fB DOLLARS i-ER rSAK RVLEIGH, N. C.-PUBLISHED (weekly) BY LUCAS AND . It". BOY'LaN. HALF OF WHICH JN.AOrAMCX', " - r - : Voi At. FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1813. No. 888v Foreign. DECLARATION. . At the moment of my o r'dering'the armies under "piy command to pass Hie Priiisiahfiontiers, the Fmperor, my master, directs me to declare, that this is td hi considered in no other light thao as the i ievitabltf conseqienc? of military operations Faithful to the principled which have actuated hi conduct at all times,, hi imperial majesty is Widtdbyno view of conqu est. The sentiments lif moderation which have t ver characterised his policy are still the sams.-ifU l' the decisive sued sY ts with which DiviiuLProviJi ;nci has blesaed his leL'itimaw-eflj.ta. Peace anj.l independence shall be their reuit. inese i ici; wicxj m do 3.- Zojonczell, general cf division : 33. Guil- cavalry were dismounted, our artillery and bae- wht sharp rW k. kimeirr...:. . ' u- i aunr.do. 34 Vrede,do. 35. Seran, do. 36, Viver, gage waggons were without horses. It became manufacturing lottery? Here JfcP has hit us cr7 ( ' : do. 37. Gussamt, do. 33,-.mai,Io.S9. JwanownecesMry to destfa great part of our artillery.itirely 4n the darkrrxctptr, ski, J . 40. Rbuer, do. 4iTTToa$amlrdo.-Va. , provisions and munitions of war. We could not to it eive ninety shares, w fif. en tidied 'Sol lenoifj 43, do. Borstell, do. jguard wi'hmt cavalry more than a Quarter of a lars, from the comnad... th.J .... r-'uC'"r'T league, nor without artillery could we risk a battle j boring and grinding works, and half rhjt simrlor -- or maintain a position. " On th( iflA nt Nni.ih'hf r,AI'Cr,li'.l C Hlfi.un . i. ., . . ir -f' k . .' O inr 1 .. T1.T . t r I' iVHIVilflKUII IUUK ITir TOHO OI Vini.iniir.P tOI" l III- ! IhrCK Irmi rm.rj' I. .yhuiUj . mis. irrcai nuiiy, mc uiu,i uowe'lUi) 1 . i " f . . !' "una wuiu ue-'.indi , FROM THE BOiTON, REPERTORY. . . - T ME RUSSIAN WAR. The reflections w hich are imposed upon the mind in cojistqiKnce ot the gi-mojs inteilijjtncr whn:hcont'ujUts to accumulate from tire North of I'.urcpe, are naturally of a retrospective, as el'i s ot a prospective character. Narrdeon inade his decluation . of war "against Ilus-ii on the 22dot Jurfe, and lit entered Kwno, n the teri itory of polish Ru.sia . (the scenes f the ttate detcat) on ,the 24. h. At this pciiud th -..i hi istne. to i vcrv- DieotJfe."rho(iFnch grand army consisted of eleven ecus at urgent obliged to on ose him, shall a common a oy wiantiaii iMvoust, uuttiMot, ty, t iKu fnitf ni rMa:n piir.i. in timer ... mi-t -"--"- . al. low that of their real imcrest. ' "I invite them .to king oi VVt-mphalia, (aherwa.ds ched). in,: tt. idrantaee" of the'UtuiuU optmn which prince of Scliwartzeobur&, Victor, R.,g iier atvl the Russi an armies have pro JVced, and to unite thenwelves with ihem in pun uitof an enemy whose precipuute -flight has disa7vered''its . f power. It is Prussia in paniculi V to which A t his invitation is wldres3td. It is tht intention of his imperial majesty toputau end to tue calamities l-iv whlrh she is onnressed. to detlioiistrale to her . - .. i r.i. i. u .t..A ., .i... r :. ... f.rto- 'tU frieni sh iv-wh ch ha nrt-i.erves or h m. ui uic i icik.i ......