's ? RALEIG;N.a-ipUBLISHi:D fwEiitT) BY A.Hf,fQYL : - t-t i i ' '77. ., -' - .. . - - . V;v '1'" I ram the Baltimore American, ' ;. Amk"'11 3AtiATiT. The Wner Lot jeht, John' Southcon&t master eariiing . 6 nine pound carroifnfe, and a crenaisting of 28 persons, including .fficer sU6d from An npoli 3 1st ult; bound to Prance. ' Jo proceeding JTa the Bay, her hull i o marially -tofand bv tha ice, aa to repdejr It iucessary for her to put into Norfolk ' to 'repair.- Under these diid vant3ges, without the-least Buspicion'of the ene rny horir about' the capes,' and lulUd'thc of sicurky , by hi.iQrpturi.d,q; of our tWb wawr, ahewa encoanterea Dy, w aquaurou un Congress, 'Vit'Bra-' nst yro. ipf iia tntn were severely )de'It(:. law jon the the length of the iaiorf, &'thebraerywitl( which v it waa susuiried; oft h pirt of j -the1 schooner, it is presumed ioiey consideribl'ii; W u We bate tf,fote'iMiis( pub- f tier Admiral - y v arren, Wne vooi wf.r,win.c9 tA be borrowed. the mu '5ljrr tbav .u.jiKUujbiuf theprrc,ejems, under .furmer admioiiirat ions. That acts were passed a utKorizhxt; President .Ifyasbington .and president Adaio to borrow money, and without any restrictiotKas to the rate of interest. With reipect to the act passed under the ad mioistration of Gen. Washington, the nature of the transaction necesiarily Limited the. rate, of in terest,, so that there was scarcely a possibility qi ah ahtrtft rsf . nower. VVhaf-sir. wa9 the omec? fcf . "' m II 1 . ... l'itil il ! ' r ' ' '. ... liCHttpn pi Uje wuowrogLiewera ora , that law i Merely to enable the president to effect arid Troche iwl H th Allowing fof, coniingeivcies 5 ' money 'f hOt.coroc in'ion . ivjamngin ue j tars a atDi. or source it 11, itDposs.iie4ior theirecriarf to p?y if ift t;cosionef jj? l;yZ Th iVirbtarTsir, has toidfis jn j his annual k iiwi.iirj '&nhrtl :4hai ha flrflies bh Mm boats 'and hAhr;A'l(hmwhded1;;Mill' riot amount to PWmore thn'"ju''e CilUions ot doHrs whicln Will tie; ,,; MB. PITKIN'3 SPWClt;h::; . DlLt; AUTHORIZING A LOAN )f SIXTXEI W . MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. 'V. t ! -MivPiTKii,' said,, thai iodepenJnjt of the ject,. for which the money was to be 'raised thts bill, he was opposed to iw ; , v Umhavle in aVid the Avails hf fandVarld, Ut. Because the rale of interest was not limit. WVthii. f)60(M) dollars I'ducrini- efl. ; . ,V . , i "-'' , . ' ,kL tuJ'Z'.vZl lf':, i'ort. -wilt tunairt'huit ahrtnt 1 2,1. That the ; President WAS iUthorised to Bell L JiKam t1 tKV if fromtheae' sourre . far of AatK r nmA' no m...... I r- .. - -a 4' . , DVIfrrr r .,'-"'" l, lu rMtkt eai fi ne residue can 0en supplied otuy br 3dv Uecaustv do .--.ttiods, '.were' Droftdea'.'Ibr the4iL.IJ.' t , ki KJi,i1'. fc.Ji. S1.10.C00.60U A sum nearly equal rrihe tchole exjune ot ihu tevoimfofiary warl and 5ioul double tiie amount of the deb' due at the cfes that ar ' Jt appears; sir, frorn oIRcmI est& : . ' ' 'mates, made , in the ..War- I7- V inai ine wuotc expencei 01. iie Jat JW&v-5'-4-8 af btat he paid abd sa jsneo tft rati itu nec;?JK3 r4i5 1 y iww t trw a7iu'fitrii part, of the iciaVfhe'iaTd th?bt. tut uhjfbrtuoate JJeutheomb,; whjwename is lnti. tbned in the above paraigra pb t . r , f U. ; 'frUAT COSTH.ATJ0y, -T7---;:1IHi:coruary-1 6, .1813. Sib. At the solicitatioo of capt. Southcomb's sn ntire alteration, it ne( snouid .inrait . proper,' or the Portion debt and for this purpose he was autbort9. to borrow a large sum of money.' , The foreign iltbt drew an interest of only , four and a half, or five per ceot j but a small part of the prin- ! 