' .... ., . V c :.' W O.- . ( meet wuli great position. : We .shall publish the biUin our next. The report and cqriespn deuce which accompanied it will be foundin sub sequent columns. . The I reasury Note bill has not yet passed the Senate, it hiving beent'on it's third ceading.tej commuted for amendment. ' '4 n. Kingston, (Jamaica) Dec, SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ! ?r..tVi hmVnt to state that theSouthampton fri. V,--He1 of ;3..guhsj Srjjames Lucas Yeo, knight. f , , commantier, was unroriuiwwij i r r i.r. r,rtm , - uartn r.nv,mnr i A o'clock, a. of the 27th .November - reet oli . . I :y j ncksi not npttted in any chart, about 9 mile from A V v,o'icrption Island,,, on the Bahama?,' when lieut. I' ' (iorlon, 2d of the Southampton, was sent ott in t'lf huiach for Exnma, to commonicate the same, fipm wheDce not'tre was sent to New Providence of the disaster, and thje'RHodian brig; wa'a" instanily dispatched to .their assistance. Iri fhe mean time the dflTccrs and crew proceeded lb Conception Island, and the Rolia and Caledonia privateers Head Quarters Portage Rtvert Jan. $Q- ' A Frenchman arrived her this evening by way of Lower Sandusky, from the River Raisin ; which place he left on the nieht of the 23d He says'? that there must have been six hundred of our troofi taken prisonersthat the creater part of our men fought mott desiera'ely, and would have beaten the enemy, if the centre of the line had not given way and they had been well supplied with am munition, which had been unfortunately placed at a house at some distance. He counted six'y'one er ?3inird?,' ihthrcapture;flnd lota! destruction of 2is Eritanntc Mojctty't frigate, Java, Captain imbert, of 49 guns and above 400 men., The U. States : frigate Constitution, Commo- dore Bdinbrfdjte,., arrived at Iioston Oft' Monday rrofn a cruize having performeu the gallant action which is detailed iqL.he subjoined account, lor which we are indebted to an officer belonging b the Constitution, who passed thr&ugh this city yea terday for Washington, and obligingly turmshed it, to the Editors of the .Mercantile Advertiser. ' ' We rei6ice at every circumstance which adds new laurels to the naval glory of our country ( and insists on it, most matifullv ,IZ I KeahMlr particularly bo when .. lliey are gathered with so set his machines asv6inK Bnl m aii'l . t . . . i. n i hji .. i ' Wll , $ having received information of the acident, called ! ' i there on the 7th inst. took the people on board : unn Hnirrn w in 1 1 1 r. i iui Vina uui l uii iiiv . . . - " ' , . ... otirt' .ri,l,j ol the enemy killed, , when were, removed altei On the 19 ult. the .Southampton recaptured tne . , , ? L . .i .i u , " , ,the action in sleds, and he asserts thai he heard : American schooner HelerKiand Ann, from Alex- ... . . , , fj;.:' c. titrt.;.. fl.nr ,nH ' nu,) col. admit, that the loss on tbeir s.dii was fL .Un H.tiinhv the Nonsuch Wal 10 ou,s-: 1 9pnt wo m two days agoto II aOT P...w- w - - - l - .1 of Baltimore ; ordered her for Nass .'ti, N. p. ascertain the siiuation of the enemy and our wound sr were On th 22d ult in the lattude of Cblileiton, the f ? h French!n ' xhtl f..n .:,v Vj ... .f,.. . ! left at the river Risin. 