-.v, un- au-usn ar .....K r " ----- , , . ... i .. i . r . - , and to restore to the monarchy - of Frederic iiSiic.s,-uPon a sciuea p an. oi.. retreat, iximc per ..I., .n ;,.rlpnt It. Iiini-l!:i t his Pniii.in "OS lIlt.njQSi m IbieriV V.l lOCU VTeS 1,1) V inaiestv m.imiited bv senliments which this frank Ctmpaiirn nas tvtr yet decWion duirht ta nr.idc. wil? un.kf buca !Tr"t. without rxp-riencint; circumstancea, take that- p'arl-aioHt w htch the ...:.n... pu:- i ,u.. ,.r i'!"i-e anuv. nitu uciore su :iu ac.iv.; iere-: . . ... . . ,. . . i ftl J N'smi crui. i& nn cliTj.t ii"m ii , ... ... fU.-. J ' entar.d. under tins c nvicuon, tne tinpcror, . 1 -v,... .........v,... j.. ny muster, has s.m me most posativeorj.us to.u ..3. w.i u.r oyu ocpv,m.)e void terv thine that could fietrif a sniiit uf I105. antI' m,Cvi upwards-, 7'JO toi'es, the er. at tililr between tne'two powers,, .andlto tndeavorJb'ltt!? 0fIl'5rod to . ' .. I VI . t T....I I L ..uf ... .l.. .. with n the f'riiss an nrovinces. to so ;en. a i Jai ..b -pu'e"" caici ni wiaiers .R4t v.. to: id Ul VI ai IIIIIUI., v. i Wlll-.lli Hf- a short, lime, must rt: sul t from thir occui-wlion. The nurshal romm wider in ctiif f rjiearinjes, ;'" Prince jCutouti'.iff Smlen.'J:j JllOlLAAl.'i'llON AVhcn the JimptioroV a!! ihe' Uassias wt-. chvion of Dombrowski was defeated by the jderate amnm.t of twenty two hundre-r Russrsonihe Hemina, and on the 2Mb, 27th .dollars more than ten per cet.t. of the c. , nnaii .imr yaacu mai river, pua ny k capital j Besides ne oilers lumber, thr -u -lv attacked by the Russians. Fiom the time j pat. iotk motives no doubt, ut a rri e hi. '.r into t in- and wrre ' - I I 'V 11'"" ' .... .IVUU'f 1 1 tllf frf-nrh lutf Kin..lnckn k'... fV. 1.1 .i . i r. . . .. u.m.'.vuju.k.uuc a34.Sc uiiiib tiiKii me arucie win command m anv nr kit rtritina. thpv lrtui j-iit "3A err ri.:...u..: . ... i.. I .' ' v 'wwuitii. ma uuiim town m me ataie ; wmcn. when erected ?.ccouois down tQ the lata eventsrupon wind, wejwork shops ontbe twenty five acres be so sn.iii tiweu .wan some little nirtir.nlaritv. 1 'rmiaii, ..m.. n. ... ... -X-, Af -r r ' ' i " ""null ll inc. UUUVe, maKtr t-'S -rt-ffie-batile of the 28th at Borisow, which i receipts for fe first- year form a total oW ' H Wilna, Napoleon was evident j three to few thousand dollars. It-is verr n- . v-f ff fi"n Umk attempted to proceed venient to be a ;iuiot on sJch terms, a iaiiiur to Ail.a across Ute country-his army beinglfoo, ofthehHat order, nrpedbnby from huxa .i".,w, au iu ui4i"ucouia scarcely unite ; to lour thousand -fnouvea. hi ors who hud horses to.form 4 companies!. The gentleman has been little "sparinr of A "lt? "$ch" ! t'culars. Me has not informed usofM,W't . .fci i ... J'"'"'''' U)on NarotchV in 400,000 men, threatening in the wrds .-rf Na r'1 U,Vf "Ul( the army -of the admiral about the .market lately, not much; ' ! " --""ci- noiaers : nnn whtiif-r( ri- iriiii .. nor em to i:-i- St. met with n . y the inte-csi "'i ih? m . . 