i iv. s ,. , , r f. ,4 a......: :'.:.:...i...-. ..il-M-u-L': . "" . )' A'- nt at liutUiriore So much for war med loins. L'houi taxes. - ; . , ... -tr."-f;."V... : - NORTH WiWf lRN ARMY, To gentlemen arrived iri lovn last night from x anhy' and' bring the imp irtaut . information t (ien. Hainson has goni on to MalCen with I-',.3 m?n 10" lnc purpose i .utauujiMK iuc h , tn Charlotte, and oher vessels there, wme K . lvA K.iilrlinn..' ; ft Bffef4j4 ; v i I Cll a" s,i,u lu uc. uVui''5i - itpi lif'Bni wun sou regulars iorms me ..j ... l,',c I'-.rr ? m1 l hat M orison. cimiHiB(ids .'i:;nnu ' c ' L-rsni and has taken a numbc-rcf his cannon r ? Vtfn. .The Kll in. question,,, not gVirt for enough. TTrvtfpd Sates .Sitrv . vnicn- wa aeuinciwut M .reKardefUbv" ureat Britain, as concerns ' ' .,.;, ,i..s -j.t i a! 09'A'o.lOO. is nnvt nn. ! wiiTkniit n hun.'Rr intrntn-in. '.A. f-irtirai at kiih him.. ChUicothe fiaier. Ii-h very confidemly asserted, from various -arters, that W the miming after Winchester's 1 au tin Indians wee permbtTd by the British U ia chcr and cal? ,Uit wounaeo mtncan nUont-rs. to. whom protection, ana jenci nuu oeen hom will still have room tp say that the war is wagea lor ,th privikge ot naturalizing .British seaineTv, and the public in gt fera!r not leelir g tlfe motive for war strongly, will no feel it lung. But, -if British searntn ie altogether excluded, the battle will thtn be, if continued, literally and truly for, ,4 he jrotectin r of mi-rican. searntn Kvery body can thus ; understand it. Two ; n, tences will then ,txlain our side of the tM'f:jn Bri.iitFi seamen $ e entiiely pw out of (Ac dia j)u'ej alive Americana only are to bt qua-ded. Uion h h a ground,' we vcnOire to.say, tiii3 na. tion will make war forever. Qjn the alien him self seriously object? Heoiht hot', Jf he doep notiinjoy the htnifii, Jii,;jrUdrrn will. At aiv rate, an entire exclusion of British irruiners can riot be more objec4on Vole , to thai, class of rhcti than the provision in the billj which dooms them to Jive year residence ashore bt fore they can be en ployed in our ships. ''onsidt ring he habits of seamen, this i". a V r'u U exclusioji. Let us, . STATE Ot N0RTI0LIA: By Ms Exrelk'Hcy n'Miim 'lUinhin, Enfh r (i'i-ertivrt CujitiUu-GctraltinJ Commmlerhi LhaJyAtid ( t. tkt State ufireLMt. " - ' a pnacLAMATiox. i : , 11 t sintdar t'hit GiOral Winchester should not then, ao at once, and i.pei)ly, hat is attempted to be clone in. suostance. , , '. In tffect, the causes of the war 'have si chan ged, that it xqu'nes agod deal of reflection to l;ni'll KJll'll. Ill Ilia wm'-mi -'i'-'v"-- . tary at wz.r. Sintriifor Lottery' orcurreHce. The two 30,000 bring ourselvt&o tix Un reqijxao.i But it .tr.iwh in Baltimo 'ilmosi at tnc same mo shouia oe nxtau:i'n. meat WlTKIiRAS J fiuve- thi day, .e n uifiri)ied thav tu . inurtlk-MoiuUv in May next has been nxed on t than the Uir.es prescribed by law i NOW THEKtFOKB, by virtue of the authority in tiw vested (y an ut't parsed t thlast Sesnion of the Oeneral Assembly entitled ' An Act dividig:thts Stale into Din- tricis tor electing Representative to CoiigTeas and to tin; end that the Frwcmtn of this Si kt amy ba represented in ttie next Congress, at its lirst Session commencing aS a Pjre'uHid, da issue this tny