. . - -' . J. . . 1 :. 1 V 5. . .' W. I,, .t..l. , . ?SrSSK. s ;- r sr . -...-ri : . . . . sr t- .1 .-; i ..i 'L?;otu t1io s'.stctfionts, as reinjects, tiwse .gVn . ua and a!t!oars tV have bren. applied to the . was jan!or.cJ jha jealotfsof hiJctjijaK ian' .mcivit is. not passible to know tvhat,is..ctgi.haL-i&iiflfapittpjsc8 of .the! quvfrnTOent. ' 1 tift aware' ished bclore :be a4,inirablcsinrlicity .ol his mnit- of ihi3 port,- was taken T It.' I V" uoi ..ntraiism, or icpuDUcanism. we an un- max u is in inc uiscreuan 01 ui;grc;s iu ana cnimc Fy1 Ul "!' u,j''-i a,lu , icuuuuc f derstand the meaning of Patriotisrtil and to that'the duties and taxes laid for the biipport of the of his conduct. Irt short, neithera vain" loe ol I i r Character every ore may aspire by dUcha'-ging il'da' j' accotdii'g to hi uriders'tandg. Ibid. . TO TH PKOPLK OF THE UMITED r- ' . STATES. - j When in" the gulden days of Washington, the ?iT;bfJ incurred byr thenar for our jndependence (rinded when means were provided as a jsur'. founilation for paying thtm the principal Veiiance of himself and'' his nprtght associates in lm (juvernment, was ptaccd on the revenues ar ising tiom uie amies ana taxes, m on National Government, ini all its branches of exjglo:f, nor the desire of dis:inctioti, nor, any per. penditure j but I have noticed thb Meditcrcanean gonal, view, ev.r gave a bias to lus patriotism. Fund to show the artifice and. plausibl e pretences' which was the frijicipal of aH his thoughts and the" J ration can make promises- and with what facili ty they can be disregarded. TIMOTHY PICKERING. March 19, 1213. ' " . . : We are thoroughly convinced the fsree about the Russian mediaHon" wdl turn out to be nothing a If lhe,tidc so much abused, of a gniat man, loujjht to be reserved f jr one whose successes never injured justtce or honor, and in whom t; reat xvc tues unittd With great talents, who shall refuse it to Wanking ton fleneral Waiivntin, has carrieil wit!t him to the tomb- the ufiieral esteem of Euroiif. His The nrtv.-.ftt.Mi u.-. fiaUtoijT1" -1 rui!:j '.'n.7:- i d view of- the of the In troods more than a deep manojuvre, to g-t Mr. Uarbw's; conduct .has carrip-cjled even hh nemics tore- imported froriforeignxdunties : and these, with successor saie 10 trauce. tnc niuiwuus! , " .- c,;lw nV. r The'duti.ssseK c.Ued lonnag, duues, ,ere has granted 1 1 flag Ibr a vessel ,to convey a Jnjnter! ha ami t,l ,V-rl m4,I1 -iU nnhlir rrrli. tO KUSSia. Let It Ce-lOOKCt to. 1 ne minister lSVM T -"-'"'B "u,,Va V" " P:-Stnt mrinrtv u;i ils n : kopbof North (LLa1;;2' is DecsmB-her privily, U , 0 , ' , ..I ns elective frnchiie, to, ,,r te ,'n ,!? .a ion on th-'Kenevdl mile. Lu-!, co!tivt 0, ; In appro ;r toTt hoe and ar,"adf -toiosum. he pl,me,t' tf ther respective .dues. But -this plight "g of I'cnucs, iry..wiuw . ov, i u.K.., uui , .- - , , T.:. , the WlWiivklroliviw,sl-i,nn!if-ft obiitif.o to "'"e win prove. ihs( uesunauo'x 10. pe-1 u.j , -b-- , . Arwerve tkese essential sources of revenue. The p- Why has nbthinj? been said in the govern happipes-i. He dird on fields cnllirsrt j by him- ,cs uj revenue. i.c . . 