1 1 . . !. ... . . . v ....M v..itj'."iu I'l LlirTTl VVlll rf this period; be fourid'-at homc-nd vhattlu y mii'lu cumuvmuI A man who has .his .!wn inanest. "'in ; and count Wittgenstein on his right,; whetlier we should have to send lull pursuit. Prince Lawrence, where arrriH W r.ntiri. 1 t. srfiinnlwh iUm HuM'iftt Jiici . ' r ,k n.h ..n..n ,1.. i,Vpn,i, -a.u kii-..; .J 1 b ' pnrsn.t. of the French from .1...1 ... w.ir. . p ".I,;. ,w vry active, and they were driven to Wilnaiuranv mark uaiCM i i r in:. i iuiii i"') tvu uiuji mc ill" I , . i -; , ' . , iwui. U1IMHU3C loss, on me iuiii r,r arff miicr. , nmunn, m a 1,1. r.,n .;, ,i .. :u . Jtiirooirh bmoip-ome. t In -.he events which occur-Jook ttrftTof others. Mr. Kennedy took.caiv iJh& IreC from thj BcUSllia to Wilna. l!ie fosn nt I lnMairti.1.11. .,.., ,,l. twJti.V'i;: ...... " '. r. . . ." h7"'".ii vi.uun uwui ma u Tit, aiui let' u.e T' st jn inunense Ijs irr Droi)j'-r.io!i as of .inagaxints before thenr, was penuri us and short sigh'edin ' the extreme. Is it' possible the sei.at'v..ii.i. r... . DccemlSer. P'ii co Kun'sofT'liTt-n-e tf.rrlp rrn nnW i .. ri' ""re - V ' '-iu);cu at ineic l'laioil at kecoro, - and ; rtfosnnr to .exnend 20.0 Vi ft..:.. c. tw. i. r.:. , . . . . ...i nn, 1U1 luirt-nsiMiKon ni3 rn it arinnt iwn o On the 14th conn: CVlIs Whl th J(f I . uci.caaiy u uicni 'O iye ill .Tll P L KM TV, compelled, by a war of ag ivsmons, to take arm foi- the defence of his s'ate 5, His impend majc ty, from the accuracy of his combitrtion, was vh' abl'djo form an ts:iinate o l the impoi tant resuli which Uiat war miffht prod u, V: jrith respect to inds je;i.lence,of iiurope.. 1 'he most henoc Con stUncrthc greaust sicrificej luye Udto a seiV of triumphs, and when the Vmmanderin chi f P. iiics K-utousaATvitaiko:1 fed his vicioriosis ' troops beyond th rNiinen, tfic "iame principle i still con. inued to animate the joverdgn. vt -to period has Russ'u been ac.UA! omed' to practice Jthat art, (too much resirt-d to i i moiler- wart) "of exagsra.ing- by ' false staterhc tits the succesj ot her arms. But with xvha'.cver modesry h4 ,r details miht ue penneo, uiey wouu appear mcf Sdiblr. Occu lar w'r vsses are necessary to pro Vs to France, to Get ma y, and haly, before the tlow progress of r:h will (ill those cou itrics wi'.l l .mourniiirjs and conHternation. Indeed, it is diffi cult to con ceive that, in a campaign of only four)' months du- ration, oe hundred and thirty thous, itid prisoners h-.iuld havebe .a taSk n from' the en trmy, besides nn hividred pieces of cjunpn; f. iy nine j,ta:id of colors, and a!l the waggon train ' and bain-isre P i-.'.-n.. ' i! . O ..''-'-in : flt. o e "7 v ait oi ttia,rnam is ot all the GOOD turn to quitters for the Winter, and aspeejltfvre-..jv twtt vvni nil IV. V UO gey U 'if d.tys'i iiin- uf arms wherewith to fi.li! the enen;yj? iC'i tl.