'I 1 "4. (I ' Paris, December 26. ADDRESS . . Ofhin ExccVtncy Come DsFBAMQity Minister Oj ' '"njr it iiu President of the department oj 'Jindnce, Die first wish of the members of yourCoun. ell ol siele in common with all your faithful sub jc!$i, is to - present nt the foot of the throne of tournutesty, their congratnlations upon your hap ov if tori, an t to express those sentiments of &k.i.o!cOgiTsenis which' have filled them, in learn ing that your majesty has returned, to complete th- wishes and hopes of his people. - During the absence of your majesty, whifst Jyrv Were engaged in those occupations which you had dei inert to confide t us, and whilst every m, invent was devoted to the execution of your or der for the- happiness and prosperity of the em pire,we were tar from suspecting that any French-' roaricould be ignorant of the sacred and all-pre . serving principles Which have already Saved us from anarchy, and should forever preserve us from it. " I She We have witnessed with profound sor row the a tempt of a finatick, who by a previous crime, proved that he already jnerited that pun ishment which yourtnajesty ha-1 the generosity to remit : but this attempt titi'only jerved to convince oar a:cient enemies of ,he Inutility of such con- 8piraCies, and to place'in a newTiht the sincere attnehment t all the, lunciionanca ot the empire to the constitution which your majesty has g'iv en them. Every quarter of the empire hasevi dencedthiir attachment, and all your subjects have rivalled the officers in their respect for the principles, and their attachment, to your sacred ( fcertyti, and royal dyoas'iei. , . ' r GM, who protects France, will long -preserve f I hfr-ixMpi the greatest of all misfortunes, but ii ifitsU101 befal her, all hearts will rally round rr Prince, the object of our hopes and wishes ; f' Frenchman will renew at his feet the-oaths i": "Vve anc' fidelity fr the emperor which the ConstHution has appointed to succeed. I We have .been alive to the details of the las' bileun of the granu army. TWhat atfmiratio. 'Ouht not the develupement of this august char 1. acter to inspire, during .hat month of danger ami cf glory, where the trials .of, the heirt could not Retract from the : s'rengtb of the mind. What sentiments ought not this faithful phtur of unforeeea.disaatersto inspire in a. truly gene rous nation, seeing Vh it the tutelar genius of Franc tknewf how.to ..counteract their effects, and draw frnm tVi &m a nvB irV w Vmi m.iocln niyl an li1. rtpnl 'frre.ater. than at the mmtipnt tvhpn fnrttin j r- rr 'D ,V . r kivAAi) hour alf rt w rr, i rt Sim fr V A . nln . . w . n t n f i ! '.mind us that! she cojle! be inconstant. , i , Let our eneaiiesif they choosev, rejoice at the flosses which the rigour of the season and the in 1 hospitality ofthe climate occasioned ; but let their , tpprectate , our strength, and Rnow that there ar lia2ette merely states that the enemy had re tirtd which was to be expected from the want of supplies and the advanced statecfi he season. . f It is. a hct worthy of being known, that a considerable part cf the Library, of Rl Talfeyrad, iVince of Benevenlo, is actually ,arrivtd In Lon don," and that the rest is expected. It is consign-, td to an eminent house for sale. Various con jectures may be formed from this circumstance, and the most o&vicus is, that he. may not think his 'property so safe within the reach of the French government as in England ; and that probably his books are not the only part of hia immense fortune that he has remitted. , Another conjecture also, very natuftl is, .that the report of the. high prices gi veto at the lloxbury