1 shall manhth e av ch"se of9 hours, the U,&.vS Vixen, capt James afH mqjrow for the Rap d; j,nd ,m tlre t?ead, of U IS', and M dip, made eiuP 0e arui ery .the, .project , ol tiL as the Southampton on the Island of W Th frenchman is certafn th General V inches- V t Soiithampt ceptiori. u - - y - -Y. The Rhodian brig,-from Nassau, last from the Island of Conception, with Sir James Lucas Yeo, Jnt. hii officerF and crew, ani the oiBcers and crew o"the U. S. brig Vixen, arrived at Port Royal on; Monday. ' After the loss of the Southampton and Vixen, the officers aid n,en of both vessels, from their indefatigable exervir.ns, saved a quantity of sails, rigSr'S fee. and the Amej,icans'"Vhaved so cquiplcifcly to the satisfaction xf- Sir J. L. Yeo', small a sacrifice Qf human life, 9 men only being secy rity ; that they shall continu limea anu wounueu. 10 uie enemy, luuecu, on ijpe wiioje. would be (he mn.f , 7 i;ili rri-rr in iiirf-iiiH fii flu. insnri1 in mo f .i n . j . . . . r atare Pennsvtwnh.' nn,, be .uses the following Ver; ,? ' 'their report is not mZVT c.rcumstaoces, but is SftSeM of truth t in sAm, Hv's1rt ; -V hood, - He 'iddeli -L? ! "ff . v ar- Hu urea , r- Patterson, and Evan, w uT " iVlessrs- Vo,5i, equaThi knack at invective. xS? is self.moving.or craitk-mnvin..- u hls. maine Lnofliiiemp.tihleechanir-ai " and iriprj-y i- enaic ui wmcn lie lavish iMintrlBgenct-YtKtvdzj before , !ieCo- .. f SeSSio,fur th,s city and .ounty, a Wirb?;. name of M Donald, belonging to the'Ci Governor's I.nd, was mdicttd for sxabi?'1 Keith in the pubhc street at Whitehall V, , appeared in evidence that a ti e of men hji sent from Gnvei-nnr'a Iclnnrl , f1 8 ifkr... . r - i . ier iney loumi me. man end tock hi-m-i. : eni n.W I I -vj ter, cl. Lewis and brigade maj. Garrard, area mong the prisotaers. ' , . Ijad Quartm Portage RivKH.Slst. Jan. 1813. This morning two spit-s whm I had sent to the river Raisin, have returned. They gave a still more favorable adcunt of the action than that before received. ,Thty say, that a cooside. rabiy larger ntimber of the enemy w-re killed, than of our rnen', nd that after mrsiirg every assault o( the liiitish nd chafing the latter sue 1 that he samWbnL them together, and express- csse$s(,uu StYral t,m'- V1 -,Ktr SBrrc,n . eJ his animation, staling that he would repre-; ler umi1 ia(tfr ?r of th? Ii.dians fro.n. the t 8?nt their cwtduct to the Nayal .Commander on' Pursu,t ol . those .who had. fetreateJ in the com r, this .station in its proper light; and obtain for them rnencement of the .actum Uhere were two thou r c . w . -and one hundixd men on the suit of the British. I1 i every preference in his 'power ..to bestow. learn that they will shortly return home ira car tel for the U. S. " :. fi"'': ':;t:;":: "v It appears from the Krehch papers, that the greatest fKertions are making by the continental powers in alliance ' with France to reinforce the grand '.army;'. Skirmishes frequently occur be tween 'the Cossacks and French detachments. A detachment under marshal Regnier was or b wi NAVAL ihtUMFHl W1I.MISGT.ON DPI.. FKB. 7, GLORIOUS AND BRILLIANT VlClOtiYl We have been obliirinelv favored t"v Mahr Ro ------ - v n O'lrri'lnfa ll Ol Q AKI ir iVi-Jt- T T t TwHTnTfl Q f T rift ' ilanA ir f . 