V.J - 7 4- -. . f. if i l tfrMrte fre, shift!! with the bowsprit betwiri ' . a . .1 f.-aruii4 -in ; rn in .r.i uimni .1111,1. "r - 10 i t '.'irn Ivs fiv. '.fs'-i -hcdfjifl. p made nim m r u yf the evdmaaul officer . . - . ..t.... ; fi'- natln the first instance befteved! but gazstte'.had1 been ftosted" in the house Tor Jlie - fcurpose o account confirm v the tact. ',)n our part the. Art cu'tingctl the retreat olour men should they break telipe Argus, Steven, King of Rome; inn I Epe did jo, from N;W Yoit. to Bordeaux ; Columbia, Philadelphia to do ; Leader Boston to - do Blue BtKi.juTie.yon..Ae. m. l its. n roy mouth ... pn. 'i?riMw1 'or .ftiimfi&v :B''2,'r: s .' J" Maies'y's crtf'f rs ; end the Brazilian, ' .si honing' "45 i " " S ,r j' Alexandria to Lisbon, has Veen 'brought in. here. ' ifhdufrMj ever deplore the Unhappy is! I Vnnex the copy '-of an order in council which in ."f 1LJ0" wouiu oe great injustice 10 1 a great mcasur., iinoi stuqef.ner, win prevent 'nt and autnipt to escape. .Oiv the first appedrance'ol Jisorder m this detachment, Col. I jtwis left the in tfenchmeirt, m hopes of t alTihg"4nd bringing then withia tlve pickttsrJbut all hU-effiirtV proved -abor live and he could nbt-afterwardv. succeed m jret titij? back to his 'comm'a;Mienernl:.?-.Wmcbster. had sh pt in a houser about half a mile Trom the encumpment, was op wuirihe detachment prpvi ous ,0 its reireat, but could not rally it whtn jt be ft and tie very few wioSrlTr T" I 1 vP :at 'hvir brivery and C'Tfblntss arc detrv -Bays.' -either in, M;u'raI or .''American "bottoms, asjgan to break, and was taken- prisoner five or sjx 1 ' 'yf'. ; uf cvecy prasse and I am convmu-d, if the' ihi govertimeut. &UI not.gymt Licence oh ariyl miles frprq where the retreat 'commencedr tb'gl- 1 i 1 ' V f 1 .he, rnd not been crippled m the gale, I mmia.jeim: they.'have even refused them to ih e who; t her with his aid and Col. vii, md uboiit 40 l.uV.i iiL.uiakv a very chBrfrtnt reiitirt to yofr tx- have got Contract lor supplying provisions to mm. ' The priocip-il loss iti killed was of this ik .ct '-nry. The Wasp was taker 'and the I;rVj1ic . so'tie of the 'West ' .1U uids T enable me tachment, amongsi whom was Col. Allen, who had r j ..f. 1.:.. M .I..' .- 1 . ...1 :.l '." . ' : .1 : ...l: i. i 1 e i- ap.uic 1 uc ifme tiiicruwii, ujr 1119 .'injca'jr o in i. ucume wiin mure 'ituuraty inc jjficc iu wiutn rcinaiiieu wun 11 xne- nscni oeioie . fcip IVio-iers. . Ueinjr separated froin them, 1 there w.js a chance of co'ton and tobaco rising, I I,n the absence of Colonejs Lewis ard Allen, the c u.not trans'nit at present a list 1 kul..-d. duilhave taken a fcood deal "of paios to examine the 'command f those within the. pickets devolved uoor v.u-.ded. Mr G'larles u'K.ay, the fist "Liou lav-si acts of HailiaiTie.it on the subjecuapd which: Major -and Major Garrard, who bravely t-iaiu, nnd Mr b ephens, he master, have died ca.j only !c abrogated by the same body from repelled two other atiempu ot the enemy to ''-',;. .. : ... thrm it appears t' me char, that those nricls r.harffe. A treat number ol BatUh regulars ant? ' can at, ptv'sc;t be imported from the U. States, Canadian militia were kille ' in these uns jeets-ssful ( direct to C. )3. io a neutral bnttam on ntirralac Ciunt. The act rcla'.ive to Cotton is 42d C o, III, chap 1 $3t that relative to tobacc 9' 1 'Goo. Ill, chap. 3 in force id march S5ih, 1815 j t which my friends who have. those, laws ' within their-reacbr may for. their own satisfaction refer. deo laii 'commai.rl r ' his mit;sy'a ship 'the They have a direct tendency jo, keep down the price Mij. rlorii'in, t - ,lohn VVi'son Choker, lisq. da.