sale' for' books may have tempted him to send some of his raiitits, the spoil of the Libraries , of Eurdpe, to so good a market. Our readers, however, may be assured ofthe fact. ' . "Saturday afternbon Viscount Castlereagh receiv ed dispatches from America, the contents of which his Lordskip sent round to the Cabinet ministers for their perusal., During the last setting of the house of com mons, the Chancellor of the Exchequer i.ppeaied 3t the bar. with a message from the Prince Re. jent, tending to grant subsidies to Hufcsia Mr. VVhjtbriacL roae, and declared in positive terms that he cdufd not give his assent to such a pro--position. It-would be far more becor.iing, said he, that the -house should vote succor to the un happy people of this counjtry, and contribute in alleviating the distress of the poor ofjingiand, instead of . exsreising, underdifferent pretexts, its' . i i r, ii ... .i i i i generosity lowaras tuasia. v..nariy xiuviki uegin being a sfiamin.; Could' it be: expected that fiea. nvuiV IVdiyt M VUUUU I J I 4IIVillf AiUlIl aate pride about a tijQe, ivyuld,. involve millions fo peopjle in- the ravages devastations of wr f ; '. ; , 't'M Penaytvama Refiubhcam 'i A BARGAIN T OFFER F0R S ALE mv Store of BOOKS W JL STATIONAR Y, and will give a credit of nt, two and threeyears. I expect to receive in a',fe.w days a large supply from Pluladelphiaitb make tlie assortment more complete. The whole stock shall be pot at such prices as cannot fail to be an object to a person who wishes to establish himself in a profitable trade. It is unnecessary to say that to a young fiTan who has some knowletfge of Books, and who does 'hot like he drudgery of a Profes sioh, .this estabUshmcPt promises profit, respecta ble p.' q-taintance, anl may afford. ..time to pursue his studies Undoubted security will be required. If necessary, a small sum of money can be had to keep up the assortment. Letters on the subject, post pai', will be attended toi . 1 If no sale be made in a few weeks, I shall en large my assortai'-flt 12, 1813P, ft AS RECEtvirV wurri.0 .. j'''1 TATIoKS or boh r. At Hf. . Uill s complete Bod f.f h-. - spnirh btacKhouse's History of the R!M - 4 Cuck's Theological )iciotrB;t: "'W .Miscellany, 2 vols? 3 : I ' tampbell on Ihe Gospels 2 JO a fences ot Christianitr 6 50 Natural Thenl. Uf 2 2 jn WM. BOYLAN. Frh- 12, 18135tin , : 80.tr 1 fcp i V A Houseljkl. Ldts, m Raleigh, THE subscriber offers for sale, the house and lot, on FayetteviUe atreet, which he at present oc. cupies as a dwelling house and work ihop. Also, three loti lying on Salisbury, M'Dowel and Da vie streets.' He also wishes to sell, a likely vounc w.f ... . .. . at home:" and added he, although I admit that woman, anout or J yesrs ot .gt.toa- u would not be always prudent to follow such a : n Per80n m ,!Ves ,n thls neighborhood ami who maxim, yet when I consider the privations and ' accustomed to trea' negroes well. None other distresses to which (;reat Britain has been exno nee(l aPP'y- The terms will be .trade known on sed, by the continuaticn of the war, I think that ap nation to it we are to pay coniriouuons, tney snouui oe ap-i propnated to the relief of oar unhappy country Feb. 19. THOM AS EMOND. 