1 t lie. uai iiaii hh uvu uivhwiuli vn-. y v I lutiivv an uia Javor Run tt'fiWh k' i killed and 10 1 (or as another account say 170) of angTy-railihi?ffftra. rPMioit. wounded. beMOes the total, destruction ol me ves selsTnsliaaddiiional evidence that whetfeer an opportu'hity occurs, in wliich an American ves. sels comes in contact with an tqual force of the enemy our gallant naval heroes will at all times. " deserve well Itheir country." On 'the 29th December, in last. ,1 36, S. long. 38. West, about ten leagues from the Coast of Brazil, Jhe United States frigate Constitution fell in with and captured 41is .Britannic Maji'stys fri gate Java, of 49 guns and manned with upwards of 400 men. The action cohtinued one hour & fifty fve minutes ; hi whitM time the Java, was made' a complete wreck, having her-bowsprit Brd every mi'sr-and spar shot out of her. The Constitu tion Tiajd 9 killed and, 10 1 wou Jed. Amongst the lf.tei was her commander', Captain Lambert, a very distinguished officer, mortally..' Froma letter writen by one of her officers while on board the Con iti' ution, it is evident that the wounded must have been considerably greater, and many must have died of their wounds previous to remo val. The Utter states 60 killed and 170 woun ded. . : ' ':' ;. The Java was rated at 38 guns, but mounted 49. She was just out or dock and fitted in the ' C'impletest manner to -carry out Lieutp.iant Gen-1 eral Hislop,-Governor of Bombay,-and his staff;1 Captain M irs'iall, and a commander in the British navy ; knd a number of naval oflic-rs going to join Mntish ships otwar in the Last Indies. splendid naval victory The account was brought to New C title bv ah ir." ..v.w. ...v.. .w6..... - , x ne account was orougnc to rsew vtstie dv an Vdered to storm the Russian town of kwrskarioffictr of the Constitution who had landed from a occupied by 2000 Russian troops ; it was carried, ; schooner pri2e to lhf Hornet, who was. in siht at f ' ana tne uussians entirely routed. the oossacRs the close of the action, and from" whose icurnal and othtr Russian soldiers, committed the most Maior r:. fvirarf.H it. Tboflirsr. whr, n .me ' dreadful excesses on the peaceable inhabitants g ll0t recived, has gone on to Washington City of their own country. They pillaged Moscow with despatches. 1 ' ' after Bonaparte evacuated it. and vehted their per-1 Deq., 1 s. 18! i, Mer. !at. 1 8 60, ldnjr. 36 SV. 10 ? aonai.nairea in acis oi rawiess violence. ...... ussiaieaRUC9 from SU Salvador .descried a sailwh.ch f feiurwus umc a mciancn-uy picture oi rum was SCK)n discovered to be ah English frigate. We t11-380111- ;Winzingerode,laid to the empe !took in mainsail and royals, tacked thins' end I'Vror oFRsslI1 arrived at Frankfort, Germany, a stood for her. -At SO minutes past I P. M wi h- prisoner to the trench tXi the Ptof Lrc. Na :;n half a mile end t win?.arrt. nd ht.Mii."wn Jpoleon has appointed Murat, king of Naples, his :an his colors except the union jack at the miztn I : . 'lieutenant-general to command the grand ai my un- , mast head, the Constitution fired one gui .... .... u..v, u.. v..u.. ... -vi ... ( oi me enemy to mane 'spring- On his return to Paris from tbe army, which he gave' us hi w the Hritish ships of war in the East Indies. B sides these, and havinjr htr own complement, of officers and men complete, she had upwards of one hundred supernumeraries of petty officers and sea men for theulrniral's ship and other vessels on the East. I miia station. She also had dispatches t rt Carr, who has jut arrived from 'New is h1 frain ,he B. tish government for St. Helena, the rith the following iuieresting account of another! fjaiM5 Df tj0O( )Hope, and to every British estab- lishmenjLjn the E-.st Indies and China Seas and had copper on