j ; Ln it hi in rw ii ii uMiini --"-r"'J" I 1 I r-,; r...r,;...7T-. . r, ' ' ' .". ' . . ' : ' ' . ' : y-V-: -; J i - I ! I ! Public Documents, ? ft - RELATIONS vyiTH FRANCE. t Nf o disposition, on the part of the administration, J xhavyig been manifested towards Enlightening .'the bublic mind on he sufrft-;oftfffPfT(h -t J V f!tIlUC . concern, a day before the adjournment ot first , ronprass ( ne of the federal membersntrot'uceilvr that ' a 'call for information, which produced (thcl 2o .Ar tlOuse of 'Erfireaen'ativca of United Sates .' I transmit to the House of Representatives a Report of the Secretary of StJ complying with their Resolutloo of the first ins-ant.. JAMES MADISON. , . March 1813. ' The Secretary of State to whom was referred th1' Resoi-nion, of the House 'Representatives of (he first instant, has the honor to submit to the president the enclosed papers marked A and B. All which is respectfully submitted. JAMrS MONROE. Defiartm ent of $tat Match 3, 1813. v ( Y Extract of a letter from Joei Barfoio, Ea. to the ' . r. . v y secretary of aiate, , - dated Paris, May 2. 1812. I have the honor to enclose herewith jtheca Py of my note of yesterday to the duke of Baisa no. The importance of the object ahd-the or gency of lhe occasion I hope will justify the soli dtude with which I hive pressed the prrrtjosiiions. The result, as far as it may be known within a few davs, sh dl be transm"tted by th? Wasp Ih H n net sailed flh Cherbourg the 26U April, with ordes to IVn I a messenger in Entria-id witftv my desat he1- for Mr. Russell, 6ut not to wait a re turn fiom, L-irdon.' , Riic!oed in Mr. Barlow'i letter t May 2, 1813, to the Secreta' ry ot State- . Jixiract o a iffer from Joel Barlow Esq. to thi dhted Paris. 1st May, 1812. In the note I had the hurior to address your eXct-liencv on the 10th November last the spirit of the English government was so far noticed as to Anticipate the fact no v proved by experience, that its orders in council violating the rights of neutrals', would not be revoked. .The decl-ration of the frince Regent of the SlsV of April, ha placed that fact beyond ll question. In doing this he has re peated the assertion so often advanced 6y his ministers and judges that the "decrees of France j of a' similar" character are like wise unrevoked. r .,', You. Mr ill notice that he finds a new arggmenu for this conclusion in your excellency late report to the Emperor concerning neutral rights Irt which yon avoid taking notice of any repeal or modifica tion of these decrees or of their nori application to ihf II.' Slates ' We know indeed that thev do W-.V . ' . . . " I . . . , r ') , not apply to uie w. states, oecause we go not sui V fer pur flig to be denationalized the manner tj ' etidently conttmplated by the Emperdr in the I . rule he mrmt to esubli?h But it wou tl have r been well if your Excellency had noticed their non. I' ' application to the United States, si'tce his majesty lias uniformly done it in his decisions ot pntc causes shire November, 1810. i - ' I is mu'-b to be desired that he Frerich gcV; trnmtm would nww make and publish an authentic ct, declaring the Beliri un.J .Vlilan decrees, as rela tive, to the U. States, to have ceased in Npember ! 18l0,jdeclarmg that they have not been applied in Any ii stance, since That time,' and that they shall Dot be so applied in future. The cass is .so simple, the damand so just nd the necessity so urgent that 1 cannot withhold Xny"c'ohfidence' in thiTprompt and complete success of my ppiposiiion," ' ' .