J'rDclafriiition, hereby com manlinj7 and i equii inij the siier.fj's or other returning of ficer of the sever! Counties composing each :Distrif;t, to cause Poll to beopeiie I an.l kept, and flec tions held for Uepresentativts to thi; Congress of the ynited States on Friday the thirtieth (3Hli) day of April next, at the places established by law in their respective r.otiiuies t andfuf tber, to nieet for tiie pui pnse of comparing the Polls, on the Thursday next afier said Electing, at the places prescrib ed by the above recited act of the General Assembly. . ii Testimony whereof, 1 have caused t he (ireat Seal of the State to be 'hereunto iiffixtd, , and signed the same at the City of 1U t. t.y, leigh, this eleventhday ot Marchln the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight .1 Tundred and Thirteen, and of the Inde pendence oftfie United States ike Thfc-ty-seventh. .' v --fi. ' . V r. - ." - ficer ,lall1je teNsireA wr Ae iSky f?TloW?nff j ancl : t ii-v . Sheriftor otlicr 'rctuyi'm? "ofliof r UjAhif. to 'aturndat djs i timf and piaeabove mentioned, ahull brfctfand payth t "a 9tim',ol :.lillyoands, to be recovered for the u&e of the ;. sUie, npon dua po)f thereof in any Court of Ltiw within ' this states by n action Of debt in the name of the.Trtant er of the State, Cor the time Ix tng : And when the SUet iM7, or other returmngothcers snail be Hivened'M ;doreid, -m .. II . . 1. i : a' . .. ' . ' i i . . . . t-. .... as was the 10,000 (!ollr prize in tht Union j tfh- whok of h: ques'ion is, notwithstanding By HU Exeeitency's Command, CulUge Lottery, No. 4, drawn in New yk; nd c s tf R WAiiii i he Tiumi'eir which or -f thv -ixi ihousanu uoiiars whb, anu smu in two tickets totwoaifvereflt persons ; and thejjU M itfr whics waj drn the ten ihoiatid aollais w.s iV7tiO and vi sold in shiisot tickets. JVlPflLbSVitiNTS k the qnestinnof war n;is imried itself down o thi o'j point, U becomes mote yian ever worthy of an attentive and dispassionaiexin itiutton. Instead of jbuhmitiing, at this ti.ne, any of our--,wwn thoughts on th subject we pre "iT'Wr'Tea'd'tTa' " withbc"f trtlowmg from the Virginia -'Argus; a paper whih '13 djstio- 'guished for ii'S-WArm and determined support cf the adminisiration. FROM THE ARGUS As the, session ,oi' v-'0gress draws to it close, lie National. Legislature is pressed wnn im,.)or. U.. nnCnK. .., ti.u Iv. I ... IK. II I1C.. t;.fU mltfll I lr jjaan c w is . j j . u . -v.f ... j 'i the mud TUfiu lSn hnn n'r dicd a bill Of, . levtn stctioi'S fit- the Senate on the sam'1 sub jertj which vtry confused in .ts delads, and rore xceptinble han tnat whh h wtnt from 'he Ho se ' hai the Snue will do is doubtful. They my pov-iblj he fender of touching tht; topic, bcciUHtit is hv oiii' re girded as inter! ring with thtfir ptcultar ftiiic ion1 for Electing The f-Mowing !;:lt 1 '' last wt' k, and whu Drof.ainar.i'o;, of the btive to, licenses . . . ra'i.AR,) . . , S,r I have rit (.'