-1 of cotton and also of tobacco, werje; '.it .vtfot for the te-1 on bosird th -m 'ricsith'e' U 'Xptociade'qf.the Princifcal Tobacco Coun'ries. . se' gf ,F i'ctf 181 2. df ' 1 , j A bill is r,o its prorts throngh pai iiment lay. Sir It is with tor detrpest reffrei l have to 01 (lien w jiinciii, I aave the ho or to be. &c- - . ' T ;lVHIMtvrES. ; r TU EOF THE V! C 1) ;;i A v. 'i r m he LtmI v G -Ei 4l 1 ' k(tmrd..y Ojfic.c Dec. '3 "l!J. ',.' "Coov of..-.Leite,i' .iro!'tAJ'pin Joan Sj man Car- ; ttemp s to flrive our mui from the intreuchmenis. as our men resfved lluif fire until the em my ap proac lu d vvi.m the pickets was seven meji killed and betwe n 20 and 30 wounded About JJ o'clock, Gen. Winchester and his aid and Col. Leis, having been brought to the rear tf the. enemy camp and tsedug -their "super i fyjee (which was l the beginning of the action nea ly one-4housa.,dreioilars and , militia, and a greater hnmber of I Mi a its) thought, useless, foi A nag la. 26 co ;is to inf a duty oh rice probably los prcwt 6 Air?-, aur troops to continue the fight any loftger- A n-tvfan andjorazil, as a protecun tluy on thic trom hois'ed by ..the Ontjish, aird an olhcer accompanied 'a India, but all descriptions are.rerr per,. Order in by Gen Winchester's aid de canp, came forward ie Council, to the 25th taich I am not certain' afid demanded a surrender, nitiuisine nrotectioo' rCv t-he .imrrtfikr'ty lard's com- u nr 1 orrs -,i t'ie a j nuaity, tna; ms nnjeMf !u:i th s Macedoni ii', was cipturtd on 'he Councd, to the 25th latch I am not certain .v in't.by the U iited States' ship United Spates, whether this act pissed ' before Parliament "d- io all who wre vithin the pickets, and pledged hi- -i.i'.do."e 1) catur, commander : I he detail journed ; if not, it cannot be. acted upon until they fa nh of the British -govermne nt , : tb it the '.wouuded $ 1)1 lows s 4 meet, in February Their not having imposed should be carefully renrioved to Maiden, out of I V shirt ti ne after daylight, steering N. V7. any new restrictiori on the d nisslyn ol 'A'titrican reach of saV age baibarity. Under tjhtse .promises fib V Wi,h thr -wind from the .in lat, V6 org. produce, except , -what arises out of 1 state of war he ..trpoissurrend'-1 t-d. The result proVeft ihatcon I w'jq . 1 i 29 (leg- 30 min. W in the txecotj fart-, it i prob-.ble they do not TOan to do sa for fidence ought not to be placed in the promises of ( o ofiheir loidsh ps orle-i, a sail . wjS sem on " the piese t. Annexed is a comparative , view of. pTCCtor. "as the wounded Were left 'uiipiotedccly unci f th" li b-im. which I immediately sto. d lor and impo-sc for he last year, with an esti nate of the savages entered the houses Rexf ivomiiig and I m t her out t be a large :ngate u.ider Atueri h pro'u'de stocks 'on1 hand, the precise extent of .