' , -, . A - , ' ;.- - . ' . . . t -. . . .),. . - ' t , i - .':'. ::; M RALEIGH, N. C.i P UBLIS HED (wee BT LUCAS ANQ A. H. BOYL N J J " 1 " TO, iFIbAY, MARCH i26, 1 813; Vol. 17. No. 886. PtJt a is Foreign. deliverers. These accounts frcm Copenhagen ilationshitriue?, bosom companions, as Half posts of tbe Russian and French aririiesi ob Ac- Hit hit: '4ed I. p. gthf Iicai raa$. irrrj iving van, Fort rom e riii to the Hit uclf SIX 1 W "row 'Ac Af w IV Evening Pott. Just as our paper was prepared for the press, the ship Hebe CpU Ogle, arrived at 'his port, io 40 -Jays from London papers to the 20th b.ing trig oHav Ffom the " Dif,' orJanaary 20 h, we copy the following interes jn g articles ; jjONDov. Jm. 20 Cnel B A tt"t AT, the laic r?spected British Consul General ai M. Yrk, .ha taken h -, pjsv age on board h tyjeaVi ship Va!iaM4r B-r jnuda, whence he is toiproceed to N- Yoni, in order, to hold at that nUc,.t!e offiil -,f iient Superintend ;fcfw excftan of prisoqrs, with subordinate .fMJ trh ninor ports and establishments We hayeiraat pla ate in cfmtemplating the appointnient, inamuch s, according to tUe prtcadent estaliahefli.r this country?' in the 'negciation for the preliminaries ofthe las peace.between Great Britain and France, Col. Barclays residence, as accredited Agent fpr. ttrisonera f at Nfew Y.rk, - may afford an in ducement, as well, as an opportunity to the U. S. for the re-estabfishmew of the mutual concord and harmony, between them and tacir parent, coun try. . ... ' , ' y . C lTTHNBURG MAIL. ' Jmfiortanttuccea of the Huaaiant, Capture c1 ' '.JCortigaburff -and Memet. By men9 ofthe exlensive and efficient arrange. and publication of intelligence from the scene of j ,her,n, to bc "Vheisposal of a" Foreign power. mention; freely and openlythe total destruction of the Grand army, and at Vienna the intelligence of its various disasters have been , received with public demonstrotionsi of joy, which have fcecaiv ed no interruption fim authority, though the Frenph minister remonstrated against them. ' A new lew of 300,000 men to be completed iu a month has been .-.ordered -in Russia so that the augmentation of the-victorious .army will more than overnalance.thc forced conscriptions of tht e iemy. One half of the Russian levy is to be at t-ie dispostalof a Foreign Fower, ft wljden or Prus sia. we should., conjecture. The 1fig of Pru si a, inth hieao tinsels m& .to Joe wi'sf-' to Bri:s law, in S lesla with a corps of fivl thousand klen. f . ' " 'i- - .!" 'r: ',. Cxtrtct of p? i"r4te letter, brough? by the ' last Gttcnburg mail: " . ; . f.; --; k; . . MEMt, Jan 2. r The Russians . have ;taVen possesion of tlijs place in an amicable way. They were received with open Arms by the military antj inhabitant of every denomioation Tlie Russians were, on the 31st ult. within twelve German miles, of Konigs bi'rg, an 1 are no dou v. ere now in poSf sinn of that important garrtson The remains of die F'Cnch army are ft ng in all directions before the victorious Russians They are reduced to such n extremity of suffering, as to b literally dying by hundred." , ' , Gotten sui o, Jan. 12. ; The F.mDerorhaa ordcrrd a lvv of 30 ) 000 men, to bt completed in one month ; the h . If of andOmalys could he speak or write the lan Uth'ofOct. 18,12. guage I All tkis is wanting to publish .and ; keep in turn so s -cret a conspirator against reputation ; After the usun 1 compliments " ' ' ': Murat Are ou informed, general of fhe cce. he wcruld mrke the mostly runniest and injurious ses committed byyouf Cossacks ? Th:y fire upoo President possible Malivt is hia predominant, the foragers wtiotn I send out in different diie passionfamt low secret malice his forte. Mr. L fh can tell yoy much of him. I have sent love and love sa,oftt't, and 1 will not repeat jt : but your s and' each of your's sincerely. FULTON - F. ;-4 tions even our; peasants, supported by them, mas Mere1 oar insuhited hutsars. ., - .. .' -V '. ; Milrodavitcb .1 am delighted that the CosacRs strictly obey the orders given them". It is aho, most eatiifactofy forniv to learn, from I'oimmsjts. ty's