.: w j .V RALEIGH, N. C. -PUBLISHED (weWt) UY LUCAS AND AiH. BOYL N. 3 77 Si DOIM PZR TSAR, f iMif of rcir txJ&rAMcs.' V Vol; 17. FRIDAY, MARCii 5, 1813 No. 883. ? - :-y: 'Domestic. W tork," February 16. the, misfortune of others had already created ob" jects of charity, and it was then probable that trom me same causes many pwers wouia arise- " Ths style of our society h taken from that pa . n . i ' i . J 'e; i' .' ar. ' l.k - iAdrlanr of w rfoweve?1' urtneceisirjr an tnumerction Dr cu i oct ipnirt? caDtain Forsyth comrasonant or . . i . Last evenir-b xy- . .v . -. lo?ium of our nanottc virtues may be deemed, this tMt, ktt -ttoHWg witPf.,!h.in K- ; tiv; fraVI m aud mVmtajltting th indelieftdcnctf of lour. beloved cwMrf i The, sentiments and rtHcc tscdeu in slT 'WnSu Dke,u better AwBdsfcttTer'' eWzeft, 'and (ifit stioer-E.!to:iJiwo, , .Ufirt5d- iM renor' of our past livev fuvn!ies the C'ft,ur "twkSpriwoeil.m conduct ; for men who have done ami .uC S copN. 2 lieuxenants J" fcred n' much '.Much a cau.can never, (howc fl39. 2 casts exed mmumuo.Vc,v. .n.v K. fr wrvice8'm,f . be' requited) deviate from tizow, among wnoiu wcic u .v.. - property was: .!t& Jaken br; destroyed, effected without tnewsa o.w ,.,..fwonM be to forfeit ha't consciousnesi which is Caot Forsvth. waa led to.inis eiitefprti-oj.iuei a.m,,,:? terNtfwrasrewo violence to nature, itstf. ; . the oaths ol honor and public rectitude. This character. ''Permit us to cohdude this address .by Jtffr thrVaten'.qd wth' .eing shot. Copt. Fbeing,, tnfor med of this,' determined to rTect their-libera! ion in which he succeeded. mile. .boM.thiJ ppae. ana ,A t)'ouo.ir cohtrat'jlatWii uooa Uie occrif " Neanv forty tears have now elasped since we the jau tor murder un,,,v . m, powerfut fleet and army that ever crossed speaks of fee ";wnduct of the officersand rn.in tjanic. consideration bf tht tremendous thehighesVltfmvaPlobmntvlwo rm,Ceswhich w established Should officers froqa Prescott came oVcr a few Mirs i- rverv individual through temporary dis the rrtwa-of .outirwitn tlw jnnri to erreftt3 an(i ifBculties to use his exertions CiltfCt ineir rt;iv'' rol ninff The movement ol the troops I understand they, are all pa- t?,,M t,;n tte,Ki. - .d, tndars to return again to Canada this eve. 0l,sthcm ' '". . V .1 This finished, the President rising fromhisseat ih mnvpmpnt of the troops on the other s.ae-i., . .. d . . . i...-.r ... . - (,rnl 5ttne,iictWas!i" M,c ' dl " inmcaungan auac p. - c , - jtime, addressed the fifewly elected members sue- induced to call out h.s regiment ot f J J.cessivelj bs follows -we.brivp6w ;in Ogdburgh . i -Do you desire to be admitted nto this So and should an attack be; matte ..trom Prr3cot, 1 .-j - Jave the fullest confidence fV K'i Do you promise a strict observance fo Us ru from it high ton, of our uoops, " ( ,c$ adtatutes. ! " restrain their aruor ; anu uun - -; u i do " ed from the other side wiinin a iew ujj """"a not be surpiiaed were they to go over here. At a general meeting of the New York S ateko v ;ff,u r.Vnnati. held in the city of Ilew " In confirmation of what you have promised you will sign your name to this Institution." aThis done, tba President, uking the eagle af ter pronouncing these words : ' Receive this mark as a recompence f ,r your L . U,m; nrt,: th 6tl Df rnentj and tn remembrance ot our glonous indh ' VoP U.TUarU' PUb C P" ."-Attacncs it to the button-hole of ih 1 In oursuaoce of a resolution offered o the. Sotie. v,' him " This will shew your title as a Member of our society : Imitate the illustrious hero Lucius QuintusfGiiiciiinatusj whom we-have chosen lor our Patron : Like him be the dclender of your country, and a 900 citizen.' Published bv order of thsi. Committee. - HEN ViY DODGL, Secretary. General HuH; with bis February 17. Aids, arrivtd in this tallied in these words ' " Whereas bv the constitution of this Society, . it is amongst other matters provided as fallowB, Viz' 1, , . ' ' ; - " V " '-Asihere are