8!,3t men " Sir F. Burdett said-i.1 That in the present Notice to Contractors. TH E, ui id e r s i s n e d5 1 in g V c f i 17i ittTe j oppointed for .tate of affair, such a message was insulting to b the COunty cm,rl of (;ranvdle,'to contract CpcuF.c m u.c .ojucm yi ...c ...c.v.u. ... the building of. a JAIL for said county, do hereby it cai.iilij',i;i,,i my uiw'iasiuii vi int. urn a "ive noMcf that L 4 t no effotts, or. sacrifices which by the; example of ' your majesty , he French nation is not capable to lteaH4ii4iU.Rlbrioi$desifim8. "2 f ' v In cfefQwldging your labors and paternal care, Xtt car 6nly offtr to your majesty, as doe all the 'I 'empire, ,the. . expressions of our sentiments of re- f Bpectadniiration, and love.x We dare hope that yourmajesty .will , accept this homage; with the C same condescension by which . . he has invariably ' " honored the fidtlity and devbtedness pf his com cil of atate. :.P'-t-. ' y: HI$. MAJESTY'S REPLY. 1 .Cplhrsst2:e,.:U:t ... Asoften a tr enter France, my heart expe . -';3riencea" lively satisfaclion. lft.be peoplervi c-' tV" so much Ipye for my 'nj it is because thtirmin; s " ''"are convinced ipf the , blessing of a monarchic I m government. vf; - ;i h,: 1 y . Td this dark and metaphysical doctrine ol Idea ' ? v &ff-:hicfc'Tv1Kl Intb-first causes would found on this basis a hgistatiott f the people, 1o which w " is to be attribute all; hemisfclxtunes-wbich ave. been experienced by Prance -instead of ppropri. -i tjrtglawi tothe human hearty and -to the lessons 4 of history v Those errors would fas they have i already,' done) lead to the regime of blood and ter. ij. ijifor.In factjil; prI:med,jasja dutyi the principle i'f ;f iosurrectibn4iteceivd,he 'people in pro 'f. claiming a "soverignty) that they were unable to )7 TOabnVTlf..4roydthe ."sanpt!y and'! respect " for the aWs,t m making ihtm dependtnt, not on , Hhe ,sacr'prlip:Htjf. justice "'ahd:''liature c f i iningSr.DUt-soMiyon me wiii o t jn assembly com . l' " , posedof strangers to ciyil.criminal, admiHistrative4 political' or niiUtafy laws. . Whejrj, culled upon to ts regenerate a state-priflcples in direct oppostipn '''"to these must be fTilowed.. r-: ,'. History paints the human heart and it is in s history we must at arch to know the advantaKesot U ; different legilrttipjqs. . , ;, 5 yThesi ate 'the principle s thatilhe; council, 1of 1 (" ate of a gresVcmpv e'o'vgljti never to J osi sight J "of; to hichshould bd'a'aded, avcourage equal to "very.:: tria), and- Ukwsth Presidents Harltv arid" j !Mole, ready to perish In defending, the sovereign, the tfcrone, end the laws. U' i, ,. i -i ''.'.. - I arreciate the ?estim6niesef attachment whic occasion i . j. aptrreciaie me testimonies el attachment wnn i vthe- jpuricil of state has evinced on every qccasic I acknowledge Aheir sentiments. . : " a? J;:.r v .-J'BuDec. IK; ! v or.som time past, tfoops have1 gon continu jt zy through bur tttywhich'-cwiatesffreat anima. i a- tbnAAitiaberfJi 'for the use of the -tniy. 1 Kouinmertts of all kinds - - ' t A ' . ' " j f,,0rertrcpirmg'-Vij contractions are paid Jin ready J .rnouey. -..Ten "tKim'r.d French, troops fro,rhSwe t v dish Ppmerania and Mecklenburg, hafepassed by, J;J .Stettin, on thftr way to join the grand arrayv.-. , vU The Austrian armies it! Upper Hungary and ; GaUiciaV" hvebeen considetabl angmetited, v' r i A 'I'fWP9 arelso marching from Hamburg,' Bre- ;ht hia -wouvt'StFtr-- k t,t: " 'Vet Prbam'nt, itvas;j9afdf' Uoei t.azettes and Diaties were December 24. : the d.HFe received on Siaiurdiy to the first insfant with- despatches from '.. '' -'.., ;-',. ?...' - postponed till the next duy. The Board of Admiralty met to day, and it is s Vi I, have determined to release the American licensed vessels brought in here. . " "PROPHECY. The following is a cut ions .extract from the Gentleman's Magazine, for Julv, 1807, (pace 616 :) There is now living at Gi'lingham, in Kent, (England,) a mpst e'ecentrie old gentleman, w ho as sumes to himself the facjlty of second sight, and has for several years predicted the fate of Empires