1 lUan sin anrl tdfl vao nv tanvAM iKn friend sent a flown to the ?qdrbn of the qf OereVt would be- v"'' 'W ' " W T: , ? ' V . . . in order to exchange this debt. . i two 'oumJd men wto Nk, when heir titu-i The precedents, therefore, which can be just ation conlj be rendered more ccmfor?able n , Iy consi!ierea,as at all. applicable to the present ..Inclosed -yW. wI receive a copy of. Optam during the By ron's Dote to Cap am Gould on the subject, as adruiQistr&tion of president Adams. -Laws were als.eSQfmy Je er Captain Byndlns n Resident to oorrow A'5"L :T.rr" T.r;if wmeV, vritnout any limitation, as to the rate of tainoua a trrrwr. that administration i was or nas Deen a suoiectijoi more universal cla- .is , ' r . s the eight per cent. I ..... . n... . I .l ' stuDcemon.Tny u"nri and cenerositv of Captain ijyron will not be tor- "... - v . . ; , gotten by our countrymen. ,, I Have tne nonor to oc - answer. the body ofcaptaie uthqoin.b V n fi ve'pIaces'gaUanily defending a number ot armca. Doais. hiesst! against . r:w... M ' Ar vi line: hiii. ia iiiLiiiii.r: '. of bravy canhdtut inspire thp enemy with Ves- . Zrr mZ wet fur the Americati cberaoter, I trust this in- f or 0Dl0Jy JhjJ , peci wmm; , v ' loan, oMained under those laws. t v ery respectiuny, sir, , ; r j , ' . Vour obedient servant, , V . v ' CHS?SrEVVARt. " Hon. "VVitttAM Jozies, f ;.,(v , Wth February , 1813. , precedent, wiich has hitherto been a their execration "Ml subiect of issaid, however, that the complaints t,were pot ag(inst the improper execution of it ; tha those, wh were entrusted with this . unli Djited Dower., abased iti in . giving eight per cent when it was uonesssai-jt, snd -befort they attempted td c te'Joaat a less rfcteof Ihterat. I meet the ri fleman, then sir, on their own ground. .They say. this unnamed power was then trbused to the great rT":: r -.v..' "-!! May it hot te-in be abused dox okvuuio . wiii. vjuuih rcsi assured in ; j. i t . .r-: r . Ivery attention being paid to the m.forro4tlSpt.;J 1 .n0t e hhe t o reasons against en. id Southcomb and his two wounded Wn TuVl uTr T?- J0"' "whalvpr VPSsel enmes fnr tnem hau. ht-rnn(i . .... T' . .v . . . .. ... -!-(- "i.l.K il.t ...j K j t- with due respect, fcr which -!liiave the Senior J t.-. .6.- ... Cafcufih's auth6rity. '. 'JK-y ' S I arn voiir humble iprvanf. ft. BYtlOtt. p. S. Fsio te ' Con s t e l l a t t o n , v Nui tolk 11 arbor, Feb 13,1813.: Why, sir, has the toiilkution under which we now act, lim it'ed the power Of congress i' self in certain, casts ? VVhy - wasf it smd, that treason shaft only consist iA levying wai a instlthii United States, or in ad hering td thtir enenVis, and tliat the piivilege of the writ' of habeas corpus should hot be suspen ded,, unless in cases of tcbelli-jn or.iavasion ? . r. The secoiid 6ljtction to the bill is, that the Pre., sirtent in order to taue the money JS? runt-' flntxM . haV uja Bii. .A.,''8iictent in order to raise Itie money may sell the addressed lo'him of the I lib inst. in which .'you ceitihcates ot stocK at such puce as he may tnmk ate by aulhniity of the Senior (!antftin Vf his ?mP' 1 not pretriuled sir by the advocates Britannic Majesty's souadron in 'LVnluveii BavTot the that this power .-.av justified by any B3,8OO,0OO as the United Sates are 1 ncu nlc&gea anuaUy to fnyyot retnliburacV11 hffore any part a .be api plied to the payment of the debtVto.bt; incurred by tliC And,' sir, the sums which the United 5;aje4, are mmt filejptd to payoqt cf this fund, ae'tnee,than the whole amount which, accor dirtg l the caltobtion ot the secretary, will come into the treasury from duties in 18.14. and will ex eeetlbe 8 millions. What, sir, are the present charges ont his fund ? They are, , lstjlnterest and reimbursement of t heboid debt ,v ( Sd. Interest on the loan of 1813 ex- 'elusive of. treasury notes (loan, say 10 millions) 3d. Reimbursement of the principal of part of the toan I8l payable by special contract Jn 1814 4tb, Treasury; notes, authorised in it I St, but which were either not issued in that; year, or if issued, may become payable in I8l4 5th. A sum to' be applied by the commissionersof the sinking fund, when stock is below par, say, war vete Sl35;l(i3 7a3 Thatin the year lf8S. the amount : vcui ins vi"vi ijittica, . Aod the1 3tatca -debts, Tcb wrta f . assumed by tle U, ' v. " N, a . . ' t, . v . i ne resioiw. 