- "A . '" Extract mj a tetter from Mr, Barlow to Mri Mttt- ' , '. -v. dated ABnjlSth'Msy, 1812. Mtefthe date of my letter, of which I have the honor to enclose you, a tppy, 1 found from a pretty sharp conversation with the duke of Uas anb thut there was a singular reluctance to an swering my note of the 1st of May. Some traces of that reluctance you will perceive in the answer 1 'hkh finally came, of which a copy is here en si'', closed, i nis tnoutrn aatea tne ion,uia not come to me, till last evening. I consider the communica tion to be so important in the present crisis of our of Berlin and That revocation -was pro ven by nianc''' act1 a Wy correspondence with yoi" predecessor and. with you, by the deci sions & faor of American' vessels. You have dop me -he 'honor to ask a copy of lhe letters whichhe Grand Judge and the minister of the t'ipnces w rote on the "25th Dec, 181 0, to secure effects ot that measure, aud you have said, sir, that the decree of the 28th of April, 1811, Which prov es definitively the revocation of the de. creesof Berlan and Milan in regard to the Ameri cans, watt not known to you. ' the project reasonable and;" acceptable ifi all . its parts and w uld have ordered that minister to con elude and sign both the treaty of commerce And the convention oPndemnities. . ." ' . , . ; ; -Notice.. ' ,v . ..V ."''' AS Attorney for' Messi Livingston," and Fulton, Patentees for Steam Boats in the United States, and the territories thereof, I will receive subscrip tions to form a stock to complete a line of Steani Boats, through the N. Carolina waters, fcc. to the ( ' r v . ' . J- ' ... StateoMJorthCafbW - Hi E. Florida line, and will appoint suitable and res I have the honor t6 send you as you haVe deslr-j pe'ctable persons through the different states to re. ed a copy of these three actf you will consider them ceiv5 subsenpuons, of which when appointed without doubt sir, as the plainest answer, which 1 , i win give aue notice. 4 1 i s tt' . 1 iafirs i - iraintdiaiely, toj?arry to it to Mr- Russel, wuW-y win comt t0 this' town", I dare hope that i 'Mk:, ry:-. i y . : ..; v. , " ' am confident that 'the President will approve .'i? the, motive of my , solicitude in this a flair, and the earnest manner in which I pressed the minister t tvith.it as soon as my knowledge bf the declaration other questions to which that note Mates, I will take care to lay them before the Emperor. You know already, sir, the sentiments which his majes ty has expressed in favor ot American commerce, and the good dispositions which have induced him to appoint a plenipotentiary to treat with you on that important interest. ' Accept, sir, Ice (Signed) .. . . The Duns of Bassano. Translation TaUee tf St.tlmiy 'Jfiril 28th, 1811. Napoleon, Emperor of the French, &c. & ,On the report of our Minister P Foieigo Re lations. - . - . Sceine bv a law passed on the 2d. March 1811, he 'Congress of the United States has ordered the execution of the provisions of ths act of non r ercourse, which prohibits. the vessels and meiv ch.ndise of (irtat Britain, her colonies and de pendencies from entering into the ports of the Tjnited States . Considering that the said law is an act of resis tance to the arbitrary pretensions, consecrated by the British Orders in Council, and a for nial re fusal to-adhere , to a system invading the inde pendence of neutral powers, and. of their flag, we have decreed, and do decree As follows: 1 he Decrees of Berlin and .Milart are defini- itively, and to irate from the 1st day of Novem bcr las, considered as not hav.ng existed, non avenus, in regard to American vessel'. . Signed, u. NAPOLEON. .. .. By the Emperor, . , The Minister, Secretary of State. - Signed, The COUNT DARU. J ! Mr. Billow to the secretary of watel , , v r: .Parity Oct 25tA, 1812. Sir -Bv the letters from