and the fall of Bonaparte- At the time of this reclaration, there was a -general expectation of peace, which was really ratified ; but the old gen tleman stood firm in the opinion be delivered, and speaks with exultation of some recent events which have confirmed them. Before the Treaty ol Armens was concluded he declared thr it would 1 nitor of the esta e ot Thoma Brooks, t SHARES. not last, and that this r.nnntrv onfrht rot. t- emrrt -tc. and Joieph Brackifi. i-jfor, said he, Bonaparte mot be a greater man 11 appearmj to the sattstaction ot this court, tlanhenow is, and it will bt by opposine this conn-; Armstead Fbppin, pne of the defendants,' is fry that he will become iSo; he will go on, be on i-'riday the fifth...dav of March next, thev will l''t out to the lowest bidder -t thp court h'-use in thetoum of OxfordSe building f said Jul, all the matenals wherf ol to be furnish ed by the undertaker. A plan of the building will be shewn at any time by the Committee to any -person desirous of undertaking. v ( John Washington H JJenj.Bullork, . ; ." ' " William Smttfiy . Nathaniel Hob aTds, '. . Thomas 'njLutlejohnS v Oxford, Feb. 9, 1813, . 81,2t -t State of North-Carolina, v , ; ... CkSAtu. cou.s iY. : .. court or rtKAs AND(,quAnTEit sbssions, JANUAKT TBUM 1813- Thorna? Brouk and Mary Bruoks , " yj , ( PETITION FOR ArmMoadFlippiriand line Brackin.admi- DISTR18U TIV Jral Theolopv ; Moral. Philosophy Davies' Sermons. 3 vols. ' Doddridge s Fam.Iy Expositor, 2 wh 7 i he complete Duty of Man, bv H v 5 Fordyciv.s Sermons to Y, ' l'1' Venn 2 5 Doddridge's ditto to. YoU h b T9m,in I Co.bim. of Faith at Co.sitm-.on ofthe) Piesbyterian Churches m ,L T1 c lTti . i 2 S Wl I coming higher and greater, and will make victory till he comes to the confines of Russia, Where will be fought the" last great battle,ln whicn Bona, parte will fall and die his death will bring to light agreafer general than he ha3 evr been, who will really perform what Bonaparte pretended to not an inhabitant, of thisttate, itis therefore order ed, that unles3s the said Armstead. Flippin appear at our nexi tounty Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 'o be held for the cotjnty aforesaid, at the court house, on the second Monday of April neki, arid plead or demur,' tne sati petition will be heard ch parte as to him, and judgment bef eteied ac I when he acquired power make the nations 0f corovgiy anu tiat mis sun ce aaveniaca . iare weess in me tvaieign ftiincrva. i csi, 81 A. MUHPHEY, C. C. the woiiJ.happy This Cenei'3l. he sayswill'be. i descenfUat of David, who will turn hin attention to the jews, gather them all together, and. leading tiiem ho":ne to thsirovyn country, lay the founda tion of their Juture greatness.':-that. at that time all Christendom shall be subdued to h:m.an! ihe fate of ihi-i country be the fulfilment of the 27ih chrtiter of Eztkicl. , . . i i ,r wiie Elizabeth. David Shelt m, Nancy ... yc wuc.i v iiue years anu a tian - aic pas- Shelton 3nd Ken,y St,clion, faeirai law' State of North-Carolina, , - JANUARY. Tfc-KM, IS13. George Findley , -; vs. PETITION -i-TQ BUILD A MILL. . t f 1 ri 1 1 (Iwi i ma r i . . ...... I n J'-") "lil-l mv. I.1I11V. vl VUw lllllCSI. C Jl .ill lllil , the last honours attained by Bonaparte. I ! ! anc: Xttriain-infarmatioJirof olC'avid Shi lion, dt-c'J. 1 1 appearing, ' to the satisfaction of this Court, that the dtfeudants in this, suit ire not inhabitants -of thi3.4tate,4t.is2hercforex)j gentleman just arrived from Lugtiira states that j said 'defendants appear at our next Court, to be orevicus to his embarkation, he saw - Miranda m i'held for said county on the second