boarJ foi a74 gun ship and two sioopi of war building at R:mbay, and it is pre sum d miny other valuables' 'all. of which were olown up in her on the 31st of December, when she was et on fire. - f he Constitution was considerably cut in her spars, rising and sails ; but not ro much -injured out that she could have commenced another action immediately after the capture of the Java, which hurr yescl was made a perfectly unmanageable rcck. . All the oTicers and seamen taken in th? Java ver-i ptmllfd by commodore Iiainhridge, and landed on the 31 of January at St. Salvador, Bia- gun ahearl him shew his colors, on hole broadside. A eetieral )y wui.jiit iukiku iii uKu, i. icugunu, OV.I.-JUI-( action with round and grape shot now enrwnen panied only by the Duke , of Vincence, whose ced, th enemy keeping at a much greater dis ..an.., oauuitu. -U5 n- iuiw.n,.iiuii3 tance man ve wished, out we could not Dnng to some y of Prague ; passed through Warsaw, where he ' him to close acticn, without exposing ourselves 5 f remained several hours unknbwn. Before his de-1 9evere rakinc. Both vessels manoeuvered soi t ptfuuic i ik... it, ne arm iui uic vuuui onu , nme to rake and to avoid being raked uie ;mmiMcrB pnance oi incunnu uueny, wun Al 2 P. M. commenced action within good whom he conversed a considerable time.- He ar grape shot, cannister distance. At 20 min. past 2, i , jivco tn uresaen on ine im, at i o ckck ui nigm ; our wheel was shot entirely away. At 40 rr.in past 2, determined to close in with 'he enemy, noi- wit hi'anHino' his raltlnor fir. fr.r .A miintnli it, -wnere ne angnteu ai me nouse oi toum aerra, jiib iiiiiioitii v-f.ri.ici .uiiici i iirt a-jiijc villi V vim thp : 'Rr,tr of fiarrVrw. h ft naf ncraJn. i ait ft a fnw Sroad" to Leipstck and Men - The jduke.of Cadore acts yH min.isttr of state in Paris inbsence of count Daru, who rcrrfauis widi 'n' the intendant general. x' As soon os the Ceremo .V'11'8 ofjhis. arrival were" over Bonapatte examined in' person into "the state of different departments and luffed up close to him At SQ m past 3, the enemy's jib bofm got fore of qur mizen rigirjg At 3, head of enemy's brjwsprit and jiu boom-ot away by us. At 5 . minutes past 3. sot a.vcy- en emy's bowsprit by the board. At S'nun. pa'jt 3, shot away enemy's main tonmist, just .ibove tJu ! Cah. At 40 mill, nasi .1. slinf ainv their iTHtV arii! r,- . -w.-. . i..- I r i .,---7 t,-- r. oi ms goTernmem, l ne anniversary oi nw coro-; spanker boom. At 55 .nin past 3, sh wa . X t nation was, as usual, brilliantly celebrated through-; their mizen rhast bv the board.. At 4 p. M. con out the empire. pletiylylencedhenemyrrrhiiTB-xlo Hatfield's crocerv afore neiip Wt, the house. ' The marcJiin'g of the ruur l0 H fiejol's excited some curiosity among iheiny-, tanlfr oTlhe rftighborhood, and several wn vyar,ds the dtKif to seV what was going lu, ward Z 1 hesoldicr M Donald) ordered them eff, kad . man refusing to step. bask,. 