-mbomanly :m.ihawkcd 'between 30 & 40. out of 80 j ca c.010: s : i v ocijck. a cioseo wu ner, aim wMrn n.iuv i, it is vtiy omcuii 10 ....ascertain. she y: mmup.ee J toe action, which we rt ufneo ; During list m oth, from the causes before alluded f but f'- the enemy keeping twiVpbuvs off the wind to an immeice-dr;i ofWui-ness 'ha been done in I's .I was not enablisu to get as close to her as Leonid cotton ; nc;rrlv 50 000 bgS have changed hands, I ( .have wished. J - bout 30,000 f wni. h ar-estimated yet to remain I-, ''Afier -m hour's action the enemy backed and in the mirket hvingben purchased by sptcula ta aeto the windvand Livas then coable-i to bring tars. .Our inipn taiious during the'same period, light Bra " "her to close btttlej in this, situation I'soon" found amount to 1 800 packages p inci pally lij the enemy 's. foxe" tK superior to exp;ct success, zil not oreragtng as h aw :--'the sOld." tinless some very for unjte chance occurred in 'rur fyf-JVl and .witb this hope 1 continued the bat:k t-; .ours and 10 vmmu cs, whtn havng ihe-jnii!t-i mast shot aw-y by the bovrd- p-masis sho away bv the caps, main y .rd biiot i- pieces, "lowr m ssts badly wounded,- lover riK'gio,j all Cin' to piec-s. a small "propoition. inly of ;he foi ssil lelt to the Jore vard, all 'he-- eun on tte who were wound; ! 10 t be two actions ley, of 'rankfort. (Ken.) ' wno ilMjj!y.owti - was ! one ol the 'Wounded; his hie was miraculously saved by an Indian, Who possessed more huoia iSty han the Bii.ish Colonel Procter ; he was obliged to march to D -troit, a distance ot 3G miles bare fooieJ, " I' is difficult to 'a'sceruih.itb' any., degree of correctness, the loss of the Britishjlind their allU s. It.is 'acknowledged by themselves tb have bi en very gre tt. Our men state that 150 British regulars an ' 8 ) Canadi an" militia! were kuledr and . th" tit aiaos must nave snstainea a- stvere loss- 11 is the list herewith rtMu1. . "e a8ertain. u have 'oiamentseveraltiravT he, acjion of the tuantl.Zi the m while unavailing, 1 '!? a? fcU oj troops, who retreated ffiV'f "W Among those! (he loss of C tl n A? Uie Elijah M 'Claniuhan, is ,0 be , a An " aml ed, as also Cptai,, Jobo H w JS ?r,Jr reri Aid! de camp j their ex.rtions w e ? t? mr notw,;thstand.nk, every possible Z T ployedUhey bravely fell in the S " respect. ve duties. , VV liile f f 0 "'ir who Ml upon this occasion, I ! to pass ovr:r, without notice, thw f. u. T JUS S !Hr danger, whowere f -rtunate to s, u!!T Tb Lieo, Col Willi hnwi,, whoEV on thr 18-ii. and to Cant; J vmeS (i-,! f d.cnmp, who attended my person 0.1 thVl? ; my thanks are-panicHlarly 'due, f f "thir I)' ' n-l wllline: exertion during : ?'W A ct.; ' c:''.e . Fo the offlr.ers and soldiers who hr..'i'.-. rained thfir crround i.i :-mn r t m,n' 00 much praise cannot ,e bes'.owed. J..f .i;.!. .l ...Tit . -rr . idnuy 'ucicu'ieo wun soraii arms do c. fop our hours of constant 'buttle.- ' Ny troops . haved with mofe cool and determined ;,r.Fef from .4heTonmandii)g 4ft. er down,; to W iate soldier tberei wns scarce;- inEe' 4ban.wL , uuiy , 'iu o.i. uic imi wuviK ir a.ll'mini tr,,, was neariy xu.iusieo, .ana UJJnmded.b-the'tn.' emy sourly, superior in ntjmbir aatltnhe meaai of war, surrendered w'nh a i eluct mce fttUy to be found upoh simulir otcasiohs The bffiirsrj com manding in the breast work and who' deserve wr 1 ticular notice,! f distinction could e inly be-;dran' were Majors Benj. Graves and George Midisonf Captains Ilightower, Hart, .Wiirims, Cholieft Sebree, Hamilton, Keleby, Bild.oe,, Ballard.-ani 40 out of80j Jarnos ; Brigade M;aior."'J.umes'Garrar(l Adjiiai!'..'' s VI r I )4- John Ai 'GalU a -nd r -Q ;Hrter M as ei- Pollard K:- !) '7 sin mi.. near. wrE'iEn . x '?ct " " K . iFiOiii tKe L iritlon jaifoc. ''orfitf't Office Dec. 26. 