mouth; that bur peasants shew theaisetvcl worthy of the iam ef Russians. Murat It is contrjliry lo all the hitherto receftu edrulesof war ; and from this harsh state n (higR;j . ; : pi- $ LoMioNTJan,uary 12. . BONAPARTv.'S, OVERTURES TO THE V.;u RUSSIANS.; Lauri the con demand an armistice and to bee the Drince to'The transmit to his majesty a le'tec from Bonaparte, lors v .. which-would con.ain propoiiali for peace, in order : Miirat Biit ivhy seek to embitte two natiotia, tocause the cessation of that horrible effusion of , formed to , 1,-steem ach othr m a blood, wiiich bad beeii shed With so much desperav non ana narimmy. snprts ?' i . - M:lorad.-f My officers and myseTfare ready to war in the. North, we. were enabled yesterday io a aecortd edition to submit to the public the sub stance, of intelligence, r from. the Continent,' via Heligoland to fthe Uth inst. a material part of which was in the course: of the day confirmed bv the contents of the Gottenb-.ir.gh mail. that arrived, and the remainder of which we feel authorised to consider as an anticipation of the next, or even of iHe a.thspiiicnt rffrnlar communication (mm Cnt tenbmirh. ' The imellieence , which we had the l"& a "ew levy b pleasure to lay before the public in an excraordi- TU. .!-. .t--. 1.-. . t .. ... .. ' .. . . purn-c rcjjucu, inai nc was uui auinoncaio give youan possible marks of our esteem but, receive any proposal either for peace or armis sire, your ftfratrers are alwavs raken. nA ,h r. tice and that unquestionably he wouh! not re lumns whith you may send to the riuht .ad left; ceive any letter addressed to h:s majesty that be ; to protect them, shall be beaten. sides, it was his duty to decl.re,lhat the RMsaian. MuraU-Yoii are passionate io Wordss grr.eraU army wasin possession of too manydvanjagesLtolbilt words do not beat ati enemv. fan vmir pvh throw them away by anarmisiice, of which it had on the map ; you wifl there See the country we. " u ntfvi. - nave conquered, and how far we have penetra- Lauriston observed, that the ar must one day ted. come to a termination, for it coiild not last for MiloraM--CharlesXll. DeOetrated still farther t . -. . . . Letters repeite from Hamburg state, that .;ths if vp especially in the harbarous manner in which he reached Pultowa King of Prussj-l is.to g to Breslaw with 5 000 troops and that the. Russians are expected at Berlin. . , - AJurat is said to have arrived at E'bing with the' Grand army, coasting of 13,000 men. x Macdonald's corp. U expected la supjxn jer. i , St. pe.tersbuki;, Dsc 1. An Ukase was issued a few da vs. &go, order comDleted in one month from this div. ofeis-ht men out ,f e'verv 500 fit nary impression, w4 received by express et ap 'or u ts caicuMieci mat mis win pro- early hour yesterday morning, and contained in dce 3Q0,000. The pronncca which have safTcr- irj me campaign are rxcm; . . ,The Emperor set out last ni;;ht lor VVilna. , a 3S nd' he Ah a it Lb i'the following brief but gratifying communication from a highly respectable q urter, da.ed v :., ,. .HltLLIGOLAND Jan 14. . w, A small vessel has just arrived here from the nil ri npnt . unirn nnnira tn n a e nn in c imotAa i - . . Inat an nh?rpart ot their ftrrav was proceedme to . .,j . il- l'riV&U W Lt IUI UU. Exchange oa London 16 14.. t . :... .. St ckholm, Jtn- 10. . Iv is said 'hat General Wi .ne ostein had arri several Russian coips were Memel, where they expected to find large su,i. jie oi corn ana a vase accumulation. ot ammu- .... January 2. We have accounts here that the uit'.a.i c rps iii j tt: . : . r . .. v union aou muuarv ivjit; oi every uescri nun. lt,l. u-t . k . , r. is even asserted confi lently, an't genera ly 'be lev. 'n,,aHi Tv ,. . v , -j .u.'