.o-.' ot c:.cl'iin."j an cou U nicn n.i ni n juge.i t-x,ieui m An Act for dividing the (State into District; - Ren?8ehUtives to Congress BE it enacted bit tlie General Jiamnblu of the State of JVorlh-Ciit-oliwi, and it is hereby epacted by iJie autltotity ofl tfmvime, Tha". tl.ia itate siiulftie divided into Thirteen Districts as follows,-to wit-lie Counties of lVrcmmoiisr Chowan Currituck, Camden, Gates, PasqitutanK and Hertford shall compose one pistrict ; The Counties of Vni" li.nnnt.in RtMri-T. 1 1 j 1 1 f v anrl 1 an in sliull corr.nose i - -V nmtht emitted by us SCCOnd nisfrlc.i The counties' of Ikaiitbrt, Edge h ,iir l.i have follj ved the combe, Ilyd6Pitt, I'yriel and Washington shall compose (Jo hoi of Uermuda re the thirH)i9irict . the counties of Lenoir, Craven, JoneBj Carteret, Wayne, Greene and Johnston shall compose the . f.urtU District ; the ciiunties of New-Hanover, Bmnsi wick. Onsiow. Dunlin. Sainnsons- Bladen and Cofum- us 1 8 1 1y 8haU compose tlie tifth District ; the counties of Franklin, order of Granville, Warren and Nash shall compose the sixth D.s- o issue, trict j the counties .of Richmond,. Anson, noore, Cumber- land, liooesoaanu Montgomery, snau conijiose uit sevi'inu District j the counties of Orange, vvake and Ferson shall in cooseq'-itnce . t.tc t xiving hobtiKies .e Wten his m iwsiy and j ,itul Na-es uKMntri' a . fly ef)mD,.ge the eitrhth Disirict i the counties of liotkiiiir this order vmi are authorised targranr licenses tor ham. Stokes. Guilford afrd Castt'ell sha'l compose tlie wjiere thegna meet for that 'purpose?!' examined nd " compareii, aiia 'pertihcaU under the lunds and st-aisof t faidretUCTiingorfe,. shall (be given to the candidate tit i each district for WKmi the -greatest number of votrg hali have been given in district ! But if two vr moi-e run- . didatCT shid! have-an iq,i number of vole-,, ibe (.aid itt tuniing officers shall deterv,e. which 'of tlufm shnlt fee the rcpitseutative j And 1119 Hecision is l.y thlm mjAe then they shall decide the same drawing in like to jt ner as the Grand .Inn isdi-aun for iii the.Suix r,or rou. ts. ' VII. ifnrf be it further eiiactrdbv tlte .ualnniv nfre ,rt Tlmt each and e'ery person wmi s : .-i f.r do y - iecled representative .under this act, shal1, upw, ''tn cer. tificate ofliis t lection- acr-rd''ig t.'- i.e div, ciion .-h.'e mentbnod, obtain from Y. .y... -be C-j-.f fi.or, a " Commission cenifying Itis a,.p,iiniStrnt a a'.eivA-huVive of this State, wlik'l' cc-l-i ficijjKti.- r.,-.crnoi- i hert 1 em. powered and f.-tjui ed, (jych c,;iTilicnte Ikm, pidnc ed to mm. '0 is-i-? irtii y.i .1 .. viii .ina oe u partner en terra, 1 t cf . , of other ret.upiiinjCnv r holding eluctioiw in' pursuance ' of this act, gjj(H 4 'eiw'4 die -Mini nfj-,i., i. 1,1. lings forivery thirty n. .ts travi.'lhig4r'd reun g fromtliefilaceof couiparingth" poiin in-ttu. district ; d Uiemtne sum for eWry (Uiy he slull 'n'eceasarily attri-.o f p' the purpose of comparing said polls jfuad al,v he amount "T of iij ferriages, winch shull h- paid y the T-' .s.t er ou affi -b.vit'if the Sheriff or retunsirjf ofTu- r s-foremiid. X.:-Jn4tit futr enoktetU Tii. .! in the . u.iit 1 f li e death or resignation of any representative 'r ipn scn. lives .of this Slate, in the present Congress of 'li. r Statevthe vacancy 'or vacancies so orrasioned. slia ! be supplied hy the suffrages of theelectovs from tiit. name district by which the deceased or resigned representative was oi-jjjin-.lly elected. -Read three times and flatiftedin General Astetnbhj, , tte22d.dayof'Diaiinber.:L!J.l' y 4 ChO OUTLAW, S. S. "4 . VM M1LLEU.S. II. C. vf jTW Copy, , Wm. HILL, Secretary- ,vM propositions. The bill for the exclusion- of ; mpoFtati mof .certain articlesenumt i-itedin the or- ninth District the counties of Randolph, Rowan and T " . )A . T . .1 . r. .. -X . 