1812- His royal hilm ss the Prince .Uegent, acii-.g in i generally bJievtiat oiir loss in kilkd, inchulVng he name and oo behalf of his Majesty as oeen i thv,se vvho were inhumanly massacred at the peaed tn cause it t be sighified op Urd, Viscount ;riVeP Kaiain, doea not exceed 130 Casiler-agh. hi- Mjty'a priocip-ilVaecary. oft , f..vy lJays; after our mm anived'at Maiden, XLWtr d-ck and iorecasde disc ed but two. ar.tl st re ot loreig o ?nau, io tne viinisters oi inenu y thev were marched tiom thence throuir i Canada powets residing at this '..omt, that, the neccss iry4io lvrt George, and sent across the rwr to Fort i nt i witn -vrecB, two aio on tnetnain ock nis- t"Tr iwmi; .uw. m. uc .17 n0 fort lieorge a .ea. md several shot, , between vtc.td and water. W sun s have been t iken, bv toe com nana .ftNiagara They ar ive here daily inr order, to de t. a vc,ry greav proportion 01 uie .urew kiu o aou wuiin- "s"- 'j r" -h"1 v- , sceno trie river tor iveniucKy -we sincerely nop' ,if. d-d, -."d the m 'my compatativ.ly in good order,, and ha hour of tl.r bay of ;h ' fhaaietib -and.' thattht-public agent here will not hesitate to sup !nf the river D'liioirr. in the U..ot A States of A ? "Jhnnself in a rakin'g posi ioin w'uliou our being en 1 m-nra ; and tint tmni this time allelic m-asufes vtsion for their suportt Their sufferings in thr & "oretu'h rhe firV being a pt rf.xt rcck, and authousl bv the law ot Rations will he a-toptid caUse 0f their counfy de 'bey defended themselves to the last with t;al gaii iutry and m-.nt my warmest grawtude, aswtH as the highest, praise of their country. , v With setdirot nts of the highest respect, I attij sir, your obedient servant, : . J '.n iN't iiEsT r, : . , Brig'clief General U. Sj Jrmy. TjielioTir Uie; S'-ciry'.at;xwar,- f V V-idurifiV-!Ti;y. U."6 ' ',:.-' :Z-:y ; : iictglj t FRII),Yt-N1 ARCrt 1813.. . ' ( 1 m iin in '1 i 1 ' . . '. ; . t abi n Ti "j ptagable U'g. I deem-;! it pro lent, hoogh a jjVpruVu! extr taity, to surrender vi majesty's ship, 'Jlfl.'j $J)ri3tf ir)l' 3i'tr'')V'. I'ftbiytu to u!I ? efcrhr'pe o! succe.. was removed, even b yo, d chant! no'1 till I trus' their," lordstnps w.ll oc I aare ev-ry iff in h.i t beeu-ju.ide atjatn'. 'h- ent ,!-my by myvlf, m h've cihof ai'drn.n 1.01 f 'I should she hove, been urttiido:td wiulsi a mail i !v lived 00 boord had it.i pttii jnantigyalile. 1 ') ' t.1 am so.ry to say -nv los i1 wiy severe ; I j 1 find by this day s maVie- 3 kiKed. Ui ee of whom Is liugere'd Tshor; tunJ af.tr tut battle; 36'si.vete i v .voonded, many of 1 horn caunot recje., and $2 "lightly wounded, who' may all do well ; 1 -tal 4o-: r o ; - ;v . 'K The truly noble arid aniruatifig. conduct of my I officers. And ho steady b.f.very of my crew, to Uie V,'las momenf of r he, battle, must tver render them j dear hair' coutry. ' . ;My first liiutenant Da id Hope, wis svee rly j; -W-judded in the" head owi.fds'thc:clost of ihc bat i tie. and taken bel w .u was S'ioo agun on eik i di'splayne tint. gTelilieS. of miud and -xei-iiiiii, f, wi.ich though it may btfjequ.iilt.u c in ne'er be;x " A Ce l-'I ;h ' lliird lieutei.aul Jon fl t.'t 'rd, was also J wQtrtvied.' but not (Tilled to'qmt his qtui lets-j-Coyi ieut ;'xSm,uel Moitkv, a ,d hetiese ves S'hi test Hckn-twii- 'gme- ts 1 he tool ao.1 and exctred, with respect to all vessels which may attempt to violate the "ai 1 Bbokade. ; Travel 4' d for th freeman Jurnai' i CADlZt Dec. 15. 