7 . r...u- : .w-u f u; r Jt raiili of e United Stales was as really pledged ment paper about general Urawtord's appoimmtnt -..- ;"- - ,JUl"Jr' to cherish and protect commerce and navigation, succeed ojhow vv ny nas a -prriou.ig -suence , - genevdl nolicn be, and for thi fast twcly yca,8 'ix4ii oi me in) in.- ', ;i -d.ipruicning is mure t lire j., '-t : il from which the pledged revenue was to aiisr, as, beel observed in the same quarter of tire place l! nhfn arisen nti.l S,llw-r..H. tn annlo IhP nf in ' .ptrtod of hlS embarkation?' By CIVlllZ'.d tTai f f Ittt hoaest diiciurce of the public debts. La 5 of ,,ute ha tVer heen held r-1-' a"rf ' place and compunied h:m ih? jrrare. ICII'i If "a nrivat ri;;n. h hi .filinrp n indiw. . fer violated unless abused. A vessel of England - try, and the prudrnt management of his u (fairs, wnith came into the harbor of-Annjpol..jander armures property, he will aC the same time ob the sanction of such a flig, has been aaztd.'andi We.hs i,i r.t nf-rit. ,m whirK .h maw fiArrnw ner otttters taKcn into cua'.ony. suppose tnt vc5- ot a ietu Domeftic. ft- t-stn a luiul ot 'Credit, on whir.h ihe.mav horrow vhii.wi,.i t..w vu.v7. . wv.KK- .. . f in..ney, (r contract debts, corresponding with his 9eI peimiUed to sil at the requ-M of Mr Dasch-1 ter there, that the "'liritUh hivenakt n possession F i.m,i rnhroc nf htiiin.. R it th Piah koff. Should be oyerhauled by tbr blockading sqoad- a sea.nd time -f Ogdcnsburg, and have issued t iishim his credit, if he continues to borrow, and ' rQn "ancl mere snouia pe ioua on ooaru, ui ui-L-p-ociimauon claiming junsuiction m .v mues ot to contract dtb's; and tin aSafidoniriff his good 'ff,UBe' an amrwssaflor to t ranee, sent out 10 cm - . country aooumig mui piace; and ordering all cmzei'S wiuiiu wiose imih.s io gnvvtn inrmseives acc-rdiigty. The Post oflice fprmeily kept at Ogdensburg is removed to Cooperstowo.' Xkw Yohk. March 27. have this moment Ie;mit on the authority -r from Og c'.sl.mnjfroin the Post Mas I t bif, becomesj n-iltgtnt and- creltss-in busi-P'etr.iht ; tens into 'wasteful schemes of expence, and not Ut' Madison be reminded of ms laying v.o tiabit thurende-s himself unable to satisfy his credt- lenX hjnas on Mr . Mpore, me late consul auo ors his renutatio.i is tlestroved : anrf his next presenf agent of prisoners, and the officers of the r!vrrt..r i .ht nf a n.ithr.ft . 'nmriicrai. a cartel t.f exchnge at Annap li .virOlad.'s ti HALTLMoaE. March 31, cliv!G'jvrriroents are capable of misconduct will be handsomely fixed if his w Hole scheme is The President of the U. S has rtqnired rf j.n.i ii!i renrnnrhfn! blown, and Jus Minister is ma le prisoner, ll l th exec'unve ot this sta.t. 10 rurtnh five hundred " Without any regard to the rights and interests 11 M at length said 'to ascertained, that, of uij j drafted mili'ia as part of this state's quota of the -ftlu- vervnnmerous classes" of cuiz.ns engaged men in the wotld. the Genevan.' S-cretary of the' 100,000 which he is authorised by, act of congress hi commerc- and navigsiiun, and in various