'was stabbed in u0 places, and driven from the walk ; at the mWnt Mr. Keith CBme otit of a neighbor! house. knowing that any soldiers were titer, or that ant disturbance had taken place, and in 'Atempiimrtt pass Hatfield's o house received the point of ihs soldiers bayonet in the thigh. -.. The Jury lound M'Don dd guilty. TheRea; der immediately nrdered, him to be brourrht- totiie bar for, sentchce--Addressing himself to the pu. soner he said, that tho he was sorry the priswi. er was likt to suffer for doing what he might km been ertofteously taught was his dcV.y, yet, sswich outrages could not be tolerated in a state of civi snciety, the Court had thought itself called upon to take an especial notice of this case He said'-' that it was a principle to be maintained at tvtry hazard, that the military must be subservient M! civil authority, and it. was high time thatofficn. and soldiers knew it, if they did hot know ifalru., dy, It had becoms indispe'nsuhle to rnukc a pu-S lic example, and to make, it now, that ibis ttj; might be checked in the bud. HeadiW- .muay very pertinent and impressive ifl)servatia onthe duties ol the citizen and sold icr.aad con cluiied by sentencing the prisoner to one year's confinonVent inthexity prison. I )n tin; same day another soldier was convicted bscene behaviour in the public street cfttitd and sentenced to three months imprison men! in thl: ciy prison. 1 he conduct of tins prisonrr H5 sqoufagvously indecent that we cannot report, it. ' ' i A'rw Y.Jiv Peit. z is. N The following is a list of his Britannic majesty's military and naval officers parolled at St. Salvador) by commndere Bain'iridge : - j. 1 Lieut. General 1 1 Major t Military Officer. 1 Captain J 1 Post Ciptain , 1 Mtster and Commander 5 Lieutenants r 3 Lieutenants of Marines L S-irgeon . , 2 Assistant Surgeons 1 Purser ;.. ..: . 15 Mi(hh:prri.en .... ' - I Gunner I U )Ht swain ' r 1 Neater ' - . . 1 Carpenter 2 Captain's Clerks 1 . ' . ' . ' 28 i JfRr.ers. . . 323 p'.-uy-OiTkers, seamen, n?arines and boys, . ' TOH THE MINEIlfA. To Che Freemen of Jiort h TanUna Engaged in war with a gycaf 'acd powerful i tiOT, destitute of the munitions of war, andconse. rjiisntly of the means of defence ; holding anwr ourlclves a species of population ready to f.fr. th.; standard of rebellion ; in the power of our cn enty to land on our 'coast troops of the samecoH already disciplined and, trained tc the use of ama a:;, considtra'tions that need no ccir.rr.ent. fcciinected wi'h the extraordinary appearance th times, imperiously ftqiire that every bodied freeman should be armed fur in a a-pi'l: ivery fieeman h a soldier. The candid mamer iri which Ills Exct!! Governor Hawkins recommemled the arming ti Militiaito the cor.'iidcratio.ji of the legislature., he commencement of their late sessipn, -met w"K the aDnroi.ation of everV thinking rran; b'j. stange to tell that a proposition, ippmpjuwr;. S25,0(K) to the purpose of arming the militia.'5 rejected in the seriate! by small mnjoriry.--A.te Viewing this subject my heart felt indignant et tt contracted poiicy which refuses to put our coinV;?. in an attitude of defence, where so ronchTs t I!" LATE FROM LISBON. main being down, we supposed ht h?d stitick, aprf shot ahead to repair our ritrrrmi)', which x-ts rnm !! exclusive of nine-Portuguese am'en, liberated an-.rrakerTndhe-rpatr 4 t' Thfe shin Kaile-tlantain Prfiei kin. arrivrl hrf ! i-a..:.. .vT .... ... .... i- J brt. evening, ,in 88 days from Lisbon left' that after we discovered the enemy s fl .g was s'ill fi-ynrg. place' on the 2d ult. ( ! At 20 min. past 4, we -wore shijOnd stood fi " f, Then wasno late news of importance from the the enemy. At 25 min. past 5. git down to hr x - coiu.Dinea armicineir neaa quaneis were ai ,n a very -effective position for raking. Athwa ' Ctlerlco, where thev. had - taktn up their winter j his bow, and