4 D C K H OT TftE SPANISH llGNCY. The l gency or t he K, g i 'jn -has ss ied the follo.vin,? dec ee : Don Terdtoand the 7.h, bv the giace o G'd and he constitution of the Spanish Tonarrhy, kin of Spain and in his1 absence and cjrprivi y, the 3-grncy of the kingdom, being es )cci;illv authorised by the 'general and ex;raordi niy Corte. to ..pardon the . revplutionists-.wiib have demand every aecommoda tion in our power to bestoi". Gen. Winchester was at Fort George. It was no1 known whether he w Id be permit ' ed tocr.ts our side, or be sent to Q 1 bee to gfiMfy ti' Cana dians, with the sighi-Cii .another captive' Amtricat. general; ; . Copy df a letter from brig, gen James Winches ter, to the -tcretary a! wmV, fort George, Uifier Cav,adav Wih Feb. 1813. . Sir, ... Oo the 23d ultimo, I had the honor of enmmu. se-mv 1, conp.ratK' 1 .the invasion ol tht pai-uh territory J nicating to your Excellency the p.su't T Hit ac in East a. 1 West Fl-.rida. a'daai .gconformaf4eubn-at Krenchtown, on the river Raisia. of the to -lu ben. fi nt and conciliatory dpesTiibTi of the preceding'day. Ilnveitnov in my power to Cones wh ish to give a fresyproof ofclemtn l t-ansmi; to you a more detailed account of th e cy in behalf of the SpanisJj subjects who b'i'v un., lnn3-7fcTo,,( togethe" with -a nooie rninlite jStatt fnunately doviited from thtir -duty, by-i Hfilirting, m,.m of. pr'os,. ATisf of tlu killed, woondt. th moiher country in the;mosL.criricai ci'rcum 'antj raisslng; is herewith enclosed. -The attack ; t.tnees, hasg anted and hereby grants a gcner.T pon f,r c,mp Wil9 commenced, about 5 o'clock p rdoo to all ibose, concerned therei'. w'v.h the- in mor jng by a heavy, fire of small arms 1 'jh'-nti ti that in future and after th:. publication rtogrther..-with the discharge of six pieces ot anil of hts -parron ,- r hey:-shall conduct ' hum-reives iikr-"-'l ry ,''di'rc-ctetl inimedialyly at our , lines, atid:thg good and Jaithiul p.- nr '.s and . obey the l gt 1- hooes and tempvrarv brei mite anthori'irs cons'tuuved by th-; -national govern in t t es' 'h'lih'' ' i; ,iCoti.,uct ot var yv "ikeri the mast'. irr.is very (jieat. 't-oh in' Ji-'bat'le .a- alsj ihat ot iicu enams steady ie'a il 1 ion ar.fl M.uoll of. he rna'in.rs v Of hci'igtakenon .oaid the enemy's ship I ; t-, ed to wnn.lt ret the result of the bttlo- ? ''i he ' 1 TjJo'r-i j,tfci is bu V" viin tlu 8. antlm; of j 74 H 'jfu'i Miip. niounii:g 3) lo;.g 2t, px'un-i r- (1. up lift:' r,i juTTsjon iur mart o- cu inu n 24 ,,yu.i r.j't'.jnadrS.wHhtwo u.ig '24 p-niiid-s n htr : deck'shd forecast!', h 'Wi Zf r giiiis in her r -?,id a iravetin,' r;'.irooade fu htr'uppr deck - 1 ' f V . .. " . ' ' '-V.. (,;f , 1 -or f 'Kti.y-has siifl'red mtith in masts, ri. Aifti bu I a i.vrTitid be'o w wa: r her loS' M-vk,i'-.'l jfrj w i 10. led 1 am no', a.mtv Mr, out I jln'-" it;a- f u. heuier.ant 'and six metthvc been thfa.in u li board, ' r. 1 .-V MIN S.CM1DEN. ,x:ruci ot a Itl r, t'u gtvi'entm in .V. YJik da tiie I t i 'so I a Army Intelligence. X"- ' V jtd. ... .. ..-... to hpe H t-ilie - i ia c s Fr'; n-g ' k I. am wi IHrt i,w on be p s a,;o t thi Uiiiiedt tU s I a ,iHagcrirjcf'uiav h(vt' carri-'I out s:ruo en jilij aiy pj psifio!rs ; il n to.5 Syivii r'utu rTL as shw w s o'l th.. S6t!' til . .Undin" h-or guos at j 'Ivmo'.ith, aiid s ipaK! ger jinmetli-dely expect" I eirVina Lo;.dooj..i prareed on a simila "mission j vje' trom'Ui' tim;,U tfhiJi trjs essti wjs Ore Hi"1 S fo- sea whlevtr fdm minuadons Kiver.i 1 i . 1 vaj ij r . Fna i.e , ol iiic captii; temporary urea sr.