life of Sir William Jones ' 3 Cavallo tn Electricity, S vol. 12 Antenor's Travels in Greece and Asia, 3 vs. 10 Ames's Elements of Criticism, 2 vols. -' 8 rioole's Anosto, tj vols. London, calf, grit,i 55 German Thestre, do. do -do. do '18 7f I hz Looker-on, 4 vols. tlo. do.' do. ; 9, 'vh sneer's Works, 14 vols. do. do. do. v" 20 Shakespeare's do 25 vols, do- do. do. SO Watts' VVork, 7 vols. do. Co. !o. 7 53 c.very man his own Gardener, by Mawe V arid Abercrombie, " : ". ' S 1 Marshall on Gardening, 2 vols. 2 Kir win on Mam res - It Kneef on Education . . :', k !w tickerbocker - 3 JJ Vision ofJDon Roderick, by Walter $(COtt, 61 Lempriere's Universal Biography, 2 vols. 8 54 Coxe's Russian Discoveries in America,? vith maps and plates, ' f ike s expeditions to the sources of the Mississippi, thro' the western parts cfj Louisiana, and a tour througb tbe inte rior parts of New hpain, with maps and charts, ' ' i ": ' E well's M-dicel Comoanion ,3 Sf l hooia's Practice .. .415 t iumon'a Virgil, English notes, ; 4 21 Wilson Oil DiseaSvS 2 vols. 6 W Cmy s Pockvt Atlas, . t JI Vi'ginia Spy, Jefferson's ManuaL The Spirit of the B ok " t 55 Smart's 11 orate, Fraocrs do. hus on Ponulation, 2 vols.- 6 50 GiUiesV History ot J he World, S vols. 9 ArrcrenrGteece,4-vols. L.2Q.59 Kich.c's Memoirs of Europe, 3 vols , Melmoth's Cicero, 3 vols;; Boswell s J ife of Johnson, S vols.' Four to the Hebrides " .:'' : MEW VOVKLS 10 12 S9 10 50 3 : I ;3 f ' 2 SS Vivian, 2 vols. Milesian Chief, 2 vols Self Indulgence Asylum, 2 vols. Maried Life, 2 vols. ', 1 he best Wri ing Paper, by the ream or quirt Red and Black Sealing Wax. Red and Black VV fers. . Red and black Ink Powder. India Ink. Boxes of Paint. OfRce Tape.1 Inkstands. ' Qui of the best kind. Copy and Cyphering, Books, Little & Smith's, MusipBooks.! Blank Books f Music P;beket Ledgers.. Ledgers, Journals, sni Record Book. Blank Notes and Checks. Counif and Superior Court Blanks. Copy Sjlips. V; January 22. ', 77,tf. . "T i Eagle. Tavern, - : . -rm in w ili.i msb6uough. THIS Tavern will again be opened, on tbcnt of January nextj for and on" account oryAuaiiaf & CAKDWELt, and will be ; kept by the latter. The forrn'er. friends and' customers to this 'Ho.sej and, the public jn general, ' may rest assured lba every attention will be paid to those who favor it with tbeir custom, "to render their stay as agree ble as possiblesThe supplies will be good sad sufficient, ; The stable pei baps among. the bt in the'itate, will be olcntifullv stored with all kinds of provender, and kept well littered. This TaurB has been leased fortseieraIy ea)rsback a)c)'1' per annum,, yet jthe last, year it was shut'upj con trary to articles of. agreemcnt:;with tbe leaser It-Is to be hojt'd,::Qtwhhstanding;that"'the puW' jpatronage, which has hreofyre been so libtw .will again "aid and assist in Reviving it aud: most cpodt rate terms will be observed. ' .?v v- V C ' - J S MES VAUG HAN. ' KM W. II UAY WOOD, Casbie. J&ONARD C ARD VVEI.L. .- i 7 I'