at iKe very instant of purpreparii " garters. ; The Freiich were on . their retreat, j to give her a broadside the enemy nrudehllTstriif: The Marquis of Wellington was expected at .i Lisbon, the dayl tt E ;gle mailed rgreat prepara. lotions were.making by the Portuguese Regency to receive nun, ine phi.tf Je JiP5?5t tyv wpit. wasyo invest Mr. Stuart, tbe British Ambassa dor, bv command of the Prince Rtcent. with the t ordcr(ofthe Bath.Sir Siapleton Cotton sail :d a .bcut the 2ath ' Etecemberfor England. Marshal " Beresford and General Leith, were in Lisbon, re- vjvenn uiHii cue wyuuus uey naG received in Ihi batlle of Salamarica. Troops vere constantly t arrivingj.t Lisbon from England about the mid - c'.Ie of Dc'err.!'.er two regiments, the King's ,L.ife t Guards'and Oxford Blues, were landed. T he 'day $ "bt-iore they marched r.H" To join th- army, they viH'vif,v;d !: Sir 3. Qnuih.; 'the firmer were " aUmit Har -r r.:.;. r;d-made a e.jjol:ljt4XLr .T .'ctire; -'Hiiur rn .tinted ,o; elegant black Hanoverian xhtiYTChifl'iiiwri Cou tic.-. . ' '., I ' Athwar ins Lieut. Parker wassent on bo nd to take possession of the prize, which proved to.be his'rrujesty's sfiif Jva, rating 36 but mounti ' g' 49 gua'.: oiiimiini. hyOnt. Larubert, .a distingtiislien otiifei wn-;; was mortally wounded) with a cn-"w ot up of 400 men, besides- 1( 0 suptxi'rnvraties oi; ( out to the' Eas Indies for ships 'mere,.- I'hei-. Wci e on board a'"numbtrr of passeiigrp,arn'ig which were lieutreen Hfslop, (iovernor ol Uombay'; ia jor Wa ker and Capu Wood, f iiis staff ; Capt. Mari.hall, master arid commander the Royal Navy, and several officers appointed to ships in tlv East Indies". . ". - ' Qn board the Java were 60 killed and l?0 wound- ecL The Constitution had .9 killed and 23 wound ed. . . - " V": '' - . " ' Sbe4iadr-on hoard ) epatrheforSTTiMenat . . .. -P.-. i-.. I I In iven up to the governor oi .i. oaivauury anu o passenger?, -prite characlnrsTwhoci the com rnodore dkl not consider prisoners of war, . and pv i nfilled to land without any restraint. The following is -i .cony of the letter-above "al ludud to from ah officer of the Java ': "' Pritoner 'on board ike American frigate" Conitu , tai!on .5V. ialv.d$r, Brazils Jan. 1st, 1813. My dear sir I am sorry to inform." you of the i II snbum lb tne cw- wit-ni 35hls y""" siHeration of my JcHqw c'.tiJSens. Vf r I would propose that a company bs tormed ir the purpose of manufacturing arms 1 hat te sum of 20,000 dollars be rais'td by suTismv.'r.n, t. 25 dollars per share, one fotirt.i to be paid do; one fourth when the machinery jshops, work 110"'J Sue. are ready to go into cp'eration, 'the other n lV.nrths in six months' instalments: ... I am convinced that a plm oi. ""'.W'm'" . oj ft'-t: Domestic I'' 'i ' WAStfiNGTO ClTtiTeb3(i,16., ' . '; Th"sWH forthe'tto trea:e -the Navy of. the j :- XJ. tiiaies. by rjurcfiiatngor building severaljsloop3 ! ,.J f war, has passed the House of Representatives ; also a bill' to. authorise the appointment of rx. ' f I atMiiionat Major Generals and1 six BrigadieGen f 'tiah to the -Armv of tVe US;att9.:; ; A t (-n'tm'potsmj bill w5s f esltitUy reportedln the , f" "IL ?f Repiesentatives f6r modifying the n.in im t ,p'.aaiion act and to encreast the dutieson foicign g v'lvi t:ge,' It3 passage is doubtful j it will least Caps of Good Hope, f and thalifferent establish merits in the Last Jndes-and China ; and copper for aY4 and two frigates bnil-'ling at Rombsy. ', -1 he Java was an elegant, ship, and fitted otit in the most complete 'manner, for the purpose of carrjing cut the Governor, to Bombay. '. 