exten- Treasury, is to sail in the llag ofuur.e for ilu ,su, ! torMjaue the. states to furnish ; they are to be sive empljynienis ihereUli tnreerlv connecte Annp li and .remain Jhere to guaai. w.hoxtany respect f-.r aculfure, ' of wVich ''G-Hatin at St. Pc;'erburgh wili i--e ttonasrirte's . that cl. In compliance with the requisition, seven years before, when it suited his 'purpose to minister, md the lan man-'in the country that the executive Iiks ordered the number required to flatter and sooth tlw people) Mr. JeflVrson said '-uld have been uent upfti the proposed- etran.', be drCe"! prop..monaWy from the mihtia of A " "commrrce tht hidmwTaieTommTn ."ns dect ption n& fraud arebt-twrn Arundel. Manrgomery , and HarLrd couU;ies. 'ded A4 emba'go ; pretemli-ig that it was designed the scheme. The (ien vanif he-, s, .vill hu to Uetp in safety those essential resources- Ptnntend the alTairs ol Frarfce at M xa.uler's J - . ... i t l. r j . --..11 !....., .1 our ve-rls, our seamen and mtrchandite while ; court, anu jonn Hnmcy inin vuu.u nave; j.t..r X L' its ultimate tendency, an Mo a. pernicious degree lhc business just as well as any other inr-on, if pub! f '( positive effect, wer-, as every man of common filing but what is fair nd ,bove ivjar , is .men cu t. i ' tense ami inlWrmation wll knows. th.? destruction kJ- We are, however, glad to get so bad t man m th From the Cwnitxt cat Miror The fdlo-.viiig article has been sent, to us for !i ; -loo It it weie, not acrnmpa?ied wi,b a uficatp fro n tworery respectatde gentlemen I ,1 Sense and information well knows, the destruction weare, nowever, giaa to ge y m .me e -uy t . ,.c lc, w,.,v.n aiic;:--u of "bur vessels, the losi of -iur seamen, and. the "Ul U1 u,c VV""l r "i"'" "J lc'"s , v.ivy. iv... w.v t.,.. ....... .v. ..u ruiri of o.ir nvrclwua. Th law impofci.'g this ficult to-ay, which of the three Jefferson, th-Cle- lut'the extract is' a true copy of t,he original, w i!p.Wf.: m-rp. wn.,.niimi ir. it 4 il'nr.'u i.m : neva,or Madison, is the worst.. We hope a good slioalu. hiw hcM ftted about giving it to our rea and nti.,,'i..rtal,Iy i,i..nH..H hv its' author to h may be made of (he time Co be ga.ned by thi ders : f r we could not .havb believed, that a' war ro.n.n,.iiith tt- war l.twn l.'ranc- and n, and the countty may be put in ablate ofKf rnr only, could have reduced our offic GtvatdJivain ; and if so continued, the revenues'' ofile fence frtfe ar Hehublican j to sue' I . MtlU.l i V becHUse ,t .avoids a cision of L'-"' mating tUn any ,,tI)ins? u, ' r- ainccthe declaration, of indeplr!", then tae're is not a :,m.n wh.iVtvuli' '' v times ou',1 lull him i no inoifferenre 'V''l',4 were, he ws tntru-.tmg bis bi,U( ' . "tn' . p fate into other ham Is sm-elv ,, . iDl1 . .r,v ,r,,, uyi ;i uice 'days cf uc wuuic groujuioii winch he is here be amongst -is any-who WOuM can ' i'Wtl Vj"V,r ...I . v' HI I L'l 1 tft Drivi'.eE'eS for a mes ofn-a ' ... U.. ... ."-b" i "JU l,Vmu un idhnale ; or :'bar-r thtm for passi!,,, gen, an.t revenge inveterately kem i..t.. nrciurtir.pa of tS 't'!nlnt T. 1..1 - -'' !'