and will at all tiroes be men in the respective states eminent for their aailitiesaud patriotism, whose views in ay be directed ( to the rsate laudible objects with those of the " Citicin Uati," it 'shall, be a rule to ndinit such characters as hanorary members of Sha Society for their own lives OiilyJ' ' ; - it TUia coim n eitmnnu nf the hijh sense which it enurtains' of the patriotism, valour and at l 0,1 'ir way to Philadelphia. abilities of com.Slephen Decatur, ot the ship ot- war the United States : Capt. Isac irUrfme snip 01 war uie v-onsiiiuiiun. uu vp1"111' Jones late the sloop of war. tin VVsp, and ol tip meritorious strvises rendered by thtm jo our country 1 do admit them, and they ar; hereby ad mitted, Honorary Members.of the Society of the Cincinnati.'' 7 - The Society proceeded to ballot for the several candidates, who were', upjn inspection, declared to be unanimously elected' honorary membersf luereoi. , . . . -- -' 1 -ResolvedrThatTis'it is more than probable that .Mactial-which 1 Was .to have assem jfacob! cH on a5iu mant m rhiladelpnia tor the uiai oi ucoerat tiuii, 13 postponed until luither orders. v..::,.. Balk m, Feb. 12. AFFECTING LET! ER. i ; Mtrait--tf4eitc-fr9n4&orge2jttli to hit Mo ther m pevtrty, dated " Mgier firison, Och 4, ..' . 1812. . " On the 26th of August we were taken by an neither of the ntwly elected mem Jers will oe pre sent at the anniversary mceitng of the Society on the 4th of July next, committee of five be ap jpointed to receive them 10 the name of the So ciety, an J to invest them with the insignia thereof. and that this committe- consisi of Col. Varick? President ; 3e ir Stevens, Vice President .; j lirig. Gen. GUes,-4G.l..Trou;andtiVl . Faille. Resolved, that 'one of"The orie;inal diplomas. Signed by his Excellency General George Wash 1 ington, -first reiiden? General, of ihe Society. 'to-' 1 gethcr with tlie eagle, the order of the Society be presenved by the committee to cacn of,, the uew ... members x their installation. ' V In 'puisuancs.t Whereof,', the' cotnmittee met od oaiuraay,'ine 11 instant, st the resident's, and in presences a consideraWe numter of the 'other to?Jners f 'be 'Society r proceeded t the installa lion of Com. Decatur and Capt , Jones, (Captain v Hull beinjj absent at Boston) - y lne'pt,ij.tnal constitution "of the Society hav Itlir bet-h'Ypid. :lhf PrcsIrl.Tit sd-i.-oo..,! tu b I . , l 1... ''.I w vtc;n mcraoery n inese words. ' ; : , r . ,''idorv proceeding to the solemnity oTrecei v- , ' ')yt sTisijerartnis tHjetetyexonstdTTt to ,t he .objects of our" institution, and to; explain our .motives ot the present occasion , ; y " V. : MTh wwltl has ' been informedand - future . generadons, we hops, will bear" as witness that the : principle objctspf our institution werel'riend ship and Charity. To' Heaven and our own bo isonis we recur for vind7cati6o form any misrepre ; -Hntation i our rhtenutons. The-toila and jan. we had shared in a cause iff which laimaia.ham Pmess wasso extensiyely interested, had excited ndfcemented a3cticms which e' co?d nnth. 'wUpng to sec (dissolved with our militaryxistence t whilst ihe death of some of our companions and State v-th at the- Kfritish Orders incouncil have beew- not tak- vJi e. Where the tnis- fct hw oii rebeleS M in :Kh manner as to be caDble of explanations piesung ine viewsonne governmeni" ofvifee-' United States, 3nd stherefore none of the Sllerd c ue 0 Warwith Great Britain now re mnj except the claim of t he right - to take B ri Ushlt'jbjets from thjp;mei;ch'ant ships of the U iite '-States' iJtnd wtferca, during the admin istriiKiis of Piesidetit -Wafthigtrtn and Prei loi'i Adaris the; claim of -3reat Britain was n n co sidertdsaiia. reasonable cause of war: and unt!e. the administration .oflPresident ', Jtffei on , t'Uv .gQTir.j&ICpf'GteaVMtaiii did'-oflfer' to- ntale ao alnyigein'at., with the United vfitates. which in th fpinir;S;of MfssrsoMonro and Plncktiewl fnei;miniArr..piaceil thls tjiit Wilis both honorabte; and advamagtolrs to the Qoited States, and highly favourable to thir inter-, est, and was at the tiqie" a concession Wlueh had never before been made ; and it is highly provable that the1 government of Great Britain, would still be willing to make an arrangement on this su'hjeci whith should be alike honorable arid advantageous to the U. States'.