1 . The crew with the officers' baggage l-esng ta ken out, the ship was set on fire on Jahuaiy 1st, and blew :d7,.'as she was so crippled as To lender it impossibTe 'to, bring her ihto pirt., Commodore Bainbiidge' "was slightly jyounded, '.'.' ' : .v.." . . - . , . - .,xf Jtr- f !iern!n'a !.j'.ll, 1p' I and myself were shipmates in the Marl, proper reguitti.ojii .r-'"-.;; epf!) . came to ses together.- He whs public god,. wr.ne it wouiu uu.-m - . (iascome oi rour'i. and first aivit earlv in 1'ie adin by a round shot in Jus riht ht to tne comp.ai.y. ? . . m he high, '"and died in a few minutes after w a. cis. j P-.su-lH 'rM mu'.:ft? c T' P.,ur other of his mmates shared the samefde, jmadd by the comply at e.lu or riine. ht with 60 mtn kdlrd and 70 wounded', .'tm, anu. pcuwi j,. . !.'..rr...ut. ,.mf i,n will nn rir.nh! v ,u of hands, hc can b had very low, b ... ' . . . , L - ..I, ,. .1. i . : ..f tti Uhor hM-fr.rmed bv water. lore mis reaciifs ynu-. l ne you wuija an v " " i - . l'h be lore friends and" relations: know of his uniimtly fate ' ' We were fi board the Jay a fori a passage to Indiawhen we fell in with this fi igate. T(vo nr. ce.h I have Efjit you under, .good. -care, and hope this will reach. you safely. lYours truly, ' " H. D CORKRCK. - " Lt. Peter V-Wood, 22-d re gt. foot Isle of Trance, or Bpu! bon, L:asTI i ulies." tt:,f ho are viin' 5 lor tne tncoui vcuicinvi r -,e to assist in this "laudable er.Urpuze, I i for 1500 -doirar to build, av my ,1,s c.nw, creek, Moore county, a Machinery to go . that shall be sufficient to bore .-end gnw. can barrels 'peri day ; the Machmtry- contain one water uhwthmd trip ha.nolei tor .,. Tjrno-nrr' 1 ,wi.U also give, to tn; coin" 25 acre convenient to. the machinery f s'l't. On her .palWage to Boston the .Constitution iff'll in with tho Hoi Set, and was itifyrmed that she had recaptii red the: A mexican shi p W illi a m i : a pri ze to the Java ; and that she had also captured on. t he same day the schooner. Ellen, bound from f .vw1rh .r Qr lq'r...r)AM itiilh lrr-vrr.rle . Tj In ftl. l.juiliisii w wjt. aivauuii n.ui mi t vvvu. 4. v. vv ui , - .. '1. . UrWo.mt r 2noronrt-ir,iiar hit.','fcVn'- ouf the 'will make any kind arms. su. . rlM1 : . .... . 1 tv,;'. ...inlt: suinp.ts. - C.b. ui- whole, ol her cargo and ordered ncrtor the first American- port.' fi-i4':- lumber at the place to ouuu ,1; and woik huMS, at six do.ia'S .I'-.i u,''-.,,',c,i I will also' engage. to sop-r.ntwie "" ni,ss for three yei rs at 75(f! " f ri vs. -.f . .rEP.Tu a l motion. . ';.;;, ;' Charles Red he ffer has published in liefa (Phi, la.) Gazftte, a long vindicatipn of. the leality of his-discovery , to which he has ' subhSint d " certain CONFIRMATION.. , : - New York, ,Ftb. 18 : Another brilliant" navaLaqhievernent by the V- depositkns. He introducfts the statement with a Hied States Prigats ConstitutioW "Commodore! very cavalier notice. of the committee of the Leg IS. v.s shot Run?, pistols,' swoTus! na y-4 h hi k pro pe r-4 direct. . . - Should this, ulah'or any o'her c theapprobation-W myfeHo sirous to engage io tl "e bllieSs on my greatest txeruons m Affi- :.''- T opefation as 0: February 2 fBf

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