1. rii-it .i.m-ultll Afr.lVtQii 1 A Iftlt 1 lllfitlrrl; I l-H . IIMIT ICS orein seamen irom vessels t me u. . is tnc dci,unc utr tne t jfp.rwroi 01 ccr'a n articles in ao-t promih n and certainly tiie most inrcst the s.,me order, i,i Mfsht6 in Which the impor ug It hvi bn our intend m to present the tatto-.i shall !e - readers of the Argus vvdh some remarks oo that .This infeicoir-ie is to be sublet to the condi. Was ire $ bat t!ie tur.i which the que -tion has tion statcdVin the order, and s-icii iostrdctiitus a aken, the $filittih Which it has occasioned you miyuom time to time receive from one. of in ;ng rejxubdcnn as -veil i (e Jet -lists, has maite ( his in4je8'y'-pn"icipal secret uis 'f nat-:. I am Vs reserved,. lest, upon a subject iitpeifectlyjun. cj?mmanvted by this royal highness tin pi in re det 0)d, the fut'emarrty f our opinion militei.t to signify to you--hat iti graiitini: th. iicen only ten r to distrac. a. a time tfhci every tnaix. ses for unixi.'ta ion of the above er:ume-ated ar ahoul i oe mide to tui m. ,ac VVs wb merely iak;the hberty to put upon record oadiisent to h creed that the bill, as it ha- gonextri ltm the House to the Senatv, will se'tletne iiifT-rencts h;tveen this coun.ry and GyC-ut iJrilain w.iich h-ve grown out of" the praice of itnpiessmcnt. Nor il i sve .beli-jve thatiie proviiu of that bill as they now stan I. gfrtfF cmally to the jath of the (ipui.e. . As theblrsU oV uiese seinimcnts, we al so 'k i 'hi iiocty of statinj; ' "" ":' " I. Ib tn ngh. of a a.riaiort is a qael tides, you nke care that the artidt-. so to be im ported be severally enumerated m the iooy of the license ; thiit the por or jSlact- from ivheiice the importation is to be m Jlt, and the p to which tfu veist-U is 0 urtd is also to be inserted in the body of the license. That tfxht person applying for the license sh dl hot be able o state the name of the e stl 01: board of which ill proposed importation 19 to.be thide, the condition of the license should he. th'.t the name of the essel, the nam j of, 4 he nias.et, . - - 1 , . 1 ... . Sim bejweW a subjict nct ins govern i.ent,' aad j her toiin .ge and her n tional . character be endor Suectwen) n.-itioa and nation." . ':" , fted on the license on quilting her port ofcleai- f 2. Ana ion Ira n poll... , may hgnt turthe pn-, ance, and that the (oduicion other license should tileu'if imoji liii.ig fveigncr i out.if shu. docs also be "thatahe proceed direct "tor the port ot hti o, she fi jjiustorh? policy an I not for a right ; destination. ... ' fend the lppviiiig na ion vuh equal justice m.y , hough the order In council auth jrises you fiht. against it. ' to permit the importations" of he eounirattd ar- . 