01 th expuces ot t h . w r . paid by laes." This debt, it Js wtll gnown fur -6ome years, lay unprovided for, and was tu, lat . funded in termsdi tfreit fjom the i original .cottacrt i and about thirty three millions of it reroihs firp4ict -to the present day. The.funding of thisd-Jrtt Mr. ruined the popularity, f one ; adnini.tiaii.', and , - who will say, .haUhe funding of a debt of ' this amu nt, may hot also at a futareperixl t fiardize i he "popularity of another. Uunng thefastsfssion, Mr. bpcaker, the com- -mittee of ways and means, for the support of pub. lie credit during the war, reported a sy .tc m of taxation. Ihtssyslem conUmpbted laying a c!i- , 600 000 v r(ou",,jr.Mw,B vs-,u " '."victr'c uj. . j iiv i.Kivi Aiaui. uittia l, . tic i4uutt:u.. percent. These axes were thep. denominated wat taxes. They, were proposed us one entire sys- tem, ana were c.uculated to equalizt the uurccii upon every class of the community. ' . It will be rttcolltctedi Sir. that no part cf this,: , , system was adopted, but ttat Vfouhlhig tlw dutie " on imports. Thisi Sir, as ' f Vthh:?5atedJt9. 'the? ? house, makes the burden of taxes fall Very m)'iiil ly on different sections of the United Utes PftS mjt, me again t? tali the attention of the hiej V50,000 2,500,000 500,000 Charges Who made on this sum. daringttbti "prestnt session' are 1st. Treasury notes to be issued in lftl.1, pay able in 1814 2d. Interest on the whole sum bor- Nowd or obteintd in 1813, inclu dihjj;., Treasury notes, beinS I millions f public debt, payable in 150,000 5,000,000 18U at 6 r.tr cent Making S' that Captain Southcomb and his two wounded then wilibe4elivered to any vessel that may com for them." '' - IjwnJ a ,flag'down to you for the purpose of re i;330.C0n 14.530,000 The pleiTe, therefore, held-out by this the money lender is a mere pretence, without any foundation. 4 The interest of the present loan can,- therefore only be puid in I8H by hew loans7'ubl;ss somt further provision is made ( and I know, sir, that no new taxes are to to be laid during ihtj present session. I need not ask, Sir, how lng public cred it can be supported, when new loar.s must be le sorted io, io pay the interest tf old ones. The importance of supporting public credit arises alsojfrom another circumstance. - The se cretary of the treasury, as well as the committee cf ways and means, have informed us that we are to rely solely on loans, to defray all the expenses .f the present, war and during, the last session, tluy urgtd it as indispensably necessary to make amplcprovision for paybg the .interest of these loans. This, however, was not then done, nor is it to be done during the present session. Under these eircuiHstances, what,, sir will the this fiiihtf cf. In cdn5t;ljuence.-Sir, of the increasing populition' ; of the interior, of the country , the duties oo in.' ports, and particularly the high du'isOo pn'iticu- ,, lar articles," fall ' much'heavier on the ir.baluaritSj ' iilong the sea board, than those livir.g in the inte f fkN TQprove,thSs,,Sir,!Suffer me toroentioi. ilia duties collected on spirits imported,. These are paid, and particularly on Ritn, almoet wholly the JVbtlhem and Eastern a tat ea. It is a f.Ct, hirr '" j that tne duties ojr impoite!j apirits alone, ct-Uected' ' irom 'iv va to-iatu inclusive, fisve amomv.ttf io one fifth of all the du ies collected t!l ariicK a bill ' toimPrl:t' ur,nK tnt time.. The wholeamouttt uuiica rctcneu irom i io ,ip iw, .ujioi,v and of this sum, spii its alone1 paid S 35X49,173 xnoc more man one mira oitne. people oi in United States, at present, pay any part 'of the tlu-- ties on spirits, i Th quantity consumed in' the -- United St3tes, is now about 4hirty millions of alu l,no Knunllaf ' rP'tVtio'. mt,40 Kinj'tt .1 It & ft ' , '. ' twenty millions, as appears ty th returnsnf tbo1. Marshals m 18 IO, are dislilledin the Unitecttaics 1 fiom domestic materials,. and oh which no duty iai lormtr precedents. It stands then, in this res pect, on its own intrinsic merit.- Wbat, sir, is the extent of "this power ? ' tt is no'.hinir more or less than this, thit the President, c w " . - . ' i..,.!