-v not have seen that cwrm hue t accounts Platcff ah 'Wittgenstein! enough iii declaring war on behalf ol' ;hi- wJ (fivse pretfictLins havt. bt-cn fulfilled. . i ne hrr'uii nt rhi hi't )e iA 'Il.ii-i,,-! (. xvimj. -i nun (v"vny i-i i i si i is anout oo ge v i i . i .... . .. i. : j . : . r . i . , , M.t It'g'dpweai iiinv.b , so uiaui ljrilisl ila,:doi.al ill comroencemem if Napoleon's dius trs 3 1 si of AuKiisf, h': declared he sti nd l campugum lunv days, r-t on tt ldtn'of aving'cxptriericfd auoihur loss of 6000 mtn at rv vro. -i- K.iii iv'iwno t- J i sit is about 80 ber. On the 1 lih ' f St-ptenibrjyrti.' French cn. m m h- I v on '"u J'asseci taroug.i JSiwno twvtr-J vo,)ie ot the U State., walumt bwAir U-., i,. if on or a wil the 22 I ot Ic the Fiench ft Inch' it waa to lie carried, on ? A; the nr xV i t c tion,' it is to ttb hpt d,. menl enough w b- n 'or si-n, as npen heai t d and gencrous'minied as Mr. Kennedy, to change the small majority h-.i :l Inst year so tarnished 'lie lienor of th-; S'ate jnd that the succeeding i-etu'e will atone ' f-r 'tic close fis;ed nobev of the -former. the retrrat of the .usniana under the Pi. nee .ofi ilontsf. Oirid annears to n!.ice cr ., ......... ... i "'..ti cntunibiancts prove. his huiuiii' m a was 'rtally a th -.i.u'er place, on.-the 3 1st, )u- is prcbj'ilv p-isoner of war. wWh." his rema'm:tj' . ... -TV. .. .1 r- . : 1. . r . . . ' i x . t , . teted Mosofl.v wuh th.ir criptfed armv.bul the ' ' .! " . 7 : '" ' r .051. lJlC French bu-Utins dlnvrf .h... fnn.-l f, ' ' LI c rrilSM in "y to the t rencli ; wui..'&Mkivav.. i.4mui i.v ft tsiirt.iv n. 1 1 in . i in. . . V r. i'"ai l,Lr"JL I 1' O IK W'.It 1 I'll t IIS L IH'f H T117IVC niC 11 ,i u.lv ..i.l .Mm'in. .Ul. . army is recoverimi irom its t.tiiiues it has abtt v .. . . . .. ......s a,.u b"""" nmes, . nn J.mceof bread, n.-tulo-s, .cbae-s. veta!.lsJ ' lI.lt airny 1S r.o ilUire Ai:J , besides blast and his trip h-ui n.r-4 , nv.ch .rta!. be' in s K.-.n. ... ..v. ..r ... .v l t ,,er't'" r.counts ately rcce.veJ ot tb.e fear Slfne nrwl Fur. r..i ii.. .i. int.. . it a. .a v... i plied with ammunition tor tw Uamp.ugns: We !. 1 he last accounts from GottenlMrg place the every dav discover ecilar.full of Xevd brn-flm"M " e-27th Dr.eniber, but dy . M,m.ftfcturir.iare beginning tofturish !'ha. 7 Pt advancing m, ;Kmsberg, which rh,se are the. French - n-counts ? but, eeivrill.T-'1 C"tUt 'P1 ." .' and utuviw printed a vcr; ASrent picture, Af-1 V " ?. .- L1 . 11, 1 1 . V w.i.. l"'tt iuiii.iii;. UlCICI'ill, 11) MIC iV.. ( !' J )ni ol'tlic dttletcnt corps, are fabricated to 'to b've t.i nubiic. to erind the f:.,-,. ,i .1.. .. IlsllitlKf niirnnv. rif Mi rw-iluT." a I P...i . i. ..... j. .1.. :. . buspien u- u.tn may lion'? r v-i:.h of the in' trusts ol over throw of. the cnntiiif ntal svstin : the.dishiLm a soonen 1 t .r stating Qjat every tn'uftr valuable had been : v :. :r:'r:.lv ; : : .ibe.mt of the iu,iiivcb,,redna.kn u.i. ... j: ,1 .HUSH U1U. 11 VT III UtCCUS IQ f ,1' . ... ' . . . occupv. a line bv which .he will com man, 1 rh. he. Amer'tan w"' i,,glanU, by Uknig ioiit k-arfing'to . foula wli.ole liie of the encny letuk to Moscow, and to' change his whol : lio; f opefdiions" 1 cconIingly we hni the l n -isian .rmies began to i .U.s aio.uul the Fren. ii in ivlu xow- to cut up their foraging parties, and to armoy Vnemi:T , ; i if i .wm""",u 7 the Administration out of the- fa.K of French a and k doug3, annoy the n . . i i i emye.,dm?frbm Smo-: .e' ,( 8 L.wf. hP a speedy res'o:aUoU ol tm"- compel Napoleon p'Ct ?.lhe 8-jfi '' ;m. ..i.wj, iu moi uic iii'ursu ui aavriunrr n. !..... .U.. J til i . . ' . ij iuc unv,iry, enu r.u ins own l cktTs with he loaves and fi .'its. Wha'ever lie hi iftO'im-v I would advise -him for the future u ao-v . s'ovrrnment for tm pi.. y moid in ihe mai .i;,r.ui. 