the Duke of Bassano land, my answer, copies' of which are herewith en closed, you will learn that I am invited to go to : AVilna, and that I have accepted the invitation. Though the proposal was totally unexpected, and on many accounts disagreeable, it was irnposs'bh' to refuse it without giving offence, or at least risking a postponement of a negocietioti whth I have Peason to believe is now in a fair way to a speedy and advantageous close; t From the circumstances which have preceded and Which accompany this proposiiionj 1 ani in. duced to Relieve that it is fdade with a View bf expediting the business. There may indeed be an intention of coupling it with other views not yet brought for ward.1 If so, and they should extend to objects beyohd the simplicity of our cajnimfrcial interests and the indemnities which we claim, I shall not be at a loss how to answer them. I shall have the honor to write you, as socr. as possible, from Wilno, and shall return to Paris withounsny unnecessary delay I remain, cc. Signed, J. BARLOW, - Translation.' ,'" The Duke ot Baisano to Mr. Barlow. Wdna, 11 Oct. 1812. SIR I have had the honor to make kwown to you hjwmuch I rtgrt-tied, in the negociaiion com mentfrd between the U:i Med Slates and France, the delays which inevitably attended a correspon dence carried on at so great a distance. Your government his dtsired.to see the epoch of ibis arrangement-draw near. His majesty Is aijima ted by the same dispositions,' and willing to assure to the negociation a result the most prompt he has thought that it would be expedient to sup press the intermediaries an i to transfer the con ference to Wilna. His majesty has in consequence It with the desire which animates us both to conciliate Feb. 24. JOHN D. DELACY. Francis Lewis, -- vtr,- Andrew T. Davidson Pertor Cavrt of r . Wf lerm. ittia 't i nal 4t(l Notice. WHEREAS a certain John SteVkms, of Ho boken, did obtain from the Legislature of N. Ca rolina, during their last session, a law granting to him the exclusive right to navigate the waters in said state with Steam Boats to the manifest pre judice of Robert Fulton, Eq. the inventor, and of Robert R. Livingston, Esq. his associate, in the patent granted to him by the U States for. said new and useful invention. And whereas the said John Stevens has by ah instrument in' writing under his proper signature and seal, acknow Llocib fosm ally7 .fully; and un" equivocally, that the said Robert Fulton is the inventor of new and useful Steam Boats, and the first that has shewn the superioiiijr of water wheel? over all other m-ides bf propelling Steam boats, and demonstrated the relative proportions of the several parts. Aod whereas the said John Ste vena had neither right, title, claim or authority from, Or under the said Livingston and Fulton, the; true and actual patentees, for using and vending to others to be used within the United States, and territories thereof, he right to navigate with boats propelled by fiie and steam and wheels ( but did Unwarrantably and unjustifiably, apply for, and surreptitiously and by misrepresentation or other wise, oo'ai;i siid law in order, to wrest under co ver thereof from the aforesaid patentees the well earner! and just reward of their ingenuity, enter piw, Lbo and perseverance, and thus made the state subservient ( hough unknowingly) to injustice which ma possibly involve the patentees in tedi ous, troublesome and expensive suits in defending their righ'-s from irivason By said Stevens r; any ignonnt or unprincipled persons who maybe se d iced to join with or uphold h'tcn in so 'flagitious an tr vasion of the rijjhts of individuals. And whereas (he said taw passed as aforesaid by the state of North Carolina is hot only voidable but absolutely void and nugatory, in as much as it is ih direct hostility W the law of the United btates under which the patent ; has been granted to the said RoberT Fulton and Robert R. Livingston, the legislating upon arid granting of which is by tht constitution exclusively assigned to the United States : , . ....'' 