3-' Ijhat the ocean is a comma. ,ovtr which there tides in any vessels, not 1-ttnch. you will not grj'ht is no spaid iu' isdiciion , these licenses to any except to vessels in amity 4. i'hat everv inciepc'ndant nation has an abso with his majesty, unless you are co .vinceu thai iti'e right of transit for lawful things on the ocean, 1 the island mil be exposed to seri us tmban.ass because it is a cummoiu ; j men's b so coulining iheinipoi-iaiion in qu s:iun. S: That the ft ,g A ev'.ry independent nation has i. Whv.evtr i;por..aiions 'a.e.;no;o,cd to b.: mTe, ! eif.ct.iilu to protect on theocean whatsoever under the' order, from the U-Buu: .uuiica, M wuty .eprcsetitv" A snowh be by your licensc.uih'Tea to he - por.s hi ihe Euafern Stages exciusivdy, unkss you haVt. reason to Btippv.se th.u 11V o ject'ldf the orutr would noCbt luitiileu il liceiuts are not also giaii ports 111 the 4 Thit thu mtricao fljg therefore, ought to proi.ee f e ve y thi g .hicii is Ynieican. 7, that a Inaui'.il.z d ct.izco is jrPy-i citizen wrftjr,':aiU.i;. gfi i.k Ues ot .iw.U.-i. ua-.-ttl Gri1in.j.,huorta Irwin tn ottocr tuya.ixed liiiu, his original' sovcre ga utvcrielea- (Ji;c0 S uies. r. - i fWtfft-sTV4isMtl4tancif 8 That auhouyru the V nerican Ibir has a De ¬ fect light to protect whatever is American, it hu 1)0 right at all o protect what is tiruisn ,9 That tlie ris'ht of traasit for otrr vessels,' ovt r tbewatery common is li oie to vt rup.ion fiom me iircums ance 01 tne Amtiican tl English subjtcts W-uii lpeHlO-iheJiceiists tor exportation oh bOciid me Ve- els III 'whic.i ail iilioilaiioil shall have bee. pieviaSiy in . it.-, you , viil oo'. rve thai tne order does net 10 Jire. Uidi vue poi't'of'dcbtih- ad'ni in sUottcuse so .u oe the same as that Irom w itnce, 1 tie' inip n ia'ivh had iiieii jaoe,.you i.l l6 8'CoVcriiig"taA2 'care that in the body of the license be instr- te.i toe atiie ot the vessel, iici- toim .t, die n tiAe Chatham shall compose ihe tenth Distrfct ; the counties of Vit cklenburg, Cabarrus and Lincoln suall compose the ekve.ith District j the caunucs of Burke, Rutiierford, Haywood and Buncombe shall compose tlie twelfth Dis trict, and the counties of W.Ikes, Sui ry, Iredell and Ashe snail ei.niposc the thirteenth Disirict Each of which dis tricts shall be entitled M ch ct and send one Kepresenta tn e in the Congi ess of the United states. II Jnd be it fiirikr enacted, That the election shall be beta on the sa.ne days and at the same places a are now prescribed by L;w for honing elections, for Members to l- i renent the several com. ties in the Uen rai Assembly of Has Suite, 10 tne yc-ur one tiiotisar.d eight hundi-ed and tnii'Uen, and at me sanies Uine and puce evu j wu years uiereafier ; at of which elections are to be conoucicd by the SIki-iHs or by ooier persons tcgMiy aj pi'iiued there-' for, 11) wile manner as the aiimai ticeuoiia ol uie MemOi-rs ol'm iute Ltguialure, eXCC. UUttne lu.-ptc,oiortlie K.ecuon and C.eriis ot the Foils suati be -sworn or afK. iu ed 10 acw wail jusikc and niipai-.iii.y, whicii oath may be ad. in iisii.reu oy iiy Jusocc ol Hie Feace or any other per.:0.uneieu.o diiiiTn'i.cu.; and to at ean quuneil vo-io-suli ov '8kiir.ud ,0 give bis auUjeoiuy to vhecoun- J- Wjc.U'i .'. IvS-Ol-S . 1 lit lie tLjia-thcr cmcted, &c I'liai if any evmt shall ajji-.i u .vadei- .iic -i vi.. oi ni LSs ntcessti.-y .tier iHt-.in.d 01 Mau:h n.-xi, .tiiu otfuie tne tiine nerui'ii n.ieu tor tui. ensuing eiwt.1011 of Reptescutauvca, or it atei: .oie .expiration aiiy.