'ing of .rms. Gull them if he rn ; hu let' pennit ijidividuals to mind their private afi'jirs, .uin not aitfmpt to censure oo;it-s ivi.. tilali iV..s Ufll. I1a 1.1 tKa. h4r n. . 1 .. " 1 "iniill-ll UV 111 11J l.hiil IJ I March 25. . Generals : taken ia hereunto' annex'edll.-It will be 'r .'y, tlirecuan ; altfV oi CisasU-r, wc asv t i form an'lTiiiw. .- r . ..u. i: . .. M'ith it t!:e r reii.ch armv under Mtirat 'were. at. U i k' tl by tho;-Ru'ssuns, and' were defeated--An the 1 8th of October, the Verv (lav ii l.-.n uhii l. easy ti torm an esjim te from th"it list t,f the jiumuer ci . supertorund subaltern o fiicers tan, It is sti.Tv.i .nt to sij, thU OUt of t-hree hundrwl Political." F0R.THE MINKUVA. 1 oni Q ifr a corner. tinted info the heart of Russia, n t" thirtv Hum, san:l of-Hiem,. evcii if Uiey should be favored by if' iortune, will ever: it-visil their country. The! ' jnan,tr in which Nip deon reps r,ed the Russian' 1 i. . . i i .... i . i . . .j Mcssra, Printers, I have sect in. the .Raleigh Minem of th 5tb instant, a piece" under the signature ciDvid kt-nr.cdy,' of -NiOore county. Unapproving the sole wi is to h ive been ended, lmriiediattly the French cc ncenirated tlieir forces, iiitemn'.ed anoihpi- " -thff.xecu'tvve. In consequence oi objections nude j:.ele er-.l Govtrimv..-6tio ht ra.iiio- of .'tn.e13i-:5.-;.',ia itegmnt cLui dui" U.:aii SCt of lii iAs--m-Idy, w ls-,-i;Uiivc'''iave thoogia' p-. jx-j u v..is. pcndHnrthcr prate.slir.gsand to otmokt Levrr 1 .ihd't ot Vnf S..-!e lo.mer.f ths third A'l. I .... i .'....' iw .-...ij iiriii. vies i' i.i i juat going to '(' c'-nnoi-oe more p.u ixular. relied upon. - : " 11 :.Y re. S3 Lut m rejecting the resolution appropriating 25,000 dollars., for the pmch-.se i arms lor thy niilnJU of this S'a'.e i ami ptoposihg j '.his n bs n-. put. i-j l t 1 - - rV .I . 1 . 1 . ' t - . -auic t .nttioyarosKaveiz, were again Actuated, to ra ise.-.hv subscrintlon "a fond for th n,,r,r,- I nrl rnn.mi.nMi4 r!a .--..,...-.'-.,-.. . ' .1 ' ;. ... 1 ... the Russian r r' u.'wl,uu.' ei.it?t mat uurmg ol arms. ' at Aw mills on Bear Creek Moore fronuers tan assui e.dv be nn . t., ' ... ,''the Wjtif -aiCiJ?t. or. - modern times iiave ever ! Conntv." - & t -a. ..I v.i in-' . .i 'i f . i r ... . i ? J. nVa;..y advanta-! , ri e doibt tyhet.i-r un-the daikest , .Whenevet a roan " pVshe4 himself on the pa. .v.,u.ui iiuiiMii suiieiiiyr any case can lie ad- hence cf the nubiic with -n.oiir,o..v wheih. -1... u.l ... i.i .u . . ' ' l r M"'r.cul '-' lainnci IOC' uisi'esses OI Hutope. Sj much .gl i:y and . pes. , annot however,- change s personal disp, ..i;r-. of 'his -majesty the llmperuc 0f all' tlt.e Hus-.as . fJie grand, principle Gf u,e 1ak0,.u un.;. or Europe h..veahvtt) form,d-t!ic bastK-of Mi.y, i-,r . mat polity ,s. fiKed i his b.,art. ir.s htneaih h.s ch .r.cler tn.permit any Vndea. Ois.to be mach to mduce .he .people to resist h;Wn-e.s,o,, and.to thro w olT the yoke which Xias wtjgld them downfrf01-20 tears : it .Uih,u goxements whose eyes, ought :to be tipe.iul hv tae nctu.luailjoof Fr juree. Ages m,iv elanse it na.te :.n opportunity ., q,,mny favorable again p, set.t.s..se,-and rf wou! .... ,;.f.. -.r'.w '.