7 .,. , do hereby givi Hotiie , That I will, for and in the name of the Said pa tehtees prosecute alt, each and every person, se ve rallv and indUidually, who combine or conspir with Said John Stevens, to iuvade the exclusive privilege and property Of the said patentees, or injure. Or subvert their interests in any unlavfu1. manner at or in any place pr state from the Citi,i Baltimore to the orda line. JOHN D. DEI. AC Y- "Attorney pro patentees. . C7"The Ledger at Norfolk, the Gazette at Wil mington, N. C. and the Gatette at Edenton, N C. will please copy the above advertisements till forbid, and send their accounts to Mr. Latrobe. Wahmtton City. Feb. 24. . . Notice. T lE subscribers h'uviug qualified as adminis tr- ors with the Will annexed to the estatt ot rtcuben Tally, dec. givc"notir;e toalI persons having demands against the estate of the said deceased, to present them for payment duly au tbentir-ated within the time required by an act of Assemhly, " entitled an act concerning proving ol wills, &c.' otherwise they will be barred of recove ry by; the operation of said act. j AH those indent ed to said estate are n quested to make immediate I i appearing to the satitW.i' r .L An v r.. ! . i we Cm,-.. I LMvwson, the dpfj """laj cu uy court, that ouhlici ' inree months successively, in" the B7 '. va, unless the ZfS superior court of Law, to be htff Z 1 the N aforesaid, on the sixth Monday Z ivionaay in March next, and replevy or Z sue, judgment will kc entered n L pieadll- . Test . -S-mst him. r 79 3m T".; HENDERSON, c.,.Cp THE EDITORS The Raleierh News-Pa RETURN.than'totho 0f treJ ., . who. in corifnimit. k vt.-.- .rnta& ' " .v. uis A,oiivC ihifK iv. published some time ago, have paid m counts to the close of the present ., . f willing to part withthe few remaining Sui? Who have not found it rnnv.r;nf Ut,n hnvc! harl iin nnnnnnni trwix .l. . ' M n . , r' 1 y u l"ey are tt,n hilln inlnritVf'rl that tkoli until the 1st of April neat, on which da? if fllllo informti that theiii Pni., ..:n i . . ; v. will De CObt niirf ntil th lr ftt AispiI n, ...i.:. l "v fceoun?shall not theo have been J;, '! uj nis ii fiaiuci wiu certainly fce stru w,v "wv,vliwn ui saw plperi, aa, lucu nbbvuiiu pui mho a irain tor CuHectiog. ' VUai.U'H UALtS, . ' JONES 8c HENDERSOV. uecemaer iari. payment. PATRfCK H MILTON, I" S H, PAH JAM - Granville, JVb 12 1813. Adm,ra- 83-3wp. s i Attfl wobabry from 'VpUj I only asked hifa lr at de cree had 'heeirpublisMd i I e said iioTihu t dec) ' m.A at U I .J.1. " f . - cu.ii, uu uicn cominirincaiea to, my predecessor J S ' h'er?n anJ hke wise sent & Mr. S, rroriert with' or A iters to communicate it to -ou. I assured him it i wass not among the archives.) this, legation ; that : ,,1 never, before hud heard of it , id since he had j consented to answer my note, I d -sirl him to send to mett tottttontr.jrxxqi.r that de- V crtfit anoLf-f a.. oihcr documents fhaf'juighf j . p.oyeto -the incredulous, of my country (not tome) t thj occ,ec:s of Berlin and M.Ian We. c in good I j the U. State j. He . then promised frhe h a would do , and-he has; performed his promise. - ' ' '.I ' cPy oflhe Ap.il deem, as like; le;SroflheUrand and ithat fthe h i t k VnanCM 1 tbonh ,h" tter pieces uu'. VjVatmnQ to Mr. Barlow. I V: ' ''V ;r V-T TRAWStATlON, v '' ;'. "Ur.r Y V such important interests, we will iui'mtdiately be enabled to ,emove all 'he difficulties'' whicli' until now ha ve appeared to impede the progress of the negociation. 