- '. ;; 1 l ;" ; '"M And whereat, under the administration of Presi 4it Madison, ' when he arrangement of the mat ters in controversy between the United States arid Great Ikitamwas made with ills Britohtiic Ma jtsty' minister, David MontatjueErskJne, Esq. the impressment of seamen was not considered ol sufheieht impottance to be made a condition of that arranpement. ' , And whercaa't all the European powers, as well as the United. States' "recognise the., principle that their subjects and citizens have no right to ex patriate themselves, and that the nation has a rint to the services of all its citizens, especially in lime of war,' and none of those powers respect the na turalizalion laws of the othcrso far as to admit their operation in contravention of that principle an., is is nicHiiilslly unjust for - a ntutrat power to make war upon, one 'nation in order to compel v to relinquish a principle which is maintained by tilt: Oinfj. ' - , And whtreaii it is the duty of the government of the -Unut-d ua!es, i pvotect dnd enr.qiiraje A me'rican seaman, and id exclude from our ship.' tne n.umbrous "foreign seamen, of their uaLural means of surs:y.enc.t-. ' . A id whtrfai, x .tcat proportion of the seame;. oJ ihu U. .iuU'i T)ei mg wi this om n'n ve!(h, and tnis 'iegisidtur.e is UjeiVous to ascertain' bow many ui tue.n nave, ucen impre&sed or taken by lin"!t itiivtin, rraiice, or any o.hrr power, in ordtr Khit'6a-.ijfictory infwiniauoirmdy v ha ., anu cum- mdnlcaied 10 ue, government ot the -'TJ. Stares. Jidned, hat Mr. .Pickvrmg ot (ofUin) Mr. rilliiihast (ot Tau.iton) anJ mv. Watson (of UciUdt.;, bo. a connmuee to consider and report wnat tneabtiies are proper to'be taken in-order lo ascti tain the numtLcr of the seamiin of this cora montfcahn impressed or tan.cn oy any foreign na tion. . , ' - - NfcwauuYPOST, Feb. 12. UNPRECEDEN i LD DECISiO. ,We undeistaiiu the ship Aurora, of this port, taken ' bv a Nevv-Voik privateer, .'and scnt SniO Rhode Inland, was, on Monday last, i contrary il gtHttai expcctilionl(and we may acid contrary to tyery'priusfple otcciu.ty)cowrfmierfoy Judge How ell, divrici juugt lor Rhode- Island, on the pi i u ciple that a licence denationalise J the prupcitj. Ihus tares it with, ths luile rtmna.it ol -ou commerce. What escapes rrench sequestration and burning, and Briabti capture, is tks.ineu. to fall a sacnite in the courts of our couiiiierce-imi- ers co the 'rapacious privateers uicn. - ihe proper ty was entirely American, bound 10 a neutrii port. Wt ledi n that the Owners, Messrs. Clark aiiVjwljj!j?igj)t ; have .appealed to another' tri"' nated' or who in he fault, we shall not imdeftilra . to deter:;i',uM Wc shall fnly addihat our mW., .7 ma io-i is from the highest authbrityj and nut be j relied on as coi'rcct. ' .T - 1 . '? ) , v&g ::.t.;-' rn-: ; . .:':'' 1 - washJugtoh cit, ikb. 15. . ! Mirri . Galeq and Srafwj".'" "',. N , vVith regret, the tmnds of General JameS Winchester have, om6vrtd, from v?ri;U yaar. t 'ts. charges and insmuikiops againatVliioa lr ci counf of the late mifefowthe which hasbeUUen th? American arms uadtihis direction' wjiIj. he lives or not is jueR(u, from the intelligence ftfcti:.i' . '?Uvet htf H1 do justice' . . , , . - developed; from authentic sources, iti hopd that public opjnioiij will be Suspended and pr pared o hear impartially what may be presecied.c ItU. confidently believed, that he acted with bravtry.