-i. ness of Providence n ,t trt.k. advanta of this kr Hl,ssia' happily far mankind, the triMs to re ronstruct ;he great work of the erri rca&h hegan their retfe.tr and the Russians to lhi.mim rof, Edrope,and' iheruby to insure Duo exu'e exemplary vengeance upon their invad army, in their flight back from-Moscow to YViirt na. Napoleon had never befdre been seen as a retreating general, and it amy be sVid of his suj)er.cmint.nce," that J.e has gamed some of the greatest victories of modern war ; but has made the worst retreat, that" ever general con ducted. - -, . On the 19h of October, the day after tlie campaign was " ended," a month after the army had -4 arrived at winter quarters," and obtained " plenty of provisie.is of all sorts" at 'Moscow, Jd'f.nition o Fed'oUum ad liehukticamm:' c. ' (hey 'relate to Mt;,rs. Mcttroe ur.d lujhe Convention w.-.ich a iup.,. i'i,. Federal ' Cons ituiion here in Richmunil M-r .Madh.iuf'f tffe Tfl-rsenrPresident ll "the Ur.S airs w sjc.iikd a federalist, and .Col Monroe,- ,tV'prc t;.t Clictai'V- t)l Rl:itP M l'. ruli-ri nn i. . ,t, ...r: . the French under the pretext of public good, or otherwiv.-, J Inch last name was'aficrwacd . f hiinv,. dvo that we are usually ted to examine into hu motives; ot D.mociat. And that has been ch-.:trcif ,r ir. oy o insure puo ippiness. . K cJBmW '.ndi vidua! happiness. c , P' If Vener'al taken. :- - ' "r, r r(;',V,v V?eral 0f a(,e 5 2 Periere li rlKn 1Jaff'3- Bonami general - WM"c-,lc.,aivt division ; 5 - iV,u?i.aol o: Camus, !do.M0 lhllurd, do. J.i i,.',ri i.r..., r , - lr. ViT , ,uc-b,ai,.f ' 1 yszkieviezr gen- - jr lo. jvamenski, do.17. L'Eu er1 l 'visin.21. Freir l.l -.eralofbniarti ?.. -m....:.- .b I1-: lervfos V general oiarld- Ks?r;0,.pH:ii Re,it; a! vf-b,ib'?Je ; 24 K- r!cr" rJI,,!,1t,OM' eer,er:al or brigade : 26. Cdger cp:,2r, P.ut, do. 28. Prowbask do. ti ..r?- G4Ulhre, do. SO. im do. 3LUtm, ers. rrom the 18th of C)t:toher in iii in u .,r Novemberrithey-lost-SS.SCTnenri they had reached Smolensko. The picture4 which the 2f;h bulletin ppurirays, from this lime,'-is as gleomy as the friends-of, mankind could de sire,- Napolton . having intended to lake' a position 300 miles nearer his resources at Walnr and his object at St. Petersburg,' wh?r,e he? would remain in winter quarters till the Spring, found his gene rai defeated I on the Dwina by the Russians un der Wittgenstein, and that another army under admiral Tchichacoff, was advancing upon Minsk. Trus .he was obliged to relinquish hisNplan of winter quarters nsarer his'" object," and accord mgly retired with precipitation upon his K resour-. ces." ,t In the coarse of this march, 30,000 hor ses perished in a few c!avs. Napoleon hoped to reach Minsk before the Russian general, but was msappoimea ; a: tfi:s lira-, s3;-s the bulletin. : cV' and it, as in the present case, he assuoics cnaracter ot a patuo:, lo ascertain w lift her bis propositions corrtpvnd with; his professions and whether his love n xomeitinif chr'tiozs not exceed his arnor,"paui.t. Let us ies'f'lhe f reg..irig wri. ttr by, this rule. Why) I speak of .a patriot, 1 mean a man who loves - his interest for his coun try's sake ; not ons' who loves hisynj.ntry for his interest's sakeri-the old Fabiicbn ar.d I'hocion he iTMictin-. to u was, these -nn who tiow so well' a;;r-e, were is much opposed as worvs couui de. monstjrate A Her a while Mr Maeison jijr.,f.