-. k-K-.. ,,1, . k. r.. itvmg4lase.unfortunate"nienad-aV3itvstlf!UEraiuc -:tftKi nnM..nu-u.,i r '..wito market with our notes, to the amount ot six- a loan 01 more man twenty, romwrns pi aonars; - 'V n:rV:M '" "'. ?eiu,u,,-U-u miu:0 pa,. ' a k. ,k niA nc Will thr not saV. if vnu will not or dure no' I have the . honor to be very respectfully, sir, 'ket' 8en them at a discount of ten, fifteen, twen jour obedient servant ity per cent, or any discount he may think proper. v CHARLES TEWART I out, ivir soeafter, tne rate 01 interest to oe gi ' . 1 , , ' j ... ..'ven for this lari?e loan, or the .discount, at wbici ' f . ' a y ir m'Bv 8 nhiaind hv the sale of stock'.' most nV.. own. hands rDepeiul upon it, Sir, the capitalists taxes, or make provision for the interest at the time of the loan, "and when you are under thene Cfsstty 01 obtaining the money, can veexpectyou Captain Ridfwr l Byion, ; '. Commanding his Britanhic ' KStrs shin Urlvideray ven for this large loan, or the .discount, at hich ., '.. "iter you-txave got the money in your I snouid there any necessity, security which is ffeved fbr-the pa men't of the i ry risk.- They will, also, take into consideration A-iT 7t?! i; l. 8 to atu.Kll,pend on the funds which ym pledge, ano on the speculate uptn you ahd make you pay for eve infiti'AC nr. A Kt4miri1 Ar'tkACii'mt ikKtainrl tuivi v-v niiu Jiufvtpai ui wtv juiii j vihhjvh j; ' Public credit, sir,' is a subiect of a delicate n a- Ituret itls of.'too much'impditancei to b: tiified C: : . ; Bklvidera, - .-, . ' - " ;. i Lymthaven Anchorage, :r.,: vJ'v. '"-".'. 'Februiry;ij,a8l3. """$ I received ypur letter of this "morning ty Doctor Ray ; it is with extreme concern I ac quaint you the: unforionate and gdlnnt Ciptain John SouThboihy expired this morning, ft will be-satisfactory in som degree tq his widow, to know he had ti ufy a religious,; sense of his situ ion. latterly . delirious, .without) the 'excfs of pam that might hve teh expeete- CapG'sld and liiscuiard have charge of hiseffcti. His bpdy ill be plactd in ;thecarteU ;soob as ihe offin can be prcpred .' T hef twov woun'ded men at thrir own rtque'?tiwu'p ii the4 former cartel, hkb I am sorry tu hear got on shor: l a.m'ek- iremely flattered with the part of your letter thank with. vlo preserve it unimuariell. is the first du M Ways, and means Was, that therexpences of the tuate, which gives me : the most perfect assurance of the ' generous1' " feelogti',br CapUui '" Charlej v Stewart 5 :? s: ; f i,'' j-'i: '". n.-;..r- sJ.ng .me for atteptioo and Jiurhani'y to thef unlor Inrlncipal of the stock, which may ber enacted by virtue ot this act.'ft But, sir, trom what source is' this. eight' millions of dollars,; which .thus ap propriated for the pay ment of the public 'debt, to be' obtained I Why, sir, from duties oil-imposts and tonnage, and from 'the, Mies of jjuWic, lands, And by la w, itlaimade the duty-of the secretary ot the treasury, every year, first to pay the com I have the honor to ber:;- AVith great respect t - v Youyr obedient servant; Vtrjimm Charles Strwart, ; ; ; ? , vapt mi t ie. u ait ed States B.YRDN. ty tif.legislatoVs, and on this subject no princijle is better established than this that at the tune of the loan itself, permanent funds should be pro vldedvand inviolably pledged, for this punctual pay naehtl)f the Interest, ' and.he-,u1timate"''re"imburse' ment of-the principal. What futids are provided by this bill f None in reality. The third section ir leed says, That so much of the funca con siituting the annual appropriation of 8 millions of dollar for the payment of the principal and . inter est of the public debt of the. U. S. as may be wan ted for that purpose, after satisfying the sums ne cessary for the payment of the interest, and such part of the principal of the said debt, as theJJnited Stater are now annually to pay and reimburse, is hereby pledged and impropriated for the payment 01 the interest and for' the reimbursement of the the pobal.Te amount