- tuture Cong.ess ano bclbt-c ti.e lane hvd tor -tiitf election .hen next o ensue, u ncvy- Congress snau" eytied, ias li2.eellc1.ey tie ; CoVon.oi', on l ect iv lli lufofDlaUoll -t.0 dial efltcl, is l.t e. y .lUuienscd to . dcnarfc' tlit' s..me by Frociaiuaooii, aiiu .0 n.qu.re tne teiiiew ol una a.a.e to liicttiii nu ir respective counties, ut Hie Lime or waits laeiei.i loot iiDijOniled, ana at dn. piates tsubiisata Ly Uw( Hit 11 alio diere to yive lacil- votes lor liepre eiinuVcs ; vtiac.i 'elections a. lie 1.1 ui pUVsuance ot the prociaiuauoa ol Lite Governor, Mian be couducteu in like luoiiiici-, aliU .0 ui. inteius aim ( uipos es siiu.li bo as It tai iiii vaad s it die alne had Octii aeiu at toe .one vf uiaer'picaeiibeu in Uc piectuni secuoti ot' das .jC. t V vind be tt. further enacted by the uuihuritj iforesuid, Tuat a any p-.:s il wiuia..evei ailali vole lnoiv i0ui oace m ny e.eeuoii tor 14 ttepiestii- alive it, Cojibt-es ipr'lu tlisu .ct, ne snau turl'eit aau p,.y tiie sum 01 twenty pounas, to uc reeoki'icalJeloic.L sia.e .l.Hs.iCe'oi die i'cate; one ll.ul to Ulv. ue ot Hie peiSnaBUiil0 tor tne saiae, and tae Olllel u.ilt 1& tlie Use of tiie CWiuy ,al v taCi difc.otlelice IS coiiniii'-iei. Ana iii-e.jUiiae . w aere s.'paraie puce yl e lCUoi..i'ave Oeen or -af.au oe estabasaeo i;y t.a, .ate e ei.uons jjireiea oy una act sauli oc eanUa. ieu ia the sa.;ie iiiaiei' as e.eet uas xor'Mv;iaOcrs ol lit Otntia. As Stniti.y aelCiOt jie h 1, eaeu Oilier' presiding at an e tc Hon u.aKiiiif I'tiUiiioi ne -Foil, whie.u lias uecii iiaU. Jtioie LOTTERIES. THE nex'. Grand Lottery to be drawn in Phil. delphia will be the 1 ;, ,!Pl'vyAvI Internal Navigation Lottery. It ba- 1,511 F. vt. , i hv tiuni.ic. ! Crtpital, prize3 are ftreat, and oti'i-r to adventurers of a M'i 'j fling sum a greater chance for a fortune than any n other Lottery. - Prepara ions are mking for the , drawingas soon as possible, the ticketi .being ; nearly all sold. I he scheme Comprises -t-hc iwrf lowing eopiuH r ntca . "' ',T '1 price Vf ,50,000 dollar , 1 do. .of 20,000 dollars, 3 '" do. of 1 0,000 dollars, ' 10 do. of; . 5,0;Q' t'olls, . ' - 6 more of 5,006 doilm'i in 500 Tickn , ets eachAlso 12 of 1 000 dollars, and a g eat ' many of5C0 200 coll, rs Sec. &i . l iektlsglo a0 The Baitiraore Hcfpital Lottery. Is to n.iiiiietu tliavti., ami eontmuea tor th present ot ice - week. 'v j e THK CAPITAL PKIZKS A&K " "-- .1 p:ijL of 3J00o.doJ.at-s, ' 2 k,riz sol' 'io.ooo dollars', 6 d-. of 10,000 dohar ficc&r.J Tick, s 810 50. Trinity Church Lottery Is commei...t oi . ., :. .i, ,. THK CAPITAL P . 1 Z K AUE 1 prize of 3t;U0 dollars, 2 do. of 20 000 tfodars, 1 d of 10,000 dollars, ,' 2 do. of 5,000 doilaia, &c. . .Price ol; Tickets 8 dolla s. i l -' : . '' Union College Lottery JNd. IV. -'' ' - t--.-- :t ) : ' V S Cemmences di u wisg m 4s e Voi k 1st or OcLwber ; ', " , ' ; ' next ' - . v',:-';.. .'- ' THE CAPITAL PrtlkS AkE !' i p .ze ot 25 0;O.'(io!lurs, . 4 ' 1 tio. of 20 000 kdhrs, : ;? V 1"" do. ot 10,1'Ou dollars ; t; 1 oo. of- 5'ooodoiiurs, See '' Price el 1'ickets $7 50. , , : , Tl KL t . AND oil tHE.-i -in the- ubove LtrCc (eiies ait tor . -t . , G & R. WA XES ? ;- 10. ThaUti.it interruption only becomes anabso-V ae master, aw hrliiaoT.al7cli-i jictci-, the port ol Clearance and the porvot 'destiiiatioii ; .uiu tiidt jht: caigo be lltscnbed in the body ot .he license, accruing to the words of the oratr. viz juin, mo lasses, or any Oiher goods and oomino iitus, wlial. 