Monday of A heavy chains ; they , were then .about removing ! pril next, und plead or. demur, the said petition heavy chains ; they , were then him to Porto Rico,-.' FOREIGN SEAMEN. Prom a Democratic Jiafier firinted at Harrisburg . The committee on foreign relations in Con gress have proposed a law :o exclude from Ame rican vess'elsiaU foifigners who shall flot be naturalised-in fie jyiears af tr peace with-. Great Britain. We think such a law coull not be rea sonably co-mjainld of. It;W5jultlv forever remove the enormous' tvil of impiessmejit ; .anvl surely it is better (or a few foreigners to be excuded from turning sailors., than fortthowands .to be im pressed, whipped and tort!uytd by an unfeeling enemy; From a rcjjrjrt lately made by '-'Monroe to Congress it appears that there are not more than I SCO" foreigners now in our service . ; yet, on ac. count of these few, not less-than 5C00 Ameri cans are Confined in British '-vessels, and compel led to fight against their own, countrymen. jjiemiitpmon Laiortigwes-cntering jur ves- ut removing ! pt il next, und plead or. demur, the said , petition wilt be heard ex parte as to them, and. judgment entered accordingly and that this suit be adver tised three weeks Inihe Haleih Minerva., 81, Test, V A: MURPHEY, C. C. Clark's Discourses to Yduj.h """"" vvreyi ijcrmoiis i Wesley's Sermons, 5 vols v Galloway on the Prophecies;' 2 vols. I'tiriwil a w un It 3, V V01S. Dick and Perry on Inspiration Practical Fifty, by Haanah Moore, Ferguson Roman Republic, 3 vols. FciiVde BiotrraDhv. or Vf.rn,r. r :n. . . , ous women of all ag6$ and countrie. d ; - Mary. Hays, .3 Vols. ., " - Jr"".7" Plowden's Hi'tory of Ireland, 5' vols, . Molina's History of Chili, r2 'vtila. with map, . DepjtisVdo.jof the Spanish Main, 3 vols,) ' , with maps, -... . y:,::ljCiX' ' C 7 50 Staunton's Embassy to China ' - ; j Life of Sir William Jom s . Cavallo on Electricity, 3 vols. , i ia Antenor'n Trayelsin Greece and Asia W lo" ' Kcrmes's Elements of Crlticisih, 2 vol. ' g jj iloolp's Aribfefor ci vols. Lohdon, calf, gilt, 6 5a German theatre, do. do. ,do do. i me u.oor.er-on, 4 vols. do. do, do Ch 'ucer's Works, 14 vols. do. ' do. do. hakespeat es-do- 25 vols, do do. do. Watts' Works, 7 vols. do.-. do. do. Every man fiis on Gardener, by Mawe and .Viercrombie, . c Vlarshall on Gardening, 2 vols. Kirwin oh Manures Knee f on Education Knickerbocker 'Vision of Don Roderick, br Walter Scott, ucraprieres universal iiiography, 2 vols. Coxe's Uussjan Discoveiics in-America.) with maps an., plates, - Pike's Expeditions to the sources of the Mississippi, thro the western parts ..f. 1 Louisiana, anrl a toir through the inu nor parts oi iNew paln, with map cnarts, .. Swell's Medical Companion homas's Practice , Staun.fpp's Vifgil,; English notes, Wilsort'on-Diseases, 2 vols. Carey's Pocket ,tlas Virginia Spy, Jefferson's Manual, fe Spirit of athe Book Smart's Hpracet Frapces xto. falthus on Population, '2 yois GiHies' History ofthe World; 3 vols. - . Ancient 'Greece, 4' vols. Ilich'e's'Memoirs of Europe, 3 vols, Melmotrj's Cicero, 3 vols. 3osw ell's"! tfe of Johnson, 3 vols, i tiViiiMTour to tbe Hebrides 9 2a so -7 50 3 2 ...ft 3 Si - 8 Si) 5 ?s ano , 3 25 4 2i 4 Si fi SO as vw. 6 8 20 50 10 12 JO 10 it m 2 I 2 JO 2 2.5 ,-' -' -'--.'-:.- NEW NOVELS. Vivian, 2 vols. ?i " Milesiah Chfef, 2 vols, )elf Indulgence . ' Asylum, 2 vols. Marked Lifc, 2 vols. " "The best Writing Paper, by the ream orqo;.i Red and BlackTSeaiing Wax. Red and Black ttV fers. Red and ijlack Ink Powder. India 'kb Boxes of Paint. Otfi;e Tape. Inks'.antis. Quli of the best kind. : Copy and Cyphering Ho Little Sc mith s Music Books. Blank Books i: Music. Pocket Ledgers Ledgers, Journals, n4 Record Booksr Blank Notes and Checks. Countf and Superior Court Blanks. Copy Slips January 22. .mi STRAYS. and love ofiustice and love of peace, and Jiotou. siUanimttyivXhe nappinesS of tlie.U.