-wo-1;, irom otfui whifih a pfirtioo of 011 : tr oopJ were engage 1 wi b tne enemy. Earl in the action a c.h i-ge was mode by the assailants ; but the fixe, from our lines, was so intense that they were quickly com r 11' fl tn ri tip,' ! - "' . , 1 , :rv' i Pi'.TSBuuc, Feb. 26. In thi charge 'the 41sr .regiment of British Since our la'.t awived at this pi ;e a mimlier of regulars principally suffered, their 1-os duiing th our troops who were taken pris net's at the river .charge,;and io the subS'.q'ient ,: engagement, Ire Ri.sin on'the 22.1 ult. the ygive, us more It- rtc t !in vtry considerable On1 of thrte hundred ol ,i..ci sattsfaoiorvinf i mnioo ot the dis iv.rous events jlhes-c '.roops about thirty fell dead upon -the field, ot th"t-dav,'than' my heretofore rcc ived. ' d ninety or an hundred-' wounded were leniivto Aiier ibe actrO'. of the I8'h, in which col. L-rwis jf.o'.n the gr -und. i J,,, d. fc .'to the llii ish and the'n "savage allies, he v It is impossible to state with anyhgrte ofnr rok possession of their camp on theebnk of the Icura'-y. tne number of Cuouliao loiUut and;,T rivrr, ra.i I w iich v.ts a tempirary Diest soik dians. which was eithtr killed or won .'led dun1 of pickets aod Iog, vilb the iiVra.i.l houses the -nitagement ; it t ou'd, bowevei, not nive beci the rear, and houses on th-.;-' flanks, -amUin fcoir pi n. fields from naif a mile to a mil-' . On the 9;h c ol. Lewis was joined, by Gen. Winchester, and onuii, havint-' nreived I v 3 o- 4 hours the con. stmt'fire of our musquetry and riflemen, frcm the. breast work under,, w hich thev .were formed- Tht nf on the 20th by Col. - Wells an i his regiment, .in action had en lured about a -cmaner nt an nour. .-ill 250 ie.-i mjktog a force of 75p Tective men, ; when the light division nfwur 'to ps, who wer less C' !. Weill's. deia'chtneiH encuiiped about ,100 secured by a breast-'trork ,und exposed to n heavy vrirds from nt main body, on "the samasi(lofjhe; bodyLlndiai.antJL-raWtTaii:wh' ner.CoT-"Lewi5 repiesenttd to Coir Well i the ' jvosissed themselves ul some out- houses -within t'lecessuy of foriifyir.g htsxamp, but this he totally -Uieir reach, were-obliged to retreat from their line-: uelectedj and on the 'evening of the 21st .left .the' in the encampment, for the purpose of occupying river i Raisin aul "rerurned to theHapida, whether ground less exposed. This letreat being discover, with or without leave of Gen.t-VVinthester is not led by the enemythiwhqjfhdian force, together with a portion ot tife milma, bore down upon PUESliVl LSIIAI. Mi'.i riNt;. The 1'rtbbvtcry of. Jmngewdl rnrt ' in the ci ty of Raleigh on Tur .L.j t fust of ApnL Dn rtng the days of in,: m.j' iin'" Doiie Seo-ice n-;Jl ,rfortned in fhe "stare lions;. 0;i 5ij)j.'Av, the Sacrament of the Supper wn! he aAnmis er. ; Od. MaiC'.X t Hii. Inilligencer anhou'H ovcrnment ta accede Mt'&ia'ion. The em - -r of Rirsia hasranle m offav of hi modi,ui.:i oetwe., l.r.a'i ui 5 4 A. - erica ; -in the Notion .1 ces th i' teir ion of tms s to -the propoSuion ' , ' BHkule of th Chesofi -ukr This blockade Is rv 'tricly kept up a nu.tiber of th sliip have moved tip ns htgh as Hampton roadt, so 9S to inter ';ept completely the i entrance intt. Ji-nies rivtr, I'oosidtrrbl sensation exists in No'ftdk ts to the Ui'imde inherit ions of the enemy's squadron. I be aidl fro n Norfolk by w-.y of Hantp o r is entirely1 ;uf off Six sail of the line, nine f tf s.antl e! -veo sloops and smaller vessels compost! the H ):! tling squadron in the Chesapeake, or on the coss '.'Foreign JVi-rh, 'Our tirst. page" contains some- Oi-hly in teres in.g pypen, particularly anose. m.' ive to the 'proceeding's of the French Seriate. ' From the whole tenor 'of thsf documents viz cji ih?r nothing but that the French oavrse is MPia" y declining, io. t.Urop- sod that n exceeninjr :- grec of uh m peryad s Bonapo te'sx uiciK having room' for the whole in rss ' of in'eUtefnce tyefn'fc u' Ve ''i'l:""ly, sia?c;. that th :hn,'-'i,u fter bcati.