1 . lute wrong when uriiisl b n subjects are exelu Qtu eo'ireiy nom our ves els. II. That, oi couis.;, the bid. which has gooe wp .'nm the House to "the Senate, dues not pio ide agair.st the cuuse ol qLiir I, oe'-.iusen noes fH excl'hJe foretgneis Ae-ea;cr o or ui.u aLzed, frrn em I lyineii i.n boai j ; tin . rkan ve'ssctsj -a id thai it will not induce a at t dement of the dis puted". .. ' ;- , : '.' Ad this soun Ii very lurs i : II a it is our opi wool,- colKe sot er, txc p. sugar, niuigOj cotton a-id cMjoa. . ! You wdi 'tike care that the term of the license dots not exceed ihetenn of the oider j which u is granted, andtha.you do oof issu Ijruly Jronuuaie Loiteiy Offices, ... Ut .6, .Hill. Cli Ldl... ..- It.liv, T N 75, ChtsTut seet, Ptiilatitlpiua, Comtr of at. Paul'S'iane and Market street, BaU .. . timdre, ' : j.-.y' . t And No. 28, ataie-street, Albany Note. The puulie will please -l to take notice that G. -St H. AVdile will guarantee the payment nitias shalt oeoy the in .pcotors iiied ntuiv; Com "oi Fkas iof all p.izes sold l eitlier of IheirvitTices, or 4jy any and Viiaiter btaa.ons io. Said Cyaiav, at tr die s.. i.e la e 8)renSf hot 110 btlurji. -aid adV4Jilurers cart) iaia, UiHo na olKl dl oi otilti' ivtui-llin oni-el oi las owmii- . tv, at lilt CuUit-.iou.it iliitol, on oi oeloie Ulv Moiiuy I iiiuneauii -y iu..ovti .g Jit- eitcdoii V A ldue it jiWJier enucitd oy due authovily ujoreinud, ' JUat fullieaia cly up . .at t woe ol iiit eit uo.i i-. eta county Wliti e latTe ia . u , one pia .t et eit c lo.., tiie ine iill orodier re u nnl' ofrioc. snau in ina preseiive ot .he Jiii.pteib:s ot ittt ciefiiOa, cas . upAntstio.ia aim i.i.uie on. i'Ocori-e-ei s.at.-nie'li.sot tiie .llinijli oi auiiias giv en 1:1 'ills county to taCii Candttluic , oi.t- rrr Anita siaie- ?: ou.y eerunou by tuiaiU letunii.,,, uo.u.mu oia -J j ;nuisr, their ,lca from b'. he. a by observing ' ..' import viul . inspect. -i S aim til. Miei iaoi Otner itturia.ib oihet . b . ., .r i, . '- der u, oy nnaself or Deputy, snau atWnu w.u, ait o ner o,, .ine, ear .u ine bo the Uck of each ticket ld 1 by themj r Ui any day and af die piavea Herein at ge. i..cm.ocdi Ami in , At Wane's offices have been sold, for, man , a.. v,5 ve.y uxnn : iyjyn I$ our opj- lltc(,1 iov CXporutioii underbills order, after that f"wna e' -'VF Tuon that we ought iij da a. awhat we njy. ! er od n 1 ' ' ' ' ! j sidanifrJer at eiaon pwet ot ticcaon, suait ur,iHt,tiuu;iy . iih. great eoW of Veason l,o .it.liir-d to do at i V. iiT r r 'Liv' ' Mipone cioselH .e FoaV in Uie prtaciiv; ut me l.iap-c lay t W i.. ; A, Auhiert W, ' h 1 ,,c ke 1WM ' each license IS not in any l0iS, cast up the Seiods and uiuxe out iwo coi.-eel atate- Zi ' , , K V MU d Ul -n at u!k 11 ase to exceed the sum ot one p und .one shilling, ' n.ems ot the numuet- of sumacs g,ven inereai lole-ach T-!b'i t ' lvilt'' l'i,0n on p nti "yl to i T have the honor to be, sir; your 'mo.i obedient i .Candidate ; eAte of woith '.V,i.t.. sb-ti be by the la- neshiiken ; and that n;lnr,ig siiuulu b left for fo4 hnm ,i, scrv .'in ' - . , - - Ul'tctors of said poi., tnwd in tae otlue of the (. it-i k. ot - '.: . - Notice. THE Books and fund ic uslonRine to the laU tn'js a' brenchyah. Wnen ' 'Wa:At Troyy willbe sold duriugfthe Supuror : nut at war, ihe'y genei ,Ily ip?u,ri ?l tiwjn, which will happen -tin th first roam abroad, and seek in- 0"dV of' April.