( and' pndence in tht' late transaction and th ittho! cause of the disaster tnn cleariy.be traced to a lf, fererit soince. The request :a.je is co-isidrrsd as' reasonable in any event. The man "who Im hWrt fighting for his country, or who h been TatefT captive, ough,t not to bY condemned uniil he tan be heared by himself or friends. Aigenne on our passage nome, ana on that fatal bmnvr: a tiie sentence of TTus Judge Howed day f iostrhbertynd ail-thaa-held J is annilwlated. be made a slavnn this cm,f cou.ury. Wti.n . rilC conu.n pi .ze courts of Norway' can do takeo, we wefcstript and plundered ot;e very -thing, nonluu worse ' " ' f and remain almost naked and here-we are with-1 tw ;irt,)Pr.,, V ,w ;f ,,e tU. ;j f out friehds or any one to assist us Weare all!t;Cimnat Newp0l.t, thal Judge Howell would con in as good health as can be expected in our Uepio rable situation which to describe would wound your feelings too much,. I hope it will riot -he long before our .counu'wUl..ttd.sem...us.f)rcm our tmrruM-iihil lyranu. V r. arp. nhliKd tn labour hard, and every night we are contiued in this pn- snn. In the tew hours allowed loi rest, I write this, which I send by the' Same btig that we were taken in. - She is now under Alcioiish colouis, and bound to Gibraltar, I hupe you will yet some per sons to -intercede 'forf myself and. companions, if in their - power. Your untortunate son, he, We have a letter from Samuxi. .-Lark abee, giving a similar descriptiou ot his slavery, chained Uo nard labor, Stc. He adds, " I hear there is war between the United1' States and England. ' If tiirtt be tne case, I ttar we shall not get clear for Jdeinn a Vessel captured Dylan American privatee r, bound Irom One part in the United States to ano tl.cr, if'anjr 'thing like a bri.ish license could be found: on .. board- -without any hesitation I- Insu rantc Ojfi.ce u kit, - : , ; .' ." ',- some time. - . - lioToFeuaFyT5TT A BRITISH" FLB.ET. letter from Bermu da, dated Jan. 1 5, to a gentleman in this cityr says a new admiral, has aVrived on' this station from England, and the British , force at present consist of U ships of the line and 20 fr. besides sioops bf war;' brigs, Sec. - .'i;--'' v r'--Hi ': . MASSACHUSETTS. r-.. ' THE HOU 5 g OF REPRESENTATIVES. ' s ?Vf '.v'';.i;;(: p. vs;. Fctruarv 6. I8l2: '" -; Qii motion of -Mr. Pickering,' of alerrt, the fol- lowing preamble and order were adopted :'v "-'.... Yhereas the President in his message to Con gress, has made known to the people of the United i . !. Albant. Feb. 12. . .'.'' .. -" . .. . " A numerous public ymeetmg of the Iriends of Peace and commerce, was ;helu last evening at the t'apiiolJudgc lienson called to the chair and Daniel Paris, esq. appointed secretary, the business. of the meeting ?was opened by Mr. Cady, from A resolution was yrsicrday introduced into the'ir House of Repr'esehtaStives by Mr. G undy, con templming an extra session of Congress ;o com. mence. m May nexij ; but was rejected by a ma--' v jority of 1 7 y.tr$-i-every f fe ftrlist, we blit-ve, ' 1 voting ag mst it, and xf course a greait majority of .the lepublicans for it i . , rhe obj ct avowed by the mover and a tppr.rt-' -V, ers of the rasfltitionrwas'to fix an early day for, ' hs mee tjiur of .Coni;r,tSs to provide i ir the dr fici- fees f th revenue of jhe y eaR 1 8 1 4','siuce ; ' it appear. d evident to them that Suficunt time, ; did not remain to act on eftsubject at the pres r, j eit 'session. The opponfnta to the motion were; t ol'uvo classt tjthe opposition, usuaily So terrusT, ' 'A lio are anxious tor the inrrnduction nf ta ei.A . I Z - " 'V'fH 'i foi tne repeal of the nonimportation act;irkcl a pnft of the Republicans, some of Whom think If t it p . tblic service requires immediate modification 1 th? lien i nnoruiion act. others who are unuioim Cnit the tax bills should be introduced,' and semjp ho thiiik that ' both ought touiss. .Mucl"; diversity of npii io:) prevailed , and 'not ja littk",' Warmth was displayed in debate t , Jw t """We do riot hi1 any m -nns cdosider the derki on ' which was had to be conclusive ; we do not,JecMusejt many, who vottd against it in'imaed .theie; :' disposition to vote for an extra Session, but jnot ' at the present, because such a vote would-opd v, rate forthwith to :-. postpone 'the Constdera ion of thtt't suspension law and of the tax-bills until toe nexV,' session. . ; .