1 have smnrixed thi Duke i tf n:illipnr ilmf Kit. r.u: d: n . v.i...i . ... ,.e. . . rr- . 1 - i-me -!, -ncBcui, cudtweu mc iu inc : mission was thus terminated, and have laid be foment that belonged to tht subject. Whtn n f6,;c his majesty the actual slate of tne negooia ,,thc conrsation above alluded to, the Uuke first j,iot1j to ,he nd that when you arrive at V Una the - yrocjuc1ed tc rat fbe decree of lhe 28lh of APri, 1 different questions being already illustrated, ec 9h'.l made'n?; comment, on ..th'e s-rnge manner faciei, either by yout judicious obbervations, or by y. wJ1cntaa;een so long conceal trom me, ;tJie instructioys I shall have received, we may, sir. conclude without delay 'n arrangement so WtSira ble and sd conformable :o the' nautuallv amicable ws of cur two governments. - " ' Accept, sir, &c. Signed, im UUKE OF RASSAN'O. A v ' Mr. Bai t Ue OAe ol' Bassano. '" '!-''' '"'' 1 : tJtrif Qctr2Sthr 812t ' SI R--In consequence i ' lhe. leUtr VU me the honor to wriie me on J he U& of ,h,s month, I accept you, invitationVand iWVe -P"''3 -9 v una, wnere l h oe to. k ;' ' l.e- 'V vc,n ln . JJth May, 1812.. ' uhh . iTTr"nLe Wllhf you about the note . ' .L " -.. ,vi vuiiceai irom vou m V mono for or 18 days fi-om this date. MviSerr,a. it atlon and e servant will compose U my .nit. Imention this to answer to your cxtrn, nH. new in askmg'thfr question; and your kind offer ol boding me a convenient! lodging. I hope the trouble you will give yourself in this will be as the present month, that I am persuaded, if it could TF at the doubt which you had "a 'V "vcfarri;'fd before the date of your letter, fhe Ce Officers of the Grand Lodge of North I Carolina and 1 enneisee tor , 1 013. ltoe vl. V GcoeraiV ;i,beit vVilliams,r"Cud . ..Master. -' : 'i 'v- ;..,. - R. ;W. Gtneral Jeremiah Slade, Deputy Grand Master;: ' -V; V ' . : . R. W. General Calvin JonesV:Crand Senior War- den. .;."' .' R. W. The Honorable WUHam ' Miller,- Speaker. of the House of Commohs,, Grand Junior War- . , . - . en. ' R W. Alexander Lucas, Grand Secretary. R W. William Boyian, Grand TieaMirer. Urolhers. General Edmund Jones, Grand Serlbr Deacon. . . Colonel Alltn Rodgers of Wake, Grand junior p Dif'cvn. ; " . General William W Jbnes,' Grand Pursuivant. Ke1 mp lMummcr, fltC.eunscIlot.'t-Law:Gra''pd -Sword Hearer, - ' General Montford Stokes; Grand Marshal; Tkst, ALEX I.UCS, ' 1 Grand Secretary. Raleigh, "February 25, 7 W , . ''' A. L. 531'S, A. D. 1813. 83-Sw. , State of North Cajcoiina, WAKE CO UNIT. Court pj . EXECUTIVE OFFICE, N. C. Raleigh, March 8. 1811 BY an act passed at the last session of the Cm, eral Assembly, the Governor is requested to aai to be 'iistributed aniong the several counties her in named, the arms which have been received ji this state under the law of congress for armuigtht VI ilit ia of the United tates. Some attempts t engage individuals to perform that duty lias thinj the propnety of giving public notice that applica. tions will be received at this Office for the irans- portation arid delivery of sixtv four standscf amj to thecolonel commandant of each bf the fdlovfinj counttes io wit: Brunswick, Columbus, Bladen. Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Sampson, DuDlic, Piti Beaufort, Hyde, Washington, Tyrreli Edncomh Martin, Halifax, Bertie, Hertford Gates, CUwaa,' Perquimans, Pasquotank, Camden) CurrituckJ Haywood, arid Buncombe. The arms for the threa first named counties to Be conveyed from Foil Johnston, and those for Junes and Lenoir, from Beaufort, except twenty tands to b; Hiceo from Fayetteville to Lenoir. Those for Hie, residue ( the above mentioned counties will bedchyered fat transportation at the town of Fareitevilic. It is hoped that persons who ut to tAjafct to1 he delivery of those arms, wilt mane W.medisli application and at the same time designate tht counties to which they will deliver, and also Uit sum required by tbera for such delivery. -By instructions from the Governor ; JUNIUS SNl-EO, Private Sk-ciary. P. S. The counties of Onslow and Cuniiucl were according to the act, to have ninety sin sta.ids each, but by a provision permitting i com' ;any in Fayetteville to retain one "hundred and thirty stands of the quota, it became necessary tc reduce them to an equality with the oilics Ji.S. . . . , " . The celebrated, thnromh bred i?or,' SIR ARCHY, WILL stand the pres.nilt season in myita'1 New Hope, two miles above the town of at the following prices: For- y dollars the smji h the navment ol tv iiiii iiatajr uw vi tmi J v before the first day of August j 60 to tmS kn : l - Tk nnenn tn rnrhmtlice M 4J I IIC Single leap. i he otasuii rtrot A f Mirrh. nnfl mrl thfc firsl of AufUSt' ii umj vt j i l I a .Jtk aiKVll l f wiwv j mane and tail; ons hinder foot wbffei uPjr " of sixteen hands hih ; and eighuar W TjftTsn HFlFfiv minieaTih. and nrsrot the ae for propagatirg racing-stock, PosSr, n a anA ih finest nriion. ni llv' knowlcdcred suDeriority as a renders a publication of hi, perform mces unne, cessary. Suffice it to add that he btnt eve.? -tincuished horse of his day in, Virginia and iwra Carolina- ' PEDIGREE., - . SirArchy was gotten by Old Diomed ou . the imported mare Castianira ; her dam i' . . r. i. u.; pir.cnhnrilS i l'0resct ' Dy xrcuiHain, r..- . .rnaliiinn T.olri KoRtard. Charming Molly c,e. to a royal mare. eqt try . I WAKE COUNIT. ' . Pleas' and Quartet Session8t February ri; - 7'err-t 1813. . v - y- y '"..v , vv " Original attachment, levi Westward A Ta l in IheJiands' of Henry . : . 7 v , v W t VVilliam Ship,sen.I fhe nenTwialinn nn' tttkii. I, . : . - - v,.. ii,uu you nave done me the honor, to invite me at Wilna. y prepared !n all its parts . between the Duke of I y it. i at ami iiiv vfit. Ji.rt r i j ..is-. ooyoufor vour aDnrobati,,; '. " '.f P " " orde J the courvK eks, that unless the nresent ,V,. THLmaoeaiu the-M .V ' Whilhead.-Will am Ship, 'v , v and James Rigsby. that publication be inerva-forsIxVk!. 's, within the the defendant, replevies and nlek.V "7this' court three first days of the next term nvNn. judgment final will be entered against hil V c Thus as a blood bhej; equal to any ever bred, ia this or a otuer v His slock i.re large and promt's. ; i i t..iit ftttorcri iin iiibui er pnet a nave uctu -- , ,-,,,,, aj ..r ... r-. red dona's cons on me coiui"cn. -. . . refused for the half of an Archy colt at MM -) 0,dl ... , CL , crrvants' board: tiood hign iana pasiuiogc, .f,raW WIUL -toil - . t Hon snat tor pratisiand; mares ted. pri&e.,-J have, separate lots 1 i ? . .j k0 hct atten mares wun cons, oiiu - i .-jl.Lj paid to them; but I will not be accotnta.-? accidents of any kind. -; - -rr ainIth ..Gentlemen wliosena mmo "V, -r(urncd horsermay be assured that they iCU in as goon or Deuer couu.w - :rfZjnv One dollar will be-expecte a - ylj, each mire . V .-'.' .aLLA vl.v.- itew nupc, vt- . ;v:-'":i.;CAWroKifENr.f2; ALL oicers-:Sot orderetl unjde s, art ther ot lofanir, a""- ' --f. at sh-"ur' heieby especially d,reclcu Vecciye anidi report themselves to roe and reT Hons iether with all necfssary.faod. , , ingothlitioB. Uf ..:::,.! '."rr.:i.::.. T;.: ' - - ' . -. ' ..-.' ..

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