! or, : 1 aftsing f. our comuierce failing, tlif interest as wril ai the-.princ,pal f trie public debs would vneccssari ly lidvV r .mained unpaid Tha1 this evil was pre vented, and the em'oargp shortened in i s dura. tion, was owing, rut t iVlr. Jtffe.sOd's regard to CHAR AC TER OF W ASiIIN(i TOM. Drawn by J. Mallet Du Pan, Author fiht "Bri tish Mereury," in the year ISO . What rank will history asciprii to this character. t.it: in crests at 'safety, on which the revenues am the Cntempuraries-whViac names have from com ncrc.e tind . iwvigaiion stood pledged lor borne the greatest lustre I It may be ttade a !ie payrueut of tlv-t debt ,; but to the decided op position of die n-n-t.hv.rn and eastern state s to that perfidious act. . t Ttit.-o er f:ts ofnon intercourse and non.lm ., -pcrta1 ion tvf hub 'fallowed th? embargo, had the f'S'ie. ptrnici -us te'nder-cy, and. essentially dimin- iaixd die pub'ic revenue ; so us to render thebor . 3'v tig of s.tme mdlioiii of dollars indispensable, qtj-rv.ion, f "vVashirgton, as a General and States mar, equalled in genius Prince Eugene, Frede ric ot- Chatham, but how is it possible with pro? priaty to coinpa-.e rihen, 'v ho were placed in sittiatlons no wise analogous u 1 i-.j .---.".'I'v.. ..-i.. j... ..cc ..... .1; sub!.x' we would observe, tint if Wuhmgton "ayt f h-..- - ...t--i.11. t,. cnm. Mh.riii . . the Rround,and the- criminal blind-folded., an. mi tKeunofi.stytarspfMr. Mhd.son s j.residrncy, tent al1l boldness of mind, he surpassed them by led by the. sale wf U ; a. guard consisting .ol I...... : . . ...... II.. ...I, ..I. ..I" ... ' 1 !- . . . . I 7 I 9 ... s.-.. nncl.itk,nl lun. onl .tl ...... f . . 4 1 1! kepin motion the ivheela of government. .thl. :,, ur n,',tiiuec -nfi ,n,.,h- mor rarlv 12 men, were posted-about tenlect -lntant fin? In all Hi opressivcruihnus ineasires. prior to f()U,)d logehcr, an(J by a character almost fruit- ; him' and at lhc ,a.Pof lh5 drum E',x of lhfn fir'ed : lui own ptciiertcy, wediave had certain assur- :eSH . ... -, J one shot 'struck his bend, the other five passe'' .anceof Mr. Midi, on's cat dial co opeiation And Constitution! soul, and intellectrwere ia- hi&" lhroah- other si then advancer we know thai l lie -same system has s'net. t.een- (t irfect harmony and perfectly 'adapted la his 'a,,d dischitgd. their guus at his head, the mnz pursued by him. un il at length., the public reve "n-.-.iV mrnfr. iiJ;m kL,; mat P.i.w;'l of which were not more than etghtetn inches' tnies have becone al'o5ct her mlc-q.iafe to the had him created foi the pt he has sustained, for nqme.-ouvdenunds upon them. Under this pres. lh. peop!e.he governed, and fonheTircutmtances sune, to save (he government from bankruptcy, , which his country stood. At" Athens, his 'lot enormous loans, and isses ff ptper m-nev, W(ul(J haVB becu that of Aduidet or thmon ; are proposed ; without a pr,v.s oa. of any lunds to in u ut public well c-,ns:ituied and long est .b ecurc the payment of prineipxl or mu-rest. At Wished, his services would lict have ben called me sama time, ,ur. poison, m an angry mes forltl ;-. a Commt UerjubJic. he wold have eho. ; s - - fw : no'y to speak plaif dy and truly'. H0,,Vt.Vu -t . in-.iuiy. mc pnue- oi some to ri;1( UieyJinvc b r deluded, and the consujnence of others wlVr' perceive thcmsel ves to hare been. ms,e!J n !i" Hendsof great i.tien,ou:y the hinrihlciMuun r.