. t v . . ; r; j posed Mtcdonald will be able to tflf c- his tet.ea iii-ii mcjr ore iiauy in possesBKMV oi Liant J from Courl and. it W6S conducted. I Murati-The French at-mv "has h"pin rnntinnda Prince Kutusbff replied, that barbarism had been vie torious. tviuoiaia.tut we have never fought except at Borodin jw. ' , Murt - That victory opened tqua the gates-of' introduced into hostilities by the French revolu- tionisis, and followed up to the greatest extent by Bonaparte himself. It wastmei that the war could not be eternal tfut peace could never be talk d of, till the French were beyondHherVistu la. That Russia had not provoked the waV-for the tm:eror, by falling with all his forces on tht mag zines and troo)-in Polaid, might have an nihiiatedall the preparations of BonapaHe on the other side of the Vistula, before he - wa? in' readi ness to commence it but his maj sty wished neither to disturb the existing tranquility nor to be the-aggressor, and to the last hopvd to pre sarvr peace that Bonaparte had entered Russia even without a aeclaration of war, and devasted a great "part of t- onp?re that he had nothing to Moscoik'. By intfcilieehce Nm iluwa w- wi "io enemy noi oemg in a conaitton to oppose 'ai. i.vfnm,,J ,u, !- - .A . i.' . 1 aie intormed- that VVittKeis!ein a mu'euviiiii', any Te3istanc& to theirprocrress " v , . t- ... , ' .ih.o of thu tocut.off Macdonald, wnd that he had already K ; i rr ZZ 1 1 ; ' 1 made 12,000 pmoneis. " he)0nlr ohe that remained du,. arrive!; and at P rn,BNf?AC'. r!in. fi ,rrhpi fiv.m I rvrrl f " ik .-f I ... - . ' mtomw- ucj5 yuur jiaruwu, Birc ivtoscenr war - abandotied irt vnn V . .. , -I . MuratAt any rate wi atfu masters cf your an cieifit and immense capital. - r '4 I . Milor2d. Yes, sire, 4nd it is an affl-ct'sng i I thonght to every Russian, to myself in pvrvicuhri. 4 , i d. d every things tht'.aalvation.' 'of ;l'8cw., ' nfiisia has made to you an., immense sacrifice, 1 but she already begins o rtap the ad-vaiHigea ,at.,y4l tichedtoit. . S ' ": v v?'' . ' ; Murat How I - ' . ;,i:Sr- Mlloiad -i DerCtive 1hnf NnnTpAn hm crut tanriston to our ceneral in chief io ! 'treat : of W'm he came thither without being invited while, on' f know4hat your soldiera are reduced to satisfy v our side, it became our 'duty -to do him as much themselves for 60 hours, with what is scarcely ' tl mischief as possible that whtn he proclaimed j sufficient to support a man-fhr 24. ' ' I Murat .The passports sent you were rnen fila lior.d is ii H bUt' to get it r.i lYfoscow how he could,since: wer received sp- which, from VP UTP hfM UJlth.-illt anir ....uiriu inll!..unnu the events thev of . 7 . -' " acialWrnmrnnn!. W W, ,,,ht f (1v. L,u uir yrana rmy. nu: 11 we may crea. ofouri TiilliSence far it i.- raBlP'f the,8Ul Was com- and Mmcfnd trmTVoairnv near Kowno, of an account of th -se even.s 1-1 due rdntt a Z' 11 ,S sa!d' th? ere buthed ; part ofthe .oast, of ne Continent, fr.m which itl ivcui ttiiii an iiic Aiuaaiiiiia, oiiu ma. y generals The same report states, that ma naa reacnea neligo ind on the 1 4 u inst. The de$patches of L'irr C heart will be published in Extraordinary Gazette in the course of this niornmg Lrimediatdy af'er tlw arrival, the fol lowing Bulletin of their contents was yesterday : afterooQn issued fim-fhe freign office; -;' '' V sluLLETW - Accounts fmfTrtdioCalhe ceiyed, dated, Peters&Urgh, Dec 31 " The accounts from the Russian Armies come Clown to the 25th uh. the campaien 'terminated' at Moscow.: the Rus s. ms viewed h as only commencing if he did not ki.ow this already, lie should soon be taught by experience. Luunston- . Sire, then Ah ere li ri6 hope of pjace, it will doubtless be necessary to march tut in departing it will be again "necessary to shed tne blood of rrten who are always brave, since your armies are marching on nil sides'. " I ..gain repeat to you," said the prince, "you Dt course will adopt such' measures as you please. For the rest, the time' will come, perhaps, when we may arrange matters for your departure snoujd that be the only subiect ot discussion. " Laufiston still uttered complaints! with. regard tohe bitterness and fury which had been excited "Counts Wi tgenstein and Platoff had na ! Sldiers refuscd to nghi any longer,-s6me throuch Kowno. tn,ar,ic r:i:. r w attempting tq.escape i Hsit wnh its majr "The enemy wtre'driven fmm KWnn ;,u azine8 which were saved.from the fl.mcs, were 'IIIVJI Willi nl.. ,' 1::t vaiinun, ana eooo nnsimK. nA