-S. should not be. forever, contingeet, and the .countrv ex- j posed to'perpttual and cruel ;wars, merely thai State Sank of N. Carolina, ; , . . DZCEMBER5th, 1812. - PURCHASERS of Stock in tht State Bank are informed, that a power of Attorney authorising a Transfer V a, Share of : Shares held in the State Uak most be witnessed, either by -ihe Cashier o? lbs principal Bank or of one of its Branches, by a NotaryaPublic, or .by"iw'o Justices of the Peace- and if by the latter, theitsigiuturts must be cer tified by the Clerk of the Court, "with the County Seal annexed This regulation to commence" on the first da v of January NEXT, cf . which all Who may be concerned will Like notice. , "; 72,tf W. II. HAYWOOD, Cashier. , .State of-North Carolina, I MECKlvtNBURG COUNTY." 7! Francis Lewis, Andrew .Suficrior Covrt cf LaW Niv r Term, 1 8 12. sels is a-very small restriction ; 7 and, consider mg the great encouragement gi ven in this coun. try to aliens, it diminishes to nothing. Aliens, in five years are citizens, and capable of filling any and eve,ry office in the United .States except that ot President and merely to prohibit their tur. hing sailors appears almost like a bounty, rather than a pcnalty4 ilt Jo6ks;like lnjgraitodein ' per sons of foreign birth :to complain of a ".slight restrictioa; - whjph'would. preVentUbeVmisery of thousands bi Americans and foreigners "also ind, at the same time remove -causes of future warsT H-U such i law be yielding fto" the enemVot is a;.vefyaaaUcnga hxtjioodayaftefaeHfou'rth' ftipnoay in ivarcn next ana replevy or. pieau vo is sue, judgment will be entered up against hiraV .7. .Test, .'.. 7.;:U';;7--'-'v,V'"'. t HENUER50N, c..c.c. 9!3 iS ' : X&iialjttac)ciiii rT7S,dn?j;.': I T . appearing to the satisfiction of : the courthat Andrew ;T.;DaVidson the defendant,7in , ihis cause, 19 hot an inhabitant of this state j therefore it is ofdere'd by court,, that publication be made threel rnnthsf ; success! veiy,'Int ihe7Raleigh Miner tafj tinleM the - said defendant appeal at t. next superior (court of v La w. to be litld for trje touhty S TR AYEP from town last tail, a red and white STKERfAhree vears" old, with a half cropm i.vi nght ear, -commonly termed--an under square lso, a red yearling BULL of the same mark. Infownation of theie Strays will be tnBkWtf re ceived by WM. B rtlW Who wishes to employ three or four 0Uy CIITTRRS for one month. Raleigb, Feb. 1U, 1813. ' fi0 'LZl Twelve-knd-an-half Cents . Rev. A-tiSwON ULU fivm the subscrrtti, xf WKayt an indented apprentice to the sil.' snitth's business. The above re ward, but no cha ' Kes, will be paid for his delivery to me, on my P mi,es, in Iredell- NEIL M KA- N, B. All persons are hereby forwarned noiL. u-u- ik. c.il bnnrpntirp. nt their nerd. llal uyi wiw afliu M i r - a . "January II, 183. 7 THE EDITORS -' v"v ' "' 7'7 -, . r.- ;;.'iTlieKalc4gWNews-Papers cTrTi) vt tu.nicim illnvi nf.ttie'ir Fn who, in conformity to the Not.ce wh.cb W uublished some time ago, have paid up t -i ' Ucourr-Sto the close of the present ywr;-' ' . 3tp -3m Frierv'Si who have not found it convenient, cr h n ; have haa Mbpportubityo so, iWjf fullb informed that their Papers wdl ; untiUbe-lstirfAprilnexuon.ch Accoun!sbhan not then have J j by Nptiameawmi ceiJ -4-Avt 77 : JOSEPH-vfUt- ' r'i-, fjoNES'St, HENDtKW', .. v mmr- LUCAS & A. H. HOYUN. Deceaiber 31, 112. ... :.V. t t