-, The, greater part 'of t'de furnt Yej. h Hvcver luirh, it isliiot degralingt' AH th .gove-iovie.ns of lai i pe '"claim the perpetual fdeguue.. i.f thcir.-iuuive botn su jects. '" i ranee n a speti-l ;oa-iner, e.y an imperil decee, has, twtwo years ago, pfocTaim- ! the maxim, that. tc U rrenenman aiwuut those ro-erriVun.S lit c ! w.fft'rjheir ft'ulT2cis t'o ploy meat where they may. ; i; :'ii. Unreany ming ; Contrary toumani'tv. the : doctrine; of excludtgUritish suoie;U om , our Vessels ; for, if an ylmn Irvm op Pressiotf .. be all that they-seek, lAaf may be i ur.d m the .bosonv'bf the iand, w here foreigner "'ay stUtbe naturalizea,: and wUl ,e always pro.- These ideas arJ the result of ' mature rcflec- . i big .ed, 'TMr- C6l g)i Ilircjurt t3c ' &c. ter Iture .w s. made in t Philadelphia, and . ncnod c cotli'l Of picas -at quiu-ter btss.oasot liie couiay, al r the same lias leu uv certified. by tiie1 said ie olu- ing oth-cr ajiti t majority of the li.spectois, and tne Uer shatr. oe UeCjy tred to the aneriljor irtacrrtturiMiig tllieCi lot Uie Caiu.y asprescnoed m the preoctin.g secooni auo ia ".'sheriff, or other i-OLni-ningonxoer as aioisttio aaa 'jub.icly,'aCthe CoUrt-llOuse atoieaaid, aseeivaai by ta.r addition of the sutti ages' returned, tne wuoie'nuuiber re ceived for each candiuale in die coiiiity, and theteot shati make: two atatemeiita-under'iAa hand,' ; one ot wnicn lie shall uie m the odice of the Clerk ol the Couj-tof Fieas and Quarter Sessions ol his county,' aiid' the other by hunstrll or eriii. lasniou, cnx months crp-... .uk ilfc-i,iitvstnrrr attend on Uie dav and at tne place nerein ai- and bond aim approved secuti.v will befereouiredi lcr nieimonedi.;' " . " . - ; . - - ' V : '' (i ENU Y'a vi '" ' ' VI :htd be -uurther' enacted by the authority aforesaid, Vff Starch" if 18 li' ' n r : That the Slie-ritfa or oinet returning Omters ot .tae-couii. r-. ,. ri-z . ' Ues ot each uutriet BliaLb meet ot ,iue auuiiaiay ieat y J Executed at t !- Printing, s-oflice, VMtlr'rcatpess and the ut: mqist accuracy; l:v,;V7-l J years pas:, niov. oi tne cap iat piiits in me tcf . Yvrk and lil.imote- L'-ttericS. among them are V the following', diavviv within one year : ' i, No 4892 d.an a piize of g6t,.'00 m the-55 is-, ' q-iehitin . O.hijI Lottery,' 20 clu,-sv o. 4ii a prize- d' 60i,X) dollar's in thsatne lottery N'o. 3, g oOO . Fii ct'a;5 cf WiarnTLot.-:' .. 1,027 .ro.oj u;y' ; -. No l iti - S o.O .o i , the 4th Union ColUge Do. ?; Mo,:l'i533-S3IfUt.01 ln.th- tm;l Unam College 7 317U " '.10,000 J - v ' V a v Be?HeH others ol Sj.-.ooO; Str,p , g20 000 ami , glO.000 in the former Y? ,K o i baltimo tiesof each diitnct shall meet oa the l iaii-sday eachelecuon, at the Couri-Uouse of tacTi , e, ouoty r & st nir n tiooed in the'u- resrctiyisjrjcts; jil'ruvidedxdwdy'iKt if anyjuscideat sliaif happen to euher bf the t'eturoing of.' uce, whicht may prevent any or either of tbcni fioiiTTiK el ng on the, day aforesaid Uie returns of efach and every of- i.6i itfiel, many of which they. i4i4. a d.af.-n. ,.-s ' -' ."'.-: . , ' :n; t-. ' ' " .-."''I..- -i...'..- ENCtCuu at vats ontt ; Watch 12 IK I..,. .X- v ' -