klne Remainder ..of th ttxorps dispersed." Admiral fchichagoff had nurched on Ghez no, .and had cleared both banks of the river. ('n'- J"rm?zoff moed on Grodno, where Col, Dnidoff established himself on the 20th ji J he Austriansareret.ri. g, a d Gen. Sachen following the retreat of the Ausirunsithrouch b '-mm, and expected to be at Ruz4na on the 24th. . "Great magazines' have been taken in alllnf wniu (in ujewiemen. . Mt was , eported that another bodyof Prussians had laid down their arms and that Marshal Mac- COnaid lntfrv1,.H mh 1 -. .. '. ----- .v. ..j, 1 Hsu,., so tnat there uu.jui -uniii nim on. Prussian peasants killjhe French strag. 'ers wherever they meet them.. :- .iCuMurt. jy the Russians in 'irisoner; 1293 . Officers. . .167,5 16.' ; Privates . . ' J 131 Cannon The official Bulletin does not mention the date f !ie action ,t Kowno. but seme of the unofficial Recounts received by the 'Mail state U to have ta- T7Trr v. , WM ,uc joiq , uiimrec dartmftenher had, retreated fmm TiuiK T .i.. m may hiv.- reached Dantzic according to the repurtol our correspondent. There is, now no J!? r.them,' and the providence 'of : r rencn cpmmissanat has amnlfNstiDnlied every necessary .There can be no thfhi with ny genera's ofthe first note have passed thiourh!iri the people, in order to banish all houe of ac- Posen a ndlhe neighbouring towns, .-done and i;i- commodation, by attributing to the French the cognito, upon post horses amVmi; others, Bassa- CrJnDaKration and ruin of Moscow, while the in- no, Murat, Lefebvre, tkc. Etc. ; two Polih Gen-j habitants themselves were the authors of that ca- eralsof the firs; consideration were wounded, andllamhy. inshri, reprtseiim army as 300,000 men, 165 pieces 0 cannon, all 1 had ever heard of complaints being made against their cavalry, bagg.ige, kc. and adds, that after the the enthusiasm and devotion to their country, of oattie no such army any l.mger existed ; as the a whole people who defended thetr, homes against officers I an enemy by whom they were attacked, and who, by so doing, had excited that animosity and foVy now complained of, but which, on the contrary, could not be. too highly appreciated and extolled, " With regard to the burning of Moscow," said the prince, " l am too old, I have . had too much of experience iu war and possessed too much of the- confidence of the Russian people, not to be daily and hourly informed of what was passing in Mocqw. I myself ordered ithe destruction of some magazines,but from the arrival ofthe Hench at Moscow, the Russians destroyed nothing but the stores of the carrwrights, when you adopted fhe rosolution of seizing them, by distributing the carriages at your pleasure ; the inhabitanjs 8au ed very few conflagrations. You proceeded sys tematically in' the destruction of that capital, fixing the particular days, and making out the quarter's which were to be set on fire at fixed pe. hods. I have had an exact account ofthe whoie ; it has been foHdwed" with precision ; and -one , t; January I7.'n Intercefited Correspondence. Copy of a fetter addressed tc; Mr Joel Barlqw, the American Resident at the Court ol Bona- part. Y '"fit 5Nkw YobK, 0ecr5 arr- ear Barlow On the '2nd inst. 1 wrote vou duplicatesj inclos ng a request of our Academy of Arts, to have a whole length portrait of iheempe rof by Gerrard ;you will have the goodness to' pay attention to it. There seems now to be no doubt that Mr, Madison's eTectTonir"secure, , and the probability is, we shall have war all next summer; which, and the r T ' . wv,wt-IMV U - . M. I a TL UJJIHt T IU, 1 nontvirive vou an "nnDortm:iiv ta da aumtthina - '-r ---j " ' "O 'li il some to set Armstrong up. for fhencXt presiden tial election ; f jr all no.tll and east ofthe Potomac at;ree, 'hat the next -presicfent should pot be a Vir ginian hence they would . be looking out for a northern mau ; and if things turn up fortunate, i Know ounoone so likely to attract public atten upnas our old tnend Babaside, for his talents are acknowledged by all : his .amiable orivate irood 'i-i V'. '"' . . .. . vjumres nrc niaoTmaerstooo ; ana some preju-iices arising, as you know, from his unguarded letters. may be Overcome, and will therefore cive hint ' V-T. ".'