-5 to Turther theif peisonl designs, ytt hy muit be laid h? re othc bone,.'and lurhir-. v,,;'! ti i be dragged to the. full glare of light. ? 1 ) pidly glancing at the view which allien ur.'.' now to take we shall in no wise bJ.ieve that tnay be said will be hewtl iih nieeki.ess or tiretH with ri mitfir. Iln (l:.-. .i . f-T tJ - .t. ...ibv iy,'si t JT h.TIVc I I'll it. -nrf ont t. i '. i.r-.. ... ... ... .1 . - v . . . . BBU Mi.-- W9Vlll9t.J 111..11 ill lillS f' maintain tntir opinions, the aspect of their commands them to listen and oblihem d'.-r. ; - : . . , It wfcs our intention when we sat tlou-n,;o i;; back jHtblic recollection to the pn.rnises n .i . fesiious of the men wh'i came into power '. -, Mr. JrrVerson, and -whohad" sue'eetded m r.-r,!u ing Hie principles of that pott ion' 'tf tbs cr-i:i.a'. nity then-tern.ed' fsdtralijts, o-'ious nr,.i s;' .! in th; ey es of i.jny of their fellw cii.:.-ij. Ii : popular c7y"'UiHv?s- iht the f-jdeun.;-, luj f;4 the.it,- coun-ry to Great BtUain ; and tiut J , :i dams ahd General HamUtort wished toes:? monarchy on th : ruins v.i ;!;';- t ::).,',;, . . . dams wn tocrea-.e liirriself 'king and hi: s.iu. ,;. ! in the light of heir apparent. Ve' wi;y n . s. reit a ftvorite whh .1 he prevails ; f-. i:y. :u J ;,j Aclami I and his son occupi- s or.t uf .iV. h-k.-,! ,m. durable stations with in the gilt cf jit nniu, tl In addition to all thi-'j of selling me a-f.atry m ta!)ling a here- j'tary form of yiiv-w-mrm, viia"-. a cl.vmor and djii were iwsed av,w, ;u.J sedition Ijvv, about,, stamp tax an 1 siantlifii; aiii i.i V'.d l ans and nav' t-s 1 IIow--,wa ptiblic sittn. H'oout rotatio j m office, and pu-j t-i'iiicaii ymplidty, and . race aiitTgoovl .vill ;ow4i'.;5.-;i men I Wals win decried 'as the giv'aUsi u.h.nA curses. Standi:: armies we?e proclttircd 'b U it all times the. -jntmies of civil likrty Naucs were the ppend.rues o.f ty anny and the mill': -.bout the "neckc. of nations, whn It were -tit wty uiemin an', us ifathomi.ble 9ea'sc-t svtlhndt!, Vc were warned that the libir'y of the press in assailed,; that the privilege of speech vm-v lis trampled under foot. Tite concerns of tije co..-. try were sai to4i'e griug to ruin; the ikmsv -as robbed and federalists had buri.t it ..doito .''.i ; their di!api'Ost'ons "might be .concealed. U'ii from it i fun emraih xuete t.'nn token out and burn t what violnce, economy and reiorm, reductro'i tl his m nigled' corps was conveyed to an old shop, armies a.nd diminution of public deM Were tairt-i :h a s-ule of tavage batbttism, as is htri "depicted. We think it'not orenming in our coun trymen, hereal , to ryil at sculping Extract of a ' letter di'id- PLittdurg, ' Oct. 25, 1812. " Since T have been, in this - p-ace, I hae witnessedsuch a scene as my pen is unable .: describe ; it was the execution of a soldier, " who was