-.g the - remnant. French at W a entered Konigs erg and Memel U Vvnh. j- zicis's.!iid to have fallen in-Q thtir.h i d' ; .'rand armv, which enr-d Russia u ,w reduced to ah-uit I2,o0-)nas - fl c.Mv'- 'i"- ) id.-i the k-ng of Napl-.t,. Murit ' 'iP c"'r u 1 -r Macp a! ! 't was exp.c.t'ed. wi ld if W, llt'l7' u off. 'Russians ,rave enp !. ed hoaxlte 1.-iiri, siiir.e th i r retreat from -41 1,291 1C7 5 1 6 1 131 G .-rals Ti i. ','.' Cau -on I 8 1 3. v.. po! s-fi! tor Known. f 7 A short time before day-llght on thy morning of he 22d, 4heenemy' p'.aceil large bodies of Indian iti the.hou.ses' on the opposite side of the river in me i ear of bur fro ;,is. and as sooi as day appear- d cooimenced a llisk cannonade from six-pieces j -'4-i'ttedt'j Wml hy" it )r,-trartioe-bein:rswr -'-artillery -and howitir, and r advanced vwitfi fixed et'o 0 tfches fSelitvedto It teceivud,by theMi, bnyo'iets to withiiy 50 yatds.of he, stock ler 'when uerv t. srel airvt'J fr iin Ne vvYoik on lht28" V- b itsbr may be' detained' tb(, ivply '.-to them ,.d" I'ime both ptir'us detcrminsd to prnSr ht m'tn opened upon them so tremendous and de- tr.iCtive a lire that co Tlpucd', tnem .to rttreai them with redoubled violence, and prevented .ot their superiority, of numbers and' the i severity ol their fire the practicability of 'ever again forming this portion of-our ttroops in order of s battle. - Ii was-'from lhis divisiotn. that "our principal. loss was sustained,- few .indeed -havtiig escaptd. .1 Every effort was in Vain employed to jorm them uv.o some oroer of action, as affording the only" mean ii ei ther repelling the pursuers, or regaining the ttm- he eivmv Jhen made,,an attack on Col. Wells' I porary breasuwoik'frimi behind which the remain. wiy 'cr -sv.'il ling part of or troops still gallantly de'ttided thefn- ;t4Ch'mtt, wtiich imm liately tfaVso ' ibe Mactdooiaiii ly th the" United' btates was f the river, and were pursued by the Indians 'who stives j but every exertion was in v&iu employed, d. .-. v - .;' T..,. . : .'''.": ' ,..;;,. ..:.". "' '" ' 1 ' - ' , i ' B STON , V ' This' day "00. 6" p-.r c-.nt o . ...... (m(n .-f whi-.h o-i!v -i' lit at n i .'i"" , iiv-"'..'" 1 t .m wan? ot bidders,, ana m.n a. y - , s for thi f."-mer new loon r annl.l be y i . . - . .' r vt iv llDtt ed.lrtle short of an i.isult tooti-r ' " .l ,, f ,n4. n b ing a ve-v serious ques'ion in i.i j ny Adi is to father ihe. cliil. m CJej'""-diffiatFie&-(;jJ To person interested in: tb &l 5t r' !"r A number of Stockholder, rS 'n'm lt .1 and 6, per cent Sork, would Mu-re - (- is not aibmeaide'that: a genel m.-i v.okolders should be called at an 1 ' , '' 'jlV, the purpose or enquiring !-t,,,tr; ' (o i ot authorising the. issuing of Trr asnry No'es ? tl -t..n. ilir senility ? 'r,J V i.. ma erlallv imDair their seci wt 4 .hrinh.ff faith on -the ment of the U. .towards the 1j debt. " ...... . f thr (TO'!t t I ' . . .i i:.n''.''d 'Mr. CrawTord, one of .f" e ia,-h,.s b.en app-ted to stlc d J. e ministers to Fiance, snouiu dead. r

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