of the debt which may be incurred in the prosecution of .his war. During the lassloii, the palculation of the committee minsioners of the -sinking fund, as they are called, this sum of eight millions of dollars from these war, rui?ht be ten millions a year, making in five year 5 fifty mithons.T Experience has proved the fallacy of such calculations. During the last year, we borrowed from twelve to toirrteen millions, and the sums necessary to le pr )cured on loan for the service of the year 1813, cannot be less than twenty three millions, inclu ding treasury notes, making for two yeavs-the sum . r C7 (, r Ann fr ,i Tl. L , - pence of the present year, as sta- ' iv vi vj Aiit v.nau mail ui iiifc yul11 . ' mittee of ways..L,dvxrneanB,-irilI-- -..-4e thirty six millions of dolls ai ' bout 12 millions of this is-to be 'paid from the duties on -imports of the last year. The Vmountof . the duties which: will secure . on importations during . the present ' X yearVand become payablein 1 8 14, .' .' tthe secretary estimates at only five millions. If then expences of 18 1 4 . ; arectmal to those;, of the . present.' year,., antk no other provision is ' made, the,auni to be borrowed du. ' ring- the next ye'ir must be' Ik 31,000,000 laid. While, therefore, the-teopl e at the Ntuth and East,"J are nov payinc sixry centarpEi'; gallrn on a greaVproyortion of-the.- spirit they owtme h Uiosc. at the South and West are payings nothing1 on their consumption of spirtts NaV, Sjii f they , can purchase them, tor a sum much leas per gal ipn, than the, people 01 the jbast are oow pByuiK i.-i. . to the public treasury, for the purpose ;.of carrying j on this .-war. " . . ; .-H And, Sir, I will Venture . to pref?ict,hat these J enormous taxes are to be perpetuated lor ttse pwr t , post-of payingjhe loans to be obtaibed by tnls biltl This, Sir, is an inequality, to ivhujh we dahnot it pect, that the potple at the--asw.Ur.'loDjj mit ; nay, sir, to w hjjch they ought not to submit. . -with patience. ''. ; V'j:yrry n . ' ' '-. s '':..J , ,:rtf ' ;V . MESSAGE.- . OV'A'm TotJte Senate a-nd House of Refirctentattve tf the , .jh Untied Mates. T lay before Cougress copies of a proclamation of the British UeQtenant Governor of ihe Isla.id of Bermuda, which has appeared under circntiHtan ees leaving no Toubt olits autbehticity. ' It tcMss British Order in Council of the'. 2 6tb of Oct last, , providing for the supply, of . the British West In-J dies .and other colonial possessions,, by a trade uii der special licences j and is accompanied by a cif-. cula r inst ruction to" the colonial governori w hich confines licensed mpottationsJrom ; ports 0 Ea'stern States exclusively" v - ' ' v" , ' . ? ' TheVernment pf Great .Britain has aVectdy.' introduced into her commerce during war a svs tem which, at once. 1oIatthg the'' rights! of .01 he f nations, and restirrg-on a miass of forgery and perf jury, unknown toother times, was making an un fortunate progress irnnderminingahi.se.piinri., pies of morality and religion, which are the titrsr foundation of national happiness. . ;Tbc policy n proclaimed to "the world IntHxluces in'o.her t!c of warfare a sfstem tcV-Uv diyioiruislud W ..WS- deformity of its ' features character : havint? for its oiieC of. allegiance, and the sentimerts of loyalty in thj tdyersary nation arid to( seduce end sepei-atje its component parts the one from the-otbe. ilnV.: general tendency of theso dernoralteing and dtsor ganizing contrivances will be reprobated by the ci vilized andhrhaian-wtHld rimd the inscltHia', tempt on the virtue, the honor, th. patrn-tisrn. an J tlie depravity tf in ' oiiec to d s olve (he titlt J and the fidelity of our brethren of the Katerr States, will not fall to call torth ail thcix mdignanou And with: the same expence in . the Tear vk. 'tn.,Kt f. 4 : 2 ' ' ' S1.000l00 ftU 'frigate CcnstdUaorf r;; ipgf'Stj ; (afar reserving fiOOyOOt' for the civil UstJ And in te yea? 1 $ i 6 must. beUTfV 3 1 jOQO.GOaJand. 1 esentment and to-attaca .t .eiand jtorealj- t