shot for 'deserting, with an intention of j -ir. ins the enemy On. the mornmg of the c!ay ot his execution, the army was paraded in a hollow square on the rrand parade, the ciiminal in th- jKtatre, with four men bearing -his coffin after Were we flowed to venturean opin-gn on this marching to the side of the lake where h giav- where it was stripped -f eery vestige of clot hintr and laid on a bench, where it lay four days before it was ailowed to be buried." ., ' ' -sag ecomuiciid etl-lwc res-ca4c44rttrd-4e- sen a p iva'.c station asA fict ofhwor. iestrov tiiei tiefemn.nit ox trcie ana eommerciai ln his miiHrK and,poliical life, wisdom was yvw d.irh; birnon impt rta.ion act and war thc pv0mior.nt feature of his character. It is givn I.ad kft. Thrse ere, a pr.ohi.o.iion 1 a-y. trade l0 lcw mcn.,0 p.mes$ that admirabie moril tern byspecial.hrtnctsand nt at! eapor-tations m lo ner;,tl,rc wbicli marBiftI--!! -Ah ar.ti.in nl lVaA. .rugn bitv-im. fhese measures, adopted in the ins:on coarae- .,n:l his talents for' war CHARLESTON, April I. MELANCHOLY ACCTBEN I I ! At ahout. 1 1 o'clock Us morning, the Hevenu " Cutter (i tlatin, C ptain SiLLiM an, which arrivud yesterday afernooivfrom a. cruise,' was unforto- naturally intident to the occuMon, ' preclude theicxpectams of otVrce can now .explained -iv . . .... ' I . .. ..-1. ' ....... 4" ..,.!.... ...i .e ... . v D3ibili'f'v "of "ascertaiYiinir either cause, or IIc of and all tlYe ores of abuse exlwustcd iaa tng epithets to thft characters of men hosr.!M., the fiirearftir.ig of wxll spent years, ami th t.iv. able acquirerttent tf rciolmionary r-r:yires, s would pave itnagiRed might secure t.'ieni train -t- nertifepvus breath of calumny . Hut .t it'H-' has arrived lh i period, whVn ill these pruA:s-i.'i; this real for reform and this; so!i:iii!e lovl'.betty, can lie tested ly l he tangible and is;,)'.e v,u. afforded" of their sincerity. The tesC ;7 . Tl . . n . . . . i j . . . . i v a- i iious oi ue,ninies, w- re mavca rrwtro-Wu-uU. ' msumcient.-Utna'-tw'rhns- Hurt ;-'ln the Settle. tl-)wertr, as was ab'jfe suggested, ful, vvilUoui ths p.itieace,cooloess and equ'aTny of wi'h suflkient prtrivion to give them'to the pub. jne revenues txctea rom .ine i uie commerce -niiits, which he displayed in bad as well as. rood lie. All we can ventre xo say, is, tliattne tore 1-1- T . I I- : . . 1 ... 1.1 - , I . L - 1 r ... . tj wlticti remains,- wil Ik inconsiderable, and whol 'f. .-,,..,. . - .-. w:tr.nmmunicaied to tSe nowder room ; or. to ly uneti'tJ to the pVohc calls for money. Hulcrs , -tXt Uie head of the He public, he pTt-sefved tlie 6ine r'H-elsanwt!er ,in the c tbin; (for tm this 'MvhQcanih.BS V'nt with thtr-faiidsfor-'the. prtser..ljjaine Uprlgh:itess and. tne same spirit of conduct head1, "rcpor'a "itiffer) where the men were clea tution and just aptliiKn of which,. to.tiis'charge ; iV, Whicb he- had been guided in battle. He ws nu;;: arrni, and tillin,; cartridges j tlmt tba whole the -puol.c dents, tli. taitn ul t.iie rttI ,tcs ,i,1dc.)te(t to the-excellcnce of . hi.' m.rmem.) m stern t nn.rU-rluck -were blown off, ad anurn- i - r- - - - ' slHtd ple-'gtf'J, have f -rfeiied nil title tocorif-icr.ee an j cretlit. The - same nohallovyjif vievs, tiie airie passions -hicn have, mvutfl thenr on ihus;nj. e 'tr, wd:, il they cm be 'ranhed, uriri-them alone: IT If ti.i 11 hf fit i..n(y.i in.i a Imi'i-Ii tC Ar IVrtrr. mjK-V-K , il ...... t. W. V4. W . t it .. .. 