.'- " a- - A my aia ana 11 you secpndmy nratio you must .iw iiiBbiiv ana give mm yoar aitr also i Get Armstrong nam ohletai?ainst .SklowliK and get evidence and j)roof of ffacts of hrt pro ceeding iri every resnect whileie was in' raru-e '. his moroseness to Uovernhiem.raji Woubt that th. . t7C 7 W .. oe no nis moroseness to UovernmenT,ranirf ' CTindi. TimhatUitrodd proof that it was not the "inhabitants thajt ruined gration.-; r moscow is, mat you destroyed wiin cannon shot the houses and other edifices, built with too much solidity, burling balls against them amidst the ii'iucs. j vnoouoteaiy wesnaii endeavor to, re yeftge ourselves, Our conference is closed." v Certainly Lauriston had no reasorf to be satis ficd with its issue. '. The French hsd been long accustomed to arrange matters, of this sort an a teie-tnete, or by an amicable interviewV.but.herc more than 30 persons were 'witnesses, on the one hand,nDf the dignity of the Russian marshal and on the other of the crinoline meanness of a low fel low rrtmmislnn(l Kb' a Kftn-snl. '. ; The -following is a sketch of the conversattoli between Murat, (Kine of NaDles.l aod General Milorudovitch,' which took place at the advanced a farce.' Milorad (continuing)! see that the king of . Naples has come to eeneral Miloradovilch to bee " ' quarter for his foragers, and to set on foot a sorts of n"gociation to calm the soldiers. - , - Mufat (piqued) Hlyy5it was purely accidetr., tal ; ahd 1 meant only to inform you of the abu ses committed by your troops. Want j,f discU " , pline is a great misfortune to an army i it v ha often beei its ruin. k , ''l'- V';V ::;'.'.?,'".: f ' Milorad But in that tase you cught tlhef v to encourage it. , Precious' want of : disCipline Which makes us sboot the-French forage i-s ! ( ' . Murat You greatly deceive yourself with re. - gard to our position. Moscow, is abundantly' supplied with every thing i we expect 'immense reinforcements, which are already on the to.!. v Milorad. (lauchine) Do you, then, think ul - farther removed from our reinforcements than, ' ' v you are from yours 1 -v, i 1 Murat I have also to complain oh a- rery es-' sential point-J appealr- general, to-your-4u9i ice. - , and your sense of equity, ybu . have twice fii e4 v c1 on our Hags ot truce. v - , Milorad Sire, we want not to hear of par. leys. We "want to fight and notto negpciateVK 1 axe your measures accordingly.1 , ( ; j f Wurat What 1 at this rate 1 am not sale' e f !j ven here. - ' ..t ' - '.''i';fe':4 Alilorad. You would run a great risk, sirer i i by coming a second time ; but . to day? I shall s I have the honor to-iacebmpany you myself us fras': your videttes. The general here called forihl i.! horse; and Murat, struck With what paiswJi'j!,. observed, that he - had never heard ; of such a'-,'1 ' mode of making war. The general replud, he . must have heard of it in Span ; and this unex-v pected retort induced Murat to change the con I - politely ask the general, where,, v ' he had first served in that capacity, ' Lli'lj2i, Milorad Surely France must .still '.recollettf'.'' the . campaign of Suwarrow, in Italy "1 had , ; the honor there often to command. the ad fenced -' guard of the generalissimo. ', ' :-':'''"'':'V.'.''.'w - Miiraf and the general then separated, ( after ; shortly conversing aobut Jhe. death of prince B;V 1 1 ik : . State of North Carolina, ' ' WAKS COUii i y. Court bf Pleas and Quart er'Senhng February , y; - 1 Tert 1813. . , ' Westward A William Ship T -. Original attachmenr, levi? ' Jone,lcd in -the hands of Henry ' . : f Whithead, WiUiam Shjp, v-. Pfsen j jusrand James Rigshy. Ii is ordered by the ccuVt that publication be : r; I aue.intne tvunerva ior six we.ess, inai :-. . r '.he defendant reblevies and .rlcedsj within the i 1 I three first day of the, next ternf of this court V ll I judgroehi final will be entered ega!nstrhWV-,r-'"-'.';"T;;..' t ;; ii, . iff ; 1J V

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