-, . , 4:iJi'" We cannot omit on this occasion to express the i eg ret we feel at seeing division among the' j republicans nfth Houe, at a time'. When uniotx irniis man ever necessary io resisi mt arts Ot l tnei er leir political opponents, and to carry on the opW' i ations ut the goveinmtnt yvitb effect. It U per R Kctly eviuent to us, that the lax-bills invIvine 'a v.vlumi aus mass of dptails, camot be acted on,1'' ; t the present session, aljo wing the freedom and latitude of debase 'which usually charactriZy.' the. '' ; proceedings ol the, House, ar.d we very much. doubt i wh'tthvr the act for isusp tiding th non " 'i importation act can pass, if i;. pa s all, dt the ' ! present session. We lesped the hoiionoie md' ' tives which . actuate those gentlemen uho are ' desirous, by t..eif votes, to pass' the r.ecessify M' r laws for fixing, oh a firm basisi the public credit, l'1 although vwe cannot, offer the"; same tributej'" i to ' those" whQ-ikMi oppoed'-;Q - tajteVo -'-will y one and aU"vote Against them' anti' yet'are ex- , tremely solicitous to lug themtaJf and shoulders j into tne House. , :.v '-t' ' 1 ' ' Let ths Republicans in ConereBS, and thcif1 brethren in the nation, those who feef thtmsvlves " res;.onsible for' the due execution, of the-'mcasurei'wj of goveriimentj for tht succees of the war, iftfr ' consequently tor the support ol public 'credit; unite i" thit course which amaiority. of the'ni '' hall approve. Thus vnitcdr they have nothing f tosttar trom their pol..ttca4 opponents. Mutual i concession are necessary, 'to "unity1' of ac'tdn.' j Witlxft, every thing is possible V without itjiibi ' thing is practical, v ' . ' :' ; '' itffct' Extract qfa letter front? gent Icmap in Boston, & t2r- ; j -' " ; -' :' ' . ' "." ed. February 8 ";"'-"T 7 ' ' rj '.; Itfr. Alln tli lalp Rrifi In nonl. Knfi rnw 0. . f Montgomery . o proposed that Stephen Van;ent for prisoners, has th's day reteived a.Vor i Ransselaer, of the county of Albany, be nominated from the marshal to retiie o .Worcester wiih. as a catulidate for . the office of Governor, and j n three days, arid not go 6ui of the limt'sof town. y j George llumington, of the ccunty of Oneida, for j i ' ' livening 'iost i the office of Lieutenant GoeVhor After an elo quent and impressive speech from Mr Hoffman, the 'qqestionsuan4ariied-Jiuia after which a committee of five was appointed to prepare and' publish an address-. ; ' '? ' CEN. I1ULl.'S TRIAiL. ' On the account of this ''trial, announced and so confidently repeated in the Philadelphia papers, the Albany Gazette makes the following oOserva tions : '. . ;;;-. , ,- -';. ' ' , ' A court martial, ordered for the trial of gene MILITARY expenses;; AiterinrtheNvWiYot k-Hnorning-Star, has s ' made a very-accurate cateijbition of the expenses of the presvntamry of the U. S, & subjoined ihtre.,4 j to the augmen-ed sums, necessary; frr, t he pay n4.-: ' support of the grand arm; of 55,000 rnen, co'iterc- - i plated to be tahed. The cof.crusioh, as drawn ' from the reports of the Secretary at, War, an4he ' receht laws of Cohess mske7 the gros siutv- , of Jorty. vnrmillivnsj ixhundrtd an"dnineiy eight ! tnousana,jive nuuureq ana nmery a 'ar, per bo rai nun i. inere must oe some precipitancy, ncre ;num ; or snouid.'tne wajr lasi nve ana a nut;, riitt exchange mentioned in ihegeneral order.;-yearst which ' ne considers-as biH'yproMV to"..! from "the .war Office, signed ' TJ'H. jCus!)ing adj.f the enormous-jyurn r9o 9drd in f ivny" geh is not cprrect'lnsll its parts, perhaps .in none LfnrYona, three hundred mMf:iriaM-miiit in a word, theJ exchange there mentioned has" hundred and fort? esver. djtlirs ' r ' - t. - 1

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