7- :: : ..,,1..-- - uey wm never rise. -' Motithittandintv the? tphtstiniMi i-in'iv of em. well 3 to the ascendancy cd his (fuhjic and pi t- be! "l live t oat ! ' h ate viriuesr l'-ir ihe Derma11er.ee .of the renutanon ! We are 1 his moment mJorm.eU on tli authority Ml llie rpUlMMIl., " v ...... , .. ...... "'V:-, I .U.l.,...1...U ..tilcl-.n,! lAtLAUlUiit nioye-d. Hi, speeches-, letters, action, re of captaio Mllimah, thatthtre are three misstngJj 'f "V".'3 "Jt "-"J ; ,,,1 ,' n,-,.. always maiked with .the same tekason,'- nn tha. and fjn. wou-.nb.d Ot the cori.ecti.ert of tins ac- -w ,,,- 1 $. pUlly s-roug goodse se which is the highest gilt of nV ;cou.ot,vhowe'veiv h is not certa i. 5hoiddit be tore ua ;public'man and. his highest mcfit "tint ; pearihe iruth, tbe accident is less fatal, than " we good bense, which alone resiststhe. agitaii-'ms of avcre lem to apprenenrt, wnen we couimenceu tins imtra1 "arrangements,- and of reductions f j p- biic d.,b :-eductioi,s t ff-jcte i . by the: f IS the soul, and enrrccts the wanderings ol the tri f tbe tierstxSTuing. ,'unds i. -Tie habitual moderation of JPafiinztnm his narrative. ; 'Vptj the PhiliuL Freeman's 'hurnalw r-r- r FitoM I'i&l w-toAn - hha'ji'aot of Lewiston, w fro left th U pLice ' on Friday last, .corif inllie prarticle cornme-i.taiy 'of twelve years rtt Vience. The Iftx that raa planted, lus bi-'K forth fruit in'its season ; and by that frutt ii .j ty. judged, . - ' .. , 1 . fellow citikeiis we mean n-;t to ej;iterintosin exiwtnla'iaiis wWh Vu resjiecling yctur ci-vu .; ty. There is no ner.A to - iH&w ti)uld,yi,u ' hi tints hoodwinked i what latjltty co 'U ruled you toTdnikie in the fai'.lt uf such i... r . , .,,! i' tu..n-iA .14 trier inat so r- t-a4 juui ai.i-i iiiv- ..'J....W. - . -t iemaincd firm than that a1: majority vre deed, tie,' howrvcrj who is twice (ii-cctVj himself once to blame. Who would f-i lime, trust the serpent which had.unce reo .ivl kindness v. it h the sting anu'paisu'b? .The nir i who havbsfcre, forit Ie' betiaved,your again?,a3k of you ybr:coiir-r!' i U Sr-: nftihlk1 von rat) fttajifr' fte rdnrtrtg-1 ;.j..vi.k:d hr. his p'edeces-sbr ;nid which from the firmnass, which was tier calm and well timed, in'tfatu .or" oiii'-pairtaaiJtM'.miid i-omirii'rf.t?.,-ha Jifa "priidprf,. which neither ditficulty tiior passion ;.;nf i?.pt ily advanciog yet ;h-j .ihr?d year only 'neither hope norMcar couT(rstk?riT5"KtrrTrr44t44 Poictiep .and Dclvidcra hav'nur i" !Mi Juiwi vii ma- jjic.iu. ii' j iiji tiinw, iu ini artiucc oun uniiuc, anu.lii u;iiui ijiims, wciKncii iltltnui -tij v euotMUiv (ns-j dlKJ p'"-' V- ' i . i f V(S'i mil' I .. i,, .... . svi;.:' , .....:,.,.i .:.u- .....' '.,i;. ..'! u. .f....;-,f - i ....j..- . ' : ..l...i, kA. ..... .. ..'