-K;.',e democratic p. rty , end became as grtt a Lyyt Wc vt!h th-;m as he had been with the led tjIUis : lie and Col Momoe. then pulled (egctiur. JX length Monroe was sen'' to LiiglancUs iiu.L.ot.;, . . sador. He made a treaty, with G. Britnin wh'iVi'- the tederahsts diked 'very tll ; but Mt Jtff. i in i . t principles; not the patriotism, of these ds, that; then the Pitsident, refused to ratify it. Anu. Mr! is excited or Yiiniinished, ihat shines like a .me 'Monroe came honTe io'.ir.riis' ariddisrredh. vi. tepr drglitnmerslike the glow-vvorm, in pfopor IJclTcrson declining to be u -'. "iiidid..te for tluePi,eVu ' i iiou to uit prospect before it 01 getting pontic .deiicy,; Mr. Madisqn and Mr- Monroe we-rt i;u.h '- money, i o wmcn .oi.tr.ese classes ot patriots U;. Candidate's, t he fedri-ahsts weie -so well A. .?a ' . i . , . - - - r. i' . w . . . f . 1- L I ' t-r-. " ..I' '.' r- 1- , J-l. - - I' . '. R-eiuieiiy oeiongs, let a little scrutiny ctnermipe, wunTMrTlvlolTfoTIs prtfessions, tlraftTiew v.tte I would first of ull enquire what are the preU :rii thn as much in fa -or of his succvVfs th.-y ncej : ; si:ns which justify his coming fot ward with the ha,t. been in favor, of Mr, Madimb ; , so ih-it t,e;V. ptoposiiion'olluded to I Is he ku nvn to the puo II iding and popii'mtn. appsa!-ed.toxlia:'i?e sidVs. lie sufficiently to be made, wiji'iur enquiry, the I Col. . Ronnie, unif.-rml.-nsjC; cd thit. ieaso'r.M le ; nreside'il-sind holf iTirfrinp nf. a U:.i-.t.- ..r-ci fuvi I ..... ,1., , j . r. ...' ' ., ... . i - . vy. v. ..-.. -v. j,v:u ai uin,!. iin.,.u nmu uc iuai.c eoiitci llill inc qouarsr wnat important oHice. has he h ied, -or what public trust has he executed I .Wherein consists his claim to public patronage, and what evidence exists of his feejing a peculiar and dis tinguished interest," irrhis country's-welfare.' un connected wi-.h personal and private benefit ?: If he Cah give us no better-answers to Ihese . ques tions than the glow of patribtfsm he fell i;i his treast vihtn "viewing the conduct of the senate. I should .fitispect that his patriotism.' beforthe end ot the term of (ttscharter, would - leave- its Present location and gravitate to Uis iocket.- Jut pure -about sailors. . , ' ATr some lime, the se n) noi.ents. btcaroe re- - conci'led,' and-Mr. Madison itivdejl t'c-l " nroe""'. .-' to 'assist him in carnin-M; tt1--. govtVi!nient,"l' V Secretary -of Stiue. Many i-f-Mi1. .Madison's supW- C porleft,wheri he wis i candid.!,.- to be Presi'ieofi ; enterline ) hope" fi'.t iil m ivtt r woulil sf n be sealed with G. Iititai.u 'ThtyifVuiehtliere '.rut.' ' Col.31'''nolhad lold ht trT. " .nd.hev'. did imi - ! b- ligve Mi A he had chant-d hVu'j;.-'i'.nj xyr Would;.-' jitsert those friends who ha3 so warmly atlyocif -ledlhera. - ' V fc ' y' . , . ' .' ' "1