.. r tormer s.ewaJdsnip, in wnn n p.i vitiiiu ujmmujii .;i a'..iiH iisi imi. ii. i inwwdu ut riw w.'iioiiuii ui uiiiti iilii, u-i- xuct iu. ici. ,.o iti-.'iii,, ii-jnini, icmaiUMi , . . . ' . . 1 : . ' ' r J " . . '. . r . . . . . . . . V ,. . I the.Stt VOUV ScTVliVt, ne'.M i iv, ... ; v- ..u-jv t. ..- iu3a ui uiiuu-ivu iiiuls, iit liyiti .i-i;tii.i-iiti'j i-ji a lliuiuun. i : (licuuv, il 'it riau vi I r,i. i 1 HI i: l-' l lu I ue.lie-hi . e-Ilc : . . ... c .1 :r il hts,dj.Jiti9.uJjlu:y has produced about rlaetid at-'tne hea ft an inlant ItepubTic, he -al:- ot which flighted in lite cr -a mCli'-n ol .JoII-.syeVrlv ; and under tje name l .quired all the uigriity usually bestowed on hih 1 .-iC Vleditefraiieai Tind was pfe'ifged ttftj applied ; St .r .-ly t J protect, t he commerce" and sea-toen- of thi U-.J! td.'r 3 ites agiinst the U trliary Pwtti.! Aod thj; 1; i.e " legiltive;-pled.ge.- was jjirren, tHat- the said ''additional duty shouttTcease V-'-be ciiico. tin tied it "the exp;iin.oti-of thvt ftrVu"JirTter,uhc a'tiicatifin. by 4lfe Bie.ident of tb UiuV dfvs of airuty bf-pejtre with: the - 'geiiC' of Tripo' Wh' which we ; v.er- theln at w'trj' Sucji a '.testy was vt rejifitai in Apr'l 1806 'iy.iA1 ccjr lioQi 'yjar by year, to' this orhcesby die force of custom .and of ages :jn-dA he preserved it as If he had ruled America lor. a Century "; his diWnistratiwn wis better supported, by respect ahd confidence, than by : laws andju',. -rn.-.s. -r . ; ;"-"'; He has not teen chrgcd wij a vice or weak rtess. ; No one bastaised a doubt of bis integrity-'; ;or his disinterestedness. Fxee --from ainbUioo, he nelrer w'ou have sought superior" rank, Lor have been amVnions tomake .a uf he was led" to them by his services, the"gent VI esteom, ha'.. at tracted. Td by cirairnstances.- la him'suyeriori- A Lten.dtr,,-howtver, temairied tvo rrckefs, one etl) be'y nd Lewisiown, the "other m the rg.tr of capt. J. ii Davia s house. The force at present at Lewistown Is vetv conV s.iderdble,. and dcenned petfectly adecjuate .to it defence. . '' .':'.'. . r&enejhy .was seen . off the Cape on Fridiy, having had a reipfoixemcnt .of one 74 and two frigates. - Tlie army under, the command 'of General Taylor on Wednesday last wa.s ; inspect'ef pud received into'Tlie service- of the United" State's, for sijf.tnonths 'to commenceTas etindefstaivd, on the 4th cf the last .racni.Aorfo!Lc(igcr- o-eft't ol voucjo.-t.; . I. ..' - . I- .-. . . . a lltll ll Vltll nut stuoi-tus., ri in', ir .t ,.. - . -,.vr seen them often include., sometime frt-teotly. despotic -id.' at all umtB p'ottfiupa and 'unwise; I ' , , ' We shall prodorev u, 'i e;fb-s, sntne pro 'which ''may stagger y n. not a little 1 'r-'" not'be h warded .on.nhi pi.jectiire, -gur s mise nor grotffwlh.-? .suspicions. ... T hey w. bot'tomexi'on-fact's i w,hicMr,huld - be t y ,. everyone, an.l .sh,ili be sopp rted by s -'v1". drawn from the mosrauthctvtic scurces. ' It was to hX bert j.resu:med ,!iat. had Undeniably ' acquired po 'er, br--;-,'7. against their opponent i. H"? 'h' 1 " is'

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